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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed Mr. Yury Fedotov of the Russian Federation Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Director-General of the United Nations Office in Vienna (UNOV) on 9 July 2010. He holds the rank of Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations. Before that, Mr. Fedotov served as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Court of St. James's in London for five years.
  2. Madaxweynaha Puntland oo la kulmey Yuri Fedetov ''Sawiro'' 19 Nov 19, 2012 - 6:57:47 AM GAROWE ONLINE Magaala madaxda Puntland ee Garowe ayaa maanta 19 November,2012 waxa soo gaarey wafdi caalami ah oo ka socdey Qaramada Midoobey iyo Midowga Yurub waxana horkacayey Agaasimaha guud ee Hayada UNODC Yuri Fedetov. Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Farole ,ku xigeenka Gen Cabdisamad Cali Shire ,wasiirada xukuumadda ,taliska booliska , asluubta iyo weliba safiiro iyo saraakiil ka socdey shan dalka oo Yurub ka tirsan ayaa ka qaybgalay xaflada xariga looga jarayey dhismaha taliska ciidanka asluubta Puntland. Sidoo kale waxay madaxda iyo masuuliyiintu dhagax dhigeen dhismaha Xabsiga Garowe oo shaqadu bilow ka tahay iyadoona la soo diyaariyey calamada dalalka dhaqaalaha ku bixinaya dhismaha xabsiga oo kala ah Britain ,Holland ,Denmark ,Norway iyo weliba Finland. Qado sharaf wafidga loogu talo galay ayaa Hotelka Rugsan Square ee magaalada Garowe kula qaateen madaxda iyo masuuliyiinta Puntland ,waxana intaasi ka dib loo dareerey dhanka wasaarada cadaalada Puntland oo dhismeheeda cusub xariga mar kale ay ka jereen Dr.Farole iyo Yuri Fedotov. Kulan ayaa u xigey Qaramada Midoobey iyo Puntland isla yeesheen iyagoona intaasi ka dib shir saxaafada ugu qabtey halkaasi. Madaxweyne Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Farole waxa uu soo dhoweeyey dadaalada ay Qaramada Midoobey ay ku dooneyso in la soo afjaro kooxaha burcad badeeda Somalida isagoona dhankiisa sii adkeeyey in tan iyo markii la doortey 2009 dagaal maamulkiisu kula jire argagixisada iyo burcad badeeda. Dhankiisa ayaa Yuri waxa uu ka waramay hawlaha ay qabato Hayada UNODC laga soo bilaabo diyaarinta xabsiyada ,wacyigelinta dhalinyarada iyo weliba maxaabiis ay dhowaan ka keeni doonaan dalalka Seychelles iyo Mauritius. Labada dhinac ayaa ku heshiiyey xoojinta iskaashiga la-dagaalanka burcad badeeda iyo weliba dardargelinta hawsha dhismaha xabsiyada iyo kor u qaadida tayada laamaha amaanka iyo hawlwadeenada waaxyaha dowladda ee xiriirka la leh. Wafdiga ayaa galabta dib Nairobi uga laabtay magaalada Garowe,Waxana hayada UNODC u qaabilsan tahay Qaramada Midoobey barnaamijka la-dagaalanka burcad badeeda (Counter-Piracy Programm).
  3. What I am saying is that Cali Khalif was already suspect and that he's already thinking about his next 'move' after he openly discarded Khatumo Movement that he founded after it's useful purpose ended and there are no more top vacancies in Mogadishu. That was the only purpose Khatumo was created by Cali Khalif.
  4. Apophis Puntland is not against Khaatumo. The people of Khaatumo were happy with the State their reserve was the state's inaction on Lasanod which they deem to be forcefully occupied by another administration. Khaatumo promised it will fill that vacuum but only further divided the house.
  5. Che I agree but it seems that the leaders of this project aren't answerable at all to their mistakes. The people they mislead are slowly turning away and Cali Khalif is signalling that his project has failed and that he's going for something else.
  6. Meanwhile on another development Khaatumo Elders of Laascaanood origin are stuck in Mogadishu.
  7. 30 Men and 4 battle vehicles joined Puntland from Khaatumo. Khatumo Militia leader welcomed by Puntland officials outside Garowe
  8. He defended his failed campaign in securing the Parliament Speaker post and told the crowd that many of them having being against that campaign in this city but they don't really know as he's the Politician and thus knows the importance. Shame that he failed securing it though.