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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Folks the debate is closed inshallaah. The logic has prevailed and the illogical challengers to that logic have been dismantled one by one! They couldn't come up with any counter-arguments and therby have fled the scene. Again Fiqqikhayyre has done it to them and he will inshallaah continue doing it to them until they hold up their hands really high and visible and say 'We were wrong', 'Please don't condemn us any further'! They have been given a taste of their own medicine and now I'm heading towards the fake nationalists and inshallaah taking them out one by one and exhibited their fake nationalism and fakery! One has already tasted the blows soon many will follow and the wind will also blow them off inshallaah! Fiqqikhayyre their worst nightmare, they run a mile when they see him coming!
  2. Very weak and incompetent journalism, I wonder why I have bothered watching! People taken out of context intenionally and ignorant folks! Why should they advocating for 'hate' preachers to be stopped when it is Islaam they want to ban, ban the religion if you don't like what you hearing because what was qouted is from our religion and we're not altering it for you because you might have taken 'offence'! Islaam and muslims aren't comparable with the kaafirs ideology and they should know it. Wallaahi the Prophet peace be upon him was talking the truth when he said 'the fire of the kaafirs and those of the muslims aren't visible to each other' meaning that muslims shouldn't be living amongst the kaafirs! Ofcourse they will persuit us until we adhere to their wishes and I particularly find it unbelieveable when some of those muslims individuals and organisatiosn where actually retracking on what they had said! It's good if the good Imaams that teach the muslims don't make a target out of themselves but it would be better if they stated that they have been taken out of context and told them it's their religion but some of them fear for their livelihoods in the west I guess because if they are deported from the UK they will be probably deported to Pakistan or other muslim countries where there lives and livelihood might be endangered so I can see why they took their cautious approach! Really bad journalism really bad!
  3. What a double-standard you preach Suldaanka! We forgetting ourselves? What about the abused Press in your region! Atleast in Puntland there's a corporate media where as in your clan fiefdom such thing doesn't sadly exist in your dictionary! Go deal with your own shortcomings before you embark preaching morally because to preach you have to first to act on what you preach and be doing it yourself before you criticise! What Somalia today needs is a responsible media that can advocate for peace but not shady media outlets that report in favour of a group without balancing on what they report! I say 'Yes' to tabloid and trash media but not in a state like Somalia atleast not until the three months of Emergecy/martial laws ends or expires! The government has to disarm the population and they will do it after the disarmenent programme is over then we can have trash media, deal?
  4. Joint afford by Hornafrique and Yoonis! I’m not a politician but a flip-flop I’m going to drip that in a voice drop! My name is Hornafrique Jr Juvenile of Hiiraale senior MR. Hiiraale is my hero love him non-stop To you I propagate him as father tip-top! You would call him a ‘G’ if it was hip hop! If you don’t believe me I’m going to use on you a drop-kick Better believe and join the new church Yoonis be sick! He hasn’t yet killed anyone intentionally Swear that to you he did only conventionally! Thus qualifying him becoming priest unintentionally Love him regardless and too, As me and my fellow Hiiraale crew Use him pleasurably to skin-pop Everyday ‘Hiiraale’ SPing at our bus-stop! What would Seattle be without me? I’m its hottest mc! Just listen to my lyrical talent And its satirical gallant This makes you spew for days Castro and his likes in a state of haze Yoonis put us on his ways And he has put on us his mystical sways We salute you my majesty here is your praise We believe now in the TFG hear our yeas The TFG here to stay and you My honour We declare you the King! Rule us like a Afrikaner!
  5. Yeah you can it watch online folks if you don't have a TV like me and live in the UK register at! Watch it tonight inshallah!
  6. Hayam if he/she 'expires' you could send him/her some flowers with a note in it saying 'Thank you Mr/Mrs Brown you gave me an B grade but I was looking for an A+, I hope as you're dead now you're going to 'burn' in hell eternally!
  7. Maashaallaah, Good Boy! Shows you that Kenya is doing a fine job in educating its youngsters well those that can afford it atleast! People there are taught oldfashioned style and true mathematics unlike what the Somali children in the west are taught! They merely have a grip on the basics! So those who say our children get a better Education in the west are dreaming better, send your children to Kenya, Somaia or Malaysia atleast they will learn properly oldfashioned style!
  8. They haven't come through Ballot-Box you say it only shows and highlights your true naivity sister! You're either naive and have adopted the western trend of the western pop-culture's you adhere to in order to get noticed or simply speaking you're a lousy politician! One of the two above! Back to the ballot-box, do you know why they didn't come through the ballot-box? You see that's what the likes of you deny, you still for some kind of motive think that Somalia was never stateless! Didn't the war happen in Somalia? Didn't we kill each other? Didn't we provented peace in our country for the past sixteen years? Didn't we destroy our cities and teared off our censuses? You must be the only person, who believes that elections could be hold in a wartorn country where no peace exists and with no electorial registraton of the populanc! You'd think that people might be intimidiated to 'vote' the right way otherwise they'd be killed! You're mildly put naive! I can't be bothered to put a smiley face in for you! To your dismay.
