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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Puntland the modern leader of the Federal Republic of Somalia. It needs to be followed and emulated.
  2. Very well written article by Garowe Online Editors.
  3. Somalia: Leading by example, the Puntland Constitution [Editorial] 15 Apr 15, 2012 - 1:56:20 PM GAROWE ONLINE EDITORIAL | One scholar said: "This [Puntland] constitution, which is based on Islamic Shari'ah law, includes progressive ideas that were not present in the Somali constitutions of the past." On the eve of history, Puntland territory in the northeastern region of Somalia is in a state of stability founded on unity, inclusivity, and consensus. On Sunday, the Puntland Constitutional Convention opened in Garowe, with 480 delegates from across Puntland regions and districts voting to adopt the Puntland State Constitution. For the first time since Puntland’s inception more than 13 years ago, the State will end its long transition and will have a constitution as a member state of a Federal Republic of Somalia. Some people might say this is all a dream. They say: Puntland cannot have a constitution, or a state flag. Federalism is wrong for Somalia. Arguments posed by the pundits remain redundant and unrepresentative of majority public opinion. Across Somalia, the public is fed up with violent crime, general lawlessness and the agonizing burden of national disintegration. Look at the sudden change of heart in Hargeisa, once again, flirting with Mogadishu over union. Look at the TFG, its senior leadership under accusation of planning the failed assassination via suicide bombing of TFG Prime Minister, Somali-American academic Dr. Abdiweli Mohamed Ali 'Gaas'. Look at Al Shabaab – running in all directions like a wounded animal, surpassing even the Ethiopian troops in "most hated category" of Somali national psyche. The world is watching. London Conference, in February 2012, was a convention of world opinion on the central issue of Somalia. The world is expecting Somalia to pass the Roadmap test; that is, to end the transition on time in August 2012, and for a permanent government to emerge in Somalia for the first time in 21 years. This is the biggest test towards national recovery in Somalia. Are TFG leaders committed to ending the transition on time? This is open for speculation. Prime Minister Dr. Abdiweli Gaas is a vocal advocate for the Roadmap. Dr. Gaas has been instrumental in improving relations between TFG and Puntland, and he has been a selfless promoter of peace in Mogadishu. Dr. Gaas has braved security concerns and addressed thousands of Mogadishu’s residents at public gatherings, including Conis Stadium, in order to deliver the message of the TFG. Puntland moves forward Look at Puntland – the public is fed up with clan selection process for government seats. The people want political parties and competitive elections. The 480 delegates of the Puntland Constituent Assembly will debate during a three-day convention to adopt the Puntland State Constitution. This historic undertaking has understandably generated attention in Puntland media. However, the way some media centered the debate is misleading. Some media did not put a focus on debating legal, political and social implications of the constitution’s141 articles. Instead, some media agencies have placed an exaggerated focus on the constitutional article that states that the term of the president and members of parliament is 5-years. Many have argued that President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole is getting a one-year extension after the constitution is adopted. The President insists that the Puntland Constitutional Convention must adopt the State Constitution before the Somali Federal Constitution is finalized and adopted in a Somali-wide National Constituent Assembly later this year. Farole says Puntland must end its 13-year transition and consolidate its state government in a federal system for Somalia. Islamic scholars speaking at many Puntland mosques have supported the State's constitution. One scholar said: "This [Puntland] constitution, which is based on Islamic Shari'ah law, includes progressive ideas that were not present in the Somali constitutions of