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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. ^She-her-a-zade (Shahrazaad) I made a splash With my love flash She-her-a-zade Although afraid like Dunyazaad I do not love! She-her-a-zade Mka will not come out and Serenade For a woman called Madam she-her-a-zade (Shehrazaad) For he refuses to be a Prince Omar Please don’t leave the window ajar Cause MKA is not coming to sing So stop the bloody spluttering Ready the wings for the fluttering And fly away! I already know, you will come down crushing A heavy price to pay to see MKA all red and blushing But you succeeded to your amazement and gushing Thank you She-her-a-zade Thank you for not being afraid like Dunyazad Afraid of MKA She-her-a-zade a.k.a. Fearless Surely was not Afraid for her dot She might have been MKA will not pay a lot For She-herazaad And that is my
  2. Somalidoon is a pro courts side, please tell me where Idamaale wrote such rubbish as below? Bring your proves aswell! This below had me in tears, I couldn't stop laughing! The guys that wrote it certainly have a future in Somali comedy! Thank you very much brother Duke, I hardly laughed as much as I did today! That is really a wicked sense of humour portrayed by Somalidoon, please give us more! Nobody has ever been hurt by something that funny or comedy in general! Enjoy I say! Somalidoon, trash website numero uno!!! Alla ilaahiyo na cafi qosolka aan qosolney! Anyone needing translation, I can provide inshallah! Habar Af Jajaban oo lagu magaacaabo Xaliimo Soofe oo baraanbur ku habaari jirtay beelaha USC ayaa amaabal marin Cabdullahi Yusuf uga dhigay iney lacagta ka urursato Garoonka Caalimiga ah ee Muqdishu. 06 Febuary 2007 Mugadishu: Habar Af Jajaban oo lagu magaacaabo Xaliimo Soofe oo baraanbur ku habaari jirtay beelaha USC xilligii dagaalkii sokeeye ayaa abaabal marin Cabdullahi Yusuf uga dhigay iney lacagta ka urursato Garoonka Caalimiga ah ee Muqdishu. Habartaan ilkaha maqan oo aad duq u ah ay xagga naceybka beelaha USC isaga mid yihiin Qabiiliiste Cabdullahi Yusuf, ayna Baraanburo iyo videow yaal laga duubay laga heli karaa meelaha cajaladaha laga helo. Baraanburadaas ayey habaar awootin ah iyo goobaabu reer puntland iney xukunka xoog ku qabsadaan ay ku heesi jirtay. Haddaba Habartaan Xaliimo Soofe ayaa maanta lacagta oo cadaan ah (Cash) ah ka gurata Airoportka Caalimiga ah oo Muqdishu. Arrintaas ayaa dhabar jab iyo bahdil ku ah beelaha Muqdishu dega ayada oo micnaheedu tahay wax kale iska daaye Habrihii idin caayi jirtay ama idin habaari jirtay ayaa lacagtii garoonkiina ka guraneysa ee maxaad tari kartaan. Dhanka kale ayaa la sheegayaa in naago maafiya ah ee laga keenay puntland ay ragga baarayaan iyada oo ay xaniinyaha inta ay qabtaan ay ku leeyihiin waxa halkan ka buuran waa maxay. Arrintan ayaa ah sexual harassments. Beelaha Reer Muqdishu ayaa u eg kuwa sixran oo daman oon marna ka dhiidhiyeeynin bahdilka iyo hagardaamooyinka uu u geysanayo Dagaal Ooge Cabdullahi Yusuf.
  3. Well the former army chief named Jeneraal Ismaaciil Qaasim Naaji who has been made the new ambassador to Oman now was an Banadiri Carab, whilst the new army chief is also an Carab, so that's done to readdress the balance within the government i.e. when someone leaves a post or is sacked from a post, someone else from his clan that is equally suitable for the job will be put in charge! Ina Libaax Sankataabte is also an General and he replaces another General who has been 'sacked' and made the new 'Omani' ambassador! This week for example Aydid was substituted with Gacmadheere from the same clan, this is all done to readdress the balance within the government! If you would name someone else to that post, the balance would shift, not good I tell you!
