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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Gaalkacyo:Xafiis isku xiraya ardayda waxbarasho doonka ah iyo Jaamacadda Kasturi University , Malaysia oo laga furay Gaalkacyo! Arboco, January 10, 2007 APL Gaalkacyo(AllPuntland)-Magaalada Gaalkacyo waxaa markii ugu horaysay laga furay xafiis isku xiraya ardayda gobolka Mudug ee doonaysa waxbarashada dibadda iyo jaamacad ku taalla dalka Malaysia oo lagu magacaabo Kasturi University , oo ardayda Soomaalida ah fursad u siisay inay jaamacaddasi wax ka dhigtaan Xafiiskan ayaa waxaa hir galiyay , kana wada shaqeeyay wax garad iyo arday u dhalatay Puntland oo kusugan dalka Malaysia horumuudna uu u yahay Haashim Axmed Barre. Xafladdii xafiiskan lagu furayay ayaa waxay maanta ka dhacday xarunta waxbarashada nabadda iyo horumarinta Gaalkacyo , waxaana kasoo qayb galay maamulka gobolka iyo dadka daneeya waxbarashada. Waiilka xafiiska isku xirka ardayda gobolka Mudug iyo jaamacadda Kasturi Xaawo C/samad Shalaqbeen ayaa halkaasi ugu horay hadal kasoo jeedisay, waxayna sheegtay in xafiiskan uu sahli doono in ardaydu ay muddo laba todobaad gudohood ah ku heli karaan jaamacad tayo sare leh. Xaawo waxay intaasi ku dartay dadka gobolka Mudug iyo guud ahaan Puntland ay markii hore Visaha usoo saari jireen dad eheladood ah oo mar marka qaar dhib ka mari jiray, haddase xafiiskan uu sahlay qaabka fiisaha loo helayo. Wakiilka xafiiskan cusub Xaawo Shalaqbeen waxay sheegtay in maamulka sare ee Jaamacadda Kasturi ay gobolka Mudug yimaadeen gaar ahaan madaxa jaamacadda oo lagu magacabo Kumar iyo haweenay ka tirsan hawl wadeenka jaamacadda oo lagu magacaabo Chitra, waxayna sheegtay inay soo mariyeen dhammaan goobaha waxbarashada. Guddoomiyaha dallada ururada gobolka Mudug Axmed Cawil ayaa sharaxay waxqabadka Jaamacadda asagoo sheeagay in ardayda laga qaadayo Lacag aan badnayn oo Visaha loogu saarayo , muddo laba todobaadna ay Visadu ugu soo bixi doonto. Guddoomiyuhu wuxuu ugu baaqay ardayda gobolka inay ka faa'iidaystaan fursaddan hortaalla ee ah jaamacadda u fidisay fursaddan waxbarasho, wuxuu Axmed sheegay in haddii arday fara badan la helo in jaamacaddu bixin doonto deeq waxbarasho. Guddoomiye kuxigeenka gobolka Mudug Bashiir Maxamed Mire oo ugu danbayn halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa waaliddiinta gobolka ka codsaday inay caruurtooda lacagta u raadiyaan. Wuxuu codsaday in waalidku ay maal galiyaan caruurta ay dhaleen , si mustaqbal wanaagsan ay u helaan, asagoo sheegay in saddex sano ama afar sano ay tahay xilli yar . Guddoomiye kuxigeenku wuxuu ammaanay waxbarashada gobolka Mudug , asagoo sheegay in dugsiga sare ee Cumar Samatar uu sanad walba galo kaalinta dugsiyada Puntland, iminkana ay ardaydii dugsiga sare dhamaysay oo aad u fara badan ay u baahan yihiin waxbarasho sare. Ugu danbayn Bashiir Maxamed Mire ayaa si toos ah xarigga uga jaray xafiiska cusub ee isku xiraya ardayda waxbarasho doonka iyo jaamacadda Kasturi ee Malaysia. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
  2. So were you at the convention? I did hear you made the cake horn? Apparently Qanyare was impressed with it so much that he asked: 'Who made the cake'? A lady replied back: 'It was made by a boy if I'm not mastaken who is called/goes by the name of HornAfrique!
