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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Elected Interim President of Khaatumo State of Somalia Axmed Cilmi Cismaan Karaash
  2. Ngonge has laid his cards very well but unfortunately no one can predict the futur, one can only speculate. Seeing how things are going however one can conclude a logical path on how things will eventually go or end up. But the big question for Ngonge is does he believe in JB and Oodweyne's interpretation of things? The second big question is does he really believe that Khaatumo didn't change anything as the biggest change is not the physical one that he tries to change the argument into it but rather what has been devised in Taleex. Does he believe the mass protests in Berbera, the hasty actions of Siilaanyo, the cries of the politicians&media and the anger of the citizens of the triangle happened for nothing? It shows that Khaatumo is an existential threat to Somaliland's dream of becoming a country and as said before Terminus Taleh sits deep with your folks and kin who are in a state of rage and frenzy as their dream is being shattered before their eyes. Ngonge admit it just admit it.
  3. Breaking News on VOA Oil Drilling Begins in Somalia’s Puntland Posted Tuesday, January 17th, 2012 A Canadian oil company says it has begun drilling for oil at two locations in Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region. In a statement Tuesday, Vancouver-based Africa Oil says Horn Petroleum, a unit of the company, is drilling wells in the Dharoor Valley and at Shabeel. It says both prospects are located along a rift system that has produced oil in Yemen. The company says it will take about three months to access the recoverable oil, which is estimated at around 300 million barrels. Africa Oil says the oil exploration wells are the first to be drilled in more than 20 years in war-torn Somalia. Horn Petroleum President David Grellman says the company has strong support from the Puntland government and local communities, who he says are eager to see development resume in the region after years of strife.
  4. Somali region of Puntland begins drilling for oil (AP) NAIROBI, Kenya — Africa Oil says it has begun drilling for oil in Somalia's semiautonomous northern region of Puntland. A Tuesday statement says the company is drilling a well in the Dharor Valley and will shortly begin drilling another one in the Nugal Valley, both in south-central Puntland. The statement says the two regions are part of a geological system that has already produced oil in Yemen. It should take about three months to complete the two wells. The statement says the two wells are the first wells to be drilled in 20 years in war-ravaged Somalia, which has not had a stable government for 21 years
  5. Canada's Africa Oil spuds oil well in Somalia Mon, Jan 9 2012 By Abdiqani Hassan DHAROOR, Somalia, Jan 17 (Reuters) - Canadian oil and gas exploration company Africa Oil Corp. began drilling an exploratory well in Somalia's semi-autonomous Puntland region on Tuesday, the first to be sunk in the country since civil war erupted two decades ago. While there has been speculation about finding oil in the anarchic Horn of Africa country for decades, it has no proven hydrocarbon reserves. The prospect of oil beneath Dharoor's sandy, arid plains has excited officials of the impoverished region. "Soon Puntland will be out of hunger and shall stop asking assistance from the international community. We shall never beg, we shall be begged if the fuel comes out," Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamud Farole said at the spudding ceremony. "This fuel well is not only for Puntland. It will benefit all Somalis if Somalia becomes one with a common constitution," Farole said, while laying a foundation stone. Somalia, mired in conflict since warlords in the early 1990s and then Islamist militants reduced the government to impotence, represents one of the final frontiers in Africa to be explored. Africa Oil and its partners in the two Puntland licences, Australia's Red Emperor and Range Resources, target prospective resources of over 300 million barrels of recoverable oil. Horn Petroleum, a newly created oil explorer focused on Puntland, is drilling the Shabeel-1 and Shabeel North-1 wells within the Dharoor Valley block. Africa Oil has a 51 percent stake in Horn Petroleum. "The drilling of Shabeel-1 fuel well is not a one-day decision; it came after much effort and agreement with Puntland," David Grellman, Horn Petroleum's president and CEO, said. Dozens of workers buzzed around the site under the gaze of heavily armed Puntland troops. Shabeel-1 was spudded on Tuesday, and drilling operations have also started at Shabeel North-1. The drilling in the Dharoor valley is a milestone in evaluating Somalia's oil potential, Grellman said, adding that the drilling would last 90 days. The site is a humid, barren area of about 2,600 sq km (1,004 sq miles) near Dharoor town, some 350 km (217 miles) from the port of Bosasso on the Gulf of Aden. The Shabeel-1 and Shabeel North-1 prospects are located on a Jurassic aged rift system, which is part of the same system that has proven to be highly productive in Yemen. Puntland's government signed a production-sharing deal in January 2007. Puntland faced stiff opposition from the Western-backed interim government at the time, part of which refused to honour a 2005 deal reached with Australian independent Range Resources, giving it exclusive rights over all minerals and petroleum. Relations between Mogadishu and the Puntland authorities are on the mend. A new U.N.-backed roadmap targets a new federal constitution that brings the semi-autonomous regions into a closer relationship with central government. Africa Oil said last year it planned to drill up to eight wells in blocks it holds interests in across east Africa, including the two in Puntland. (Writing by Abdi Sheikh; Editing by Richard Lough and Jane Baird)
  6. Somalia: Fighting continues in Buhodle 17 Jan 17, 2012 BUHODLE, Somalia Jan 17 2012 (Garowe Online) - Fighting continued early Tuesday after there was a pause in the clashes between Somaliland troops and residents of Buhodle on Monday, Radio Garowe reports. Recent reports from local sources in Buhodle say heavy artillery and gunfire was heard 25 kms north of Buhodle, there have been no confirmations on the deaths that have resulted in the fighting. Somaliland troops attacked Buhodle from three different fronts, shelling the town with heavy artillery on Sunday, the fighting led to 7 dead and 15 injured. The Somaliland troops who are in the hundreds have been spotted in the outskirts of Buhodle and have been attacking the town from there since Sunday. Puntland Government released a statement condemning the Somaliland military action in Buhodle defining the action as a "naked aggression". The Somaliland troops have attacked Buhodle before with prior attacks in February and May 2011. GAROWE ONLINE
  7. Puntland oo canbaareysey weerarkii Buuhodle 17 Jan 17, 2012 - 6:39:49 AM Dowladda Puntland ayaa canbaareysey weerarkii Somaliland ku qaadey maalinimadii axada 15,Jan 2012 degmada Buuhoodle ee gobolka Cayn,waxana ay ku tilmaamtey weerarkaasi mid qaawan oo aan geed loogu soo gaban. Wasiirka arimaha gudaha Puntland Gen,Cabdilaahi Axmed Jaamac Ilkajiir oo wareysi siiyey BBC-da laanta afka Somaliga ayaa sheegay in Puntland dhowreyso nabada iyo deris wanaaga kala dhaxeeya maamulka Somaliland,waxana uu si kulul u canbaareeyey werarkii ay ku qaadeen Buuhoodle. ‘’Puntland markasta waxanu dhowrnaa nabadgelyada,wadajirka iyo deris wanaaga naga dhaxeeya,anagoona taas tixgelineynaa ayaa waxaan canbaareyneynaa weerarkii qaawanaa ee gardarada ahaa ee Somaliland ku qaadey shacabka degan Buuhoodle’’ ayuu yiri Gen.Ilakjiir. Mar wax laga weydiiyey Ilkajiir in Buuhoodle ka tirsan Somaliland iyo Puntland midkood ayuu ku jawaabey in qofna dalkiisa iyo dadkiisa uusan u quurin xabad iyo rasaas ,mawduuca laga hadlayona ahayn lahaansho ee canbaareynayaan weerarka arxan darada ah ee lagu qaadey shacabka ku dhaqan Buuhoodle. Mowqifka Puntland ay ka taagantahay colaada Buuhoodle ka aloosan ayuu sheegay Gen,Cabdilaahi Axmed Jaamac in nabada laga shaqeeyo,la isugu yimaadona geedka wadahadalka si nabadgelyo loogu dhameeyo arinta. ‘’Somaliland way naga diidey wadahadal,hadana way diidantahay,anagu ma horseedeyno colaad,waxaa wadnaa wadahadal iyo nabad cidna xoog laguma maquunin karo’’ ayuu yiri wasiirka arimaha gudaha Puntland. Faragelinta Somaliland ayaa Puntland waxay horey ugu tilmaamtey mid ka soo horjeeda rabitaanka shacabka ku dhaqan deegaanadaasi,waxana Gen,Ilkajiir uu ku goodiyey in hadii ay joojinweydo Somaliland faragelinta ciidan ay dhici karaan cawaaqib xumo guud ahaan saameyn ku yeelan kara mandaqada Geeska Afrika. Hadalka wasiirka arimaha gudaha,dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga Puntland Gen.Cabdilaahi Axmed Jaamac Ilkajiir ayaa daba jooga warsaxaafadeed maanta ka soo baxay Madaxtoyada Puntland oo isna dhankiisa lagu canbaareyey weerarkii Somaliland ay ku qaaden Buuhoodle. GAROWE ONLINE
  8. BUUHOODLE: Dagaal ka qarxay duleedka magaalada Buuhuudle January 17, 2012 Buuhuudle: (pp)- Wararka naga soo magaalada Buuhuudle ayaa sheegaya in dagaal Saaka uu ka qarxay duleedka magaalada Buuhuudle, dagaalkaas oo ay isaga soo horjeedaan Xoogaga daacada u ah maamulka Siilaanyo & kuwa deegaanka ee ka soo horjeeda joogitaanka maleeshiyaadka Siilaanyo, deegaanada Sool, Sanaag iyo Cayn. Dagaalkaas ayaa la ogeyn inay qaadeen xoogaga deegaanka iyo inkale, waxaase warar soo baxaya ay sheegayaan in dagaalkaasi uu bilowday kaddib markii maleeshiyaadka ka amar qaata Siilaanyo ay madaafiic la dhaceen fariisamaha ciidamada SSC, kaddibna dagaalku uu sidaas ku qarxay. Dagaalkaas oo ka bilowday meel lagu magacaabo Sool-joogto ayaa la sheegayaa inuu si qabow uu ku bilowday oo xabado la isku tuurruuray oo kaliya, laakiinse laga cabsi qabto in dagaal xoogan uu bilaaban karo waqti walba, maadaama laba dhinac ay ku jiraan diyaar garow dagaal. Dadka shacabka ah ayaa ee ku nool magaalooyinka iyo dadka reer baadiyaha ayaa la sheegayaa inay dagaalkaan si toos uga qayb qaadanayaan, iyagoo aaminsan inay awood u leeyihiin inay iska difaacaan isla markaana ay deegaanadooda xoog uga saari karaan xoogaga Siilaanyo oo tijaabinaya awooda ay u leeyihiin inay sii joogi karaan deegaanada Sool, Sanaag & Cayn iyo in kale. Daabacaadda:
  9. Somalia: Exploratory drilling begins in Puntland 17 Jan 17, 2012 DHAROOR, Somalia Jan 17 2012 (Garowe Online) - The Canadian oil and gas company Horn Petroleum Corporation has begun drilling operations in Puntland state of Somalia, Radio Garowe reports. Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole opened the ceremony to commence the spudding of Shabeel 1 well in the Dharoor block in northern Puntland. President Farole stated that "If the operation is successful in finding oil, it is an opportunity for the Puntland economy to grow helping create jobs for many people that are unemployed." Drilling operations have also begun in Shabeel North 1 well also located in the region of Nugal. According to Horn Petroleum's press release the drilling for both wells is set to take 90 days to complete and will satisfy the first exploration period work obligations that were signed in the Production Sharing Contracts for both wells. Horn Pertroleum states that both oil prospects have potential oil volumes of over 300 million barrels that are recoverable. This is the first oil exploration wells to be drilled in over 20 years. GAROWE ONLINE
  10. Somalia: Puntland Condemns Somaliland’s Naked Aggression against the communities of Buhodle district. 17 Jan 17, 2012 - 12:29:33 AM Puntland State of Somalia Garowe Somalia: Puntland Condemns Somaliland’s Naked Aggression against the communities of Buhodle district. PRESS RELEASE 16 January 2012 Buhodle , Somalia 16,Jan ,2012 (Press Release)-The Government of Puntland State of Somalia strongly condemns Somaliland’s violent aggressions against the communities of Buhodle district. On 15 January 2012, Somaliland forces attacked Buhodle district and caused suffering and destruction – causing civilian casualties and property loss. It is not the first time that Somaliland forces attacked Buhodle district – prior attacks occurred in February and May of 2011. Puntland Government condemns in the strongest terms the naked aggressions perpetrated by Somaliland separatists against communities in Buhodle and other regions, while Somaliland continues to reject peaceful dialogue to ease tensions in northern Somalia. Violent imposition of a political ideology and religious extremism will not work in Somalia and will certainly trigger undesired consequences. Puntland Government has always been a pioneer for the stabilization and unity of Somalia, has promoted peaceful coexistence among communities, and has always called for dialogue to resolve differences, and the Government urges Somaliland to immediately seize military aggressions against communities. Finally, Puntland Government sends condolences to the families of victims of Somaliland’s latest violent aggressions against civilians and their properties. ---END--- Communications Office The Puntland Presidency Puntland State of Somalia E-mail: Web:
  11. Hostilities have ceased now after heavy fighting erupted when the SNM militia launched missile attack on a position outside of Buuhoodle where Buuhoodle residents had made a base were they were stationed.
  12. Buuhoodle: deegaanka Sool-joogto oo dib saaka dagaal uga qarxay Waxaa dib markale saaka uga qarxay duleedka degmada Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Cayn dagaal xoogan oo u dhexeeya ciidamada Somaliland iyo dadka deegaanka. Dagaalka oo ahaa mid la isu adeegsaday hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan gaar ahaan madaafiicda culculus iyo kuwa lidka diyaaradaha ayaa wararkii ugu danbeeyey ee Buuhoodle naga soo gaarey waxay sheegayaan in khasaare kii dagaalkii hore ka badani uu ka dhashay. Weriye madax banaan oo codsaday in aan magaciisa la baahin ayaa isaga oo degmada Buuhoodle ku sugan mar ay Horseed Media khadka Telefoonka kula xiriirtay u sheegay in goobta dagaalku ka dhacay ay tahay deegaanka lagu magacaabo Sool-joogto oo labo beri kahor sidan oo kale dagaal xoogani ciidamada S/Land iyo dadka deegaanka uu ugu dhex maray. Wuxuuna intaas ku daray in dagaalku uu bilowday kadib markii ay ciidamada Somaliland oo ku suugnaa meel aan degmada Buuhoodle sidaas uga sii fogeyni ay duqeeyeen fariisimo ay ciidamada deegaanku ka samaysteen duleedka degmada Buuhoodle. Dagaalka ayaa hada joogsaday waxaase laga cabsi qabaa in uu dib markale u qaraxo maadaama labada dhinacba ay diyaar garow ciidan oo xoogan wadaan. Wixii warar ah oo kasoo cusboonaada dagaalka saaka ka dhacay deegaanka Sool-joogto saacadaha soo fool leh ayey Horseed Media idiin soo gudbin doontaa. Horseed Media
  13. SNM attacks again but Buuhoodle residents are defiant and crushing the attacking SNM militia. The fighting is still raging in Sool-joogto.
  14. GD many will find their link to Puntland back. Sayid in rediscovery mode.
  15. GD a lovely tent it has a bedouin feeling to it.
  16. You have now arrived at Dharoor International home of Puntland Oil. The weather is nice and the sun is out.