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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Stop your corruption I say unless you believe in the Shia doctrine, We as the Sunnis and the followers of Ahlu-Sunnah wal-Jamaacah which 99.99% of Somalis adhere to do no believe that Hassan Al-Askari had any offspring! He died childless and everyone knows it. It was the start of Shia confusion and when they adopted some parts of other religions like the missing mahdi etc! Stop lying to yourself if you're a sunni muslim that is! In fact it's the origins of the shia and their lies, the death of Hassan and leaving no offspring that is, educate yourself: THE MYTH OF THE SHI'IA MAHDI The 15th of Sha‘baan is a very significant date, both to the Ahl as-Sunnah and the Shi‘ah. The Shi‘ah, however, have their own reason for ascribing significance to this night. To them it is the night of the birth of their twelfth Imam, the Hidden Mahdi. Who is this Mahdi whose return to this world is so eagerly awaited by the Shi‘ah, and belief in whose existence in occultation forms such a integral aspect of the Shi'ite psyche? Before an adequate answer to this question may be given, there is a need to understand certain aspects concerning the Shi'ite doctrine of Imamah. THE SHI'IA MAHDI Background The cornerstone of the Shi'ite faith is the belief that the spiritual and temporal leadership of this Ummah after the demise of Rasoolullaah sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam is vested in the Imam, who is appointed, like the Nabi sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam himself, by Allah, and who enjoys all the distinctions and privileges of the Nabi sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam. However, they believe that Imamah, unlike Nubuwwah, can never come to an end. In this regard there is a well-known Shi'ite ahaadeeth which says that “the world cannot exist without an Imam”, and another which goes that “if the earth were to be without an Imam for a single day it would sink.” Thus, when it came to pass that the first of those whom they regard as their Imams— Sayyiduna Ali radiyallahu ‘anhu— left this world, a problem arose. Some of those who regarded themselves as his followers claimed that he did not in fact die, but that he will return to establish justice. Others said that he was succeeded as Imam by his son Hasan, who was in turn succeeded by his brother Husayn. When Husayn died there were some who claimed to follow their other brother Muhammad (known as Ibn al-Hanafiyyah) as their Imam. When he died his followers claimed that he was in reality alive, and that he will return in due time. Others amongst the Shi‘ah took Sayyiduna Husayn’s son, Ali, surnamed Zayn al-‘Abidin, as their Imam, and upon his death transferred their loyalties to his son, Muhammad al-Baqir. When al-Baqir died there were once again elements from amongst the Shi‘ah who denied his death and claimed that he would return one day, while others took his son Ja‘far as-Sadiq as their Imam. When he died there was mass confusion amongst the Shi‘ah: each of his sons Isma‘il, Abdullah, Muhammad, Zakariyya, Ishaq and Moosa was claimed by various groups amongst the Shi‘ah to be their Imam. In addition to them there was a group who believed that Jaa‘far did not really die, and that he would return one day. More or less the same thing happened at the death of his son Moosa. Some of the Shi‘ah denied his death, believing that he will return, and others decided to take as their new Imam one of his sons. Some of these chose his son Ahmad, while others chose his other son Ali ar-Rida. After him they took as their Imam his son Muhammad al-Jawwad (or at-Taqi), and after him his son Ali al-Hadi (or an-Naqi). At the death of Ali al-Hadi they looked upon his son Hasan al-Askari as their new— and 11th— Imam. The death of Hasan al-Askari The above is a very brief synopsis of a tumultuous and confusing history— a history from which a dedicated researcher might extract some very revealing facts about the development of Shiaism. However, that is not our concern at this moment. We have now arrived at the year 254 AH, the time when a major section of the Shi‘ah accepted as their Imam the 22-year old Hasan, son of Ali al-Hadi, and 10th lineal descendant of Sayyiduna Ali and Sayyidah Fatimah radiyallahu‘anhuma. Six years later, in 260 AH, Hasan al-Askari, at the very young age of 28, is lying on his deathbed, but unlike any of his forefathers he leaves no offspring, no one to whom the Shi‘ah might appropriate as their new Imam. The Shi‘ah who had been regarding Hasan al-Askari as their Imam were thrown into mass disarray. Does this mean the end of the Imamah? The end of the Imamah would mean the end of Shiaism. Were they prepared for that? The confusion that reigned amongst the Shi‘ah after the death of Hasan al-Askari is reflected by the Shi'ite writer Hasan ibn Moosa an-Nawbakhti, who counts the emergence of altogether 