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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. You're a disillustionit khwaarij utopian adeer and because you couldn't argue with me properly you distort to corruption! At one hand Sheikh Gacmey was working with the government to uphold the civil peace but on the other hand he was giving his 'blessings' to the shaabaab fighters in Bendiradley, there is your khwaarij logic for you! The Sheikh didn't agree with the futile revolution and he didn't gave his blessing to fight and bring down the peace in Puntland reason because he is a man who doesn't believe in burning down his own house without a plan of how to restore it again! Usually if you bring down a house you need constitutions plan of how to rebuild it properly and better!
  2. Another progress of our Nation! Disarmement is going well!
  3. You're distorting it Xiin, so stop the corruption! Sheikh Cabdulqaadir and other Puntland Ulama were meeting in Bosaso on how to implement sharia law properly, they advised the government on what is good in private! Then they made supplication for Adde and his government, that's the righteous way! But they didn't go to call for futile revolution and I thank them for that! Sheikh Cabdulqaadir Gacmey is the most respected Scholar in Islaam in the state of Puntland and his words count! He's the Mufti/Qaadi of the Puntland and may Allaah protect him!
  4. The reason why this government was opposed by Puntlanders because of our constitution! We were advocating for a federal based government where as the TNG was a centralised government that did not allow the concept of federalism, which Puntland was its prime pioneers and supporters of such federal system!
  5. For me the religious discussion is over and I will not futher argue on the matter because everyone can see my record on the issue and make up their mind themselves but going forth and back will not bring anything contructive about! I rebuked them already and they couldn't move for days! The sister is talking emotions, you can see that from her abuse and rebuking of Puntland Scholars! Sheikh Cabdulqadir Farah Gacmey is a very well know Caalim but unlike the sister I will not say anything bad about our muslim scholars she mentioned! To Cambaro, if you don't know about that matter why raise them! I'm not a takfiiri but the righteous Ulama of this deen, who I follow said so because of the actions and methods of this people! In islaam one can error or committ a sin but that will not take him out of the fold of Islaam but an aqaaid belief or ideology opposed to that of Islaam will take you out of the fold of Islaam! For example if you deny the Cadaabul Qabr (the torturing in the grave) like the Jamacaatu Tabliigh do, then you become undoubtedly out of the fold of Islaam! Because you're denying an important part of our dogma and ideology! But if you drink, fornicate, gamble or even kill that will not take you out of the fold of Islaam except that you believe that what you doing is 'lawful' i.e. if you say drinking Alcohol is lawful under Islaam, then you will get out of the fold of Islaam! So educate yourselves I say about this groups and new sects from the righteous Mashaayiikh/Shuyuukh and Ulama of this deen who are Sheikh Al-Cuthaymiin, Bin Baz, Muqbil, Raafici and Sheikh Albani and what they said about those groups! But don't listen to the Bin ladans, Ayman Al-Zawahiris, Zarqawis and the others such as the Qutubis, Islaahis and Ikhwaanul Muslimiin! We can judge people about their actions and the things they commit like shirk, inventing things into the deen and throwing some of it's established belief pattersn away or refuse to accept them but not on the basis of committing sin!
  6. What a loney takfiri khawaarij you'r! Wallaahi I will never ever take you serious after the 'crap' you have written! Why don't you kill me and all the other TFG suppertors! Can you see how brainwashed these guy is! He's calling us disbelievers and Apostates! You don't know even about such rulings so I would kindly advise you to lower down your ignorance about subjects you don't know about! It's just unbelievable! Some people are truely ignorant!
