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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. GD Visa's for Turkey are on high demand from Mogadishu. People who want to travel on to Europe via Turkey paid more than 7000 USD to get there. The funny thing is that folks like Abtigiis are now distinguishing the State with their supposed knowledge of it's physical structure lool. You know this is a scam just the ICU coalition of Islamists, Secularists, Nationalists and Anarchists. At that time they wanted to derail the Interim TFG. Remember when the Italian ambassador was visiting Dhuusamareeb Ina Daahir Aweys and the Arab guy? We all remember the so much praised 6 month. GD you know that this coalition won't hold Abtigiis Hiil-Qaran and known failed men of Somalia are meeting in Turkey to derail the process in Somalia.
  2. Xukuumada RW Gaas oo walaac ka muujisay Istanbul 28 May 28, 2012 Warsaxafadeedkaan ku taariikheysan May 29, 2012 ayaa kasoo baxey xafiiska Wasiirka Dastuurka, Federaalka iyo dib u heshiisiinta H.E. Abdurahman Hosh Jibril kaasoo lagu sheegey in xukuumada uu hogaamiyo Ra'isal wasaare Gaas tuhun weyn ka qabto qaabkii loo soo xuley ururada rayidka ah ee ka qayb galey shirka Istanbul. "Sida ay horey welwel ugu muujiyeen qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshada, saxiixayashii Roadmapka waxa mugdi weyn ku jiraa qaabka loo xuley dadka ka qayb galey kulanka hordhaca ah ee Istanbul taas oo khatar galineysa geedi u socodka sidii lagu soo afjari lahaa xiliga KMG ah." ayaa lagu sheegey warsaxafadeedkaan nuqul kamid ah qoraalkiisa soo gaarey xafiiska warsidaha Garowe Online. Dhinaca kale warsaxafadeedkaan ayaa lagu xusey in qaybaha kala duwan ee loogu yeerey bulshada rayidka ah oo ka qayb galey kulankaan ay ku jiraan dad siyaasad ahaan loo soo xuley kuwaasoo ay kamid yihiin xubno ka tirsan Barlamanka KMG ah oo waqtigiisu gabaabsiga yahay iyo siyaasiyiin hore. Wasiirka Dastuurka, Federaalka iyo dib-u heshiisiinta ayaa yiri " Waxaan aad uga xunahay qaabka xulashada kooxaha aan matalin bulshada Somalida kuwaasoo ka qayb galaya hordhaca shirka Istanbuul kuwaasoo afduubaya horumarka siyasadeed ee la gaarey gaar ahaan sagaalkii bilood ee lasoo dhaafey sida guushii lagu talaabsadey shirkii Addis-Ababa." Wasiir Xoosh ayaa ka dalbadey dowlada Turkiga in si deg-deg ah u saxdo dareenka ay qabto ummada Somaliyeed si guul looga gaaro kulankaas. Ugu dambeyntii Wasiirka Dastuurka dowlada Federalka ayaa ka codsadey in beesha caalamku tageerto sidii loo fulin lahaa go'aamadii Addis-ababa ee ugu dambeeyey iyo shirarkii ka horeeyey sida Garowe1,2, Galkacayo kuwaasoo lagu dhameynayo xiliga KMG ah. Warsaxafedka Xukumada Ra'isal wasaare Gaas ayaa yimi maalmo kadib xili dowlada Puntland, Galmudug iyo Ahlu-sunah diideen ka qayb galka shirka Turkiga. GAROWEONLINE
  3. That's what I mean: The Minister of Constitution, Federalism and Reconciliation H.E. Abdurahman Hosh Jibril said “We register our displeasure that an unrepresentative self-selected group within the pre-conference attendees have hijacked and thus politicized an integral part of the process, a fact which could potentially undermine the integrity and the spirit of all of the agreements and principles agreed to by all stakeholders in the last 9 months, including the recent Addis Ababa Communiqué.” The Minister welcomed an urgent and timely resolve to the concerns of the Somali people by working closely with the Turkish government in ensuring the success of this Pre-Conference and the Istanbul Conference II.
  4. Somalia's Minister for Constitutional Affairs and Reconciliation H.E. Abdurahman Hosh Jibril: The Ministry of Constitution, Federalism and Reconciliation wishes to express its grave concern on the selection of the civil society groups for the Somali Istanbul Pre-Conference. As already highlighted by many parts of the Somali Society, including key signatories of the Road Map, the selection process lacks transparency, and may inadvertently impact the progress made thus far on the End of Transition processes. A quick glance at the invitee list shows that the civil society members are not inclusive and exclude mainstream civil society groups. Furthermore, politically motivated members of the parliament and politicians were amongst the so called civil society groups that went to Istanbul.
