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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Xiin I agree such talks should be toned down, but knoweth that Abdiwali is the important and leading man in terms of transition and the roadmap. All other's within the TFG have a stake in derailing that process.
  2. No need to conjecture. We all know the situation and that Abdiwali has many enemies. He will die when his time comes not a minute before or after. Neither can he be killed or harmed by his enemies if they all come together to do him harm nor can we as his supporters if we all congregate expel or evade harm or damage from him if we put all we have together, that can only be done by Allaah.
  3. Che I was only emphasising different approaches to 'safeguard our lives' from danger that are instilled in us from the get go and perfected in young years! Someone relies on his hands, other's mind have the need to clamp onto someone for dear life while others stand defined but troubled. They indeed look terrified and the desperation is in their faces but others things can come into it too like position held and age or someone's life experiences! But as you said it it could be interpreted in many ways.
  4. Che I guess you're right but the actions of desperation are also real portrayed in that photo from the video extract.
  5. With the PM included its three different approaches but what I am trying to show is the two different responses of the two Ministers both standing next to him. One is actually trying to shield himself by trying hiding behind the PM's back and clamping his shoulder to that effect, while the other is standing helplessly and positioning himself to the other side away from the PM with his bare two hands. Life is so dear to us, even using your own two hands to protect yourself or in the case of Hussein the Defense Minister clamping on someone for protection and moving slightly away but holding firm onto the shoulder of the PM. Of course that picture could have never in a millions time be made or replicated in real time as a portrait as it is only footage from the Video extracts still in the Video camera but it shows us a picture.
  6. In the above picture we see the Somali Prime Minister's defied response to the suicide bombing on the right hand side of the picture with the sunglasses is Hussein Somalia's Defense Minister and Vice Prime Minister who clamps onto the shoulder of the Prime Minister for Protection, next to him in the picture is Minister Abdiwahab Somalia's Minister for Commerce and Industry who is also the Vice Prime Minister looking away trying t protect his ears and face with his hands, this are three different approaches.
  7. This is only a description in words you can look for it yourselves I won't post it.
  8. Pictures show a woman her face blown to the side while her body positioned chest down and only the back showing. She must have fell with her chest down blowing away her lower and upper middle body parts and only leaving parts of the upper parts visible, namely small upper part of the back and the head, excluding the face and a part intact shoulder. Gruesome to say the least.
  9. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo booqdey ciidamada 12 Mar 12, 2012 - 12:08:42 PM Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Farole, Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Cabdisamad Cali Shire,Taliyaha ciidamada Daraawiishta Gen. Siciid Dheere iyo saraakiil ka tirsan dowlada ayaa maalintii Sabtidii lasoo dhaafey 10 March,2012 booqasho ku tagey xerada 54aad oo ku taal duleedka magaalo madaxda Garowe. Xeradaas oo tababar uga socda cutubyo ka tirsan ciidamada Daraawiishta ayaa Madaxweyne Puntland warbixino ka dhageystey sariisha sare ee ciidamada iyo tababarayaashooda kuwaasoo ka socda dalka Ethiopia. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa ciidamada Daraawiishta ku booriyey iney ka faa'ideystaan fursdaaan qaaliga ah. Dhinaca kale Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo ku-xigeenkiisa Mud.Cabdisamad Cali Shire ayaa kulan gaar ah la yeeshey saraakiisha ciidamada hogaamisa iyo tababaraasha kuwaasoo isweydaarsadey warbixino ku saabsan qaabka tababarka u socdo. Xukuumada Puntland ka arimisa ayaa inta talada haysay muhiimad gaar ah siisey dhismaha ciidamada guud iyadoo kor u qaadey tayadooda. GAROWEONLINE