  7. Originally posted by Burcaawi:Did i hear you just say parliament is 'suspended' or are you advising me to add it? Parliament is dissolved when martial is enforced not in a state of emergency. That was quite clear in my post i think. What ignorant person you're it's quite evidant, you didn't say so! And disguising so if you've done it will only proof the weakness of your futile arguments! I asked you if in a State of Emergency if parliaments existence was in danger! Clearly in your original post you said so, you said under 'martial law' parliament is dissovled! Then I reeducated you in saying no Somalia is not under martial control but a State of Emergency, which you sadly didn't know the difference of the two! Now he has the nerves to come in here and say that Parliaments existence was never in question although in his earlier post he said Parliament is dissovled under the current rulings! Who is back-tracking now? Is it me or you! You've found out to be a total charlatan, who thought of himself he knew procedures but didn't knew or understand the differences between a State of Emergency and that of a martial law! Please read the two quote's by Burcaawi below and tell me who is controdicting himself! ^I see see its time to discredit the most credible man in the TFG! Is Somalia under martial law? Does the parliament not 'dissolve' under martial law thus making this sacking illegal? TFG and its supporters dont even understand basic rules of governance! And here he is saying using knowledge I gave him and reitrating my point that Parliaments existence is not under threat under a State of Emergecny. Earlier I told him that Somalia was not under martial law but a State of Emergecny and now he agrees with me that in a State of Emergency Parliament is not dissovled! Cajiib can you see the ignorance and controdiction! Originally posted by Burcaawi:Did i hear you just say parliament is 'suspended' or are you advising me to add it? Parliament is dissolved when martial is enforced not in a state of emergency . That was quite clear in my post i think Yaa rabb he's saying I think he's saying because he didn't even knew what he was saying what a confused person Remember two points were on contention here: 1. First being if Somalia was under martial law or not, which I refuted you and re-educated you that it was an State of Emergency, which you later agreed with me therefore making you lose the argument! 2. The second point was if Parliament get's dissolved under a State of Emergency which obvisouly it doesn't, on that poing again you lost out! So what are we arguing about? If he agrees with me right now and backs track of hims earlier ludcrious claim of Parliament being dissovled under martial law and when put right and told it was an State of Emergency he backtracked! Remember not so recently ago France was placed under a state of Emergency is aswell during the riots but Parliament nor it's existence were ever threatened and Chirac never dissolved Parliament therefore reiterating my points further! Classical comedian I say, what a ignorant person! I shall not waste more time telling him off because he's obviously arguing for arguments sake! I cannot argue with unknowledgable people!
  8. Ah, Now I know where your insufficiency is coming from! However wasn't it you, who said that he knew the legality on the matter here? I can't discuss with ignorance so yaa akhi would you mind stopping the nonsense you come up with? Now I guess, I will not discuss the matter of Somalia with you because I already told you, I can only do so much of educating you! However, I will talk the UK with you which you claim to be a knowledgeable person to regards of its parliamentary procedures as they're clearly the 'mother of all parliaments' Would you mind telling me and the gallery in here if a State of Emergency affects the existence of Parliament as you said? This will be very easy for you as you said that parliament is dissolved and I will add for you 'suspended' in an State of Emergecy! We're not talking about martial law remember because this is not the military taking over but a State of Emergecy! I doubt it, you will answer the question at hand because you're ignorant about such issues, that's why I made it easy for you and took up the example of the UK because that would be much easier for you to research as you're a UK person yourself!
  9. That's your escape tactic Burcaawi, because you couldn't deal as usual with the said, it was too heavy for you, I guess! First educate yourself about the differences of martial law (military rule) and a State of Emergency law! Then have you a valid point in discussing the matter with me but not prior to that! Ignorance is bliss!
  10. Let me deal with the brother, who is very ignorant about the matter at hand! First of all Burcaawi, Somalia is not under martial law, I repeat it is not! Also Parliament is fully functioning in Baidoa and they had a right to pass the motion in which they sacked/took their no-confidence vote out on the Speaker! In fairness to you, I will not further humiliate you about your perceived so-called 'knowledge' about what Parliament can do or not! However I will try to educate you, that's my duty! Somalia is under a State of Emercency law, which will give the President more powers in dealing with a country that is in civil unrest! He can change the constitution aswell, if the emercency requires and some personal freedoms can be taken away by that state of emergency but it's not martial law as you said! So please next time you open up your mouth educate yourself because the legality of the matter is known to all but for some kind/strange reason you believe, it is only known by you! Somalia is under a State of Emergecny law passed by Parliament aswell! You know there's a difference and if you don't know it, I would recommend you looking for it because I can't everytime hold your hand and educate you on such matters! I hope you get a grasp of what I have said, if you don't, tough bad luck I say! It's quite tiring to deal with folks who don't understand parliamentary procedures or the laws that have been passed! The same goes for Brown, who raised the same point earlier, please for god's sake educate yourselves before start talking out of your back-sides!
