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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Puntland iyo DFKMG oo heshiis wada galay 29 Aug 29, 2011 - 10:35:43 AM Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah iyo Dowladda Puntland ayaa maanta [29 August 2011] kala saxiixday heshiis iskaashi ah, waxaana saxiixay Raysul Wasaaraha DFKMG Dr. C/weli Maxamad Cali iyo Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr. C/raxman Maxamad Maxamud Farole. Heshiiskaan oo ka koobnaa 13-qodob ayaa waxaa saxaafadda u akhriyay Wasiirka Waxbarashada ee DFKMG ah Dr.Axmad Caydiid Ibrahim, iyadoo uu heshiiskaani sidaan u qornaa: Heshiiska Iskaashiga Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya iyo Puntland 29 Agosto 2011 Garowe Waxaa booqasho rasmi ah ku soo gaaray 26 Agosto 2011 Magaalo-madaxda Dowladda Puntland ee Garowe Wafti balaaran uu hogaaminayo Raysul Wasaaraha Dowladda Federaalka KMG (DFKMG) ah ee Soomaaliya Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamad Cali, ka dibna waxaa ku soo biiray Wafti uu hogaaminayey Madaxweynaha DFKMG ah Md. Sheekh Sharif Sheekh Axmed si uu u xoojiyo wadahadalka iskaashiga ah labada dhinac. Waxaa loo magacaabay Guddi Wasiiro ah oo ka kooban labada dhinac si ay uga doodaan ajendooyinka kala duwan una usoo diyaariyaan qodobada Heshiiska Iskaashiga ah oo dhexmara Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah iyo Dowladda Puntland ee Soomaaliya. Shirar iyo wadatashi badan ka dib, waxay labada dhinac ku heshiiyeen qodobada hoos ku qoran: 1. Waxaa la isku raacay xoojinta wadashaqaynta iyo xiriirka joogtada ah ee labada dhinac. 2. Waxaa si buuxda la isku raacay in la meel mariyo heshiisyadii hore loo galay (Heshiiskii Galkacyo 23 August 2009 iyo Isfahamkii Iskaashiga xagga Amniga iyo la dagaalanka Burcad-badeeda [MOU] ee Nairobi ee 12 April 2010). 3. Waxaa labada dhinac isla ogolaadeen in si wadajir ah looga shaqeeyo adkeynta nabadgelyada, la dagaalanka argagaxisada, burcad-badeeda iyo tahriibta. 4. Waxaa la isku raacay in Puntland laga taageero tababarada iyo qalabaynta Ciidamada Amniga, sida Ciidamada Booliska, Daraawiishta, Nabadsugida, Asluubta, iwm. 5. Waxaa laysku raacay in dib loo dardargaliyo ka shaqaynsiinta Akademiyada Booliska ee Carmo, lana dhamaystiro dhismaha iyo qalabaynta Xaruntaasi si looga maarmo tababarada dibadda loo aado. 6. Iyadoo la tixgalinaayo baahida loo qabo difaaca xeebaha dalka, waxaa labada dhinac isla garteen in la dhiso Ciidanka Badda ee Soomaaliya. 7. DFKMG ah waxay ku dhiirigalinaysaa Puntland inay kobciso horumarinta dhaqaalaheeda iyo siyaasadeeda (economic and political development). 8. Si looga hortago soo noqnoqodka abaaraha waxna looga qabto waxyaalaha sababa aafooyinka (root causes), waxaa labada dhinac isla garteen in loo adeegsado qeyb ka mid ah mucaawanooyinka qaab cusub oo wax ka tari kara gargaarka degdegga ah ee bini’aadanimo iyo horumarinta dalka, sida qodista ceelasha, dhisidda warab-biyeedyada, kobcinta kaabayaasha dhaqaale, abuurista shaqooyin iyo ilaalinta deegaanka. 9. Waxaa la isla gartay in mucaawanooyinka imaanaya dalka si isu dheelitiran loo qaybiyo loona gaarsiiyo dalka oo dhan. 10. Waxaa la wada aqoonsaday in xaalada barakacyaashu sii xumaanayso maalin walba tiradooduna ay sii kordhayso, haddana Gobollada Puntland ay ku sugan yihiin in ka badan 400,000-ruux, Beesha Caalamkana ay ka helaan taageero kooban, sidaas awgeed waxaa la isla gartay in loo sameeyo qorshe midaysan oo ku wajahan waxkaqabadka arrimaha barakacyaasha iyo dadka abaaruhu saameeyeen ee Puntland. 11. Waxay labada dhinac soo jeediyeen in la dhamaystiro Dastuurka Federaaliga ah xilliga kala guurka ah. 12. Waxay labada dhinac ku heshiiyeen dhamaystirka marxaladda KMG ah iyo dhisidda Dowlad Soomaaliyeed oo Federaal ah. Waxaa si gaar ah hoosta looga xariiqay dhisidda iyo dhiirigalinta maamullo Federaali ah (federal states) oo buuxiya shuruudaha Axdiga KMG ah ee Soomaaliya. 13. Waxay labada dhinac ku heshiiyeen in la ilaaliyo, lana hormariyo arrimaha Xuquuqul Insaanka. Heshiiskani wuxuu dhaqangalayaa markay saxiixaan Raysul Wasaaraha DFKMG ah iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland. ______________________________ _________________________________ Dr. Cabdiweli Maxamad Cali Dr. Cabdiraxman Maxamad Maxamud Rai’sul Wasaaraha DFKMG ah Madaxweynaha Puntland 29 Agosto 2011 Garowe
  2. Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Somaliland oo shalay Garowe lagu xukumey oo loo dhaadhicinayo Xabsiga Boosaaso. Posted: August 25/2011, 4:24 am Magaalada Garoowe ayaa waxaa ka socota qabanqaabada Masuuliyiin ka tirsan Somaliland oo shalay Garowe lagu xukumey loogu dhaadhicinayoXabsiga Boosaaso. Maxaabiistan oo ka kooban 8 qof oo isugu jira masuuliyiin iyo askar ayaa shalay waxaa lagu kala xumumay xarigyo gaaraya shan ilaa toban sano. Maxaabiistan ayaa todobaadyo ka hor waxaa lagu soo qabtay degaanka degmada Taleex xili ay doonayeen in ay magaaladaas ay ku fidiyaan ama ka hirgeliyaan maamulka Somaliland. Maamulka Somaliland oo dhowr jeer ku hanjabay inay talaabo qaadi doonaan hadaan maxaabiistaas la soo deyn ayaan u muuqan mid aan hanjabaadiisii ka dhabaynayn.
