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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Originally posted by saylaci: Birth and early life according to Twelver Shi'as Twelver Shi'as believe that Muhammad was born in 868 CE as Muhammad ibn Hasan ibn Ali. His mother, Narjis (Melika), was a Byzantine princess who pretended to be a slave so that she might travel from her kingdom to Arabia. [1] His father, Hasan al-Askari, is believed to have been the eleventh and penultimate Shi'a Imam. Shi'as believe that his birth was kept a secret due to the persecution that the Shi'a were facing during this time at the hands of Al-Mu'tamid, the Abbasid Caliph. [2][3] see its just justefi my story and read it well and u seen his son his father was hassan al askari u see it trought the lines Oh the amusement, I can't stop laughing! He's saying, that he's not shiicah but read all his references and where they come from and what they say, I've highlighted it for you so that you know and be warned that the guy is beyond doubt a shiici! Lol, 'I'm not shiicah' but gives us references full of shiicah fairytales and tells us it's the absolute truth! The embarrassment and the laughs, I cannot imagine! It's for the gallery to see how contradictitive our shiicah friend has been throught out! I say you can never engage a shiicah in a debate because they use dissimulation to hide their true beliefs (it's the best act/deed to worship their 'god')! They will turn and shift but eventually the truth will come out from their own mouths just like our shiicah discipile saylici did in the quotations I mentioned above, it's for everyone to see! My friend you have proven to the gallery that you're undoubtedly shiicah and no taqqiyyah (dissimulation) will save you from the true belief of yours! You have been found out to be a charlatan! Your cousin told you the truth about Hassan Al-Askari and on that matter aready and you numeriously times said that Sunnis believe that Hassan Al-Askari died childless, which is also a Historical fact (I know you don't like historical facts)! But all you can do is come up with shiicah references and talk like a shiicah! If sunnis believe that Hassan was childless, then why are you saying that he had a child named Muhammed, the 'hidden' Imaam if you were sunni? Aren't you a shiicah in disguise? I will tell you one more time Hassan Al-Askari was childless and that there was no 'hidden' Imaan as you said, that's shiicah doctrine and fairy-tale you obviously are fond of but no sunni believes that! Regarding me and my clan, It is a well-known fact that I'm the only recorded somali clan, that can trace their lineage back, as for you, you have been proven to be a charlatan thus you have to claim a lineage that does not exist and ended long time ago! Desperation had lead you to embrace shiicah fairy-tales and thus when proven to be fake, your outcry and big noise! Unlike you, I don't have to shop for a new lineage every few years as I know my history well and where I'm from, in short I'm established, whilst you're the only Somali people that have numerious origins! Everytime you tell us something new and a new father you supposedly descended from. My advice would be atleast stick to one! Now, argue with that!
  2. The brother is misguided may Allaah guide him to the right path! Amiin. He is a victim of his own upbringing and western education! They brainwashed him to believe that religion is somehow backward and not worthy or compatible with modern life! Sharia today in Somalia is a reality, it is enforced and it had been for centuries so no separtion of religion and state affairs there for you! We are a religious people and our culture is based on Islaam and we don't believe that our beliefs are somehow backward or outdated! In fact if one utters such words they have indeed committed a grave error which can result in one renouncing his deen, if he wasn't lead by ignorance that is!
  3. Mystic, mystic haven't I told you that you lost your moral compass in another post of mine? Now tell me which is the greater evil, will you? Communism (atheism) or Western Liberal based Democracy? Which one would you support of the two? I told you that communism equals atheism but you say 'so', but isn't a country that is based on christian principles such as the US and who believe in god not better than a communist and godless state like China? I don't recognise Turkistan as China, as you put it 20 million Muslims live inside China but I'm going to tell you that their region is occupied and is called Turkistan and I know alot about their plight it's like that of Tibet if not worse! I can also tell you that one saxaabi who is one of the ten that have been promised paradise whilst still living on this planet is buried in China, Yes Sacad bin Abi-Waqqaas is buried there but that doesn't make China any holier! They are marginalised and they are occupied just like Tibet forcefully annexed by the Chinese, so why say 'God, bless' to a nation of around 1 billion Chinese people who don't believe in god? Sister communism is a greater evil than Western based democracies because whilst in China mosques are burned in Turkistan in the US muslims are free to worship their god and congregate in mosques, if only that same virtue could be extended to the muslims in Turkistan where the Chinese set up bars unders mosques (make shift mosques in two storey buildings whereby the upper part is used as a mosque and the lower one as a disco/bar with loud music)! Even the muslims at the time of the prophet peace be upon him celebrated the defeat of the fireworshipping persians and the victory of the Romans, the muslism celebrated in the streets and the Quraan spoke about glad tidings in Suuratu Ar-Ruum! So don't lose your moral compass and don't compare the two as the west still has got some values based on christanity whilst the chinese are godless people! Marxism or Democracy, which one would you take mystic? Tell me now? So that I can check if you have refound your moral compass! I shall await your answer!