the past." Indeed, Puntland is moving on. The new toy of the terrorists, former UK resident Abdulkadir Mumin, is Al Shabaab's notoriously cowardly and never-seen representative in Puntland. In line with Al Shabaab practice, the terrorists' website editorialized Mumin's chance of garnering support from certain sub-clans in order to challenge the Farole administration. Indeed, it is President Farole himself who has identified on numerous occasions that Al Shabaab instigates clan conflicts in Puntland. Al Shabaab's latest editorial on Puntland is indicative of the terror group's subversive practices to use clans against each other, to spread divisions, and to stir hostilities among neighbors. This practice has failed in Puntland. The clans understand where their survival interest lies. Al Shabaab remains isolated in a few mountain caves in the Golis Mountain Range straddling northern Somalia, and being hunted by police in Puntland cities and towns. Who is Mumin's audience, one wonders. There are a few websites owned by Al Shabaab operatives and those websites are certainly celebrating Mumin's hateful words sent from obscurity. Despite the obstacles, Puntland has progressed and braved the odds alone. When the Puntland Constitutional Convention concludes, inshallah, history will be made: Puntland will advance from the era of transition, and Somalia will be closer to national recovery. The future of Puntland is a competitive multiparty political system. The naysayers' time is up – the world can no longer bet on potential. Puntland is in practice and it is the example for other Somali regions to follow, with its own constitution, government branches, and security forces. The time to act is now. Garowe Online Editorial Send comments / questions to: /
  4. March 2012 Dr. Faroole: “Ma wada hadli karaan TFG iyo Somaliland iyadoo aaney ka war qabin goob joogna aheyn maamulka Puntland maxaa yeelay anagu Soomaali waan ka tirsanahay, hase ahaatee ka maaamul ahaan muran dhuleed anaa nagala dhexeeya Somaliland, dhul aynu leenahay beyna xoog ku heystaan, marka wadahadal kasta oo labada dhinac dhexmnara waa inaan ka qeyb galnaa” ayuu yiri C/raxmaan Faroole."
  5. Madaxweyne Shariif oo ku dhawaaqey Gudiga la hadlaya Somaliland kunasoo darey laba wasiir oo Puntland ah Posted by Pi on April 14th, 2012 Muqdisho(Pi) Shalay ayaa warbaahinta Puntlandi heshey warar rasmi ahaa oo sheegayay in Madaxweyne Shariif diyariyey gudiga la hadlaya Soomaaliland, kuwasoo shalay ahaa 5 Xubnood, hadaba Madaxweyne Shariif wuxuu maanta soo bandhigey Gudigii oo 7 Xubnood ah ayna ku jiraan labo wasiir oo Puntland ah. Gudiga waxaa hogaaminaya Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Soomaaliya Cabdisamad Macalin Maxamuud, waxaa kaloo gudiga ka mid ah laba Wasiir oo Puntland ah oo kala ah Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Gen.Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac Ilkajiir iyo Dr.Da’ud Maxamed Cumar wasiirka Qorshaynta iyo Xiririka Caalamiga ah. Sida aan shalay Warka ku helney Xubnahaan waxay markii hore ahaayeen 5 xubnood laakiiin Markii warbaahinta Puntlandi ay ifisey qaladaadka jira ayaa Wada tashi Xalay dhacay ka dib wuxuu Madaxweyne Shariif uu kordhiyey Gudiga isagoo ka dhigey 7 Xubnood oo Puntland labo wasiir ku leedahay. Muqdisho
  6. General Abdullahi Ahmed Jama Ilkajiir Puntland's Interior Minister will also represent the State:
  7. Puntland Minister of Planning and International Cooperation will represent Puntland in the talks
  8. Somalia: President Sharif assigns committee to hold talks with Somaliland 14 Apr 14, 2012 - 2:39:39 AM MOGADISHU, Somalia Apr 14 2012 (Garowe Online) - President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed has assigned a committee to hold talks with the Somaliland government, Radio Garowe reports. The committee which consists of 7 ministers will hold talks with the Somaliland government as proposed in February's meeting in London. The Somaliland government also named a committee of 5 ministers to hold discussions with the newly assigned TFG committee. Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Dauud Mohamed and Minister of Internal Affairs Gen. Abdullahi Ahmed Jama are representing the Puntland state government in the committee assembled by President Sharif. Both committees will meet in London to discuss the possibilities of a unified Somalia with hopes of coming back to Somalia with tangible progress. Somaliland who has been fighting for its independence since the collapse of Siad Barre's regime has agreed to hold talks with the TFG despite public outcry from officials and clan elders who oppose talks with the TFG. GAROWE ONLINE