  9. Don't worry brothers I got the remedy they're looking after! My enemies, it makes me happy to see you weep Told you about your fate when you attempted that leap I promised to you that I will keep my promise solemn You doubted my intentions and the strength of my column You weren’t adhering, now you are resting dead in a heap Dead in a heap like sheep my enemies taken to the earth deep Now you gaze amazingly why has victory forsaken you? Happily and morally and simply your intentions weren’t true The Neap tide you refused Khawa-rich what now is your reap? Enemies I feel your blood seep, brood bi!ch you can weep! But you will not be able to stop the sweep The nation’s back! Somalia all clean re-emerging from their sleep You don’t like it? Tough! Creep. Silent up and kiss my feet Because Sakhar has returned Long live him and the king! Somalia and Somalis all shivering! Their bodies trembling like them delivering! It has taken long but the baby’s now finally here! Now what to do wrong? Leave it out-side to freeze clear? Inside out I know that’s the dowladdeeds wish and hope! But let me reiterate it to them and tell them nope! Your wishes aren’t coming true what ever you dope! Keep up your opposition and maybe you could write to the pope! Secessionists write to the queen ‘please help‘! Somalis put us on a rope! Both enslaved in their minds and harbouring hate they can not cope! To be continued inshallah!
  10. Mystic you know what? I can not argue with emotions and sentiments so would you mind turning those down a bit? You real concern is not for the people sister but for other clannish reasons, and the sad part is that you're working over time to tell us otherwise! What people are being killed if I may ask? If the Ethiopians wanted to kill all Somalis why didn't they kill them inside Mogadishu? Aren't they people in Beledweyne and Mogadishu sipping in their teas peacefully without worry unless ofcourse some moron throws a hand-grenade, which will the TFG forces and ethios set off to shoot in all directions resulting in further people being killed! You live in another world in a dream world sister! Wake up from the utopia and realise that the only position open to you that is if you care about the people is for the people not to resist and rebel without hope of achieving their aims and to lower their heads and co-operate with this government until they can remove it throught the ballot-box!
  11. They will not yaa akhi because they are more concerned in their futile arguining and calling of rebellion and revolutions that will not bring anything but further hardship, hostility and civil strife for as they're the greatest evil and warmongers that we have today! Rise up! Yes. But what comes after that? You guessed it! Bloodshed, murder, killings, chaos, anarchy and further civil strife! These folks are the least folks that wish good on Somalia or Somali people they mere persuaing their narrow and self-centred interests and egos without considering the fate of their home country and its people! God help us all and may he bless Somalia by ushering the Peace these folks are so verhemntly against! Inshallaah khair! Amiin.
  12. Today I had an emotional encounter with my country Somalia! Today I remembered my loss inside has truely returned! Today when I saw ordinary Somalis in neighbourhoods assisting the TFG forces in disarming our capital by fingerpointing to houses where weaponary were stored! Women and Children moving/walking in front of the soldiers and identifying houses of trouble-makers and killers in order to take away the weapons they terrorised the people with for over 16 years! Today I had an emotional encounter with my country! When I realised that the warlords have published a report to the Government in which they outlined how much weaponary they owned varified by Government officals ofcourse who were there when the warlords where counting up their weapons of destruction and murder! Today I had an emotiaonl encounter with my country! When warlord Yalahow, Qanyare and Finish have said they're going to hand over their weapons to the government tonight! Today I had an emotional encounter with my country! When Dinaari said warlords have been given until tuesday night to fully disarm! Today I had an emotional enounter with my country! When I realised disarmement is at full height and a reality! Today I had an emotinal encounter with my country! When over 370 people have been given an E-Passport at the office for Immigration and Passport issues in Baidoa! I could go on but I do believe that some here feel the same sentiments with me! We ask from Allaah the exalted that he makes it easy for us in returning a functioning government to our bruised country inshallaah! Amiin.
  13. You don't know what you're talking about mystic! Your oppostion is futile like the Algerian oppostion was futile! You're advocting for more killings of people and civil strife but nothing else! If you don't have the capability, capacity and religious understanding how could you oppose the said people? Are you just calling for more people to be harmed by advoacting for more fightings? I ask you does a military challenge to the TFG exist inside Somalia today? Can the ICU mobilise an army? Do they have a leader or Amiir that will organise their ranks and lead them to war and look after affairs and send them more troops if they're needed? Do they have the weaponary to fight their enemies effectively? If you had any considertion for the people you would not advocate for civil strife and more harm inflicted on them by actually supporting a futile revolution/rebellion that is uncoordinated and lacks leadership and the necessary manpower and weaponary to fight their enemies!
