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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Moonlight you don't know how malefactor Somalis are, people trying to sugarcoat as harmless what is taking place really do not understand where we have been and where we came from. We want transparency not covert Shabaab talks, centralization and money mismanaged in grandeur. We are talking about a culture a mindset of people the looters inc who change shirts like a national sport. These are the same people who took bribes so that the Turkish Airline couldn't land in Mogadishu Aden Adde Airport. The same folk who ask for money at every turn and taxes for the Turkish Airline to operate in Mogadishu. Thiefs, war profiteers and criminals. The Turks will soon know and get acquainted with the Mogadishu/Galgaduud folks. This people will strip them of their last penny. It's the same people and warlordism mentality who asked for money so in order to take the rubbish and toxic refuse out of their neighborhoods and asked for money or else they will murder those people who come to aid them. The Turks will await the same fate in Mogadishu, if they don't get their act together.
  2. Moonlight I agree but to reverse the previous outcome to benefit Turkeys interests is not on at the expense of the rest of Somalia. Turkey needs to learn a lesson and quick. They visited Puntland and Somaliland and stressed that they will be impartial and will not favor any side in the conflict of Somalia so how is that comparable with Turkey's push for a centralist system for Somalia it's incompatible and false in pretense. Djibouti did that and failed so in partial was Egypt although they were only limited, this won't work and if you're a responsible nation-state than you should act like one. Who are we to trust Qatar and the rest? Turkey has been a catalyst in bringing aid to southern Somalia but the developmental project in the name of Somalia should have not been only considered in Mogadishu and furthermore Turkey should have not disrespected Somali admins and invite Tadtional elders and civil society groups without consulting those by side-stepping them. This shows us that the Turks are being hoodwinked by factors against Puntland State and thus why Puntland boycotts the UN meeting in Turkey Istanbul.
  3. Moonlight where have the 400 million USD gone? Please can you tell me? How much has been spend on other parts of Somalia and where's the rest? Turkey is coming in just like the chinese with no transparency and moral compass and thus it's focusing on the centralist clowns and the looters of yesterday who changed shirts. We need to ask what Turkey is there for and what development they brought and how it was put to all the Somali people. I thank the Turkish Republic for coming to the aid of the Drought in southern parts of Somalia but it seems that it's humanitarian aid has moved into developmental and now political front. Turkey on itself cannot change the course of the Federal nature of Somalia. It isn't that powerful neither.
  4. I really do feel for Turkey as it's faux pas is not on their part per se but ambitious southern politicians who made it a sport of hoodwinking people and nations through actions and words that do not represent the realities in the country. They're using Turkey for political objectives and feeding it wrong information deliberately about other parts of Somalia in order to make them look like if they were opposed to Turkey in their own words. Knowing the folks they will fail.
  5. Turkey has been hoodwinked by southern politicians that Mogadishu is Somalia and that they only matter, that alone in itself is enough for Turkey's shortcomings. Turkey hasn't been long in Somalia but they made it a top foreign policy agenda to establish itself in Somalia in the long-term but they forgot to equally share it's aspirations with all of Somalia and siding with a centralist group whose visions go against the Federal framework agreed won't appease the opponents of that centralist system.
  6. The Agenda for Somalia by Turkey envisioned 2015 contrasts with the current Roadmap and with Puntland and Galmudug not attending the meeting it will be sidestepped.
  7. Last but not leastly: 3.Compromise with Al Shabaab Last April, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that his government has not given up on pushing for talks between Al Shabaab and the TFG. The Minister said that he felt that a peaceful resolution could be reached and that Turkey could play a role in arbitrating that agreement. “Despite our advantage and special relation with Somalis of all stripes, Turkey would play a role in mediating conflicting parties in Somalia," said Minister Ahmet last April to Turkish radio station. Even after Al Shabaab officially joined the terror network of Al Qaeda, Turkey has pushed for a peaceful resolution. The proposal the Turkish government has been driving conflicts with the international community’s policy of no dialogue with terrorist organizations. Leaders have urged Al Shabaab to put down their weapons and turn themselves into government authorities, but neither the TFG nor regional governments have proposed talks with the terror group. Turkey denies any ulterior motives in Somalia and maintains that facilitating peace to the war ravaged country is its number one foreign policy. Minister Ahmet reiterated on Sunday at the Somali civil meeting in Istanbul, that Turkey’s policy in Somalia is to promote stability both economically and politically. But Puntland and Galmudug governments say that that policy contrasts with what the conference in Istanbul proposes.