  4. An Carab for an Carab that's the way to go! Good on the new ambassadors and the new Army Chief inshallah! We wish all of them the best of luck and that they conduct their job in the best of their ability and accordingly to its description inshallah! Amiin.
  5. ^Not the way you think it sister, actually I don't know what I'm missing that's why the question but believe me I'm content as it is! Sometimes, I actually really do think that I'm too intelligent to fall in love! Has there be any studies lately into such hypothesis! Anyhow that would make a great project for students knowing that it is January I might have that study/essay proposal, psychology and other social studies students are looking for! The hypothesis would be: Is it actually true, that according to MKA's thinking, that he's indeed too intelligent to fell in Love and are geniuses to dumb for love too? Investigate immidiately! I'm open for all kind of questions ofcourse, pm me inshallah if you want to find out more, I'm your willing guinea pig! Nothing to thank me, it's my pleasure!
  6. Sadly not, I never even fell in love, is there something wrong with me?
  7. I think that it is certainly a consideration or prospect for the current US administration but I would doubt it that they would just go in like that and it would take something bigger than Sep.11th to persuade the american public or other international and traditional allies! The US would not be able to go it alone! On the other hand if the US get's into Iran, Syria on the other hand would not sit still and just watch, so who will engage Syria? The Zionists, we've seen the latest debacle and adventure of the Zionists last summer when they were defeated by a ragtag militia from Hizboallaah! Surely if that battle would commence it would be a very brutal and bloody engagement! One thing is for sure they need more then the Zionists on board! They need a coalition of many countries preferably christian and european, mostly from the newly joined EU countries from the former Eastern block! But what about China, Russia and India is the question? Will Russia and China allow such kind of action knowing that if in Iran a new pro western regime is put in place that would threaten their own interest in the region and specially so Iran being a country that is in so close vicinity of their own countries and geo-political interests? Isn't the US infringing into their sphere of influence and control and thereby further isolating them? Russia's Putin is undoubtedly seeking imperial power and competing with the West and they want to return to their former glory when they were besides the US the worlds only Superpower! It has already said that it views the expansion of Europe as a threat to its own existence, so what gives? I really don't like both of the regimes in Washington and Tehran, I view them as Anti-Islaam and Anti-Muslims and a threat to our own interests but how do we combat them is the question?
  8. I will not join the ranks of those delighted hopefuls that gloat already about the beauty of our sister JLee, but would I remind them that her brother is actually a member of this site! You know what they say, becoming the friend of a brother of a girl you like will get you the easiest access and route to the house! Lol! So to those thinking about maybe having a future with JLee, I'd kindly advice them to become bubbly friends with Horn as this will gurantee you the easiest route to interact with JLee! lol In the pretext of visiting Horn, you could make yourself comfortable at their home without looking suspect! You know usually without a good pretext, you might get a cold shoulder or even told to leave and never return! lol Anyhow you could come visit and knock at the door 'knock, knock' only for JLee's aunt to open the door and you saying 'Is horn in/there'? 'He told me to come and meet him here can I come in and wait for him, I could talk to JLee? lol Only for the aunt to reply 'Nice try' and close the door in front of your nose, nice prospect Brown innit? Leaving aside this beautiful and fabulous introduction sister, let me tell you that the above feeling is only a transitional one! I would remind you to remember you creator and ask him for help and guidance and I assume you studying away at home, presumig that you're not alone (Hoping in good faith that your family didn't let you go alone without another sibling or cousins of yours) I'd urge you to seek comfort, support and company in your family members or close friends that are with you or at close approximatey of you! What happened anyway, we don't see you anymore around in the politics section? I'm not saying that it is a bad thing but I hope you come and visit us there one day inshallah, especially when things get a bit to intimidating for your brother! lol Your brother is in good hands and since joining the TFG, he's had nothing to complain or fear about! But anyhow if he gets in trouble, you could come in and rescue him as usual from the onslaught of the baddies me including! lol! Anyhow sister, don't complain and feel angry because you're doing the right thing! You're actually investing in your future and soon inshallah when all this is over, you will be reminiscent about the 'good old days' and wonder where it all went! Talk about nostalgia then!
