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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. She chose to become a polic officer now she's has the do the compromising? First the woman was in here right to safeguard her religion, when she refused to shake hands with a non-mahram man! But the question is, is it allowed for muslims male or female to join the police in a kaafir land? No, is the answer because being muslim and a police officer in a christian country don't get hand in hand, it's madness! The siste needs to get out and start looking for alternative jobs inshallah! Allaah will grant her accomdation/a living when she gives up her job for the sake of her religion! Some things naturally controdict themselves, we find us in a bad situation, where we have to choose between our religion and our economical well-being or our love for staying in christian countries although working hard to uphold our religious princples at the same time! My god protect us and help us go back to our muslim countries, with our religion intact and our morals right! Amiin.
  2. Fiqikhayre

    Good Looks

    That report is a controdiction itself! You know generally speaking Ugly folks do work harder because they got it more 'difficult' than their more attractive counterparts, so that's why they are more successful maybe not in love life but certainly in the professional and educational field! The most intelligent and successful people of this world were/are Ugly and because they were/are Ugly they had to focus on something other than displaying their smiles and being the focus point of groups because Beutiful people are admired and they do draw large crowds like a circus draws a lot of children! I've actually done a coherent social study on that matter combined with socio-historical studies done, I've come to the conclusion that generally speaking Ugly people live not only longer and are more successful in employment, educational and professional life's in comparison to their other more beautiful half but that they're also much happier in life! Beautiful people are usually more successful in sports and attracting large crowds because everyone likes the look of a beautiful face, except me because one should not look at a beautiful womens face and that of a young boy's according to our religion, the first look is alright but the second one is most definately dembi! But anyhow back to my socio-historical study, I've come to find out that generally speaking Beautiful people think that they're left out and belittled because everyone arounds them thinks they only got the task because 'they're beautiful' which in most cases isn't true'. However in a vain to counter such perceptions and xaasidnimo they embark to do 'silly' things to prove to their Ugly counter parts and their more Ugly bosses that they got there on merit, only to be told off and exploited because they're beautiful! Ugly people achieve more in Life because they have to work hard for everything they ahieved whilst Beautiful folks have it easy and generally speaking more lazy then average looking or Ugly people that's why they mostly got more jobs than Ugly people only to leave because they feeled victimised! Yes, my conclusion is Beautiful people are more successful in getting the Job or have a higher salary to start with but that gradually declines due to the harsh reality that a beautiful smile is not everything! Generally speaking Beautiful people have more or less a higher turn-over of jobs because after the first shyness period elabrates and decreases and people get to know them on a personal basis all shyness vanishes so will the respect and they will lose the respect they earned purely on looks but not merit and therefore they start to gradually decline and seen as something different 'Welcome back to the earth'! That was a socio-historical study I did back when I was at school! It was awarded with a A+ by my tutor!
  3. The problem of Somalis is that they build something for two years only then to come out again and say 'No, no that wasn't right', 'so let's demolish it and restart another process that will take another two years'! That's the logic of Somalis, when you 'built' it why didn't make the necessary adjustments? 'No, no it ain't right, let's demolish it'! But you built yourself! 'I know, I know it's terrible but truely sad'! May I recommend something? 'Yes, please do'! Instead of demolishing what you have worked so hard for and you agred on and signed why don't you just make improvenments to it, instead of destroying it all? 'Very, very good idea, but Yoonis that would go against my destroy-immidiately-the things you singed and worked for quickly tendidencies'! Yes sure it would but what's the alternative adeer? 'Demolish, demolish it but quickly'! I don't believe you have the interest of the Somali people at heart so I would kindly remind you that the old times of 'Let's destroy what we built our own hands is indeed over' and that Somalia will be moving on inshallaah however or may you dislike it! Guul Soomaaliya ha noolaato inshallah!
  4. The Point Hizb ut-Tahriir are deniers of the Punishment of the grave and the deniers of the emergence of the Dajjal, Mahdi and the return of the Prophet Ciisa calayhi salaam, surely those folks are misguided and kaafirs, undoubtedly in my opinion! Xiin committed a great sin when he doubted the raafidids or the Shiicah of Ithna Cashariyyah being kaafirs because remember the words of Ibnu Taymiyah: Who ever doubts the Raafidis Ash-Shiicah Ithna Cashariyyah being kaafir has truely himself disbeliefed! So be warned akhi, be warned!