14 sects amongst the followers of Hasan al-Askari, each one with a different view on the future of the Imamah and the identity of the next Imam. It must be noted that an-Nawbakhti was alive at the time all of this was taking place. Another Shi'ite writer, Sa‘d ibn Abdullah al-Qummi, who also lived during the same time, counts 15 sects, and a century later the historian al-Mas‘udi enumerates altogether 20 separate sects. Trends There were four major trends amongst these various sects: (1) There were those who accepted the death of Hasan al-Askari as a fact, and accepted also the fact that he left no offspring. To them Imamah had thus come to an end, just like Nubuwwah came to an end with the death of Rasoolullaah (s.a.w.s) . However, there were some amongst them who kept hoping for the advent of a new Imam. (2) The second trend was one to which the student of the history of “succession to the Imamah” would be much more used to. This was the tendency to deny the death of Hasan al-Askari, and to claim that he would return in the future to establish justice upon earth. We have seen this tendency emerge amongst the Shi‘ah at more than one critical juncture in the history of the Imamah of the Shi‘ah; it is therefore only logical to expect it to resurface at a moment as critical as the death of Hasan al-Askari. (3) The third trend was to extend the chain of Imamah to Hasan’s brother Jaa‘far. (4) The fourth trend was the claim that Hasan al-Askari did in fact have a son. It is the fourth trend which ultimately became the view of the dominant group in Shiaism. The missing son This trend was spearheaded by persons who had set themselves up as the representatives of the Imam, and who were in control of a network covering various parts of the Islamic empire— a network for the purpose of collecting money in the name of the Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt. All followers of the Imams were obliged to pay one fifth of their income to the representatives of the Imams. (This is a practice which continues up to today.) At the head of this network was a man called Uthmaan ibn Sa‘id al-‘Amri. His manner of resolving the predicament was unique: Hasan al-Askari was dead, he admitted, but he was not childless. He had a 4-year old son, Muhammad, with whom no one but he— Uthmaan ibn Sa‘id— could have contact. And from that point onwards he would act as the representative (wakeel) of the Hidden Imam and collect money in his name. To the fact that Hasan al-Askari’s own family were completely ignorant of the existence of any child of his, and that his estate had been divided between his brother Jaa‘far and his mother, Uthman ibn Sa‘id and his ilk responded by denouncing Jaa‘far as al-Kadhdhab (the Liar). In due time a fantastic story was brought into circulation about the union between Hasan al-Askari and a Roman slave-girl, who is variously named as Narjis, Sawsan or Mulaykah. She is mentioned as having been the daughter of Yusha‘ (Joshua), the Roman emperor, who is a direct descendant of the apostle Simon Peter. But history shows that there never was a Roman emperor of that name. The Roman emperor of the time was Basil I, and neither he nor any other emperor is known to have descended from Peter. The story goes on to tell of her capture by the Muslim army, how she eventually came to be sold to Hasan al-Askari, and of her supernatural pregnancy and the secret birth of the son of whom no one— aside from Uthman ibn Sa‘id and his clique— knew anything. Everything about the child is enveloped in a thick and impenetrable cloud of mystery. The four representatives Uthman ibn Sa‘id remained the “representative of the Hidden Imam” for a number of years. In all that time he was the only link the Shi‘ah had with their Imam. During that time he supplied the Shi'ite community with tawqi‘at, or written communications, which he claimed was written to them by the Hidden Imam. Many of these communications, which are still preserved in books like at-Tusi’s Kitab al-Ghaybah, had to do with denouncing other claimants to the position of representatives, who had come to realise exactly how lucrative a position Uthmaan ibn Sa‘id had created for himself. The Shi'ite literature dealing with Uthmaan ibn Sa‘id’s tenure as representative is replete with references to money collected from the Shi'ite public. When Uthmaan ibn Sa‘id died, his son Abu Jaa‘far Muhammad produced a written communication from the Hidden Imam in which he himself is appointed the second representative, a position which he held for about 50 years. He too, like his father, had to deal with several rival claimants to his position, but the tawqi‘at which he regularly produced to denounce them and reinforce his own position ensured the removal of such obstacles and the continuation of support from a credulous Shi'ite public. He was followed in this position by Abul Qasim ibn Rawh an-Nawbakhti, a scion of the powerful and influential Nawbakhti family of