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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. That's what fascinates me about people like CG, they always seem to be inept to grasp the reality on the ground! He's focusing on his views, experiences and thoughts that he earned in the west and wants it to reapply to Somalia, by saying that he should have been included into the process of establishing the TFI! Already told him there were no groups missing even the people who would represent him the western educated civil society groups that he share's alot with because I already know it by his way of arguing! They were included so what else does he want? I know what he wants: Nothing, because he's undecided. He's a utopian! They never seem to know what they want. Very simplisitc to say the least.
  2. This thread is dedicated to the sister Rahima in particular and to all of those who don't know the President of Somalia, I didn't want to make it in the other thread whereby I had a discussion with the sister! Who is Abdullahi Yusuf? Abdullahi Yusuf is a colonel of the former Somali armed forces, who in 1978/79 was invovled in a failed coup d'etat after a disastorous war in the Ogaaadeen! He came to Kenya first and then he moved to Ethiopia whereby he was given sanctuary by the Derg regime! He established the first military gueriall group who was also joined by another wing of a group that was engaged in intellectual opposition who were mostly communists and based in Aden, South Yemen. Together they established the Somali Salvation Democratic Army in short SSDF! After years of struggle against the regime of Mahamed Siyaad Barre he was finally arrested by the Derg regime in Ethiopia itself and spent in a Ethiopian underground prison cell from 1985-1991 where he was freed by the Tigray Liberation Army lead by Ato Meles Zenawi! In 1991/92 he emarked to return to his region whereby he helped defend it against the attempt of Aydid and his cohorts the Gog and Magog to kill and inflict great harm on the people of those attacked regions without any proper explanation but that they were linked to the former regime through clan association! In 1993 Abdullahi Yusuf went to Aydid and asked the Gog and Magog to stop waging war on his region and people, which they 'accepted' and a peace deal was promptly signed. However the major military assaults stopped but not the harassment from that clan! They would attack the city of Galkayo that was under contention as they partly lived there and kill and wound some of the peaceful part of that city and when the clan of Abdullahi Yusuf reminded them of the peace treaty their elders would come out and swear on the Holy Quran that they will never ever do it again or allow it to happen but each and everytime it continued! Even until now they haven't build their part of the city of Galkayo and when asked what they thought about the major developements that were going on in the other northern part of the city they said 'We are not bothered because those buildings will be coming crushing down when we attack them'! Anyhow the President at that time was not engaged in anykind of hostilites and the regions of the former North-East Puntland State of Somalia were the most peaceful regions in the country were the rest seeked refuge to from the wars and calamties of the south and Mogadishu! At that time Abdullahi Yusuf was head of the Emergency wing of the de facto rulers of the former North-East the SSDF! In 1994/95 he became very ill because of liver problems and all the Somalis helped him to collect money in order to have an operation in London where he could get a new liver from a dead donar! He was recovering and was helped from all Somalis of any persuasion because he was a man of peace who hailed from a large region 1/3 of Somalia that was in total peace! In 1996/97 every hope for Somalia to return as a peaceful nation went very low and that's the time when the people of the North-East of Somalia decided when cannot wait any longer for our brothers in the south to end their patty arguments and conflicts so they embarked on a mission to set up a local regional administration that would be autonomous and advacating for a united and federal Somalia to re-emerge from the shadows and ruins! In 1998, Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad was crowned President of the newly found Puntland State of Somalia that would put alll its energy and resources into finding a central government that was based on a federal system whereby Puntland could rejoin it as a autonomous and self-gvoerning region! The President was continuing with his duties until in 2001 his mandate expired and due to urgent migigating circumstances he opted out for an extention of his term asking so favourably for a short extention and thus being blessed by the elders and clan leaders of the region to continue with his term because then the region and state was in danger from the Arta group that was at that time the so-called centralised anti-federalism 'government' of Somalia! A counter conference whereby someone close to the Arta group was elected as Puntland 'President' by a handful of clan elders that were bribed by the so-called Arta group! Seeing the danger and disintegration of the State Abdullahi Yusuf opted to go from the captial Garoowe to his home city of Galkayo! Tensions were rising high and it happened that a small group of seven youngsters decided one day to attack the compound of the Arta linked and falsely claiming Jamac Ali Jamac who called himself as Puntland 'President'! Upon hearing his compound attacked Jamac thought this was a wider initiate to oust him of the capital of Puntland and decided to run for his life as turned it out it was only a handful of boys that chased him out of the city! Unlike the Somalis in Mogadishu and the North-West of Somalia the people of the North-East have a profound dislike in fighting in cities that are inhabited by people and also they have alot of respect for their clan leaders and elders, who are the traditional leaders of the clan, they rule by a certain decree or Xeer as it is know in Somali and no one from the clan can come or go agains it! Upon hearing that Jamac has vacated the captial of Puntland, Abdullahi Yusuf came back to Garoowe with only minimu damage to either the city or its people! Then he embarked on a strategy to oust the false claimant of the Arta group supported Jamac to be the 'President' of that region! Qardho was captured the heart or stronghold of Mr. Jaamac and the war commenced to Dhuudo a scarcely inhabited region in the desert where no people could be harmed. Jamac's group was defeated and they ran away to a neighbouring region! Abdullahi Yusuf then was in negotiations with clan leaders and traditional elders on how he could take over the commercial captial of Puntland Bosaso without a fight! The wise people the people of Puntland are handed over Bosaso to Abdullahi Yusuf without a single shot fired, therefoe putting an end to his challenge in leadership! He was greated with green leafts when he was entering the captial and people were very enthusiastic for the return of Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad! Upon arriving in Bosaso Abdullahi Yusuf was busy with contacting the remaining opposition into giving up their opposition towards his rule! The intelligent people they're a peace accord which was unprecedented in Somalia followed whereby with limited mediators between the two groups they reached an agreement to hold hostilities and share power together! Adde Muuse then the rebel leader entered the commercial capital of Puntland Bosaso with a huge following army and cheering and happy crowd and proceeded to the presidential palace where Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad was staying! They agreed upon that he could continue ruling the state and they also agreed on a power sharing method whereby key positions such as regional administrators, police and military leaders, ministers, port and airport was shared by the two parties who were now one! This event was unprecedented and showed the international community that Somalis could reconcile themselves without any foreign lead or help! Abdullahi Yusuf was then heading backwards and forwards to the peace process that was taking place in Nairobi Kenya leaving his Vice President Mudan Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi in charge of state affairs! On October 10th 2004 the President of Puntland State of Somalia H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad was elected as the President of a united and federal government of Somalia that was all-inclusive and broad based government for Somalia in over nearly two decades since the fall down of Maxamed Siyaad Barres' regime fall down! From that moment on Vice President Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi became President of Puntland, when on January the 8th H.E. Mahamoud Muuse Hirsi General Adde Muuse was elected as head of the Puntland State of Somalia with his Vice President Hassan Dahir Mahamoud better know as Afqurac! The President H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad was staying in Somalia for nearly over a year when he eventually embarked to set base/office in the city of Jowhar 90kms north of Mogadishu! Due to the warlord in that city's interference in stately affairs the President decided to move on to Baidoa and Baidao became interim government seat and capital of Somalia! The warlords together with the Islamists group of Hassan Dahir Aweys came and met at Balcad where they set up the infamous National Somali Council! After that the warlords and Islamsits united in keeping Somalia in anarchy fell out because of US policy in which they side-stepped the legal government of Somalia and hired and finanacially lured the warlords into handing over suspected AL-Qaeda members! That lead to a popular uprsising and the downfall of the warlors which was supported and commented by the legal and all inclusive government of H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf AHmad! However the rightful uprsing was submerged by the wishes of a group that had other intentions but Islaam or the good intention of ridding the country from the evil warlords! They soon hijacked the whole revolution and started a counter revolution whereby they were threating the existence of the legal government of Somalia the TFI! Witht the help of its regional partners after an attack on Baidao the interim TFI's government seat and capital the charlatans and religious pretenders were kicked out from the whole of Somalia and eventually paving the way for the President H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad for the first time to enter the captial fo Somalia, Mogdishu! I hope that helped inshallah!
  3. Aden Madoobe would be good for the job but he filled the vacuum of the late Deerow I guess so he's content at the moment with his current job as constitutional minister, I guess although he was the 'original man' that was supported by the SRRC group in the run to the speaker of Parliament but he lost! So shaatiguduud or kishbuur, I would guess! I think it will be more likely Ibraahim kishbuur!
  4. Soma please reread my post then comment yaa akhi! This is not about individuals or members of the said group of Hizb-ut-Tahriir but the organisation itself! They're one of the sects that brought innovation and falsehood to the religion therefore taking it out of the fold of Islaam! Sometimes people only read what they want to read! I didn't condemn any individuals to hell not even George Walter Bush! What is it, that you don't understand! If I won't condemn George W Bush to hell, why should I then condemn a fellow muslim to hell? Is that logical? No it isn't so please no more selective reading of yours. Very much appreciated.
  5. What you don't seem to comprehend CG is that the TFI is the only legal political organ in Somalia that has a mandate to rule! The TFI wasn't born yesterday nor did it came out of a hat like a rabbit! It is broad and all-inclusive! The process took over two hard years with millions of International Community money and thousands of charted flights whereby an bony skeletel uncle of yours with a dusty macwiis and cimaamad could be flown over to participiate in the peace process and sign a letter! TFI is supported because it has a mandate and it came from Somalis with the help of the International Community and its regional neighbours, so what's so hard to not get? On the other hand ICU was an exclusive club of one clan that came together in local based clan court systems, how could that represent all of Somalia? They said 'Yeah as we go along raiding villages and more clan join us the leadership will become more inclusive'? What logic is that? Madness pure I say. That is not the right system, even a little child knows that!
  6. Abu the ulama of this great religion have spoken and said the Hizb ut Tahriir is one of the sects that will go to hell-fire, I didn't mention any individual I said and if you reread my post that the 'Sect of Hizb-ut-Tahriir' will go to hell-fire but I did not say its members! So please don't make any assumptions! Hizb-ut-tahriir is one of the sects that will enter Hellfire! To Laba akhi I also never said individuals were going to Hell-fire because one can renounce at anytime! I don't know if Bush Walter Junior will go to Hell or not because he can become and make tawbah any minute even if it would be at his death bed! No one can condemn anyone to hell but groups or sects can be! The muslims were once wishing death to Abu Sufyaan Al-Xarb, Khaalid bin Waleed and Camar bin Al-Cas who were righteous saxaabas of the Prophet peace be upon him each one of them converting to Al-Islaam after committing abuses and major harassments against the muslims but the wisdom of Allaah it was that these individuals became great advocatess for this great religion! Who can forget Abu Sufyaan Al-Xarb, Khaalid bin Waleed and Camar bin Al-Cas the heroes of Al-Islaam may Allaah the exalted be pleased with them! On the other hand I never said someone joined the Hizb I was merely giving advice on it, so again I would urge you to reread my post! I know brother the ettiqutes were there because I could not let it pass to warn against the methods and errors of this group because we have to reject falsehood at all the times! Someone after reading this post might thing to go on a march with them aswell and we should take the opportunity to outline the faults of this group and warn against joining them! There are also so many other groups like the Jamaacatu Tabliigh, who go on a tabliigh mission on holidays and weekends etc. They're also very dangerious be warned akhis and sisters inshallaah and stay clear of those groups! May Allaah protect us from their falsehood, baadil, innovation and bidcah and guide us to As-Siraatal Mustaqiim! Amiin inshallah!