  14. I do brother I know your stance as you've expressed it to me earlier! But I was talking in general terms aswell! Can't you see the illogical and implausable ways of this advocaters for civil strife and their double standards? According to their logic every muslim country on the face of the earth should be dismantled violently! They are either 'dumb' or playing 'dumb'! What is it. They description is like the TFG has done some kind of unprecedented thing of asking/having western support! Can you think that their mere disapporoval isn't on that matter? Otherwise they'd complaining for all those 'puppet' regimes to be removed and not just now! I'm 100% that they're not opposing the TFG for the reasons they have given us but others! With 'you' ofcourse I'm again addressing the general crowd!
  15. Who then? All governments in the islamic world are sustained by amricans and the cia! Would Musharraf last a day in Islamabad or Pakistan, if Pakistanis knew that americans wouldn't be supporting him? Would Muhammed Husni Mubarak survive in Egypt? Would the house of Saudi? The United Arab Emirates? Open up your eyes all those are selling their oil for the lowest and cheapest price and when their is a 'crisis' Saudi Arabia comes out and says 'we're pumping even harder' in order to sustain the west's economy! Your oppostions are futile and some of them are hypocritical! The likes of Castro and his friends would not hesistate to 'serve' the west if it would be persuaing their interests! Don't you that it is all a smoke-screen? Let's condemn the government because they're supported by the west? How unlogical and irrational? Where do this people live? Egypt rise up, Saudi do the same, UAE come out all the people and kill the kaafirs who are enjoing life in their villas and hotel rooms? This is mad yaa akhi, these people are irrational and don't you see that they're advocting for more murder, killings and civil strife? They are warmongers of the worst kind! Yeah atleat their children and them are safe because it's not that is doing the dying? Oh, how I dislike fake nationalists!
  16. No Geeljire, it won't come from them but the grenade throwers, child abusers and remnants of anarchy profiteers?
  17. Xizb-u-taxriir are nothing brother, they don't advocate for anything! The ulama of our relgion have warned us against them! They bring western ideologies into islam and mainly recruit their supporters from the universities! Simply they're flaud and resist the temptation in joining them because they're doomed if they don't repent and follow the sunnah accordingly! They're going against the sunnah by using western views and thoughts to bring about that islamic state! Check out my thread on rebellion against muslim rulers inshallaah and educate yourself about the khawaarij although the Xizb is not mentioned but it mentions others that follow the same destructive ways they proclaim to!
  18. I challenge Xiin for a debate at a time of his choosing inshallah! Xiin choose your time and we should discuss in this thread or another inshallaah in the audience of this gallery being or witness! Bring forth your arguments I want a live discussion with you!
  19. Brother thanks very much for your reply and let me deal with the views and concerns you have highlighted! You've said that the TFG was betraying the courts by keeping ethiopian troops in the land that would eventually threaten the ICU's existence, right? If not so correct me please! For you it was an act of declartion of war from the Ethiopians inside Somalia to the ICU! Yes, it could be true but what should the ICU have done brother is the question! Wallahi I know what it comes to the ICU could have survived because it was prevented by Aweys for political reasons because it would mean him losing! Actually he would be thrown out of the window, the decision of war came from them and it was not steming from their islamic believe! Many people think Indhacadde is a lunatic the courts are lunatics for declaring a war on Ethiopia but I don't think that way, I would allude that they simply did not have any choice! The negotions stopped and were halted because they could not agree on several issues! The government put it on the table that Aweys and his international group of 'jihadists' i.e. khwarij would not be allowed to be in the country because they would harm the government so the governement call for their removal! However if the courts were stronger in their faith and they didn't look out for the interests of certain indiviuals they would have dealt and asked their friend Hassan Dahir Aweys together with their 'Jihadists' to go and seek refuge somewhere else, I would think that Saudi, Egypt, Sudaan, Djibout and Yemen would not hesistate to have those people staying in their countries and offering them asylum! Now that would be the best option because you cannot hand these people over to the Americans and others and they shouldn't have been because an offer was alread on the table, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti and Yemen were all willing to take them! Then after that the government of Somalia have been reassured that the trouble makers have been ousted, America would not even do anything they'd forced to be silent and many of the death in southern Somalia would have not occured! The Shariif Ahmad wing would have taken over and after a couple of years, where they purify and teach the people, they could take power and then recall their former friends to the country, that's politics brother! Think of it, the Americans were out for this folks so where many enemies, because Aweys was harbouring terrorists in Somalia the embassy bombers that's why he was disliked but still he could travel to Saudi, UAE and Egypt which he did a couple of month ago but they didn't play the game because they're men that don't have an understaning of the sunnah! Back to the Ethiopions brother the 'jihaad' was a farce because you and me knew that jihaad has some shuruuds! One of them is that you've to be ready for it! Can we say honestly that the courts were ready for jihaad? No is the answer! They were miliatary not ready and spiritually aswell! Brother Purification and teaching has to come first before you wage Jihaad! How could they call for jihaad when amongst them were divisions in the aqeedah! The Qutubis, Jamaatu Tabligh, Salafi jadiid, Jihadists Ittihaad and Islaah and so many more were amongst them! Shouldn't they have purified their aqeedah first! Let alone the many clan warriors, self-guarding intersts groups, clan haters and opposers that were fighting along side them! How could such an unholy alliance succeed in a Jihaad brother? How could you do jihaad when you ideologically differ or detest the person that is fighting along side you and you're in groups and don't fight together or socilase? Think of it brother! A poem said 'Establish islamic rule into your heart and it will be established for you in the world (earth)'! This people have not purified themselves nor their souls do you think Allaah will grant them victory! Think of it akhi! It was a mere political game that was played nothing else the khawaarij or Hassan Dahirs idea was to keep Somalia in anarchy because he hoped then his group would train and then conquer the whole country that in itself is a sick mentality because a man who wants for a tired nation and people to bring further misery on them whilst they're lying down to create a futile revolution that will not last! Think yaa akhi!