  9. ^Well, I hear you and I've read what you've written, now the big question is what do I think? Easy, just scroll down, will you? | | | | | | | | | | | keep scrolling Paragon, be a nice boy, will you? | | | | | | | | |keep on son, you nearly there! | | | | | | | 'Are we there yet'? No we aren't! 'How long still'? Boy keep it, it ain't long anymore. | | | | | | 'Are we there yet'? 'You said it won't take long'? Yes, we are nearly, nearly there my boy! Be patient boy, here are some sweets, 'I said I wanted the blue lollipops not the green ones'! Calm down with the emotions Paragon, will you? We nearly at our final destination! | | | | | | | | | | | | | Dowladdiid, Anarchist
  10. Brother paragon always surpasses himself! lol Originally posted by Paragon: Actually, I won't be surprised if the president's sub-sub-clan uses this bio-metric technology to monitor and mute other clans percieved as rivaling their power Originaly posted by Ladif: I dont think that they are that smart Paragon....the people behind this that is. They just don't know how to govern and prioritize things....makes you wonder what happen to the D-block most reer-magaal sub clan...duqa miyaan lala talinin horta mise waxba ma dhageysto Good on you folks! Anyhow the passport will work inshallah and I would like to think that the majority of Somalis in Somalia aswell outside of Somalia will indeed get/purchase that new E-Passport! One of the first things this government had to do was bring back a proper Somali passport that is universally recognised as our old has got in disrepute! It is only logical as it will make travel easier for the millions of Somalis that don't have a passport and if they do, no one will accept it because everybody thinks the passport is forged or fake! On the other hand sister ibtisams concerns and fears are unfounded because probably she will get one aswell because by 2015 the whole world has to upgrade to E-Passports, so if you print new passports in order to secure the Passports of the Federal republic of Somalia it is only logical that the government decided to implement E-Passports now because this would save us a lot of money and hassle as the current mandate of this government will end in 2009 inshallah, so if they print old paper passports again that can be forged, what have they achieved apart from wasting more money and time? This is a money saving exercise inshallah and we should congratule the TFG for accomplishing it and being true to their word! Che and all the others, they likely have E-Passports themselves, so stop denying the Somali people a secure passport that cannot be forged and that will establish their true identity therefore making it easier for them to travel outside the country! This is indeed a great achievement and congratulations to Somalia, its government and people inshallah! Somalia ha noolaato inshallah!
  11. ^Coup d'état in Somali language is afgembi! Shirqool on the other hand is to conspire or conspiracy! For example: 'ICU waxey shirqooleyneysey afgembi siyaasadeed'! Meaning: 'ICU was conspiring/planning a coup d'etat'!
  12. Shirqool is easy, it is to conspire against someone or something! 'Waala ishirqooley' I've been consipired against! Another example 'Shirqool buu ahaa duulaankii ina Caydiid ee May May land (Baidoa)' meaning 'The attack on the May May land by ina Caydiid was a Consipracy'! Easy isn't it? That's the definition of to 'conspire': 1. plan secretly to act illegally: to plan or agree in secret with others to commit an illegal or subversive act for example: 'In court, the three defendants admitted to conspiring against the government'. 2. work together: to combine so as to cause a result, often of harm, inconvenience, or difficulty for example: 'Rain and tears conspired to smudge her carefully applied mascara'. Source Encarta!
  13. E-Passport logo, if you see such a logo on your passport, then you know that your passport is indeed a Biometric Passport! By 2015 all countries in this world have to upgrade to E-Passports but so far only 41 countries have! Somalia has been preceded by only 40 countries! Our country becomes the 41st in line! Here's a link detailing about E-Passports
  14. More photos inshallah: 95 'lucky' ones today received their brand new Somali E-Passport! Old Somali Passport will expire on the 8th of May 2007 inshallah!