  7. I support the Transitional Federal Institutions as I see them as the only opportunity for our country to emerge from the chaos and anarchy that it is finding itself under in at the momement! The Transitional Federal Institutions didn't come by chance but it was laboured for very hard during a two year peace process in the capital of Kenya Nairobi! I support the TFI because it is the only legitimate broad and all inclusive political organ in the country because it is represented by every clan and region! Unlike the exclusive ICU which was a local clan court based system that thought of itself to represent all the areas in which Somalis reside in! Some in here want to discredit the TFI by saying that they don't have the mandate of the Somali people, that is a blantant lie because millions and millions went into this process of establising the Transitional Federal Institutions! The process in Kenya was attended by all the Warlords, power holding groups and autonomous regions such as Puntland State of Somalia as well as intellectuals, traditional clan elders, ulamaa'uddin, civil society groups, women groups and minority groups! The peace process that took place in Nairobi where the TFI was established was the most unprecedented event ever of anykind of peace process for Somalia because it was the most inclusive and broad process that ever took place for Somalia! Unlike Arta were key components were missing for example one third of Somalia the Puntland State of Somalia was missing so were the majority of the warlords from Mogadishu! It was a government based on the civil society, which was deemed to fail because they did not have the support of the real power holders! The TFI is a also a power-sharing entity whereby they have a power-sharing formula of 4.5 in which they shared the seats in parliament and government appointments such as ministries, PM position and Presidents position! It was not perfect but given the circumstances it was the most perfect because Somalia itself was to dangerous to participiate the people that's why a power sharing formula was agreed on to use until trasitional period/phase of the TFI expires and real democratic process could be started! TFI is legal and it came from Somalis for Somalis by Somalis with the help of the International community and regional partners such as Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti etc! Now that is what we support unlike the ICU which came from one clan that thought it had a divine right to rule because they were calling for Al-Islaam, don't make me laugh, I say!
  8. I shall not address the sister because it is not fair nor appriopriate for me to rub more salt to the sisters already open wounds! The sister is plighted by emotions! Sister, I shall be considerate towards you and make recovery wishes for you inshallah! However I shall address the former Abu and laba, as our religion is nasiixa giving honest adivce! Dear brothers, I shall warn you about the dangers of the group you advertising here, the Hizb ut Tahriir is one of the groups that will enter hell-fire and the majority all of the Ulama of the manhaj of Salafiyyah are in agreement on that the Hizb is a innovative and refutative organisation that is out of the fold of Islaam! Meaning that the Hizb is its own religion, they cannot call the Hizb to represent Islaam, so I would kindly advice you if you belong to that group to renounce their beliefs and rejoin back your brothers in Islaam who have the correct and right form of aqeedah! On the other hand if you're not part of this group then you shall not be advertising their baadil and bidcah through marching with them or given them support in whatever manner! The groups major faults are that they seem to be very disillusioned regarding the aqaaid of this deen, also they possess limited knowledge in regards to the deen itself! Other mistakes include the denial of the punishment in the grave and the denial of the Dajjaal or Anti-Christ to emerge, they say there will be no Anti-Christ furthermore they call for futile revolutions that are not according to the sunnah! Overall they transgressed the sunnah and the people of Ahlu-Cilm the scholars of this great religion, that's why this group who calls for bidcah (innovation) must be warned against because if not people will make the mistake in joining with them in opinion and thought and therefore resulting in them endangering their correct belief or aqaaid towards Al-Islaam! I hope the advice helped be warned I say brothers and sisters, this group who misuses Islaam for their own selfish political goals which are very patty and unrealistic and counter sunnah and religion to say least! I took this opportunity to warn both of you of the dangers of the Xizb-u-Taxriir, lest you say you haven't been warned! Allaah the exalted is my witness inshallah!
  9. Some took it to themselves to say that the funds from the EU have been frozen, that in itself would be a political dibacle for the EU because they can ill afford to halt the peace process in Somalia afterall they were labouring so hard in its establishment, who was paying for the reconcilliation process in Nairobi? It was the EU! They will release the funds as promised however it is only fair that they point out some of their 'concerns'!
  10. Top Somali Islamist surrenders in Kenya « Previous « PreviousNext » Next » View GalleryBy C. Bryson Hull NAIROBI (Reuters) - Somali Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed was under guard in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, on Monday after being taken into custody on the Somali border, Western diplomats and intelligence officials said. If confirmed, Ahmed would be the highest-ranking member of the former Somali Islamist rulers to turn himself in after a late December blitz by Ethiopian and Somali interim government troops routed them from southern Somalia. Ahmed is considered a moderate in the Islamist movement and before the war was among those the United States said should be involved in reconciliation talks in Somalia. "We understand that Sheikh Sharif did surrender at the border on the 21st," a Western diplomat said, adding he was being kept under guard at a smart hotel in Nairobi. Two other Western diplomats confirmed the information as did a top Somali intelligence official. "They captured him in the Liboi area," the Somali intelligence official said. Liboi is a border post near Somalia's southern tip, where Ethiopian and Somali troops have been hunting Islamists. The United States conducted an air strike against what it called al Qaeda operatives among the Islamist ranks two weeks ago in its first publicly confirmed military action there since ending a disastrous peacekeeping mission in 1994. The United States embassy in Kenya, responsible for Somalia, said Kenya handled the surrender. "The U.S. is not holding or protecting or interrogating Sheikh Sharif. We were not involved in his capture or surrender," a U.S. official said on condition of anonymity. The Kenyan and Somali governments had no immediate comment. MODERATE WITH AN AK-47 Diplomats spoken to by Reuters said Kenya and possibly the United States most likely had a role in brokering Ahmed's surrender, with help from Somali and Kenyan politicians of Somali ethnic origin sympathetic to Islamist moderates. Since the war, the United States has said that all Somalis who renounce violence and extremism should be included in reconciliation. A U.S. Last Updated: 22 January 2007
  11. Islamic Leader in Somalia Surrenders By CHRIS TOMLINSON Islamic leader Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, wearing combat fatigues and holding an AK47 assault rifle, speaks during a news conference, in the Somali capital Mogadishu in this Monday, Oct. 9, 2006 file photo. Ahmed, one of the top leaders of Somalia's Islamic movement has turned himself over to U.S. and Kenyan authorities and is under their protection in Nairobi, officials said Monday Jan. 22, 2007. (AP Photo/Mohamed Sheikh Nor) NAIROBI, Kenya - A top leader of Somalia's ousted Islamic movement seen by the U.S. as a potential key to preventing a widespread insurgency there surrendered to authorities and is under protection in Nairobi, officials said Monday. Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, who has been described by a U.S. diplomat as a moderate who could play a role in reconciling Somali factions, crossed into Kenya, went to a police station along the border on Sunday and was flown to Nairobi, according to a police report seen by The Associated Press. The U.S. said it was not involved in protecting Ahmed, who apparently feared for his life in Somalia, where the remnants of his Council of Islamic Courts are being hunted by Ethiopian troops and Somali government forces. "The U.S. government is not holding or interrogating Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed and was not involved in his capture or surrender," a U.S. Embassy official said, speaking on condition of anonymity as they weren't authorized to talk to the media. U.S. Ambassador Michael Ranneberger has repeatedly said Ahmed is a moderate Islamic leader who should be part of a national reconciliation process in Somalia. Ahmed was the chairman of the Executive Council of Islamic Courts and shared the leadership with the Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, who was chairman of the court's legislative council. While Ahmed is considered a moderate, Aweys is on a U.S. list of people with suspected ties to the al-Qaida terror network, though he has repeatedly denied having links to international terrorists. If Ahmed agrees to hold talks with Somalia's government, it could be a major step toward preventing the widespread insurgency that many Islamic leaders have promised in Somalia. Advertisement Somali troops, with crucial aid from neighboring Ethiopia, drove the Council of Islamic Courts out of the capital and much of southern Somalia last month. But violence has been breaking out due to traditional clan rivalries and resentment among Somalis over the presence of Ethiopia. Somalia, a Muslim country, and Ethiopia, with its large Christian population, fought a brutal war in 1977. On Sunday, Somalia's government spokesman, Abdirahman Dinari, said Kenya has handed over 34 Islamic militiamen, and that some may be senior leaders of the Islamic movement. Also Monday, Ethiopian troops killed three civilians in an area where Ethiopian forces have been attacked in recent days, a witness said. The troops were firing at several gunmen who were trying to hide in a house in the Hurwa district, said Mustaf Hassan Ali, who saw the shooting in the neighborhood, considered a hotbed of sympathizers for the Islamic movement. "The Ethiopians fired at the civilians when unknown gunmen sought refuge in their house," Ali said. The government has invited African peacekeepers to help provide security in Somalia, but they are unlikely to come if fighting continues. African Union officials approved an 8,000-peacekeeper mission on Friday. Somalia has been without an effective government since 1991, when warlords overthrew a dictator and turned on each other. The government was formed two years ago with the help of the United Nations, but was weakened by internal rifts. The intervention of Ethiopia prompted a military advance that was a stunning turnaround for the administration, which is struggling to assert control in this chaotic country. AP writers Mohamed Olad Hassan and Salad Duhul contributed to this report from Mogadishu, Somalia. A service of the Associated Press(AP)
