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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Small foot i.e. secessionist meets Lion of Buuhoodle There can only be one Winner inshaallaah. Kabayarow, Kabayarow ka kac, ka kac carada Buuhoodle+SSC!
  2. kaftankii malaga heley Awrkii ? saarnayd Kibirkii maxaa heley? kabash kabashtu waa maxay? kaneeco bey nagu noqdeen looooooooool
  3. Abtigiis I urge you to exercise restraint! Many of the secessionists are close to a mental and emotional break down. They have invested all they have whether it be material or emotional to that cause of secession. Seeing as that it is only humanly expected that they cannot be deemed to reason with you in a rational sense as they're in danger themselves. The question should be not whether 'Somaliland' will survive or not but whether the delusional buyers of that grand delusion can be saved. Case in example is our good friend Oodweyne who seems to have lost it all and thus reduced to a mere juvenile. They have indeed no arguments against Abtigiis. Whether they go it's a loss or they abstain it's a loss again. A classical catch 22.
  4. So far the secessionists have brought nothing tangible apart from their usual fume and wailing.
  5. What is really amusing is not the eloquent depiction of the secessionist's real worth and weight politically but the mocking use of metaphors to describe the utterly bad situation the secessionist find themselves in. They're literally lost for words, Abtigiis has beaten them into silence. haha
  6. xiinfaniin, you know that this is a self-inflicted predicament! What is needed is urgent resolution and action and that khaatumo cannot do at least not for the short time and for the long it's to late. But you're making a point. We're speaking however about change. Something dramatic is needed for that to happen or a shift to one side but as things stand it will be difficult to resolve the issue in Sool especially abused Laascaanood, mind you abused by its own people (of which we're a part of it if we speak in larger term). But the core issue lies with the residents of Laascaanood themselves, Galayr alone will not solve this issue.
  7. I agree with what you've written there and how you nailed the secessionist agenda and their drive for recklessness to forcefully hold laascaanood what I disagree with however is that 'khaatumo' is set to change that fact, this is what is making us real sad.
  8. War Deg Deg ah:- Dagaal ka culus ayaa ka bilowdey duleedka Buuhoodle Posted by Pi on January 21st, 2012 Garowe(Pi) Dagaal aad u culus ayaa iminka ka bilowdey duleedka bari ee Magaalada Buuhoodle, halkaasoo ay fooda isdareen Ciidamo taabacsan maamulka Soomaaliland iyo Ciidanka deegaanka, khasaaraha ilaa hada lama kala cadeyn karo. Wariye ku sugan Buuhoodle ayaa nooxaqiijiyey in weerarkaan uu bilowdey Caawa fiidkii wuxuuna ka bilowdey deegaanka Sool-joogto oo qiyaastii 26 km u jiri Buuhoodle. Dhinaca kale waxa iyana laga cabsi qabaa in dagaal ka bilowdo dhinaca Laascanood. wixii faahfaahin ah waan soo gudbinaynaa Xarunta Wararka Deg Dega ah Garowe
  9. Fighting erupts 30 km's east of Buuhoodle in Sool-joogto. The war erupted in the middle of the night as the two sides exchanged heavy artillery and missiles this afternoon and yesterday. It's now in full rage. The war is between the Buuhoodle residents and the SNM militia's 'Somaliland'. It's the third time this week Somaliland attacked Buuhoodle!
  10. Dagaal culus oo ka qarxay caawa duleedka Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobalka Ceyn. January 21, 2012 - Written by editor Buuhoodle:-Wararka naga soo gaaraya degamda Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Cayn ayaa sheegaya in dagaal uu ka qarxay duleedka magaalada Buuhoodle gaar ahaan deegaanka Sool-joogto oo qiyaastii 30km dhinaca bari degmada Buuhoodle .Iska horimaadka ayaa qarxay ka dib markii ay labada ciidan ay is dhaafsadeen Madaafiic. Waana markii 3-aad oo mudo todobaad gudihiis ah uu deegaanka Sool-joogto uu ka qarxo dagaal fool ka fool ah kuwaas oo dhexmaraya ciidamada S/land iyo dadka deegaanka Buuhoodle. Wixii warar ah ee soo kordha kala soco M_M Deeq
  11. Duleedka degmada Buuhoodle oo caawa dib dagaal uga qarxay Wararka naga soo gaaraya degamda Buuhoodle ee xarunta gobolka Cayn ayaa sheegaya in dagaal xoogani uu dib mar kale uga qarxay deegaanka Sool-joogto oo qiyaastii 30km dhinaca bari degmada Buuhoodle kaga beegan. Dagaalka ayaa sida uu weriye madax banaan oo degmada Buuhoodle ku sugani Horseed Media u xaqiijiyey ah mid xoogan waxaana la isu adeegsanayaa hubka culculus iyadoo diryanka madaafiicdana laga maqlayo gudaha degmada Buuhoodle iyo goobo kale oo ka durugsan. Wararka ayaa intaas ku daraya iyo weli dagaalkaasi uu socdo laman oga ilaa iyo hada khasaaraha uu sababay iyo weliba cida weerarka soo qaaday inkasta oo markii hore in dagaal qarxo cabsi weyn laga qabay maadaama ay ciidamada deegaanka iyo kuwa Somaliland goobtaas isku hor fadhiyeen. Waana markii 3-aad oo mudo todobaad gudihiis ah uu deegaanka Sool-joogto dagaal ku dhex maro ciidamada Somaliland oo iyagu dhowaan duulaan xoogan degmada Buuhoodle kusoo qaaday haseyeeshee markii danbe laga saaray iyo ciidamada madaniga ah ee deegaanka. Wixii warar ah oo kasoo cusboonaada dagaalka caawa ka socda duleedka degmada Buuhoodle ka filo Horseed Media saacadaha soo fool leh. Horseed Media
  12. We have enough resources it's time to exploit them to improve our living standards, infrastructure, education, sports and health facilities inshaallaah.
  13. Al_Jazeera's Counting the cost speaks to one of the companies drilling for the OIL. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
  14. LAASCAANOOD : Mudaharaad ay dad ku dhinteen oo looga soo horjeedo Somaliland oo hareeyay magaalada Laascaanood January 21, 2012 Laascaanood:-Mudaharaad xoogan ayaa iminka ka socda magaalada Laascaanood kaas oo looga soo horjeedo Somaliland, waxaana la sheegayaa in mudaharaadkan uu yahay mid rabshado wata oo khasaare dhimasho iyo burbur gaystay, goobojooge ku sugan magaalada ayaa noo xaqijiyay dhimashada 2 qof oo Wiil iyo Gabar ah iyo 9 qof oo dhaawac ah,dhammaantoodna dadkan waa mudaharaadayaasha. Mudaharaadkan, oo aad u culus ayaa wali socda waxaana dadka dhintay kuwa dhaawacmayba ay waxyeeladu soo gaartay kadib markii Ciidanka Somaliland ay la dhaceen rasaas xoogan oo aan aabo-dayin. Mudaharaadkan ayaa la sheegayaa in uu jawaab u yahay mudaharaadyo ka dhacaya magaalooyinka Hargaysa iyo Burco oo taagero u ah Ciidanka ku sugan gobolka Sool iyo wax ay ugu yeereen gooni isutaaga Somaliland oo ay ku sheegayaan muqadis. Maamulka Khatumo State ee dhawaan looga dhawaaqay magaalada Taleex ayaa xaruntiisa lagu sheegay magaalada Laascaanood oo sida la wada ogsoon yahay ay gacanta ku hayaan maamulka Somaliland.
  15. Funny that the British Foreign Office misspelled Somaliland as Somaliand.
  16. This is what the Foreign Office says: London Somalia Conference The UK will host a conference on Somalia on 23 February to pull together international effort. Despite the efforts of the African Union, the United Nations and the international community, international policy towards Somalia is not succeeding. After 20 years of sliding backwards, Somalia needs a step-change in effort – both from the international community, but also Somalia’s political leaders. On 23 February senior representatives from over 40 governments and multi-lateral organisations will come together in London with the aim of delivering a new international approach to Somalia. They will discuss how the international community can step-up its efforts to tackle both the root causes and effects of the problems in the country. The international community hopes to agree a series of practical measures under seven headings: Security: sustainable funding for the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), and support for Somali security and justice sectors Political Process: agreement to what should succeed the transitional institutions in Mogadishu in August 2012 and the establishment of a Joint Financial Management Board Local Stability: a coordinated international package of support to Somalia’s regions Counter-terrorism: renewed commitment to tackle collectively the terrorist threat emanating from Somalia Piracy: breaking the piracy business model Humanitarian: renewed commitment to tackling Somalia’s humanitarian crisis International coordination: agreement on improved international handling of Somalia issues We are now holding intensive discussions with our international and Somali partners and key stakeholders (including civil society). These are complex issues that will not be solved overnight. We will need to build on and support the work of the UN, AU, NGOs and the vital role of civil society in Somali and we will require sustained political commitment and concrete action, including from Somalia’s political leaders. Even with sustained commitment progress will be slow, but we hope that this conference will serve at a catalyst and that in time it will be seen as a turning point. We have invited partners who have a key interest in Somalia. We expect around 40 governments to attend, along with the UN, AU, EU, World Bank, the Inter-Governmental Authority for Development, the Organisation of Islamic Conference, and the League of Arab States. We are also inviting representatives of Somalia’s Transitional Federal Institutions, as well as the Presidents of Somaliand, Puntland, Galmudug, Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah (ASWJ).
  17. This is a whole different ball game all together!
  18. A new district administration is a new start the rest will take care of itself inshallaah. Of course the money is needed to improve the needs and accessibility of the town and environs but nevertheless it's a good start.
  19. Great Development for those neglected parts of the State. Maashaallaah that the development will now be on the eastern coastal regions and away from the big towns on the main road/highway.
  20. What came out of Qandala? Simple eradication of Al-Shabab and that they don't find anywhere to hide Che.
  21. Duke C/kariim is a man outside from SSC regions, he is a southerner who came from the USA and not very well known in Cayn. It's true him and Xaglatoosiye are also from different sub-clans. But the protest of the Cayn folks and grievances are related to how they felt being treated by Galayr who they think doesn't take them serious. It's a Cayn complex against Sool&Nugaal.
  22. I believe it's grievances from the delegation of Cayn combined who are protesting and not only Xaglatoosiye.