  5. Pi your approach is wrong brother because you come across that nobody can actually leave the fold of Islaam, whatever aqaaid they believe in! If a new sect comes up and say's we don't eat the meat of the cows because cow's are sacred and divine, doesn't it take the sect out of the fold of Islaam! Drop that attitude brother because groups and even individuals can get out of the fold of Islaam! It isn't once you're muslim you will never become a kaafir! What we're against is the takfiir on sins i.e. you consuming khamr and being labelled a kaafir is wrong but if you say it's lawful then it is right if you are called a kaafir! Takfiir brother has shuroods and they must be accepted here's Sheikh Albani's quote one those matters: When can takfiir be performed: Introduction The following is a clarification by Shaikh Alee Hasan on his position (and that of Imaam al-Albani) on the issue of Kufr that expels from the religion and Istihlaal. In recent years, many misconceptions have arisen with respect to the noble Imaam al-Albani and his position on the issues of Imaan and Kufr. In particular, that he only performs takfir by Istihlaal of the heart. The reason for this being that some of his statements and phrases have been taken in an absolute manner and understood in a way the Imaam did not intend to be understood. And based upon this, as well as a number of other factors, some have accused the Noble Imaam of Irjaa – the while he is free from it, since Imaam al-Albani considers that amongst the actions are those which expel from the religion and he likened these acts to being just like when a person actually expresses disbelief on his tongue. Inshaa'allaah, in a future discourse, shortly, we will present "The Creed of Imaam al-Albani" on the issue of reviling the religion and apostasy - so that the doubts can be removed, and so that the "Ruwaibidah" who accused Imaam al-Albani of having the Irjaa of Jahm Ibn Safwaan, the likes of Abu Zubair al-Azzami and his Qutubi teachers from the US, may have the opportunity to repent, and to abandon "the evil that they are upon, the [evil] of ignorance, misguidance and scum", as Imaam al-Albani himself described it. The Text "All praise is for Allaah, and may Allaah extol and send blessings of peace upon Allaah’s Messenger, and upon his true followers, his Companions, and those who have love and allegiance to him. To proceed: Then my brother Ismaa’eel al-’Umaree, may Allaah grant him correctness, showed me the text of some answers I had given to some questions relating to knowledge and ’aqeedah which a brother asked me. Then just for clarification I would like to mention that I did not previously know al-Muwahhid who asked the questions. Rather one of the brothers having love for us connected me to him via the telephone (from his house) in Makkah al-Mukarramah, may Allaah grant him increase from His Bounty. Then I was surprised to see the questions and the answers, in abridged form, on the Internet, carrying the name, ‘al-Muwahhid.’ However I was pleased from another angle because I, ‘am also his brother ‘al-Muwahhid.’ This along with the fact that the aforementioned brother, may Allaah grant him increase in attainment of what is correct, had sought permission from me to put the answers on the Internet, even though he did not mention that title, and I did not ask him about it!! So when I saw the abridgement of my answers I found that it was generally a good abridgement, so may Allaah reward the questioner with good! However, it appeared to me that I should add a note to a word occurring in some of his questions, and it is his saying, "Why do we not say that a saying or an action is Kufr because of the fact that the authentic texts indicate that it is Kufr?" So I say here: because the Kufr that is a negation of eemaan from every angle includes the addition of a further clarification that requires awareness of the true reality of the text with regard to its clear indication of its being [either] this type of Kufr [which expels from Islaam] or that type [which does not expel from Islaam] … Whereas if we were to say, ‘This is Kufr because of the fact that the authentic texts indicate that it is Kufr’, then this (statement) will include different kinds and types of Kufr: the Kufr of action and of speech which does not take a person outside the Religion and that about whose verdict the Imaams of the Sunnah differ, such as swearing by other that Allaah, fighting against a Muslim, going to soothsayers …, and so on, which are to be distinguished from that which is established to be Kufr, because of the fact that the authentic texts indicate that it is Kufr. So these affairs, even though they are Kufr, yet they are not from, ‘the Kufr that is a negation of Eemaan from every single angle’, which is in itself Major Kufr (al-Kufr al-Akbar). As for the brother’s question, afterwards, concerning these matters which cause a person to become an Unbeliever (those matters which negate Eemaan from every angle), ‘Is it a condition for the person’s becoming an Unbeliever that he holds these things to be permissible (al-Istihlaal)?’ Then the reply is: the presence of the pre-conditions (wujood ash-shuroot) and absence of the preventing factors (intifaa al-mawaani') with regard to those type of things that cause a person to become an Unbeliever is itself sufficient for istihlaal (the person’s holding them to be permissible) not being taken into consideration as a condition for declaring the one who is guilty of them to be an Unbeliever, conclusively. This is because of their particular and distinguishing characteristics of being Kufr that negates Eemaan from every aspect … Whereas, holding prohibited things to be permissible (al-Istihlaal), wilful rejection (al-Juhood), outright denial (al-Inkaar), repudiation (at-Takdheeb) and other types of Kufr are a necessary condition for takfeer (declaration of the persons being an Unbeliever) of one who commits Kufr of speech or action, which is not counted as being a negation of Eemaan from every angle. So this is the way in which the affair is to be determined, with the speech of the Imaams of knowledge, not with the deficient wordings with which people upon their deluded whims err, and which lead people off on flights of fancy … I say all of this, yet again, emphasising the fact that this is what we have held as our belief for many years, and it is exactly what we took from our Shaikh, rahimahullaah, and from his brothers – the scholars. So whoever has understood something about us, different to this, then let him accuse himself before accusing us, and let him check his own understanding before slandering us, and in particular those who, ‘are unable to ask pertinent questions and who do not understand the words’. And Allaah is the one who grants success to what is correct and straight. 27th April 2000 Shaikh Alee Hasan and Imaam al-Albani on Kufr
  6. Khalaf do you know the meaning of the aayah saying that 'Who ever rules other by what Allaah has send down, they're indeed kaafiruun, faasiquun and dhaalimuuun? Have you ever read Ibnu Cabbas commentary? No, you haven't! Answer me as a good student of knowledge, who rules by what Allaah has send down the shariicah today? What country? You see brother that you don't have answers to those questions, takfiir comes in when ones intention is clearly displayed like when saying that Shariicah is not up to date No one has said that because everyone knows that they would fall out of the fold of Islaam! But what about the case when one rules partially or at whole with western rules based on democracy that that person/ruler become kaafir? Because if that was the case the whole muslim rulers and their nations would be kaafir! You cannot take someone out of the fold of Islaam by simply poinint out that he doesn't rule with the Shariicah because that is a different kind of kufr! Abdullahi Yusuf never said the Shariicah was irrelevant but you taking out he's done that becaus he didn't took shariicah rule, no? Brother we have to put things into perspective and anlysie thins case to case, the president is simply continuing a trend that is widespread in muslim nations! They say their ruling is based on the Shariicah but we all know that it is only a claim even Saudi doesn't rule properly according to the Quraan so what gives akhi? Educate yourself and I shall help you with your questions brother!
  7. If sanity means accepting the Raafidis the Shiicah as brothers and the Hiz-ut-Tahriir, I kindly accepted the tag of Lunacy! For as Xiin and the rest cannot debate with me on those issues because they have lost the debate long time ago but still they will not come to their senses! I say B-Y's, B-Yoonis wise!
  8. First of all Khalaf I'm not reer mudug! Secondly I never said the TFG was kaafir brother, the same TFG never said that the Shariicah was out of date or not applicable because no sane muslim would say that, you know! So don't get things consfused up brother! Ruling without the law of Allaah does not make anyone kaafir but to say that the Shariicah is irrelevant or not modern enough for this era is! TFG never said that and they will never do it either akhi, so what is your point! Ruling without the law of Allaah is a kufr of a different kind but you wouldn't know it because you're remember still a student of knowledge and I should try to educate you brother, remember the deal of ours, that as a seeker of knowledge you should not say things without considering it first! Besides that who or which country know in the world rules with the Kitaab of Allaah? If you give me two countries that do, then I shall give you something to play with! How about a 'football' or as you live in America 'how about an oval ball to play Rugby football'? So are all those muslim nations kaafir? In the Transitional Federal Charter it says that Islamic law is the base for all the laws in the country, surely you don't want me to quote it for you? Brother I make sense whilst most of you don't so what gives?
  9. Another mistake by yours Brownie! My fan base are all those folks that have contributed in this thread foremost Rahima and Xiin, they cannot get enough of Yoonis's wisdom! I'm a school and a higher learning institution in one! I cater to all, from the ignorant 'I never went to schools likes' to the arrogant 'I studied and know it all'! 'No, you don't' what fool you're'! This is a new brand called 'Brand Yoonis Wise' or in short BY's!
