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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. He's moving on to London, that's when he will address this issue, Abtigiis.
  2. Puntland's response is a sober call to the adherence of law, constitution, safeguarding of the federal structure and finalization of the Federal system. While other's clap to be heard Puntland calls for responsibility and reminds of the tasks ahead. It is a mature State. As Duke would say, it is a no nonsense response by Puntland.
  3. Somalia: Puntland welcomes new PM, urges constitutional adherence 7 Oct 7, 2012 - 6:24:14 AM GAROWE, Somalia Oct 7 2012 (Garowe Online) – In a press release the Puntland government stated that it welcomed new Prime Minister Abdi Farah Shirdon Sa’id and urged the new government to adhere to Somalia’s constitution, Garowe Online reports. The Puntland government press release stated that it welcomed businessman and political newcomer Sa’id as Prime Minister who was appointed Saturday by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud. Prime Minister nominee Sa’id Shirdon will have to be approved by the federal parliament. The government press release stated that Puntland would continue playing its role in the federal government of Somalia and advocated that new government honor the Somalia constitution. “The Puntland government will assess and liaise with the Federal government provided that it follows and fulfills the previous agreements and constitutional provisions,” read the press release. Puntland Minister of Information, Mohamud Aydid Dirir, read the government press release in Garowe, stated that one of the provisions that is expected to be completed by the new Federal Government was the completion of the Federal system. The completion of the federal system involves the finalizing of the Upper House of Parliament also referred to as Senate that includes three representatives from each region in Somalia. The press release also requested that the Federal government of Somalia support the culmination of Federal states such as “Jubaland and imminent states from the regions inhabited by the Digil and Mirfle clans and other places in Somalia.” Lastly the press release appealed that the new government equally share assistance given to the Federal Government of Somalia. With the election of a President last month and a candidate for Prime Minister, Somalia has a permanent government after 20 plus years of unrecognized governments. GAROWE ONLINE
  4. Puntland oo soo dhoweysey magacaabista RW DF Somalia Puntland welcomes the nomination of the PM of FR Somalia
  5. It goes on: Puntland is still ready to further strengthen its crucial part in building a all inclusive Federal Republic of Somalia and needed institutions. It is also ready to take a huge part in the reconciliation process of Somalia which has suffered 22 years of humanitarian and political infringements.
  6. Puntland was the leader of establishing the federal system from 1998-2004 and also plaed a great and significant part in ending the transition the road-map and conclusion of the Constitution.
  7. It says in the first page that it welcomes the nomination of Mr Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon.
  8. Puntland will also assess/determine and work with the govenrment of the Federal Republic of Somalia under the condition of how they implement the agreements and accords signed in he past and the Constitutional provisions under the Federal Constitution.
  9. Puntland Government will assess/determine and work with the government under the following conditions: 1. The Safeguarding of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Somalia 2. The Implementation and concluding of the Federal framework 3. Support of the ongoing building of States which will be part of the Federal Republic of Somalia such as Jubbaland and other States such as commencing such as in the Regions of the D&M communities and other parts of Somalia 4. The Equality of international donor funds gotten in the name of the Federal Republic of Somalia Puntland will look closely and monitor the implementation of the powers of the Constitution of the offices of the government of the Federal Republic of Somalia
