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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. It says 'Opec' on top Photo taken today 28-12-2011 in a location somewhere in Bosaso.
  2. Children with bouquet at the far end of the picture
  3. Prime Minister of Somalia stately received by his brethren from Kuwait as their guest of honour, Maashaallaah. Somalia Flag Present
  4. 28 Nov 28, 2011 New convoys of heavily-armed Ethiopian troops have crossed into Somalia and are heading for central areas, residents said on Sunday, days after Addis Ababa said it planned to send troops to help Somali and Kenya forces fighting Islamist insurgents. Ethiopia, which intervened in Somalia between 2006 and 2009, said on Friday that it would deploy troops inside Somalia again for a "brief period". An Ethiopian government official also acknowledged on Friday that a small force was already there on a reconnaissance mission. Ethiopia had previously denied scores of military trucks and armoured vehicles had entered Somalia on November 19 and 20. On Sunday, residents from towns in central Somalia said they had seen new, larger convoys. "We have seen heavily armed Ethiopian troops with tanks heading to Guriel and Baladwayne. There are many more of them and (they are) more armed than last week," Ahmed Muhudin Ugas told Reuters from Balanbal town. "Since yesterday afternoon I counted over 100 armed trucks with tanks; their convoy has not stopped yet." A senior official with the pro-Mogadishu Sufi militia group Ahlu Sunna Waljamaca also confirmed the deployment. "Yes, Ethiopian troops are here and more have entered central Somalia," the official, who declined to be named, told Reuters by phone. "Al Shabaab will be ousted from central Somalia but when and how are political points we do not want to disclose now." Kenya sent troops into Somalia last month to crush al Shabaab, accusing the militant network of frequent attacks on its security forces and tourists inside Kenya. Ethiopian soldiers previously went into Somalia in 2006, and left the country in early 2009 after ousting the Islamist Islamic Courts Union (ICU) from de facto power in Mogadishu. They were dogged by accusations that their intervention, hugely unpopular with Somalis, was a rallying call for militias such as al Shabaab, who were not as powerful at that time. This time, Ethiopia insists the deployment will be brief, although it has not given details on the size of the contingent. Another resident in Guriel, in the central Galgadud region, said he had seen two different convoys of Ethiopian forces. "Last night there was a convoy of Ethiopian troops that reached the town," Abdinur Osman Moalim told Reuters. "I don't know their number, but early in the morning we saw more than 40 vehicles of armed Ethiopian troops." Source: Reuters
  5. GAROOWE . Maamulka gobolka Nugaal oo la shiray Mulkiilayaasha Hoteelada November 27, 2011 Garoowe:-Maamulka gobolka Nugaal ayaa waxay maanta la shireen mulkiilayaasha Hoteelada la seexdo waxayna kala hadleen in la diiwaan galiyo dadka imaanayo si ammanka looga wada shaqeeyo. Duqa Caasumada Garoowe Mudane, Cabdicasiis Nuur ayaa kulanka kadib Puntlandpost u sheegay in ay kala hadleen mulkiilayaasha in ay dadka dagaya Hoteeladooda ay diiwaan gashaan ayna waydiiyaan aqoonsi (ID) si loo hubiyo qofka uu yahay iyada oo looga gol-leeyahay sugida ammaanka uuna mashruucan ahaa mid horay socday balse la dhamaystirayay iminka iyada oo Hoteelayda la siiyay foomamkii ay dadka macluumaadkooda ka buuxin lahaayeen. Mid ka mid ah mulkilayaasha Hoteeleeda oo kulankan ka hadlay isaga oo ku hadlayay afka Hoteelayda oo lagu magacaabo Maxamuud Yuusuf Muuse (Xuxuule) ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ay aad u soo dhaweeyeen ayna samaynayaan dhammaan waxyaalihii meesha looga sheegay in ay inta badan horay u samayn jireen wuxuuna maamulka u sheegay in looga baahan yahay in ay qayb-wayn ka qaataan sugida ammaanka oo ay shaqadooda tahay isaga oo xusay in mararka qaarkood ay dhalinyaro meelahaas marmarto kuwaas ka qaybqaata ammaan-xumida. Barnaamijkan looga hadlayo diiwaan galina dadka daga Hoteelada ayaa waxa uu ahaa mid muddo soo socday balse maanta ayaa si buuxda looga hirgalinayaa Caasumada Garoowe iyada oo loo sheegay mulkiilayaasha Hoteelada dhamaman shuruucda looga baahan yahay loona qaybshay foomam qeexaya sida Hoteelka loogu diiwaan galinayo dadka soo daga.
  6. The venue is set and an important and all inclusive Somali National Conference on the Constitution on how to end the Transition will be held in Garowe, capital of Puntland State on the 9th of December 2011. The Nugal regional administration which Garowe lies in had meeting with hoteliers in Garowe whereby directorial forms had been given out to the owners of these hotels to record visitors to the conference and their contact details. Furthermore the city will be ready to host such an important and landmark meeting. The people of Puntland believe it is due to their relative peace and resemblance of order and functioning governance that gave them this prestige and right to hold such an important meeting for the country. It shall be a moment to behold and remembered by all Somalis in which that meeting will enter into the history books. We wish it to succeed and to be turning point and reflective point to end the much dreaded Transition and strengthen the way and will to end the four pillar road-map for Somalia into a permanent and non-dependent Nation-state. Inshallah it will be.
  7. Ra’iisul wasaare Cabdiweli oo gaarey magaalada Dooxa ee dalka Qadar Wafdi heer sare ah oo uu hoggaaminayo Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Prof Abdiweli Mohamed Ali ayaa gaaray magaalada Doha ee dalka Qatar, halkaas oo uu casuumaad rasmi ah ka helay dhigiisa Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Dalka Qatar Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabr Al-Thani. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa loo dhigay Kaarbet gaduudan gegida dayuuradaha ee Doha halkaas oo si heer sare ah loogu soo dhoweeyey. Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo ay ku wahliyaan safirkiisa Wasiirka Howlaha Guud iyo Guryeynta Mudane Jeylani Iikar iyo mas’uuliyiin kale ayaa lagu wadaa inuu kala hadlay mas’uuliyiinta dalka Qatar xiriirka labada dal, arrimaha abaaraha, dib-u-dhiska dalka iyo sidii Dowladda Qatar ay qeyb mug leh uga qaadan laheyd dadaalada fara badan ee ay Xukuumadda FKMG ah wado, sida dhaqangelinta Roadmap oo ay ugu horreeyaan arrimaha amniga, dastuurka iyo dib-u-habeynta baarlamaanka si looga saaro dalka xilliga KMG ah oo loo helo dowlad rasmi ah. Wafdiga Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Soomaaliya ayaa la kulmi doona Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Qatar iyo golihiisa Wasiirada, Amiirka Dalka Qatar, hay’adaha gar-gaarka, jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee Qatar iyo isagoo la hadli doona ardayda jaamicadaha dalka Qatar. Xogta: Xafiiska Raysalwasaaraha Daabacadda Horseed Media
  8. Traditional Elders congregation who are viewed in high regard and esteem in Puntland State who hold the State and Peace of the land together for the past 20 years and before that something lacking in other regions.
  9. What a difference a little rain can make and on top of that celebrations of peace. Beautiful scenery just outside of Garowe, capital of Puntland State.