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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Al-Islaax are bidci's and innovaters Pi, so much for them bein level-headed! They're mostly westen educated folks that want to establish an Islamic state through non violent means and they argue that Jihaad should not be undertaken at all! I hope you know my stance on those matters and what I feel of all those groups Al-Itihaad included ofcourse! We need to follow the prophet's path and sunnah peace be upon him!
  2. What is this? A call for displaying your favourite 'luxury item' or 'status symbol'? Sister if that is the case I can easily contribute to this thread but don't tell me that I'm wrong because I tried to help by actually making this thread more interesting for you! I only pointed out the whole thing becomes a shambles if not regulated and put some kind of limit on it already people are posting irrelevant and trivial pieces in here! I could post million items, don't you think we need some kind of criterion[b/]? Where's the limit? This whole thing will become a shambles if not regulated and executed in the right way now! People already geared up posting about their trivial stuff like sandals, football boots and some saliid macsaro, what is this kind of exercise and what do this items mean that you're/one is so grateful about! Can't you see the idiocy? The lack of priorities and how we seem to simplify the meaning of being grateful? This is a disgrace and comes from the consumer culture we're finding us in because most items post didn't have no real personal or moral values, they were mere luxury items and status symbols, get it? MKA is helpful and he wants to contribute to the success of this thread, so show some appreciation, will you? PS. How many 'items' can you show case by the way? A million? maybe less than that.
  3. ^What a rather poor reply! If the situation turned out too hot for you wishes why try in the first place? I shall be merciful. P.s. you didn't had to be scareful because my argumentation was actually an action of endearment ala Mudug style which made you freak and panick out needlessly! Now take a tissue and relief the sweet on your face and calm down, will you?
  4. Orignally posted by catalyst: I have, on the matter of Hassan Al-Askari pointed out without much argument that the man indeed had no children. That is not the end of the story however which is why I had to try and educate you on the subject matter here and why the very claims to Hassan al Askari from all around the world can not be descredited like that. Sxb, I don't need any education from you! You should have 'educated' your cousin, who still believes that Hassan had offspring, a boy called Muhammed, so address him and try to spread the word to to him rather than me! Would you kindly tell the gallery here what was being discussed? You say, that you were discussing with me but I was refuting your cousins false claim about Hassan Al-Askari, which turned out to be quite embarrassing for you I guess, which resulted in you intervening and engage in something that only could be described as damage limitiation! But your folks have been embarrassed already quite alot about this issue so no change here! Would you kindly tell your inadeer to stop his shia tendencies and his claim of being descended from a man who never had any children, it seems that you're in disagreement, so preference take's your cousin, why didn't it come to him that Hassan Al-Askari was childless? He's making up a son for him called Muhammed it's getting embrassing would you re-educate him on that matter? How can two person who claim the same linage be in argument about one of their 'ancestors'? Tell us and about the other claim of yours which was quite amusing to say the least but emotional I guess for you and telling us how a whole people have been attributed to a 'false' father, don't you see the ridiculously of it all? No one can wrongfully attribute any children or offspring to a man that didn't have any children and that died at a very young age! About me an my family I see where it is going but I shall not comment because everyone can see for themselves atleast my people don't need to change their orgins every now and then and they have been what they're for centuries! But I told you quite already that no one can pass by telling shia fairy-tales and how a man, who never had any children was wrongfully attributed a whole bunch of children! You agree with me that Hassan didn't have any children but you're talking about mistakes, so what is it that you don't like and that disturbs you to make so much noise? Tell me, I shall be all ears for you.
  5. Ngonge I want you to highlight the 'rubbish' I wrote, it's easy to speak in general terms but I'm someone who has got a vast amount of knowledge in many specific fields, so unless you got another agenda here, tell me the 'rubbish' I talked about and please refute the things I said but guess what, you won't be able to do so because you can't refute the facts! Anyhow did I mention any central? Sxb come clean, meel baa ku xanuuneysee! Why talk in riddles when you can engage me in a debate directly? Are you that scared of me? I will set you a challenge refute the things I said, if you can't or are unable for whatever reason to do so, then may I request for your irrelavancy to be taken somewhere else where it is more appreciated i.e. the dustbin! Now come again, if you dare but this time with more sense and actual facts!