Baghdad. Before succeeding Muhammad ibn Uthmaan, Abul Qasim an-Nawbakhti was his chief aide in the collection of the one-fifth taxes from the Shi‘ah. Like his two predecessors, he too had to deal with rival claimants, one of whom, Muhammad ibn Ali ash-Shalmaghani used to be an accomplice of his. He is reported in Abu Jaa‘far at-Tusi’s book Kitab al-Ghaybah as having stated: “We knew exactly what we were into with Abul Qasim ibn Rawh. We used to fight like dogs over this matter (of being representative).” When Abul Qasim an-Nawbakhti died in 326 AH he bequethed the position of representative to Abul Hasan as-Samarri. Where the first three representatives were shrewd manipulators, Abul Hasan as-Samarri proved to be a more conscientious person. During his three years as representative there was a sudden drop in tawqi‘at. Upon his deathbed he was asked who his successor would be, and answered that Allah would Himself fulfill the matter. Could this perhaps be seen as a refusal on his part to perpetuate a hoax that has gone on for too long? He also produced a tawqi‘ in which the Imam declares that from that day till the day of his reappearance he will never again be seen, and that anyone who claims to see him in that time is a liar. Thus, after more or less 70 years, the last “door of contact” with the Hidden Imam closed. The Shi‘ah term this period, in which there was contact with their Hidden Imam through his representatives-cum-tax-collectors, the Lesser Occultation (al-Ghaybah as-Sughra), and the period from the death of the last representative onwards the Greater Occultation (al-Ghaybah al-Kubar). The Greater Occultation has already continued for over a thousand years. Activities of the representatives When one reads the classical literature of the Shi‘ah in which the activities of the four representatives are outlined, one is struck by the constantly recurring theme of money. They are almost always mentioned in connection with receiving and collecting “the Imam’s money” his loyal Shi'ite followers. There is a shocking lack of any activities of an academic or spiritual nature. Not a single one of the four is credited with having compiled any book, despite the fact that they were in exclusive communion with the last of the Imams, the sole repository of the legacy of Rasoolullaah sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam. When we look at the major sources upon which the Shi'ite faith is based, we find that most of them were written after the onset of the Greater Occultation. Those works, like al-, which was written during the latter decades of the Lesser Occultation, contain scarcely a reference to any of the four representatives as narrators from the Hidden Imam. Instead it is filled with thousands of reports which go back, via other channels, to the fifth and the sixth Imams. That is indeed strange, considering the fact that a man like Uthmaan ibn Sa‘id al-‘Amri is claimed to have been closely associated with the 10th, the 11th as well as the hidden 12th Imam, and also the fact that his son remained the Shi'ite community’s solitary link to that Imam for half a century. Would it not have been better and more authoritative for an author like al-Kulayni to report the hadith of his Imams from the Hidden Imam via his representatives who lived in Baghdad at the same time as he rather than to trace it all back to the fifth and sixth Imams through a myriad of doubtful channels? But of course, he could not have done that, because the activities of those representatives did not have as much to do with authentically preserving the legacy of the Ahl al-Bayt as with the collection of wealth in their names. In light of the fact that the Shi‘ah explain the necessity of Imamah in terms of the need for an infallible guide who serves as the repository of the legacy of Ahl al-Bayt, it appears extremely incongruous that this particular guide has left no sort of legacy of his own whereby the legacy of the Ahl al-Bayt can be known. Despite the fact that an infallible guide supposedly exists, it is upon fallible persons such as Muhammad ibn Ya‘qub al-Kulayni that the Shi‘ah must depend for that legacy. The only bit of information that has come down to us regarding the Hidden Imam’s authentication of the hadith legacy of the Shi‘ah is what is recorded by Aqa Muhammad Baqir Khwansari in his book Rawdat al-Jannat. He writes that al-Kulayni’s book was presented to the Hidden Imam who looked at it and declared, “Hadha Kaafin li-Shi‘atina” (This is enough for our Shi‘ah). This is incidentally how the book received its name. A report such as this creates a huge problem. It appears to be a ratification of the contents of the book al-KAAFI by the infallible Imam. Yet, 9 centuries later the Shi'ite muhaddith, Mulla Muhammad Baqir Majlisi, would declare in his commentary on al-, named Mir’at al-‘Uqul, that 9,485 out of the 16,121 narrations in al- are unreliable. What did Majlisi know that the infallible Imam was so unaware