  3. nuune yeah I tuned into Al-Arabiya but the BBC was reporting it as Breaking News as the story broke, they got if from their reporter inside the Rixos Hotel of course AP and Reuters are interlinked and often feed the BBC. Al-Jazeera is truly un-journalistic, they act as you say as the mouth piece of the rebels. Awful channel I don't know why people actually watch it, it's duplicitous in it's way of reporting and unethically to say the least.
  4. Gaddafi's son Saif al Islam 'was not arrested' 23 August 2011 One of Colonel Gaddafi's sons, earlier reported as having been arrested by the rebels, has turned up at a hotel where numerous foreign journalistsare based. Matthew Price says Saif al-Islam arrived in an armoured vehicle looking buoyed up and confident, and when asked if his father was safe and in Tripoli, he shrugged off the question, saying, "Of course".
  5. The BBC reporter got an short interview with Saif Al-Islam after knocking on the door of the armored vehicle inside the Rixos hotel where they staying. He's saying they're 'winning the war for Tripoli'.
  6. No doubt they will bomb the compound of Gaddafi to the ground now as they can't bomb the hotel where Saif Al-Islam is currently staying in an armored vehicle.
  7. The rebels supply line has been cut. Saif Al-Islam on the BBC now clip taking from Al-Arabia. The son of AL-Gaddafi said that NATO launched a high tech electronic war on them cutting the Television and other sources to hide their losses. This is a great Embarrassment.
  8. Saif Al-Islaam being celebrated by the crowd. Jubilant Crowds in Tripoli. Saif Al-Islaam saying that they are winning and that it was a trap 'they have broken the back of the rebels'. Saif Al-Islam being celebrated in his fathers compound. The ICC being liars as usual and the hogwash of having spoken to the rebel leaders etc. It was all a cover up and a smoke screen. What a turn around.
  9. One other thing is I believe ITN has reported the rebels are getting out of the centre of Tripoli for the night 'as it is not to safe to stay'. Makes you wonder what control they really have if they are pulling out during the night hours. Why consolidated your gains of the day to disappear during the night. The Propaganda has been astonishing but the BBC has been brilliant so far, the journalist in Tripoli anyway who seemed worn out and tired but realistic on what is going on. He repeatedly said that the city hasn't fallen and that where they were staying Gaddafi/government troops were in full control of the area.
  10. Now the BBC reporter inside government controlled territory confirms that he saw Saif Al-Islaam at liberty where they are staying. His brother Mohamed has also been reported to have escaped from the rebels. Bab Al-Caziiziyah Gaddafi's stronghold and compound is said to have seen large tanks coming out and huge troops being amassed there has also been reports of this troops being transported throughout the city towards the green square and main points of the rebels whereabouts. Last night mainstream media were saying the rebels were in control of Bab Al-Aziziyah and that they haven't found Gaddafi inside that compound. Makes you actually wonder what this rebels sources are and their incorrectness and the Al-Jazeera's media which is then also fed to the Western media's. I have been actually very welcoming of the BBC's cautious attitude of reporting and believing of what the rebels and Al-Jazeera are saying as it seems now that Saif Al-Islaams arrest being false and untrue and also the inflated claim of 90% of Tripoli being under the rebels. Estimates are just over half of the city are in control of the rebels. However there's no hiding of the fact that the Gaddafi regime is finished and close of collapse of his 42 years in power in the country.
  11. Ufayn shall be prosperous brother as these city you mentioned too, the Dallas of the Horn it is indeed come October 2011.
  12. Duke that is a possibility or better why not build even a modest abode or rent out your heavy good vehicle. The possibilities are endless for making money as I am sure all those personnel/workers need somewhere to stay/eat.
  13. Further The Puntland Government and Dharoor Valley communities are fully supportive of the drilling project and have ensured they will do all that they can to allow the project to move forward safely and expeditiously.
  14. The Company is actively engaged in sourcing drilling related materials and early stage logistics including drill site and ingress route construction
  15. I like this one as well: A contract has been signed with a water well drilling company and water well drilling will commence in early September.