  11. We, the TFG constituents of this section of SOL are hereby making an earnest and solemn appeal/bid for a truce taking place and ask for reconciliation and forgiveness from our brothers who were in disagreement with us politically, although it was never doubted, that we did still hold fast to our collective and mutual fondness to each other regardless of our political persuasion! That could be observed from the discussions that took place which were frank although heated but never showed signs of deep hostilities or contempt for each other! We still found room to discuss in a manner, which proved how much we actually share in common and it was acknowledged that, we shared more than what divided us! We want to keep it short, therefore we want you to help us in achieving the mission and challenge we set ourselves in order to pacify our differences and focus rather on what we have in common! This is not a political appeal but an appeal to the ethical consciousness of all forumers, who participate in the discussions of SOL political forum! Our request is that we want to reach out to our brothers and sisters and ask for forgiveness and an appeal that they join us in our quest to bring peace and harmonious relations to this forum in order to move on from the patty and trivial discussions and arguments currently pursuit! We ask from you, that you join us hand in hand in raising the discussions in this forum to a higher intellectual level that has a reconciliatory approach and tone to it! Jointly today we’ve a golden opportunity to put a side our differences and work for the collective good of our battered and bruised country! We honestly hope and are trustful that you upon reading this appeal will rise to the challenge and act on the requests put forward in order to jointly make this forum a place whereby opinions are exchanged in a mature and adult-like manner that will give satisfactory evaluation to the new set standards of this forum! Last but not least, We the TFG supporters in here would urge our follow brothers to accept this truce and forget the past and reconcile with us by joining hands and forgiving each other. We are the first to extend our olive branches to you and We would like to hope that you except our olive branches and call for reconciliation in good faith! We leave you with the glory of God and the love of our nation Somalia!
  12. Sister We hope you're not politicising the issue at hand here because if you're you have totally misunderstood the message that it is trying to convey! We say let's forgive, forget (atleast take some of the depressing issues to the back of our brains) and move on! Raise the discussions standards a bit more (to an intellectual level), let's reconcile and focus on our common values/interests and things we share collectively rather than the trivial and artificial lines that divide us! We're the first to extend the olive branches to you mystic and fellow minded forumers and the first to say 'Let's move on and forgive each other' for the better of this forum and our divided nation! We're merely appologising for some of the conduct and behaviour in here displayed but in no way or shape are we saying or talking about our political believes, they are ours and the same is for you! It is healthy to have disagreements but how is the best way to overcome those disagreements and if they can't be overcome that doesn't mean we should make each other angry or shout at one another, simple sister! We can do that in a constructive way and scientific way! But please don't take this is an political issue, it's not political! We want to talk to you and atleast we acknowledge that will not agree or see eye to eye on all the issues that are discussed in this forum! But how is the best way to bring over your views to your 'opponents' without attacking them personally that is! Let's work out a framework after we finish the reconciliation process! Forgive our faults that's all we say and let's move on from the patty and trivial and self-centred discussiosn that we're in at the moment! Agree sister?
  13. It was intended for 'humour' but some didn't understand! I however quite agree that it was utterlly 'distasteful' of me to do that but I'm glad someone laughed at it because I thought I was the only one who found it 'funny'! However I've to ilretrate that the Shariif Sheikh Ahmad was never in danger even the US wants him in the government, so it says something about him and the affection he spread throughout lines both the Somalis of every political persuasion love him on one equation and on the other the EU, US and Ethiopia! The man is loved by everyone! They will release him immidiately I would guess! I hope he gets realised ofcourse inshallaah!
  14. We, the TFG supporters of this section of SOL are hereby making an earnest and solemn appeal/bid for a truce taking place and ask for reconciliation and forgiveness from our brothers who were in disagreement with us politically, although it was never doubted, that we did still hold fast to our collective and mutual fondness to each other regardless of our political persuasion! That could be observed from the discussions that took place which were frank although heated but never showed signs of deep hostilities or contempt for each other! We still found room to discuss in a manner, which proved how much we actually share in common and it was acknowledged that, we shared more than what divided us! We want to keep it short, therefore we want you to help us in achieving the mission and challenge we set ourselves in order to pacify our differences and focus rather on what we have in common! This is not a political appeal but an appeal to the ethical consciousness of all forumers, who participate in the discussions of SOL political forum! Our request is that we want to reach out to our brothers and sisters and ask for forgiveness and an appeal that they join us in our quest to bring peace and harmonious relations to this forum in order to move on from the patty and trivial discussions and arguments currently pursuit! We ask from you, that you join us hand in hand in raising the discussions in this forum to a higher intellectual level that has a reconciliatory approach and tone to it! Jointly today we’ve a golden opportunity to put a side our differences and work for the collective good of our battered and bruised country! We honestly hope and are trustful that you upon reading this appeal will rise to the challenge and act on the requests put forward in order to jointly make this forum a place whereby opinions are exchanged in a mature and adult-like manner that will give satisfactory evaluation to the new set standards of this forum! Last but not least, We the TFG supporters in here would urge our follow brothers to accept this truce and forget the past and reconcile with us by joining hands and forgiving each other. We are the first to extend our olive branches to you and We would like to hope that you except our olive branches and call for reconciliation in good faith! We leave you with the glory of God and the love of our nation Somalia!