  4. Northener calm down, no one did send or condemned anyone to hell-fire! Condemning groups or sects can be done but I will never ever condemn individuals to hell because only Allaah can do that and I'm not god nor do I have any power to condemn anyone to that destination, it would be certainly very arrogant of me and I would certainly attract the wrath of Allaah on my poor soul! Islaam gives us criterions in which we can distinguish falsehood from truth and the Ulamaa of this religion have said that Jamaacatu Tabliigh as a group/sect will go to hell-fire because they follow innovations that aren't from the religion or sunnah! So, can we assume that worshipping other gods than Allaah, making shirk, denying aspects of this religion, lying, distortion, unapprioriate hate, killing, fornicating and drinking Alcohol are indeed actions that lead one close or to hell-fire? Yes, we can! Can we also assume that ordering the good and forbidding the bad, performing the rituals of Hajj accordingly to the sunnah, making sadaqah, paying zakaat and going to Jihaad are indeed deeds that one lead to Al-Jannah or Paradise or atleast bring one closer to Allaah the exalted? Yes, we can assume that! We know what deeds/camal lead one to hell and one to paradise and we can also condemn groups beliefs to hell-fire as our prophet peace be upon him already said Islaam will split into 73 sects and only one will be saved all others will go to hell and the Ulamaa have clarified that Jaamicatu Tabliigh is one of those sects/groups that will go to hell! But remember no one named anybody nor did we condemn individuals because Allaah can give them hidaayah anytime and the gates of repentence are open for everyone to repent, I will not even condemn a kaafir into hell! But a group such as the tabliigh are truely misguided and they're one of those sects that will go to hell but I don't know the fate of their followers because I cannot figure out with my basic knowledge what and how they will end up maybe they will make tawbah and return to the right path, who knows? But anyhow Jaamicatu tabliigh is a dangerous group and the young especially are vulnerable they should stay away from them at all cost! Today they're so many misguided groups and sects out there that one has to be very careful who he listens to or gets his teachings from! Brothers and sisters safeguard your deen by learning it properly in that way you cannot be 'tricked' into joining misguided groups such as the Jaamicatu Tabliigh or Hizb-ut-Tahriir! Get one think in your heads, group actions and beliefs can be condemned and they can be said to enter hell-fire, as we know the Quraan states that Jews and Christians will go to hell unless ofcourse they repent to Allaah! So will followers of Judaism and Christianity go to hell? Yes or no? Will groups that innovate or deny certain aspects go to hell? Yes or no? Why did the prophet peace be upon him said that there will be so many sects and all but one will go to hell? Did the prophet said that? Yes or no? Ofcourse he did! What are the criterions? They will fabricate certain things on this deen and they will deny certain things which will take them out of the fold of Al-Islaam hence those groups going to Hell! Remember I didn't condemn nor name any person but a group, there is a difference you know! If I generalise and say 'Jews or Chrisitans will go to hell without naming anyone' am I entitled to do that! Yes, I'm because they don't believe in Allaah and the last prophet peace be upon him! But can I say 'Mr. Jacob Levy is a Jew and will go to hell'? No, because imagine Mr. Jacob Levy becoming and converting to Islaam, Can you 100% say if he will not revert back to Islaam and repent to Allaah? No is the answer, Allaah has got the guidance and Hidaayah and he gives it to whomever he wants! May Allaah the exalted guide us to the right path and prevent us from the false and wrong beliefs that are so widespread nowadays and forgive all our sins inshallah! Amiin.
  5. Femme Fatale, I watched the 30 days as a Muslim link and I was truely horrified throughout it! I was shocked when they took the guy down to the Karbala center to get some 'insights' into/about Islaam! What I think the family he was staying with were Sunni Pakistani Muslims but I'm not sure but when he finally overcame his fear of praying in the last Juma, day 28, I could see that he was in fact in a Shia mosque! They were all holding this little metal sticks that look like needles but that are a bit larger, they actually used them for prostration/sujood because they can't put down their foreheads on the ground because Ali's blood was spilled on it, that really shocked me! Was it a coincidence that they took him into some kind of Shia thing? Wallahi is truely sad, a man who was learning about Islaam but was taken to a religion that isn't even Islaam! Subhanallaah, we ask Allaah for guidance! I believe they actually did that delibrately but who knows for sure, but why Shiasim, since when did it became Islaam? Crazy, really crazy! I'm speechless and shocked to say the least!
  6. Patience is a virtue sister! May Allaah the exalted bestow it on all of us inshallah! Amiin. True patience comes only from religious knowledge and fear of Allaah, which I sadly both lack in, thus you can often see me losing my patience! And no anger-management seminars can help me unless I return to Allaah and fear him from the deep of my heart, for a day nobody will be save except for the one Allaah has willed to be safe! We ask Allaah that he shall not humiliate us on that day inshallah and that he grants us paradise as we live between hope and fear! Sister I'm going to summarise for you what I've written. But before that about my writing it is mostly raw, uncut and I wrote what is in my head without any process involved! I just type and voila all fits in together miraculously! I type as it comes to my head and read through it to check that it actually makes sense! I only check for grammatical errors and that the sentences make sense apart from that it's raw, real and true as it comes from my mind directly! I began first with describing what we really shoud be grateful about, then I proceded with describing materialsm and that we can not attain all the things we want in life as human beings are naturally greedy, then afterwards I criticise certain nomads saying that the things they posted is a sign of their unhappiness or another form of escapism! Then I talk about luxury items, status symbols and technology, I reaffirm my believe that technology has led us to become more lazy or lazier, although I also say that I'm not against technology in any kind or form! Then afterwards I precede in talking a bit about the virtual reality lives we live and why we don't share our times with our friends and families instead of total strangers we don't know! Why we seek happiness from a virtual community although we can get larger and greater satisfication from real life and showing and sharing our emotions with our friens, families and work collegues! I say that technology has brought about real hardship rather than bringing happiness! I then talk about the developing world and that we're really the lucky ones and that we should be grateful for the things we got instead of pursuing bigger houses, cars and shoes! Then I make a comparison between the children of the developing world and developed world! Saying that generally speaking children from the developing world are much more stronger in character and never lack emotional and social intelligence! Afterwards I talk about how young Somalis in the west are denigrated, abused and patronised as they're told they lack behind their white counterparts as they're black in skin colour and 'Muslim trash' and how it effects them psychologically believing it and therefore thinking that western culture, I call it 'trash' is much better than their own! After that I talk about my family members and how proud some of them are like my young cousin who is only 10 and a shepherd! I also mention a fight my other cousin had when he was 17 with an ethiopian tigrey officer and how he fought brave and courageously against him resulting into him being able to show his face around the town and getting the respect of the officer and many more in the city! Then I talk about how we live in the comfort of our four walls and behind our close curtains, laughing our lungs out on something irrelavant and how we live truely boring lives! You go out come back and are confined in this four walls that are fortified and occasionly you break through geographical and time barries through surving online! I talk about how children think meat is made in chocolate factories and produced alongside their favourite chocolate bars, as they have never seen an animal slaughtered showing their true ignorance and how Somali children are taken to farms to 'show' them were their meat is really coming from and to cry and found out it is the sheeps, goats and cows that they eat i.e. they consume their frieds told so by televion! I go on telling a story how I look every night out of my window to 'see' the moon and beautiful stars up in the sky and how I get disturbed by the beauty to behold by the ringing of my mobile phone (perceived not real)! Whilst others are watching TV or serving the net I watch the skies and wonder about the creation! I then reiterate that everything we should be grateful what we have been given as we're the most beautiful of all creations not even the mean, sun or sky can manage our beauty! But that as the best creation we have to live our lives accordingly otherwise we will be lower than a dead fly! Then I talk about the prophet Noah calayhi salaam and how grateful he was to Allaah and that we should follow his path! After that I talk about world suffering and that we shall not lose sight of what real is important and that we should not demean the word 'grateful' or to be grateful! I say that we should focus on what we should really be grateful about and that all other things that are material are only trivial compared to the realy blessing we got and should be grateful about! I mention that it is Siyaada something we get on top of what we really need and that we should appreciate this siyaada but after first being grateful of the true things that we can't do without! I left many things out but inshallah that shall give you an insight in what I wrote inshallah!