  3. Ahmad my sympathies brother, after the Dhoobley debacle,I'm saddened that again our folks have taken the thrust like they did in the last war between the ICU and the TFG both sides the people that were dying and fighting each other were ours! Now the courts are hiding amongst the civilian population, they wanted to fight in Kismayo but after seeing they couldn't they left, now I see they heading for gedo to fight once again in the lands of our people! The UIC has it's vast supporters from our clan and I'm saddened that this last noble initiative has been hijacked by a few, who didn't want it to flourish and who were subsequently responsible for its downfall!
  4. It's a meeting organised by the Ministry for Women development and family affairs, Check this out! It's horn's way of discrediting the former warlords, it's a political message! He want's to show us, how the former 'ruthless' warlords have been tamed!
  5. Duke don't make him lose it bro, I want to get admission out of him! You can see by his lack of 'restraint' and childlike outburst that his 'sanity' is near to break down! Now to Mr. Brown! You don't want an american put puppet regime in your country but you don't mind american put 'junk-culture' transplanted into your disfunctional 'brain'! We all know from your posts that you have adopted american lifestyle, culture and way of life, so don't pretend to be an islamists, who hates america! Throw your american CD's away, I mildly suggest! People if you don't believe me check out his posts and SOL's archive, let's put that to side! Back to the topic In a nutshell what you want is: 1. No American airstrikes in my country! 2. No Ethiopian occupation/invasion into Somalia! Alright the last American airstrikes have stopped today and there will be no more airstrikes in southern tip of Somalia! Secondly ethio troops are leaving within two weeks after UN or AU troops have been sanctioned to Somalia! 3. No to International Peace troops! Abdiqaasim is saying yes, but we need those troops in order to move the ethios out! If you can't get what you want, why not take the second best atleast the ethios would leave, but it wasn't about the ethios in the first place was it? 4. I don't want to disarm! You will be disarmed and if you don't do it voluntarily force will be used on you inshallaah! 5. I oppose for oppostions sake! No, the time of I oppose, I oppose and I oppose... are over Mr Utopia! You cannot oppose the return of Somalias statehood and if you try you will be crushed! Today/Tonight the whole world is in agreement that this must be put into fruition and that Somalia must be put back on the world map and that the TFI must be uphold in order to normalise the situation in our country! The World is united in bringing the Somali statehood back, shall I stop here! I see you're already losing your sanity! Do what you like/want but Somalia's re-emerging from isolation and years of fighting to become once again an active player in the world community will be realised and the anti-state lot can't prevent it, so go and shoot yourself in the head or jump off a cliff! Afterall You ain't an islamist, who will shy away from such actions, because you're a mere 'americanzed' junk-culture worshiper who puts on his islamic garb when it fits him right!
  6. Great development indeed! The *********** are undoubtly the largest clan in Benadir! Not only are they the largest clan in the city but Historically the city belongs to them aswell, so no discussions there! All other groups are just mere invaders! [ January 11, 2007, 03:26 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  7. To Mr. Brown! By avoiding my posts, you're avoiding my questions---> And by avoiding my questions, you're avoiding me---> And by avoiding me, you're avoiding the truth---> And by avoiding the truth, you're avoiding the reality---> And by avoiding reality, you're avoiding to consult your sanity---> And by avoiding to conult you sanity, you will become disillusioned and fond to utopias---> And by becoming disillusioned, you will become mad---> And becoming mad results to you being institutionalised! So in that chain of events you're currently at avoiding to consult you sanity, and therefore disillusioned and fond of utopias! Alas before you progress to the next stage of becoming mad, you should not lose sight of reality! I'm just asking you to be real that's all! Now answer these questions? What are you proposing? What is your solution? Are you aware of the current geo-political insensitives? Do you want a national government? If not, what do you want? ICU the wing of Aweys, Ayrow and Indhacadde will not be allowed back into Somalia! Civil society, intellectuals, women organisations, youth representatives and religious scholors are now discussing with the TFI on how to pacify Mogadishu and Benadir as we speak and even the courts foreign affairs representative Mr. Caddow said they want to negotiate and a viable discussion on how they could join the government and peace process in the country, so does Abdiqassim the former Arta man himself, so who are you to oppose! Adeer it's simple, you're advocating for civil strife, anarchy, murder and chaos ala fitnah style! Stop you senseless talk and wishful utopia and see the light and reality on the ground!