  15. Alright I messed up, the kenyans got him but he will inshallaah join the government, if he does this would give the government just what it needed! Support from the UIC remnants in the country! Right now what we need is to bring all the opposition on board. Thats why the President was meeting with politicians who were opposed to him! He met Cali Mahdi, Cabdiqaasim and Morgan and others and I certainly would hope he makes further strikes in meeting all in order to move this battered nation forward and into a new era of peace and prospertiy inshallaah!
  16. Shiikh Shariif Axmed oo isu dhiibay Dowlada Kenya Last Updated::2007-01-17 21:42:48 Nairobi:- Joornaalka East African Standard ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in Booliiska Kenya ay qabteen Hogaamiyihii Maxaakiimta Islaamiga. Warkan ayaa lagu sheegay in Shariif Axmed lagu qabtay asagoo kusii socda Xerada Qaramada Midoobay ee ku taal Dhadhaab. Halka Warar kale ay sheegayaan sida uu Joornaalka soo xigtay in uu Shariif Axmed isaga isa soo dhiibay, asagoo ka codsaday Dowlada Kenya in ay siiso Magangelyo siyaasadeed. Joornaalka oo la xariiray Ciidamada Booliiska ayaa sheegay in taliyaha ciidamada Booliiska ee Mr Johnstone Limo, si deg deg ah loogu diray dhadhaab si uu ulla soo wareego Hogaamiyihii Maxaakiimta oo si kumeel gaar ah loogu xiray xarunta UNHCR ee dhadhaab. Booliiska Kenya ayaa la sheegay in ay u soo gudbiyeen Shiikh Shariif Axmed dhinaca magaalada Gaarisa. Guddoomiyaha degmada Gaarisa Mr Joseph Imbwaga ayaa saxaafada u sheegay inuu warsaxaafadeed soo saari doono isla markaana uu soo bandhigi doono xogta uu hada hayo asagoo ku sugan magaalada Nairobi. Waa markii ugu horeysay oo hogaamiye sare oo kamid ah Maxaakiimta lagu qabtay dalka Kenya. Ciidamada Kenya ayaa horey u qabtay Abuukar Cumar Cadaane oo ahaa Ganacsadihii ugu weynaa ee maalgelin jiray Maleeshiyooyinka Maxaakiimta. Abuukar Cadaane oo ah hada nin waayeel ah isla markaana curyaan ah ayey dowlada Kenya soo taagtay Maxkamad labo maalmood kahor magaalada Nairobi. Dowlada Kenya ayaa su'aalo ka weydiineysa qaraxii bambaano ee dalka Kenya loo geystay sanadkii 1998dii xiligii la qarxiyey safaarada Maraykanka, ayadoo dadkii weerarkaasi ka danbeeyey la sheegay in ay xiriir la lahaayeen Maxaakiimta Islaamiga. Shariif Axmed oo ahaa hogaamiyihii fulinta ayaa horey u sheegay inuu la dagaalami doono ciidamada Itoobiya islamarkaana uu dagaal dhuumaaleysi ah ka geli doonaan dhulka Soomaliya. Qabashada Shariif Axmed ayaa kusoo aadeysa wakhti ay si xun u duqeeyeen diyaaradaha Maraykanka dhulka koonfureed ee Somaliya ee xadka Kenya. Qoraalkii Jooraalka East Afrika Top militia commander arrested By Standard team An official of the Union of Islamic Court has been arrested in Garissa as hundreds of fleeing immigrants from Somalia camped at the closed border. Reports indicated that Sheikh Ahmed Sharif Sheikh, believed to be second in command to Sheikh Hassan Aweys, was captured near Dadaab Refugee Camp. It was claimed the Islamist commander was seized at a roadblock in Damajale location heading to the United Nations High Commissioner for refugee camps in Dadaab division. Other sources claimed that the Islamist leader was picked by Kenyan authorities and briefly put in custody at the UNHCR sub-office. Other reports, however, alleged that the Islamist leader voluntarily surrendered to Kenyan officials at the border and requested for asylum status through the refugee agency. Although Sharif reportedly resigned from the command of the defeated UIC, he was perceived to be the most influential and powerful member of the militia force. He was also the head of the eight-man decision making committee at the helm of the religious uprising that dethroned the interim Somalia Transitional Federal Government from southern and central parts of the country. Garissa DC, Mr Joseph Imbwaga, said rumours