  8. 2. Funding to Somalia? Over the past year Turkey’s government has been trying to play a greater role in Somalia. It established an embassy in Somalia and regular flights to the war-torn capital Mogadishu. Funding has increased significantly to Somalia with the Turkish government giving close to 400 million dollars in assistance to Somalia over the past year. The Turkish government also promised dozens of development projects for Somalia including hospitals, schools, scholarships, and infrastructure. However officials in Galmudug and Puntland say that tangible development projects from Turkey have not reached their constituents. Puntland officials say that Turkish funds are being deposited into the central government based in Mogadishu and regions across Somalia have seen little to nothing. Turkey has visited Puntland and Galmudug and has promised Puntland developmental projects targeting infrastructure and promised to reconstruct roads but according to officials, nothing has transpired.
  9. Charges against Turkey: A centralized Somalia Government officials who spoke to Garowe Online said that the actions of the Turkish government have given the impression that Turkey is in favor of a centralized Somalia. This has upset officials who thought Turkey was committed to the current roadmap in Somalia. Last month Turkey’s Foreign Ministry’s spokesman Selcuk Unal said that the Turkish government had a four step approach for Somalia that included assisting the UN backed Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia to reach a democratic agreement. Earlier this week, signatories of the previous agreements, with the international community watching closely wrapped up a meeting in Addis Ababa where issues regarding the Roadmap and the constitution were deliberated over. After amendments to the Somalia draft constitution were made and mandates were clarified, an agreement was signed. In Sunday’s press statement Puntland and Galmudug leaders said that the Istanbul meeting defied all previous agreements signed by leaders from the TFG, Puntland, Galmudug and Ahlu Sunnah. According to the officials the upcoming meeting tried to limit authority of regional governments and was anti federalism.
  10. Puntland and Galmudug say Turkey conference is 'politically motivated' 27 May 27, 2012 - 10:54:35 AM ISTANBUL, Turkey May 27 2012 (Garowe Online) – Puntland and Galmudug have withdrew from the upcoming Istanbul conference at the end of the month sighting that it is not a Somali-owned process, Garowe Online reports. Both Puntland President Abdirahman Mohamed Farole and Galmudug President Mohamed Ahmed Alim signed a joint press statement on Sunday cancelling their participation to the Istanbul conference on May 31 saying that the conference is "politically motivated". In the joint press statement both governments said that after much consideration they realize that that the “Turkish role in Somalia objects to consulting the Somali people”. According to the statement the Turkish role is also misbalanced and not transparent enough. The statement also says that the Turkish government sidestepped regional governments and institutions and invited civil society groups from Somalia to a conference in the Turkish capital. According to the statement the purpose of the conference was “ambiguous”, and leaders from the TFG and regional states did not know the intentions of the conference, that will be attended by UN Secretary General Ban ki Moon and officials from the African Union. A centralized Somalia Government officials who spoke to Garowe Online said that the actions of the Turkish government have given the impression that Turkey is in favor of a centralized Somalia. This has upset officials who thought Turkey was committed to the current roadmap in Somalia. Last month Turkey’s Foreign Ministry’s spokesman Selcuk Unal said that the Turkish government had a four step approach for Somalia that included assisting the UN backed Transitional Federal Government (TFG) of Somalia to reach a democratic agreement. Earlier this week, signatories of the previous agreements, with the international community watching closely wrapped up a meeting in Addis Ababa where issues regarding the Roadmap and the constitution were deliberated over. After amendments to the Somalia draft constitution were made and mandates were clarified, an agreement was signed. In Sunday’s press statement Puntland and Galmudug leaders