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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. I asked you earlier sister this simple question which you for obviously good reasons avoided! 'How did a qabiil based local Mogadishu clan courts system turn into a broad exclusive and representative body that can speak for the whole of Somalia'? Remember the majority of Puntland clans and their Ulama weren't joining them! Sheikh Faarax Gacmey is the 'patron saint' of the righteous Ulama, who adhere to the true aqaaid you and me believe never joined the ICU, so didn't many but Fahad Khalaf did, a young 'sheikh' from the United Kingdom! To say he represents a clan or region is madness, so what are you advocating whilst we are disunited and have contempt for each other we call an ill-advised Jihaad we cannot win even if it is defensive Jihaad? You would agree with me that the jihaad their called for was Fard Al-Kifayah which means it was a group-based jihaad, who felt their were attacked and therefore defend their homeland? But again didn't their homeland have a government? Yes it did! Didn't they recognise the legality of that government? Yes they did! So what led them to declare that defensive 'Jihaad' you're talking about? Why didn't the people of Puntland and the rest of Somalia participate in the Jihaad because Puntland was also attacked and the Ulama should have taken their swords to fight off the Ethiopians inside Puntland but they didn't, why? Because their regional government brought them into the country and the federal government also brought them in the country and that's why they didn't revolt! The government of Puntland said 'They're not attacking you nor your livelihoods or wealth but they're here to safeguard your safety and fight along side us because the ICU was illegally trying to force on themselves to people that had peace and didn't want them! They had a functioning government and told them to stay out but the people of 'We were invited didn't know that or took a grasp of it as usual'! So are you saying because the Ulama of Puntland didn't agree with the strategy and the marathon of the ICU, they'd had a right to wage Jihaad on behalf of the Somali people? No because I already told you they were not universally accepted in Somalia nor did they rule the whole of Somalia! So let's do Jihaad in a really messy way, disunited, battered and without resources and a dvision in aqaaid! Walaal what do you say about the Hiz-ut-Tahriir, the Ikhwaanul Muslimiin, the Islaah group and the Jamaacatu Tabligh aren' they part of the 73 sects that will go to hell-fire! I know you got the right aqaaid, so how can a person like you fight along side Hizb-ut-Tahriir, Ikhwaanul Muslimiin or the Al-Islaah? Those listed groups and the Salafis don't talk to each other so what to do, what was needed was 'purification' of the soul and heart then teaching and then Jihaad sister! But an unholly alliance between those groups, hardcore Jihaadists and khawaarij and clan soldiers won't bring you any victory! Again I remind you on the poem 'Establish the Islamic state in your heart it will be established for you in this earth'! Again did Indhacadde have the islamic state in his heart? Did the clan-fighters? Did the westernised Islaah group, Ikhwaan/Qutubis and Hiz-ut-Tahriir group? No is the answer. We needed a process sister and to purify ourselves but not to wage futile jihaads and revolutions because they will be crushed and the reason they're being crushed is because they don't follow the sunnah! Simple sister.
  2. Fiqikhayre

    MKA Yoonis

    Actually this thread reminds me of one of my teacher who once said 'That I was a danger to society and hence needed to be 'locked up', somewhere safe'! For some strange reasons everyone wants me to get banned or be locked up! But nevertheless to the originator of this thread I'm not a warmonger in the sense that I do advocate harm or war on my people, I'm merely advocating for peace. I say let's give this government a chance and don't oppose it that's all, I can't see the warmongering bit! But I'm a warmonger in the sense that I will advocate a war on anyone that comes close to you, if you know what I mean! Then I will become a warmonger, warlord and killer! I can't have oppostion when it comes to you! Can I? Nope. I will warmonger and fight for you! Yoonis is a warmonger Pujah is his love and hunger! Sacrifice and fight he will for Pujah Zarqaawi style like he did in Jordan and fallujah! I’m merely a legacy-seeker I suffer from love-hunger! You pujah have the heart and call me a war-monger! I forgive. Give me your heart Pujah! You my lovely zawjah! I swear and promise to you My love is only for you! Tell the rest ’No’ and 'Pooh'! Yoonis is the only one and it's true! Pujah doesn’t give a damn about you! Your sleepless nights or the things you do. Pujah and Yoonis is a pair of two! foreeeeeeeeeeever! If you don’t like it! Tough! ‘Boo’! Yoonis and Pujah is nevertheless a pair of two! Now you can chew! But Yoonis and Pujah is a couple of two! Ha ha ha! Yeah it's true they're a couple of two!