over the arrest were rife in town, but promised to brief reporters after getting in touch with officials on the ground. Although the courts gained overwhelming public support at the initial stages, some moderate Muslims felt oppressed when the justice mechanism outlawed consumption of miraa, a favourite pass time stimulant. Mid-last year Sharif stepped down for Sheikh Aweys following the union’s victory before it was overrun by Ethiopian forces last month. Imbwaga told journalists at his office that Garissa OCPD, Mr Johnstone Limo, had travelled to the refugee camp to ascertain the arrest since most of the officers on the ground were out of reach. Meanwhile, eight suspected Somali refugees have been remanded by an Isiolo court while another one was fined for being in the country illegally. Esewhere, police at the Kenyan-Somali border are holding nine Somali nationals who were found ferrying miraa (khat) to Somalia. The suspects were intercepted at the Liboi border on Monday evening while aboard two vehicles bearing Somali registration numbers. East Afrikan Standard |
  17. Garooweonline, brothers I know, they are fianced by bitter old Faroole who lost his position as minister know he found his new position in spreading mischief through garooweonline, which is run by his sons in Australia! But that guy is a nobody today in Garoowe! He made millions of Puntland tax payers money and now he uses it for his self-glorification through the media! The likes of them are many just look at Somalitalk and etc. If you want real opinions from Nugaal or Garoowe for that matter you can access or the best of all of them, they're really good and godfearing people like all the people from Nugaal are!
  18. Talyaha Poliska Gobalka banaadir "waxaanu howlgelinay dhamaanba saldhigyada polsika Magaalada Muqadisho"! Taliyaha poliska gobalka banaadir gaashaanla sare Cali Saciid ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in dhamaanba saldhigyada polis.... Taliyaha poliska gobalka banaadir gaashaanla sare Cali Saciid ayaa maanta shaaca ka qaaday in dhamaanba saldhigyada polis ee ku yaala magalada Muqdisho la geeyay ciidamo diyaar u ah in ay si deg deg ah wax uga qabtaan xaaladaha amaandarro ee laga dareemayo meelaha Qaar. "waxaanu howlgelinay dhamaanba saldhigyada polsika Magaalada Muqadisho" ayuu yiri taliyaha poliska gobalka banaadir Gaashaan la sare cali saciid oo maanta ka hadlayay munaasabad ka dahcday hotelka nabadda ee Magaalada Muqdisho. Taliyaha poilska gobalka banaadir waxaa uu sheegay in muddo gaaban ay ku kasbanbdoonaan gacan ku heynta amaanka magaalada oo dhan,haatanna ay polisku bilaabeen sidii arrintaa loo xaqiijin lahaa. "Waxanu kaadhanaynaa dadweynaha xaafadaha iyo ciidamda madaniga ah ee xaafadaha horay uga dhisnaa,si ay howsheenu noogu fududaato"ayuu yiri taliyaha ciidanka poliska gobalka banaadir gaashaanla sare cali Saciid oo sheegay in aan loo dul qaadan doonin dad fowdo wadayaal ah ay danohooda dalka kasii wataan. Xafiiska warqabadka shabakadda wararka ee Muqdisho
  19. Duke brother that guy is not someone who deserves the title 'speaker of parliament', he is not very 'how should I say that', I'm lost for decent words here and I don't want to offend nor break the golden rules! There are threads about him but I never contribute, I find it particularly amusing, when I have to look at him when he's smiling. His smile speaks volumes about what he is! Nevertheless thanks Shariif for the many amusements You gave us! The guy is still going! Everyone tried to 'bribe' him and he took everyone's money including Cali Abdalla Saalax, who gave him a bucket load to shut up and work with the government, remember the Aden Accord? Lol, but he still contintued with the amusement! A ciyaalasuuq more interested in becoming a 'celebraty', then doing his job will he remembered for and ofcourse that telling 'smile'!