  5. جـمـهـوريـة الصــومــال الحكومة االنت قالية ال فيـدرالية مكتب الوزراء Jamhuuriyadda Soomaaliya Wasaaradda Dastuurka iyo Dib-u-heshisiinta ee XKMG Soomaaliya Xafiiska Wasiirka The Minstry of Constitutional Affairs and Reconciliation Office of the Minister M/CR/PR/200/2012 28 May 2012 PRESS STATEMENT ON THE ISTANBUL PRE-CONFERENCE The Ministry of Constitution, Federalism and Reconciliation wishes to express its grave concern on the selection of the civil society groups for the Somali Istanbul Pre-Conference. As already highlighted by many parts of the Somali Society, including key signatories of the Road Map, the selection process lacks transparency, and may inadvertently impact the progress made thus far on the End of Transition processes. A quick glance at the invitee list shows that the civil society members are not inclusive and exclude mainstream civil society groups. Furthermore, politically motivated members of the parliament and politicians were amongst the so called civil society groups that went to Istanbul. The Minister of Constitution, Federalism and Reconciliation H.E. Abdurahman Hosh Jibril said “We register our displeasure that an unrepresentative self-selected group within the pre-conference attendees have hijacked and thus politicized an integral part of the process, a fact which could potentially undermine the integrity and the spirit of all of the agreements and principles agreed to by all stakeholders in the last 9 months, including the recent Addis Ababa Communiqué.” The Minister welcomed an urgent and timely resolve to the concerns of the Somali people by working closely with the Turkish government in ensuring the success of this Pre-Conference and the Istanbul Conference II. The Ministry acknowledges the full commitment of the government and the people of Somalia to the fruitful results of the recent Addis Ababa Meeting and reminds all of our international partners of the importance of unity of purpose on ending the transition. We call for the continued and unreserved support for the Roadmap process, Mogadishu Consultative Conference, Mogadishu Civil Society Meeting, the Garowe 1 and 2 Agreements, the Galkayo Agreement, the on-going Traditional Leaders’ conference and the Addis Ababa Communiqué. The Transitional Federal Government relies on the brotherly and friendly countries of Somalia, inter alia the Turkish Government, to support the implementation of the sustainable state-building process for peace. The Minister further added that “we are looking forward for an urgent review of our concerns in order to put the process on its right track. I must remind all that at this critical juncture, the Somali government and its international partners ought to show a unity of purpose so that we can end the transition as expeditiously as outlined under the Roadmap agreements.” The Transitional Federal Government of Somalia expresses gratitude for the developmental and humanitarian role played by Turkey and for its continued support for the people of Somalia. Equally, the Transitional Federal Government is deeply appreciative of the good intentions of the Turkish government in convening and facilitating the Istanbul Conference to rally the support of the international community for Somalia’s future.
  6. The Turks pulled an Arta out of their sleeves. Turkey is simply resurrecting the discarded ICU coalition of 2006. A coalition made up of Anarchists, Idealists in Nationalist costumes, Centralist's, Islamist's who have up till now been supporting Al-Shabaab, moderate Islamist's who make up the Aala Sheikh Group, Secularists and Pan Somali expansionists. Remember the much so praised 6 months of unseen peace in Mogadishu and the south ushered by this coalition? I wouldn't have a problem if the spectrum of these alliance wasn't as big as the distance between Mars and Earth. I know it is going to fail as this sham coalition is designed to hinder peace in Somalia and the current progress made. Turkey's arriving in Somalia represents the single most danger to final peace as the defeated groups have been given life again and hope by Turkey meddling in the affairs of Somalia. Secularists and other's were the champions of the ICU in 2006 as it directly rivaled the then Interim Government TFG headed by Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. Again Turkey tries the same to build a parallel government to the one being established in August and to directly affect who is being elected into Parliament or President. The traditional elders whose job is to select members of Parliament have been hijacked by Turkey in a non transparent approach. This is a great danger indeed. Maybe Turkey will even host a free Parliament of Somalia as just Eritrea did in the years of 2006-2009. We will see what they will be up to. And who guarantees that their shady strategy for Somalia will work. Turkey has a strong secular culture, who can say that Erdogan's changes will affect the country so much knowing there is a tiny population of elite on top in Turkey who want this project put to an end. Is Turkey really a reliable partner? It isn't, it's not even a responsible one. They hijacked Somalia's path to peace by acting imbalanced in their dealings with the different actors and stakeholders in Somalia. Somalis will never learn.
