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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Puntland Diaspora around the World celebrating 1st of August, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. ADDIS ABABA: Sanadguuradii 13-aad ee Puntland oo laga xusay Addis Ababa July 31, 2011 6:53 pm GMT - Written by PP - Edited by PP Print Addis Ababa: (pp)- Xaflad si qurux badan oo lagu xusayay sanad guuradii 13- aad ee ka soo wareegatay markii dhidibada loo taagay dawladda puntland ayaa habeenimadii sabtida ahay kuna beegnayd 30-08-2011 lagu qabtay caasimada dalka ethiopia ee addis ababa xafladaa ayaa laga soo hormariyay waqtigeedii bisha ramadaan oo soo gashay awgeed . Jaaliyada Puntland ee Addis Ababa oo u dabaal degtay xuska 13-aad ee PL Xafladan ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb galay qaar ka mida madaxda dawladda puntland oo hogaaminayo Guddoomiyaha gobolka Nugaal Cabdi Xirsi Cali Qarjab, marti sharaf ,dhammaan shacabwaynaha reer puntland ayaa waxa ay ku billaabatay jawi dagan iyadoo la isugu hambalyaynayay xuska maalinta qiimaha wayn ugu fadhida shacabka reer puntland ugu horrayn waxaa hadal kooban ka jeediyay guddoomiyaha gudiigii qabanqaabada xaflada isagoo ka sheekeeyay sidii ay ugu dhabar adaygeen in ay qabsoonto xafladan waxaa kalmado is daba jooga ka jeediyay halkaas xubo kala duwan oo ku hadlay magacyada haweenka, dhalinyarada , ardayda reer puntland ee wax ka barata caasimada addis ababa iyagoo dhamaantood hambalyo u dirayay shacabwaynaha reer puntland meel kastoo ay joogaan. Jaaliyada oo farxad darteed la dhacsan Sawirka dhexe Guddoomiyaha G. Nugaal ee PL Ugu danbayntii waxaa makarafoonka lagu soo dhaweeyay Guddoomiyha gobolka Nugaal oo taariikh kooban ka faalooday dhismihii dawlada puntland isagoo ugu danbayn hambalyo u diray dadwaynaha reer puntland meel kasta oo ay joogaan xafladan oo ahayd xaflad si wayn ay uga soo qayb galeen dhammaan qaybaha kala duwan ee shacabka reer puntland ayaa waxa ay ku soo gabagabawday jawi aad u qurux badan iyo waliba farxad iyo rayn rayn iyagoo dadkuna ay way wada lahaayeen hambalyo sanad guuro wacan sanadkan sanadkiisa allaha nagu gaarsiiyo nabad iyo barwaaaqo Khadar Maxamed Addis ababa – Ethiopia Daabacaadda:
  2. Tomorrow inshallaah will be a day of celebrations in all of Puntland to commemorate the 13 anniversary of the State's formation. Already the Podium and Stage where the Puntland President will be holding a speech in the heart of Garoowe known as the 'barxadda' in Somali has been setup tonight with security greatly tightened in the whole of the State. Trial runs have already be made where the different aspects of society will be marching through the city from Mire Awaare Stadium, the streets of the capital and 54th Base outside of Garoowe. Students, IDP's, Sports clubs, Mother/Women Organisations, Goverment Workers including the Puntland Marine Forces, Police and Military units of Puntland, Non Governmental Organisations and Labour Unions will be walking and parading throughout the city. The Vice President of Puntland H.E. Abdisamad Ali Shire was present yesterday at the trail run of the marches in the Mire Awaare Stadium as well as 54th Military Base outside of Garoowe.
  3. Puntland 13 years Old: Visionary Pioneers and practical enablers, driving force of Federal Somalia, long may it continue. Puntland said that without federalism there cannot be a Somali Republic and therefore made it under its State constitution, that form of governance inviolable. It's obligatory for Puntland to look for a united and federal Somalia but if the fights and mayhem continue, Puntland has an option to temporary remove itself from Somalia. No sane person would debate that Puntland should wait for the rest of Somalia in terms of progress and development until the rest of Somalia catch's up. Puntland has a separate State Parliament, Flag and constitution as symbol of its autonomy and self reliance. But they also share the same symbols with the rest of Somalia. Puntland prays for the south central part of Somalia where warfare and famine have ravaged and destroyed the people and property including the land to find a lasting solution and thus move away from the chaos and lawlessness of the past 20 years. Therefore it welcomes every stakeholder and different groups of Somalia to come to Garoowe, capital of Puntland to sort out their differences on the other hand it also extends a brotherly hand of reconciliation to its brothers in Somaliland to also come to Garoowe to voice their complains and relief their grievances. Puntland is the leader and future model of what can be achieved if people come together and talk to form a destiny and future together that will lead to a progressive and prosperous nation or a people. Puntland should be emulated.