  20. Wallaahi Shariif Sheikh Ahmad ought to be brought to Mogadishu as my brother sky already said! This government should be a government of national unity and all should be included in this interim phase of the process for finding a lastting government for Somalia! His position could be that of the Religious Affairs minister or he could head the reconciliation ministry because he would be very appriopriate for it! He's a man with dignity and Allaah will not abondon him inshallaah, the government is working hard to bring this individual into the country and government inshallaah! He would have dealt and negotiated but the whole revolution of the ICU was politicised by non other then Mr. Hassan Dahir Aweys, who felt that if the negotiations were to be successful, he would be losing his title of overall leader of the ICU because he knew he was a wanted man but he chose not to save the many children he send into war by negotiating! He could have left for Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sudan, Egypt and Djibouti all were on offerbut he declined and now where is he? Hiding ofcourse.
  21. I knew it was the Good Shariif Sheikh Ahmad! Nayroobi: Ciidamada Booliska Kenya oo gacanta kusoo dhigay Sheekh Shariif Sh. Axmed. Arbaco, January 17, 2007 APL Nayroobi(AllPuntland)- Sida ay qortay Shabakadda SRATFOR oo soo xiganaysa wargayska East Africa Standard ayaa shaacisay in maanta oo ah 17 Jannaayo laga soo qabtay meel ku dhaw Xerada Qaxootiga Dhadhaab ee ku taal xadka Kenya iyo Soomaliya Guddoomiyihii Golahii fulinta ee Maxkamadaha Ismaamiga Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed. Sheekh Shariif oo qabashadiisa ay ku tilmaameen hoggaamiyhii ugu weynaa ee la soo xiro ayaa horay u sheegay in ay bedeleen qaabkii dagaal oo ay kula jireen Ciidamada Ethiopia iyo kuwa dowladda, wuxuuna khudbaddiisii ugu dambeysay uu jeediyay maalintii ciidda kuna beegneyd 30-kii Desember ee sanadkii hore ayaa la garaneyn meel uu ku sugnaa muddadii ka dambeysay xilligaas. Dowladda Mareykanka ayaa horay u sheegtay in ay xiriiro la sameyn jireen xubnaha ay ku tilmaameen in ay yihiin qunyar socod ee ku jiray Maxkamadaha, iyagoo farta ku fiiqi jiray inuu ka mid ahaa Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed. Ciidamada Booliska Kenya ayaa horay u qabtay Ganacsade Abuukar Cumar Caddaan oo dhinaca maaliyada ka taageeri jiray Maxkamaddaha Islaamiga, waxaana ay ciidamada Booliska ay ku hayeen isbitaal ku yaala magaalada Nayroobi ee dalka Kenya, halkaasoo maxkamad maalintii doraat lagu soo taagay. Cali Sandheere AllPuntland, Muqdisho
  22. Do you read/understand Somali? I doubt it.
  23. This thread is becoming a SOL classic! Really amusing and entertaining, keep it up folks inshallaah! And may the mystery about Zu be revealed, only then will I give him my belated congratulations but before that for me it's only a vicious rumour! Lol, Have you married? If not why the fuss? I used to hear if you want contempt and mockery 'Go and get married' but if you want to be praised and told you were a hero 'Go and die', even the most wicked persons are said to have done something 'great' at their time of expiration! Remember how we all mourned 'Saddams' death? Lol, Innaa Lillaahi wa innaa illeyhi raajicuun! May he rest in peace inshallaah! My belated condolences! You know what would really be funny now? If you could add/mix your good wishes and congratulations to Zu finally getting married off with your condolences to Saddam Hussein? Sorry folks, If I had srewed up and you really got married! I hope you forgive me 'ruining' your thread for you?