  12. Islamic Leader in Somalia Surrenders By CHRIS TOMLINSON NAIROBI, Kenya - A leader of Somalia's ousted Islamic movement seen by the U.S. as a moderate who could help prevent widespread insurgency there has surrendered to Kenyan authorities, officials said Monday. Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, described by a U.S. diplomat as someone who could play a role in reconciling Somali factions, crossed into Kenya on Sunday and went to a police station along the border. He was then flown to Nairobi, according to a police report seen by The Associated Press. The report said Kenyan authorities were protecting Ahmed, who apparently feared for his life in Somalia where the remnants of his Council of Islamic Courts are being hunted by Ethiopian and Somali government forces. It was not immediately clear whether he faced possible deportation and imprisonment in Somalia. The U.S. said it was not involved in protecting Ahmed. "The U.S. government is not holding or interrogating Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed and was not involved in his capture or surrender," a U.S. Embassy official said. The official, who was not authorized to talk to the media, spoke on condition of anonymity. U.S. Ambassador Michael Ranneberger has repeatedly said Ahmed is a moderate Islamic leader who should be part of a national reconciliation process in Somalia. Ahmed was chairman of the Executive Council of Islamic Courts and shared leadership with Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, chairman of the group's legislative council. While Ahmed is considered a moderate, Aweys is on a U.S. list of people with suspected ties to the al-Qaida, though he has repeatedly denied links to international terrorists. If Ahmed agrees to hold talks with Somalia's government, it could be a major step toward preventing the widespread insurgency that many Islamic leaders have promised in Somalia. The European Union urged Somalia's government to hold talks with moderate Islamist leaders and other factions to find a lasting peace settlement. EU foreign ministers urged Somali factions to seize "a window of opportunity" to find a sustainable solution. EU Development Commissioner Louis Michel said failure to hold "inclusive talks" with all other political factions would sink efforts to stabilize the impoverished country. "It is the only way to get long-term stability and peace in Somalia," Michel told reporters in Brussels, Belgium. Somali troops, with crucial aid from neighboring Ethiopia, drove the Council of Islamic Courts out of the capital and much of southern Somalia last month. But violence has been breaking out due to traditional clan rivalries and resentment among Somalis over the presence of Ethiopia. Somalia, a Muslim country, and Ethiopia, with its large Christian population, fought a brutal war in 1977. On Sunday, Somalia's government spokesman, Abdirahman Dinari, said Kenya has handed over 34 Islamic militiamen, and some may be senior leaders of the Islamic movement. Also Monday, Ethiopian troops killed three civilians in an area where Ethiopian forces have been attacked in recent days, a witness said. The troops were firing at several gunmen who were trying to hide in a house in the Hurwa district, said Mustaf Hassan Ali, who saw the shooting in the neighborhood, considered a hotbed of sympathizers for the Islamic movement. "The Ethiopians fired at the civilians when unknown gunmen sought refuge in their house," Ali said. The government has invited African peacekeepers to help provide security in Somalia, but they are unlikely to come if fighting continues. African Union officials approved an 8,000-peacekeeper mission on Friday. Malawi said Monday it plans to deploy hundreds of troops to the AU force _ either a whole or a half battalion. Somalia has been without an effective government since 1991 when warlords overthrew a dictator and turned on each other. The government was formed two years ago with the help of the United Nations, but was weakened by internal rifts. The intervention of Ethiopia prompted a military advance that was a stunning turnaround for the administration, which is struggling to assert control in this chaotic country. Associated Press writers Mohamed Olad Hassan and Salad Duhul contributed to this report from Mogadishu, Somalia. A service of the Associated Press(AP)
  13. Somali Islamist surrenders Mon Jan 22, 2007 2:56pm ET advertisement RELATED VIDEO Troops fire on Mogadishu protest Play Video International News Strike violence rocks Guinea, more than 20 killed Serbia faces hard quest for stable majority Spectators gather at Canadian serial killer trial More International News... Email This Article | Print This Article | Reprints [-] Text [+] By C. Bryson Hull NAIROBI (Reuters) - Somali Islamist leader Sheikh Sharif Ahmed was under guard in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, on Monday after being taken into custody on the Somali border, officials said. Ahmed is the highest-ranking member of the former Somali Islamist rulers to turn himself in after a late December blitz by Ethiopian and Somali interim government troops routed them from southern Somalia. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said Kenyan authorities had Ahmed in custody: "I think they are dealing with him as a refugee at this point." Reuters Pictures Editors Choice: Best pictures from the last 24 hours. View Slideshow The Kenyan and Somali governments had no immediate comment. Ahmed is considered a moderate in the Islamist movement and before the war was among those the United States said should be involved in reconciliation talks in Somalia. He met U.S. Ambassador to Kenya Michael Ranneberger in September. A Western diplomat told Reuters Ahmed surrendered at the border on Sunday, and was being kept under guard at an upmarket hotel in Nairobi, where former Somali dictator Mohamed Siad Barre stayed when he fled his country in 1991. Two other Western diplomats confirmed the information as did a top Somali intelligence official. "They captured him in the Liboi area," the Somali intelligence official said. Continued... Liboi is a border post near Somalia's southern tip, where Ethiopian and Somali troops have been hunting Islamists. The United States conducted an air strike against what it called al Qaeda operatives among the Islamist ranks two weeks ago in its first publicly confirmed military action there since ending a disastrous peacekeeping mission in 1994. The United States embassy in Kenya, responsible for Somalia, denied reports U.S. officials were involved in the surrender. "The U.S. is not holding or protecting or interrogating Sheikh Sharif. We were not involved in his capture or surrender," an embassy official said on condition of anonymity. Reuters Pictures Editors Choice: Best pictures from the last 24 hours. View Slideshow MODERATE WITH AN AK-47 Diplomats spoken to by Reuters said Kenya and possibly the United States most likely had a role in brokering Ahmed's surrender, with help from Somali and Kenyan politicians of Somali ethnic origin sympathetic to Islamist moderates. Since the war, the United States has said that all Somalis who renounce violence and extremism should be included in reconciliation. McCormack said he was not aware of plans for the U.S. ambassador, Ranneberger, to meet with Ahmed soon. A U.S. official who spoke on condition of anonymity said Ahmed's reputation suffered in Washington's eyes in the build-up to the war, but that he could have a role in reconciliation if he persuaded his followers to stop fighting. Continued... Ahmed, a former geography teacher who was one of the most visible faces of the Somalia Islamic Courts Council (SICC), wore combat fatigues and clutched an AK-47 while declaring jihad against Ethiopia at a news conference in October. But the SICC's belligerence vanished as they were run out of strongholds by Ethiopian air power and armor supporting Somali government troops in a two-week war. The Islamists have vowed to conduct a guerrilla war, and many suspect their hardcore militants have been behind a spate of attacks in Mogadishu, the latest of which occurred on Monday. Ethiopian troops and Somali police shot at protesters who hurled stones and fired back with assault rifles. Three people were killed and five wounded in the clash, a witness and a local journalist who asked not to be named said. Reuters Pictures Editors Choice: Best pictures from the last 24 hours. View Slideshow The witness said Ethiopian troops returned to a livestock market in the coastal city where an attack on an Ethiopian convoy set off a clash that killed four on Saturday. Ethiopia wants to pull out of Somalia, and on Monday a Somali government source said Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin met President Abdullahi Yusuf at the capital's Villa Somalia compound, which was pounded by mortars on Friday. Ethiopia and Yusuf's government want an African Union-backed peacekeeping force of nearly 8,000 troops to help the government keep control of Somalia after Ethiopia goes. Malawi said on Monday the southern African country would deploy troops. But many doubt the AU's capacity to muster the full contingent, let alone tame a nation that defied the combined efforts of U.S. and U.N. peacekeepers in the early 1990s. (Additional reporting by Sahal Abdulle in Mogadishu, Ingrid Melander in Brussels, Sue Pleming in Washington and Mabvuto Banda in Lilongwe)
  14. I would like if you could write an essay compromising of maximum 1000 words of your own to tell us your political vision for Somalia! It like to see your ideal Somalia based on whatever you believe! What kind of government you desire, the process that should be taken and how you would preferably the country to function let's say in 5-10 years from now inshallah! Only then can we distinguish between the different people who claim, they're concerned about our beloved country of Somalia, if you're, then obviously you have thought hard and long about its future because knowing that you will never stay abroad and need a place for your children to call 'home' without being abused to 'go home' by indigenious folks in the countries where they live in! There are also so many other things to consider like ones religion and the wider divide between the gaalo and muslims, so give us something here to let us know your viewpoint and your vision for Somalia!
  15. It is confirmed that last night H.E. Mahamoud Muuse Xirsi better known as General Adde Muuse had meetings with high officials from the UAE government and other representatives aswell as foreign companies based in Dubai! With the various UAE officials, he discussed potential development projects that they possibly could finance in the Puntland State of Somalia and on how to further increase the excellent and long standing relationships between the two states of the UAE and Puntland State of Somalia! Furthermore the President H.E. Adde Muuse Hirsi met with foreign based companies, who he had signed contracts with earlier and they agreed upon, that they shall start to move to Puntland in order to start the Exploration projects as fast as possible, which they agreed with! Overall the meetings the President was engaged with were very successful and they occured in a friendly and good atmosphere! The President is now heading towards Germany I hear, in order to visit his personal doctor, which he hasn't seen for a long while! We wish him luck inshallah!
  16. Paragon and his group further exposed! Tape of Shaikh Saleem al-Hilaalee Regarding Hizb ut-tahreer- It is a party founded by Taqiyyud-deen an Nabhaanee. As for this party - then we have a number of observations to make about it: 1. That they do not accept "Khabarul-Aahaad" in 'Aqeedah and this has caused them to separate from Ahlus-Sunnah in 'Aqeedah since accepting the ahaadeeth is an important principle - so they do not accept the Messengers (s.a.w.s) sayings in points of 'Aqeedah. So they do not believe for example, in The Punishment in the grave, they do not believe in The Dajjaal and they do not believe in the descent of the Maseh - and they do not believe in many things which are mentioned in ahaadeeth. And this is of course, something futile since authentic aahaad Ahaadeeth which are those reported by good / reliable, precise narrators from the first to the last of them - not contradicting something more reliable - and not contain hidden weakness and the ahaadeeth which fulfill these five conditions amounts to knowledge whereas they say that it amounts only to conjecture (zann) - and the reply to them in detail is to be found in my book: "al-adillah wash-Shawaahid fee wujoob al-Akhdh bikhabral-waahid fil Ahkaam wal 'Aqaaid", where I mention their evidences from their book "ad-Doosiyyah" and I have replied to them in detail, so he who wishes to go into depth then let him refer back to that book, which I ask Allaah to make of benefit to the Muslims. 2. This party accuses Ahlus-Sunnah of being Jabariyyah as they plainly state in their book "ad-Doosiyyah" so they say with regards to the matter of Qadaa and Qadr: " if we look to Ahlus-Sunna - who think that they have come out in their view from between dung and blood then they are Jabariyyah." Then this is ignorance of this important part of 'Aqeedah since Ahlus-Sunna wal-Jamaa'ah affirm what Allah has affirmed and deny what Allah has denied. they affirm that the servant has free-will - except that it is not but by the will of Allah - the most Perfect and free from defects, and the Most high, and there are great proofs of this - and we have mentioned some of them in out reply to them in out book: "al-Jamaa'aatul-Islaamiyyah." 3. Also this party has various peculiar opinions - so for example they allow nude photographs, they allow one to look at photographs and this contains great danger due to a Sharee'ah point then it is the Prophet's (s.a.w.s) saying: "let not a woman describe another woman to her husband - as if he were looking at her." So his (s.a.w.s) saying: " if he were looking at her" - he is not actually looking at her, but a description of her is brought into his mind so the forbiddance is from this imaginary picture - so how is it then if the picture is physically in front of one looking at it?! - showing her attractions and her body - indeed revealing her 'awrah - is this not even more forbidden? Secondly, this picture even if it does not move or feel - yet it is a real picture - and nudity is something haraam - so how can we allow looking at this thing which is haraam? Further, looking at this picture incites the animal instincts in a person and the 'shaytaanic tendencies' - so that which leads to haraam is itself haraam. Indeed the matter has gone beyond bounds with them - to the extent that they allow kissing a (strange) woman, and this is something dangerous. 4. What is more dangerous is that they have turned all their attention to accusing the rulers. 'this one is an American (stooge), this one is a British (stooge)' - as if there were no-one else in the worlds except America and Britain and as if it were America and Britain who were running the affairs of creation. And this causes people to turn away from the correct understanding of their Deen and away from Allah's way of changing the affairs. They think that if they change the ruler they will attain what they desire - and this is contrary to the natural way laid down by Allah with regard to changes which come bout amongst the creation: Verily never will Allah change a condition of a people until they change what is within their souls [Ra'd 13:11] And is we imagine that the ruler would change - whilst the nation do not believe in this Deen - then what would happen is that these people will cause a revolution as had happened, for example lately in Russia - this state was established by force and through tyranny and through suppressing the voice of the people through killing - so we find that the people did not support it, but rather opposed it. And for Allah's laws to be enforced throughout throughout this earth - they have to be carried / defended by the Believers - He it is that has strengthened you with His aid and with the Believers. [Anfaal 8:62] So we don't wait for the east or the west to help the Deen, but its own people have to be its carriers - they are the ones to carry and defend the Deen. This is a brief description of Hizb ut-tahreer - and of course they debate about Allah without knowledge, without Guidance, without Book and without Light - and we have sat with them often - and one we mentioned to one of them whilst discussing the 'Khabarul- Aahaad', we said: If it appears to you that the truth is that it is obligatory to accept the Khabarul-Aahaad - then will you do so? he said 'No, because I have to stick to the view of the party.' So they make it binding that if the view of the party contradicts your view - you have to hold the view of the party, not your own view. So we said: Then what is the point of discussing with you - if you will not give up the view of the party in favour of the clear proof. Since they have laid down a rule - that the person has to stick to the opinion of his imaam or his nation. Well what if that involves some sin, since that ruler, khaleefah or group may be right or wrong - so if a mistake is made then how can he still hold to that knowing that is is haraam. Imagine, for example, that the ruler is a Hanafee who holds that drinking little alcohol - an amount nut sufficient to intoxicate is allowed but that which is forbidden is the final cup which intoxicates. Then does a person in this case have to hold to the opinion of his imaam? Or if his imaam, for example, holds the saying that the Qur'ân is created - as happened to Imaam Ahmad - then does he have to take on his view - and the practise of the salaf is contrary to this. This is a brief account of Hizb ut-tahreer - and Hizb ut-tahreer do not follow Islaam but only support the idea of Islaam and they have weird (and incorrect) opinions - for example, they do not order their wives to dress Islamically, since they say that men do not have any authority over women until the Khilaafah has been established - and of course this is contrary to the laws of Allah - subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa - in that the man has to strive to save his family from the Fire: O you who believe, save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is men and stones. [Tahreem 66:6] QUESTION. They say: "I accept the ahaadeeth in Bukhaaree is Saheeh but I don't believe in it." What should be our response and attitude towards such people? Answer. The text of theirs saying as occurs in their book 'ad-Doosiyyah' is that these ahaadeeth - and an example of this is: "When one of you finishes the last tashahhud then let his say: 'O Allah I seek refuge in you from the punishment of the grave and the punishment of the Hell-fire and from the trials of life and death and the trials of Dajjal.'" - They say: 'I act in this as it is knowledge - that is: We say that saying: "....." however we do not believe in it?! This is a crazy contradiction - how can you affirm a saying and not believe in it? this is not rational / sensible. As if you are saying: I say it with my tongue and do not believe it in my heart. they do not believe that there is any punishment in the grave - they do not believe it but they say: We affirm it. QUESTION. There are other authentic ahaadeeth about the punishment of the grave - which are not aahaad. Answer: Of course they do not believe in the 'Mutawaatri al-Ma'nawee' (the ahaadeeth whose meaning is mutawaatir) - the mutawaatir in the science of ahaadeeth is of two categories: (i) Mutawatirul-Lafzee (whose wording is mutawaatir) - such as the ahaadeeth: "Let he who lies against me intentionally take his seat in the Fire." and (ii) Mutawatirul-Ma'nawee (i.e. they differ in wording but are the same in meaning) such as the ahaadeeth about the descent of 'Eesaa - 'alaihi salaam - many ahaadeeth but not with a single meaning - rather they agree on a single fact - the descent of 'Eesaa, the coming of Dajjaal, the coming of the Mahdee - 'alaihi salaam - all of these are to them aahaad - even if they agree in the sense and meaning as long as they are not reported with a single wording So they do not recognise the Mutawaatirul-Ma'nawee. therefore all the Sunnah to them is aahaad except a small part - but is we ask the,: "What is mutawaatir from it?" - Then they cannot answer - so this saying: "we affirm it but do not believe it" is a contradictory saying - not possible as the poet says: "The worst of impossible things is to bring two opposites at one time," such as to say "it is night and day" at one time - that is not possible. "This living and dead", "You affirm and you do not believe." Whereas belief (I'tiqaad) is affirmation (tasdeeq) with certainty, as they say: "Belief (I'tiqaad) is affirmation with certainty which is according to the true state of affairs - upon proof and clear signs." So how can you say that you affirm - but then say you are not definite - so this is not affirmation rather it is doubt and uncertainty. They try to use as evidence for this - that the Khabarul-Aahaad amounts only to conjecture (zann) and they quote They follow nothing but conjecture and what their own souls desire, even though there has already come to them guidance from their Lord [Najm 53:23] and They follow noting but conjecture and conjecture avails them nothing against truth [Najm 53:28] - however the 'zann' mentioned here is 'zann' (speculation) which is incorrect / proven wrong - not that which is definite (ie. correct) - and this is shown by their saying that the Khabarul-Aahaad is a proof with regard to Sharee'ah ruling and if it were incorrect speculative zaan then they would not worship Allah with that since it is delusion and doubt - whereas this correct zaan is of the level of certainty (yaqeen) because Allah ta'aalaa has explained they certainty (yaqeen) has levels - as Allah says: But nay, you shall soon know (the reality). Again you shall know! Nay, were you to know with certainty of mind (you would beware) [Takaathur 2-4] The level of knowledge reached here being 'yaqeen' (certainty). And you shall certainly see Hellfire. Again, you shall see it with certainty of sight. Then, shall you be questioned that day about the joy (you indulged in). [Takaathur 2-8] So between 'certain knowledge' ('Ilmul Yaqeen) and 'Aynul-yaqeen (certainty itself) is a level which Allah mentions at the end of Soorat ul-Haaqah: 'Haqqul-Yaqeen' - so we have, (i) 'Ilmul Yaqeen (ii) Haqqul yaqeen (iii) 'Aynul Yaqeen, all of them are certainty (Yaqeen) - are they a single thing? No rather they are levels - so Yaqeen (certainty) has levels, but its root is one, i.e. it's being knowledge. So the narration from the Prophet (s.a.w.s) which fulfills the five conditions (of authenticity): (i) the chain of narration be fully connected by (ii) trustworthy (iii) precise narrators (iv) nor contradicting something more reliable and (v) not having a hidden defect -These conditions safeguard it from error and forgetfulness. We say - that a narrator may forget or make a mistake but we are sure in this case (i.e. after the fulfillment of the five conditions) and this narrator here did not forget since he is precise and trustworthy in his Deen and reliable and it is narrated from him by like of him - reliable and with precise memory not forgetting anything and it does no contradict the narrations of other narrators, and does not have a hidden defect - then we know that the narrator has not forgotten - not because we think he is infallible but because we have examined and checked - so this condition brings about knowledge with us: And even if we were to say: it only amounts to 'zann': then which zann would it be?, correct or certain zaan, or incorrect zann. then they will say correct zann! Then we say: it is a source for belief ('Aqeedah) as Allah ta'aalaa says: Who bear in mind the certainty that they are to meet their Lord [baqarah 2:46] So the word 'zann' here is used with the meanings of belief in one of the principles of belief, i.e. belief in the Hereafter Allah ta'aalaa says: I did really understand that my account would reach me [Haaqqah 69:20] (Using the term 'zann') and this is quoted in praise of him, he is a Believer. [Also, the verse]: And they perceived