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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Some might ask themselves what is going on in the capital and why the instability? Well, first before the answer let's us ourselves where are this attacks coming from? Well most of the attacks so far have been concentrated in Huriwaa neighbourhood it's a well known fact! The area between the Suuqa Xoolaha and Ex-Control Balcad is the hotbed of the attacks! It's not surprising because if one gets to know that this was the residency of Hassan Dahir Aweys and where he had his home! Everybody knows that so why is the government slow and hesistant to act so far? Anyone dare to answer!
  2. Sister I disagree with atheists on their views but I will be civil about it! I shall not rush to take up my suicide vest and blow them up! I even have disagreements with the Shia but the tactics employed by our friends from Al-Qaeda and 'jihadists' is plain wrong, putting up a car full of explosives and blowing it up or to blow oneself up in a busy souq is simply wrong! I hate shiite's I think that they're really ignorant and bad but my hatred will not lead me to committ acts of atrocities! I'm cadaali sister and you should learn about the islamic system of Al-Cadaalah, it is really difficult for human-beings to enforce! To be civil in times of deep hate and angriness is something one gets from his religious teachings or his nobility sister it's not something just aquired from somewhere in the desert! Anyhow I don't hope, I will end up prisoner with you in charge because I would be tortured, boilded and then when finally I die, you would take my remainings as some kind of souveniours back home just like the red Indians in Utah who used to take the scalp of their enemies. Sister that's not Somali noble culture nor the culture of Islaam, so don't act barbaric all on me, understand?
  3. Prime minister Cali Maxamed Gheedi tonight in a radio broadcast addressed to the whole nation said that from tonight on Baidoa the transitional federal interim capital the State of Emergency and a curfew will be in full place inshallah! From 9:00 pm to 05:00 am a security curfew will be in place tonight in Baidoa and then extended from tommorrow thoughtout the whole country where the TFG is in full control! So from tommorow on inshallah every Somali city where the TFG is in control a curfew and the State of Emergecy will be in place! The government can then forcefully enter houses and engage in full out disarmement in all the areas they're in control in! We wish them success in all their undertakings and efforts to pacify our country inshallah! Amiin.
  4. Catalyst it's you who is emotional about it, all I'm saying is stop the shiite fairy-tale and stop basing your geneology on a man, who didn't have any children! Mistake here and mistake there will not excuse it sxb, just stop using geneology based on Hassan Al-Askari who was a good religious man and who did not have any children, is that too much to ask?
  5. ^You're a true comedian, but somehow I'm not amused by it all! So using 'logic' and not faith would you please justify suicide attacks for me!
  6. Xiin donkey survived as the driver veered the wheel out of the donkeys way in the last minute resulting in the driver losing control over his vehicle and subsequently overturning, they were eventually taken out by two cars that were behind them and the PM Gheedi came also to their rescue and the PM was astonished that most came out of that accident alive as he thought the impact of the accident would atleast result in major fatalities but not standing and walking injured and wounded! Anyway here's the pic of the accident:
  7. Madaxweyne Yuusuf oo ku baaqay shir caalami oo lagu heshiisiinayo kooxaha Soomaalida (Daawo Sawiro)!!! Last Updated::2007-01-30 17:28:51 Addis Ababa:- Madaxweynaha dawladda kmg C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed ayaa aqbalay in uu ku baaqo shir ballaaran oo ay ka qeyb galayaan hogaamiye dhaqameedyada iyo culimaa'uddiinka, taasoo usuura gelinaysa dawladda kmg in ay hesho taageerada Midowga Europe. Baaqan ayaa yimid kadib kulan ku dhex maray magaalada Adis Ababa madaxweyne Yuusuf iyo madaxa horumarinta iyo gargaarka ururka Midowga Europe Louis Michel, kaasoo layskula soo qaaday mushkilada ka taagan dalka Soomaaliya iyo sidii loo xalin lahaa. "Waan isfahmeynaa, waxaana isku raacnay in aanu wada shaqeyno. Cid kasto oo nabad dooneysa waa muwaadiniinteena waana la shaqeynaynaa" ayuu yiri C/llaahi Yuusuf oo ka hadlayay shirkii jaraa'id oo ay wada qabteen isaga iyo Louis Michel. C/llaahi Yuusuf waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in dhawaan dalka ay soo gaari doonaan ciidamada nabad ilaalinta ee ka imaanaya midowga Africa si ay gacan u siiyaan dawladda u taagweysay xasilinta dalka Soomaaliya. Louis Micheal ayaa sheegay in kulankaasi todabaadyo gudahood lagu qaban doono, isagoo muujiyay sida uu ugu faraxsan yahay go'aanka madaxweyne Yuusuf ee ku baaqaya shir dib u heshiisiin qaran,isagoo sheegay in wajiga C/llaahi Yuusuf uu ka dareemayay daacad in ay ka tahay in uu isku keeno kooxaha Soomaalida oo ay ku jiraan qolooyinka qunyar socodka ee danaynaya mustaqbal wanaagsan in uu yeesho dalka Soomaaliya. "Sida aan aaminsanahay waa la meel mariyay shuruudihii aan ku xirnay maal gelinta ciidamada nabad ilaalinta, isaga ayaa isku xil saaray meel marinta arrintaasi" ayuu yiri Louis Michel Louis Michel. Michel ayaa sheegay in shirkaasi lagu casuumay, midowga Europe-na uu bixin doono dhaqaalaha lagu qabanayo shirkaasi, ayadoo midowga Europe uu ballan qaaday 15 milyan oo Euro oo u dhiganta $19 milyan oo doolar.