said that the Istanbul meeting defied all previous agreements signed by leaders from the TFG, Puntland, Galmudug and Ahlu Sunnah. According to the officials the upcoming meeting tried to limit authority of regional governments and was anti federalism. Funding to Somalia? Over the past year Turkey’s government has been trying to play a greater role in Somalia. It established an embassy in Somalia and regular flights to the war-torn capital Mogadishu. Funding has increased significantly to Somalia with the Turkish government giving close to 400 million dollars in assistance to Somalia over the past year. The Turkish government also promised dozens of development projects for Somalia including hospitals, schools, scholarships, and infrastructure. However officials in Galmudug and Puntland say that tangible development projects from Turkey have not reached their constituents. Puntland officials say that Turkish funds are being deposited into the central government based in Mogadishu and regions across Somalia have seen little to nothing. Turkey has visited Puntland and Galmudug and has promised Puntland developmental projects targeting infrastructure and promised to reconstruct roads but according to officials, nothing has transpired. Compromise with Al Shabaab Last April, Turkey’s Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said that his government has not given up on pushing for talks between Al Shabaab and the TFG. The Minister said that he felt that a peaceful resolution could be reached and that Turkey could play a role in arbitrating that agreement. “Despite our advantage and special relation with Somalis of all stripes, Turkey would play a role in mediating conflicting parties in Somalia," said Minister Ahmet last April to Turkish radio station. Even after Al Shabaab officially joined the terror network of Al Qaeda, Turkey has pushed for a peaceful resolution. The proposal the Turkish government has been driving conflicts with the international community’s policy of no dialogue with terrorist organizations. Leaders have urged Al Shabaab to put down their weapons and turn themselves into government authorities, but neither the TFG nor regional governments have proposed talks with the terror group. Turkey denies any ulterior motives in Somalia and maintains that facilitating peace to the war ravaged country is its number one foreign policy. Minister Ahmet reiterated on Sunday at the Somali civil meeting in Istanbul, that Turkey’s policy in Somalia is to promote stability both economically and politically. But Puntland and Galmudug governments say that that policy contrasts with what the conference in Istanbul proposes. GAROWE ONLINE
  11. Puntland iyo Galmudug oo qaadacay shirka Istanbul Maamulada Puntland iyo Galmudug ayaa qaadacay shirka Soomalida ee ay dowladda Turkigu marti gelisey ee dhici doona bisha soo socota ee June. Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Maxamuud Faroole iyo madaxweynaha Gal-mudug Maxamed Axmed Caalim ayaa kulan ay yeesheen kadib go’aankaas si wada jir ah u qaatay. Labadan mas’uul oo maanta laanta afka Soomaaliga ee Idaacadda BBC-da la hadlay ayaa sheegay inaysan shirkaas ka qayb geli doonin. Waxayna sababta ay talaabadaas u qaadeen ku sheegeen inay tahay maadaama uu shirkaasi yahay mid xanbaarsan ujeedooyin gaar ah. Waxa kale oo ay sheegeen in shirkaas aysan ka haysan macluumaad badan islamarkaana ay ka qayb gelayaan shakhsiyaad ay dad gaar ahi soo xuleen. Lama oga saameynta uu go’aanka ay sida wadajirka ah u qaateen Galmudug iyo Puntland ku yeelan doono shirka Istanbul. Waxaana horay shirka Istanbul u qaadacay maamulka Somaliland inkasta oo maanta wasiirka warfaafinta ee Somaliland uu sheegay in 4-xubnood ay uga qayb gelayaan. Horseed Media
  12. Breaking News:- Puntland iyo Galmudug oo qaadacdey shirka ka dhacaya Turkiga Posted by Pi on May 27th, 2012 WAR DEG DEG AH:- Puntland ayaa maanta soo saartay war-saxaafadeed ay ku caddaysay inaysan raalli ka ahayn sida loo maamulay iyo qaabka loo soo xulay shirarka ka socda Istanbul oo ay ka mid yihiin kuwa “bulshada rayadka ah” iyo kan odayaasha dhaqanka, aysanna ka qeyb-galayn. Madaxweynaha Galmudug, Caalim, ayaa isaguna mawqifkaas la qaatay Puntland. War-saxaafadeedka wuxuu ku soo bixi doonaa war-sidayaasha Soomaaliyeed iyo idaacadaha sida BBC-da Warka oo faahfaahsan goor dhow naga filo Halkaan hoose ka akhriso war saxaafadeedka ay wada jirka susoo sareen Puntland iyo Galmudug.