  7. What does it mean 'god bless them' are you blessing an atheist nation or what, if it came to the US or China I undoubtedly would support the US because they atleast believe in God! You made me really laugh out loud, ignorance is really bliss. 'China is a huge country and their people are hard working, God Bless them.' What 'God bless them', Yeah my foot! Certainly I learned alot about you first it was Chavez now the godless chinese, now tell me are you in favour of 'communism'? Wallahi in the cold war era the dark forces of communism have been defeated and I'm glad as atleast the closer western democracies have defeated them as they atleast believe in some kind of god although their belief in god has been corrupted with the belief in three gods, nonetheless they're million times better than the advocators of communism! Atleast follow western democray sister rather communism as only atheists believe in communism and the evil doctrine of Karl Marx! Or as a muslim you should forsake both and join your brothers and sisters and advocate for the return of true Islaam using the quraan and sunnah of the last propeht peace be upon him as its base and with no innovations! Communism equals atheism just ask your uncle Abdiqaasim Salad Hassan he might tell you one or two things about communism! Down with communism and communists, I say!
  8. Xulaxu you know that I’m a fan! You have got flavour and style which I like, in short you‘re cool. That’s why I’m going to award you the first official MKA Coolness prize! You will be also added to my coolest list, a prestigious and exclusive list of the crème de la crème in here! But however let me go back to the topic! It is true as you said that there is no ‘cap’ in the things one can feel gratitude for and that material things can also be a blessing, I conclude sister! You are hundred percent right! They also enrich our daily lives as you put it! But do you think that it is a coincidence, that people were posting rather trivial things as it shows the state of their conscious and the fears in themselves and anxieties they have, because of the things they posted it true tells a lot about them! They posted items were over 90% what we would term or deem as ‘luxury items’ or status symbols! But people at times of reality of life will soon realise that the items they have chosen are in fact ‘useless’ and without real worth! Remember that the term ‘grateful’ it is a big word in itself! Gratitude means a lot and most of the things posted don’t fall in the category of gratefulness, they could be said to be things we appreciate or things that ‘assist’ us or in other words help make our daily lives a bit easier (which resulted in people getting lazier) but what should we really be grateful is the question? Well let me say, that material ‘things’ and the person who chases worldly goods has never felt true happiness about the material things they own, it is proven that materialism does not make one happy! It is like you trying to ’collect’ all the waters in the deep oceans with a spoon basically speaking it will not bring you happiness because there is never a limit of what we get, it is human nature to be not satisfied and go further and further until we‘re ruined! We all are greedy and we all want what our friends, neighbours and work colleagues have and because the world is revolving and new technological breakthroughs are achieved it seems to me every day so there is no shortage of ‘upgrading‘ or buying of new gadgets or other material things as we have to keep up with the rest! And the cycle goes on, until one dies, miserably knowing that all the material goods he was chasing did in fact not make him happy or richer spiritual wise! Would you give up all the things you experience with your family and friends such as emotions like smiles, laughs and tears i.e. the sweetness and reality of life for something else? No, is the answer of course you wouldn’t! So why are we ’hanging’ around a virtual world whilst we could live real lives is the question? Why don’t we go out and instead of sitting in front of a computer meet with our friends and do something worthwhile? It seems that everyone of us spends his time increasingly online, which is another way of ’escapism’ instead of living true and meaningful lives like experiencing the above mentioned emotions with our dear ones, we sit and look increasingly to the technological advances to make us happy, maybe it is the virtual reality life or the feeling and fascination of breaking down the geographical and timely barriers that separates us, but who knows? I believe that technological advancements have brought nothing but further hardship to human-beings, I’m not someone that has a phobia for technology in the contrary I use technology quite a lot but I’ve to acknowledge that we all ‘lost’ somehow with the technological and information era we’re finding us in right now! We should be grateful for other things that are bestowed of us as we’re the envy of the majority of the world! Nearly 4.5 billion of people in this world live in utter poverty, misery and hardship, that is what we should focusing one! We are the lucky 10% of this world, who has a daily intake of three meals and drinking water in abundance! Billions of people go without having in kind of cleaning opportunists as they don’t have any clean water and we are focusing and feeling gratitude for a pair of sandals or football boots (nothing personal about that)! We are the human dignity, sympathy, consideration and consciousness, may I ask? It doesn’t obviously exist. It is True but sad. It is a well known fact that children that grew up in luxury or with large amount of material goods around them are generally speaking less productive, considerate and kind than someone for example who has lived in utter poverty! Poor children in the developing world are in fact more happy, considerate, energetic and harder working than their other peers who had any kind of material goods they could wish for in this world! The poor children are usually also more ‘intelligent’ than the children that are growing up in the west! Even if they are intellect wise inept or academically speaking lack behind, a poor child in the developing world never ever is without emotional intelligence because in those countries only the strong can survive and not the pampered children of the west, who have are being fed with a ‘golden spoon’ and couldn’t survive with the help of their parents! I will give you an example can you compare the Somali youngster who has growing up in the west and was daily told that they’re nothing compared to their white and Christian-counterparts because of their skin colour and because they’re Muslim ‘trash’ with the strong minded and independent children of back home! Our young ‘fish and chips’ generation is daily denigrated, abused and patronised, which is resulting in youngsters thinking that western ‘culture’ (I call it trash) is somehow better than theirs as the white man or Christians have invented the internet, automobile, wash machine and so many other things, which makes everyone think that this people have a special knowledge (I’m not disputing that through efforts, which Muslims stopped doing, that Christians are leading the technological advancement today because of their copying of Muslims and because they use experimentation and observation methods to gather new information and invent knew things) and hence to be ‘followed‘! That usually results in one negating his belief and culture for the sake of integration and assimilation to western culture, which is not only wrong but the way in which one will lose the true respect because westerners only respect those who are true to their beliefs, traditions and cultures and if one leaves that behind to assimilate then the westerners