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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. On this coming july 1st inshallah, I will be a young 47 years of age! Oh, How I'm looking forward to that day! I will celebrate it with a great party! I usually don't celebrate birthdays because out of my creed but on this one I shall make an exception inshallah! My first inshallah!
  2. Adeer anigu hadal dambe iga tegi maayo, ma igaratey! Everbody knows the chains of events so it is unproductive to engage in a discussion with someone, that is in utter denial! Anyway what happened has happened and mistakes in the past should not be repeated! That's why it is important to study history in order not to repeat your past mistakes and actions! This is not the time to bring up old grudges and 'You did this to me five years ago or You took my pen accidently two months ago give it back to me', kuwaas waa hadalo maangaabnimo ku salaysan! I'm bigger than that! I'm a man that acknowledges the reality and pushes for peace! If you're not for peace then I will remind you and talk to you again and again until you accept it! Disputes are settled for once and all on a negotiation table! If you have some grudges come to the table and tell us what is hurting you or what isn't 'right' or 'missing' according to you! Take your rights but at the same time be responsible and acknowledge that only through talk and negotiations final and lasting peace can be reached! We want to live in harmony with all our brethren wherever they are, we want a united Somalia under a federal system and we're certainly not interested in what happened in the past and what mistakes were made! I think it is more rewarding and dignifying when actually one starts to tackle the issues at hand rather then to curse, cry or accuse people! The same with you guys, stop the crying and work for your rights! You will get it, but not through the gun that is but through the negotiation table! Ma i garatey maandhoow? Be a good boy and let's shake hands and bring our past differences behind us, shall we? Let's not arose bad and old hostilites and feelings for each other, agree? Finally talk is cheap, we wait about any investigation taking place and then we will go from there but surely we will not jump the gun and prematurely point fingers randomly at people and groups, say/reveal something through the press, when the police forces are working and the army is ready and procedures can actually be taken to find out what happened without the situation getting out of hand ofcourse, you understand? So, aan isisaamixno and be friends and live and let live, shall we? All clans in agreement and harmony and peaace returning to the city, that is what you want afterall? Caqliga ka shaqaysi inshallaah! Dhibaata kale dadka reer Jubba yaan loo horseedin haatan! Illaahigiina ka yaaba! Illaahayo noo kaalmey oo dadka xumaanida iyo isku dirka wado naga qabo! Amiin
  3. ***Edited: Hornow hadii aan runta kuu sheego, anigu waxaan aamisanahay in aan walaalaheeyaga reer Gedo halakan wax kaga sheegin! Anaga ayeey ceeb nagu tahay! Sidaa daradeed anigu waxaan kusoo gunaadaayaa in uu caqliga saliimka ahi shaqeeyo oo dhibka iyo midi isku diyaarsiga la daayo maadaama aysan cidnana amfaceynin colaad iyo dirir dadka walaalaha dhex marto xiligaan kala guurka ah! Maanta ma ahan maalintii aan isku qabsan lahayn magaalo ama gobol, laakiin, sidii aan meel ugu soo horjeedsan lahayn sida aan dalkeena burburey iyo qarankeena lumey dib ugu soo celin lahayn! Qalalaasaha fadlan hala naga yareeyo inshallaah dib-udhiska iyo nabad ka shaqeynta iyo dib-uheshesiiyan caam ah in laga tilaabsado ayeey ahayd oo muhiimada kowaad lasiiyo laakin isqabqabsii looma baahna saacadan, sidaa daraded idinkuna is dejiya ayaan idin oran lahaa oo arrinta inta laga xalinaayo u dulqaata inshallaah! Xaalad kala guur ah ayaa lagu jidha sidaa hala ogaado, dalkana dhib dambe yaan loo horseedin baa anigu ku talin lahaa! We're brothers let's work together inshallah how we could possibly resolve this issue without a shot fired or people killed! We will undestand each other inshallah, I'm hundred percent sure that a solution will be worked out because I have trust in the intelligence and brainpowers of my people! They know what is at stake, our future and our country so everyone will abstain from doing silly moves! The ethiopians are there so nothing can happen inshallah also the former JVA parterners aren't anymore in the equation, so things look not so bad inshallah! Col. Cabdi Mahdi said it best a solution will be found and lets not take things out of proportions inshallaah! Horn knows as me that they can't kill anyone right now or start a major war because that wouldn't be allowed, so let's all chill inshallah! But I know the problem is with the injuries of Fartaag and Bulso and until you have evidence Horn you cannot point fingers! If Afgaduud was behind it he will be brought to justice, if not, then the slanderers will be brought to justice, understand Horn? I sincerely hope that they all do recover from their injuries inshallaah! So until a conclusion such as the conviction of the perpertrators, everything we say and do is not helping nor solving the problem! We have to wait and see the conclusion of any investigation inshallah, is that to much to ask? I sincerely hope not! Ogaadana isqabqabsii waa laga roonyahay, maadaama shaahid u wada nahay marxaladda iyo xaalada liidato ee dalkeena uu ku suganyahay! Illaahayo noo hiili, xaqana na tus dalkeenina ku soo celi sida uu ahaan jirey fitnada iyo dagaalada sokeeye ka hor inshallaah! Amiin.