  7. Chair: Abdirahman Odowaa What is the situation on the ground with regards of education? Should education be used for peace? How? What can the Somali diaspora do in order to help? What education programs have worked in other contexts? Peace education programs are non-existent while UNESCO's Education for All is not implemented well? Why? What can be done? Professor Ali I Abdi (University of Alberta), Professor Abdullahi Barise, Mohamed Omar Ahmed (Puntland State University), Abdikarim Hussein Guled (FPENS), Dahir Arab, Batulo Essak Mohamed 16:30 -18:00 Panel 4: Social and Economic Development Chair: Barlin Ali How can the funds for paying peace be raised? Can Somalis (through diaspora and their natural resources) contribute? How can the currency and debt issues be dealt with? What are the main sectors that has to be prioritized? How can the state institutions be developed? How much can diaspora Somalis contribute in empowering Somali institutions at all levels? What are major achievements of the private sector? What are the short-comings of the private sector? What's the role of the business community in rebuilding the country? Is the business community paying its dues to society in the form taxes? Professor Hussein Warsame (University of Calgary), Dr. Abdirashid Ismail (Finland), Dr. Ali Isa Abdi, Hassan Warsame, Halima Ismail DAY FOUR Wednesday, May 30, 2012 Keynote: Sadia AIi Aden "Foreign interventions in Somalia" 09:15 -11:00 Panel 1: Diaspora Role in Building Peace Chair: Fadumo Awow Are the diaspora communities out of touch with the realities on the ground? What role can the diaspora play in ending the transition? How can the emerging misunderstandings between the diaspora and local Somalis be addressed? What are the implications of the diaspora domination in all sectors including the politics? Dr. Ali Faqi (Researcher), Abdulkadir Okash (Diaspora Leader: Scandinavian Countries), Hassan Khalif (Activist) Mohamud Gure, Fadumo Awow (Diaspora Leader), Sadia Adan, I Abdifatah Warsame
  8. Chair: Abdulkadir Adan Adde How can the politicization of the selection of the parliamentarians be addressed? Is there an alternative to the 4.5 formula? Who should select the new parliamentarians? Should each MP be selected by a clan constituent assembly of 5-7 members of the clan? Should the genuine traditional elders appoint the MPs? What are the implications of the two approaches? Would selected MPs be more legitimate than the current parliamentarians? Professor Mohamed Haji Mukhtar (Savanah State University), Professor Cawo Abdi (University of Minnesota), Osman Jama, Dr. Afyare Elmi (Qatar University), Hassan Mohamud (Lawyer), Hassan Abukar 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Break 14:30 -16:00 Chair: Ladan Affi Panel 3: Ending the Transition 11: Constitution Is there a need for a new constitution at this time? What are the implications if a new constitution is adopted this time? What are main concerns of the Somalis regarding the proposed draft constitution? How can it be adopted? Should the question of the constitution be differed to the future parliament? What can we learn from the previous experiences of constitution-making. Asha-Kin Duale (lvIember of the Committee of the k;xperts of the Constitution), Professor Ali A. Abdi (University of Alberta), Abdulwahid Sheikh Osman (University of Minnesota), Dr. Ali S. Faqi, Dr. Sadia Ali Adan 16:00 -16:30 Coffee Break 16:30 - 18:00 Panel 4: Women Leadership: The cultural, religious and policy implications of the quotas system Chair: Zainab Hassan Is the 30% quota system for women membership of the parliament fair? Should this 30% be consistent with the 4.5 clan formula? What are the implications of triple layers of enfranchising collectivities (gender, clans and territories) for the individual citizen? Is the 30% quota practical? What are the major cultural, religious and tribal obstacles to women's participation in leadership Professor Cawo Abdi (University of Minnesota), Fadumo Ali Aliyow, Khadijo Mohamed Abukar, Najma Jama, Maryan Qasin
  9. Turkey? How to deal with Al-Shabaab? Speakers Dr. Ali Bashi, Sheikh Salah Sheikh Ibrahim, Sheikh Abdirahman Mohamed, Sheikh Abdulkadir Somow, Traditional Elder
  10. Wallaahi this is Classic Amin Amir (Cartoonist), Ahmed Naji Sa 'ad (Singer), Abdi Shire (Poet and Composer from Qeylo-Dhaan Band), and Amina Muse Weheliye (Well-known journalist), Zakia Hussein 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break