  13. Puntland iyo Galmudug oo Qaaddacay Shirka Istanbul VOA Somali Service | Garoowe War-saxaafadeed ay ku saxeexan yihiin labada Madaxaweyne ee labada Maamul-goboleed ayaa lagu sheegay inay qaaddaceen shirka Istanbul. Labada madaxweyne ayaa war-saxaafadeedkan kasoo saaray iyaga oo jooga magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia. Warar dheeri oo arrintan ku saabsan, kala soco Idaacadda VOA
  14. Puntland State of Somalia Galmudug State of Somalia Joint Press Statement 27 May 2012 Puntland and Galmudug Withdraw Participation at Istanbul Conference II on Somalia The governments of Puntland and Galmudug have withdrawn from a planned trip to the Republic of Turkey, Where the Istanbul Conference Il on Somalia is supposed to take place 31 May 2012 -1 June 2012. ®Puntland President Dr.Farole with Galmudug President Mr.Alin This decision came as a matter of principle, after Puntland and Galmudug recognized that the Turkish role in Somalia is a) misbalanced; b) objects to consulting the Somali people; c) politically motivated, in cohort with the foreign policy of some countries; and d) not transparent enough to for the people to make a sound judgment. Puntland and Galmudug 1. Having valued adherence to the Roadmap agreement, the Garowe Principles I & ll, the Galkayo Principles, and most recently, the Addis Ababa Communiqué of 23 May 2012, on the way forward in the Roadmap and the constitutional process; 2. Having valued the limited amount of time until the end of the transitional period on 20 August 2012; 3. Having considered the confusion over the purpose of transporting Somali traditional elders to Turkey for a meeting and the subsequent mismanagement of the elders’ trip; 4. Having seen Turkey’s unilateral decision to organize a Somali civil society meeting without consulting the Somali people, Somali stakeholders and their institutions; 5. Having considered the worrying fact that Somali leaders and representatives from TFG, Puntland, Galmudug, and Ahlu Sunna have all stated that they have no reliable information about the purpose and agenda ofthe Istanbul meetings; 6. Having seen the situation of mismanagement and interference during the process of selecting Somali traditional elders; and 7. Having considered the absence of Puntland and Galmudug role at the Istanbul Conference ll on Somalia; Puntland and Galmudug withdraw participation at the Istanbul Conference Il on Somalia, as the conference is not a Somali-owned process, the purpose and agenda of the conference is ambiguous, and the Conference aims to defy all agreements and precedents in search of a fresh start folythe peace process in Somalia, which is unacceptable. Read below the official joint statement of Puntland and Galmudug signed by both presidents.
  15. The sanctions are heavy for the spoilers this time the donors are ruthless with their threats. Defeated military and with everything in the hands of the donor giving countries and no other alternatives the naysayers are pulled along without any contest. This one is in the bag. All eyes are on Somalia and everyone is seen.
  16. The Transitional Federal Charter has been agreed upon by Somalis in 2004 and is the legal frame work for the current TFG administration. What is needed is to review and adopt that redrafted constitution through an Constitutional Assembly progress by the nation's/peoeple's representative the Elder's of this nation/clans of Somalia. There's no alternative to that truth. Somalia is moving forward. The discussions should evolve around/be what passages do we want changed, modified or added to. But it seems that Federalism is at attack which the people of Somalia signed in 2004 after a long process of reconciliation including the folks in Mogadishu in alternative Mogadishu got/kept it's status of capital of Somalia.