  8. Mr Magac Gaal, You can run but not hide! The gallery is my witness! I will compare your oppostion to that of the late USC, Yes I agree let's topple the government but what would the alternative or its replacement be? No, that's difficult question for you! But hey atleast you prevented the hated clan of ruling Somalia ever again! USC might had a right to oppose the government/regime of the day, but you don't oppose if you don't have a viable/realistic alternative! Hasn't the civil war taught you nothing! No opposition without a realistic/viable alternative! Now go and try to avoid my posts but that will not advance you nor your silly cause any further!
  9. Taako, time and time again have those individuals shown that their given reasons for their oppostion is not sincere! They have no other realistic alternative and when I highlighted that, they tried to side step my questions or avoid them all together! Let them rant, shout and lie to themeselves day in and day out soon they will see, the truth coming out from their own mouths! We can suspect and alledge but for sure they will not be able to hide their real anger and what the real reason for their trivial oppostion are! I shall inshallaah continue highlighting the fact, that they're indeed a clueless bunch of mere sad individuals, who are against the re-emerging of the Somali statehood! No more Isbaarooyin, as you said! I would love for the President to come out and tell the Mogadishu people, that the government will not 'tax' them for the end of their term, because mainly speaking to oppostion in Mogadishu is due to tax-avaders trying to keep the status quo and a free market open whereby they don't have to pay any taxes on any goods!
  10. Taako war waa ducuf iska daa! So many of those folks exist, they mere opportunists, who have a personal vendetta against a person! The difference between him and his mentor is that: Castro's hate is towards a clan! Che's hate is towards an individual! Those will never see the truth or the daylight of the matter, I can hate a certain people or a certain individual but when it comes to the common interest I will put my bitterness to aside in order to achieve what is good for the wider community! Have you ever watched programmes where two bitterly rivals came together and work it out! <font color= "orange"We're all in the same ship and hating one another will only help to further sink that ship! Why can't we stay together in the ship peacefully and sort it out once we arrive at the shores or land but to fight on high seas with the wind blowing at a speed of 190km's per hour and thunder storms raining to say or fight over who or what group is going to steer the ship to safety is indeed not only trivial but a clear sign of madness!
  11. Madaxweynaha DFGM C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo C/qaasim Salaad Xasan oo ku kulmay magaalada Muqdisho! Last Updated::2007-01-10 13:36:14 Muqdisho:- Madaxweynaha dawladda kmg C/llaauhi Yuusuf Axmed iyo C/qaasim Salaad Xassan ayaa maanta kulan ku yeeshay magaalada Muqdisho, waxa ayna kawada hadleen xaalada dalka iyo xiisadaha ka taagan magaalada Muqdisho. Waa markii ugu horreysay oo uu kulan dhex maro C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo C/qaasim tan iyo markii xilka madaxtinimada uu qabtay C/llaahi Yuusuf, waxa uuna horey C/qaasim ugu eedeeyay dawladda kmg in ay gacanta ugu jirto dawladda Ethioipia. Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo kulankaasi kadib saxaafada hadal kooban siiyay ayaa sheegay in isaga iyo C/qaasim ay ka wada hadleen sidii wax looga qaban lahaa amniga caasimada Muqdisho oo faraha ka baxay. Madaxweynihii hore ee dawladdii Carte C/Qaasim Salaad Xasan oo isagana hadal kooban jeediyay waxa uu sheegay in isaga iyo Madaxweynaha ay isku afgarteen in la sugo amniga isla markaana la soo dedejiyo ciidamada caalamiga ah ee loo soo dirayo dalka Soomaaliya si ay u badalaan ciidamada Ethiopianka ee ku sugan dalka Soomaaliya.