  10. First of all Khalaf I'm not reer mudug! Secondly I never said the TFG was kaafir brother, the same TFG never said that the Shariicah was out of date or not applicable because no sane muslim would say that, you know! So don't get things consfused up brother! Ruling without the law of Allaah does not make anyone kaafir but to say that the Shariicah is irrelevant or not modern enough for this era is! TFG never said that and they will never do it either akhi, so what is your point! Ruling without the law of Allaah is a kufr of a different kind but you wouldn't know it because you're remember still a student of knowledge and I should try to educate you brother, remember the deal of ours, that as a seeker of knowledge you should not say things without considering it first! Besides that who or which country know in the world rules with the Kitaab of Allaah? If you give me two countries that do, then I shall give you something to play with! How about a 'football' or as you live in America 'how about an oval ball to play Rugby football'? So are all those muslim nations kaafir? In the Transitional Federal Charter it says that Islamic law is the base for all the laws in the country, surely you don't want me to quote it for you? Brother I make sense whilst most of you don't so what gives?
  11. First of all Khalaf I'm not reer mudug! Secondly I never said the TFG was kaafir brother, the same TFG never said that the Shariicah was out of date or not applicable because no sane muslim would say that, you know! So don't get things consfused up brother! Ruling without the law of Allaah does not make anyone kaafir but to say that the Shariicah is irrelevant or not modern enough for this era is! TFG never said that and they will never do it either akhi, so what is your point! Ruling without the law of Allaah is a kufr of a different kind but you wouldn't know it because you're remember still a student of knowledge and I should try to educate you brother, remember the deal of ours, that as a seeker of knowledge you should not say things without considering it first! Besides that who or which country know in the world rules with the Kitaab of Allaah? If you give me two countries that do, then I shall give you something to play with! How about a 'football' or as you live in America 'how about an oval ball to play Rugby football'? So are all those muslim nations kaafir? In the Transitional Federal Charter it says that Islamic law is the base for all the laws in the country, surely you don't want me to quote it for you? Brother I make sense whilst most of you don't so what gives?
  12. First of all Khalaf I'm not reer mudug! Secondly I never said the TFG was kaafir brother, the same TFG never said that the Shariicah was out of date or not applicable because no sane muslim would say that, you know! So don't get things consfused up brother! Ruling without the law of Allaah does not make anyone kaafir but to say that the Shariicah is irrelevant or not modern enough for this era is! TFG never said that and they will never do it either akhi, so what is your point! Ruling without the law of Allaah is a kufr of a different kind but you wouldn't know it because you're remember still a student of knowledge and I should try to educate you brother, remember the deal of ours, that as a seeker of knowledge you should not say things without considering it first! Besides that who or which country know in the world rules with the Kitaab of Allaah? If you give me two countries that do, then I shall give you something to play with! How about a 'football' or as you live in America 'how about an oval ball to play Rugby football'? So are all those muslim nations kaafir? In the Transitional Federal Charter it says that Islamic law is the base for all the laws in the country, surely you don't want me to quote it for you? Brother I make sense whilst most of you don't so what gives?
  13. First of all Khalaf I'm not reer mudug! Secondly I never said the TFG was kaafir brother, the same TFG never said that the Shariicah was out of date or not applicable because no sane muslim would say that, you know! So don't get things consfused up brother! Ruling without the law of Allaah does not make anyone kaafir but to say that the Shariicah is irrelevant or not modern enough for this era is! TFG never said that and they will never do it either akhi, so what is your point! Ruling without the law of Allaah is a kufr of a different kind but you wouldn't know it because you're remember still a student of knowledge and I should try to educate you brother, remember the deal of ours, that as a seeker of knowledge you should not say things without considering it first! Besides that who or which country now in the world rules with the Kitaab of Allaah? If you give me two countries that do, then I shall give you something to play with! How about a 'football' or as you live in America 'how about an oval ball to play Rugby football'? So are all those muslim nations kaafir? In the Transitional Federal Charter it says that Islamic law is the base for all the laws in the country, surely you don't want me to quote it for you? Brother I make sense whilst most of you don't so what gives?
  14. ^That's his style! Remember when him and the PM went to Bosaso where he was boasting about reer Puntland and how they don't fight in cities and kill themselves and he urged PM Gheedi to 'change' the culture in Mogadishu? That's his stle, he likes to boast nothing wrong with it or lethal, I say! A bit of humility would be alright but you know in Mudug you won't get far with humility you will get a something into your face! I only could wish to meet you in Gaalkacyo, although you shouldn't take this as a threat of some kind! MKA Yoonis is very peace loving.