  10. Strong worded and determined reaction from the government of Puntland. Here it is: Puntland State of Somalia Garowe 7 October, 2012 War-saxaafadeed Dawladda Puntland ee Soomaalia waxay soo dhoweynaysaa magacaabista Raysal-wasaaraha cusub ee Soomaalia Mudane Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon. Waxay Dawladda Puntland hormuud ka ahayd nidaamka Federaalka ee Soomaaliya 1998 iyo 2004, waxayna sidoo kale kaalin muhiim ah ka qaadatay dhamaystirka geeddi-socodkii lagaga baxayey ku-meel-gaarnimada [Roadmap] iyo dhamaystirka Dastuurka federaalka ah. Waxay Dawladda Puntland weli diyaar u tahay inay sii xoojiso kaalinteedii ahayd sidii lagu gaari lahaa Dawlad Somaliyeed oo Federal ah oo dhamaystiran. Waxay kaloo diyaar u tahay in ay qayb weyn ka qaadato dib-u-heshiisiinta Somaliya oo muddo 22 sano ka badan xad-gudubyo bini-aadanimo iyo mid siyaasadeed ay soo gaareen. Dawladda Puntland, waxay Dawladda Federaalka ku qiimaynaysaa kulana shaqayn doontaa hadba sida ay u fuliso heshiisyadii hore loo galay iyo nuxurka uu qeexayo Dastuurka Federaalka ee Somaliya [Constitutional provisions] sida: • Ilaalina Dastuurka Federaalka ee Somaliya, • Hirgelinta iyo dhamaystirka nidaamka Federaalka ah • Taageeridda dhismaha Dawladaha xubnaha ka noqonaya Dwladda Federaalka ee Somaliya oo dhismahoodu socdo sida, Jubbaland iyo kuwa kale ee ka dhalanaya deegaanada Digil iyo Mirifle iyo qaybaha kale ee Somaliya • U sinnaanta deeqaha caalamiga ah ee magaca Dawladda Federaalka lagu helo. Ugu damayntii waxay Dawladda Puntland si gaar ah isha ugu haynaysaa ku dhaqanka awoodaha Dastuurka ku qeexan ee xafiisyada Dawladda Federaalka. -Wasaaradda Warfaafinta, isgaarsiinta, hiddaha iyo dhaqanka DPL
  11. Dawlada Puntland oo wada qorshe lagu hirgalinayo siyaasada Barakaaayasha/Qoxootiga Puntland. Posted by Pi1 on October 6th, 2012 Garowe( Dawlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyeed ayaa wada qorshe lagu samaynayo laguna hirgalinayo siyaasada Barakaayaasha Puntland. Shir-saxaafadeed ay maanta xarunta wasaaradda si wada jir ah ugu qabteen Wasiirka iyo Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaarada Arrimaha gudaha, dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga ayaa waxay uga warbiiyeen qorshahan ay wasaaradu ku samaynayso siyaasada Barakaayaasha iyo Qoootiga ee Puntland ku dhaqan. Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaarada Arrimaha gudaha, dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga Puntland C/laahi siciid Aw-yuusuf oo hadalka ku hormaray ayaa sheegay in qorshahani ay wasaaradu soo bilawday sanadkii 2011 maadaama xilligaasi wasaarada lagu soo kordhiyay waxda barakaayaasha oo si gaar ah uga shaqaynaysa arrimaha barakacayaasha. Isla xilligaasi wasaradu waxay samaysay labo agaasime waaxeed oo arrimaha barakaayaasha ah kana shaqaynaya barnaamijyada wax loogu qabanayo ama lagu horumarinayo Barakaayaasha ku dhaqan deegaanada Puntland. Agaasimuhu wuxuu sheegay in horay ay Magaalooyinka Gaalkacyo iyo Boosaaso ugu qabteen kulamo balaaran oo aad loogu falanqeeyay arrimaha barakaayaasha iyo siyaasadaha la xiriira Nolosha Qoxootiga iyo barakaayaasha ku dhaqan deegaanada Puntland, wuxuuna carabaabay in dhawaan la filayo in qorshahan la dejiyay uu rasmi noqdo lana shariyeeyo. Wasiirka iyo Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaarada Arrimaha gudaha, dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga C/laahi Axmed Jaamac Ilka-jiir oo isna hadal jeediyay ayaa sheegay in xeerkani uu ku salaysan yahay diinta Islaamka iyo Dastuurka Puntland islamarkaana uu qeexayo kala jawaabayo baahida nololeed ee barakaayaasha iyo xuquuqdooda kale. Wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in Xeerkani ay hordhigi doonaan golayaasha dawlada si loo meelariyo kadibna uu u noqdo shari rasmi ah oo ka dhaqan gala dhamaan gobollada Puntland. Wasiirka iyo Agaasimaha guud ee Wasaarada Arrimaha gudaha, dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga C/laahi Axmed Jaamac Ilka-jiir wuxuu sheegay in dejinta qorshana siyaasadeed ee lagu wajahayo barakaayaasha ay u qaateen lana kaashadeen khuburo farabadan iyo aqoonyahanno horay uga soo shaqeeyay Puntland kuwaas oo talo iyo tusaalayn fiicanba ka dhiibtay siyaasadan Barakaayaasha Puntland. Shir-saxaafadeedka masuuliyiintan ayaa imaanaya xilli xarunta Wasaaradan ee Magaaladan Garowe uu ka socdo kulan balaaran oo gabagabo ku dhaw loogaana hadlayo qorshayaasha iyo siyaasada Puntland ay hada kadib ku wajahayso Barakaayaasha.