  17. MUQDISHO: AMISOM oo u digtay qolyaha ka soo horjeeda Raodmap-ka April 26, 2012 9:05 pm GMT - Written by PP - Edited by PP Print Muqdisho: (pp)- Ergayga gaarka ah ee Midowga Afrika u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Wafula Wamunyinyi oo maanta Warsaxaafadeed ka soo saaray magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ugu digay kooxaha ka soo horjeeda barnaamijka geedi socodka nabad ee Soomaaliya ee loo yaqaan Raodpapka. Wamunyinyi, ayaa intaas ku daray in soomaaliya ay hadda taagan tahay meeshii ugu wanaagsanayd , iyadoo aan loo dulqaadan doonin dadka qaswadeyaasha ah ee doonaya inay xagal daaciyaan barnaamijka looga baxayo kumeel-gaarka oo ku eg bisha Agoosto ee na soo haysa. Ergeyga , ayaa shaaca ka qaatay in AMISOM aysan marbana u dul-qaadan doonin dadka doonaya inay carqaladeeyaan Roadmapka ,isagoo sheegay in Oday dhaqameedka soomaaliyeed ay soo xulayaan baarlammaanka cusub, kuwaas oo dhaqangelin doona sharciga cusub ee ay ku shaqayn doonto dowlada cusub ee soomaaliya u dhalanaysa. Warar sugan oo soo gaaraya Puntlandpost ayaa sheegaya in Caalamku uu markaan diyaar u yahay inay gacan qabtaan Soomaaliya ,iyagoo xoojinaya barnaamij-ka Roadmapka oo ku dhisan siddii looga bixi lahaa Kumeel-gaarka , looguna gudbi lahaa dowlad Federaal ah oo ay soomaalidu ku midowdo mustaqbalka. Sikastaba, hadalka Ergayga gaarka ah ee Midowga Afrika u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Wafula Wamunyinyi, ayaa ku soo beegmaya waqti raiisal wasaaraha DFKMG Soomaaliya iyo Madaxweynaha DFKMG Soomaaliya ay maalmahan si isku mid ah uga hadleen dadka ka soo horjeeda Barnaamijka Roadmapka. Waxayna ugu baaqeen qolooyinka ka soo horjeeda Roadmap-ka inay ka shaqeeyaan danaha shacabka soomaaliyeed , si xog ogaal ahna u qiimeeyaan Roadmap-ka, iyagoo dhanka kale sheegay inaan loo dulqaadan doonin qas iyo wixii la mid ah. Daabacaadda:
  18. The review and adoption of the Federal Constitution is key for the countries progress in ending the Transition. However we have spoilers conveniently in their thoughts popping up to derail that happening. They cite different reasons for it. All pretense to stop the country emerging out of the Transition in what they see as a hostile system. Unfortunately they wanted to rule the country under their terms, which has been time and again been proven that they're not capable as sheer muscle cannot take you anywhere and in their last ditch are trying to stop the nation from having a permanent government. The Int. Community is aware of that. Somalia's last 21 years proved that the project put to let the native of the capital rule failed miserably. Action is required now and that urgently if the Transition is stopped in it's track and an alternative to the Road-map must be devised mostly likely in the event of it's collapse by the nations pillagers and anti-governance groups.
  19. April 27, 2012 PRESS RELEASE (For immediate release) AMISOM warns spoilers against disrupting the peace process Mogadishu‐April 26th, 2012: The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has said that it will not allow spoilers to sabotage the peace process as the country approaches the end of the transitional period. Speaking during a press briefing in Mogadishu today, the Deputy Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (DSRCC) for Somalia, Honorable Wafula Wamunyinyi observed that as the country draws closer to the end of the transitional period there will be heightened political activities and called on stakeholders to refrain from acts and statements that may disturb the peace currently enjoyed in most parts of the country. He said; “It is important to note that this is the longest period of peace that Somalia has enjoyed since the fall of a central government in 1991. There have been sacrifices to get to where we are and AMISOM will not allow anybody to disrupt the peace process.” The Deputy AU Special Representative noted the firm commitment demonstrated by the Transitional Federal Institutions to delivering a provisional constitution to the people of Somalia. “As we speak, the elders’ meeting is convening right here in Mogadishu to select members of the Constituent Assembly which is expected to review and adopt the draft provisional constitution. I look forward to a successful session by the assembly which should adopt the constitution by mid May.” He said. Honorable Wafula Wamunyinyi who took opportunity of the press briefing to introduce the in‐coming Force Commander Lieutenant General Andrew Gutti as part of implementation of United Nations Resolution 2036, extended his appreciation to out‐going Force Commander Major General Fred Mugisha for helping the TFG to liberate key areas including Daynile and Maslah from Al‐Shabaab terrorists. He said AMISOM has secured the whole of Mogadishu and is now helping the TFG to consolidate the defense of the city and advancing beyond. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ For more information, please Contact; Mr. Eloi Yao, Senior Public Information Officer and Spokesperson, E‐mail: