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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. ^Xudun/Hudun or Hudur? There is a difference you know of around 1000kms!
  2. Very nice mystic and Jacalybaro! Really amusing! How about some members of SOL? I'm not simplistic by mystic I hate Barre! by Horn (such a book would be empty for you to draw in your pictures of giraffes)! My Passion - Puntland and everything D-Clan related by Castro The Link between Al-Qaeda and the ICU by Xiinfaniin! 1 Billion Puntlanders - A summory of what overpopulation can do to a region! by mystic
  3. Well this is a humorous idea I picked up from the radio or TV, I'm not so sure but the idea is that you recommend a 'book' that you would deem to be very short or blank in its pages! I hope you get the idea! My first short book recommendation is: 'The Long War' by the Islamic Courts Union! Or preferably: 'How to defeat Ethiopia by attacking Baidoa' Co-authors Sheikh Shariif and Hassan Dahir Aweys with introduction by Yusuf Indhacadde! Or how about this short book: 'Our short two-week stay in Somalia' by the Ethiopian Army! You're so much creative then me, so give it a try!
  4. Nice to see that life goes on in Mogadishu! Peace inshallah is the only way forward.
  5. Viking welcome to the politics section first of all, I believe this is your debut! So I will be really gentle to you! First of all to answer your questions, I would sincerely advice you to learn more about the Puntland State of Somalia, clearly you're ignorant about! Let me ask you, didn't you know that Puntland was the birth-mother of the TFG, didn't you know up to now, when the TFG was financially broke the people that used to sustain it was the Puntland State of Somalia and its people's taxes! The taxes collected from business, ordinary people, ports, workers, cars and the airports and port revenues all went to the support of the TFG! Puntland pays every month a sum of $200000 to the TFG in support! It is know only logical, that they step up to the plate beause if we don't no one will! Today is the day where Puntland and its people have to sacrfice in order to aid this government as they sacrificed themselves already by sustaining the TFG financially! Do you know what Gheedi said and the Shariif? They both said Puntland will never be forgotten because of their unwavering support to sacrifice themselves for this nation! Adeer Puntland is the place where visions and heroes are born! Yet another great vision and idea has originated in Puntland which is the concept of federalism! Yes, it was born in Puntland and the sole reason for its creation was that it strifes in finding a federal government based on the system of federalism, a Somalia that is in federations, cut into regions and each region being autonomous only handing over the miliatary and foreign affairs to the federal government! Don't you see that the federal system is up and running, federalsim is the only system right now in which Somalis can come together! Some don't like the idea because, they're land-locked like Bay, Bakool and Gedo for example for the South and its clans they prefer more of a central government everything concentrated in Mogadishu but the option we in the former North-East prefer is autonomous regions and states with their own parliaments, president and police force! We're people of great visions and yet again we've done it, we came up with the best idea because Somalis are not going to trust each other anymore! Whether the Central&South regions were they prefer a central government or the North-West regions who want to break away or whether they be Puntland or the Former North-East who want a federal Somalia! We want this government to succeed inshallaah therefore we're going to do whatever it takes to bring this government into fruition! Long live Somalia and may Allaah the exalted bless it with a government that is god-fearing and just to all its citizens! Amiin.
  6. I've been wondering lately what the TFG is doing in the capital and why they're not cracking down really hard on the Qarandiid, that's why I have devised a plan to advice them on their activities in the capital! 1. Crack down really hard on the dowladdiid! 2. Use a Iron fist to crack down on the anarchists, warlord remnants and the ICU remnants! 3. This is not a time for indecisiveness for the President he has to act really strong using appriopriate force! 4. Beware of the Warlords, who do lipservice support for the government but who have joinded ranks with the remnants of the ICU in Mogadishu, disgruntled clannists, anarchists and OG-liberation fighters! 5. Use intelligence to take out any of those groups of warlords who are working to destabilise the government in secret because they can't move a finger right now! 6. Be always on the look-out for any behaviour/plans warlords might devise to create a crisis within the government through assassination attempts, killings and clan feuds! 7. More intelligence work is required and every information should be checked very detailed as you cannot trust all the sources all the time! 8. Lastly but not least, conscript more Puntland soldiers, who can disarm the capital, atleast another 10000 preferably! I wish that helped and the TFG is going to take my advice very seriously! Thank you, Victory to the TFG inshallah!
  7. What you basically saying is that you don't have a clue! I already told you, you neither have the ability nor the courage or confidence to engage me in a debate directly and coherently without resorting to irrelevant one-liners, which frankly speaking seem to be your speciality! The day you write more than one paragraph expressing original thoughts of yours, that's the day I will admitt you atleast being brave but I shall await your response to brush it off once again and refute further as I did with your previous ones! Ofcourse the paragraphs are subject to quality and extreme scrutiny by me, I hope yet you don't disappoint me like you did so many times previously by expressing yourself yet again through balderdash manners!
  8. Hurray, Somalia's young basketball championships have begun in Mogadishu! We need more of such activities inshallaah! A rare change of the warmongers in Somalia, who portray the city of Mogadishu as lifeless and a trash-basket for Ethiopians, in the contarary the country is bazzling with young energy and fire! You don't want to believe me, check this out! Mogadishu lives and its people are happy especially its youngsters! Long live Somalia inshallah! They even got their own Mascot! General Morgan watching with keen Interest as he himself is a great basketball enthusiast and player!
  9. Inshallaah this one below is dedicated to the troops that will come to pacify Mogadishu inshallaah! I hope they're reading it right now, as I'm being told mystic, each and everyone of them has got an Bachelor in Arts in English literature and language! Can't be bothered to put in a smiley face in for you! Sorry mystic. Reciting, what great beauty ye frames That brings forth nostalgia and flames Heart-burning for gone by days When the world seemed so perfect and full of praise Somalia came into being to the world’s amazement and gaze A Gazing world that was present! Wast present at our nations naked birth and renascence Present and pleasant in Peace-keeping troops Despite the crescent’s melanic presence That prevented the moon’s shape to fully shine and glow Despite the crescent shaped moon, the moon was shining bright And the sounds of happiness continued until the night Happy they must have felt for Somalia’s return and sight Witness is the gunfire that could be heard until early light The world has a new daughter, The world promises to end Somalia’s fight! Everything has been right. When Adeer embarked on Mogadishu‘s bight. To get it out of its biding plight! I wish Somalia a happy Idyll Somalia’s now at a crucial tide Its future will be bright! Inshallah Unisom II will keep the peace tight! Inshallah Unisom II for Mogadishu! Inshallah Welcome says Mogadishu! Welcome Unisom II!
  10. An opening you say, is that another way of you telling me you've been subjected to some kind of 'conspiracy'! Why don't you run to the admin and cry as you always do? ***Edited: Wlc to the conspiracy theories club!
  11. Taako our friend will even find an excuse for Hiiraale, even when he committs a grave political error, Horn will make it seem like something else! Positive spinning for Hiiraale is his speciality! In his eyes Hiiraale can do no wrong! I told the gallery ealier what he was about: This summons his whole political viewpoints up! I’m not a politician but a flip-flop I’m going to drip that in a voice drop! My name is Hornafrique Jr Juvenile of Hiiraale senior MR. Hiiraale is my hero love him non-stop To you I propagate him as father tip-top! You would call him a ‘G’ if it was hip hop! If you don’t believe me I’m going to use on you a drop-kick Better believe and join the new church Yoonis be sick! He hasn’t yet killed anyone intentionally Swear that to you he did only conventionally! Thus qualifying him becoming priest unintentionally Love him regardless and too, As me and my fellow Hiiraale crew Use him pleasurably to skin-pop Everyday ‘Hiiraale’ SPing at our bus-stop! What would Seattle be without me? I’m its hottest mc! Just listen to my lyrical talent And its satirical gallant This makes you spew for days Castro and his likes in a state of haze Yoonis put us on his ways And he has put on us his mystical sways We salute you my majesty here is your praise We believe now in the TFG hear our yeas The TFG here to stay and you My honour We declare you the King! Rule us like a Afrikaner!
  12. They're coming! African Union backs Somalia plan! Source BBC! Ethiopian had promised to withdraw its forces in Somalia The African Union has approved a plan to send nine battalions of African peacekeeping troops to Somalia to help stabilise the country. A senior AU official said the troops would be deployed for six months, and eventually be taken over by the UN. They are to take over from Ethiopian forces, who were sent to Somalia last month to drive out Islamist militias. The AU's peacekeeping plan was announced as fresh gunfire broke out in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. Unidentified attackers are said to have used mortar fire against the residence of interim President Abdullahi Yusuf. It is unclear whether he was there at the time. There are no reports of casualties. Leaving Somalia The AU's plan to send peacekeepers was announced in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa - where the union is based. POSSIBLE PEACEKEEPERS 8,000-strong force proposed: Uganda: 1,500 troops offered, subject to parliamentary approval Tanzania: Considering Nigeria: Considering Rwanda: Considering South Africa: Considering but forces stretched Somali viewpoints Its Peace and Security Council approved the deployment of a troops in Somalia for an initial period of six months. Three battalions are due to be sent initially, with six more battalions to follow over a six-month period. The AU's commissioner for peace and security, Said Djinnit, said the mission's role would be to "provide support to the transitional federal institutions in their efforts towards the stabilisation of the situation in the country and the furtherance of dialogue". So far only Uganda has pledged to contribute to the AU force. Other countries are considering possible contributions. Earlier Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi told the BBC his troops would start leaving Somalia "in the next few days". The Union of Islamic Courts swept over much of southern Somalia last year, capturing Mogadishu in June. Ethiopia and the United States said the Islamic Courts harboured members of al-Qaeda - something the union has denied. Ethiopian forces launched a large-scale offensive in December, taking territory captured by the Islamists over the last six months. Somalia's Ethiopian-backed interim government says some 3,500 Islamist fighters remain in hiding in Mogadishu.
  13. Allaah and then what Rasuulullaah said sister! Why don't you want to discuss the Jihaad of the ICU because this thread is solely based on the ICU's unwillingeness to stop their futile rebellion/revolution against the same government they recognised even is its last days and thus demise? Let's make the isssue real! You calling the rulers of Somalia 'hypocrites' is also unproductive and wrong because you cannot call a muslim a 'hypocrite' because you don't know what he/she harbours in their heart! So what I'm talking about is the takfiiris danger of labelling muslims 'kaafirs' that have renounced the faith whilst other's accuse them of being hypocrites! Let me ask you Rahima have you looked at Abdullahi Yusuf's heart to confirm that he's a hypocrite? I want from you to swear to the gallery that President Abdullahi Yusuf is a hypocrite! I demand it you doing it! I know you haven't gone all the way to declare him a 'apostate kaafir' but nevertheless I demand you telling the gallery that you have had a look at Abdullahi Yusuf's heart and come to knowledge that he's a hypocrite! The issue has shifted from first ICU's legitimacy, to the definition of a muslim ruler, to the claim of TFG not ruling with the kitaab of Allaah (the Sharia) and hence being not worth to rule, to muslims aiding kufaar against muslim, why? Because they could not deal nor refute the things I said! Allaah is great! Rahima the issue at hand or we discussed is not the issue you bringing up right now but as the thread says rebellion against muslim rulers! I guess you're not denying that President Abdullahi Yusuf is a muslim ruler are you?
  14. Sister one simple questions you could not answer satisfactory so I will give you a chance at it once again! 'How did a qabiil based local Mogadishu clan courts system turn into a broad exclusive and representative body that can speak for the whole of Somalia'? You didn't answer that! For you refuting the PL-Ulama and saying they're irrelevant let me say that the Shyuukh you mentioned are also irrelvant in the light of the what the great Ulama said, who they were their students! You've not brought any evidence but the usual ranting at saying 'They're not muslim rulers', 'Aiders of the Kufaar' and 'They're hypocrites'! Apart from personal accusations put agains me and others! I shall bring forth my evidence and then it will be for everyone with intellect to appreciate the things I said to be nothing but the hard truth! Inshallaah then will we compare if Sheikh Cukaasha is on par with Sheikh Muhammed Naasiruddin Al-Albaani, Sheikh Al-Cuthaymiin, Sheikh Bin Baz and Sheikh Muqbil! Wait and see I say!
  15. I'm actually glad that you've realised your mistake Northerner/Burcaawi! You were right in that it is actually a state of emergency and not martial law. I concede on this point and i was mistaken. Now, with a state of emergency, is the constitution (in this case the Charter - interim constitution) not suspended? Thus making the actions of the TFG illegal? Again however you're mistaken here! The Transtitional Federal Charter is not suspended under a State of Emergency (Sharciga xaalada deg-degta in Somali)! It was a day or two ago when you were saying that Parliament's existence itself was threatened by 'martial law', however you have rectified it and said that it was an State of Emergency and that Parliament is not dissolved or 'suspended' as I told you to add! Now you come here to say that the state constitution called the Transitional Federal Charter is being 'suspended' under an State of Emergency, which again isn't true! What you're confusing is the possibility of certain features/rights guranteed under the Transtional federal charter being suspended through the means of Emergency laws if it is deemed so by the President! He is allowed to suspened certain features of the constitution but he can never ever change or even tear apart the whole constitution without consent from Parliament! Again he has to present it to Parliament and given that Parliament agrees with him certain features/rights guaranteed under the constitution can be 'suspended' Under such an state of emergency the President together with his cabinet or selected committee are given more powers to: 1.Regulate or forbid circulation and gathering in some areas! Set up Curfew's! 2.Close places of gathering 3.Conduct house-to-house searches, 24/7 without judicial oversight! 5.Censorship! It seems that you're yet again confused about the legality of Parliament being active and passing laws and motions under a State of Emergency, they have the right to do so because Parliament is not and cannot be dissovled as you put it or suspended under a State of Emergecny! On the other hand the Transitional Federal Charter or our constitution cannot be 'suspended' as you put it by simply passing of a State of Emergency, which Parliament itself had to agree with! It was Parliament that passed the act after the President asked it to approve it! However it is quite recognised that such an State of Emergency does not threaten Parliaments working/existence or passing of motions except Emergency laws have been passed by the President, which has been approved by Parliament to consider certain features/rights being suspended in the Transtional Federal Charter constitution! It's really astonishing and a great shame to see ordinary everyday people thinking they have any knowledge regarding the procedures of Parliament or forms of government when they have been proven to be charlatans, who cannot express themselves fully nor have the courage or bravery to ever come up with original thoughts of their own, in which they can hold or argue more than one viewpoint coherently like I do on a daily basis in here, but they cannot themselves pass the stage of throwing irrelevant one-liners here and there and then escape into hiding! It's really a shame and beggers belief! This section deserves more and certainly me deserves more because frankly speaking a person that only knows to throw in onliners and after that go into hiding cannot be on par with me nor reach the heights or levels I have reached and continue to express vividly in SOL's political forum!
  16. Jimcaale it is you who is doubting a man's muslimness, why are you denying the term 'muslim' ruler to our current president if you're not a takfiiri? Isn't Abdullahi Yusuf a muslim? On top of that looking around today's leaders in the muslim world who is a muslim ruler? Pick and choose is it King Abdallah of Saudi, the other King Abdalla of Jordan, Muhammed Husni Mubaarak, Mushaaraf of Pakistan, Bashiir Al-Asad from Syria, the president of Indonesia, Bashiir of Sudaan, Cali Cabdalla Saalax of Yemen, the khalifa family of Omaan, just who is a muslim ruler? Would you mind telling the gallery! I already told your brother in law Xiin that he cannot debate with me unless he renounces his affection to the Shiicah Ithna Cashariya! Please tell us who a muslim ruler is and where they supposed to rule will you? I doubt it! Otherwise you will become a takfiiri and I don't believe that you ascribe to the khawaarijis of the Jihaadists/Al-Qaeda branch but more to the Ikhwaani/Islaax and Qutubi brand! But you will be able to tell us! I made my aqaaid clear and in what I believe but Jimcaale I don't know your viewpoint, the only thing I know is that I cannot debate with Xiin because Xiin believes that the Shia's the rawaafid are muslims and I refuted that claim of his! Now Xiin come out and tell us if you still belief that the shiits are muslims!
  17. I'm not a well of knowledge for you Taliban! If you want to be educated come to the other thread of Rebellion against muslim rulers! That doesn't however change the takfiiri tendidencies of your friend lancer! I will educate you or anybody on the takfiir on that thread inshallaah!
  18. Wherever Xiin is Jimcaale is not far away! Are you guys twins or what? Or are you married to two sisters? Anyhow I will not debate with likes of Xiin, who clearly in the past were saying that the Shia Ithna Cashariyah were muslims! I refuse to debate with a Shialover because if you love those than you don't have any say in religious matters. First of all tell him to refute and condemn the beliefs of the Shia Ithna Cashariyah then will I discuss with him but not further! Yeah to the sister Rahima maashaallaah you're more knowledgable than the guys who debated with me may Allaah the exalted increase your knowledg base! Amiin. Barkallaahi fikih! Atleast she isn't endorsing the Shiicah Ithna Cashariyah like Xiin did previously! To brother Khalaf as you're a student of knowledge you have to abstain from quoting or saying things that aren't true! The ulama who I mentioned are all dead and none of the refused Jihaad brother but they wanted the sunnah to be followed! Jihaad accordance to the Sunnah! Inshallaah I shall bring forth my evidence and you can read on it and then make up your mind and tell me if you disagree or not! For the knowledge seekers stay tuned. For the likes of Xiin, confused Jimcaale and all others including Shiicah lovers stay with me aswell the rest also stay with me! I will bring my evidence and if you can find anything disagreeable then you can do so inshallaah! Wait and see, I say!
  19. What a takfiiri you're! Even the sister Rahima didn't go so far, she knows the difference of committing sins (acts of kufr), which one doesn't take out of the fold of islaam to kufr which one takes out of Islaam! Wallaahi strange how a sister can be more knowledgable than so many grown up men! No wonder why we're in the state we're finding us in right now!
  20. Pi I shall in due course inshallaah bring forth my evidence and then you will see the truth from the wrong inshallaah! Bear with me inshallaah soon falsehood will be distinguishable from the fabrication and destortion!
  21. I see the Puntland ulama weren't enough so now the good and righteous scholars of Islam are targeted and accused of being bribed! May Allaah forgive the sinner's and guide them to the right path inshallaah! Amiin. Did you know khalaf that Sheikh Albani was deported from the Kingdom by the Saud Family and he had to go to Ammaan in Jordan? No I guess you wouldn't have known that! Wallaahi the sister Rahima has the most correct form of belief from all of you! Xiin do you remember how me and the sister refuted you on the issue of the Shiicah Ithna Cashariyah? That was another debate you lost and remember the words given to you, who ever doubts that the Shia Ithna Cashariayah the rawaafid have are kaafirs have self disbelieved! I'm not going to argue with you because you're very confused indeed in regards to the issue being discussed and may I recommend you doing more study and research in order to correct your belief! Ofcourse you will now come out and refute that the Shiicah Ithna Cashariayah are true disbelievers otherwise I will leave it to the sister to educate you on that matter? What say you?
  22. I see the Puntland ulama weren't enough so now the good and righteous scholars of Islam are targeted and accused of being bribed! May Allaah forgive the sinner's and guide them to the right path inshallaah! Amiin. Did you know khalaf that Sheikh Albani was deported from the Kingdom by the Saud Family and he had to go to Ammaan in Jordan? No I guess you wouldn't have known that! Wallaahi the sister Rahima has the most correct form of belief from all of you! Xiin do you remember how me and the sister refuted you on the issue of the Shiicah Ithna Cashariyah? That was another debate you lost and remember the words given to you, who ever doubts that the Shia Ithna Cashariayah the rawaafid have are kaafirs have self disbelieved! I'm not going to argue with you because you're very confused indeed in regards to the issue being discussed and may I recommend you doing more study and research in order to correct your belief! Ofcourse you will now come out and refute that the Shiicah Ithna Cashariayah are true disbelievers otherwise I will leave it to the sister to educate you on that matter? What say you?
  23. You're a disillustionit khwaarij utopian adeer and because you couldn't argue with me properly you distort to corruption! At one hand Sheikh Gacmey was working with the government to uphold the civil peace but on the other hand he was giving his 'blessings' to the shaabaab fighters in Bendiradley, there is your khwaarij logic for you! The Sheikh didn't agree with the futile revolution and he didn't gave his blessing to fight and bring down the peace in Puntland reason because he is a man who doesn't believe in burning down his own house without a plan of how to restore it again! Usually if you bring down a house you need constitutions plan of how to rebuild it properly and better!
  24. You're a disillustionit khwaarij utopian adeer and because you couldn't argue with me properly you distort to corruption! At one hand Sheikh Gacmey was working with the government to uphold the civil peace but on the other hand he was giving his 'blessings' to the shaabaab fighters in Bendiradley, there is your khwaarij logic for you! The Sheikh didn't agree with the futile revolution and he didn't gave his blessing to fight and bring down the peace in Puntland reason because he is a man who doesn't believe in burning down his own house without a plan of how to restore it again! Usually if you bring down a house you need constitutions plan of how to rebuild it properly and better!