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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. A reporter from SBC TV: Presidential Palace guards: Same reporter:
  2. Here are more Pictures! Presidents own Car! Bosaso Populance welcoming them: Presidential Palace: President stepping out of car:
  3. Here are more Pictures! Presidents own Car! Bosaso Populance welcoming them: Presidential Palace: President stepping out of car:
  4. Here are more Pictures! Presidents own Car! Bosaso Populance welcoming them: Presidential Palace: President stepping out of car:
  5. Yaa brother what you seem not to comprehend is that the TFG never refused to adopt sharia law nor have they ever come out and said that 'Sharia' law today isn't releavant, which would one make undoubtedly kaafir! In the Federal charter constitution it says: QODOBKA 8 DOWLADA IYO DIINTA 1) Islaamka ayaa ah diinta Jamhuuriyada Soomaaliya 2) Shareecada Islaamka ayaa saldhig u ah shuruucda qaranka. (Which means that Islamic law is the base of the laws in the land)! But the question is how should we should have gone about to bring about full sharia law into Somalia? The federal charter say's that the Islamic Sharia is undoubtedly the only base which the laws of the country are going to be based on! You should oppose the government if they tell you you should not pray or that you should fornicate but not on the basis that they're kuffar and need to be killed because you would be advocating for greater evil! You would become a khwaarij! On the other hand, you living in the UAE would you say that the UAE and their fellow khaleeji leaders are all kuffar because they don't rule according to the sharia or because they only rule to parts of it, what would you be advoacting the killing of their leaders and a 'Jihaad' on Abu Dhabi and the Makhtoums in 'Dubai' because they alinged themselves with America, would you do that? ICU had all the rights in rebellion against the warlords and the TFG supported them in it but they had no right to attack its base on the pretext of 'rooting-out' Ethiopians in Somalia! They could have done it differently but did they have the charisma, intelligance and religious understanding in doing so? According to your logic all the countries in the Islamic worlds should be overturned by rebellion, civil strife and jihaad is that logical, don't we need purification and teaching in the first place and a leader or Amiir? Or do we just go out there and do 'Jihaad' on our own views and in big messy way? Northerne why don't you go out with a 'knife' and attack the police and army in the UAE because they're not ruling accoring to proper Islamic rule and they have alinged themselves with kaafirs, it's absurd thing to do you agree? But the question remains that the khawaarij of this centuary who were hell bent for civil strife didn't know on how to discuss the issue properly with the government! They wanted rule for themselves and used Islaam as a pretext and when they were refuted they adopted their second strategy which was that Ethiopian troops should leave the country! Remember brother the ICU was never being hostile towards the Government because for the good reason, that they haven't had the 'jurisdiction' to oppose it on religious grounds! That's why they were reiterating that they were not attacking the TFG and that their main was only to remove the Ethiopian troops from Somali soil! Sharia was never an issue but the Foreign troops were, they said they were welcoming President Abdullahi Yusuf to Mogadishu if he goes back on his request of needing foreign troops in order to bring peace to Somalia! They were saying 'foreign troops' aren't needed because we're sufficient to pacify the land ourselves, that was the contentious issue Northerner which you don't understand but not Islamic Sharia law! How should they have gone about it I dare to ask? Is it logical to say 'We recognise the legitimicy of this government the TFG, but we're going to attack it's temporary base because Ethiopians are there'? Please answer those questions and if by any chance you can refute that the ICU til it's last days were saying 'We're not attacking the TFG but Ethiopia' then please do so! On the legality issue, if the ICU was really interested of Ethiopian troops being taken from Somali soil, they would negotiate with the Government and hand over to them the capital and all the weapons, that is if they were sincere! They would also agree on some kind of power-sharing formulae but never ever would they advocate for a disastorous 'Jihaad'! Asky yourself recognising the TFG and its legitimacy to govern but going against the goverment of forging treaties they see fit in this case with Ethiopia is extremely controdicting. Doesn't the government have a right to have a treaty with whom they see fit of helping them bring back peace to our country! The Wadaads had a golden opportunity by negotiating with the government and bringing into fruition the needs and desires of the Somali people to see a functioning government to their country if they did so, they would be remembered and enter the history of Somalia and eventually people would elect them to power next time around but not the way they did it, which was far from 'islamic' and waging a 'jihaad'!