  12. Folks as much as I concur with the likes of Caamir and Sky, nevertheless this is not the time to contest trivial issues when we have much more important things to think about! Let's call a truce for now, because I like the rest in here know, that no-one can be forced in Kismaayo today nor anywhere else in the south like Marka and Afgooye! Today the people of Kismaayo enjoy relative security with them knowing, that the government TFG is in control of the city and its surroundings! We shall discuss the matter later inshallaah and not listen to people, who want to bring forth a new 'fitnah'! Gone are the days when the brothers of Galgudud could simply push aside/murder any person who spoke out! As I type now TFG forces are in control of Kismaayo and its near vicinities! I'd urge my fellow people not to discuss those matters and leave the former JVA advocates to express themselves without hinderance!
  13. Two grown up person, helping each other in a crime one of them committed! But Paragon know that you are his partner in crime! Back to Che, it wasn't your insults against my person that I took insult from but rather from your ignorant generalization about my family and the comment you made! Here below is it again lest you forgot what you said: [qoute]I think *********** must run deep in this family. [/qoute] You know sweeping generalisations and insults are not good but would you know it? No you wouldn't! And guess what I will not let you go away with it lightly! You just showed the gallery in here what I suspected all along, that you're indeed someone who isn't that ********! No will you be 'brave' enough and admitt your error or are you letting Mr. Paragon push even more and more into your error? We shall see. [ January 09, 2007, 05:19 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  14. Che you don't want to put a fight up with me, do you? I think ************ must run deep in this family. Well I urge any decent Somali to refute this guy, it is one thing to insult a person but to go all the way up to his family could really not be excused nor condoned! Islamic Caddaala says that if someone calls you a 'thief' that you can refute and say back to him 'thief' but if he says 'thief' to you and you say back to him 'You and your father were thiefs', that would be an act of injustice! But what would Che know about islamic justice or the ICU he advocates for! People within the ICU itself were this retarded as him, but I won't go any further to insult his family because that in itself would be an act of 'jaahilnimo', injustice and overall a wrong thing to do or to say! I hope you see the point Che and actually ask for forgiveness because everyone knows what you said there was just plainly wrong! I and You can have a feud but please don't bring our familes into it! It's a victim mentality of yours, because he's wrong let's condemn his entire family, clan and nation etc and this coming from someone who likes to think of himself as being partial and 'level-headed'! Sir, you're a confused and immoral moron to say the least! Yeah go and kill the kids and babies of the people you have feuds with because their fathers were bad so must the children also be annihilated, there goes Che's logic! What a jaahil I must confess! [ January 09, 2007, 05:14 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  15. Boowe maxaad iska andoocatey, ma wax kale ee aad ku hadishid baa weysey aan? Maya ku gartey calaa kuli xaal hadaadba soo hadal qaatey reer waama! Ma kuwii shaley aad soo hadal qaadey baad ka dhalatey, it would really explain alot! __________________ Qabiilka magaciis iyo aflagadaada jooji. [ January 09, 2007, 05:11 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  16. Well, I will not honour Horn with a reply of mine but I'd like him to answer a question for me, will he? Well let's see. Horn, how come millions of Gedonians and Galgadudians live in Puntland doing business owning merchandise but there are no Puntlanders in Gedo or Cabduwaaq itself? I should have added and specifically named Gedians of being those welcomed in Puntland without facing any discrimination whatsoever! To Mr. Paragon the hate-filled individual in here bro isn't it an open-secret that my clan is the most despite and hated in Somalia? Yes we were even the most hated before this latest actions, I guess we're hated constantly for our 'visions' because as you know it Mudug is the birth place, where visions are born! Yet another one called federalism was born from the brains of the sons of Puntland once again we lead the way brother, so don't hate, I know the clan gets envied due to their visions and remarkable achievements but hey don't hate the clan but your 'grandfathers' Paragon, although I'd admitt that you probably one of those hate-filled would be sanaagians!