  6. No, I don't disagree with you at all! What we need is a limit on items, that can be included in this thread! XulaXu otherwise the whole thing will just turn into a shamble. What we need is rules and regulations and a limitation of items, already unappriorprite items were posted, so if you don't wish this whole thing turning into a 'disaster' and a mess, I urge to come up with a limitiation of items that can be posted and that they have to be something one cannot do everyday, something really great! I say list the most three items you cannot live without on a daily basis! There should be a meaningful lesson in such things but not the trivial 'crazyness' shown here, already some posted their silly items, sister there should be some rules! So make them up for us, otherwise the whole thing will be just ridicules and everyone posting what he feels like to post giving no real meaning to what they have posted but nevertheless it's a good idea but the whole thing is just amusing! Do people have some kind of priority mix up or do they like to post their irrelavant 'luxury' items! Xula if that is a case of show casting your symbol status then you should have clarified it much earlier because then at least I'd know what to post but the whole thing is just to general and you can see that from the replies, random items with no real meaning to them! I got much respect and this is a sincere message from my deep heart.
  7. I totally agree with you brother, the people of Gedo have shown that they want to collaborate with this government and help it to succeed! They're supporters and good people who want to see peace restored back to our country and I admire them for the steps they did in helping this government and express their true somalinimo and how they want the reestablishment of the Qaran! All checkpoints must be fought regardless of their originaters as they're an obsticle to peace and security of that region, I hope that Colonel Cabdirisaq Af-Gaduud after giving this warning does not show any mercy to the qaswadayaal a No-Zero Tolerance approach should be implemented and all dealt with accordingly! There is no room for another era of fawdo, qas and fitno anymore in Jubbas nor anywhere in Somalia! A new era inshallah where law and order take precidency over chaos and anarchy inshallah! We wish the Col. and his soldiers all the best in securing and cleaning those areas inshallah from the Nidaamdiid. Amiin!
  8. Allaahu Akbar! Great news, an assemblence of normality our capital has been lacking for many years nearly over two decades! We wish the people of Mogadishu and Benadir success in their efforts to pacify our capital and we shall stand behind them with all their efforts! Mogadishu is peaceful, Mogadishu is on the ascendency, Mogadishu has got a bright future in front of her, Mogadishu is nearly safe and soon it will be the most secure capital in the whole of the world ishallah. Amiin! Those who are unhappy about this progress, I wish them that they see the light and how good order, development and peace is! I wish them they will taste the essence of dowladinimo so that they might work to reconstruct their country and work for it's development rather then try to discredit the peace efforts and cheer the pathetic would be destabilisers of the capital! Amiin, inshallah.
  9. Bro the reason is because that they're mostly behind such activities, I hear the strong connections with the othr half of the brothers of Galgudud have brought about some 'assimulation' and a exchange of culture's, mostly reer Barre Boys being the receiver of new culture's rather them being givers! So, they need dhaqan-celis and rehabilition and be told that the era and days of Seerar, Goobaale and Indhacadde like activies are over and not to be repeated! Some are still locked up in the JVA era i.e. stone age like behaviour or mooryanism! But inshallah we shall bring dowladinimo and the essence of order back to them!