  3. Pi inshallaah with the grace of Allaah I shall do so! I hope aswell that all the good people that want this government to succeed and a return of Somalia to do the same and keep up their good works aswell inshallaah! Your country needs you!
  4. A motion of impeachment will be brought tomorrow inshallaah to the parliament to impeach the speaker of parliament Shariif Hassan Sheikh Adan! Deputy speaker Mr. Boqqore said that he wasn't aware of such a motion but he said if it was true then no one is above the law and if the parliament succeeds in impeaching the speaker that no one is above the law and that parliament has the right to do so! Mr. Louis Michael from the EU said that such an act would 'further' widen the political rift in Somalia and that it needed to be stopped! Shariif Hassan particularly enjoys support from Italy and through it the EU! He has been very ineffective during his time of speaker and most of the time outside in the country opposing the stance of the government! Already people from Shariifs clan and constituecny have started to put forward their campaigns and are lobbying amongst the parliamentarians for that post!
  5. Prime Minister Gheedi today confirmed that African peace troops will come in less then two weeks and take responsibilty off the current Ethiopian troops stationed in Somalia! The international group has urged member states of the UN to contribute financially and logisitically to that operation. Already promises are from the United States of America who are the prime sponsors of this African Peace keeping Operation! Together with their European parteners and other countries, the operation will go ahead very smoothly inshallaah! The US doesn't want to make a mistake again and now has put in place what is needed in order to make this time succeed the operation, which horribly went wrong during the early 90's and the UN had to withdraw from Somalia in 1995! Today the situation is much different and South-African president Mbeki said he is willing to support a peace-keeping mission to Somalia! African Peace mission team together with western logisitcs and fiancial support will start in the coming two weeks inshallaah and the Ethiopians will leave after their arrival inshallaah! But the question is will that keep the oppostion quite?
  6. Well let's begin with the first news item! Brief background information: Yesterday the government has closed down three radio stations in Mogadishu and the the Al-Jazeera TV office in Mogadishu! A urgent memo from the National Security Agecny was passed on to the said media outlets to stop their broadcasting activities immidiately which they all adhered to! Furthermore they were asked to come to the NSA's headquarters for further 'enlightment' the following day which was today. Today they were allowed to continue their activites as normal!I hope this is enough for the background info! 1. Why were their banned in the first place and what purpose does it have for doing so for only a period of 24 hours, is the government incompetent? The purpose behind the ban was not designed to permanetly close those media outlets in question but it was a symbolic sign that things have changed in Mogadishu. No longer is the media allowed to broadcast what they wish without considering the insentivity of what they're broadcasting! The above mentioned medias were working each as a partisan mouthpiece for various clans and warlords and they werer primarily fiananced by those groups for their political advantages! The outlined media outlets were kindly reminded that the situation has changed and that now a government is operating in the capital and that they had to change aswell because it seemed they were still in the past of serving their former benefiters and profiteers! Often in life the little symbolic gestures have a great effect for one to achieve what he disired to do! The clever people you mostly symbolic gestures that are not drastic but which will give a lasting reminder for people to behave in a particularly and responsible behaviour! After the discussions of today head of the NSA Mr. Darwiish gave a verbal license for the banned media outlets to restart their broadcasting activities as normal! The government of now hopes that those media outlets will not broadcast/air sensitive political messages to its audience that are seem to go against the security interest of the nation and the captial in particular! The said media outlets agreed that of now they will behave responsible and that they will be held accountable if they error! Just like the BBC errored when they broadcast sensitive news against the former scientific security advisor to Tony Blair a certain Mr. Kelly! It was a success and warning at the same time because the media outlets now know what the games rules are and if they do not adhere to them what it consiquences would be! Parents do it all the time, if you don't behave responsible then will take away the televison or the play-station for a short time and if they give it back after a period of time even if it is after a short time of one day, the kids will know if they'd misbehave again what the consequeces will be and next time if they really really behave badly the parents will have the right to take away the TV/X-BOX for a longer period of time or they could programme it to be used for 1 hour per everyday because it is their rights! If you're not responsible then you have to tast the consequences but because we're all adults now and the media outlets know what is required of them they will not make further mistakes I hope in order to prevent their closures again! Small symbolic gestures are the best ways to get what you want and the TFG has succeed in it! The stage is set and the rules are there for all to see and acknowledge! Information minister Dinaari categorically refuted that the ban had nothing to do with the Emergecny laws that are in place in Somalia! I hope that helped!
  7. Well today it seems to be a 'quite' news day, no major headlines! But there are couple news items we shall analyise inshallaah! 1. The reopeneing of the banned media outlets of yesterday! 2. Gheed's confirmation that African Peace troops will arrive in the coming two weeks! 3. A motion that is proposed to impeach the speaker of the parliament that is said to be brought into parliament for tommorrow! 4. Warlords deadline of handing over their weapons! 5. Meles Zenawis brief visit to Kenya! 6. The arrest of a major ICU member! 7. Cadde Muuse's visit to the UAE, Animal wellfare's Minister of Puntlands visit to Djibouti! 8. The demonstration that took place in the North-West of Somalia.
  8. This is a thread dedicated for people who want detailed and analytical and not biased analysis of the situation in Somalia and the news that is coming from it! I shall ofcourse analyise the news, which always seem as they're put forward to us, everything that happens happpens for a reason but most people don't know! I shall be extremly analytical and non-partisan at my political commenting inshallaah! This is a public service designed to help you understand the news and the situation in Somalia inshallaah!
  9. I would be very happy to sponsor a new moderator for the politics section! Ofcourse that person has to be objective and not partisan inshallaah!
  10. Have the moderators their job for life? I remembered a time where they were changed every year? No, this is no hostile thread but I believe some moderators just might be in a need for fresh air or change their activities for a bit! I'm not advocating for me and I would never hold such position but I certainly vote if a vote were to be put up! They should come through choice, campaign and lobbying I believe! It would be great to have such campaign! Candidates being on their best behaviours alwasy smiling not replying in angry way! Great getting a PM saying 'Please I need your support'! That's just what this website needs or the General section, a real compaign for popularism and votes! Maybe if it's not for moderatorship it could be for something else like the Presidency someone advocating to become a President for SOL. A campaign where people come to a live one to one discussion with their rival candidates and they get questions asked would be really good! Before I get banned let me reiterate I don't have anykind of interest about this websites administrational business but I'd like to see a campaign of one sort for something may it even be a made up title of 'Sol President'! Where after such an election that President would help the administrators in discussing what changes the collective would like to see in SOL!
  11. ******************** *EDITED* [ January 16, 2007, 02:34 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  12. *********************** *********************** *********************** [ January 16, 2007, 02:44 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  13. Xiin your understanding of muslim rulers is wrong because if you had realised and looked around you, you would noticed that their is no real muslim Imaam ruling over a single in the Muslim world! Look around you and give me one if you dare! You can't because you're not talking sense! Our prophet peace be upon him said that we will be ruled the arabian penisula by 'khaliifs' or khulafaa but their titles would change until they were Kings and princes ruling upon them and he told us about this hard times and about unjust rulers! However he said that we should be patient yaa akhi calling for civil strife with no real plan isn't logical and you know it! If I would tell you today a peaceful country like Egypt the people should stand up because their ruler is kaafir than wouldn't welcome it because Egypt would disintegrate and many people would lose their lifes indescrimately! What I'm advocting for is yes let's overthrow those rulers but let's do it in a logical way that adheres to the sunnah! The Prophet peace be upon him lived under the mushrikeen rule the Quraish idol worshippers for over thirteen years and he never ever revolted, why did he accept the 'humiliating' accord of Al-Xudaybiyah! Ask yourself because our Prophet peace be upon him was a Siyaasi in it's purist form not those that live today the word has become synomoys with lies and corruption but in it's pure form I mean! Brother it needs Xikmah and the understanding of the Sunnah! Note a Girl like Rahima who knows and can differciate between acts of kufr and somebody being out of the fold of Islaam and becoming a 'Kaafir'! You can do an act by kufr! The quranic ayah that says 'Those who don't rule by the word of god are kufr or kaafirun' does not mean they have gone outside of the fold of Islam but it is rather a kufr less of a kufr if you understand what I mean! The science is there but how shall we apply it akhi! Before we embark on a islamic revolution in establishing the law of Allaah we have to embark on a process! You cannot say I have changed overnight no it's not going to happen because the people are not ready not they are not ready! Before we go on start futile revolutions we need to purify ourselves then teach because many non islamic elemts have entered the religion today that we need to get rid off! We need to purify our deen and aqaaid then teach after that can we embark on it but how can we when our own solves aren't pure! Xiin can you honestly say today that your soul is pure and that you have a good understanding of the religion and it's principles, which all the good people before us had? No I guess is the answer! Can you a minnesoatan strife for Jihaad what having purified your soul! Adeer we need to purify our hearts and souls and minds then reach out and do dawah starting with the people we can trust like our prophet peace be upon him did! I say why can't we follow the prophet's peace be upon him's path? What's wrong with it? Why can't we adhere to the sunnah? All those revolutions fail from Algeria, Egypt, Syria and Somalia ever asked why? Because no one is following the sunnah! Hizb u-tariir, Al-Islaah and the Ikhwaan Muslimiin all want to establish an Islamic state but do we agree with their aqaaid brother? No, they're one of the 73 sects of Islaam that will go to hell yaa akhi! Their belief pattern is wrong! I'm agaisnt all kind of hisb! Then we have the salaf jadiid, the jihadists who only know jihaad nothing else they heard jihaad but don't even know its ahkaam, then the takfiir and khwaarij all those are sects who do not follow the sunnah! How can they go in an alliance without haven't purified their souls. They don't talk to each other a Salafi jadiid doesn't talk to a Ikhwaan/Islaah or Hizb-ut-tahriir member! Why those differences! Then we have the 'moderates' the Jaamaacatu Tabliigh who said there is no 'Cadhabul Qabri', the Suufis who call themselves Ahlu-Sunnah wal Jamaacah which is a laughable claim thsoe are totally against Jihaad! Others I won't mention the Quraaniyah, the Ahmadiyah, the Rafaawids/Shia and Xabashis they're all undoubtedly out of the fold of Islaam, which you Xiin accidently said 'No' they're muslims! So many things are wrong yaa akhi, why can't we purify ourselves becasue as you have seen we're not pure! Hassan Dahir Aweys and Sheikh Shariif don't see eye to eye on many important relgious themes so what is needed is purification/teaching process! Why can't we have a process yaa akhi, why the futile rush it will fail because it is not following the sunnah properly! Islaam is straight forward so a revolution Islamci state takes along time how long did it take the last prophet peace be upon him? It took him many years! But to establish an Islamic republic in 5 months and on top of that by force with 'clan' soldiers and courts and other unpurified elements will lead to another futile attempt at establish an islamic state! 'Establish the Islamic state in your heart and it will be established for you in this world'! Do we have an islamic state in our heart? Certainly I don't and Xiin and don't think even you have or any of us for that matter otherwise we wouldn't be in this damned time-wasting forum 24/7! Nor would we be living amongst kaafirs in their land and compromise our deen everyday! Yes we do don't deny it Xiin! Lower your gaze says the Quraan but today it has become 'tolerable' to not lower your gaze because everywhere you look there's a naked women the sad thing is Xiin you don't even notice them because they have become 'normal'! How many have female work collegues, professors, teachers and class comrades that sometimes you share projects and seats with! She comes at you half naked and you have to deal with them! In the name of project you might be asked to spend hours with a half-naked woman in a place of 'work' or study! We sold our religion! Somalis inside sold their relgion so did many! Islaam needs real struggle akhi often it is the unpleasant things that don't get noticed that makes/brings by an islamic state but bravado won't do that akhi!
  14. Adeer Taako ka daa! Don't make them frustrated because otherwise they will see the little region their clan is cramed into! Raas Caseyr is the most northern tip of Somalia and it's situated near Calula east of Bosaso ofcourse but fake mujahids wouldn't know that! Yes, Red when I came to the west I was greeted by a chauffeur, where as you together with your family were driven away in a Police van for immigrational officers to question you about your motives of entering their country illegal! It shows you that I always was dowlad! Adeer why are you and Castro fidgeting? ****************************** ****************************** You live in a clan fiefdom that is made up by 50x50 kms! Where as Adeer look at the map I was an expansionist and imperialist because why would my people live in the most Northern tip which is Raas Casery, to the most Eastern tip wich is Raas Hafuun/Xafuun, to the most western which is *********** and to the most southern tip which is Ras Kombooni all the way to Gaarisa! It shows you how imperial I'm and my strength and superiority! But tell me where do you live and in what regions? I live in many regions of Somalia's former 18 where I make up the majority! Look adeer and don't envy me as I'm imperial! Can you count? 1. Bari 100% the largest region of the former 18 regions! 2. Gedo 95% the second largest region of the former 18 regions! 3. Nugaal 100% 4. Sool 98%! 5. Sanaag 70-85%! 6. Mudug 65-70 %! 7. Galgudud 50-60 %! 8. Togdheer Buuhoodle considerable number! 9. Bakool consideral number Ceelbarde! 10. Jubbada Dhexe Majority over 80%! 11. Jubbada Hoose 84-90%! Look how geographical apart those regions are Jubbada Hoose to Bari do you know how far apart they are? Not to mention places like Gaarisa and the NFD which 85-90% are inhabited by my clan! O************ is over 85% my clan! This shows you that I'm imperial whilst you're and always have been my ************ until the british came and freed you and you ran off to them! That's why you're today still screaming for them to return so that you become their *********** again! I have alwasy been Dowlad and that's what you can't stomach! The same goes to my southern brothers who hate me because I've always ruled on them! That damn clan always ruling us, why and why! Somalia becoming a government is only benefiting me and you know that because you want to run away because of your complex of my clan whilst the other lot want to stay unruleable because they think it's hurting my clan! Wallaahi I know that, they told me they said we don't want a government in Mogadishu because a government will only benefit you and if there's no government you're going to struggle! It's true a government in Somalia today only benefits my clan! In the diaspora no one can top my clan and they will come back inshallaah in their hundred-thousands with new titles and degrees and help the country inshallaah like their forefathers did, again we will be ahead of you like we always were! _________________ Baliis, aflagaadada iyo qabyaalada magacaabisteeda aan laga ganban ka aayar meeshaan. [ January 16, 2007, 02:41 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  15. First of all I'm not a 'Qaxooti' and have never been, so stop the assumptions! I never entered a country illegally nor have they taken 'fingerprints' of me when I entered, I can't say the same about you though! When did you come to the US, I bet quite recently! On top of that I didn't witness any refugee camp nor have I witnessed any war for that matter nor lived in Africa the majority of my life! I'm a Puntlander, the people you hate and envy day and night so don't badmouth them, it's unbecoming for a servant to badmouth his master you know? My achievements and legacy you can only dream about, so don't waste time and energy because this is only a continuation of that legacy of ours! You can hate but where will your hate lead you?
  16. First of all Chill and take your medicine: What would SOL be without me? I’m its hottest mc! Just listen to my lyrical talent And its satirical gallant This makes you spew for days Castro and his likes in a state of haze Yoonis put us on his ways And he has put on us his mystical sways We salute you my majesty here is your praise We believe now in the TFG hear our yeas The TFG here to stay and you My honour We declare you the King! Rule us like a Afrikaner! Secondly you don't even know where Ras Caseyr is so stop the lunacy and chill once again! I'm the Afrikaner whilst you are the Zulu, understand?