  6. Yaa sister Aisha let me first of all apologise to you if you have mistaken my words in any way or form! I didn't meant to anger you in anyway sister! But let's talk about the reality on the ground. I as a muslim believe in Al-Walaa wal Baraa! In other words who to love and who to detest! Sister you being my muslim sister I shall have affection for you and it shall not matter where you from because as muslims we are universally equal as one body! I recognise muslims being one body and if someone harms one bit of it then the whole body hurts! It could be that I was in error or misunderstandings or a lack of communication on my part could have resulted into the actions I took! But I agree with you without having asked about your postion and knowing your viewpoint I should not have prematurely taken your words out of context! I'm sorry for I have errored sister, I ask Allaah the exalted for forgiveness and after that I shall ask you to forgive me too! I love all my muslim brothers and sisters regardless where they from and you obvioulsy being one of my closer sisters in regards to region/language/culture and traditions I should have even more respected you but I was mistaken! I take all the things back I said and would like to wish you once again a warm and sincere welcome into SOL's forum, sometimes I can be a little bit ahead of myself but most of the time I'm levelheaded, I know many would disagree maybe they have a point but at times as this I usually recognise my mistakes and I have never shied away to raise up my hands and admitt my faults! Once again I hope you forgive me as I'm being sincere and I did not hold any hostilities towards you in the first place but I errored in believeing you having support for christians in Eritrea but asking us to support you in hating christians in Ethiopia which I found to be a little odd and double-standard like but you proved to me that I was wrong! Enjoy your stay and I hope that you don't come across unpleasantness or things you dislike in here again, I shall from now on treat you with the highest esteem and respect imaginable inshallaah!
  7. My fellow nomads thanks alot for the replies, but let me reply to MMA first, brother can you honestly say that Abdullahi Yusuf is a non-muslim a kaafir? Don't you know that takfiir according to one being sinner is a major crime against Islaam? Muslim rulers can have 'treaties' with anybody they want but your opposing it must make sense i.e. must not result in muslim people being killed by their enemies or put into harm's way! Yaa akhi intelligence is required, but let's take our swords will result in nothing but our people further killed. We don't have the power to oppose those groups and on top of that we don't have an recognised Amiir that would co-ordinate the Jihaad in our land, so does it mean we conduct Jihaad in a messy way? In other words everyone doing Jihaad in his own way, no coordination just go and and throw one hand granade, do you know that no one actually get's hurt by that then the fellow muslisms! We're not strong and we don't have a leadership of any kind that could organise us in a organised way! So isn't it logic to put the people not at risk by allowing the Ethios that came into country to further kill our people in the pretence of them being opposed or them chasing 'terrorists' through the city Mogadishu and Somalia in a whole! Back to my brother Geeljire, yaa akhi Islamic courts were not lacked universal approval from all parts of Somalia they were partisan group and majority of their shuura was from one clan because the courts themselves were made up by clans, when I asked court supporters why was that the case, they said because the ICU emerged from the islamic courts of Mogadishu it is only logical that they hold all the post! They also didn't control the whole country! Secondly brother don't you recognise the TFG being the inclusive leaders of Somalia, if you don't then yourself are going against the ICU! Read what the ICU said about the government yaa akhi, they said we're accepting the TFG of being our rulers the legitimiate rulers of Somalia as the TFG also recongised the political reality of the existence of the ICU! What did the ICU want, didn't they say we will welcome Abdullahi Yusuf to Villa Somalia if