will make him subject of patronising ridicule and laughs! That’s why I urge everyone to stay true to his belief and culture and always be proud of where they are hailing from or originate because that is the only way not to get ridiculed by the west and its people we’re current findings us amongst! Now compare this poor and belittled ‘fish and chips’ kids of Somali origin to my proud ten year old cousin, who is a goat herder (shepherd) and is in charge of 400 goats and takes them grazing to far out lands, avoiding mines through out his walk with the sheep only helped by a four year old cousin of his only to return when it is pitch-dark (black) whilst looking at the bare sky decorated with millions of beautiful stars unseen somewhere else in the entire western world with it’s beautifully glowing moon, or in contrast my younger cousin, who is 19 years of age and who looks after 70 camels sometimes only helped by one of the paid camel carers who is strong as a baton wall (maashallaah) as he has to lift and pour out water from really deep wells in order to lower the camels dilemma of having dry and thirsty lungs! Imagine how he is lifting some 400 litres of water daily out of the wells in order to keep the camels alive and healthy! Can you compare him with the ‘fish and chips’ generation of today? No, is the answer! When I shook his hand, I nearly fainted away because of the strongness of his grip, I felt like a child that is being greeted by a very strong, athletic and powerful soldier who is in his prime age of maturity and strongness! It was really painful, the handshake that is, it felt like he was squeezing my hand out like some kind of dead oranges and that I was about to ‘lose’ my hand and it actually getting into a liquid stage! He is also very strong minded and independent and overall proud of himself (maashallaah)! One day, whilst he was far away from the family and he was send to schooling in some town in the occupied kilinka shanaad or Region five of Ethiopia, with no relatives and someone to really look after him as he was staying with some distant relatives that he only shared sub-clan with, he was severely beaten up by not a only a much stronger and older soldier but in fact by an officer who on top of that was a tigrey (ruling ethnicity in Ethiopia) whilst walking down the city centre! My cousin who knew that he was up against a much older officer of him who also happened to be tigrey never took ridicule as he was a courageous, independent and proud young Somali men of the age of 17 then, whilst the officer was in his late thirties or early forties but my cousin him being a ‘child’ (western classification) fought bravely, although he lost the fist fight! In his anger he returned back home, which was conveniently close to the market and put all over his body the oil our sister Xalimopatra was advertising in this same thread! From his head to his toe, then he went out and returned for the tigreyan officer, when they saw him, the tigreyan guys friend started immediately laughing and cheering as they were bemused by my cousins quick return to the ‘battlefield’, although have been beating up and lost the fist fight earlier, luckily the tigreyan officer was still there and my cousin requested a a re-fight where he could redeem himself and his pride and immediately his demand was accepted as the tigreyan officer himself signalled that he was also ready for a fight! Then the fight commenced and my cousin who was only 17 back then knew that he was very strong and that he could take on the older much more experienced guy but he lost out earlier because the tigreyan guy was grabbing him by his clothes, hair and body etc and my cousin was only interested in a fist fight so he devised this ingenious idea of putting some oil all over his body parts and when the fight was about to start my cousin to all people’s surprise took of his shirt and the fight begun this time the Ethiopian having nothing to grab on and every time he tried to grab him, his hands would allow it to his frustration, that resulted in the people starting to laugh about the officers embarrassment and ‘booing’, my cousin really beat him down and took his sweet revenge, which resulted in him being separated from the Ethiopian knowing that he could show his face around again with pride at the market without being ridiculed! Luckily to say my cousin wasn’t arrested because of the same officer that was beaten up by my cousin, although him losing the fight he wanted to shake hands with my cousin and ‘congratulate’ him for being such a courageous, brave and young man! Everyone shook his hand and he even later became friends with the same officer that he had a fight with often shaking hands and greeting him when they met in the town and standing/sitting with each other for a few minutes! This shows you what true nomad culture is! Through his pride, courage and bravery my cousin has earned the respect of all, which he would never if he had accepted defeat and become a coward! I say maashallaah and kudos to him as he can’t be compared to the ’fish and chips’ generation of today who have been told and taught to hate/dislike their own nomad culture and love western ’trash’ culture! Xulaxu sister have you ever seen the moon or the stars? I doubt it as the majority of us is to ’busy’ watching television or surfing the internet! I bet there are many people who haven’t seen or looked up to the sky for years because they’re locked up in their living rooms laughing out their lungs on some trivial thing and enjoying the security of their four walls behind closed curtains, what a sad and truly disturbing lifestyle! It’s a disgrace if people haven’t seen the moon or stars for days/months or even years! Some children when asked where their meat comes from they answered that it came ’from the same factory that produces their favourite chocolate bars’ I.e. they didn’t know that animals are slaughter they were totally ignorant about the reality of life can this children be compared to the true, young, intelligent and beautiful nomads of our country back home? Children that think that ’meat’ is produced and that were shocked that the same animals they daily see on TV are used to make that meat! I’ve heard of Somali children here in England taken to farms and taught about the different animals and where their meat comes from, can those western educated Somali children be compared to my 10 year old cousin shepherd who looks after 400 sheep on his own with a little girl of 4/5 years of age? Hell, No I say, they cannot be compared in any way, form or shape! Now Xulaxu, I look out every night from my window to look at the skies and watch behold the beauty of the moon and stars, then I wonder about the magnificence of its creation and the power and creator that created it! I’m bewildered I don’t know how to take it and take a deep look with amazement and say ‘Truly, I shall believe in the creator of this beautiful and magnificent things up there in the sky’, somehow I’m totally feeling gratefulness and then I hear the ringing of my mobile/cell phone (perceived as I’m still in the zinc age and do not have a mobile phone), which wakes me out of my trance only to be shocked of the sight of my arm and hands! How beautiful are those arms and hands I’m thinking right now to myself, I really never ‘noticed’ them, then I touch my face nose first, then followed by my lips, eyes , mouths and ears and I’m further dazzled! Then I go on touching my hair and can’t think of anything more grand and beautiful, surely I shall be grateful for all those things given to me as a gift from Allaah! Then suddenly I can feel my four senses: the ability to listen and hear, taste, smell and touch and I’m nearly freaking out, what is this I’m asking myself standing in front of the window, tears pouring