that there is no fleeing from Allah but to Himself [Tawbah 9:118] in the story of those who remained behind - so here (again) 'zann' occurs with the meaning of I'tiqaad (certain belief) - so it has meaning of belief. To sum up they are mixed up and inconsistent and you see one of them, for example, clean shaven, no beard, wearing clothes of the kaafirs, not acting on the dictates of Islaam in his life. He supports the ideal of Islaam. Islaam to him is an ideal to call for. But what is required is the following of Islaam not merely calling for it: Grievously odious it is for the sight of Allah that you say that which you do not (do) [saff 61:3] QUESTION. Their comment on Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhab (rahimahullaah) that he was not proper because he combined the king and kingship is not allowed in the Deen - what should be the response? Answer: This is the saying of Hizb ut-tahreer. Firstly: Hizb ut-tahreer invent lies against Allah so they have distributed notes called notes of Hanz, it is said that this person was an agent of the British and that he links with the Shaikh - the Imaam (rahimahullaah) and that he was a product of the British, etc. And they claim that he was an agent of the British and it was the British who helped him, etc. And this as we said to them - that he was an agent of the British..., is it something unseen or something opened or witnessed? - They say: unseen. Then we say: Is it a point for action? They say: A point of belief. Then we say: Then how do you accept the witness of a kaafir about a Muslim? - whereas you do not accept the report of a Muslim man with regard to the ahaadeeth of Allah's Messenger (s.a.w.s). And they have the principle that the Khabarul-Aahaad is not a proof in matters of Belief. So how do they depend upon the reports of non-Muslims in accusing Muslims? This is something strange. Secondly: this thing that they say - accusing the people - this one is an agent of the British, that one is the agent of so and so - as for this which is written about the Muslims by their enemies - then it is not permissible to give credence to it: If a wicked person comes to you with any news ascertain the truth [Hujurat 49:6] Where is this proof and verification? There is no proof and no verification. Further: The treaty between the Shaikh Muhammad ibn 'Abdul Wahhaab (rahimahullaah) - and Aal Sa'ood was a treaty for further in the cause of Islaam. And as if known the Deen has to have someone to carry it - so Allah's Messenger (s.a.w.s) asked the Ansaar to carry and protect it just as they would their families and wealth. But here (i.e. the case of Aal Sa'ood) something wrong occurred in that they (i.e. Aal Sa'ood) made the condition that leadership would be theirs - and this is not permissible, however the agreement in principle is correct even though it is not permissible to make it a part of the agreement that you will take the leadership since the Messenger (s.a.w.s) refused the offer of Banoo 'Aamir to help him against the Kaafirs upon the condition that leadership would be theirs after him (s.a.w.s). So we say that this matter was not for booty or worldly gain - but for aiding the Deen of Islaam and this is what happened in the beginning - they established Allah's Deen in the area and purified it from the shirk present, and that good does not cease to be present even today even if, of course, the latter generations have gone against the way of the predecessors. QUESTION. What do you say concerning their saying that Kingship is forbidden? Answer: I say this is, of course, something wrong - that rule belongs to a person whereas Kingship is in the Hand of Allah - He gives it to whomever He pleases. However the alliance in principle was allowed - since it was for aiding the Deen of Allah and establishment of the Sharee'ah. And of course they (Hizb ut-tahreer) allow this, indeed the start if the state with them comes about through seeking aid from sources of strength and heads of tribes, heads of state, etc. - in order to bring about revolution to remove the wicked. QUESTION. What about the saying that the office of Kingship itself is something that is not allowed - Is it not possible to rebut this with the fact, for example, that Daawood was..... Answer: No - that is a fact - it is not permissible to have inherited Kings in Islaam - rather the Khaleefah is chosen from those fitting for the position and he is given oath of allegiance - inherited Kingship is not allowed and Kingship is not Islamic. QUESTION. We say that hereditary Kingship is haraam? Answer. Yes. QUESTION. It is quoted, I think at the start of 'al 'Aqeedatul-Waasitiyyah' or 'Aqeedatul- Tahaawiyyah' , I am not sure - that Allah ta'aalaa - offered to the Prophet (s.a.w.s) that he be a Prophet, a king or a servant and Messenger - so if it is not correct to be king then....? Answer: This does not contain anything about it being hereditary Kingship but one of the things that go along with Kingship in practice in that it is inherited and then passed on. That is the essential thing present in any Kingship in the world is that the son inherits from the father. QUESTION. Then how or why did Allah - subhaanahu wa ta'aalaa - offer this to Allah's Messenger (s.a.w.s)? Answer: He, Allah ta'aalaa offered that he be King - i.e. he himself - but not that Kingship would remain amongst his offspring - Do you understand? That was not a part of it, and of course he (s.a.w.s) said "I choose to be servant and Messenger", and the Khaleefahs came after Allah's Messenger (s.a.w.s) - being chosen by the responsible and righteous offspring - the people of the Shoorah - so this was the Prophetic Khaleefah. QUESTION. Some of Hizb ut-tahreer accuse Shaikh Naasirul-Deen al-Albaanee of not knowing the Arabic language well. Answer: This is a false slander without a doubt! Since Shaikh Naasir, may Allah protect him, gained Knowledge of Ahaadeeth and spent his whole life with Ahaadeeth - which is the essence of 'Arabic - and since we have lived with he Shaikh for many years and he is Arabic of tongue and they are non-Arabs - even if he is Albanian - since 'Arabic is due to language not race - and Alhumdolillaah (all praise is for Allah), he is an expert in that - indeed he is more competent in his language than they are!!! QUESTION. They say that Mu'aawiyyah (ra) is not a Companion and the evidence for their claim is that to gain the title of Companion he has to be found to have definitely fulfilled the conditions of companionship. Where are they getting this from? Then they give as an example from Sa'eed ibn al-Musayyib that he said: "The word companion (sahaabee) is one who was with Allaah's Messenger (s.a.w.s) for [at least] one year or two and fought Jihaad along with him in [at least] one or two battles - so one who did that was a companion" Answer: Firstly, Mu'aawiyyah is a Companion whether you apply their conditions or not and he is a Companion also as textually stated by the scholars who have written his biography. First he lived with Allaah's Messenger (s.a.w.s) for a year or two - indeed for more than two years, since he became a Muslim at the conquest of Makkah as is known that occured in the eighth year of Hijrah - (and) indeed he was one of those who wrote down the revelation for Allaah's Messenger (s.a.w.s) - so even according to their conditions he is definitely a Companion. Secondly, the correct definition for a Companion is: "One who saw Allaah' s Messenger (s.a.w.s) even if only once - and died as a Muslim", and this is agreed upon by the scholars of ahaadeeth. And Mu'aawiyyah (may Allaah be pleased with him and have mercy upon Him), even if he made a mistake - and who does not make a mistake? - even if he made a mistake in fighting Alee and making his son hereditor - yes he made a mistake - but this does not put an end to his being a Companion. And if you opened for example 'Asadul-Ghaabah' of Ibn al-Atheer, or 'al-Istee'aab' of Ibn Abdil-Barr, or 'al-Isaabah fee Tamyeezis-Sahaabah' - these books tell us who are the Companions - do we find Mu'aawiyyah or not? The answer is we find him. Some of them describe him as "the trustworthy writer of the Revelation and maternal-uncle of the Believers", since his sister Umm Habeebah was a Mother of the Believers, the Companion of Allaah's Messenger (s.a.w.s). And Shaikh ul-Islaam [ibn Taymiyyah] was asked: "Who is better Umar ibn Abdil-Azeez with his justice or Mu'aawiyyah?" So he answered: "Indeed a single day from the days of Mu'aawiyyah is better than the 'Umar and his family - his Companionship is enough for him - he is just without any need for enquiry, Allaah ta'aalaa has witnessed in their favour that they are just. Allaah subhaanahu wata'aalaa declared them good so they do not need the witness of anyone in their favour - but this is a branch departing from the Sunnah." QUESTION. About the Beard, they say: "A Muslim gets reward for growing it but does not get punished if he does not", and some people say: "that the four distinguished scholars, like Maalik, Aboo Haneefah have agreed that letting the beard grow is waajib - and that this view is not correct because they never said it. On the other hand an-Nawawee, Ibn Qudaamah, Ibn ul-Hammaam, ash-Shawkaanee, Qaadee Ayyaad and so on never said that it is waajib. So whoever claims that ash-Shaafi'ee, Ibn Hanbal or Maalik said that it is an obligation, then they are wrong" - and that they challenge them to prove it. Answer: What is correct from the sayings of the scholars of the four madhdhabs - on their books - in the old books of the Hanafees, in the books of the Shaafi'ees, the saying of Imaam Ahmad and Imaam Maalik is that it is waajib and that he who shaves is an open sinner (faasiq) who should be punished. Even to the extent that Imaam Maalik said about the one who shaves his moustache: "It is disfigurement which I think should be punished by beating" - so what do you think of the beard? It is worse. Secondly, the Sharee'ah texts show that it is waajib. The first ahaadeeth, the saying of the Messenger (s.a.w.s): "Leave the beard, shorten the moustache and act differently to the Mushriks". And the order here makes it obligatory. But to them - the Hizb ut-tahreer - an order does not make something obligatory and principle of theirs if futile, false. To them an order is only a request and does not amount to an obligation. So we say to them: "Where does the order (Amr) occur in the Arabic language - from whom to whom? Usually it is given by the master to the servant, from the husband to the wife, from the father to his son. And this request from the father, husband or master - does it mean merely a request and hope for its fulfillment or that something has to be done? It is something which has to be done. And the saying of the Messenger (s.a.w.s): "If it were not for causing hardship to my Ummah, I would have ordered them to use the Siwaak". This is a proof that the order amounts to an obligation. "I would have ordered them to use the Siwaak" and if he ordered them to use the siwaak it would have been waajib, but he did not order them, rather he recommended it for them. So the order means an obligation in the Sunnah of Allaah's Messenger (s.a.w.s) and in the Arabic language and in the Book of Allaah. For example, Allaah ta'aalaa says: O you who believe! Establish the prayer An order. (Or) is this merely a request? It is up to you - if you want to pray then do or if not then not? So the order means an obligation in Ilm ul-Usool and if we apply this rule to the ahaadeeth we find that keeping a beard is an obligation. And the saying of Allaah's Messenger (s.a.w.s) to the two men who came from Kisraa - both of them having shaved their beards and let their moustache flow: "Who ordered you with this?" and he (s.a.w.s) turned his face away from them, they replied: "Our Lord - meaning Kisraa - ordered us", so he (s.a.w.s) said: "Rather my Lord ordered me to leave my beard and shorten my moustache." QUESTION. They explain the ahaadeeth by saying that was not an order that was a request. Answer: And this is of course ignorance of the ahaadeeth since he (s.a.w.s) said: "My Lord ordered me..." so of course they will twist words from their correct meanings. QUESTION. They say concerning Eemaan and using the intellect in affairs that: When a persons Aqeedah agrees to his understanding intellect then it is said of a such a person that 'he has Aqeedah' i.e. when all of his Aqeedah agrees to his intellect. Then the Muslim is sinful if he is not able to correct his Aqeedah with his intellect. Answer: This is as they explain in their books and we have heard it from them - that they make it essential to reach Aqeedah by means of the intellect and that he who takes on belief blindly then his Eemaan is not counted. Then what is correct is that reaching Aqeedah through the intellect is good - but that the one who takes his Eemaan blindly then his Eemaan is acceptable