  8. ADDIS ABABA: Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Luis Michael oo kulan ku yeeshay Addis Ababa!!! Posted to the Web Jan 30, 13:56 Addis Ababa (PP) – Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf Axmed iyo Madaxa Bani’aadamniada iyo gargaarka Midowga Yurub Luis Michael ayaa kulan ku yeeshay Magaalada Addis Ababa ee dalka Ethiopia. Kulankaan oo ahaa mid qaaatay waqti dheer oo ay wadahadalladooda socdeen Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya C/llaahi Yuusuf iyo Luis Michael ayaa markii uu dhammaaday kaddib waxaa saxaafadda uga warramay wixii ka soo baxay Luis Michael oo sheegay in Madaxwyne Yuusuf uu ku baaqay in la qabto shir dib u heshiisiin Qaran ah muddo laba toddobaad gudahood ah. “Waxaan aad ula dhacay go’aanka Madaxweyne Yuusuf ee ku aaddan in shir dib u heshiisiin qaran ah la qabto labada toddobaad ee soo socda dhexdooda” ayuu yiri Michael oo intaas ku daray: “Dhibaato kasta oo ka taagtay gudaha Soomaaliya waxay u muuqataa mid sii lumaysa, mar haddii Madaxweyne Yuusuf uu ku baaqay shir dib u heshiisiin ah”. Kulankaan ayaa ahaa mid si weyn ay uga soo shaqeysay dowladda Ethiopia, waxaana dhawaan Midowga Yurub ay ku xireen deeq ay siiyaan Dowladda Soomaaliya Shuruudo ay ka mid tahay in Dowladdu ogolaato inay dib u heshiisiin la gasho qaybaha ka soo horjeeda. Madaxweyne Yuusuf ayaa isagu ka hadlin go’aannadii ka soo baxay shirkaas uu la qaatay Luis Michael, waxaana lagu wadaa in dhawaan uu warbixin ka siiyo saxaafadda kulankaas. Maxamed Xuseen Jantiile Wakiilka Punlandpost - Mogadishu
  9. Allahu Akbar a good move by our honourable President who called today for a reconciliation conference taking place inside Somalia inshallah scheduled in two weeks time! Let's hope for the best outcome possible inshallah as I believe that reconciliation is the only way forward for this country! A great step and move towards lasting peace in our country inshallah!
  10. Val, ummadani waa fitno miiran, illahay sharkooda iyo ishoodo hanaga ilaaliyo! Amiin. Waa bilaa shaqo la'aan, sidaa daraadeed bey nagu mashquuleen! Ina'adeerey Xaal qaado, igana raali ahow! Thread was purposely titled as the sister was the only one who showed interest about the event and the only one who asked me a sincere question about it! It's only logical and befitting that I in my capacity and in the eye of courtesy and Ilma-adeernimo dedicate the whole thread to my good sister Val! Sister don't listen to them as they're clearly envious that I didn't dedicate anything to them, why should I? They didn't deserve it but guys and girls keep up the work, you might get some attention from me! Everyone for some strange reasons wants a part of me, they do everything to get my attention but they're not intellectually on a par with me nor do they have the capacity to engage me in any meaningful discussion, so let them be they're my fanbase and some of them have developed some ingenious ways to get my attention and the latest circus-like behaviour was nothing but part of that same old fiasco of getting my attention! So sister, enjoy the remainder of this thread and remember it won't be complete until the video tape of the event is linked to this thread, your thread the one dedicated to you Val! I wish you a good day and to my fan-base well continue with the attention-seeking, I might step up to the balcony and give you a wave all done in four seconds ofcourse!