  10. ^Chill man, what's up with you! Anyhow how many Somali accents are there? To the ignorant, who wouldn't able to tell! So here I come in to educate you! First of all there is the common Somali, which is also called the Northern common Somali spoken by the vast majority of Somali as it is the standard or what we would call high Somali! The Northern common Somali splits into many other sub-dialect groups but they're all intelligible to one another! However this might come to a surprise to you, there's no Southern Somali but there are other dialects which is spoken from Cadaale all the way to the Baraawe that langauge is Banadir(i), which is a dialect, it's not common Somali nor standard, we could classify it as a kind of slang! However there are variations like the Asharaf Dialect, which is the heavy Xamari accent people were talking about, whilst after a few days people of Benadir Somali and the Northern common Somali can understand each other after a few days of contact it is quite harder to understand the Asharaf Somali accent for a Norther common Somali speaker and vice versa for a Asharaf Somali speaker! Then there's the Af-May or MayMay, Somalis who speak the standard Somali wouldn't be able to understand at all nor would a Afmay person! The same goes for a Benadir Somali speaking person, who wouldn't be able to speak Af-May! So this are the three major groups i.e. Northern common Somali which is the norm/standard and spoken by the vast majority of Somalis, it has many subbranches that are quite intelligible to each other! Then there's the Benadir Somali which is spoken from Cadaale to Baraawe including Mogadishu, in which after a few days of contact both speakers of Benadir Somali and Northern common Somali can communicate quite easily! Then there's the Asharaf Somali, heavy Xamari accent/dialect which is not understood that easily! Last but not leastly there are the Af-May, which cannot be understood and vice versa Af-May speakers don't understand/speak Somali expect they have been exposed to other regions/scooling or mass communication such as the media! However there are many other dialects but they're very small compared to the above mentioned large ones. There's also Garre, Tunni and other bantu languages that are spoken but they're a minority! Personally I prefer reer Mudug accent, I believe it is the most correct Somali and the best! Here's a taste of a of a Xamaaraawi having difficulties with a Reer Mudug, enjoy I say! Here's also another , quite hillarious! Viva reer Mudug accent and people, I say.
  11. Col. Afgadud gave a remiding warning to the elders of those who set up illegal roadblocks that they will be crushed and that their elder's should stop them now as he said they will start talking once we kill or injure their boys so better for them to stop what they're doing now before it is to late because once the TFG starts cleaning that place, they cannot come and complain of dead and injured men from their clans! Good! What I like about the Col. is his commitment in all what he does, he's a no-nonsense person, who gets on with his job quite effictively! I hope that the elders of Barre's boys adhere to that warning because there will be no room for compensation later and blood-money because whoever sets up unofficial roadblocks to extort money from people will be put to death and crushed, no compromise whatsoever! Kismaayo:Afgaduud "Odoyaasha ay kasoo jeedaan maleeshiyooyinka isbaarooyinka dhigta, marka aynu dhaawac ama dilno yay hadli doonaan". Khamiis, February 01, 2007 APL Kismaayo(AllPuntland)- C/risaaq Afgaduud oo ah taliyaha Guutada 1-aad ee ciidamada Dowladda Federaalka KMG ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegay in ay wax weyn ka qabanayaan isbaarooyinka kusoo badanaya ee yaala gobolada Jubooyinka. Taliyaha oo maanta shir jaraa’id ku qabtay magaalada Kismaayo ee gobolka J/Hoose ayaa sheegay in ay soo afjari doonaan jidgooyooyinkaasi yaala gobolada Jubbooyinka, wuxuuna intaa raaciyay in ciidamada dowladda la howlgeliyay, iyagoo dhawaan sameyn doona howlgalo ay kula dirirayaan burcadda. Afgaduud ayaa waxaa uu ugu baaqay maliishiyooyinka in ay isaga tagaan goobaha ay fadhiyaan inta ciidamada dowladda aysan soo gaarin. "Waan og nahay odayaasha dhalay iyo kuwa ay kasoo jeedaan maliishiyadaas, marka aynu dhaawacno ama dilno ayey soo qeylinayaan, ee hada inta goori goor tahay caruurtooda haka kaxeystaan goobaha isbaarada ay dhigteen" ayuu yiri Afgaduud. Gobolada Jubbooyinka ayaa mudooyinkii u danbeeyay waxaa ka taagnaa dhibaatooyinka ay burcada geysanayaan, iyadoo inta u dhaxeysa Afmadow iyo Kismaayo ay yalaan isbaarooyin badan oo dadka lagu waxyeeleynayo. Cali Sandheere AllPuntland, Muqdisho
  12. I agree brother but this guys/countries send large and official delegations to attend this important meeting/conference! Atleast it the AU's headquarters they should acknowledge this countries delegations by welcoming them by hoisting their flags! But the streets of Addis were decorated only by AU member states flags and that I find to be a good thing but the headquarters should hoist the flags of all the participiant parties!
  13. They were all present in the meeting in Addis as it was an important meeting! EU-Louis Michael Palestine-Mahmoud Abbas AU-52 Member states and their respective heads Turkey- PM Erdogan US- Under secretary Frazer EU- Individuals member states and their respected representatives for Africa were all there! The discussions were mainly Somalia and Sudan! It was a big event that AU meeting, many heads of states and leaders from around the world participiated not only African Union member states! They were inviated by the AU to participiate in the conference as many those countries have a interest in both Sudan and Somalia!