he stops asking for foreign troops? Yes or No, Yes they did so! The next thing was that they will attack the Ethiopians in the country but not the TFG ask yourself why? Even when the war started they were reiterating that there war was not towards the Somali leadership and government but that they wanted to oust the Ethiopians from Somali soil brother! Wallahi if you don't believe me I shall bring my evidence forth! So did or didn't they recognise the TFG, they did no questions about it. Did Hassan Dahir Aweys ever declined the title 'President' to Abdullahi Yusuf, no is the answer! So they were not opposing the government as a whole but what they wanted was that the country shall be ruled under Islamic rule and if Abdullahi Yusuf would do that then they would put their weapons down! Akhi, it's a reality that the courts by large recognised the Somali leadership and the TFG as being the sole leaders of Somalia and its goverment there opposition was only based to pressure that governmetn to adopt Islamic rule (shariicah) and remove the Ethiopians from the country, that's all nothing more nothing less! Yaa Geeljire please on the other hand don't badmouth the good ulama of this religion may Allaah forgive their sins and enter them paradise! Being a khawaarij isn't good because they advocate for civil strife, murder and chaos without any reasons because of dislike of their rulers! Yaa akhi you can dislike the rulers but what is the best way and the sunnah in dealing with their errors? Is it to shout in market places, call for bloody futile revolutions, burn down whole cities without having a unified ideology/strategy in place and an righteous Amiir that can oversee the muslims success? Wallaahi yaa akhi what we needed was purification and teaching of the ummaah and an common aqiidah that we agree on, a united nation and a righteous leader Amiir in order to wage jihaad and defeat our enemies! But to call for a Jihaad and become a khawaarij without being united in one aqeedah(not even ICU were united because of different aqaaid), one leader Amiir and one united people is totally unislamic and against the Sunnah! Please brother if I said anything inlogical than refute me and bring forth counter-arguments to refute my position but I doubt that there are any argumets to refute it because I'm only talking sense and logic! Wallaahi brother for muslism in order to be really true in their discussions they must be sincere to each other and acknowledge one one anther in order to brign forth progress! I hope you're sincere as me brother![/b]
  8. Xiin brother, I sincerly hope after reading the article below, you will realise the urgence to refrain from refuting the leaders of Somalia and their revilement! "Advocating or ordering the good should not result in the loss of greater good nor cause a greater evil than before"! Imaam Aboo Bark al-Aajurree (d.360H) - rahimahullaah - said: "It is not permissible for the one who sees the uprising of a khaarijee who has revolted against the leader, whether he is just or oppressive - so this person has revolted and gathered a group behind him, has pulled out his sword and has made lawful the killing of Muslims - it is not fitting for the one who sees this, that he becomes deceived by this person’s recitation of the Qur‘aan, the length of his standing in Prayer, nor his constant fasting, nor his good and excellent words in knowledge when it is clear to him that this person’s way and methodology is that of the Khawaarij". Yaa akhi listen to the prophet peace be upon him: "There are three things towards which the heart of a Muslim never shows hatred or rancour: Making one’s action sincerely for Allaah; giving obedience to the rulers (wulaatul-umoor); and sticking to the Jamaa’ah (united body). Since their supplication encompasses those who are behind them (i.e. those whom they rule over)." Now you are advocating disobedience to our rulers which will even cause a greater fitnah, we Somalis should have made supplications for Siyaad Barre instead of opposing him like we should make supplication for our current leaders and not oppose them in any way or form because it leads to fitan a greater evil! What do you say about this below statements yaa akhi: The Prophet peace be upon him stayed in Makkah for