  11. Sheikh Aaden waa suuro miiran, have you ever see him talk! I can't stop laughing everytime I see him. Faan badana Sheikhu. Funny indeed.
  12. Mystic you didn't get it sister! We as muslims don't believe in the degrading of creatures whether they be human-beings or dead animals! The believers in extremisim like the ones who call themselves Al-Qeada or their respected cells, think that 'blowing oneself up' is something to be applauded and a good thing in Islaam! So you believe that killing onesef by becoming a suicide bomber it's islamic? So why you as mystic living in a christian stronghold of Utah, board a bus and blow yourself up with all the passengers as the americans are doing to our ones the same, what's the difference sister? Or atleast if a Somali would commit a suicide attack inside somewhere in the US, you'd support his actions, yeah? Because he was 'angry', that's why he boarded the Subway in LA and NYC and bombed some civilians, eye for eye and tooth for tooth isn't it! Say that you would support or not support such action and I shall leave you alone and remember two wrongs don't make a right! Islam also totally prohibits suicide bombers just us the learned ulamaa'uddin of this religion and not the confused jihadists, who only heard Jihaad but don't know it's shuroods and it's rules! So don't disappoint me sister, I shall wait for your reply in due time inshallah!
  13. MMA talk is cheap now, talk to me when I actually break some camel milk rules but not prior to that, understand? Ah, the shia fairy-tale believer tries to talk to me now! Something is telling me that you still haven't yet recovered from the humiliating revelation of yesterday. Adeer deal with your low selfesteem and your mega inferiority complex as you can't compete with me in any way, shape or form! Sorry, only revealing as someone had to tell you the truth!
  14. Dagaal laguqaday Ciidamdii Kategay Gobolada SSC Iyo Kuwa Puntland Oo Wada Socda (Jawhar}30.01-07 Dhimasho iyo dhaawac ka dhashay dagaal dhex maray ciidamadii laga soo ururiyay Gobolada Sool Sanaag Cayn iyo qaar kamid ah gobolada kale ee puntland iyo kooxo maleeshiyo ah agagaarka magaalada Jowhar.................. Hal ruux ayaa geeriyooday 3 kalena dhaawac ayaa soo gaadhay, ka dib markii iska horimaad uu magaalada Jowhar duleedkeeda ku dhex maray ciidamo laga soo ururiyay gobolada sool sanaag cayn oo ay la socdaan ciidanka Puntland iyo kooxo maleeshiyo ah oo isbaaro u tiilay halkaasi. Qofka geeriyooday ayaa waxa uu ahaa maleeshiyadii isbaarada u tiilay halka 3da dhaawacantayna ay ahaayeen ciidamdii Puntland ee halkaasi mareyay, sida uu warbaahinta u sheegay Goobjooge halkaasi ku sugan oo ka gaabsaday magaciisa. Ciidamada laga keenay gobolada Sool Sanag Cayn iyo kuwa Reer Puntland ayaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay u soo gudbeen dhanka magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaasi oo ka yimid dhinaca Gobolada Puntland maalmihii la soo dhaafay, iyadoo ujeedkoodana uu yahay sidii ay u caawin lahaayeen ciidamada dowladda Somalia. Ciidamadan Puntland ayaa waxaa la tilmaamayaa in fadhiisin ka dhigan doonaan xeryaha qaar ee ku yaala magaalada Muqdisho. Jordan::Widhwidh online News center
  15. Puntland recruitment going well! Sool Sanaag Cayn Oo Ciidamo Xoogan Laga Qoray Laguna Wado Muqdisho {Laascaanood}29.01-07 Holwo ciidamo loogu aruurinayo Dowlada Federaalka somalia ayaa Dowlada Goboleedka Puntland waxa ay si xoogan uga wadaa Gobolada Sool Sanaag Iyo Cayn iyo qeybo kale oo hoos yimaada Xukuumada Garoowe. Ciidaman ayaa xoogooda laga ururiyay Gobolada sool Sanaag Iyo Cayn taas oo lagu sababeeyay deegaanadan oo ay haatan shaqo la'aani ka jirto iyo dhalin yaro xoogan oo wax camala aaney hayn. Maamulka Puntland ayaa wuxuu xooga si gaar ah u saarayaa ciidamadii hore ee Dowladii Dhexe ee Somalia , haatana kamid noqonaya Dowlada somalia. Ciidamada laga keenayo gobolada hoos yimaada Puntland ayaa la sheegay in la isugu keenayo xerada ciidamada Abqaale ee Gobalka Mudug, iyadoo halkaasi ay joogaan ciidamo lasoo diiwaan galiyay dhawaan. Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Iyo Amniga Puntland Axmed Cabdi Xaabsade ayaa sheegay in boqolaal ciidamo ah ay is soo diiwaan galiyeen isla markaana ay dhawaan u furi doonaan tababaro si ay ugu biiraan ciidamada Dowlada somalia. Dhawaan ayuu Raysal wasaaraha Dowlada somalia Cali Max'ed Geedi uu sheegay in cidii dooneysa inay kamid noqoto ciidamada Dowlada ay iska diiwaan galiso goob kasta oo ay Ciidamada Dowlada joogaan. Jordan::Widhwidh Online News center
