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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. UNPOS CONFERENCE SEPT 5th and 6th, Mogadishu Somalia
  2. Somalia is being formed in front of our eyes. Abdirahman Mohamed Mohamud (Farole), President of Puntland State of Somalia
  3. It is supported by the International Community. UNPOS CONFERENCE SEPT 5th and 6th, Mogadishu Somalia Delegates listening
  4. The Roadmap envisions a permanent government for Somalia by 20 August 2012.
  5. The Roadmap for Somalia, which envisions a united and reshaped Federal Somalia is on course to be successfully implemented. The Roadmap which is based on four pillars: Security, Constitution, Reconciliation and Good Governance. All the agreed points and pillars are universal in their fulfillment. The International community is demanding an end to the decade long Transition before the actual set date of 20 August 2012, to end the countries Transition by implementing this four priority tasks mentioned. The constitution is on track to be adopted and will be rectified in the coming month of May inshallaah. The International Community see's the people and state of Puntland as worthy and trustable partner in Somalia and thus have put them in the driving sea and and charge of ending that Transition. The chaotic south and residents of central regions of Somalia from Gelinsoor, Guriceel, Cadaado, Hobyo, Harardheere who were seen as the principal scrap merchants, pillagers and looters of the country and anti-peace occupiers and spoiles of Mogadishu and segments of large parts south of their original homelands are now forced to establish their own regional federal state. We also hear loud cries from the leaders of Somaliland who kept a fairy-tale of being a separate country alive and thus fooling their own people with it and are close to see the reality and the fear of that happening.They try their best to conceal and stay in the closet. Somalia is close to peace again inshaallaah and the Roadmap being successfully implemented is very likely as spoilers from the south and north west of the country are trying their up-most best to derail the outcome as they feel disadvantaged but to no avail as yet.
  6. Sanaag/Maakhr community leaders, traditional elders and businessmen at lunch in a Garowe Hotel, Puntland State.
  7. Suldaan Siciid Leader and Traditional Elder of Sanaag/Maakhir community in Garowe, capital of Puntland.
  8. Great news, Suldaan Siciid Suldaan Cabdisalaan Suldaan Maxmuud Garaad Calishire Garaad Maxamuud Garaad Cali and Garaad Cabdullaahi Cali Ciid are the two principal Issimo of Maakhir/Sanaag community. This shows great commitment to the State and that they are part and parcel of it.
  9. Good piece xiin, we wish for khair inshaallaah to further the success's in consensus and building foundations.
  10. The Puntland Stakeholders Assembly to rectify the Constitutional Referendum
  11. They will be among the witnesses of the Passing of the State Constitution of Puntland and are on their way to Garowe, capital of Puntland State of Somalia, Leader of the modern and new Federal Republic of Somalia.
  12. The Puntland stakeholders Assembly to rectify the constitutional referendum has reached consensus on nearly all the points and the State constitution is set to be passed inshaallaah. Maashaallaah!