  11. Amin Amir (Cartoonist), Ahmed Naji Sa 'ad (Singer), Abdi Shire (Poet and Composer from Qeylo-Dhaan Band), and Amina Muse Weheliye (Well-known journalist), Zakia Hussein 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break 16:30-1800 Panel 4: The Role and Responsibilities of Traditional Elders Chair: Professor Abdullahi Osman What is the role and responsibilities of the traditional elders in Somali politics? Should their role be institutionalized? What can they do in selecting the MPs? How can they contributing to the peacebuilding process? Professor Abdullahi Osman, Abdulkadir Aden Abdulle, HE Abdirizak Hussein, General Ahmed Jama, Mohamed Sharif. The elders will have the opportunity to participate in the session. DAY TWO Monday 28, 2012 09:15:- 11:00 Panel 1: Islam, Somali Culture and Reconciliation Chair: Professor Mohamed Muse Keynote: Sheikh Bashir Salad (Chair of the Council of the Religious Scholars) What role will Islam play in Somali politics? Should force be used in order to achieve power? How do Islamists want to deal with other Somali forces? What is the position of the Islam if Somali people are allowed to elect their own leaders? Can Somali Islamist groups learn from ,I Turkey? How to deal with Al-Shabaab? Speakers Dr. Ali Bashi, Sheikh Salah Sheikh Ibrahim, Sheikh Abdirahman Mohamed, Sheikh Abdulkadir Somow, Traditional Elder 3 11:00 -11:30 Coffee Break Keynote: Professor Mohamed Haji Mukhtar and Professor Cawo Abdi 11:30 - 13:00 Panel 2: Ending the Transition: Selection of MPs
  12. Saturday, May 26, 2012 Arrival of Delegates and Registration DAY ONE Sunday, May 27, 2012 09:15 -11:00 Panel 1: Welcome from the Hosts Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey HE Ahmet Dovutoglu will welcome the guests and encourage Somalis to identify and discuss their own issues freely and respectfully. Remarks from the Guests Speakers: Abdi Bile Abdi, General Ahmed Jama, Abdulkadir Adan, Ambassador Mohamed Sharif, Zakia Hussen, Professor Mohamed Mukhtar, and Five Traditional Elders Will Make Short Remarks. 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee Break 11:30 -13:00 Panel 2: Addressing the Humanitarian Crises Keynote: Amino Haji Elmi Chair: Adan Adar What are the realities on the ground now? Has the famine ended? Turkey's approach in handling the famine crises was praised. What are the lessons from this approach? How can the issues of the IDPs be approached? What are the long term responses to the re-occurring famine crises? Adan Adar (American Refugee Council), Dr. Mohamed Sheikh Ahmed Dodishe, Abdullahi Abukar (Manhal Charity), Sahra Ali Hassan and Dr. Adam Haji Ibrahim (Medical Doctor and the Former Minister of Health) 13:00 - 14:30 Lunch Break 14:30 - 16:00 Panel 3: Media, Literature and Peace Chair: Abdullahi Haji What is the record of the artists, poets and media professionals so far? Have they contributed to the conflict? What role can the poets, singers and artists play in building peace in Somalia?
  13. THE Agenda of the TURKEY conference has been released together with the Participants. THE STANBUL GATETHING OF THE SOMALI CIVIL SOCIETY FINAL AGENDA Sunday, May 27, 2012 - Saturday, June 2, 2012 Attendance is limited to the invited guests only The Istanbul Gathering of the Somali Civil Society Conference brings together about 300 diverse members from all walks of life, from different regions of the country and with all political persuasions. Among this is the 135 elders that are expected to select the future parliamentarians of Somalia. The conference also brings together 165 members from academia, professionals, business leaders, youth, women's groups and religious scholars. Moreover, members of Somali diaspora from different parts of the world (Australia, Europe, North America, Asia and Africa) will participate in the Istanbul Conference. 1 Objectives of the Istan bul Conference The objective of the conference is to simply give the sectors of the Somali people - Traditional Leaders, Islamic Scholars, Academics, Civil Society Groups and Diaspora representatives - a neutral political space to think clearly and collectively about the future and best interests of their country in advance of the International Conference on Somalia in Istanbul on May 31 st - June 2nd, 2012. The conference is expected to address multiple and complex issues. Among the issues on the agenda are: establishing security, strengthening political institutions, social and economic development, transitional justice, and the role that various groups such as elders, religious groups, women, youth, artists and elders can play in building durable peace and functioning state in Somalia. Keeping the short time and the complexity of the Somali issues in mind, the conference is expected to address most of the important issues. Please note that each panel/round table will address a set of questions. Expected Results 1. To provide Somalis a forum where they can freely discuss among themselves on issues that are important to them. 2. To explore the challenges Somalis face and the responses that are appropriate in dealing with these challenges. 3. Somalis identify their own solutions, priorities and the type of help they need in order to take their position in the community of states. 4. Enhance the understanding of Turkey on issues of security, politics, humanitarian and development of Somalia.