  17. CG let's assume for a sec, you got some valid points that are realistic! Answer me this questions then, will you? 1. Who is going to trial those individuals? 2. Who is going to provide the security in the country in the mean-time , knowing the mistrust and divisions amongst the Somalis alongst tribal lines keeping in mind the geopolitical insensitives in the region and wider world? Now if you answer those questions anywhere near intelligent or with a realistic reply, I shall consider you not a decorative trinket, I will promise!
  18. Kix kix kix . War ninku waa wiil hoog lol. Beautiful historical analysis! PS: Ormada iyo Ethiopianka ka soo baxsadey Meles soo kuwa uu Cade u suuq geeyo Addis by the lorry-loads? Furthermore, adeer, ma xasuusataa 70kii wiil ee bila ka hor jeegada inta uu Cade uu xiirey laga masaafuriyey Boosaaso (waa hadey cara Soomaali tahay). Teeda kale, sow tan masaakiinta danyarta Boosaaso ka xamaalato goor iyo ayaan doqoshyada laga gubo? Anigu reer Sanaag hadaanu nahay (oh faanka dey), waa nalagu yahay magan gelyo..for heavens if it wasn't for us Cade wont be the president.... The same is true about Aweys when he came seeking refuge in sanaag... idinkana ormada iyo tabliiqaad gowracdaan... Well first of all 'congrats' for outing yourself! I know it has taken a while but 'better late than never, I guess'! Seconldy, I don't need to say anymore because I don't even consider you a real sanaagian! My Sanaag brethren are beautiful people, who don't harbour any hate but it is only folks that grew up with the cuqdad instilled in them by people filled with clan-hatred that hate but where will your hate lead you too? Certainly not into happyiness because hate in itself defeats you and eats you up, only you will suffer Paragon not the folks you habour hatred for, whenever they smile or laugh you loose a bit more inside until eventually you die in bitterness and angriness! I say 'muutu bi ghaydhikum' inshallaah!
  19. The Point, I shall do so as you wish brother! I'm talking about the statement/qoute below! Waa wax aan loo magan geli jirin weligoodba. You know Point, you can spot a clan-hater by his remarks of what supposedly your grandfather did to him or others some 100 years ago or so! They'd remember it because it supports their moral justification for hating that certain clan! I don't know Point but you might actually know that guy in person, but let me say, that the above qoute was a direct link between his own version of history and the perceived 'genocide' on the oromos perpertrated today! He's alluding to a time, when the Dervishes were defeated and they went with all their possesions and personal wealth to the late King Cismaan Mahamoud and Abdullahi Yusuf's clan, popular myth has it, that none of the persons, who thought refuge and sanctuary came ever back nor their possesions! That's why he's saying know for the person who don't understand Somali language 'Those are folks, who have never been sought sanctuary too'! That is a vile remark and a lie! Because he knows perfectly as you and me, that the people he's referring too never ever oppressed anyone (well atleast not in the last 80 years or so)or refused to give sanctuary or refuge to anyone who needed it! Today Bosaso is the home of millions of people that don't have any historical links with it from ethiopians, oromos, afars, yemenis, reer mogadishu, bay and bakool and many others! They're not discriminated against in any possible way, it is like they live in their own countries or amongst their likes! That is what he was referring to a historical event or myth that he's got in his mind and obviously he did not forget! But the absurd thing is he wasn't even from the dervishes or their progeny!
  20. Your many arguments in vain and tears are loud and clear to hear but what do you propose for Somalia may I ask? What is your alternative? Is it the return of the ICU you wish for? A new peace conference, that will last another two years or so maybe? Who will fiance it, even if it is held inside Somalia? The most important question is: Who would look after the affairs and security of the country in the mean time? Please by answering those questions keep in mind if your answers are really possible or reflect the reality! Also keep in mind the geo-political[/b insensitives of the region and wider world! Now it's up to you to over come the challenge but I doubt you will overcome it because you have no vision or realistic option/resolution other then your tribal wishful thinkings! Please also try to be adult and not engage in name callings or avoiding of answering those questions! I know because you're clueless you will more likely not answer those questions in full. You will simply refute them by question or answering it with another question or resorting in child like name calling!
