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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. The tricky part is of course to release the right quantity of money and I am confident Puntland and this finance minister will do their best as they kept the Shilling and Dollar exchange rate stable for the past three years.
  2. waryaa Nuune there's a problem how would you solve it? There is a shortage of Somali Shilling and what usually happens is big businessmen start hoarding. So in order for them to release their Somali Shilling there is a need for printing of more Somali Shilling in order for them to release their hoarded money into the flow/system of the market in order to stabilise it and prevent things going up and prizes exploding. It's market confidence and reassurance and printing more currency can actually help stabilise the Shilling by showing that there is enough money out there.
  3. Jacfar the Minister explained it above eloquently. The cure for preventing the Somali shilling disappearing altogether is to print new Somali Shillings as this will help with the flow of money as there is not enough right now. This is the issues we ought to talk about. Not half cooked stories and their misrepresentations of it.
  4. Finance Minister of Puntland said: “There are a lot issues that need further studying but the fluctuation is partly due to lack of printing of new Shilling Somali and the increased GDP and living standards of the country. That has caused currency exchange traders to hold on to their Somali Shilling waiting to trade it for US dollar,” said Minister Farah. Minister Farah said that the service of Sahal which allows you to pay for items by using your mobile phone has attributed to the fluctuation in Shilling a point Minister of Commerce Hassan Farah Jama stated on Tuesday. “Sahal service has added to this fluctuation because of the use of US dollar over Somali Shilling," said Minister Farah.
  5. Love how the issue has changed from a legal into a bad policy one. What we were confronting was misinformation presented here. We all know that the State is the most victim/target of fabricated lies,untruth misinformation and continued insults.
  6. So from the above article it's clear that it's a nation wide initiative.
  7. This is from the official mouth piece of the TFG, radio muqadisho: Xukuumadda oo sheegtay in dhawaan Muqdisho la keeni doono lacaggo cusub Wasiir ku xigeenka wasaaradda Maaliyaddda iyo Lacagta ee Xukuumadda Soomaaliya ayaa faah faahin ka bixiyey lacago cusub oo Shillin Soomaali ah oo dhowaan dowladda KMG ah ay keeni doonto gudaha dalka. Wasiir ku xigeenka Maaliyadda Xukuumadda Soomaaliya Cali Dirir Faarax oo ku sugan magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya ayaa sheegay in dowladda KMG ah ay ka warqabto lacagaha Shilin Soomaaliga ah ee dhowaan la keeni doono magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasoo ah lacago cusub oo isugu jira, Kun, Laba Kun iyo lacago kale oo cusub. Wasiir ku xigeenka Wasaaradda Maaliyadda Cali Dirir Faarax waxa u sheegay in imaanshiyaha lacagtani oo ah mid daabacan ay tahay lacag horrey ay u qorsheeyeen dowladidihii ka horreeyey, hase yeeshee keenisteeda dalka ay dowladdani la kowsatay. Mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda oo hadda ku sugan magaalada Nairobi ayuu wasiir ku xigeenku sheegay iney wadaan qorshe looga baaraandegayo sidii looga hortagi lahaa sicir barar ay sameyso lacagtaasi cusub oo markii ugu horreysay imaan doonta magaalada Muqdisho. Sidoo kale waxa uu tilmaamay ka hor inta aan lacagtaasi la isticmaalin la Bulshada loo sameyn doono wacyo galin si loo illaaliyo Danta guud ee ummada, dowladduna ay mar walba ku dadaalli doono horumarinta shacabkeeda. Hadalhaynta lacagtan cusub ayaa muddooyinkani si aad ah loo hadalhayey, waxayna ku soo beegmeysaa xilli uu hoos u dhac ku yimid qiimaha sarrifka doollarka, iyadoo boqolkii dollar haatan lagu sarrifayo illaa Laba Milyan iyo Boqol Kun oo Shilinka Soomaaliga ah. Jacfar has always been easy to refute as he's leaning on straw
  8. The problem lies deeper Garoowe 2 Consultative Conference on the Constitution held in Puntland without any outside armies/neighbouring countries protecting the delegates but by Puntland troops, police and marines.
  9. MMA haven't I made it clear that the printing is not done by Puntland but in conjunction with the TFG and that they will bring the money to all of Somalia, Puntland including? Your problem is quite clear it's about the State rather than misleading stories from outlets that are not part of the journalistic codex of practice which they bring in disregard and shame.