  15. A great progress indeed, today in Nairobi at the embassy of Somalia, a girl by the name of Rania Mohamed Cali became the first person/citizen of Somalia who got her new E-Passport! Thus making Somalia the 41st of its kind and country to introduce the E-Passport! Unprecedented in developing countries! Somalia with a limited budget and years of warfare behind it has managed to adopt the E-Passport and Rania, has become the first citizen to be given that new E-Passport! Actually her passport number is 001! First Citizen to be given that passport and soon you will be able to pick it up too inshallah! It comes with a E-Passport and ID-Card and a standard letter telling you about your rights and what to do with it like relevant information such as if you acquire a new citizenship if you going to lose it or when you can be stripped off the Somali nationality etc! Anyway here are the pictures of this momentous and historic event, enjoy I say! Pictures taken at the inside of the Somali embassy in Nairobi, Kenya: Rania Mohamed Cali "the lucky girl" to become the first citizen to get the new E-Passport and ID-Card!!! It has also to be noted that the new E-Passport has been send to several countries and its respected embassies, so far 106 countries have received a Somali passport specimen! It is also said that several airports across the globe will be also given the new Somali E-Passport as a specimen! It has also be noted that this event was attented by the head of the NSA (National Securtiy Agency) General Darwiish, Deputy of the Citizenship, Immigration and Travel issues Agency Mr. Cabdi Barre and the Deputy of the Foreign Ministry Mr. Daafeedow!
  16. That's london for you sister! It's no secret how much I dislike this city too but what can we do? The whole country is inadequate and inept to deal with any kind of minor problem! It's not only public transport (which is very expesive btw) but also banks, supermarkets, hospitals, government offices and so many etc that are totally incompetent in what they're doing, this country sucks really! I find the UK to be a utter joke, small rain and the streets become rivers and the trains won't work! Then there's signalling problems any other days not to talk about overcrowding and the hefty sum we have to pay for that inept thing they call 'public transport'! Where does all the money go? NHS is not improving but Labour is pouring in billions but Hospitals are still manipulating their A&E waiting hours, the government set targets for atleast 4 hours for patients to be treated and discharged, ha ha, nice joke should we laugh or what? Four hours isn't plausible and workable that's why hospitals have to falsify their results because they're not achieving government targets! Even if you wait eight to ten hours, the service you get is totally a waste and inadequate, at the end you might think to yourself it might have been better to treat yourself at home, it's a utter joke! No wonder people are immigrating from this sick place! But the only thing this country manages is to make nice comedy, the english must be congratulated for their sense of humour, but looking at the state the country finds itself in and the yobbish, disrespectful and anti-social behaviour in the streets, I really can't see why the people laugh at all but I guess somehow people have to look for distractions because looking at it all, you might actually get frustrated and fed up! London is also a pretty scary place to be in, muggings on the rise, crimes are committed every day and the jails are full and there's no spare capacity left! What to do, don't lock the criminals up just give them a warning or don't even talk to them because you don't have a place to put them into! Criminal justice system is another area that utterly and totally lacks any confidence actually it is a joke! One thing is for sure this country is radically disintegrating and going down the drain, what are we going to do then? Go with it? Surely not, atleast I hope so inshallah! Compared to the continent the UK comes across like a third world country don't even mention how disgusting and retarded its people are! Those old suits and rain coats and houses just make you want to scream! This people don't have any sense of how to do things nice! The shops are inadequate, ugly clothes you might aswell have thougth the time you stepped in one of such a shop, that you're in a second hand shop, really bad quality stuff! Then the supermarkets, they sell cheap items anyone of you guys who lived in Somalia in the early sixties, who have seen shops that sell chinese items and products know what I'm talking about! Cheap products that makes you really angry, how do this people live? No wonder about why their food is so nasty! They don't have a national dish! Oh I forgot actually there's 'fish and chips' wrapped for you in a dirty and old piece of newspaper! This country sucks for sure! They like to be so oldfashioned and they claim to protect their 'heritage', since when did the hoarding of dirty, old, broken and ugly items become 'protecting ones heritage'! Well, I guess that's enough for now, I shall continue my rant later inshallah about this country and its dire prospects!