before. QUESTION. What do you mean by 'takes his Eemaan blindly'? Answer: He takes it from his parents, or following his ruler, or a wife taking it from her husband, or a people taking it from their chief - this is taking it blindly. They did not reflect and consider but believed due to others and such a ones belief is acceptable to Allaah ta'aalaa as is proven by the fact that Sa'd ibn Mu'aadh (ra) was the chief of Ibn Abdil-Ashhal - and he was from the Ansaar, from the Aws - when he believed he returned to them and said he would not speak to them until they believed in Allaah, so they said: "We believe in Allaah", so did they stop, reflect and consider, or accept faith blindly? Is their belief correct or not? Their belief is Islamically correct. The Messenger of Allaah (s.a.w.s) said - in the ahaadeeth which the brothers mentioned and asked about yesterday - "Allaah is amazed with a people who are taken in Paradise in chains", so the one who is taken in Paradise in chains: Is he a Believer or not? The Prophet (s.a.w.s) said: "No one will enter Paradise except a Believer". So he judged them to be Believers and they are in Paradise. And they didn't believe by means of reflection and consideration - rather they believed blindly, they lived amongst the Muslims, found Islaam and believed. So reflecting with the intellect is not a condition for the correctness of Eemaan but it is good for strengthening the Eemaan. QUESTION. So what is the difference between the belief of such a person and the saying of the Hypocrite in the grave: "I heard the people saying such and such, so I said the same?" Answer: This hypocrite who heard it and said it, said it but did not believe it and it did not settle in his heart, rather he was in doubt and uncertainty - whereas the other heard and believed and did not having any doubt remaining in his heart, since hearing is also a way to certain belief. QUESTION. Then what is the difference between blind faith and arriving at faith using intelligence? Answer: For example, some people come to believe in Allaah due to reflecting on creation, the harmony and precise order of this creation and due to that know that there is a Lord and believe in Allaah. But they also have to worship that God. Many westerners believe in the Lord but do not worship Him, so they need someone to guide them in that - and he is the Messenger or one to call them to Islaam. So the origin of their faith is reflection and the furtherance of their faith is through attaining knowledge and following blindly and otherwise the Sharee'ah, not through reflection. So the one who believes blindly for example, a person born a Muslim, finding both his parents Muslim, he did not consider or reflect on creation. He said: "Ashhadu allaah ilaaha illallaaha wa ashhadu anna Muhammadur-Rasoolullaah (I testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allaah alone and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah)" (so his parents are the ones who would cause him to become a Jew, Christian or a Magian. So this person did not consider or reflect. Is his Eemaan correct (or not)? This is the difference (between the two). QUESTION. Now they are calling for Jihaad along with Shaikh Fadlullaah leader of the [so called] Hizbullaah - the Lebanese Shi'ite - and that the flag of Jihaad should be raised against the Americans in the Gulf. So what do you say about such a group of Muslims who call their followers to accept the saying of the Shee'ah in any matter? Answer: This party is, of course, weird, in that it accepts amongst its ranks the Shee'ah. And [indeed] the leaders of those who call to it in Lebanon are Shee'ah such as Samee' Aatif as-Zain, perhaps you have heard of his books. He is a writer who has written for example, "Islaam and Human Heritage' and other books. He was a Shee'ah, so they accept Shee'ahs amongst their ranks since they are rationalists. That is they give precedence to their intellect - and I do not say that they are not intellectual, but rather they give the intellect precedence over the text. The Shee'ah are like them and this is a sign of the people of false desires (i.e. innovations) Secondly, They do not consider the Shee'ah to be in contradiction to Islaam and this is ignorance of Islaam from them. The Raafidee Shee'ah of course curse The Companions of Allaah's Messenger and believe that they changed the Qur'an and invent a lie against the Mother of the Believers. And they have deeds and sayings for which Allaah sent down no permit. And the saying of Khomainee in his book 'Al-Hukoomat ul-Islaamiyyah', on p. 52: "... and one of the essentials of our madhdhab is that our infallible imaams have power over the creation and all the atoms of creation submit to them, and that they have a station not reached by the nearest Angels nor any of the Messengers". So from the essential beliefs of their madhdhab is that this creation submits to their imaams and not to the Lord of Creation. This is clear Kufr. So those who do not know what is true Islaam and what breaks this true Islaam - and I do not find and example for them except the example which Shaikh Naasir - may Allaah increase him in good - gave for a Kurdish person who was with us in Syria and he was keen to spread Islaam. He passed by a Jew and said: "Become Muslim or I will kill you". So the Jew became afraid and said: "I will become Muslim, but tell me how I become Muslim? " So the Kurd said: "By Allaah, I do not know!" And these people say we want to establish the Khilaafah, and we want to establish Allaah's rule. And when we say to them: "What is Islaam", they say: "The Islaam of the Soofee, the Islaam of the Shee'ee, the Islaam of the Mu'tazilee" - a mixture! This is not Islaam. It is a corrupted form of Islaam. QUESTION. Supposing a person does not pray, should you talk to him about the Khilaafah or Eemaan. He (the Hizb ut-tahreer) the says: "Yes, you can talk to him about the Khilaafah, because talking about the Khilaafah system is talking about Eemaan, A 'Muslim' who doesn't even pray! Since Khilaafah is part of Eemaan. Answer. I seek refuge in Allaah from Shaytaan the Rejected. O my brother they are seekers of rule and politics and they are not seekers of Deen and Aqeedah. The Messenger of Allaah (s.a.w.s), did he teach the Companions that 'we will establish Allaah's rule on the earth' or that 'you should believe in Allaah'? He taught them to believe in Allaah and to obey Allaah's commands, to pray and give zakaah. All of that came before the Islamic nation. So how can we contradict Allaah's way and the way of His Messenger (s.a.w.s) in bringing about change and in teaching the people? This one who does not pray and does not worship Allaah subhaanahu wata'aalaa, what is the ruling about him in Islaam? He is a Kaafir. How can we ask a Kaafir to establish Allaah's order? If you will aid Allaah he will aid you [soorah Muhammad 47:7] Is Allaah in need of an army like that. No. What He wants is that you should establish His Sharee'ah upon yourself, that is what is aiding Allaah's Deen as the Messenger (s.a.w.s) said to Ibn Abbaas: "Safeguard Allaah and He will safeguard you." Allaah has no need of anyone to protect him. And 'safeguard Allaah' means 'obey and safeguard the orders of Allaah'. Safeguard your prayers especially the middle prayer [baqarah 2: 238] So what is meant is safeguarding the orders of Allaah. So before Allaah helps you by establishing the Islamic order and the Khilaafah and gives you authority in the earth, then you have to perform righteous deeds. Allaah has promised to those amongst you who believe and do righteous deeds that He will of a surety grant them inheritance in the land. [Noor 24:55] The first thing is that they believe (aamanoo), then they do righteous deeds and then He will place them in charge in the land. So how can we seek from people who do not pray, give zakaah, nor fast nor make Hajj - that they establish the Islamic order? Rather those people who do not fast and do not give zakaah - they will be the first people to stand in the way of Islamic rule. QUESTION. They say: "Whoever does not work for the establishment for the Khilaafah is sinful, and anyone who has not worked for it since the fall of the Khilaafah in 1924 CE are sinful, all of them since it is waajib to establish it. Answer. We say the one who denies the need to work for the Khilaafah is sinful, but the one who strives to bring Khilaafah about through education and spreading knowledge, then he strives to establish Allaah's Sharee'ah in His way and not in their (Hizb ut-tahreer's) way. And it is not correct that everyone who does not work in their way does not work to establish the Khilaafah is sinful - and this is pure misguidance, since many of the Muslims are educating preparing and teaching the people to put Allaah's Sharee'ah into practice - and they in their view are striving to establish Allaah's Sharee'ah. So is there anything wrong in what they are doing? QUESTION. What is the position of the Salafees with regard to the Khilaafah, since many of them as a counter-reaction call to the calls of the Ikhwaan and Hizb ut-tahreer say: "We give our attentions to the matters of worship, education and correction/purification - so what is the position of the Salafees? Answer. The position of the Salafees is clear - that we strive to re-establish Islamic life and to establish Allaah's laws upon the land by the way of correction and education. We strive and hope for good always, due to the ahaadeeth of the Messenger of Allaah (s.a.w.s): "Prophethood will be amongst you for as long as Allaah wills, then Allaah will raise it up when He wills, then there will be Khilaafah upon the way of Prophethood, then Allaah will raise it up when He wills, then there will be biting Kingship, then oppressive Kingship, then Khilaafah upon the way of the Prophethood." So we wait for the Khilaafah in the way of the Prophethood and we work to bring it about anew and (about) his saying: "Khilaafah upon the way of the Prophethood: (i) That those who will restore this rightly guided Khilaafah are the Salafees, since they are the ones who carry upon the Prophetic way and (ii) That the Khilaafah which will come about will not be in the way of the Abbasids, nor the Umayyads nor the Othmaanis. Rather it will be on the way of the Rightly Guided Khaleefahs. So the men who will bring about the return of this Khilaafah will be upon the way of the Rightly Guided Khaleefahs and the way of the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (s.a.w.s). So they have respect for and honour the Companions of Allaah's Messenger (s.a.w.s). But if we look to the state of Hizb ut-Tahreer we find that they have hatred for the Companions and at the head of them Mu'aawiyyah, as we have just said. 'Khilaafah on the way of the Prophethood' - who are on the way of the Prophet (s.a.w.s)? The Companions, whereas you speak ill of the Companions! QUESTION. Is the ahaadeeth mutawaatir or...? Answer. No, the ahaadeeth is 'Saheeh' - they use it often so it is said it is Khabarul- Aahaad - it is not Mutawaatir - so how can they use it. But it agrees with what they have in their minds. This ahaadeeth about the rightly guided Khilaafah is aahaad - and they use it often and I have spoken with their spokesman in Jordan, so we said to him: "This is Khabarul-Aahaad", so he said "Yes, but it agrees with the state of affairs as they are." QUESTION. What is the response to their accusation that our scholars, like 'Abul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahimahullaah) and so on - are in the pockets of the governments - and why don't they give Fatwaa about what is happening with the Allies - but just talk about Bid'ah and shirk all the time - so they cast aspersions upon them. Answer. As regards the events in the Gulf - the view of Shaikh al-Albaanee and our view, is that we do not permit seeking the aid of the Mushriks, and the position of Shaikh Naasir - may Allah increase him in good - is clear and contains do ambiguity - not out of love for one side or from fear of other - but rather due to the fear of Allah - subhaanaahu wa ta'aalaa. Secondly: Those scholars, and we must have good thoughts about them - and it is Allah who takes account of them - then they are mild in their advising the rulers - so that hopefully Allah will correct them - that is the thought we hold about them. We do not agree about their Fatwaa about the war in the Gulf - they are not correct in our view - but they still receive reward for it - they performed ijtihaad and erred - and we have nothing to add to that - and that is our saying with regards to all the scholars - is they are incorrect they receive only one reward and if they are correct then they receive two rewards. And we have a different view about the affairs in the Gulf - about the presence of the American and the enemies of Allah - subhaanaahu wa ta'aalaa - in the Muslim land - we do not permit that.