  15. ^That's his style! Remember when him and the PM went to Bosaso where he was boasting about reer Puntland and how they don't fight in cities and kill themselves and he urged PM Gheedi to 'change' the culture in Mogadishu? That's his stle, he likes to boast nothing wrong with it or lethal, I say! A bit of humility would be alright but you know in Mudug you won't get far with humility you will get a something into your face! I only could wish to meet you in Gaalkacyo, although you shouldn't take this as a threat of some kind! MKA Yoonis is very peace loving.
  16. ^That's his style! Remember when him and the PM went to Bosaso where he was boasting about reer Puntland and how they don't fight in cities and kill themselves and he urged PM Gheedi to 'change' the culture in Mogadishu? That's his stle, he likes to boast nothing wrong with it or lethal, I say! A bit of humility would be alright but you know in Mudug you won't get far with humility you will get a something into your face! I only could wish to meet you in Gaalkacyo, although you shouldn't take this as a threat of some kind! MKA Yoonis is very peace loving.
  17. Pi with all honesty Xiin is not part of the Salaf for as someone who loves the Shiicah Ithna Cashariyyah is not part of the Salaf! Get that in to your heart brother!
  18. Maashallaah! Al-Hamdulilaah, for seeing my fan base coming out in support! Thank you for coming out of your closet! I shall add you to the official list of MKA Yoonis fans! Now after that sacarcism of mine let's return to the original discussion! Abu first, so you admitting that you're part of that group, well that's good for you, I say! Before we go into the salafi and hizb discussion, let me reiterate to you, that it wasn't me who condomned the Hizb to hell-fire but the righteous Ulama of this deen! They have condemned their views and Islaam gives us criterias for doing so, we can judge certain groups on their aqaaid and what they believe in! So educate yourself first, the shuyuukh of this religion have talked and written many articles on the Hizb and their wrong actions, so there is no room for debate hear Abu! To Pi, brother mine is not takfiir, for as takfiir has certain shuruudos to consider before condemning individuals, I'm not condemning anyone! For example you become a kaafir, when you say that Shariicah should not be appled because it isn't appriopriate any longer and that it is out of date then you will become a kaafir! Like when you get asked why you drink Alcohol and you say because it's halaal to do so, you will become a kaafir because you're making lawful that isn't lawful, you get my point! Actions alone can not condemn a person to be a kaafri for example if you see me having a 'lager', then you cannot call me a kaafir because on the sins alone one doesn't become kaafir or a hypocrite, that's the takfiiri and khawaarij appraoch like Rahima is doing! She hasn't looked in any ones heart but she's concerned with actions like they khawaarij are doing if they see you committing a sin then you will be condemned to be a kaafri! I already outlined to you that I won't even condemn George W Bush to hell-fire because I don't know where he will end up, maybe he will go to Al-Jannah and me as a muslim will go to hell-fire God forbid inshallaah as I live on al-khauf and Ar-rajaa! Do you know the hadith were it says that if a certain persons acts like the people of hell-fire and then at a arms length between him and hell-fire he decides to become a muslim that he will enter paradise? The same for a person who prayed all his life and two days before he died or an arms length between him and Jannah decides to act like the people of hell-fire that he will eventually end up in hell although he prayed all his life? Allaahu Akbar! Remember Abu Sufyaan Al-Xarb, Khalid bin Waleed and Camar bin Al-Cas, the heroes of Islaam, who could condemn them to naar prior to their converting to AL-Islaam? Brothers and sister the Hizb is a dangerous group and it was condemned to hell-fire because of the beliefs that counter Ahlu-Sunnah wal Jamaacah, it didn't come out of the blue or they were sinning but because of their denial of certian aspects of the deen!
  19. Abdullahi Yusuf admitted that he was the first person to start it all and that he renounces his action! He said many times I wouldn't show the rest of the Somalis how to establish rebel groups if I knew what it would led us too: The destrction and demolishing of the state! So Che that's Abdullahi Yusuf's admitting his mistake!