  14. Somalia's flag is between that of the state of Nepal and that of the Kingdom of The Netherlands, in case you don't know how either one of these flags look like, may I inform you that the Nepal flag is quite unique as it is a triangular shape and much smaller than the other flags where as the netherlands flag is red, white and blue! So the flag is quite visible to if look very close, may I recommend moving closer to the monitor or forward your chair in order to see it clearly! No need to thank me, it was my pleasure!
  15. Good pictures Zu, I see you went to the Vatican, I only hope you weren't on a personal pilgrimage out there and the picture with the large crucifix obelisk in fron of the pope's residency I believe was not something I enjoyed either viewing at nor the photographing of the christmas lights! But overall the mountains, plazas and buzzling streets were a delight to the eye, I shall consider you inshallah as my personal photographer one day, why not e-mail me at I might have the 'career' you're looking forward too! Cheers,
  16. ^Haven't I told you to refrain from calling muslims as munaafaqs, as you don't know what is in their hearts? Unless ofcourse you had a close look and you got a stake at Cilmul Qayb then you have no right to label a muslim a hypocrite or munaafaq! This is the last time I tell you to refrain because that is a clear sin and that is a brotherly advice coming from me to sincerely help you brother! If you don't believe me I shall bring forth my evidence ofcourse. It's for your own good stop labelling other's munaafaq's without knowing them or what is in their hearts!
  17. Sister Valenteenah, you doubted me when I dedicated to you this whole thread and I could see that you were confused a little bit, but now I hope that you have seen that what I dedicated to you was real value and actually worth something! It's a case of classic psychology sister, a project by me to show how people can be actually very scared of some pictures! Sister have you seen the power of those picture's and their significant meaings which resulted in people nearly crying their hearts out and nearly breaking down? First they tried to discredit by saying only 50 people intended until all excuses where exhausted! One said it was family reunion, a qabiil-gathering, some said the meeting happened and was large but that people only went for the sake of the beautiful sisters, whilst others reaffirmed their fear by saying that the party was only attented by a large crowd of people because Minnesotans were opportunists and they were there only for the bariis (this time the baasto) and that they liked merely going to festivals and Xaflado because they didn't have no moral issues to go on parties or celebrations they were opposed to political wise! Anyhow sister never doubt the significance of some pictures because by posting mere pictures alot of people's lives and livelihoods are threatened it seems, so I kindly remind you not to underestimate my brotherly gesture to you and the courtesy of Ilma-adeernimo shown to you! I'm finished now with this project and thanks for all the people who have contributed in here their fears, phobias and nightmares! I shall analyse them and report back to you, to give your score points of how much you fear what was portrayed in this thread! Till then, good night folks inshallah! Wish me luck with my research, it shall make a classic pychological insight into the minds of people who are feel threathened and how they react to the threat's and phobias that are facing them! Great stuff! I wish you a good recovery inshallah and may you be guided to accept the reality and truth of the situation back home! Amiin. Before I go for good inshallah here is the Video, I promised Val! Beware if you saw any kind of symptoms of fear whilst viewing the pictures which made you crawl, please do not view this video for the sake of your own health! Please, we want you to be healthy and not leave us prematurely and too early! So enjoy to the rest who have expressed their delights on the pictures and a good and final recovery to those who nearly cried or broke down emotionally by looking at mere pictures! Somalia ha noolato, hana jirto, hana is raacdo inshallah! Victory to the TFG!