  17. Rahima a disgruntled sister, I cannot discuss with emotions and sentiments so would you mind turning it down a bit? Yes, final victory is for the believers I conclude but it will come to the believers who follow the Prophets peace be upon him path and not to the Khawaarij of this centuary inshallaah! Before you embark on a revolution/rebellion there are some steps to consider. Look at the sunnah of the prophet peace be upon him and act upon it! Gradual apprach what was needed but not to inflict further harm to a brutalised/battered and bruised nation through a futile revoltution! Before you're able to walk you have to be able to sit, before you're able to run you have to be able to walk and before you're able to fly off you've to be able to walk/run! But those guys wanted to 'fly-off' without even being able to sit down! It's like a baby who isn't able to sit down is mounted on a areoplane in order to fly it, what will its outcome be? It will be crushing down ofcourse, but under Hassan Dahir Awey Ayrow's logic that plane is going not only to fly and stay in the air, it will fly non-stop across the atlantic and the whole globe without needing a fuel stop nor provisions for the pilots it's possiable you know Rahima, it really is! Give me a break.
  18. The sister is controdicting herself but I won't address those points of controdiction! But the Jihaad issue on a muslim land being invaded, who gave the authority to the UIC, which was lead by one clan because it originated from one clan to declare a defensive Jihaad on territories they don't even rule! You see that's the madness I'm talking about. The sister however will not understand the peculiar issue of here, the UIC recognising the authority of the government TFG but on the same time opposing them! The ICU didn't rule Baidoa nor did they rule Puntland or Gedo for that instance so what is the defensive Jihaad you talking about? They were invited by other enteties who were not under the control of the Islamic courts! What these people don't get is that they think the ICU was in control of the whole country and all Somalis were in agreement with them there laid their error! When they were saying they have jurisdiction over places as far as Jigjiga it shows you only how much of disillusioned people we're talking about! They were not inclusive and many people in the country were opposing them but to claim they were universally recognised is a shambles! They were another faction predominately made up by one clan faction and when asked why that was the case they said 'Because the courts were made by clans in Mogadishu it is only logical that the majority of its leaders are one clan'! They further said we're going to diversify as we go on capturing other clans and their lands is that feasible? Don't tell me about Fahad Khalaf or anyone else because his clan was not represented nor his degaan. He was a single man who joined hands with the courts in Mogadishu! I ask the sister: 'How did a qabiil based local Mogadishu clan courts turn into a broad exclusive and representative body that can speak for the whole of Somalia'? Fahad Khalaf was an individual his clan wasn't represented that's why he was given the Education ministry with the most going to Mogadishu clans, listen to what Aweys said on interview when he was asked that! Don't lie sister even Aweys said and confirmed the courts being predominantly from one clan and he said as the clans who join the local-based courts who have elevated themselves to become broad representatives of Somalia and other areas they did not control increase they shall be included and reflect its leadership! These people were khawaarij who were ill-advised and did not have any mandate nor ruled the whole country but who only knew how to wage 'Jihaad' without considering the affects on people and the country! I guess it was part of the 'defensive' Jihaad to close down the schools and send the youngsters to their early graves whilst likes of Indhacadde enjoy asylum in Europe? Hassan Dahir Aweys a well-known khawaarij is known only to know how to spill blood without having a clue or plan! He failed as he always did because he's doing was not a 'Jihaad' nor defensive Jihaad. The second thing is he knows, how to run after leaving the children on the battlefield to die, why didn't he become a shaheed and fight til death ascends on him? He's a classic khawaarij and the sister doesn't have any valid points, she would even lie about the UIC confirming the legitimacy of the TFG even when they struck their ill-advised and planned duulaan! A power-hungry man will run because his ego tells him so, but he should have vacated the country and gone to another place because he had numerous options to choose from but he was full of himself that's why him and his group failed because they only know how to start revolutions without having a vison or following the sunnah! How can a group five month old (they've been training in Mogadishu since Abdullahi Yusuf's election in 2004), who know the times they live in and the geopolitical insensitives together with the division that exists in Somalia call for a defensive Jihaad on area's there jurisdiction don't fall in or they don't control? It's madness, it was an unholy alliance and because they were not pure themselves they werer crushed! Reminds me about the poem 'Establish the islamic state in your hearts it will be established for you on this earth'! Did Yusuf Indhacadde have an Islamic state in his heart? Did the clan fighters have it? No! What we needed was a purification and teaching process before we embark on a mission that is crazy for a boxer he has to first train, nutrion and follow a special died, go through health-checks, be mentally ready and organised, have the go ahead and support and a realistic chance then only then will he enter the ring! But let's imagine him having no trainer don't even have a 'rule' on his body because he can't control his hand from putting pies into his mouth because his body is divided up, his mind is also confused with different ideologies and aqaaid, even his mind is not united which is controlled by one unified part of his body, he doesn't train nor does he have equipment for constructive training and when he finally enteres the ring he has to face a group of boxers who are much stronger, united and better in technique ways in boxing? Isn't that suicide? Those folks put Islaam down themselves with their mad actions! Purify yourself first and then teach and gradually unify the country but 'We've been invited into 'tuulo heblaayo' etc won't get you anywhere, they were outsmarted because they were not following the sunnah properly! Some want to Run before they can walk but the ICU wanted to fly before they could actually walk or sit down for that matter! They did a dis-service to Islaam like all Khawaarij do!