  17. Suits them nicely, I say! When they were told to come to Baidoa they were not listening, now they're all assembled in Baidoa and begging to be included into the government, how pathetic is that? They had so many opportunities when they actually still had some power but like in the rest of life, if you don't grasp your opportunities, then you will sooner or later pay for it and they did! This is really embarrassing, don't they have any pride, selfrespect and dignity (warlords and anarchists I guess don't have any, otherwise they wouldn't let the country down like they did), suits them good, I say! Most of those guys were irrelevant in the first place, former taxi and van drivers and manual workers, nothing to really show they deserved anything from this government at all! They deserved it not to be included and to be ridiculed like this as they were opposed to the TFG's process from its inception, so no favours there! Good on them I say!
  18. Garoowe, nice! Ahmad Cabdi Xaabsade becomes the first person in Puntland to get his E-passport maashallaah, soon the interior minister said, there will be a time where drivers cannot travel without an proper ID, so everyone has to get one inshallah! E-passport with an ID-Card, Somalia is moving on inshallaah! Next to follow Laascaanood, Boosaaso and the UAE! More to come, kudos to the TFG, I shall get mine from the UK inshallah!
  19. We have already 4900 peacekeeping troops secured and they will come inshallah, we only need 3100 more peacekeeping troops inshallaah in order for the task force to be complete! I thank the TFG and it's friends from around the world and International community in labouring so hard to secure those troops and I hope that they will work even harder to secure the rest! It was a momentous effort by the heads of the TFG in particular President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad who travelled to many countries in Africa, in order to press for the peacekeeping troops to be deployed and to show to the rest of the world that the TFG is a force to reckon with in terms of diplomacy! This is certainly a very special diplomatic victory by the President and the rest of the TFG ministers, who laboured so hard to lobby for those troops and now it seems their labour and hardwork is about to come into fruition! Even the US or EU would be mighty impressed with the work ethos and diplomacy played at its highest level by the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia! It is a joy to behold as our country, for the first time in 16years after absence from the world stage managed not only to win the diplomatic game but also convinced many African nations and the rest of the International community to rally behind the TFG one hundred percent in its efforts of bringing peace and prosperity to Somalia! Success to the TFG inshallah! We pray to Allaah that their efforts will bring about real success that will alter the situation in Somalia and that will return our country back to normality and good governance inshallah! Amiin
  20. Good news, also PM Gheedi reaffirmed that the peace conference will take place inside Somalia inshallah, as he put it that in Kenya the politicians came to an agreement and now what we need is all the stakeholders in Somalia coming together in order to reconcile inshallah! We wish them luck and that those conferences bring about seeable fruits that will get our country out of the troubles it is finding itself in and into a new era and dawn whereby they can find lasting peace and prosperity inshallah! We're grateful to god for this opportunity there's nothing better than reconciliation, may Allaah help them succeed on their way to reconcile all Somali groups! Amiin.