  18. nabadshe I like your style brother! Always objective wish is a welcoming sight from the trivial and embarrassing expert predictions of the wishful few! I agree with you the sentiments of us not being able to keep secrets was our downfall because the biggest epidemic that we face right now is how we can get away from the stage of clannism to a stage of we were appreciate our statehood more than our clans! I agree with you entirely that Islaam is the best option and that the UIC if it was actually made up by people, who had the interests of the people at heart and the intelligence and charisma to lead to nation out of this dark ages then I would welcome them in playing a key role but unfortunately they did not have the intelligence nor the religious understanding and knowledge to grasp the reality of the situation and that of the horn of africa! This so-called Islamic revolutions fail everytime and that is because they don't follow the sunnah nor do they have a political understanding of the situation the country world find itselfs in! They could play it very smartly and press the government to implement sharica law in full and properly, so that they could be put in charge of the judicial system of the country! Then they could engage in educating the masses and slowly emerging is a political force to be reckon with after our disputes have been settled but not whilst we're divided! We need to cleanse the hearts of the Somali people from the xasad and the qurun that is in their heart which manifestes itself in clannism or qabyaalad the most disgusting and lowest a human-being can reach! nabadshe we were not ready nor did we have the resources and to kill many young Somalis for futile revolutions is a major sin I believe! Islaam says ready yourself for your enemies adequately and organise yourself and fear Allaah so that you might get victory from him! But we weren't pure ourselves nor were we adequate prepared, the whole thing was simply in a shambles! This is not the way, they should have saved this battered nation and its young from further blood and hardship, how egoisitic to take a brutalised and bruised nation to a war ill prepared, ill-equipped and with a lack of military experties! Don't you think that it was mad, utterly madness! You see nothing is perfect only utopians strife for perfection but what we need now is the survival our nation, today it's not about NFD, OG-land or Djibouti but the survival of Somalia and how to prevent it's people from dying and extiction! After a purification and teaching process will we be ready inshallah, the Ulama or UIC should have set for that the future of our country and start educating the youngsters in obeying their rulers as long as they didn't go against the Quraan and Sunnah and after the populance is ready assume power with the help of the people through legal means or through the desire of the whole nation, that is once we recovered from the fawdo, fitn and dowlad la'aan! Remember the battle of Uhad? The prophet peace be upon him left and stationed a small group of archers on the mountain of Uhud in order to prevent the Quraish cavalry from attacking the muslims and the believers from behind! After seeing the Quraish flee and the victory being 'secured' some 38-40 of the group of 50 that has been placed on the hill have left it in order to engage in the bounty-hunting and the taking of 'sovenouirs' and war trophies! But guess what after their disobedience the cavalry of the Quraish lead by Khalid bin Waleed may Allaah be pleased with him saw it and because all day they couldn't attack from behind because of the archers they saw a opportunity and grapped it as the majority of the archers left to the battlefield to take some bounty! They managed to attack the muslims from behind and give them the worst possible defeat with over 70 shaheeds and many wounded and even dying later of their wounds! Why because of their disobediece and not listening to orders and each other, that's why the reason, so how can a group of guys who seemigly seem to only know how to argue ever establish a Islamic rule in our country! One group of companions was once defeated because they neglected the tooth-brush, so what about a group of muslims who set out for Jihaad but who are predominatly made up of murderes, clannists, rapists, people who have committed atrocities of all sort and drug addicts? Can those folks bring back Islaam without purifying them and teaching them about Islaam proper because many things have enterd their belief systems that isn't from Islamic traditions basiclaly invations so they need to be taught and re-educated in the whole religion and they must make towbah! We as Somalis need to do towpah repentence to Allaah as a whole nation because what we did is far from Islamic or Islaam! We did the unbelievable and we must return to Allaah and ask for his forgiveness! That's the only way out but to go on a Jihaad whilst being ideologically opposed to each other and full of arguments and the majority of your foot soldiers are former murderers and rapists will not be able to establish an Islamic state! There is a process to follow and now the option left for us is to accept the reality and work for the TFG because remember every nation only gets the rulers it deserves, so our leaders are a reflection of ourselves only an extention of it, so let's work for the greater benefit and strive for eduacting our people and taking the qurun, xiqdi and qabyaalad out of our hearts and that of the upcoming and young generations! We could a gread service for Islaam ourselves by helping the dawah back home but by calling for futile revolutions we're actually doing a disservice to our religion, I say let's work with what we have got and let's hope for the best and inshallah the future will be brighter much brigher because we then during peace can work to spread the dawah and the true meaning of Islam more effictevily and inshallah the people will embrace it and thus the leadership will aslo reflect it, then can we choose our leaders but the only way no to get out of this evil cylce is to work with what we got and repent to Allaah, spread the dawah and everything will come from its own as we put our trust in our creator! Actually by making small mistakes many things will not be accepted! There is no Islaam without justice and sincerty and Allaah will not aid an unjust person, group or organistioans even if they pray all day and all night because to be muslim one must be just and prevent everything perceived harmful to the soul and relgion the smallest mistake because if not careful Allaah will leave them to their own devices which will certainly result in their demise and their humiliation by kaafirs as seen! I appeal to the concsious let's work with this government and help laying the fountains and monuments to build a better house for us and our children and a better tommorrow inshallah! People should use their common sense rather listening to ignronant folks who want more bloodshed and destruction to unfold on this nation of ours! We suffered, died and hungered enough! Every governemt is better than no goverment! Even a bad government is better than no government so lets support to find a final solution to our problems inshallah or atleast to get us out of this darkest hours of ours inshallah! That's the way to go inshallah and may Allaah lead the rest of our people to it aswell. Amiin.