  20. So what about Riyaale? I would hope he can rely on his guards that have been specially trained for him by his cousin Ismail Umar Gheele because the revolt is on the way! Are they going to dispose of him violently?
  21. Tukaale it's a good observation you made, some would think it's a iraqi style kinda insurgency when one throws one hand grenade and runs off killing nobody! The clans are united and the warlords have been tamed and Somalis are not 'dumb' wallahi they dont' want to die if they can't achive what they want or set out to achieve! I know Somalis very well, they will blend in and when they see an opportunity arising for them they will grab it and not lose it at any cost! But now it's keep your head down because you might get hit really hard, there's no oppostion! Would you risk your life in London by trying to go against the government? No because you know it will lead to nowhere but you actually being captured and throwing into jail! The other thing is that you don't know about the 650 plain dressed Secret Police officers (intelligence officers) that are working in the capital with their informers! They have guns and people who inform them but they're dressed just like you so you wouldn't know they are police officers, they will go after you and when they see trouble like you attempting to rob someones mobile/cell phone, they will arrest you here and then! However there biggest work is in spotting trouble-makers those who throw grenades etc! Better you should know who you could trust and speak to because that man in the cafe shop in Mogadishu reading the newspaper just might be a plain-dressed police officer, who will arrest you if you're for trouble making! Wallahi many people don't understan the game that is played here and how it works and functions!
  22. I know folks it hurts really hard but what can you do? Stop your 'lunatic' approach of opposing your government it's futile! Pseudo Religionism and fake nationalism won't lead you to anywhere! Get behind the government and now! Don't look out to keep your selfish interests because even the warlords couldn't, so who are you? All the Dowladdiid (Anti-Government lot) have realised that they can not keep their interests of keeping their stolen properties, enriching themselves on farm land they don't own, selling weapons, counter-feit documents, illegal businessmen selling expired rice, pharmacies selling counterfeit 'medicine', srapmerchants, killers, reer isbarooyin (those who set up illegal road blocks i.e. gangsters who take levies although they're not a 'government'), child soldiers, burglers, robbers and muggers, extremists, khawarij, suicide bombers, foreign 'jihadis', those who kill children all can not keep their interests so are you make folks so stop the oppostion I say! Somalia today has transformed, realise it! The government fully functions and the dowlad is disarming the whole country and Mogadishu! Today they found two heavy anti-aircraft mounted jeep hidden in the courtyard of a mosque! You see not even the mosques are spared but the soldiers have found it! They going door to door to take all the weapons of the people, some have resorted to 'dig' little wholes in order to 'hide' their pistoles in! But no one will be able to keep one single weapon! Guess what the warlords of Mogadishu are tonight handing over their weapons to the legitimate Government of Somalia today! They already put the 'lists' of what they'd declared to have to the government yesterday ofcourse the list has been confirmed by both the warlords and the government representatives and officals who were present when the warlords were counting up how much weapon they owned! The beast has been tamed once again and Mogadishu will be safe inshallaah very shortly! Today the government was handing over E-Passports to over 370 people in Baidoa! It's the first of such high-tech passports and opening of the office for Immigration and Passport issues! When the Passports were unveiled in Nairobi for the first time at its presentation there were over 50 foreign ambassdors at it, so it shows you how recognised it is! Soon inshallaah you can get it aswell in London or wherever you're inshallah! It will cost $100 for the folks back home and for you it will cost $150! So get with it inshallaah!