  14. Madex-dhaqameedka Puntland oo taageray qaadacaadii Shirka Turka ee Madexweyne Faroole. Posted by Puntlandi on May 28th, 2012 Garowe( Madex-dhaqameedka Puntland ayaa taageray qaadacaadii Shirka Turka ee Madexwda dawlada Puntland xilli inbadan oo ka mid ah ay shalay ka baaqdeen socdaal ay ugu duuli lahaayeen Wadanka Turkiga. Garaad Maxamed Cilmi shirwac oo ka mid ah Isimada Puntland oo warbaahinta gudaha maanta la hadlay ayaa sheegay in Isimada Puntland ay ka laabteen go’aankii ay uga qyabgali lahaayeen Shirka Turkiga islamarkaan ay dawlada Puntland la qaateen go’aanka ay ku dhawaaqday. Garaadku wuxuu tilmaamay In aysan ka qaybgalayn shirkaasi, madmadaw ka jira ajandayaasha iyo waxyaabaha looga hadlayo awgiis, wuxuuna xaqiijiyay in aysan u suurtagalin isku dayo farabadan iyo dadaal ay ku bixiyeen in ay ku ogaadaan ajandayaasha shirka iyo xaqiijinta dadka lagu marti qaaday in ay yihiin kuwii rasmiga ahaa ee umada Soomaaliyeed matalayay. Garaad Maxamed Cilmi shirwac oo si qoto dheer uga hadlay shirkan Turkiga iyo mawqifka Isimada Puntland ayaa sheegay in Isimada Turkiga Tagay ee reer Puntland aysan xog buuxda ka hayn shirka loogu yeeray islamarkaan si kale oo aan xaqiiqda ahayn wax looga dhaadhiciyay. Garaadku wuxuu xaqiijiyay In ay jirtay qondo ahayd in qaar ka mid ah isimada Puntland la doonayay in ay malinimadii shalay Turkiga u duulaan si ay uga qaybgalaan shirkaasi lakin ay baaqdeen markii ay isla qaateen in shirkaasi in suusan ahayn mid umada Soomaaliyeed u qalma wanaageeda looga hadlayo. Garaadka oo qaadacaada shirkan iyo taageerida mawqifka dawlada Puntland ka hadlay waxaa uu yiri “Muqdisho wixii aan tagnay kuma aanan arag, naloomana soo gudbin sidii aanu rajaynaynay, ka isimo ahaana waanu ka midaysanahay shirkaasi, haatan Isimada shirka tagayna si kalaa wax loogu sheegay, laakin xogta dhabta ah ee aan idinsiinayo waxaa weeye waxa Puntland ay ka biya diiday waanu ka biya diidnahay”. Garaad Maxamed Cilmi shirwac wuxuu sheegay in uu ka mid ahaa Madexdhaqameedka lagu martiqaaday shirka Istanbuul wuxuuna carabaabay in aanMadex-dhaqameedkan loo soo bandhigin waxa uu shirku ku saabsan yahay wuxuuna yiri “iyadoo dareenkaasi uu nagu jirtay ayaa go’aanka Puntland soo baxay anaguna waanu taageernay maadaama Wax noo cuntama uu noqon waayay, waana ku raacsanahay taasi Madexda dawlada Puntland”. Arrintanina waxay imaanaysaa xilli shacabka Puntland oo midawsan ay si wada jir ah maanta u taageereen mawqifka dawlada Puntland ay ka istaagtay shirka Istanbul ee Turkiga, waxaana suurtagal ah in xilliyada inagu soo aadan ay banaanbaxyo arrintan la xiriira ka dhacaan magaalooyinka Puntland.
  15. Madaxweyne Faroole oo sharaxaya sababta ay Puntland,Galmudug iyo Suna wal jameeca u qaadaceen Shirka Istanbul Posted by Pi on May 28th, 2012 Axadii shalay ahayd ayaa Dowlada Puntland iyo Galmudug waxay si wada jir ah u qaadaceen shirka Istanbul ka dhici doona 31 bishaan iyagoo sabab uga dhigey faragalin iyo marin habaabin ay Dowlada Turkigu ku wado Roadmapk-ka, dhinaca kale xalay ayaa Suna Waljameeca ku dhawaaqeen inay iyana qaadaceen shirka, Madaxweyne Faroole wuxuu sheegey inaysan xitaa TFG aysan la socon ajandaha shirka balse ay jiraan dad kale oo magaca Rayidka huwan ay feer ordayaan shirka, waxaa dadkaas ka mid ah sida ay Madaxweyne Faroole iyo Caalim sheegeen dad xagjir ah. Warbaahinta ayaa mar dhow waxaa soo gaaray warbixin ku saabsan qorshaha Turkigu wataan, cida ka dambeysa iyo meelaha lagasoo abaabuley iyo waliba meelka dhac weyn oo lagu sameeyey Odoyaal dhaqameedyada, maanta ayaan soo bandhigeynaa Warbixintaas, inta ka horeyso dhagayso Madaxweyne Faroole iyo madaxweyne Caalim oo sharaxaya sababta ay shirka u qadaceen.