of that he would authenticate a book, 60% of whose contents would later be discovered to be unreliable? Evaluation The Iraqi Shi'ah scholar, Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr, finds proof for the existence of the Hidden Mahdi in what he calls “the experience of a community”. The existence of the Hidden Imam, he postulates, was experienced by the Shi'ite community as a whole in the written communications that the representatives used supplied them with. The crux of this argument lies in the fact that an individual experience might be doubted, but never that of experience of an entire community. However, the glaring flaw in this line of reasoning is that it very conveniently overlooks the part of the representatives as the individual go-betweens. The community never had the privilege of seeing or meeting the person they believed to be the author of the tawqi‘at. Their experience was limited to receiving what the representatives produced. Even the argument of a consistent handwriting in all the various tawqi‘at is at best melancholy. There is no way one can get away from the fact that the existence of the Hidden Imam rests upon nothing other than acceptance of the words of the representatives. The activities of those representatives furthermore go a long way to show that they were much, much more inspired by the desire to possess than by pious sentiments of any kind. So when the Shi‘ah commemorate the birth of their twelfth Imam on the 15th night of Sha‘ban, or when they seek to apply ahaadeeth in Sunni sources which speak of twelve khalifahs to their twelve Imams, then let us ask them on what basis do they accept the existence of the twelfth one? History bears witness to the existence of eleven persons in that specific line of descent, but when we come to the twelfth one, all we have is claims made by persons whose activities in the name of their Hidden Imam give us all the reason in the world to suspect their honesty and integrity. In Islam, issues of faith can never be based upon evidence of this kind. By Abu Muhammad Al-Afriqi
  2. [Public Awareness Notice: I'm putting myself in the shoes of the opposition for the coming three days inshallah, I was once told by a famous zoologist I met, that the only way to understand your subject is to live with them, to observe them really quite close and most importantly to act and behave in their ways, then you will get the trust of your objects that you studying and soon they will let you know their intimiate side, I hope after that experience I can closely monitor my objects behaviour and come up with a recommendation on how to best help them i.e. what they like and don't like etc!, stay tuned inshallah as this is MKA Yoonis specail' assignment into 'enemey' territory, I hope I avoided being dragged down the road as I'm now officially part of the 'gang' but nevertheless I'm now in danger of American, Somali and Ethiopian heavy fire but we shall defeat them inshallah! Wish me luck! End of Public Awareness Notice] ---[]--[]-[]0......go! He's reborn again as Sheikh MKA Az-Zarqaawi! Abdullahi Yusuf has been refused to get AU foreign troops unless money is provided to help the Mission. I guess an bankrupt and ill-equipped organisation like that of the AU was never ever expected to come up with something realistic and positive except it's HIV ofcourse, the only positive I can see those troops bringing to Somalia! Are the TFG lot now saying that the African Union can still deliver for them? Why didn't the Ethiopian troops leave aswell, didn't Meles Zenawi say his troops will only stay for two weeks? Is it another case of 'We only got a few hundred army trainers in Somalia'? Why can't Meles the terrorist tell us the truth? He is saying troops have left and that only a handful have been left in the capital to help the government, is he lying again? On the other hand Mogadishu is in chaos with now real security what is the TFG doing in order to secure the peace of that city! Other than posing in Pictures with some odeyaal and clan elders?
  3. You know Duke back in the days, when we used to play football in the park, I used to join the losing side because to be on the winning side is not always good, especially when you trashing the opposition by thirty goals to nil, lol! Actually this brings me to my next project, I shall for the next three days inshallah be a ICU supporter and Anti-TFG, it should be alot of fun, so brace yourselves I'm out for the TFG contingents! Shall be fun inshallah, hard questions to come for you guys!
  4. Sure sister, lol, atleast they're beautiful pictures, I guess she'd slap me really hard if they were 'ugly'! Anyway to the rest, Can you spot the Kenyan ambassador who came all the way from Washington DC, thank you Igad and neighbouring states, I say! It was packed and soon the video will be out inshallah, then I shall post that aswell! Thank you all I love you! (Well not really, but getting in the american spirit).