out of my eyes onto my face and subsequently wetting the carpet! What is this I call out and then I suddenly remember that Allaah gave me all those things and that I should be grateful to him! I also remember to the ayah in suuratu At-tiin in which Allaah the glorified says: English translation of first Ayah Number four suuratu Tin: لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ English Translation: We have indeed created man in the best of moulds, Ayah five says: ثُمَّ رَدَدْنَاهُ أَسْفَلَ سَافِلِينَ English translation of the above mentioned Ayah: Then do we abase him (to be) the lowest of the low,- Allaah’s has indeed created the humans the best as they’re the best of the creation! To be human is the greatest and biggest honour and esteem a created living can be bestowed upon, we are unique in that department we even surpass the moon and the mountains for excellence and beauty, but that is only with Islam, imaan, taqwa, ixsan and being grateful to Allaah what he has given to mankind I.e. the honour of being the best creation and being Muslim as well! That’s why every Muslim should be grateful servant like prophet Noah was who lived 1000 years short of fifty (the quran makes us think and encourages us to use our brains i.e. the prophet 950 years) when Allaah said in suuratu Al-Israa verse number three: ذُرِّيَّةَ مَنْ حَمَلْنَا مَعَ نُوحٍ إِنَّهُ كَانَ عَبْدًا شَكُورًا English translation: O ye that are sprung from those whom We carried (in the Ark) with Noah! Verily he was a devotee most grateful. Allaah Akbar every one of us should try to be as grateful as the prophet Noah as he was verily a devotee and most grateful! We can not come close but surely we need to strife in order to become a grateful servant to Allaah! So brothers and sisters as we have learned the essence of real life and what it entails please let us not take the word grateful our in vain by degrading its true meaning by posting trivial things, Yes those things are helpful and they help us make our daily lives more easy as they are a great assistance but they’re things we can do without I.e. they are things we appreciate but certainly they’re not something that we can’t do without with, they’re merely siyaada or in Somali siyaado! How can we glorify trivial unimportant and material items when we know that 2/3 of the worlds population is without sanitation, water, access to cleaning, adequate health care, medicines, electricity and when we are having this things in abundance where’s your consciousness people! Besides that how many people survive in the world without legs, hands, eyesight, ability to hear/listen, lips, teeth, hair and so many other things. How many people don’t have peace and a secure livelihood that have to fend for like the pigeons and birds and look for anything they could put in their mouth? How many are diseased? How many are homeless? How many have to work as three year olds until they’re grey making less then 2 cents every day/month or even a year! How many people have a gross annual salary of $1? Imagine how you lucky and I are! How many don’t have any opportunity for education? How many would like to study but can’t afford their tuition? How many walk 70 km’s everyday to fetch water? How many have to go in the wilderness to collect trees to burn? When we only have to switch on the switch light and it turns on immediately and electricity is always one and we’re hungry we just put the gas on the cooker and cook us a delicious meal? Shouldn’t we be grateful? Besides that how many die without any enlightment and without AL-Islaam and the love of Allaah in their hearts and are put into a grave for uncertain what will become of them? Don’t you see that you forget the most crucial things by listening your sandals and football boots? To be grateful is truly a sign of to be knowledgeable and to be intelligent because we all know that this didn’t come from us own nor did we made this and that we could lose it anytime if Allaah the exalted wishes so! Brothers and sister’s let’s be truly grateful to our creator for the many gifts that he gave us and let’s work best in how to utilise them in order to use them most effectively and remember let’s not trivialise the meaning of to be truly grateful by mocking it! I hope you get the essence of my post inshallah!
  9. Here's also a audio, whereby the protesters explain why they're disatisfied with the BBC somali service and what their protest is about, enjoy aswell as it's the beginning of the end for Yusuf Garaad Cumar Aweys and his countless fabrications and distortion of facts! No more propoganda and the incitement of hate and hostilities between the somalis by the BBC in the name of the sovereigns government and with the help of British taxpayer money! This is inshallah a new dawn and era for Somalia and our people!
  10. A demonstration in which over 500 Somalis came and congregated in front of the BBC Somali headquarters in Bush house took place today earlier! Here is a small statement forwarded to the head of the BBC World Service! Large documents and letters of complaints have already been pasted, when the protesters met with one of the heads/representatives of the BBC World Service! Small statement that was forwarded to the deputy producer of the BBC Somali language service Yoonis Cali Nuur said: BBC World Service claims to be founded on the following principles: Trust, independence, impartiality, honesty and freedom from commercialinterests and political bias. The Somali Service of the BBC functions on the basis of partiality in the political conflict in Somalia, dishonesty in its dissemination of news from Somalia and to be the mouthpiece of warlords. The BBC Somali Service fuels the conflict in Somalia and contributes to the subversion of peace and stability in Somalia. Furthermore it promotes schism and discord among the Somali speaking people. I would have posted the pictures in here but the format of the pictures i.e their HTML tags are not permitted on this site so here's the link of the Photos! Enjoy, I say and nice viewing inshallah!
  11. Originally by saylaci: afrcouse imam muhammad al madhi excisted every body knows that imam yaxya was hi son and his mosqe u can find in iraq muhammad al mahdi his father was xassan al caskari and u know that 2 Sunnis belive he was childless but he had muhammad al mahdi where is your therori one thing is muhammad al mahdi is just not the mahdi thats the holl diffrence Another hillarious post by saylaci: 'sunni scolars say they thought imam muhammad al mahdi was not the mahdi that will come back Only shiates belive he is the mahdi some shiates even belive that he was not becous muhammad said. he will go throught the line of imam hassan. We belive just like they said he was hidden he grew up and moved 2 iran of the shaam area Even shiates tell that for instance... Are you not Sunni? Can't you see the controdiction? You have been proven beyond doubt that you're a charlatan and you have also shown that you're a shiite in fact a Alawi! A shiite sect that doesn't want to be called shia, who belief in some kind of 'trinity' doctrine similiar to christianity in which Ali is seen as somekind of 'god'! They share alot of similiarities with the ismaili sect! They also like our friend seylaci like to trace their fantasy ancestory/lineage back to Hassan Al-Askari a god-fearing and childless man! Now this is getting beyond ridicule actually! But let me tell him once again that he's mistaken and not from the Ahlu beyt (another shock) and that Hassan Al-Askari was in fact childless and that there was no hidden child or Imaan as he likes to think and reaffirm, but no! Come clean my friend as you have been found out! Don't lie to the gallery anymore as it is quite visible for everyone that you controdicted yourself already so many times!