  24. Xiin this is the sign of a righteous person, read very carefully! Warqad Furan: Ku socota Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya! Posted to the Web Jan 17, 00:13 Waxaan ku bilaabayaa magaca Allaah! Assalaamu Calaykum Wa Raxmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu! Mudane Madaxweyne: Anigoo ka mid ah shacabka Soomaaliyeed oo aad Madaxweynaha u tahay waxaan ugu horayntii Allaah ka baryayaa inuu isu keen sakhiro oo isu keen dumo. Adigana Allaah hakaa dhigo mid hogaanka si wanaagsan u qabta, annagana Allaah ha naga dhigo shacab wanaagsan oo waajibkooda guta. Allaah waxaan kaaga baryayaa inuu kor ahaaye kugu hago dariiqii Nabi Muxammad si aad khayr dhammaantii u heshaan adiga iyo shacabka aad madaxda u tahayba. Waxaan warqadan furan kuugu soo gudbinayaa salaan, xusuusin, naseexo iyo duco. Arrimahaasi waxay ka mid yihiin xuquuqda aad igu leedahay oo diinta Islaamku i farayso. Waase markaad Allaah iyo Rasuulkiisa addeecdid ee Allaah ee Allaah haku waafajiyo. Allaah waxaan kaaga baryayaa inuu xaqa kuugu sugu siduu kor ahaaye ugu sugay Abu Bakar Al-Sadiiq markuu geeriyooday Nabigu (CSS) kuguna guuleeyo inaad Soomaalida kala irdhowday si nabad ah isugu soo ururisid. Allaah waxaan kaaga baryayaa inuu ku siiyo xikmadii Luqmaan si aad meel walba iyo mar walba talada ugu haboon sida ugu haboon iyo goorta ugu haboon u haleeshid. Allaah waxaan kaaga baryayaa inuu ku siiyo cadaaladii laba Cumar (Cumar Bin Khataab iyo Cumar bin Cabdi Caziiz) si aad Soomaali cadaalad ugu maamushid. Allaah waxaan kaaga baryayaa inuu ku siiyo qorsha wanaagii Nabi Yuusuf CSWS si aad Soomaali ugu dajisid qorsho ay u ayaan. Allaah waxaan kaaga baryayaa inuu ku siiyo xishoodkii Cismaan Bin Cafaan si aad xumo oo dhan uga xishootid, xumaanaha waaweyn caddaal daradaa ka mid ah. Allaah waxaan kaaga baryayaa inuu ku siiyo Cilmigii iyo Alla u noqosho badidii Nabi Ibraahim scws si aad shacabka soomaaliyeed ugu turtid adiguna dambi dhaaf u heshid. Allaah waxaan kaaga baryayaa inuu ku siiyo samirkii Nabi Ayuub SCWS si aad dhibaatada wayn oo ku hortaal uga dabaalatid. Intaas kadib waxaan kuugu naseexaynayaa arrimaha soo socda: 1) Waxaan ku xusuusinayaa hadalkii Cumar Bin Khataab (ra) oo ahaa haddii neef xoolo ahi shaam ku turunturoodo waxaan ka baqayaa in Allaah igu xisaabo oo i yiraahdo maxaad jidka uga samayn wayday marka Soomaali Allaaha hogaankooda kuu dhiibay uga baq oo cadaalad, raxmad iyo kala xigsad la’aan ku maamul. 2) Sidaad ogtahay dad aan mabda’ iyo manhaj lahayni dad jira maaha, Soomaalidana mabda’ iyo manhajkoodo waa DIINTA ISLAAMKA sidaas daraadeed haddaad doonaysid inaad shacabka Soomaaliyeed u horseedid siday uga bixi lahaayeen mugdiga, dulmiga, duliga iyo dayaca soo daashaday ku maamul shareecada Islaamka dariiq kalena haku lugoyn shacabka. Haddaad dib u jaleecdid taariikhda dunida muslimiinta; sharaf, cilmi, horumar iyo cadaalad waxaa ugu danbaysay xukunkii Islaamka, maalintii laga leexiyay xukunkii Islaamka dhibaatadii u bilaabatay waa tan maanta meel muslim joogaba ku dul habsan. Sidaad ogtahay DIINTA ISLAAMKU waa diin cilmi (scientific religion) qarniga 21-tanaadna waa qarni cilmi, tusaale waxaa kuugu filan dadka soo gala Diinta Islaamka