thirteen years and the government there was a disbelieving government. Despite this, whoever accepted Islaam from his Companions did not fight against the disbelievers. Rather, they were prohibited from fighting the disbelievers for this extremely long period of time, except after the Prophet migrated and a state was established and a community arose making them capable of fighting the disbelievers, this is the methodology of Islaam. So when the Muslims are under a kaafir government, and they are not capable of removing it, then they must hold firmly onto Islaam and their ’aqeedah. However, they should not endanger themselves by endeavouring to oppose the disbelievers, because that will only result in the destruction and annihilation of the da’wah (call). As for when they have power (quwwah) making them capable of Jihaad, then they should perform jihaad in the Path of Allaah upon the known Sharee’ah fundamentals.” "Power is known, so if you can carry out an action, and the Muslims start to become capable of establishing jihaad in the Path of Allaah, then jihaad has been legislated for them against the disbelievers. As for when their power is estimated, and not fully certain, then it is not permissible to endanger the Muslims, nor to urge them towards danger; thus taking them towards and end that is not praiseworthy. And the seerah (biographical account) of the Prophet in Makkah and al-Madeenah is an excellent witness to this." And this: Imam al Barbahaaree (d. 329H) said, "Whoever rebels against a Muslim ruler is one of the Khawaarij, has caused dissent within the Muslims, has contradicted the narrations and has died the death of the days of ignorance." (Sharhus-Sunnah [p.42]) The Khawaarij are a group who first appeared in the time of 'Alee (radiallaahu'anhu). They split from his army and began the grave innovation of takfeer (i.e. declaring Muslims, rulers or the ruled who are guilty of major sins, to be disbelievers). The Prophet MUHAMMAD (salallaahu'alayheewasallam) warned against them in many authentic Ahaadeeth, "The Khawaarij are the dogs of Hellfire." (Reported by Ahmad and it is Saheeh.) MUHAMMAD (salallaahu'alayheewasallam) also informed us that they would continue to appear until the end of this world, saying, "A group will appear reciting the Qur'an, it will not pass beyond their throats, every time a group appears it will be cut off, until the Dajjal appears within them." (Reported by Ibn Maajah and it is Hasan.) Also this: Al Barbahaaree (d. 329H) also said, "It is not permissible to fight the ruler or rebel against him even if he oppresses. This is due to the saying of the Messenger of Allah (salallaahu'alayheewasallam) to Abu Dharr al Ghifaaree, "Have patience, even if he (i.e. the Ameer) is an Abyssinian slave," (Reported by Muslim.) PROPHET MUHAMMAD (salallaahu'alayheewasallam) saying to the Ansaar, "Have patience until you meet me at the Pool," (Reported by Bukharee from Usayd ibn Hudayr.) Xiin have you forgotten the below statment akhi: There is no fighting against the ruler in the Sunnah. It causes destruction of the Religion and the worldly affairs." Remmeber Hassan's saying: Al Hasan used to say, "If the people had patience, when they were being tested by their unjust ruler, it will not be long before Allah (Ta'aala) will give them a way out. However, they always rush for their swords, so they are left to their swords. By Allah! Not even for a single day did they bring about any good." Adeer tell me are you a khawaarij? Do you advocate for civil strife, chaos and fitan? Why are you leading the people into harms way and thereby destroying the dawah! Be patient and make supplications but don't become a khaariji that advocates for civil strife brother! Educate yourself brother from the culuma of this religion the likes of Sheikh Bin Baz, Sheikh Albani, Sheikh Al-Cuthaymiin, Sheikh Muqbil and Sheikh Rabici! Don't become a khawaariji yaa akhi take time and study, I will give you more material inshallaah or you can look for it yourself!
  9. Xiin brother, I've created a new thread inshallaah for you guidance and I'm sincere wallaahi in my intentions and I want you to understand! That is if it is ideological your refutation and revilement of our todays leaders, think of it brother, I appeal to your conscious!