  5. As the sister showed some interest in the Minneapolis convention center meeting, I'm going to provide really beautiful pictures of that event dedicated to the sister, thanks alot! The organisers of that meeting have made 5000 Seats available and guess what? They were all Taken and people were forced to stand in the back and the alley ways because it was that full! Enjoy I say:
  6. MMA, I'm going to reply to you this time around in order to shut you up for once because I have avoided it the last time, you came up guns blazing at me but in order to set the record straight and keep you silent I shall give you something that shall make you veer! First of all I'm a very well know contributor to this site and I make my contributions based on facts and reality unlike some in here, I'm also someone, who sticks by his beliefs and morals regardless what is thrown against him, whether it be personal abuse, threats or political discrediting based on my persona! I'm one of the few who know what they want and who have a clear vision for this country and because of that, I'm being targeted! People don't like me because of my views, which resulted in me being one of the most hated people in this forum and thus also my popularity suffered! I don't want to be popular nor liked if it means I have to tow the lines of the people, who don't like my political viewpoints and stance, I'm entitled to my views and I've shown more then once that I'm perfectly adequate and capable to defend my views against anyone who dared to debate or discuss with me, whether they claim to be ideologically/morally opposing my viewpoints or they play the nationalistic card like you tend to do, they come but they get refuted by me one by one! I said it many times, if it is seen unpopular to do the right thing, then I shall do the right thing even at the expense of my 'popularity'! One thing you seem to forget that I was the only person here, who ever came up with a proposal of forgiveness and reconciliation and the only person who ever requested for the discussions raised to a more intellectual level, unfortuantely that has been declined by the many, who don't want it because they couldn't engage in a intellectual or constructive debate! I bring forth many ideas, proposals, and new methods! I even asked for people to come and give interviews and answer some question so to say I've been unproductive is not only false but unshamingly hypocritical! I respect camel milk threads like I do respect my fellow forumers here, but let me tell you one thing most things in here aren't to be taken seriously, I really don't take some of the contriubutors seriously at all, because me with all my perceived wrongs stay the same, always tell the truth and how it is, I'm MKA Yoonis never double-faced nor trying to be popular or liked because I say what I feel and what is in my mind, so if you or someone else don't like it then tough because I'm real, true to myself and sincere! You see I'm not a charlatan I fight for the things I believe in and I contribute to this site's success enormously, so who are you to discredit me or my work or even to speak to me? I'm a fighter by nature, independent and a truth-teller and I don't give in nor do I capitulate, understand? So, I kindly remind to you that this forum would not be the same without me because I'm the salt that brings the flavour to this site, you get it? You know what they say, food is nothing without salt! Furthermore, I'm a genius that's why you haven't been on the same wavelengths with me the last couple of days, geniuses have their flauds and I guess you have to accept those flauds because they come with the genius! So you can't separate the two! I'm a warrior, chief contributor to this site, a fountain of knowledge and wisdom and guess what I might hire you to write my real biography but no, I don't want my bio to come out in maymay language, no disrespect there, only stating a fact, Sorry! But anyhow that is me, MKA Yoonis tells how it is, you will never see him double-faced or avoiding to tell how it is! Love him or hate him but you can't avoid him!
  7. Let's just clarify a few things here, the thread was made by Al-Ansaari, who put up as a title, which frankly surprised me because none of my sources reported 'the dragging of a policeman through the streets of Mogadishu', so I didn't comment! But one thing is clear, most people in here are youngsters, who don't understand nor comprehend/read somali, so they had to go with the title post by Al-Ansaari and comment on the topic rather finding out the source and if it did really happen! So it's Al-Ansaaris fault if it didn't happen and he falsely reported or made up a fabrication to delibarately fool people but I'm not saying that the story is true or false but that I didn't see any concrete evidence of Ansaaris claim really happening in the streets of Mogadishu yesterday, yes he provided picture of dead soldier but I can't say what did occur or not! However one thing is clear and let me this address to the sister mystic, somalis have been killing each other for hundreds of years, there's nothing to discuss on that issue. Yes the policeman died so did many somalis that's not either on contention but what you're totally missing is that we somalis have a certain dhaqan that we adhere to, you can kill him but what do you gain out of dragging a dead man's corps through the streets, isn't that a sign of barbarism and not being civilised? Islamically speaking and culturally wise it is not permitted to drag any dead corps on the streets nor disfigure him, like chopping of his ears, nose, playing with his head etc! Sister if this people really did that then no 'they were angry' will excuse their barbarism and animal like appraoch and disrespect to dead corps! That act is what you would except from people that never saw any civilisation or don't have a dhaqan or who simply don't know how to distinguish right from wrong! If it happened it's something you expect to see in the jungle, it's jungle behaviour but not somali noble culture sister! One more thing maybe you're not accustomed to Somali behaviour and culture but even if you grew up in the west your consciousness would tell you that it is plain wrong for a dead corps whether human or animal to drag through the streets! There's no discussion and nobody can accuse any of such barbaric act, remember I'm not saying it happened or not but if there's no excuse and your stance on this matter is seriously wrong. You seem to excuse it with something totally irrelavant, I think you lost your moral compass! One more thing, you should have not stopped there, you should have been demanded for his armas, legs and other parts to be mutilited and taken as soveniours, that would be the stage, which would make you into a beast, but you could go further and demand for his legs and arms to be chopped off, so in order you could cook[/] them, that would be the cannibalsim stage! So you nearly there! This people even their religion believes is corrputed with their jungle traditions, even when there was a Qisas for a man, who killed another mans dad, the son was given a chance to perform qisaas on the murderour! The qisaas took place with the murderer being binded on mast somewhere in the courtyard and a hood over his face, then the executor the son of the murdered was given a big knife and told to contiously stab the man, a women died on the spot out of shock and many were taken to hospital for shock because they became uncouncious many were also sick, if that is there islaam what they you expect from a crowd of jaahilis? Wallaahi tell me if that is according to the islamic sharia and if that could be said to be Qisaas! Sick folks wallahi!