  16. The government is doing the right thing by conscripting more reliable soldiers and move them to Mogadishu but I'm hopeful inshallah for the future as the troops are already advancing in their hundreds on Mogadishu! What we need is reconciliation and the declaration of the President today that he will call all somali parties to a peace conference inside Somalia can be hailed as a major stepping point inshallah! We hope for the best possible outcome inshallah and the reemergence of our country! Amiin. Dagaal Ka Dhex Qarxay Ciidamadii Laga Ururiyey SSC Iyo Malayshiyo Ka Soo Jeeda Deegaanka Jawhar! Jan 30, 2007 By: Jawhar( ka imaanaya magaalada Jawhar ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in kooxo malayshiyooyin ah iyo ciidamo ka tirsan ciidamada dawaladda Soomaaliya uu iska hor imaad ku dhex maray duleedka magaalada Jawhar ee xarunta gobolka shabeellada dhexe. Iska hor imaadkani ayaa waxaa lagu soo waramayaa in ay ku dhaawac meen ku dhowaad 5 ruux oo badankooda ka tirsan malayshiyooyinkii weerarka soo qaaday. Sida ay ku warameen qaar ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidamada dawladda hor kacaysa ciidamada dawladda ayaa waxa ay malayshiyooyinkii soo weeraray ka qabsadeen gaari tikniko ah. Qaar ka mid ah dadka ku dhaqan magaalada Jawhar ayaa waxa ay sheegeen in magaalada la soo gaar siiyay dhaawaca qaar ka mid ah malayshiyooyinkii weerarkaasi gaystay. Xaaladda goobihii dagaalku ka dhacay ayaa haatan dagan iyada oo ciidamadii dawladuna ay sii wateen safarkoodii ay ugu sii jeedeen magaalada Muqdisho. Ciidamadani oo laga soo kala uruuriyay qaar ka mid ah gobolada dalka Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay ku sii jeedeen magaalada Muqdisho ee xarunta dalka Soomaaliya.
  17. Waryaa maxaa tiri! Walle qosol baad iga dherkisey! Taarikhiyan baad ahayd illeyn, bal igu soo celi! Ninka sarta hobyo saaran: kuma weeye? **clap clap** Suldaan Cali weeye: Ma hadal baa banaan *clap clap clap** Ninka dhulka joogana *clap clap* adoonkiisa weeye. *clap* lol funny. Have you more? Please feel free to provide more inshallah! I like to improvise a bit.
  18. Sunnis believe that Hassan Al-Caskari was childless so thus making your claim not only flaud but wrong aswell, so how can you believe in the wrong, even if you have been shown the truth? Unless you're shiite ofcourse, there is no room for manouvere! That periods when Hassan died is an important period as it was the division of the shia sect into different sects! The biggest dilemma for them was that Hassan not only died very young but at the same time did't leave any offspring aswell, that was a great trial for the shiasm and they didn't know how to come over it! Some choose the missing mahdi whilst others invented a child for the childless Hassan Al-Askari, so we can see the desperation and dilemma in here! On the other hand your ancestors should have done a bit of research before they chose that abtirsiyo, because they put you now in a dead end and no room for manouvere, but I guess just like you, they weren't educated enough to realise the truth about Hassan Al-Askari! So this means you delibarately ignore the truth, is it? Then ofcourse nothing will register with you because you're someone who choses to blind himself and delibarately believe in falsehood although he has been shown the light and absolute truth! So you will never ever see the truth because you're in simple denial!