  10. Full support, will get you an exclusive access to the TFG club, you will get a card where you will be able to watch 'free satellite' television in the comfort of your home thorugh SOL's VIP section and a 24 webcam directly linked to all the rooms in Villa Somalia except the obvious ones (no shower link) because this is an islamic and family enterprise! Sorry I know if that was the case Castro and other's might just be tempted/persuaded to join the club aswell! Minors are very much members in our club we got them young as 12! Other freebies also include a choice of 'free flying lessons' (although that option is not availabe for Ubaahane and Taliban), the last time people with their mindset were trained in a cockpit, two towers accidently came down crushing and we don't want to see a repeat of that because that would mean the closure of the TFG flying school and a bombardment by the americans)! Second choice available to you is 'free ballooning' practise over the skies of southern Somalia* (*currently not available)! The third and final option includes 'horse riding' classes which frankly speaking is very much the most popular choice as it will connect you with the who of who in the TFG club! Saturdays and Sundays you will be invited into the country side for some 'fox-hunting' that is if you mastered and graduate from the horse riding school of the TFG! Fox hunting is frankly speaking the sport where all the high and low rank members of that club have the opportunity to speak, discuss and learn more about each other! So get that premium special TFG card by 'fully' joing the TFG club! You know it makes sense!
  11. Good on you Cent! Kudos to you for switching to the right side, I guess the money we promised you in order to lure you into our camp has worked! BTW don't worry about the check, Horn my secretary tells me it's already sealed, stamped and on the way to you! I know lately you've been scared looking into your 'mail-box' due to the fear, that some of your previous friends and former asscoiates might send you something nasty but it's really important for our office workers to know, the check is in right hands! Also a holiday voucher has been included and remember you've been 'entered' in the prize-draw for that ferarri you know what I'm talking about! But unfortunately the amount of the check is only £2000 instead of the promised $2500 due to the lack of you to join is 'fully' and 'willingly'! Take care!
  12. My resentsments (if I call that) is due to your countries smuggling of weaponary into my country to kill my people and in order to hope for Somalia to burn by opening a second front as some kind of proxy for your country! You did that not because of 'love' for us but to relief the burden on you! The weapons that my people were being killed with were provided by Eritrea! But your futile attempts of hoping for Somalia and Somalis to be used as some kind of shield for you has been exhausted and giving praises to Allaah it has badly backfired on you! So why should we Somalis hate Ethiopia and not Eritrea? What logic do you posses? Ethiopia has got a large muslim population over 70% so why should we hate them? Yes there might be the 'tigreys' and ahmaras but don't they exist in Eritrea aswell? Do you hate your own tigrey President that is from Eritrea? I doubt it! What you don't undertand or comprehend is that Ethiopia is run by tigrey today, their prime minister is a Christian! Eritrea today is also run by another 'tigrey' who also happens to be 'coincidently' a Christian! So stop the nonsense saying that we share the 'hatred' for Habashs! Wasn't that your biggest clue and the biggest thing we shared? Not even Islaam you did mention because you are well aware off the chrisitan lunatic that is running your country today! If there is any hate and rivalry between the Somalis and Xabashis it is because of difference of religion and ideology my dear and not based on nationality or ethinicty for that matter! I hate Ethiopian chrisitans equally the same like Eri chrisiatns, so what say you? Do you hate your fellow citizens, if not don't ever try to tell us we share common hatred for Xabashis if you are not willing to hate/condemn your own filthy habashi chrisitans, who you so proudly claim to be your fellow brothers and sisters!
  13. Were you accepting the TFG when it was being created or were you opposing it always? If I make an intelligent guess, I would say that you actually welcomed it like all of us the creation of a government for Somalia! Why because we've been without a government for almost two decades and it's for all to see what we lost! So what has changed now for the TFG to reform itself? It took two years of negotiating to form this government! One thing you seem to forget aswell Xiin, TFG is a transitional interim government that shall lead us for an interim period of time unil peace is restored and actual elections could be held, so if you think it needs to reform, why don't you create a party and stand in a parliamentarian election to come to power and excercise the will of the people that elected you in power! Then all the necessary reforms and improvements could be made by you in agreement with the people who have chosen you into office! Somalia is a very small country and when our people see the creation of opportunies through work(even modest), improvement in the security of the land, return of the police and armed forces and a government that enjoys international recognisition with our passports back and embassies open to assist Somalis across the globe, I believe they will rally behind it and all oppostion will fade away because Somalis after sixteen long years what they require of all things is peace and a government that regulates their daily lifes even if it's a bad or incompetent one! Adeer Somalia today is at a cross-road and the international community will not forsake it so work with the TFG, if only for two and a half more years inshallaah! The problem with our people is that they're very impatient they want everything now and here but TFG has a time limit put on it, they will go away in less then three years, so why are you that impatient? Then after they all go you can elect your own government and do the reforms and modifications you like to do! Any sensible person would do that Xiin, but you're an utopian adeer and nothing will please you! You even refuse to see the stark reality on the ground, what prolonged civil war are you talking about? There will be no civil war inshallaah because there is a strong government in place now and the warlords have been tamed and they said today that they will give up all their weapons and their militias will be conscripted into the national armed forces of our country! Xiin be serious are you really against the return of any form of goverment in Somalia? Or is it the utopian within you, who doesn't want that to happen!