  16. Bulshada weynta Puntland oo dawlada ku taageertay qaadacaada Shirka Turkiga. Puntlandi on May 28th, 2012 Garowe( Iyadoo maalinimadii shalay ahayd ay dawlada Puntland qaadacday Shirka Turkiga iyadoo u cuskatay in aysan Macluumaad badan ka hayn ajanydaasha shirka iyo xubnaha ka qaybgalaya oo aan ahayn shaqsiyaadkii saxda ahaa ee matalayay bulshada Soomaaliyeed. Dadweynaha Puntland ee magaalooyinka kala duwan oo aad u farabadan ayaa warbaahintu la dhexmartay Macroofanka waxayna badankood si qeexan u muujiyeen taageerada dhabta ah ee ay la garab taagan yihiin dawlada Puntland maadaama ay fikir ahaan iyo Ficil ahaanba ay ku matasho. Dadweynuhu waxay shaaciyeen in ay haboontahay in laga wada shaqeeyo danta umada Soomaaliyeed iyadoo la raacayo wadadii nabada iyo kala dambaynta Soomaaliya lagu soo celin lahaa, lakin shirkani ay ula muuqato mid soomaalida lagu kala kaxaynayo, dhexdeedana looga abuurayo khilaafyo cusub oo ka badna kuwii hore. Shacabka kala duwan ee magaalooyinka Puntland oo isku aragti ka taagnaa shirkan Turkiga ayaa tilmaamay in shirkani uu yahay mid aan u cuntamin umada Soomaaliyeed sidaas darteedna aysan taageersananayn qaabab hor leh oo loo marayo kala qo-qobnaanta Umada. Arrintani ayaa imaanaysa xilli maalinimadii shalay Madexweynayaasha Puntland iyo Galmudug ay si cad u qaadaceen Shirka Turkiga ka furmaya kuna tilmaamay mid aan umada Soomaaliyeed u qalmin.
  17. Xogta iyo ajandaha dhabta ah ee shirka Istanbul Magaalada Istanbul waxa ka socda shir Turkigu isugu yeerey odayaasha iyo xubno bulshada rayidka Somalida ah ,waxana muuqata faragelinta xulida xubnaha ka qaybgalaya iyo weliba sida ay ugu dhexmuuqdaan ururo iyo kooxo siyaasadeed oo dano gaar leh fushanaya. Waxa na soo garey nuqul kamida ajendaha shirka oo la sheegey inay ka qaybgalayaan 300 oo qof 135 kamida waa odayaal dhaqameed Muqdisho diyaarad loogu soo direy islamarkasina u baqooley dhanka Istanbul iyaga oo aan wax ogolaansho iyo la tashi ah kala yeelan arrintaasi dadka ay matalayaan,maamulada iyo meelaha ay ka yimaadeen iyo weliba umadda Somaliyeed. Halka 165 kale la sheegey inay isugu jiraan aqoonyahano,ganacsato,dhalinyaro ,haween culimo iyo qurbajoog oo sidii odayaasha oo kale laga soo diyaariyey xafiis gaar ah,waxana ay isugu jiraan dad dibad joog ah oo siyaasada dalka aan ka war hayn iyo kuwo ku jira urur diimeedyada dalka ku hardamaya. Magacyada lagu casumey shirka waxay isugu jiraan rag horey ugu soo fashilmey siyaasada Somalia qaybna ka ahaa dowladihii dalka soo marey,ururo haatan u hanqaltaagaya maamulka dalka hanashadiisa iyo kuwo darajooyin ku qaatey colaada dalka ka aloosan iyo weliba rag Baydhabo fadhiyey oo Al-shabaab ka tirsan. Halkan waxaan idiin ku soo gudbineynaa qaar kamida magacyada xubnaha lagu casumey shirka Istanbul: Cadar Aadan (American Refugee Council),Dr.Maxamed Shiikh Axmed Doodishe ,Cabdulaahi Abuukar (Manhal Charity)Sahra Cali Xasan,Dr.Aadan Xaaji Ibraahim(Wasiirkii hore ee caafimaadka),Amiin Caamir,Axmed Naaji Sacad ,Cabdi Shire Jaamac Jooqle,Aamino Muuse Weheliye,Zakia Huseen ,Prof.Cabdulaahi Cismaan,Cabdiqaadir Aadan Cabdul, Abdirisaaq Xuseen,Gen.Axmed Jaamac ,Maxamed Shariif iyo odayaasha qaar