  19. Adeer we're going to keep all you said in a safe archive inshallaah! Like Saddam was filmed on a mobile/cell phone, we're going to keep track of your same gradual demise as a stark reminder of how a Qarandeed was defeated by a much younger mob! It is coming your demise that is, it's predictable inshallaah soon you will also see it! TFG is here to stay and it doesn't bother the least what you or other's say! Remember Raaskambooni to Raas Caseyr belongs to me! Disarmement will go on despite your oppostion! The people of Mogadishu are being disarmed one by one! Tommorrow inshallaah the big boys of Qanyare and Yalahow will hand over their heavy weaponary inshallaah! The dowlad is going inshallaah once it has risen and started walking it will not rest until it delivers! Inshallaah we ask Allaah the exalted to help them on their way! Certainly me and brother GD shall be defeating you (not you but you in general terms) like the government is defeating right now the Qarandeed and Warlords! Inshallaah! Amiin.
  20. A new name but will he flip-flop like Horn? Anyway if you've forgotten who I was, I recommend you reading the below! MKA Yoonis is my name Wearing my best and AK Everyone admires me like JFK For as I’m the former FK Warriors I will not shame, Liars I will expose to the flame, Burn my friend it’s your time of fame! This is your Saddam Hussein flash! We will discard you like dirty trash. Yoonis and GD holding up a cam. Smile your last moments recorded on a DVD jam! Exclusive rights to us and no one is allowed a copy! We made it save not even Abdussalaam can unlock the floppy! Your family mourns you and begs us to hand over your body! Yoonis takes you to your family ‘Here’s the dirty fake Mahdi‘. You can do with him as we’re done! We enjoy ourselves because another terrorist has gone. This is the start MKA Yoonis and GD’s struggle is one! They will not finish their struggle until they’re done! We’re officially killers of Qaran-deeds and haters! How can the anarchist describe us as traitors? They hate on us because we’re Puntland staters! But we don't give a damn about second-raters! Don’t hate on us! We rule the two Ras. (Yeah Ras kambooni iyo Raas Caseyr) Hate the cruel game. You lost, what a shame. Where lays the Blame? I will leave that for you to answer!
  21. No one is declaring fatwas akhi but I'm putting a restraint on the runners that's all akhi! I say put the things in place lets purify and teach then can we agree on a strategy to win the hearts of our people but not in the khawaarij way of opposing the government by throwing handgrenades at a market and therefore putting ordinary citizens into harms way and increasing the deaths of many by unlawful and ill-planned bloodletting! I'm advocting for peace whilst the khawaarij think they can win a war by harming the ordinary citizens in the way of standing against them and a government if it's a good or bad isn't in question here but the maslaxa of the ummah! I'm reiterating to save the innocent people of Somalia but not allowing them to inflict on them more harm they can not bear, you see the logic? Those who oppose without a plan are clueless bloodspillers who want civil strife and chaos to peak in our battered, bruised and brutalised nation, they're not working for the Maslaxa of this ummah! Is that too hard to understand or comprehend? Yes, they all ran off because they couldn't stand their ground and have been exposed one by one so the discussion is over and the logic has prevailed! You did not bring anything new neither did you oppose nor did you support it shows why the others have chosen to stay away because you cannot debate with logic and the ultimate truth!
  22. Another milestone towards peace and securing the capital inshallaah!
  23. Allaahu Akbar! Let's wait for the confirmation inshallaah! Then will I make my rightful comment inshallaah!