  14. Very good Centurion, congrats! I don't mean it sarcastically but isn't the stark truth here that we don't have got any other alternative nor viable other option! Don't allow yourself to be 'lured' into oppostion by some folks in here, he seem deprived of a reality consciousness, they either seem to live in the past or the glories of yesteryears, then actually contemporary reality of life in itself! Warlords have seen it, Caddow has seen it, most parliamentarians did the same but some in here do not want to see the stark reality! Liqaye has said what I was saying a long time ago, I believe one can oppose the TFG but not the return of our national institutions! It's high time to move on and support the new change in Somalia because if you don't then you're advocating for civil strife and all the bad thing our country was renowned for sadly in the last decade or so! Xiinfaniin's opposition is not ideological every sensible muslim would do the right thing and say 'Yes, we've suffered our nation is bleeding, let's call it a day and support not the TFG but Somalia and the return of a functional government! Xiin doesn't want to address those things but let me say 'if he isn't hungry for a government a government of any sort, may it eve be a bad government what is he advocating for'?
  15. Fiqikhayre


    The return of the Somali Statehood! ALL Praise be due to Allaah the exalted!!
  16. TFG supporters only, Greetings all! Well this here is a thread dedicated to the success of the TFG, you can post all the things you deem to be a success in this thread! Article's, photos, reports, creative-writing, audio, video or anything you desire! It will be a memorable thing to remember, so let's archive inshallaah! So come along and express yourself and your support for the TFG! Wave the flag, yeah like I'm doing! ! Long live Somalia and God bless us all! Stand up if you Somali, stand up if you Somali stand up and wave the flag if you Somali: !
  17. Aisha ofcourse you would be bored because being told to sit straight isn't fun you know! All I'm saying is thay your country Eritrea today is an pirah an outcast amongst the international world community and the wider region of the horn! You're the North-Korea of the Horn of Africa! Isolated and contact shy, that's why the only people you lure as friends are helpless terrorist groups! All I'm requesting from you is that you sort out your problems with your cousins and not us! So don't come here yelling and telling us who we hate or love because we don't hate anyone! Eritrea and Ethiopia are one and the same for me, a donkey and his two ears as Somalis would say! Now to the cheerleading group, I won't even address you as you still haven't recovered from your 'shock', so all I can do is to wish you a good recovery from your illness and that you do not die prematurely off your grief stomach pain, heart-bleeding and anger! Go and sort out your inferiority complex! You know there's help out there! God Bless Somalia!
  18. I've dedicated this little piece to all my political nemesis, who are politically challenging and opposing my viewpoint without merit ofcourse that goes without saying! My enemies, it makes me happy to see you weep Told you about your fate when you attempted that leap Listening you weren’t, now you are resting dead in a heap Dying cheap like sheep, my enemies taken to the earth deep Enjoying the neap you refused, my trinkets now enjoy the reap! My enemies I feel your blood seep, you can look at me and peep. Be warned my name is FiqqiSakhar I will run you down with my jeep! Try to creep out; keep with the beat ’ We Love You’ Sakhar the Somali veep!