noocooda, waa dadka cilmiga leh ama fakara oo RUNTA si cilmi ah u baara. Sidaas daraadeed waxaan kuugu naseexaynayaa inaadan ka af qaban dadka Soomaaliyeed cilmiga iyo nolosha wanaagsan oo diintoodu xambaarsantahay. Haddii aad isku daydid inaad Soomaali ku xukuntid xukun khilaafsan diinta islaamka waa dhici kartaa inaad kursiga madaxweynenimada mudo ku fadhidid laakin u malaynmayo inaad ku guulaysanaysid inaad Soomaali nolol wanaagsan iyo liibaan u horseedid sababtoo ah wax walba oo kale horay baa loogu soo lugooyay. Marka waxaan ku leeyahay Mudane Madaxweyne “WAARIMAYSIDE WAR HAKAA HARO”. 3) Lataliyeyaal aqoon wanaagsan leh daacadna u ah dadka Soomaaliyeed isku wareeji iskana fogee dadka dantooda ka hor mariya danta shacabka. 4) Shacabka Soomaaliyeed karaamadiisii dhuntay waxay ila tahay inaad u horseedi kartid inay u soo noqoto haddaad samaysid labo arrimood oo kala ah: a) Ilo dhaqaale oo loo abuuro b) in laga daaweeyo sunta la cabsiiyay, siiba dhalinyarada indhaha ku kala qaaday dil, dhac, qabsasho iyo belaayo aan laga sheekayn karin. Daawada la hubo inay ku daawoobi karaan si deg deg ah waa iyadoo culimo diinta aqoon xeel dheer u leh Allana ka baqaysa ay si joogta ah ugu muxaadareeyaan oo u carro rogaan sida beerta loo carro rogo markii la rabo in miro cusub lagu beero. Waxaan kaloo oran lahaa adduunka kaalmaha aad ka dalbanaysaan ku darsada dhakhaatiir aqoon u leh cudurada ka dhasha xaaladaha dadka Soomaaliyeed soo maray, siiba dhallinyarada. Waxay ila tahay haddii laysugu dhafo muxaadarooyin diini ah, in dheer garad wanaagsan oo wax u sheega, tababaro jirka ah iyo dhakhaatiir nafsiyan u daaweeya inay dhicikarto inay noqdaan dad caadi ah ama ku dhaw. Mudane Madaxweyne, Sidaad ogtahay dadka Soomaaliyeed badidoodu hadal kasta oo lagula hadlo waa haybsanayaan oo dhegaysan mayaan inta ay ka ogaadaan qofka hadlaya qabiilkiisa. Sidaas daraadeed waxay u baahanyihiin in lagula hadlo hadal ayan haybsan waana (Allaa yiri iyo Rasuulkaa yiri). Soomaali in la xukumaa u malayn mayo inay adagtahay haddii dariiq sax ah loo maro sababaha soo socda dartood: Waa dad wax walba oo dad wadaago wadaaga 1) waa isku diin, 2) waa isku madhab, 3) waa isku af, 4) waa isku caadooyin, 5) waa isku midab, 6) waa isku dal, intaasba waxaa u dheer 7) waa wada qaraabo oo meesha laga yiraahdo war Soomaali haygu haybsan meel uunbuu igasoo galayaaye dad reer magaal ah (sophysticated) oo si qodo dheer u fakara maaha aha, 9) waa dad is jecel oo Soomaali necayb qoda dheer isuma qabaan sida dadka wada daga dalalka qaarkood. Shacabka Soomaaliyeed waxaa isu kaashaday laba cudur oo dilaa ah a) jahli iyo iyagoo waayey madax wanaagsan oo daacad ah. ALLAAH ADIGA HAGAA DHIGO BILOWGII MADAX WANAAGSAN. Waxaan dhanbaalkayga ku gaba babaynayaa ducadan Allaah waxaan kaaga baryayaa inuu kugu daro addoomadiisa uu kor ahaaye u bixiyay XIBAADU RAXMAAN Allaah kor ahaaye haku waafajiyo toobada oo hakaa aqbalo markaas ka dibna dambiyadaad gashay xasanaad ha kuugu badalo, dabeecadahaaga inta xun xunna dabeecado wanaagsan ha kuugu badalo (suurada Furqaan 63-76). Allaah xaqqa hayna waa fajiyo Assalaamu calaykum Wa Raxmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu Qore. Amaatullaahi Cabdullaah