  19. ^Not to mention his belief in Shiite fairy-tales Duke! Their predictions are flaud to say the least and the most of the funnies is their comparison on the situation on the ground to Iraq! Somalia is a very scarsely populated country where clan is very much used i.e. the same clan's settle in the same area and everyone is known by his nick and father's nick name and their sub-sub-sub clans, so there is no confusion there! On the other hand there ain't no other dynimics like in Iraq, Somalis are 100% Sunni if we excuse Saylici from that statistic and also 100% followers of the shaafici madhab, so there are no religious differences nor ethic or language barriers! On the other hand Somalis are very talk active and no one in Somalia can keep a secret, because it is a well known fact that clan based societs are very bad in secret-keeping because everyone is telling someone which is going to result in every Somali getting to know the secret because Somalis are connected, through blood-relations and marriage! So there can be no secrets in Somalia! We hope for everything working out smoothly inshallah! This is our last opportunity and we shall not let it slip from our hands inshallah! Victory for the TFG inshallah!
  20. That's a great idea, but aren't we simplifying things with our choices? Can I request for three items that one/you can't live without, then will we see how people compare up intellect wise! Thank you!
  21. Allaahu Akbar! Way to go, inshallah! We wish them success! Duke brother it has been a long time it's time we as Somalis realise that we are on the verge of extinction if we continue as we were in the past 17 years! This is a golden opportunity and should not be allowed to slip from our hands inshallah! May Allaah the exalted help us to realise our dreams of a federal, united and strong nation based on justice, the inter love between Somalis and the love and fear of God! Oh Allaah make this dowlad last and make it a success so we could go back to our homes, holding hands and loving one another with our religion and health intact! Oh Allaah help us through this transitional period of ours! Oh Allaah exalted you may, give us your peace and usher us with its blessings! Oh Allaah it has been very long, this nation and people of ours have suffered too much and long. Our kids are starving and dying of preventable disease's and hunger! Our children don't have any education because of war and civil strife! Oh Allaah, We would sacrifice all to heal this nation please help us to heal it and give us lasting solutions to our problems. You're our god, creator and sustainer and the ultimate king and ruler and no one can rule without you allowing it to rule! Oh Allaah make our leaders men that are just in all their dealings with their citizens and judge amongst them in a righteous way and according to your sunnah and law! Oh Allah guide them to the right path and let them enter the fear of yours into their hearts so they might fear all their doings for a day where nobody can save any one and nobody can intervene on somebodies behalf unless you sanction it and where no money of this world and wealth can buy them out from the wrath and anger of yours! Oh Allaah we're your servants help us make our nation succeed and our people find a lasting peace and make them thankful servants of yours! We need you at our difficult moment, there is no one who can make this work except you even when the whole world comes together and convenes to bring Somalia out of its current state it can't do so unless you allow it and give your permission! Oh Allaah to you only we pray and ask for help, guide us to the right path and help us restore our beautiful country and help us in getting lasting peace, so we can worship you accordingly and follow the last prophet's peace be upon him path! Amiin. We put our trusts and believe in you and we live in the hope and fear of you help us in our most needy our! Amiin.