oo soo jeedinaya kalmado,Dr.Cali Baashi ,Sh. Saalax Shiikh Ibraahim,Sh. Cabdiraxman Maxamed,Shiikh Cabdiqaadir Somow ,Xasan Mahadalah, Amira Axmed ,Cabdulaahi Abyan,Najma Cabdi ,Abuukar Arman,Gen.Ahmed Jaamac (Former Police Chief),Prof.Yusuf Axmed Nuur,Cabdi Maxamed Abtidoon (Wasiiru dowlihii hore ee gashaandhiga),Sahra Cali Samatar,Zakiya Huseen ,Mustaqim Waid,Nimco Ahmed ,Hindiya Cali,Cadulaahi Cismaan,Maxamed Cumar Maxamed Ladan Caafi,Maxamed Diini,Prof.Cabdulaahi Bariise ,Cabdikarin Xuseen Guleed,Dr.Cali Ciise Cabdi,Xaliimo Ismaacil. Fiiro gaar ah magacyada kor ku xusan waa inta soo jeedinada ku leh shirka Istanbul.waxa jira ururo sigaar ah u dhex muuqda sida Samsam Foundation oo qaabilsan fulinta mashaariicda Turkiga Muqdisho.Hiil Qaran ,Tayo ,Khaatumo, Aala Shikh iyo kuwo kale oo ku caanbaxay inay ka soo horjeestaan habsami u socodka geedi socodka nabada Somalia. Booqashadii Turkiga wasiirkeeda koowaad kadib waxay ku dhawaaqeen inay Somalia ka fulinayaan mashaariic horumarineed balse waxa laga dhacsiiyey in Somalia ay tahay hal magaalo iyo hal qabiil oo qura oo waxay soo dhaafi kari waayeeen xayndaabkii Muqdisho. Il wareedyo lagu kalsoonyahay ayaa sheegey in ku dhowaad 300 oo Milyan Doolarka Maraykanka uu Turkigu ugu deeqey Somalia balse lacagta tiradaas dhami gacanta u gashey ururo iyo magacyo gaar ahaaneed oo ku fushadey danahooda. Shalay ayaa war-murtiyeed si wadajir ah u soo saareen Puntland iyo Galmudug waxay kaa biyo dideen shirka Istanbul kadib marki ay arkeen faragelinta lagu sameeyey shirkan iyo weliba inaan danta Soomaliyeed lagu hayn halkaasi oo dadka siyaasada qaarkood ku tilmaamayaan in lagu wado qorshe cusub siiyasada Somalia mid lagu unkayo waana mid dhaawaceysa waxna u dhimeysa geediga loogu jiro haatan in dowladd Somaliyeed la helo Aug2012. Garowe Online
  18. LONDON: Aqoonyahanada Reer Puntland ee Uk, oo Taageerey Goaanka Dowlada Puntland ee Shirka Istanbul Conference kaga noqtey. May 28, 2012 10:02 London: (pp)- Caawa oo ay bishu tahay 27/5/2012, Waxaa Teleconference isagu yimid aqoonyahanada Puntland ee Uk ku dhaqan iyagoo ka dooday mowqifka Dowlada Puntland ey ka qaadatay shirka Istanbul ka furmaya iyo qaabka shirka loo maareeyay. Waxaa si qoto dheer looga doodey Ajanadaha shirka iyo qaabka ey Dowlada Turkey u maareysay iyo casumaada ay fidisey, waxana sidoo kale la isla soo hadal qaadey cida shirka ka qeyb-galeysa sida Qurbajoogta iyo ururada Arimaha Bulshada, waxana la isla-qirey 99% dadka ka qeyb-galaya shirka iney yihiin dad kasoo jeeda Mogadishu. Aqoonyahanka Puntland oo taageeray go'aankii Puntland ay kaga soo horjeesatay Shirka Stanbul Sidoo kale Aqoonyahada reer Puntland ayaa falan-qeeyay Siyaasada Dowlada Turkey ee ku wajahan Soomaaliya, waxana soo baxdey in Dowlada Turkey eysan dhex-dhexaad ka ahayn arimaha Soomaaliya, xaga Horomarka Waxbarashada iyo Mashaariicda, Xili Dowlada Puntland iyo shacabkeeda laga qadiyay Mashaariicda horomarineed ee dowlada Turkey ugu deeqdey Somalia, waxaa sidoo laga doodey mowqifka Qurbajoogta Puntland ee Turkey, iyadoo la isla soo qaadey kulamo lala-yeeshay Safiirada Turkey dalalka reer Galbeedka loona gudbiyay ahmiyada Puntland iyo u xaq