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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Somali Prime Minister Gaas vehemently denied walking out on the Iranian speech during the Security Council Meeting in New York and said that there were there (at the speech) during it's entirety from beginning to end.
  2. Gaas: Somaliland waxay ka mid tahay Somalia 27 Sep 27, 2011 - 6:32:51 AM Ra'iisul wasaaraha Somaliya Prof. C/weli Maxamed Cali Gaas ayaa sheegay in Somaliland ay ka mid tahay Somaliya, isagoo xusay inay rajeynayaan in dowlad ahaan ay diyaar u yihiin inay la hadlaan si looga hortago in Somaliya ay kala go'do. Prof. C/weli Gaas ayaa hadalkan ku sheegay wareysi uu siiyay BBC -daa laanteda afka- Somaliga isagoo sidoo kale ka hadlay howlaha xukuumadahoryaala mudada sanadka ah ee ay shaqada hayso, wuxuuna si aad ah uga hadlay musuqmaasuqa oo uu sheegay in dunidu ay ku eedeyso dowlada Somaliya. "Somaliland waxaan u aragnaa inay ka mid tahay Somaliya, waxay noola mid tahay Puntland, waxaana imaanayso xili aan kawada hadlano sidii loo adkeyn lahaa midnimada" ayuu yiri Prof. C/weli. Ra'iisul wasaaraha Somaliya wuxuu sheegay in xiligan aysan Somaliya kala go'i karin siyaasada dunidana ay tahay in la ilaaliyo midnimada dalka oo uu sheegay in dhaqaale ahaan iyo siyaasad ahaan aanay kala go'i karin. Dhanka kale, wuxuu hadlay howlaha horyaala xukuumada mudada halka sano ah oo ay shaqeynayso, wuxuuna sheegay inay doonayaan in Somaliya ay yeelato waji ka duwan midka hadda, isagoo sheegay inay mudada yar ku sugayaan amaanka oo dhan ayna isku xirayaan gobolada dalka. "Waxaan noo qorsheysan in halka sano oo aan shaqada hayno aan dalka ka saarno Al-shabaab, sidii aan uga saarnay Muqdisho oo kale, markaas kadibna aan sameyno inaan isku xirno dowlada dhexe iyo gobolada dalka oo dhan, lana sugno amaanka" ayuu yiri Prof. Gaas oo intaas raaciyay inqorshahooda ay ka dhabeyn doonaan. Sidoo kale, wareysiga wuxuu ku sheegay inay ka go'an tahay inay la dagaalamaan musuqmaasuqa isagoo sheegay in dunidu ay arinta si aad ah ugu cambaareyso DF, wuxuuna xusay inay u muujin doonaan xiliga ay shaqeynayaan ay muujin doonaan dowlad-wanaag. Ra'iisul wasaaraha Somaliya ayaa noqonaya mas'uulkii ugu horeeyay DF oo sheega in Somaliand ay ka mid tahay Somaliya, iyadoo Somaliland aysan weli helin wax aqoonsi caalami ah tan iyo markii ay ku dhawaaqday gooni u goosashadeeda 20-sano ka hor. GAROWEONLINE
  3. Somali Prime Minister Prof. Abdiweli Ali Gaas said in an interview to the BBC that: " We believe that Somaliland is part of Somalia and just the same as Puntland to us, there will be a timing when we will talk on how to make that unity firmer."
  4. Yes sister Atirisho, the Health Minister is doing a good job and the government a bigger as well in assisting with the whole logistic/security/organising aspect, wonderful to say the least and good for treating your relative who came all the way from Bacaadweyn may allaah reward those doctors and all the people who gave a hand, the Health Ministry with all related agencies and the Turkish State as well who did it cost free and for muslinimo and brotherly sake alone.
  5. GAROOWE: D​owlada Puntland oo diyaar garow ugu jirta qabashada Wejigii 2-aad ee Shirka Wadatashig​a Soomaaliya September 26, 2011 Magaalada Garoowe ee caasimimada Puntland ayaa maanta si wayn looga dareemayaa u diyaar garoowega iyo qaban-qaabada wejigii labaad ee shirwaynihii wadatashiga soomaliya ee horaantii bishaan lagu soo gaba-gabeeyey Magaalada Muqdisho. Puntland oo dadaal ugu jirta qabashada wejiga Labaad ee shirka wadatashiga soomaalida Wadooyinka waawayn iyo goobaha xarrumaha Dowlada Puntland ayaa lagu arkayey dadwayne aad u tiro badan, kuwaas oo diyaarinaya Calamo iyo Boorar ay ku qoron yihiin hal ku dhigyo muhiiima, islamarkaasna loogu talo galay u diyaar garoowga shirka lagu wado in bisha Augost lagu qabtoMagaalada Garoowe ee Caasimada Puntland. Dowlada Puntland waxaa ay horay u balan qaaday in ay kaalin wayn ka qaadanayso qabashada iyo shirkasta oo ay dani ugu jirto umada soomaliyeed oo mudo badan ku jirtay burbur iyo dagaalo sokeeye. Maamulka Dowlada, Ururada Haweenka,dhalinyarada iyo qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada ku dhaqan caasimada Puntland ayaa si wayn uga qayb qaadanaya sidii shirkaasi nabad galyo ugu dhici lahaa caasimada Puntland, islamarakasna wejigiisa Labaad uu ugu dhamaan lahaa jawi wanaagsan oo lagu wada-faraxsan yahay. Magaalada Garoowe ee caasimada Puntland ayaa si wayn loo adkeeyey amaankeeda waxaana qayb wayn ka qaadanaya ciidamada Amniga Puntland iyo kuwa daraawishta oo xiligaan tababaro kala duwan u soo qaatay sugida Amniga. Si kastaba ha ahaatee waxaa lagu wadaa in ay shirkaas lagu qaban doono Caasimada Puntland ee Garoowe ayna ka soo qayb galayaan dadwayneiyo marti sharaf tiro badan oo ka kala socda DKMG,Maamulka Galmudug, Al-suna Wajabaaca iyo Dowlada Puntland oo marti galinaysa wejiga labaad ee Shirwaynaha wada tashiga soomaliya iyo xubno ka socda beesha caalamka. Siciid C/salaam Siciid Wakiilka Puntlandpost-Garoowe
  6. The capital of Puntland State of Somalia, Garowe is getting ready to host the second phase of the Consultative Meeting to be held in Garowe which the discussion will focus on the new constitution of the Federal Government of Somalia soon to be reality inshallaah. So far security has been tightened and organisers different departments and civil society organisations were busy ordering flags of Somalia and Puntland respectively needed for the occasion and welcoming of the different political groups and factions of Somalia such as Puntland State of Somalia, the Transitional Federal Government whose leaders are set to attend the meeting, Galmudug authority and the religious Ahlu-Sunnah wal Jamaaca movement.
  7. Dhakhaatiir ka socota dalka Turkiga oo Boosaaso soo gaaray Dhakhaatiir Turkish ah oo beryihii u danbeeyey howlo caafimaad ka wadey degaanada Puntland ayaa goor hore oo saaka ah soo gaarey magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari. Wefdigan oo ay garoonka diyaaradaha kusoo dhoweyeen Madax katirsan muumulka gobolka iyo kan degmada , Arday , cuqaal , hooyooyin iyo dadweyne kale oo aad u tira badan ayaa isla durbadiiba markii ay cusbataalka guud ee magaalada Boosaaso tageen si toos ah u bilaabay adeegyo caafimaad oo ay dadka si bilaash ah ugu qabanayaan kuwaas oo isugu jira Baaritaano , daaweyn , iyo qalliin. Boqolaal qof oo kamid ah dadweynaha ku dhaqan magaalada Boosaaso iyo degaanada ku xeeran ayaa soo buux dhaafiyey hareera cusbataalka kuwaas doonaya inay ka faa’iideystaan adeegyada ay dhakhaatiirtani sida bilaashka ah u qabanayaan inta ay magaalada Boosaaso ku sugan yihiin. Wasiirka Wasaarada caafimaadka Puntladn Dr.Cali Cabdilaahi Warsame oo isagu wefdigan dhakhaatiirta ah horkacayey islamarkaana Cusbataalka Boosaaso gudihiisa Saxaafada kula hadlay ayaa ugu baaqay dadweynaha inay si habsami leh uga faa’iideystaan howlaha caafimaad ee ay dhakhaatiirta Turkishka ahi bulshada u qabanayaan. Dhakhaatiirtan oo kasoo kicitimay dhinaca magaalada Gaalkacayo ee xarunta gobolka Mudug ayaa intii ay Gaalkacayo joogeen ku guuleystey inay qaabilaan 1213 bukaan kuwaas 85-kamid ah qaliimo kala duwan lagu sameeyey , ayaa sidoo kale inta ay magaalada Boosaaso ku sugan yihiin fulindoono adeegyo caafimaad oo kuwaas dhigooda ah. Horseed Media
  8. After treating and seeing 1213 of which 85 were surgical operations in Gaalkacyo Puntland's second largest city, the Turkish team of Doctors now arrived in Bosaso, Puntland's largest city and commercial capital.