  21. Ah, I see old 'cliches' arising from Mr. Paragon himself! People of you didn't understand the above or could not decode it, kindly ask me to explain it to you and I will explain in a historic context to what Mr. Paragon another clan hater in disguise had on his mind!
  22. Here you go there's your average ICU suporters in action! After all it wasn't all about islamic virtue and rule, was it?
  23. That's what I call a huge welcome! Reer Atlanta really doing a great job! Long live Somalia! Garaad Jamac Garaad Cali, the great garaad elder of the SSC regions in Puntland State of Somlia, whose legitimacy or authority is not even disputed by the most viviant hater! Enjoy the beautiful Pictures inshallaah! Atlanta by the looks of it, seems a nice place! Beautiful Atlanta Pictures!
  24. Folks, I don't understand why all the former Mogadishu warlords have been taken to Baidoa! From Caato, Yalaxow, Qanyare and other notorious warlords have been put in the dock for some rehab! However I will try my best to find out for you. I shall report about their different day to day activities inshallaah! Important documents found by me, Sheikh Fiqqikhayyre have found some interesting facts about the rehab programme for former warlords in Baidoa! According to SOL exclusives reporter and correspondent to the new rehab programme for former warlords in Somalia, has found some interesting new insights about the schedule and programme of the rehab in Baidoa! It includes the following: 1. Wake up in the moring at 7:00am local time! 2. Breakfast ala continental style with some rolls, muesli, bread or preferably canjeero with jam, butter and honey! One glass of squeezed oranges rich in Vitamin C! 3. After Breakfast, they come into class and subsequently they're put into groups! Trouble-makers and practical jokers are not allowed to sit together! So it means Qanyare and Yalaxow can't sit together at all, big Mohamed Dheere must be put in between them! 4. They will draw pictures and posters and talk about their 'fears'! Siminars include discussions, talking points and focusing on different tasks! 5. Anger managment classes and then up to break! 6. One hour break, the groups have to walk to the playing field/school plarying yard in pairs, whilst holding hands! Qanyare and Yalahow always lead the pack and hold hands! 7. Football time! Playing hide and seek in the bushes around the school yard! Some of the more stronger boys go around stealing from other vulnerable less stronger ones! 8. Back to class and assignments! Today Yalahow had to submit a report on his summer holiday to Malaysia. He was talking very enthuasiacally about the high-sky-scrapers and tall buildings! He compared it to 10 Mohamed Dheeres put on top of each other! 9. Priavte discussions on the progress of the individuals attending this rehap course! 10. Anger managment classes! 11. Ding Dong Ding, School is finished and out they come. Yalahow always the first out! Mohamed Dheere pushes Qanyare to a side and a fight breaks out! Qanyare get's beaten! The security is called and teachers have put the two into detention for tommorrow. But Qanyare and Dheere have both secretly agreed to skip tommorrows lesson inshallaah and instead hang around in the local shopping area of Baidoa! 12. Tea drinking and Girl chasing time! 13. TV time! Qanyare fights with Yalahow about what to watch. Qanyare wants to watch a soap opera he loves and makes him cry, whilst Yalahow and others want to watch a 'gangster movie' shot in the 1930's somewhere in Chicago! 14. Head of rehab center switches the TV off as it is time for sleeping, but none of the bullies want to go to sleep yet, they want to be allowed to stay up for at least another half an hour until 21:30! 15. Security is called and each is forcefully taken to his resting room! Where there are many educational books for entertainment, but Dheere used the books for drawing his amazing graffiti on it! Whilst Yalahow chewed on them, thinking they were 'eatable'! Qanyare read some passages out of it and then used the book as an 'pillow'! 16. The light is turned off, warlords are wished a 'silent' sleep and door shuts! 17. Problem arises due to Caato sneaking out of his room into the lounge to watch TV late at night, however he is caught and taken back to his room! 18. All warlords are sleeping happily like a harmless baby ought to be! For people who have committed so many vile atrocities they really do sleep very calm! I guess the rehab programme is working! Sheikh Fiqqikhayyre SOL's exclusive correspondent to the former warlord's rehab center in Baidoa!