  9. Shariif oo magacaabey guddiga wadahadalka SL 13 Apr 13, 2012 - 11:56:50 PM DF Somalia ayaa magacowdey maanta guddi ka kooban 7 xubnood oo wadahadl lagala Somaliland sidii uu ahaa qorshaha shirkii London 23 Feb2012. Madaxweynaha DF Somalia Shariif Shiikh Axmed ayaa maanta 14,April 2012 ku la hadlay saxaafada Muqdisho saaka ayaa shaaca ka qaadey in guddigan ka kooban wasiirada DFKG Somalia uu madax u yahay wasiirka arrimaha gudaha iyo amniga qaranka Cabdisamad Macalin Maxamuud loona magacaabey wadahadalka Somaliland lala yeelanayo. Puntland labo xubnood oo kamid ayaa 7-da kujira waxan kala yihiin wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha Gen.Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac Ilkajiir iyo Dr.Da'ud Maxamed Cumar wasiir qorshaynta iyo xiririka caalamiga ah. Waxana guddigaan uu London shir kula yeelan doonaa guddiga kale oo horey u soo magacaabey madaxweynaha Somaliland Axmed Maxamed Siilaanyo. Dhinaca kele Shariif Shiikh Axmed Madaxweynaha DFKMG Somalia saaka waxa uu anbabaxey dhinaca Addis Abba ee dalka Ethiopia oo lagu wado inuu ka furmo shir ay leeyihiin madaxda Afrikaanku. Goor dhow ka filo Garowe Onlne liiska magacyada guddiga wadahadalka Somalia & Somaliland. GAROWE ONLINE
  10. A most welcoming development. Déjà vu of 1992. The people will be united to defeat this common enemy. Puntland is their graveyard.
  11. Looking well. Inshaallaah it will be finished in the next 24 hours.
  12. Qandalawi;817153 wrote: Ilahay ha unaxariisto, Janadii Firdowsana haka waraabiyo, ehelki iyo qaraabadi uu katagayna samir iyo iimaan alaha kasiiyo, aamin. Aamiin
  13. Abdullaahi Yusuf alla yaa raxmah was eleced in Nairobi and Sharif himself was elected in Djibouti. Now the next Somali President will be elected in Mogadishu it's that simple folks.
  14. 21 Years the countries hostage holders have changed garments like it was a national sport to hogwash their way through and their goal of not establishing a government. The only government they want is a government that 'hides' and legitimates their illegal past.
  15. Ahmed Diiriye a self-styled 'clan elder' of the clan from Galgadud and Southern Mudug lives in a house that he has forcefully taken during the civil war. Can such a man allow, a national government to take hold? No he cannot, I say it again he cannot. For the simple reason if law and order was to returned Ahmed Diiriye would have had to vacate his current home and maybe if let go of murdering charges by the families of the deceased during the civil war, he will not take on a light shoulder and take witness of leaving his current home and thus be labelled a criminal, which he is and he cannot go back to his native Galgadud, Cadaado Town. We are dealing with such kind of people.
  16. Their Agenda and Political Goal can be described at: No National Govenrment at any cost. Why is that? Because they cannot and want not to give justification for their actions in the past. They have pillaged, taken other's lands, properties, houses and residences. They have taken and forcefully occupied other people's cities, villages and lands far from where they came from. They're the disease of our resurrection.
  17. The Garment changers as I call them change their spots to fit their agenda. Among the most favourties gowns they like to wear is the Religious Garment, the Clan Garment and the Nationalistic Garment, but it's all hogwash.
  18. I agree 100% Abdiwali has the census of the UNPOS and the Secretary General's Ambassador Dr. Mahiga, the International Community and Puntland State which is 1/3 of Somalia plus many other regions even large segments of Sharif's own subclan base who want the transition to take place and the roadmap to succeed and the rule of law uphold by passing the Constitution. We have elements described who have an active stake in derailing it. We agree that Cabdiwali is the relevant man here!