  19. Adiguna Hornafrique waxaad tahay biddad wanaagsan ee halakan si fiican isku baahso!
  20. ^Inshallaah, yaa Ukhtaah Rahima! Remember to say that as nothing will come to surface or happeneing except what Allaah the exalted has willed to happen! It's an intregal part of a muslims conscious to always say 'Inshallaah' inshallaah! So don't break with it brother inshallaah! Everything that will happen, will happen inshallaah!
  21. The only negro I can see in here is only you Roob, so don't try my patience Roob! The region of the Horn does not need new rivalries, but peace! I'm a strong advocate of a strong Somalia as I strongly believe that we should be an nation, that can safeguard it's own interest, whilst also realising on how to do that! I want greater regional co-opreration, mutual respect and trade relations in our region but not at the expense of Somalia's dismise! It is you, who is disillusioned and thinks, he can rival Ethiopia! Ethiopia has been stable for almost a decade now, why can't we together with the help of our regional partners not exclusive to Ethiopia only but also Igad state members and Yemen to create a horn of africa that is free of famine, warfare, interfightings, arms racing and regional rivalry? Is that too much to ask! I want Somalia to resurface but by allowing us to be used as some kind of proxy for Erirea will not do that! We cannot rival Ethiopia because we're a shattered and battered nation! We've destroyed our own country and showed to the world that we can not live in peace together and now of a sudden you say 'Let's rival nations that whilst we were killing each other and destroying our own houses, whilst they]/b] were modernising and rebuilding their nations! Today we're handicapped, our people need peace and a return to normality, let's rebuild our lost institutions and let's clean up the mess and misery we inflicted on us ourselves and move on, then when we're strong enough and return our national pride, army and fighter jets, then maybe can we talk and put some fear into the hearts of our 'rivals' or enemies! But a nation, that doesn't even have a national army, who is it going to oppose? Ask yourself's were is our national pride our MIG's and our country, yes it's difficult but living in denial and false pride will only make us disillusional! Please open up your eyes and see for yourself the state of the nation and the people of Somalia and tell me if we can afford anything but to work for peace, ask for help from where ever we can get and hope for a better tommorrow! No brother you don't have any other vision, then sentiments expressed when we were a nation but the unreal thing here is that you oppose what would actually bring back our pride and that is a National Unity Government!
  22. Inshallaah, yaa Xaaji Xiinfaniin! Remember to say that as nothing will come to surface or happeneing except what Allaah the exalted has willed to happen! It's an intregal part of a muslism conscious to always say 'Inshallaah' inshallaah! So don't break with it brother inshallaah! Everything that will happen, will happen inshallaah!
  23. Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo xarunta Madaxtooyada Villa Somalia ku qaabilay wakiilka UNDP! Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka KMG Mudane Cabdulaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa maanta Xarunta Madaxtooyadda ee Soomaaliya ku qaabilay Xiriiriyaha Howlaha Gargaarka ahna Wakiilka Hay’ádda UNDP ee Soomaaliya kadib markuu booqasho sharaf ugu yimid. Munaasabada Qaabilaadaasi oo ay Goobjoog ka ahaayeen Raiisul Wasaaraha Dowladda Mudane Cali Maxamed Geedi, Gudoomiye kuxigeenka koowaad Prof.Maxamed Cumar Dalxa, Raiisul Wasaare ku-xigeenka, ahna Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Mudane Xuseen Ceydiid waxay kulankaasi iskula soo qadeen sidii loo dardar galin lahaa Howlaha ay hayádda UNDP ka waddo Soomaaliya gaar ahaan Gobalkan Banaadir, sida Dib u dhiska Maamulka Gobalka iyo 16ka degmo, Gacansiinta hayádaha Sharciga