  12. Another form of bidcah! That's why I already warned against the ignorant Jamaacatu Tabliigh, who focus on wandering places rather than getting real knowledge. Most of them can't even read the Quraan properly! They're very ignorant people and every muslim should stay away from them just like they stayed away from the Hizb-ut-Tahriir group! They're one of those sects that will go to hellfire as they're all deniers of the punishment of the grave! If you see one of them don't talk with them, they will urge you to come out with them in order to do some 'dacwah' and tabliigh but don't go with them, as they're very ignorant and on top of that innovaters! Those innovations if followed can really bring you in some trouble, so be warned and stay away from all those groups!
  13. Soomaal to use a cliche, which I'm not very fond of but let me tell you 'That every nation only get's the leaders it deserves'! Illaahay ummad ma fitnaayo illaa iyagu is fitneeyaan, brother we deserve this! Our leaders are our leaders and with all their faults, all we can do is only to make a sincere dua' and hope for the best as there is no other choice! I would guess you are tired of all the trivial arguments so let's move on where we are standing right now and let's get behind our leaders for once and remember a bad government is always better than no government, so there's your response for you! The realty on the ground is that this leaders are our leaders and that they have a certain power and with no support base this guys wouldn't be in power! Everyone of this men have devout 'followers', who follow them for every reason they follow them whether it is tribal or not but to be honest I'm not really interested anymore, all I want is a government and one authority that reigns over the Somalis and our beautiful country of Somalia! Now what you can do is deny the progress that has been made and the establishment of the TFG by all the stake holders in Somalia, as you would self acknowledge TFG is not only legitimiate and recognised entity but also a all inclusive and most viable solution we right got to our statelessness! There is no alternative and every intelligent person has to get behind this government and support it that is if they're not insane and true Somali patriots! This is not a time of choices and ideal leaders but the survival of our people and nation! Think of it Soomaal, think of it, I say! There is no room for oppostion unless ofcourse they transgress against the book of Allaah and order us to committ sins but you know it already that it won't happen! Somalis will not except if for example they're told to 'Drink and consume Alcohol', No we will not do it and you know it won't happen! Support the governance, return of normality and order in our country as it is a new reawaking and dawn for our beautiful people and country! Soo maal you as a Soomali patriot should acknowledge all those facts if not then, you simply become a young man who doesn't have an different alternative that could bring about change, giving the geo-political situation of our region! Remember also that politics is a dirty game even the folks that we support and think they're godfearing and religious engage in things that would disgust you! Power is not to be desired, so please people let's stop being naive and let's open our eyes and see the reality! Soo maal bring a alternative if you don't have one then please don't call upon the Somali people to oppose their only hope, then to only be disappointed yet again! I know Soo maal you're better than that, eventually you will come to your senses atleast I would hope so for you anyway!
  14. Duke let them be as they were fulfilling their 'pilgrimage' to the Haram in Makkah and doing their Hajj, one of the five pillars of Islaam, it just happened as a coincidence that they have declared Jihaad and were heads of the ICU's military wing! You see the children were quite efficient enough themselves to fight in the 'Jihaad' and fight off the enemy with no real leadership! Remember the guys that were interviewed by Reuters or the Associated Press I believe who set that the reason for their sudden and quick defeat was that they had no real leadership and that the men who lead them to war had no real miliatary experience or expertise nor did they allow them to dig in and defend as they were told 'Don't you want to become a martyr and go to Al-Jannah and die in the 'Jihaad'! Wallaahi that made me really angry and amused aswell, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! This are not religious men, they are profiteers and trouble makers and they shall dealt with accordingly inshallah! Now we hear they reorganising themselves in the kingdom and eritrea, what do this people want? More bloodshed and civil strife? Are they against the peace of Somalia? Are they opposing the Somali people! True cowards, I say, Shame on you! Shame on you all!
  15. ^Duke it's really amusing, his other cousin told the gallery already that Hassan Al-Askari was childless and here come's Saylici saying 'no, no he had a son, that was 'hidden' called Muhammed, but here come's the punch line, he's saying that 'sunnis' do believe that Hassan Al-Askari was childless but that in fact he had a son, the hidden Imaam called Imaam Muhammed! Now he resorts to Taqiyah dissimulation by saying he was Qadariyya! This is the most funny thing I've ever read, I must say. But it's usual when shiit's are put on the spotlight by Sunnis they resort to Al-Taqqiyah which is hiding your true feelings and believe, it's the greatest thing you could worship 'god' with as they claim 'god' loves nothing more then the one 'Who lies and hides his believes from the evil sunnis'! Laughable indeed, but he has been found out! Never trust shiit's they will never tell the truth, as dissimulation (telling lies about your beliefs) is the greatest act one can engage in worshipping 'god'! So let him be!