  20. Negotiations with americans you say? He's under CIA protection sxb!
  21. Yeah one more thing I've forgotten, this whole debacle of the ICU was a political one, the Shariif wanted to negotiate because he could see what was coming and he wanted to use his islamic reconcilliatory methods but the group lead by Aweys were making politics and they had offers to go and lead the government be in peace with the ICU and TFG making an agreement! But the old man Aweys refused because of politics involved, he had many promises from Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudaan, Djibouit and even Eritrea but he refused and decided to sacrifice thousands of school children! Where is the maslaxa the wisdom? They knew they were sacrfising kids for nothing, what did the boy who came all the way from Australia and left behind his pregnant woman achieved? He was lied to by Aweys the politician who was only looking out for his own selfish interests! Now the whole thing was predicatable, the Shariif is in a Nairobi hotel talking to CIA individauls, nobody knows where charlatan Aweys is and Indhacadde is in Eritrea whilst Abu Mansuur is in Saudi and Pro. Caddow is in Yemen! Is that islamic justice, do you call that justice Rahima! Think of the thousands school children that died and were lied to! Don't make us laugh sister you have been numerously refusted in this thread so please make sense sister!
  22. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad professes the kalimah by saying 'Laa Ilaah Ilallaahu muxamadur rasuulullaah', pray's five times a day, he fasts and upholds his siyaam in the holy month of ramadaan, he prays with the muslims during the two eids and addresses and congratulates them and he goes on the pilgrimae and cumra to Makkah Al-Mukkarramah! He doesn't flock the backs of the people of Mogadishu nor does he oppress them! So therefore it is not allowed to rebell against such a muslim ruler! On the other hand Rahima, where did your ICU get its weapons from? They were ready to engage in the Jihaad and I was told they got their weapons of mass destruction from Indhacadde's weapon factory! We already knew he owned a spaghetti factory in Marka but were was the weapon factory? In one of your home towns of Guriceel? Oh no, the weapons were made in your little tree house in melbourne with the help of rokko, zu and suldaanka! Now you tell me the ICU weren't aided by 'kaafirs' unless ofcourse Rahima believes that Isias Afwerki is a muslim the answer is 'Yes'! It is not allowed to rebell against a muslim ruler! Khalaf akhi Xizbullaah did its homework and preparation unlike the ICU, they had sophisticated weaponary and a desire to defend their country from the invaders! To the second question in the area of their jurisdiction and control which was Mogadishu and the clan's that agreed on it by forming the local based sharia courts and with judges that are islamically trained and follow the sunnah and jurisdiction of rasuulullaah, they could make punishments according to the shariicah of the deen but as long as it stayed in their local area! Shariicah law is practised everywhere in Somalia and until a government is found that can regulate all those unofficial shariicah courts and unify them as one unified system! Khalaf we weren't born yesterday nor has the religion came to us yesterday we were muslims all along and belief me if in some parts of Somalia were no government authority is not there, Shariicah law wasn't practised the whole country would be in chaos! For example Qisaas is practised everywhere in Somalia so are other importan rulings from Puntland to Hargeisa, to Kismaayo all the way to Mogadishu! We're a muslim nation! All we need is now to recruit and appoint muslim judges for the whole of Somalia and make the local court systems into one large legal organ based on the shariicah! There's no harm in it when groups of people come together and in accordance with the law of Allaah rule amongst them, this was the case for thousand of years Khalaf and nothing new!
  23. No is the answer, because Bosaso has got a government and functioning police force! Only in lawless cities of the south are ethiopian troops there are none in Bosaso in particular and in Puntland general! We have our own parliament, constitution and president!
  24. Again sister you must be suffering from emotions, but don't say that the scholars rulings on the Hizb were not something to take into account, because that in itself is wrong. Because if it wasn't something to take into account to, then this would mean we shouldn't protect our aqaaid from falsehood and invention! That's not the right path sister! Again I must tell you that what you concerning yourself is too much with the individual in this case me by labelling whislt I concentrated on the belief or aqaaid of a certain group! You don't know who a hypocrite is and therefore cannot label a muslim to be a 'hypocrite' because you didn't look into somebodys heart, did you? So you did open Abdullahi Yusuf's heart and saw what is inside? Yes, I suppose. So you can come out and swear to Allaah the exalted by holding the holy quran that he's a true hypocrite? I challenge you to that! I dare you to do that! Hopefully you will rise up to the challenge! P.S. Sorry for further troubling you, seeing the immense pain and anger you suffering from. Please reply at a moment were you anger is diminished a little bit for as I know that you can't fully control it! Very much appreciated, if I don't have to argue with emotions but rather engage in a meanigful discussion sister!