soorida shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Hadaba waxaan goaan saney inaan qaadano talaabooyinka soo socda. A) Waxaan si-cad u taageereynaa Mowqifka Dowlada Puntland iyo shacabkeeda ee ka dhan ka ah Shirka Istanbul. B) Waxaan si-cad uuga soo horjeednaa in la marin-habaabiyay shirka, isla markaana la casumey dad kasoo wada jeeda Mogadishu ee lagu astaameeyay ururada Bulshada Qurbjoog, taasina eysan ahayn Cadaalad. C) Ugu danbeyn waxaan Dowlada Turkey ee aan Walaalaha nahay ka codsaneynaa iney dib u eegto Siyaasadeeda ku wajahan Soomaaliya, waxaan sidoo kale lee nahay Dowlada Turkey waa iney Cadaalad iyo xaq soorid u sameysaa ummada Soomaaliyeed, Xaga Waxbarashada Mashaariicda Caafimaadka Dhismayaasha iyo dhamaan horomarinta Guud ee Somalia. Aqoonyahanka baaqa taageerada soo saaray: Prof Axmed Jaamac Cilmi Prof Mursal Xassan Khaliif Prof Yuusuf Shire Bare Dr Jaamac Ahmed Nuur Dr Saalax Muumin Dr Faarax Axmed Bari-Bari Eng Amed Yuusuf Dhoolayare Eng Khaliif Ashkir Hure Eng Samatar Cilmi Joore Eng Axmed Faarax Dhuubane Avv. Bare Axmed Qalinle Avv. Muuse Cumar Dhoodi Avv. Ciise Yuusuf Xoosh Col. Cumar Yuusuf Sanyare Col. Idris Suldaan Axmed Col. Jaamac Warsame Muuse Col. Khaliif Shire Shanfool Col. Axmed San-dheere Aqoonyahan, Baashi Axmed Huruuse Aqoonyahan, Dalmar Yuusuf Maax Aqoonyahan, Yuusuf Axmed Dhurwaa Aqoonyahan Khaalid Aw-cali Sanyare Aqoonyahan Bare Muuse Faras-cade Aqoonyahan Kaarshe Axmed Cilmi Aqoonyahan Liibaan Diiriye Axmed Aqoonyahan Ismaaciil Maxamed Maxamuud Aqoonyahan, Bashiir Kabayare. Waxaa baaqan Puntlandpost soo gaarsiiyey Mahamed Ahmed Isticmaar
  19. MAAMULKA AHLUSUNNA WALJAMAACA EE SOMALIA ASWJ (WARSAXAFADEED) Maamulka Ahlusunna Waljamaaca waxa u hakiyay ka qaybgalka Shirka Istanbul Maamulka Ahlusunna Waljamaaca waxaa uu hakiyay ka qaybgalka shirka Magaalada Istabuul ee wadanka Turkiga ka dhacaya 31 may ila 1 june 2012. Hadi anu nahay Maamulka Ahlusunna Waljamaaca ee wadanka Somalia waxanu go'ansanay in aanu hakino ka qaybgalka shirka ka dhacaya wadanka Turkiga sababaha hoos ku xusan dartood . 1.Ahlusunna Waljamaaca waxay horay uga dooday qabka bulshada rayidka ah ay uga qayb galayso Shirka Istanbul waxaayna soo jeedisay in xubnaha bulshada rayidka uga qayb galaya shirka Istanbuul laga keeno guud ahaan gobolada Somalia amaba lo qaybsado habka dowlada kmg ah ay ku dhisantahay ee 4.5 si dhinacyada kala duwan ee somalida ay iskaga dhex arkan. 2.Waxaa jiray shir Magaalada adis ababa nagu dhexmaray Masuuliyin ka socota Turkiga waxana u gudbinay in dowlada turkiga ay hakiso dhoofinta odayaasha dhaqanka iyo bulshada rayidka inta la xalinaayo isfahan waaga ka jira. 3.Waxaan Turkiga u dirsanay gudi wada jir ah oo Dowlada Turkiga kala xajooda sidi ay dib ugu dhigilahayd safrinta odayaasha dhaqanka iyo bulshada rayidka. Dhamaan qodobadaas kor ku xusan ee anu ka dalbanay Dowlada walaalaha anu nahay ee Turkiga nagamaysan aqbalin waxaayna si toos ah u dhofisay odayaasha dhaqanka iyo xubno ka socda bulshada rayidka oo aan la aqoon meel ay ka socdaan iyo gobol ay matalaan. Sida daraad hadi anu nahay Maamulka Ahlusunna Waljamaaca ee Somalia waxaanu hakinay ka qaybgalka Shirka Istanbuul.