  16. Global warming is a myth and scientifically flaud! In fact we're heading towards another snow age inshallah and as the icebergs of the Northpole start slowly continuing/moving southwards, places in the southern hamsphere's will become much colder basically it will be a reversal of climates between nothern and southern hamsphere! As the icebergs continue southwards and they eventually coming towards the arabian peninsula, it will reform the dry and riverless arabia into one of the most greenest and wettest place in the whole world! Yes can you imagine arabian desert and peninsula becoming one of the greenest and wettest place on earth? I guess you have to because it's a scientific fact that cannot be disputed nor refuted by anyone! However, I totally agree wasting energy of anykind and the water we got in abundance is not good and we as muslims should know that! Whether it is food or anykind tasriif is not good and the quran even tells us to not engage in extrvagancy of any kind! Allaah the exalted says in his exalted book in suurah Al-Ancaam in aayah 141 the following: وَهُوَ الَّذِي أَنشَأَ جَنَّاتٍ مَّعْرُوشَاتٍ وَغَيْرَ مَعْرُوشَاتٍ وَالنَّخْلَ وَالزَّرْعَ مُخْتَلِفًا أُكُلُهُ وَالزَّيْتُونَ وَالرُّمَّانَ مُتَشَابِهًا وَغَيْرَ مُتَشَابِهٍ كُلُواْ مِن ثَمَرِهِ إِذَا أَثْمَرَ وَآتُواْ حَقَّهُ يَوْمَ حَصَادِهِ وَلاَ تُسْرِفُواْ إِنَّهُ لاَ يُحِبُّ الْمُسْرِفِينَ Translation: "It is He Who produceth gardens, with trellises and without, and dates, and tilth with produce of all kinds, and olives and pomegranates, similar (in kind) and different (in variety): eat of their fruit in their season, but render the dues that are proper on the day that the harvest is gathered. But waste not by excess: for Allah loveth not the wasters." So, Laa tusrifu innaahu laa yuxibbu Al-Musrifiin! But waste not by excess, for Allaah loveth not the wasters! We can see from that aayah that muslims shall not waste anykind of commodity! Being wasteful by leaving the lights on in a unused room or leaving the tab water run whilst brushing your teeth is not only a sign of lunacy but also a sign of lack of consideration of the many who go without water for days and some who have to walk for water hours to get a handful! This is also a sign of mockery because you show how undisturbed you're by the stream and waste of gallons and gallons of purified water without the feel of any guilt, maybe your conscious doesn't register with you at that time but know that water shortages is effecting over 60% of the world's population! There is no real sanitation and wars are fought over Yes water and the sources of those waters i.e. lakes and rivers and millions die over such water-disputes! Our own culture is a prime example where nomads such as camel herders used to fight over who is going to relief his camels of thirst by first taken out the contents of the 'shared' wells! Many died during the centuries old rivalries and many are still dying over 'yes, water' and on who has the right to provide for his camels first! My own cousin provides himself access to drinking water for him, the family and most importantly the camels through a kalashnikov! So we should be 'thankful' for the opportunity to have water in abundance and whenever we need it and we don't have to go to war or fight for simply accessing water! Every human-being should have the right to clean water and sanitation without any intimidation!
  17. ^I see you already using the shia doctrine of Al-Taqqiyyah (dissimulation) where one hides his true beliefs, actually in shia doctrine that is the most rewardable deed you could ever do as their 'god' is pleased more than anything else with that action! You know they have to 'hide' themselves from the 'evil' Sunnis and protect their 'belief' somehow! Save us your ignorance, as you have been proven many times beyond doubt that you're a charlatan, whose claims are not only fake but also ludicrious aswell! Oh and by the way let me reiterate it to you, you're not Ahlul beyt (what a shock) and you never were so stop the pretense and fantasy! Also you say Hassan Al-Askari had a child, in which you're again mistaken my young shia' disciple! So spare us from the trash that you're spewing around here and come clean my shia disciple!
  18. This people are threating and harming the local population even more and they will be summoned one day and questioned by Allaah the exalted about their actions whereby they put at risk young toddlers, defenseless women and immobile elderly folks and why they fought over those innocent, weak and defenceless people! They actually are doing more harm with those mortars then what they are trying to achieve, if you can't do Jihaad accordingly to the Quraan and the sunnah of the last prophet peace be upon him and you don't have the means for a proper resistance then you ought not to harm the innocent by fighting over them and taking them as somekind of shield and cover! Shame on you but your actions will be recorded and you will be answerable to Allaah one day, that is if you don't make any repentence to why you hold those innocent, poor and defenceless people as hostages! Oh Allaah save us from this wicked and immoral folks that are fighting over women and hiding behind children in you name falsely! That is not Jihaad and controdicts its instructions! Prepare yourself for your enemies in a adequate way and fight with them but not at the expense of your children, parents and wife's, I say! They will take all the responsibility to what happens to those innocent people that are caught up in the cross-fire inshallah! You should not do more harm and prosecute the already prosecuted and traumtised local population, who have endured already enough harships, death and destruction! This time it's time of peace, dialogue and reconciliation inshallah but not further civil strife and more blood-sheding!
  19. It's a good development and prospect for our nation! I would think that both those entities would participiate in this conference as it is a 'must' because the international world is serious about bringing peace to Somalia and for that they want all stake holders to come to a conference and talk and eventually come to a inclusive census and agreement on the issues facing us! The Hargeisa regime is even more pressed to attend and they can ill-effort to stay away from that conference because if they don't attend, that would be a grave error and mistake on their behalf because that would signal to the rest of the world and stake holders in Somalia, that that regime is against the pacification of Somalia, so they have to play this very wisely and smart because international pressure is mounting on that entity and if they don't attend then the international community has the right to do everything in its hands to make them engage in the political settlement of our country even against their 'will'! Ethiopia, their prime regional and international 'friend' will certainly signal some strong message's to Hargeisa to press them to attend this upcoming meeting and conference and help the nation heal from its long civil strife and struggle inshallah! I find it also a very good idea that this reconciliation conference will be held inside Somalia, Mogadishu to be exact! I look forward to the prospect of every Somali stake holder attending this conference and coming together in one place, sure that will signal the end of our long divisions and trivial disagreements and hostilities! All Somali representatives from the former republic in one place and that in Mogadishu communicating their support and grievances to the TFG and coming to a lasting agreement is the desired outcome inshallah and we shall look forward to that conference! Sure it is a positive step forward! Somalis discussing their problems amongst themselves and finding Somali solutions to their Somali problems inside Somalia and the capital of Mogadishu after 16 long years of separation, miss communication, civil war, clan hostilities and rivalries, how great must that prospect be for any Somali patriot? Unmeasurably, I would guess! The nation is pursuing the correct way and heading on the right path inshallah, We ask Allaah to help it on its way in brining back governance, normality and order back to our country under one god, with one authority, country and people behind it! Amiin!