  10. I believe that we need dialogue but if people purposefully try to block this then one doesn't need to wonder about Dr. Osman. He shows the likes of MMA where the real powers lie and I would commend him to put his threads into this forum by showcasing what the State is and show how proud he is to call himself a Puntlander. The likes that criticise the State are the same ones who in their home regions have nothing to brag about. Tonight Baidoa and Baladweyne are patrolled by Ethiopian troops and rag tag militia made up of Ahlusunnah and militias hailing from those towns. There are no institutions, no structures, no administration, no clear borders, no parliament, no constitution of any sort. They have just been liberated by a neighbouring country. Mogadishu has Amisom peace keepers that protect key institutions in the city such as the airport, Villa Somalia etc. The criticism MMA is talking about that Puntland has an own army is laughable, Where in Somalia does a National Army exist is the question? Who has been safeguarding Puntland borders from external enemies? It only shows that MMA is angry that Puntland has put its house in order and he can't fix his own that's why he needs us to be the same or int he same situation as him. Who would protect the livelihoods of the people of Puntland and its properties if there wasn't a Puntland Army and State Security? Puntland is a very large and the only recognised Federal State in Somalia now in a future Federal republic of Somalia. It has it's own Parliament, functioning institution, political structures, a long self governing history and security operatus to safeguard its citizens. In short they have brought their house in order, bring yours in order to. Dr. Osman show them the Pictures adeer so that they might even feel more envy. Bring it on.
  11. I urge the youngsters to check their sources and what it actually contains. If they don't understand then they should wait for clarification and notjump with premature and subsequent wrong conclusions. This is not a new currency. It comes with the conjunction of the TFG and it's money ordered during PM Abdirashid's term and will replace the old Somali Shilling as there's not enough currently in the market. The Dollar exchange rate is down, nobody knows why it is the case but there is a lot of Dollar bills and not enough Somali Shiling notes around. Some say it's a combination of Amisom soldiers being paid in USD, the famine relief who brought a lot of US Dollar bills into the country the Turks with their development projects who of course bring US Dollars to pay for those and other companies. So this new Shilling is vitally needed at the moment in order not to lose the Somali Shilling altogether. It will come to Mogadishu and other parts of the country such as Puntland shortly. This kind of things actually destroy the credibility of Somali news portal to the lowest level possible. You just need to see what has been written about this in order to understand that we are lacking credible news sources. People are jumping to conclusion to easily to without proper reading into the matter, this shows that we are lacking comprehensive thinking skills and that we are like sheep the one leading the other without knowing where. We need to think logically and independently before following things that were taking out of context or are not true but because someone commented on it actually follow that line of thinking. Shame to you guys who actually didn't read or comprehend the issue foremost Maskiin, Nugaal and others etc.
  12. Shabeel 1 delivered, Congratulations
  13. Maashaallah our wealth in the ground has finally come out
  14. Three have briefcases while the Jihadi guy is carrying a gun. So the connection must be killing. There are committed to killing. So the Shabab and foreign Jihadi guy are interconnected with the gun.
  15. ^The last two are ideologically committed while the two before them are only interested in money. haha
  16. Also Abdiwali is concentrated and content, while Farole is wearing the same clothes as Zenawi and Musaveni but strangely looking to the site, where there's an smiling and forward tilted head of Abdiwali in full concentration. Meles is sweating nervously while Sharif the speaker is happily looking into the sky, while Sharif Ahmed is shocked/scared of not knowing what the final destination will be, it seems that Uganda was his only option.
  17. Funny is how Abdiwali is also the only Somali working for another Somali. The three other's are all working for foreigners. That's quite telling. Arewe the smart ones here?
  18. Qandalawi actually painted it the best. There are people such as two Sharif's whose power comes from Uganda and Ethiopia, Abdiwali has his power and legitimacy from Puntland as the only functioning and recognised founding State of Somalia. While the last group has legitimacy from a foreing Jihadist but no one knows what they're fighting for. The two Sharif's are connected to money (short-term) while there's more of a connection and common share between Farole and Abdiwali. Furthermore Puntland's raise has been acknowleged as an active player within Somali politicking.
  19. Somalia: Andrew Mitchell: ''Britain has no commercial interest in Somalia’s oil'' 27 Feb 27, 2012 - 9:01:45 AM LONDON, England Feb 27 2012 (Garowe Online) – Britain’s Secretary of State for International Development Andrew Mitchell has denied UK Observer’s claims that Britain has a commercial imperative in Somalia, Garowe Online reports. The UK newspaper the Observer wrote on Sunday that Britain was providing humanitarian aid and security assistance in hopes to a stake of the oil or possibly exploration rights. The Observer who spoke to Puntland Ministers said that Puntland was offered help in future management of oil revenues. Puntland was also offered technical help and building of oil capacity by oil giant British Petroleum. Andrew Mitchell who spoke to BBC’s Andrew Marr stated that Britain has no intentions in exploring oil in Somalia. “Of course, of course if oil is found and developed, we want that oil to work for the benefit of the Somali people,” said Mitchell, “But the British Government's development efforts are engaged to make sure that the money is accounted for, spent transparently, and works for the benefit of Somalis.” Oil drilling has already begun in Puntland and is expected to be extracted in the following weeks. There is an estimated 4 billion barrels of oil in Puntland Dharoor valley according to African Oil but other surveys suggest the exploration site contains double that. Since before the collapse of Siad Barre’s regime countries like China and the US have been interested in exploring Somalia’s potential oil fields. GAROWE ONLINE
  21. Annex B - Principles for support to security and justice sectors Annex A - Joint Financial Management Board declaration