  19. The people of the Nugaal don't need your apology brownie just leave their traditional leaders and elders alone, that's all! Teeda kale, Aniga dhaqan baan leeyahay adeer, Gabdhahana ma ugaarsado saibar-esbeyska sida adiga camal, ma garatey aan! War wuxu waa maxey, kud ku dishey, ma ani Yoonis buu haatan igu dhahayaa gabar buu ku shukaansani halakan baas, illeyn abtirsiyadeydi buu aqoon, waryaa iga har duf kugu baxdayee!
  20. Hey Brown don't ever insult or mock our honoured and elevated Garaad! The Garaad is a traditional and religious man just like me, he doesn't need someone for him to look out for a potential wife and specially not on SOL as he's not from Guriceel! The Garaad is a prestigous, esteemed and honoured person, that has the respect of his constiguents and contingents so please refrain from insulting the noble Garaad as he's not a beggar from dhuusamareeb! We respect our noble traditional elders and we have nothing but love and admiration for them, so please refrain from mocking him. I have nothing against you mocking a politician but not our issims especially not our garaado who is third in line of the pyramid of my clan's traditional leadership hierarachy, so stop the insults! Say whatever you want about our politicians but not our noble traditionals leaders and elders!
  21. Don't force me to show your pic, nothing wrong with the picture above, the brother might just look like he escaped recently from darfur but nonetheless it's a good picture!
  22. Good Valenteenah, Glad that you appreciated my 'humble' effort, yours is also very much appreciated! Xiin, you had a nice Ashoura today? How are the wounds, healing I guess?
  23. A short summary by one of the attandee's called Fuad Ali Minnesota: Somalis in Minnesota have gathered to show full pledge support for their Somali government. This tremendous event was held in Minneapolis Convention Center. It was a magnificent ceremony and great opportunity for the Somalis to rejoice again. Many Somalis were wearing the Somali flag and weaving posters of the current Somali President Abdulahi Yusuf Ahmed. In commemoration of nationalism, Somalis marked this day with colorful costumes, poetry and national songs. The beauty and the excitement of the Somali people were clearly visible. This is one of the breathtaking events blended with the astonishing blue flag and white star. The Somalis have shown signs of solidarity, and the end of clan divisions that have halted the attempts to formulate strong effective government. Somali's shared this event with Mr Peter N. R. O. Ogego, the Kenyan Ambassador to the US. In addition, Somalia United Nation Envoy Elmi Dualeh was also present in this historical assembly. Since the civil war, the neighboring countries were nonbearing the emanating threats and insecurity in Somalia. The media was fixed on this event. As a matter of fact, 6 television programs were covering this live ceremony. The ceremony was very much uplifting. It is also worth mentioning the community leaders who participated in this event. One of the Somali women present in this gathering told me "Somalis were fed up with anarchy". They are here to demonstrate support for their government. Somalia has not had a functioning government since clan-based warlord's toppled dictator Mohamed Siad Barre in 1991 and then turned on each other, dragging the country into chaos. During the event, the prime minister of Somalia Ali Mohamed Gedi called on the phone to share the celebration. It was one of the spectacular moments in the ceremony. Somalis started cheering for their prime minister. The prime minister spoke of the situation in Somali. He also encouraged the Somali people to reconcile. The harmonies ceremony was netted with pure nationalism. In fact, this is a unique event in the history of Somali Minnesotans. If continued in this fashion, Somalis in Minnesota could convey and outreach their solidity to the people back home. It will open doors for the people to rethink and start new chapter. Let us join the rest Let us honor the best Let leave conceit Let us abandon deceit Let us flee the west Let us build the nest Fuad Ali, Minneapolis Minnesota
  24. I hope Duke you will not yet again be disappointed by the bankrupt organisation that calls itself the AU. They don't even have funds to secure a peace keeping mission by themselves! On the other hand aren't you concerned about the foreign troops committing human atrocities like they did in Eritrea etc, where they were abusing young girls and children? Can you give us a guarantee that it won't happen again this time in Somalia? Will you reassure the mothers and fathers of those children in the south and Mogadishu area that they will not be put into harms way? An honest gurantee that is what we want, the TFG should make them responsible if they transgress on any Somali! Will this government be up to, to hold those starving soldiers and their countries responsible for their inhumane acts? Tell me Duke, I await a sincere answer from you.