  20. United States Government is considering to send a diplomatic mission to Somalia for the first time in 16years. After a nearly two decade 'absence' from Somalia, they planning to return inshallah and open a office in central Mogadishu providing TFG gives adequate protection to them. They said they were considiring this idea since the TFG took full charge of Mogadishu and the whole country! But they say first the TFG must secure the capital before their 'arrival' in Somalia! Washington: Maraykanka oo xafiisyo ka furanaya Soomaaliya! Jimce, February 02, 2007 APL Washington(AllPuntland)- War kasoo baxay Maraykanka ayaa lagu sheegay in Maraykanku uu doonayo inuu dib u furo xafiisyadii diblomaasiyadeed ee dalka Soomaaliya. Sean McCormark oo ah afhayeenka waaxda arimaha dibadda dalka Maraykanka ayaa sheegay in Maraykanku iminka baaraan dagayaan sidii ay xafiisyo uga furan lahaayeen Soomaaliya. Mr: McCormark wuxuu sheegay in ay suurto gali karto in Maraykanku dib uga hawl galo Soomaaliya waase haddii dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya ay wax ka baddasho ammaanka dalka gaar ahaan caasimadda Soomaaliya. Afhayeenka ayaa intaasi ku daray in Mareykanka ay fikradan ku dhalatay bishii hore ka dib markii dowlada Soomaaliya oo gacan ka helaysa ciidamada Ethiopia ay la wareegeen awooda casimadda dalka Soomaaliya ee Muqdishu iyo guud ahaan dalka. Maraykanka ayaa 15kii sano ee ugu danbaysay hawlaha Soomaaliya ka waday magaalada Nairobi ee caasimadda dalka Kenya , oo badi hay'adaha caalamiga ahna ay ka hawl galaan. Waa markii ugu horaysay oo Maraykanku soo hadal qaado inuu dalka Soomaaliya dib uga furanayo xafiisyadiisii ,waxaana ay timid kadib markii dawladdu ay gaartay caasimadda Soomaaliya ee Muqdisho. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
  21. You have been invited by Idamaale to go on a march with them to protest against Yusuf Garad Cumar Aweys and his BBC Somali Service 'broadcast'! Idamaale kindly reminds you to bring any kind of protest/grievance or complain you might have against the BBC Somali language service and its head Yusuf Garad Cumar Aweys! They going to collect it, so if you have any prewritten letter about how 'bad' the Somali service is then kindly produce those letters and give them to the people at the protest, who are going to send it to the head of the BBC World Service in Bush house, London! Alright it's not fair for me to say, Idamaale organised it but it's sure something to laugh at, so no Idamaale hasn't organised it so you will be there inshallah? Ogaysiis Dhamaan Jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed'' Waxaa jira 03/02/07 Banaaxbax Balaaran oo lagu Qaban doono magaalada LONDON Daarta Bush House, Waxaana banaanbaxaas looga soo horjeedaa BBCda Laanteeda Afka Soomaaliga ee Saldhigeedu yahay Magaalada London! Posted to the Web Feb 01, 20:47 Banaanbax ballaaran oo ay soo qabanqaabiyeen jaaliyadda Soomaalida ee dalka Ingiriiska ayaa lagu qaban doonaa magaaladaasi maalinta ay bishu tahay 03/02/2007 oo ku beegan maalin Sabti. Banaanbaxaasi oo looga soo horjeedo si xun u adeegsiga saxaafadda iyo ku tagrifalka laanta Afka Soomaaliga ee BBC-da ku heyso marin habaabinta shacbiga Soomaaliya. Haddaba waxaa dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan dalka Ingiriiska guud ahaan laga codsanayaa in ay nagala soo qeybgalaan banaanbaxaasi. Goobta lagu qabanayo banaanbaxa:- BBC, Bush House ALDWYCH WC2B 4-WC2R 1 LONDON United Kingdom Saacadda:- 02:00 - 05:00 Una dhow Holborn Train Station Busseska Imaanaya waa Number 6''11''23''15''26''78''243''341''139''59''68''171''188''168''155'' Contact for more Information:- 1. Owliyo Tel: 079 08655026 2. C/qaadir Khaliif 078 52309595 3. Musse Wehliye "Mas'uul sare" 079 50701860 Qofkii haya wax dacwad ah waxuu dacwaddiisa ku soo hagaajin karaa:-
  22. My genius The public is wonderfully tolerant. It forgives everything except genius - Oscar Wilde!!!
  23. Where are you in Madinatu Qum, where you parents are studying the doctrine of shii'ism? Have you yet been on the pilgrimage to Karbalah and An-Najaaf? I urge you to keep it low and duck because Somalis will fight this and will not easily accept this false doctrine and religious ideology you trying to propagate here so beware I say! You're mistaken, no Somali will accept your wicked and false doctrine! We're a sunni muslim nation that has been sunni for many centuries and we don't need anything from shia'ism, I ask for your guidence to the right path and that you eventually follow the sunnah of our last prophet peace be upon him! Eventually that would not only be good for you but your life for this world and the hereafter! Any of the brothers willing to give a sincere advice and some dacwah to him? It's really dishearting to see somalis accepting false beliefs, doctrines and religious dogmas that are alien to us and the religion of Al-Islaam! Anyway I shall extend my sincere wishes to you that you renounce this false belief and return to the right path by following the holy Quraan and the sunnah of our last prophet peace be upon him. We have to follow the salaf and not the innovators and the folks that have ridiculed the salaf by saying that they have disbelieved, the shiite curse Abubakr Assidiiq and Cumar bin Al-khattaab and they are wicked thus one should abstain from such false doctrines and misleading religious dogmas that one will lead to hell-fire! We ask Allaah to help us refute those who belief in such wicked and false doctrines, safe us from it and guide those who believe in this falsehood thorougly to the right path for they're lost, inshallah! Amiin. This is a sincere advice and I hope you accept it!
  24. I already got a few good advisers but there's a spare vacancy for a footman, urgently needed by me! I'm sure you would be very adequate in that position! You would also be trained to work with one of my bookbinders, who is employed to collect all the great things I said and those which are on record and make it into a great book of excellence and brilliance unmatched so far by any somali living or dead! You should hurry because you'd be previleged to even carry my belongings! The list of potential employees is long and you will be added to it and according to your suitability you will be employed by me! Ah ah, I'm not promising anything, so don't put your hopes to high! My secretary shall inform you inshallah if you have been accepted or not to serve me in due time! Await your reply. Remember to check regularily your inpox, will you?