  17. Lies of the Hizb exposed. Beware of them brothers and sisters! They mainly recruit from Universities, don't get in contact with them! If you see one of them, educate them if you have the confidence and knowledge but if not don't talk to them at all about worldly and spiritual affairs! Campaign Against the Corrupt Hizb ut-Tahrir Exposing Some of the Lies and Misguided Methodology of the Wandering Deviants Hizb-ut-Tahrir ( Indeed All Praise is for Allaah, we Praise Him and we seek His Aid, and we seek His Forgiveness. And we seek refuge with Allaah from the evils of our own souls and from the evil consequences of our wicked deeds. He whom Allaah guides none can misguide and he whom Allaah misguides none can guide. I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except for Allaah, Alone and without partners and I bear witness that Muhammad is his Slave and Messenger. To proceed, the best Speech is the Book of Allaah and the best Guidance is the Guidance of Muhammad (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) and the worst of all affairs are the newly invented matters. Every newly invented matter is Innovation and every Innovation is Misguidance and every Misguidance is in the Fire. This short article is written to expose to the Muslims who care for their faith and for the truth the lies of the group that calls itself Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT). Hizb ut-Tahrir organised a 'March Against Corrupt Muslim Rulers' on Saturday 22nd December 2001 in London. To advertise this march of theirs they have produced a leaflet on which, alongside a picture of a Muslim ruler shaking hands with the Kaafir President of the USA, it is written, "The Islamic Ummah has endured almost 80 years under the yoke of rulers who care not for her interests or for Islam ... The cause of the humiliation of the Muslim Ummah and the courage of the Kuffar to repeatedly humiliate the Muslims and pillage her lands is the Muslims rulers. "This march ... will not merely discharge the energy of the Muslims of Britain by shouting a few empty slogans - rather it will focus the Ummah on the true crime - that of the Muslim rulers - and the only true solution - the change of these corrupt rulers and their immediate replacement with the Islamic Khilafah Rashida. A delegation will be sent to all the Muslim embassies including the criminal states of ... (they go on to name three Muslim countries)... - to send a powerful message from the Muslims of Britain for an end to tyranny and oppression." This statement of theirs is full of lies that we will bi-idhnillahi ta’aala expose for all to see. Before we begin let us make it clear however that our aim in exposing these lies is only to please Allaah by standing up for the truth and opposing lies - whoever they are from. A Muslim is not nationalist or racist and he/she speaks the truth even against him or herself. So let no one say we are trying to justify the acts of tyranny and oppression for as will become clear by the end of this article, we are the ones who are following the Prophetic Methodology in dealing with it. And we happily proclaim that we are opposing HT though they may be Muslims for it is Muslims like them who add to the problems of the Ummah as will become clear inshaaAllaah and because of their opposition to the Manhaj (Methodology) laid down by the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam). We ask Allaah to accept this from us and to grant us a good reward in the Hereafter. We humbly beseech Allaah to allow us and all of the Muslims to see the good as good and the evil as evil. The Clear Path, Shawwal 1422 / December-January 2001. HT's 1 st Lie The first lie made by the HT shows how ****** and ignorant they are of the realities. They write in their flier, "The Islamic Ummah has endured almost 80 years under the yoke of rulers who care not for her interests or for Islam." This is an astonishingly foolish statement! Only 80 years O! HT? Have the Muslims been without khilaafah for only 80 years?! What a lie! First of all by this statement of theirs, HT have contradicted the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu 'alaihi wasallam) himself. For the trustworthy Prophet said, "The Khilaafah in my Ummah after me will be for thirty years. Then there will be kingship after that."1 [1] And he (SallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) also said, "The bonds of Islaam will collapse, one by one. Every time a bond collapses the people will hold rigorously to the one follows it. The first one to collapse is the rulership and the last one to collapse is the prayer."2[2] So it is clear that the problems of corrupt rulership is nothing new, rather it is one of the earliest problems. And with this HT have also contradicted history. It is well known that Khilafah lasted in this Ummah for 30 years not more and then there was kingship. And maybe HT think that Hajjaj ibn Yusuf was a rightly guided khalif. Or maybe the Moghul emperors were rightly guided khalifs?! And as for the Ottoman Empire, which was ‘dismantled’ in 1924, then it was hardly a Khalifate either.3[3] So as for HT’s statement about 80 years then it is out by 1300 years! So how then have HT made this ignorant lie? And is this not a clear proof of their ignorance of the religion and of other matters? And is it not then clear to you O Muslim that HT have nothing to offer this Ummah other than their ignorant ranting?! HT's 2 nd Lie Continuing with their bad habit to speak without knowledge and rather to speak contrary to it HT then spew out the lie that, "The cause of the humiliation of the Muslims Ummah and the courage of the Kuffar to repeatedly humiliate the Muslims and pillage her lands is the Muslims rulers." I would like to ask HT where they got this understanding from, was it from the Qur'aan or was it from Hadeeth or was it, as it seems more likely, from your own desires and deficient intellects?! 1 Reported by Ahmad, Tirmidhee, Aboo Ya’laa - Saheeh 2 Reported by Imaam Ahmad and Ibn Hibbaan. Ibn Hibbaan put it under the chapter heading, "A mention of the narrations that the first appearance of the breakdown of the bonds of Islaam will come from the corruption of the rule and the rulers." 3 Shaikh ul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah (d. 728AH rahimahullaah) said, "So when the period of the Rightly Guided Khalifas had passed and the rule of kingship appeared, deficiencies appeared in the rulers … The kingship of Mu’aawiyah (radhiAllaahu ‘anhu) was a kingship of mercy, so when it passed, the rule of Yazeed came and fitnah took place within it: the killing of al-Hussain (radhiAllaahu ‘anhu) in Iraaq, the fitnah of the people of Hurrah in al-Madinah and the siege of Makkah when ‘Abdullaah ibn az-Zubayr made his stand. Then Yazeed passed away and the Ummah split up. Ibn az-Zubayr in the Hijaaz, Banu Hakam in ash-Shaam, and the jump to power of Mukhtaar ibn Abee ‘Ubayd and others in Iraaq. All of this took place at the end of the period of the Companions." Majmoo’ul Fataawaa 10/354-368..Are the corrupt rulers the cause of the humiliation or are they just a symptom themselves, a part of this humiliation? Allaah (‘Azza wa Jall) says, "Verily! Allaah will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do not change their state of goodness themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allaah). But when Allaah wills a people's punishment, there can be no turning back of it, and they will find besides Him no protector." Soorat ar-Ra’d (13:11) "Whatever of good reaches you, it is from Allaah, and whatever of evil befalls you, it is from yourself." Soorat un-Nisaa‘ (4:79) "And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hands have earned. Yet He pardons much." Soorat ush-Shooraa (42:30) "Evil has appeared upon the land and the sea, because of what the hands of men have earned. That Allaah may make them taste a part of that which they have done, in order that they may return to Allaah in repentance." Soorat ar-Room (30:41) The Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu 'alaihi wasallam), who had more concern for the Ummah than the HT, informed us of the humiliation of the Ummah and he did not mention the corrupt Muslim rulers as the cause. Thawbaan (radhiAllaahu ‘anhu) related that the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, "The nations are about to call each other and set upon you, just as the diners set upon food." It was said, ‘Will it be because of our small number that day?’ He said, "Rather, on that day you will be many, but you will be like foam, like the foam on the ocean. And Allaah will remove the fear of you from the hearts of your enemies and will throw Wahn (weakness) into your hearts." Someone said, ‘O Messenger of Allaah! What is Wahn?’ He said, "Love of the world and hatred for death."4 [4] Hudhaifah (radhiAllaahu ‘anhu) narrated that, "People used to ask the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ’alaihi wasallam) about the good and I used to ask him about the evil, for fear that it would reach me. So I asked, ‘O Messenger of Allaah, we were living in ignorance and evil, then Allaah brought this good to us. So will there be any evil after this good?’ He replied, ‘Yes.’ I then asked, ‘Will there be any good after this evil?’ He replied, ‘Yes, but it will be tainted.’ So I asked, ‘What will be its taint?’ He replied, "A people who guide others to other than my way, you will approve of some of their actions and disapprove of others." I further inquired, ‘Then is there any evil after that good?’ He said, "Yes, callers at the gates of Hell – whosoever responds to their call, they will throw them into the Fire."5[5] I then said, ‘O 4 Aboo Daawood (no. 4297), Ibn ’Asaakir in Tareekh Dimashq (2/97/8) and others - Saheeh. Authenticated by Shaikh Naasir al-Albaani. 5 This is referring to those who call to Innovation. Ibn ‘Abbaas (radhiAllaahu ‘anhumaa) said that, "One day the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) drew for us a long, straight line and then he said, "This is the Path of Allaah." And then he drew lines to its right and to its left and then said, "these are different paths, upon each of these ways is a devil calling to it." Then he recited the verse, "Indeed this is My Straight Path, so follow it, and do not follow other paths" meaning these.Messenger of Allaah, describe them to us.’ He said, "They will be from our people and speak our language." I asked, ‘So what do you order me to do if I reach that?’ he said, "Stick to the Jamaa’ah 6[6] of the Muslims and their leader." I further asked, ‘What if they have neither a Jamaa’ah, nor a leader?’ He said, ‘Then keep away from all of those sects; even if you have to bite upon the roots of a tree, until death reaches you whilst you are in that state.""7[7] Ibn ‘Umar (radhiAllaahu ‘anhumaa) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ’alaihi wasallam) "When you deal in ’eenah (a transaction involving usury), take hold of the tails of cows, become content with agriculture and abandon jihaad in the Path of Allaah, then Allaah will permit your humiliation and He will not remove it from you, until you return to your Religion."8[8] ’Abdullaah Ibn ’Umar said, ‘The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ’alaihi wasallam) said, ‘O Muhaajiroon (Companions who migrated)! You may be afflicted by five things. Allaah forbid that you should live to see them. If fornication and adultery become widespread, then you should realize that this has never happened without new diseases befalling the people which their forefathers never suffered. If people should begin to cheat in weighing out goods, you should realize that this has never happened without drought and famine befalling the people, and their rulers oppressing them. If people should withhold the zakaah, you should realize that this has never happened without the rain being stopped from falling; and were it not for the sake of the animals, it would never rain again. If people should break their covenant with Allaah and His Messenger, you should realize that this has never happened without Allaah sending an army against them to take some of their possessions by force. If the leaders do not rule according to the Book of Allaah, you should realize that this has never happened without Allaah making them into groups and making them fight one another."9[9] So where then HT is the mention of the corrupt Muslim rulers as the main cause for the Ummah’s humiliation? Rather what is apparent from the clear, authentic evidences is that the fault lies within the Ummah as a whole, not just in its rulers. And when we look to the authentic evidences we have mentioned, we find sin, transgression and innovation feature, so it becomes clear that innovated groups and sects like HT are themselves a cause of that which they claim they are out to rectify! So we see again that HT say one thing yet Allaah and His Messenger (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said another. So O noble Muslim brothers and sisters! Can you see how the HT speaks contrary to the truth?! paths "for they will separate you away from His Path."" (Soorat al-An’aam 6:153). Bikr bin ‘Alaa said, "He meant the devils amongst men and these are the Innovations and Allaah knows best." And Mujaahid said about the other paths, "The innovations and doubts". (Al-‘Itisaam(1/40-45) of ash-Shaatibee) 6 Ibn Mas’ood (radhiAllaahu ‘anhu) said, "The Jamaa’ah is that which conforms to the truth even if you are alone." Reported by Ibn Asaakir in Tareekh Dimashq with a Saheeh Isnaad as pointed out by Imaam Naasir al-Albaani in al-Mishkaat (1/61). Ibn ‘Abbaas (radhiAllaahu ‘anhumaa) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, "Whoever sees something from his ruler which he dislikes let him be patient with him, for he who splits away from the Jamaa’ah by a handspan and then dies, dies a death of Jaahiliyyah." Reported by al-Bukhaaree (9/145), Muslim and Ahmad. 7 Bukhaaree (7084) and Muslim (1487) 8 Aboo Dawood (no. 3462) and Baihaqi in Sunan al Kubraa (3/316) – Saheeh. Authenticated by Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmoo’ al Fataawaa (29/30) 9 Ibn Maajah (no. 4019) and Aboo Nu’aym in Hilyatul-Awliyaa‘ (8/333-334) – Hasan. Authenticated by Imaam Naasir al-Albani in Silsilatul Hadeeth as Saheehah (106). HT’s 3 rd Lie "This march ... will not merely discharge the energy of the Muslims of Britain by shouting a few empty slogans" Rather what we have seen from experience many times before is that this is all marches are good for – shouting empty slogans and venting juvenile frustrations. How many decades of demonstrations have we seen and what results have we seen? Aside from the fact that it is contrary to the methodology of the Prophets (‘alaihimus salaam), the marching methodology is useless and is only used by those bankrupt of trust in Allaah. As anyone can see, marching and demonstrating are the tools of the fallacy of democracy, encouraged by it so that the people are pacified and suffice with their demonstration. So what does a Muslim believe in and utilize, democracy or Islaam? And what a fallacy for those who claim to oppose democracy to use its tools themselves! Allaahu Musta’aan! Another despicable aspect of these silly demonstrations and marches that we see at least once a year is the amount of sin and transgression that wantonly occurs during them. The recent demos departing from Central Mosque 10[10] that were shown on TV, demonstrated it clearly for all to see. Unrelated sisters and brothers travelling together, chitchatting in the coaches – it is not hidden from the TV cameras so how can it be hidden from Allaah? And how can you expect the Aid or Mercy of Allaah when you disobey Him? HT’s 4th Lie Carrying on in their flier HT go on to say that, "the true crime" is "that of the Muslim rulers". And this too is another strange statement of the HT. What do they mean by ‘the true crime’? And what do they mean that it is of the Muslim rulers? So if they mean shirk which is, as Allaah says, the greatest crime 11[11] then are not the non-Muslim rulers more guilty? Are not all the non-Muslims guilty? And are not the grave-worshipping Soofis of this Ummah guilty? So what does this HT mean? Maybe it means the bombing of Afghanistan? Then if that is what they mean how about the non-Muslims who are dropping the bombs are they not doing a ‘true crime’? Maybe HT mean the general state of the Ummah at present? Then maybe HT should look at themselves, for groups such as theirs are red-handed in the demise of the honour of the Muslims. How about their own true crime against the ‘aqeedah of Islaam? How about their denial of belief in Punishment of the Grave? Is that not the ‘true crime’?? So it is a good reflection of HT’s real goal and their real call that despite all the crimes that are prevalent throughout the world of differing degrees the only crime which is apparent to them is that of the Muslim rulers! HT’s 5 th and 6 th Lies And finally in this flier or theirs HT have included two lies in one go. "the only true solution - the change of these corru pt rulers and their immediate replacement with the Islamic Khilafah Rashida." 10 Which were admittedly not organized by HT but similar and comparable nonetheless. 11 Soorat Luqmaan (31:13) "Verily Shirk is a great oppression indeed.".The first of these lies is that the ‘only true solution’ lies in the ‘change of these corrupt rulers’. This is a futile and baseless claim. Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta’aala) said as we have seen that "Verily! Allaah will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do not change their state of goodness themselves" and the scholars of tafseer have explained that this verse applies both ways. So due to sin and transgression and innovation Allaah will change the good condition of a people to a bad condition, and vice versa due to their returning to Tawheed, Sunnah and Tazkiyah Allaah will change the bad condition of a people to a good condition. This understanding is further reinforced by Allaah’s saying, "Allaah has promised those among you who believe, and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth, as He granted it to those before them, and that He will grant them the authority to practice their religion, that which He has chosen for them (i.e. Islaam). And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything (in worship) with Me. But whoever disbelieved after this, they are the Faasiqoon (rebellious, disobedient to Allaah). Soorat an-Noor (24:55) The Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) clearly stated that the humiliation of the Ummah would only be lifted when it returned to its deen, "then Allaah will permit your humiliation and He will not remove it from you, until you return to your Religion."7 He did not say ‘when you change your corrupt rulers’. And looking to the Imaams of the Muslims from whom the HT are totally severed, we find the beautiful statement of Imaam Maalik (rahimahullaah), "Whosoever introduces into Islaam an innovation, and holds it to be something good, has indeed alleged that Muhammad (sallAllaahu ’alaihi wa sallam) has betrayed his message. Read the saying of Allaah the Most Blessed, the Most High: "This day I have perfected your Religion for you, completed My favour upon you and I have chosen for you Islaam as your Religion." Soorat ul-Maa‘idah (5:3) So that which was not part of the Religion at that time, cannot be part of the Religion today. And the last part of this Ummah cannot be rectified, except by that which rectified its first part." So we can see that the statement of HT that the only solution is the replacement of the rulers is unanimously refuted by the authentic evidences from the Qur’aan and Sunnah. Another blatant deception of HT lies exposed! And then the second lie which they made within this statement, is that "immediate replacement with the Islamic Khilafah Rashida" is possible. Anyone with intellect can see that this is not how it works. Thinking that the Rightly Guided Khalifate can be established ‘immediately’ is nothing but a fanciful delusion...... HT’s Deviated Manhaj (Methodology) For All to See Hudhaifah (radhiAllaahu anhu) narrated in a longer hadeeth that the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, "There will come leaders who will not follow my guidance nor will they follow my Sunnah. There will be amongst them men who will have the hearts of devils in the bodies of humans." He (Hudhaifah) asked, "What should I do O Messenger of Allaah if I reach that?" He replied, "You should hear and obey the ruler. Even if he flogs your back and takes your wealth you should still hear and obey."12[12] The Imaam of Ahl us Sunnah of his time al-Barbahaaree 13[13] (d. 329H) said, "If you find a man making supplication against the ruler, know that he is a person of innovation. If you find a person making supplication for the ruler to be upright, know that he is a person of the Sunnah, if Allaah wills. Fudayl Ibn ‘Iyaad 14[14] said, "If I had an invocation which was to be answered I would not make it except for the ruler.""15[15] He also said, "Whoever rebels against a Muslim ruler is one of the Khawaarij, has caused dissent within the Muslims and has contradicted the narrations and dies a death of Jaahiliyyah (pre-Islamic days of ignorance). It is not permissible to fight the ruler nor to rebel against him even if he oppresses. This is due to the saying of the Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) to Abu Dharr al-Ghifaaree, "Have patience even if he is an Abyssinian slave"16[16] and his saying to the Ansaar, "Have patience until you meet me at the pool."17[17] There is no fighting against the ruler in the Sunnah. It causes destruction of the religion and the wordly affairs."15 In a Saheeh Hadeeth reported by Imaam Ahmad, the Prophet (sallAllaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said, "The Khawaarij are the Dogs of the Hellfire." SO BE WARNED O MUSLIM WHO CARES FOR HIS RELIGION! BE WARNED FROM THE LYING HIZBUT TAHRIR! 12 Saheeh Muslim (no. 4554) 13 He was Abu Muhammad al-Hasan ibn ‘Alee ibn Khalf al-Barbahaaree. He acquired knowledge from the senior students of Imaam Ahmad bin Hanbal. 14 d. 187H 15 The Explanation of the Creed (Sharh us Sunnah) of Imaam al Barbahaaree. 16 Saheeh Muslim (nos. 4525, 4526) 17 Saheeh al Bukhaaree (5/136)
  18. To Hell with Hizb-ut-Tahriir, what loosers!
  19. Red Sea - I'm not a secessionist by Red Sea!
  20. Wonderful and beautiful Poetry from MKA displaying great poetic skill by Mystic and in consultaion with MKA Yoonis! 1979 - the Year Xiins people came to Jubbaland by Dhubad with commentary by social experts Allamagan and Hornafrique!
  21. We, the concerned Somali nationalists by the real SRA (Secesscionists Republican Army)!
  22. Complete history of Eyl, the Nugal, by MKA Yoonis Duke that was off the hook! Nice one. Haha, lol!
  23. Nice one NP but is that the only one you know, Gheedi? I got other ones: My long goodbye's from Mogadishu by Hassan Dahir Aweys! Truth about the latest news bulletins coming from Somalia by in corporation with! Our heroic stories on how we captured Idaale by Al-Shabaab! Indhacadde and ICU capture Baidao by We're here for the long term by ICU foreign affairs minister Caddow! How to shoot down an American plane with a RPG and camel manure by Hassan Turki and Company! ICU captured 10 American Soldiers by!
  24. Reall crackers by Duke and Jacayl really funny especially the quote of Al-Shabaab being reduced to shiish kebaab, the siege of Baidoa and ICU being the final 'solution'! Inna lillaahi wa innaa ileyhi raajicuun! Really amusing! Another ones: How to die as a martyr in Jihaad by Yusuf Indhacadde and Abu Mansuur! I'm not going to throw in the towel by Sheikh Shariif We will fight on by Janaqow! Frieds of Ethiopia by the Oromo community inside Somalia! Money, Money, Money and I'm so care free by Abuukar Cadaani! I shall participiate in the Jihaad, My AK is ready by Abdiqaasim Salaad Hassan!