  9. Thanksful Galgalanews work closely with Horumar Online website, a radical alshabaabist website who claim affiliations to people in Goldogob District ofPuntland. What wonders me is, this website who was rather a islamist hardcore jihaadi website but now turned into pro-america and an "advocate"for people they claim are mistreated/mis or underrepresented in Gaalkacyo. Wonders never cease to amaze. Galgala itself speaks in two tongues, one is very islamist orientated and pro jihaadi and another which is pro western and anti jihaadist. Either you support the middle/normal ground of steady non isolationist politics or you put yourself in the radical draw and try dying changing the world through force and acts of desperation/terrorism but you can't have it both ways. It seems in the case of Galgalanews it's more of a political agenda linking itself with the 'islamist cause' due to feeling of not really "counting" clan-wise a perception nonetheless far removed from reality but designed to acquire power. Horumar's Online's countdown is set for June 2012 and Galgalanews one reflects the same as bad behaviour is copied this shows that people who are trying to ignite misinformation have another purpose other than wanting democratic election to take place their motives are ulterior. That's what we're witnessing in Gaalkacyo to, a section trying to get representation but not doing it legally but through grievances and harbouring people with no interest to peace. We know it won't work and it's mainly diaspora made websites to try to fool the readers but what they trying is dangerous enough trying to mix "legitimated" grievances with clan politics and a radical agenda. It has been tried in Galgala, even in the SSC and now in Gaalkacyo but this will never be allowed to stand as the State has it's 'backers'. Clan grievances should be addressed but not through mixing it with an masked pro-islamist (pro-Islamist not the one advocated by sane minds/movements in Egypt and Turkey but the violent, mindless and utterly murderous and destructive kind we have seen in Pakistan and Somalia) in this case agenda.
  10. I believe it's October/November 2012 and Elections to be held in early January 2013.
  11. About Puntland's role as a leader: "The Transitional Federal Government in Mogadishu will reach the end of its mandate in August 2012, and Puntland is heavily involved in making plans for Somalia’s future."
  12. About Puntland's progress: "Since its inception, Puntland has developed into a relatively peaceful and prosperous part of Somalia, but the coming year will provide particular tests for both the region and the country."
  13. At Chatham House they say: President Farole will discuss his government’s response to the challenges facing Puntland and strategies to prevent a recurrence of this year’s devastation brought about by drought and famine. Since its inception, Puntland has developed into a relatively peaceful and prosperous part of Somalia, but the coming year will provide particular tests for both the region and the country. The Transitional Federal Government in Mogadishu will reach the end of its mandate in August 2012, and Puntland is heavily involved in making plans for Somalia’s future. Piracy continues to be a major concern for Puntland and its international partners, and the drought and famine have overshadowed other positive developments in the region.
  14. Puntland and Somalia: The Year Ahead Wednesday 19 October 2011 18:00 to 19:00 Location Chatham House, London Participants HE Abdirahman Mohamud Farole, President of the Puntland State of Somalia
  15. The President will come to London in mid October inshaallaah and will be welcomed by the huge Puntland Diaspora residing in the UK and will also speak at the Chatham House, London.
  16. Minister Congratulates one of the newest Craftsman who successfully finished the course