  8. I have educated saylici already once on this matter, so this will be my last time inshallah! Brother your abtirsiyo on Hassan Al-Caskari is embarrassing, flaud and just plain wrong because as I told you before Hassan Al-Caskari didn't have any children! So why would you base your abtirsiyo on someone, who never had any children? Are you that desperate? Atleast when you make up lies, they should be believable but unless you're not shiite ofcourse and you believe in manhaj Ahlu-Sunnah wal' Jamaacah and you're a Sunni, then it is quite clear for all that Hassan Al-Caskari never did have children and that it was made up by the Shiites because the imaamate would come to an end, so they invented children out of the blue for Hassan Al-Caskari, so please make your abtirsiyo on someone else but not on a sincere religious and god-fearing man, who died at the tender age of 27/28 and who never had any children! Amazing how someone could come up with this, to say you're a offspring of some man who never had any children but suddenly you invent and attribute to him a whole bunch of child generations on to his name, althoug it is quite evidant in the history books that he never had children, subhanallaah that's mad!
  9. He say's he's sure that he will be elected as the speaker of parliament on the 31th of January inshallah! Must be something in the air then! He's my new favourite then! I've to back the winning horse, not the sinking ship.
  10. Horn you know it's never 'done' until it is really done and I say so, understand! You know it's done, when I come up with something, here it is below, enjoy I say: I’m not a politician but a flip-flop I’m going to drip that in a voice drop! My name is Hornafrique Jr Juvenile of Hiiraale senior MR. Hiiraale is my hero love him non-stop To you I propagate him as father tip-top! You would call him a ‘G’ if it was hip hop! If you don’t believe me I’m going to use on you a drop-kick Better believe and join the new church Yoonis be sick! He hasn’t yet killed anyone intentionally Swear that to you he did only conventionally! Thus qualifying him becoming priest unintentionally Love him regardless and too, As me and my fellow Hiiraale crew Use him pleasurably to skin-pop Everyday ‘Hiiraale’ SPing at our bus-stop! What would Seattle be without me? I’m its hottest mc! Just listen to my lyrical talent And its satirical gallant This makes you spew for days Castro and his likes in a state of haze Yoonis put us on his ways And he has put on us his mystical sways We salute you my majesty here is your praise We believe now in the TFG hear our yeas The TFG is here to stay and you my honour We declare you the King! Rule us like a Afrikaner!
  11. Ahmad so that means you're a woman too because why would you take otherwise a womans portray as you avatar? Please don't insult our honourable Suldaan Kenadiid! mystic sister ofcourse you're not opposing him for clannish reasons, I know and you're a good patriot aswell, I guess! Good for you sister, good for you, I'm not the least bit envious! About my 'never-heard of sub-clan' well let's just skip that as they're only associates', not the real thing! But that's good enough for you to to discredit and dislike them because they're from the same region, how pathetic!
  12. obviously you did care enough which resulted in you posting, so much for caring, huh? lol, couldn't put in a smiley face for you to laugh. Teeda kale I'm happy you having the Suldaan of Mudug portray as your avatar! Keep up the promotion inshallah.