  22. Sxb spare us your cries and hysterical emotional outbursts and let's talk about the real issues, what is here on contention, if I may ask? We're contesting if Hassan Al-Askari had any offspring and the reality that a false geneology was claimed on Hassan Al-Askar! So how could we finish this off, without shedding more light and embarrassment to you and the people you represent! You know that I'm not wrong and you've said that in your previous post, so I will highlight it for you one more time because it seems that you don't know what is here on contention! Originally posted by catlyst: I have provided an Arabic text which clearly state the situation seen in many houses of Ashrafs in which they were, wrongfully , attributed to Al-Hassan Al-Askari who had no offspring. Its a well known situation and if you are really interested in the answer to that by scholars of the science of Nasab, then you should know that it was agreed upon that so many Qurashis from Mekka, Egypt, Madina, Sudan, Somaliland were mistakingly added to the geneological line of Hassan and were therfore corrected to Ja'far Al-Zaki bin Ali Al-Hadi. Thank you very much for reaffirming what I have been saying all along, so much for the english text provided being questioned and discredited! So, if you know that Claus wasn't your father and in fact it's Jim, then why would you still place your geneolgy on Claus knowing that he's not your father and proven without doubt, so because that said Claus never had any children? That's why I re-educated Shaafici that the man he's claiming as one of his father's i.e. Hassan Al-Askari never had any children which you amusingly seem to agree with! But something is stopping you, somehow! So, thanks! All I was interested was only to correct you and Saylici on that matter, which I have done! Now if you claim something else then it's not my business! You could claim to be descended from Genghis Khan, I would't care less but on the other matte$r you simply had to be corrected because you were lying and making up children for a man, that didn't have any! So stop the wailing and emotional outbursts and re-educate your friend that the old story has been changed and that a new father was found and that he should change or edit the geneology, understand? So don't come here on me with all guns blazing, when you have been corrected on something you lied on and proven to be a charlatan! Don't claim a man, who didn't have any progeny was all I was saying, so if you change the geneology again then good because that's your custom and tradition and I don't want to take that away from you!
  23. Sheikh Aaden Madoobe has been eleceted with a great majority as the new speaker of Parliament. He and Ibrahiim kishbuur fought it out until the last round in which Sheikh Aaden Madoobe finished off on top! Sheikh Aaden Madoobe we wish him great success and that he plays his role very efficiently, which I'm sure he will! Success to the TFG inshallah!
  24. Sister you know very well that suicide bombings have never achieved anything what have they ever achieved and besides that is it a Islamic practice? The answers are such acts have never achieved anything positive or constructive nor is this act Islamic in any way or form or shape, so the way you're thinking is plain wrong and suicide bombings are unlawful in our religion! Islaam is a great religion, who has as an example the best example which is Rasulullaah salallaahu calayhi wa sallam! We know how this religion's dignity can come back and that is to follow the path of the last prophet peace be upon him and his sunnah and the fear of Allaah the exalted if those are not there, then this religion will not be successful until Allaah raises a people that fears and loves him and follows the sunnah of prophet Muhammed peace be upon him! What is the purpose of this religion sister? Isn't it to call people to Islaam? Yes, I guess. Surely that can't be achieved through suicide bombings because that will make them dislike this religion even more! Besides that who has sanctioned that person who is committing suicide to do what he is doing? Mostly this people are killing themselves for their countries and some claim through this actions somehow Islaam will return but if we leave the effectiveness of such killings aside, can you tell me who has sanctioned their actions? Was it an individual who thought to himself he has to defend his country or religion from an enemey that took that decision? If no, who is he getting the authority from? Sister, Islaam is not a religion whereby an individual puts on a vest and goes up to a place and then blows himself up maybe killing a few dozens alongside him, do you think through that action Islaam will come back? No sister only through collective Jihaad will true Islaam reemerge, but a person, who is doing his own perverted Jihaad through blowing himself up on his own authority can not be descripted as doing Jihaad sister in fact he will go to hell, that is if he was aware of the illegality of his actions. If he didn't know then may Allaah the exalted forgive their actions but this is not the way to return a glories religion like Islaam sister! Jihaad has some rules and requirements sister but enganging in suicide activities and killing a dozen people will not bring back Islaam! Only under a Imaam and the banner can true Islaam reemerge with a central authority and a capability to wage Jihaad on all our enemies but not through individual acts! Think about it!