  25. Oh what poor a poor little girly you're mystic! ICU was made up by both those moderates, Shariif a Islaax, who was educated in Sudaan and Caddow an american professor, another Islaax, those individuals were in the group and they hold 'high' positions but in fact they were not in charge at all! They were mere symbolic figures. However on the contarary Aweys, Ayrow and Turki were Il-Itixaat a group that makes up Al-Qeada, Yes I conclude Al-Qeada doesn't exist as an organisation per se but as a loose set of 'cells', that believe in the same kind of doctrine! They are miliatans to the core and won't listen to anyone! I doubt that you even 'know' much about our religion itself let alone the groups and individuals I mentioned! Yes, the moderate figures of Al-Islaax were symbolic place-holders whilst the radicals and relgious zealots got everything they bargained for! I myself was amazed how that group could hold together that long but it isn't surprising if you remember how 'ruthless' some of these 'sheikhs' can really be! If they'd protested to much probably Aweys would have sent one or two 'suicide-bomber' or assassin to his rivals in order to finish them off! Remember Mogadishu and the blasts, I don't even think so you do! Rivalries were at their highest and bombs were going off in Mogadishu some three weeks to four weeks ago, the work of rival 'sheikhs' that's the sad nature of affairs within the ICU, a bullied moderate group, who if they'd dared to speak would lose their lives and a hardline in rivalry indulged and power-hungry group, lead by meniacs who were the enemy of our religion! They did a 'dis-service' to our beloved religion when they allowed themselves to be conquered, whilst its leaders ran away to an unidentified location, many of the youngsters and children they sent into battle were dying needlessely in their thousands! Where are the leaders that vowed to fihgt till death, yes some 'went' to the hajj in the middle of the fighting, where is abu Mansuur? He's in Saudi-Arabia and what is he doing there? He was supposed to fight, but for some strange reason he ended up on the pilgrime to makkah! Where is Indhacadde? Nobody knows, another one that fled, I only wish the same advantage would have extened to the many boys that died in an unnecessary war! In Islaam there is no rushing, our religion is clear don't humiliate the deen by fighting a war that you cannot win! God is on our side is not enough, you have to understand the sunnah of Allaah! If you pray 'Oh Allaah, help me pass this difficult exam', but if you've been playing around the last one year and you haven't done much studying you're going to ultimately fail your examination! Even the pig-eating class-mate of yours will outdo you, if he has put in the time and sacrifice to study for the actualy exam, you cannot go on later and say 'How did he pass that exam, I deserved it much more because I'm a muslim look my name is 'mystic' and I pray every day', don't you see that this religion doesn't work like that. Allaah aids the people that do the sacrifice, have the intelligence to outsmart their enemies and who will wait until they're able to defend themselves against any aggressor but they will not rush into a war in less then five months after coming to power especially considering the geo-political insensitives of the region! You just don't do that mystic! On top of that Allaah the exalted doesn't aid the 'unjust' lot, if you say you're truelly muslim but you committ all sort of atrocities then even the 'gaal-madow' will become better then you and god will side with them! Al-Caddalah was not practised by the courts, because it was an most unholy alliance made up by moderates that don't believe in 'Cadaabul Qabri' such as Islaax, hardliners such as Al-Qeada sympathiers and former mooriyaaaans clan-haters who have been given an cimaamad to 'pretend' to be a sheikh, but at the same time the looted farms were allowed to keep and in Afgooye khat could be consumed because warlord turned relgious saint said so but in mogadishu it was prohibited! So where to go, the same old militias were told they were part of an revolution to bring bag islaam and given some money to join the ranks of the uic militia but they were not ideologically committed! ICU was an unholy alliance, that would tear itself apart if it existed any longer actually no, the ruthless guys would take over anyway as they already had! Together with the clan-fascists they'd consoldate their poweres! That's why their quick fall down because they neither represented islaam nor were advocating for the deen, that's why they send so many children into their early graves. How comical they closed all schools in Mogadishu, so that the children could partipiate in their fake clan jihaad and thats not what you get mystic. UIC was simpply speaking fraud and suspect to say the least!