sida Ciidanka Booliska, Maxakamadaha iyo Ciidanka Asluubta. Madaxweyne Cabdullaahi Yuusuf oo Kulankaasi ka hadlay waxa uu ku baraarujiyay Madaxa Hayádda UNDP in wax la qabtaan Hayáddaha Sharciga,isagoo caddeeyay in maanta baahi weyn loo qabo Howlagalinta Hayádahaasi si ay uga wadda shaqeeyaan soo celinta Sharciga iyo kala dambeynta sida Boliska,Maxakamadaha,iyo Ciidanka Asluubta. Madaxweyne Yuusuf wuxuu intaas raaciyay in si Hubka loo dhigo loo baahan yahay in Hayádaha UNka inay Dowladda gacan ku siiyaan sidii mihnaddo iyo tababaro loogu fidin lahaa dhallinyaraddii Maleeshiyaadka ahaan jiray. Raiisul Wasaaraha Dowladda KMG Mudane Cali Maxamed Geedi iyo Raiisul Wasaare ku xigeenka oo iyana kulankaasi ka hadlay baahida loo qabo inay wax ka qabtaan dib u dhiska iyo howlgalinta Gobalka Banaadir iyo 16ka Degmo iyo gacansiinta Wasaaradaha Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Garsoorka. Wakiilka Hayádda UNDP Eric Larocha oo isna ka hadlay Munaasabadasi waxa uu caddeeyay in Hayádaha Qaramada Midoobay ay diyaar u yihiin inay gacan siiyaan Hayádaha Dowladda Federaalka,gaar ahaan kuwa nabadgalyada oo uu sheegay inay muhiimad gaar ah siinayaan. ‘” Waxaaa la joogaa xilligii ay Beesha Caalamku wax u qaban laheyd oo ay Taageeri laheyd Dowladda KMG ee Soomaaliya ayuu yiri Wakiilka Hayadda’UNDP Eric Larocha, wuxuu intaa raaciyay inay gacan weyn ka geysan doonaan Barnaamijyada kala duwan ee ay waddo Dowladda gaar ahaan adeegyada Bulshada. Eric wuxuu kaloo sheegay in dib u dhiska Dugsigga Sare ee Booliska ay Hayádda u balanqaaday Dalka Norway si Tababar loogu siiyo Ciidanka Booliska soomaliyeed. Midig Ra'isul Wasare Gedi, wakiilka undp Somalia Siidii, Taliye kuxigeenka Boliska Bashir Gobe Bidix Taliyaha Ciidanka Booliiska soomaaliyeed Cali Madoobe!
  24. So Aisha what language do you speak at home? Is it tigriyana? Arabic? or something else! By the way not all of us hate xabashis, they're our neighbours and inshallaah we shall work with them to create a Horn of Africa, that works together in order to make the region better! We don't want to be the next balkans! Eritrea and Eri's should see that, no war has ever let to anything but through peace our region could be developed just look at the EU and former rivals Germany and France or to the indian subcontinent and old foes India and Pakistan! So Eri girl if you have a problem with your cousin go sort it out with them but don't mistake us and think that you can lure us into another senseless war! Afterall weren't you part of the xabash yourself when we the last time fought them! Eritrea today is a Pariah state and that because you hate on your cousins! What, you barely 13/14 years old and you went to war with all your neighbours including Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan and Yemen, I guess that in itself says alot about your country today! War is not an option in our region, especially not so for you, Why you ask? It's in your first post, you got an population of around 4 million, whilst your cousin and bigger brother has a population of over 70 million! So that means the whole country needs to be militarised in order for you to keep up with your cousin! You can't go on with this hostilities because Ethio's can draw from a larger seize population on the other hand, your large forces have put an restraint on your economy and it's only time before it crushes and you'll be begging the world again and the countries disintegration Not to mention the many ethnicities within your country! What 9 or was it 13 different ethinicites and how many languages! Your country is not homogenous another setback, so anyway a belated welcome to this forums of ours! Remember the regions needs development and peace and not another senseless war! Enough of war, famine and regional rivalries, now it's the time for economic co-operation, regional co-operation and a peaceful coexistence! Of all the people and nations in this world Eri is the last country that needs war! What you need and should desire is Peace!