  21. Sister you're extremly likeable but if one doesn't believe at all in a higher deity and that he's responsible for the actions he's committing now, then that person has nothing stopping him from pursuing his own 'norms' or what he deems to be ethical or morally 'good'! They can't possibly get that from their own mind, hence here come in the scriptures, without them the atheist would be a killing savage and animal with nothing stopping him! So, the scriptures are the source of those morals and ethics and they didn't come from the brains of the dysfunctional deniers of the existence of God, how pathetic! Someone that denies his creators existence does not have any ethics nor morals! Yes, the norms and ethics they live by have been borrowed from the religious folks and those morals and ethics that can be found in the scriptures themsevles hail from god Allaah the great to be exact! So if they denied the existence of Allaah and the existence of being summoned up one day and being answerable to ones actions then they have also forsaken morality and any ethics they might own or have because if you deny existence of the soucre of those values and norms then you have also denied morality or any ethics you might adhere to! Sister atheism is really bad and the most heinous crime against god ever because how can one deny the existence of Allaah seing all the beauty and how everythings fits in so perfectly! Can that be possibly a coincidence, I don't believe so sister! Look at creature and the human being especially and look at the beauty of his god given gifts isn't that remarkable? Who did this? Who created the human being so perfect? Was it all a coincidence? I don't think so sister, it was perfectly planned and executed, by whom? Allaah the exalted, the forgiver, sustainer, provider and seer of everything! He is merciful god that forgives to the one who repents to him, he is peace! He is our creator! We ask him to grant us his favours, forgive our sins, accepts our repentence and inshallah enters us to paradise? Don't you want paradise sister from Allaah? May Allaah grant paradise to all the believers and muslims inshallah!
  22. This is something I wanted to talk about a long time but I found the time now to raise it! But I want to talk about ownership of land because did you know that there are no real regulations such as laws on land ownership in most countries of the world? We all know is one of the biggest problems in the world but there is no real laws of what and who owns the lands of this world in most countries! It is said that 70% of the worlds land mass actually belongs to 5% of the worlds population! In constitutional monarchies like the United Kingdom there are no laws on land ownership, in fact all the land belongs to her 'majesty' the Queen and a few of her friends and no one can reveal who owns what or not because simply the public records of the land ownership are not yet classified and strangely the Queen and her friends are exempt from registring in the land register, how strange as nobody knows what and how much they really own! They're not obtainable! However when the populance purchases some 'land' usually buying a house, then they have to register their land in the land register but in reality they don't own the land! In fact they're only leasing the land and can be evicted any time with no judicial defence as it all belongs to the 'Queen'! So if you purchased recently some 'land' in the UK know that you really don't own that piece of land, read the small print I would rather advice! On the other hand long-standing republics like France and the United States of America who don't have a monarchy (they were deposed off rather violently, remember the french revolution and American independence war Boston tea party), those mentioned countries also don't have laws that govern land ownership, it is very vague to say the least and does not clarify what one really ownes! There is no real land ownership in the west, in most western democracies land ownership is mostly concentrated in the hands of very few people for example like in Britain the 'Queen' and her friends really own most of the land! Even the indian ocean is half owned and in the name of that old lady that calls herself 'Queen'! This is a very interesting topic and I shall add more inshallaah to educate folks about real land ownership and that in fact the majority of land is in the hands of very few men and women (remember 'Queen')!
  23. ^Manhandling again rather addressing the essence of my posts, I see! Originally said by mystic: Morals aren’t based on religion , even the atheists have morals . You again haven’t answered my questions. Yes I will support China over Western Democracy. Where did you get the notion that anything that is based on atheism equals evil ? Sorry I cannot agree with that, morals originate from religion and their beliefs and if you don't believe in a higher power or authority such as God, then you don't have any morals! Because they're not answerable to anyone, they don't believe that they will be resurrected again from their skeleton state and made answerable to Allaah the exalted! So, why bother with morals? If you know that you will not be summoned up before god and made to justify why you reacted the way you did? Don't you see the contradictions? Now, I know Castro the communist tendencies in you make you jump up high but there is no defence for the sister's stance and that of most communists or atheists! If you can argue with the above, I urge you to refute my statement if not don't manhandle me or try to score patty political points through your personal vendetta against my persona, now argue with that, if you can!
  24. I rarely quote myself but I will make a exception for you! Here it is for you again: 'So don't lose your moral compass and don't compare the two as the west still has got some values based on christanity whilst the chinese are godless people!' Atheism is a evil like communism is and no true Muslim should defend it! Think about it sister, think and use your mind!