  4. 01-08-1998 waa maalin ku weyn qalbiga shacabka Puntland Magaalada Garoowe ee magaalo madaxda Puntland ayaa maanta waxaa ka soconaya diyaar garowgii ugu dambeeyey ee ku aadan xuska sedex iyo toban 13 guuradii ka soo wareegtay markii dhidibada loo taagay maamulkii ugu horreeyey ee laga dhiso gobolada Puntland sanadkii 1998'dii. Kowda bisha agoosto oo ay naga xigto maanta oo kaliya waxay ku beeganahay sedex iyo toban sano guuradii ka soo wareegtey markii la aas aasay Dawladda Puntland, Taas oo xusiis iyo xamaasad ku leh bulsho weynta ku dhaqan gobolada Puntland, Waxaana dhawrkii maalmood ee la soo dhaafay gobolada Puntland ka soconayey qaban qaabada xuska maalintaas. Magaalada Garoowe oo ah halka lagu qaban doono xuska 1'da agoosto ayaa xilligaan laga dareemayaa dhaq dhaqaaqyo far xadeed oo ku aadan xuska aas aaskii dawladda Puntland, Waxaana si wada jir ah u qaban qaabinaya dhammaan qeybaha kala duwan ee bulshada sida ardayda iskuullada kuwa jaamacadaha ururrada haweenka iyo kuwa dhalinyarada, Goobaha loo diyaariyey munaasabadaha 1'da agoosto ayaa lagu wareejiyey farshaxan aad u qurux badan iyo boorar lagu soo xardhay hal ku dhagyo ku aadan Dawladda Puntland. Horraantii bishan ayey ahayd markii Madaxweyaha dawladda Puntland C/raxmaan Shiikh Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole uu magacaabay gudiga qaban qaabada 1'da agoosto, Taas oo macneheedu yahay in Puntland ay soo ban dhigto Munaasabad ku haboon xuska aas aaskeedii. Xaffiiska Garoowe Puntland
  5. Democratization of Puntland Political System from Muctar on Vimeo.
  6. Puntland's 13th Anniversary is on August 1st which is also the first day of Ramadaan. People greatly anticipate both occasions and are happy that they coincide. First of all I would like to congratulate all the people on the start of the holy month of Ramadaan and say Ramadaan kariim and secondly I would like to congratulate all the people of Puntland on this momentous occasion of their 13th Anniversary of the formation of its state. Puntland needs no explanation or even familiarization as it's a massive powerhouse and pioneer within Somalia. The biggest functioning and working state that enjoys a relative peace where hundreds thousands of IDP's have fled to. It's a beacon, inspiration and light within what was known as the Somali Democratic Repulic. To keep it short Puntland's 13 Anniversary has been felt everywhere around the world apart of Somaliaonline and it has been eagerly anticipated by the people of Puntland and its friends and well-wishers. I hope that Puntland continues on the path of progress as the largest viable pioneering federal state which makes up roughly one third of the whole landmass of the former Somalia. Furthermore I wish to hope to see its 14th Anniversary next year whereby it has grown even bigger, prosperous and more influential. Finally and at last, Puntland waa Horseedka It is the leader and frontrunner of Somalia, the pioneers the powerhouse of Somalia the Refuge and tranquility of our Nation. Happy 13 Anniversary may you prosper even more and your legacy continue forever. Amen
  7. Puntland Govt Defines Dialogue with Armed Groups Following a limited amnesty extended to armed groups by the President of Puntland State of Somalia, H.E. Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole), on the occasion of the swearing-in ceremony for the Puntland Electoral Commission on 17 July, the Government of Puntland has initiated dialogue with the community of Galgala area (Al Medo Mountains). An initial meeting took place on 21 July at Af-urur village, of Sanaag region, where local community representatives engaged in direct dialogue with Puntland Government officials. Since the Galgala community is a constituency of Puntland, the Government has fully supported the ongoing community dialogue process to prevent renewed conflict and to encourage community reconciliation. The objective of the dialogue process was two-fold: -To persuade community members misled by Al Shabaab terrorist propaganda to abandon the anti-government armed conflict; -To identify and isolate core terrorist elements. To be clear, the amnesty and dialogue process excludes: 1) wanted terrorists; 2) known murderers; and 3) militants who come from outside of Puntland to destabilize the State. The ongoing dialogue process has achieved an understanding, as local communities have shown willingness and commitment to prevent the terrorists recruitment of local youth. As a gesture of good faith, the Government has released eight men jailed for suspected involvement with Al Shabaab; however, none of them were accused or convicted of murder. Puntlands Counterterrorism Law and its Anti-Piracy Law are in place. The Government categorically rejects some media speculation, which by ignorance or political motivation, asserted that the High Crimes Court was disbanded due to the ongoing dialogue process. For jurisdictional purposes, the High Judiciary Council has opted to limit the jurisdiction of high crimes, such as terrorism and piracy, within the ordinary regional courts of Puntland. This is in line with the request of the Puntland Parliament and conforms to the Puntland Constitution.
  8. The President finished with: President Farole added: “To anyone who is afraid of us if he surrenders, I hereby pledge your safety if you surrender. You will not be pardoned if you are a wanted terrorist or killer or you are not from Puntland. For everyone else, I extend a presidential pardon so you can free yourselves from the terrorist enemy who misled you and you can rejoin your community in Puntland.”
  9. Last but not least:Pardon for insurgents “I call upon the people of Puntland to work towards peace, security and development. I call for peace among the warring clans,” the President added. He urged “all groups” to accept dialogue and compromise, saying: “If your plan was to take to power through violence, this will never work. You will never get power by killing people but you can take power through paper [through voting].” Continuing, he said: “The Puntland Government won the war against insurgents in the Golis Mountains in 2010 because our fight is just and right.”
  10. The Drought Appeal for the famine and warfare inflicted brothers in South-Central Somalia “In 2010, the rains did not come during the expected rainy season in Puntland…this led to a terrible drought whereby pastoralist communities lost much livestock and some even became victims of poverty and fled to nearby towns,” the President said. “Our government did everything it could do to help drought victims, but it is important that the people help each other. Those who have resources should help others who are less fortunate,” President Farole said. He called on the religious leaders and business community in Puntland to “immediately organize fund-raising for drought victims in south-central Somalia, who are our brothers, who are suffering and who are fleeing to refugee camps in neighboring countries. We must all help them.”