  12. Puntland government is preparing a special law that will govern the rights and lives of IDP's and refugees in Puntland which is accordance with the Islamic religion and Puntland constitution. It has done consultations with many experts on the field and many scholars who used to live in Puntland. That new Policy towards the improvement and what rights IDP's and refugees in Puntland have was started in 2011 and is in near completion and will be presented to the cabinet soon, inshaallaah.
  13. Che I say let the government of south-central Somalia concentrate in the immediate tasks before them or at hand. Puntland is a recognizable success story. What does this government need to do? It needs to concentrate in building the federal republic by encouraging the establishment of building blocks as that of Puntland. It's last worry should be Puntland. I urge the leaders of Puntland to concentrate on the State further build it advance it, so that we will fair better than any other regional State forming in the coming 4 years. I want Puntland to be ahead 30 years not 15.
  14. Saacid Faarax oo noqdey wasiirka koowaad DF Somalia 6 Oct 6, 2012 - 8:23:43 AM Madaxweynaha DF Somalia Dr.Xasan Shiikh Maxamuud ayaa ku dhawaaqey goor dhoweyd caawa 06 Ocotober,2012 magaca raysal wasaaraha cusub ee DF Somalia. Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon oo Saacid lagu naaneyso ayaa wasiirka koowaad loo doortey Somalia ,waxana uu ka soo jeedaa gobolka Gedo oo beesha ********* degto. Dr.Xasan Shiikh Maxamuud oo shir saxaafadeed ku qabtey Villa Somalia ayaa sheegey in muddo dheer uu ka soo tashanayey cidda ku haboon booska ugu danbeyntiina qaatey go'aanka magacaabista Saacid. Barlamanka DF Somalia ayaa laga sugayaa ansixinta raysal wasaaraha cusub oo hadii ay aqlabiyad ugu codeeyaan looga fadhiyo dhismaha xukuumadd tayo leh oo dhamaan dhinacyadu ku jiraan. Maalmihii ugu danbeysey magaca Saacid waxa uu soo galay saaxada Siyaasadda Somalia ,waana nin ganacsade ah oo dalka Kenya ku sugnaa 20-kii sanno ee ugu danbeysey halka ay xaaskiisu ka tahay Caasho Xaaji Cilmi oo xildhibaanad ahaan jirtey. Caasho ayaa gudoomiye ku xigeenka ka ah ****** Action Group ,waxana la sheegay in olole balaaran u gashey sidii odaygeedu u noqon lahaa wasiirka koowaad DF Somalia iyadoona kaashanaysa asxaab uu kamid yahay Tarzan. Ilaa iyo hadda ma jiro wax war oo ka soo baxay Puntland iyo dhinacyada kale ee Somalida ,balse waxaan marnaba la saadaalin karin go'aanka Puntland oo la filayey in raysal wasaaruhu noqdo mid ka soo jeeda deegaan ahaan. GAROWE ONLINE
  15. Adeer I am calling for the Puntland government to concentrate on the progress of my region.
  16. we got our own government the ball is on your court my friends.
  17. yeah let's see how the government of south-central Somalia fairs lool
  18. War Deg Deg ah— Cabdi Faarax Garaad (SAACID) oo loo magacaabey Raysal Wasaaraha Soomaaliya Posted by Pi on October 6th, 2012 Sidaan horeyba u sheegney Raysal wasaaraha Soomaaliya waa Saacid Faarax Garaad, Madaxweynaha ayaa hadaku dhawaaqey Raysal wasaaraha Cusub, Shir jaraa’id oo uu madaxweynuhu hada ku qabtey Villa Soomaaliya wuxuu sheegey in ay wakhti ku qaadatay raadinta Raysal wasaaraha uuna u magacaabay Saacid Farax Garaad. Madaxweynuhu wuxuu kaloo sheegey in Saacid si deg deg ah uu kusoo dhisi doono Golaha Dowlada. faahfaahinta iyo Mowqifka Puntland dhowaan ayaan idiinsoo gudbineynaa
  19. Furthermore Saciid is knew to politics. He has been a businessmann who never worked for Government. He used to take contracts from UN departments for his NGO called 'Saciid'.
  20. C/qaadir Faarax Shirdoon is also a member of the PDP Xisbiga Nabadda iyo Horumarka of President Sheickh Mahmoud. I guess due to interest rather than ideology.
  21. Abtigiis true I agree it's a sad day he picked the worse of them all as General Duke said laughingly some were thinking he was joking. But it's true.