  4. Boowe the International system as I already said requires that large numbers from 1000 be represented 'as groups of three digits' to determine its value! Remember we are not contesting the different written formats or how they're represented but about their actuall values! 'Required by International System: Since the comma often means a decimal point, the International System (SI) requires that large numbers, like the billions above, be represented as groups of three digits separated by narrow spaces, not by commas'. For example: Thousands Separators! Numbers from 1000! The comma, period, space, and apostrophe are examples of valid separators for units of thousands as shown in the following examples: 1 234 567 1.234.567 1'234'567 1,234,567 So to say that 100,000,00 represents 10 million is not only illogical but wrong aswell! It's clear it is required by International standard/system that large numbers from 1000 in our case 100.000.00 are represented as groups of three digits to determine their real value! So for example 100,000,00 and 100.000.00 eventually become the same but not 100,000,00 becoming 10 million that would be ludacrious and absurd thing to say! You see international system/standard requires for large numbers to be represented as groups in three's whether through a comma/dot or even space, get it brother? In short 100.000.00 or 100,000,00 have the same value and meaning!
  5. Duke they're saying, that a certain Afgadud suspiciously left minutes before the blast took place! Pure assassination attempt or Qadar of Allaah? Nobody knows except for Allaah and to cry on national press and point finger at 'culprits' will not certainly help nor is it a wise thing to do! They say also that the Bulso guy had some injuries on the eyes as the bomb exploded under his feet whilst the Col. Fartaag himself is said to be very poorly! We wish them a quick recovery inshallah! BTW Col. Cabdi Mahdi Cabdisalaan was the deputy of the SPM and he was actually fighting the JVA for years by leading Puntland soldiers in the fight, although he's from Dhoobley/Afmadow clan affiliation! He's a top man! Very sincere. Teeda kale no need for hanjabaad because we all know how we send those folks packing during daylight, they were given hours to vacate the city and didn't return until they went to Mogadishu (who could blame them, they didn't want to go to Gedo or even worse to Galgaduud and Gaalkacyo was off-limits because they would be ridiculed), so they headed to Mogadishu to be laughed at and really ridiculed! Eventually they secured a alliance with the former 'arch-enemy and rival' to the shock of all of us! They came marching with Mogadishu support and captured the city from us! Although previously they couldn't capture it from us, although Gedo was at their footstep/doorstep where they could easily assemble logisitics, manpower and whatever they needed, whilst we were 1000 of kilometres away! The funny thing is when the Mogadishu warlords were fighting among themselves for example Yalahow against Abdiqassim the time they heared Kismaayo is being attacked by the hated clan they would immidiately put their differences to a side and flying would come 70 technicals full of drugged up Mooriyaanis! Nevertheless we would capture the city or come close to it only to be defeated by the combined JVA around couple of allied clans! Jinniga dhanaa bey nagu soo hogaamini jireen! People we never even heard about. Jini iyo sheydaan dhan baa soo raaci jirey! So brothers have some mercy and respect their frustration is more of a survival nature as they fear they will be forced out yet again from Kismaayo and can you imagine them begging for food again? Mogadishu this time is also a no go area! But the brothers have nothing to fear, as we are their understanding brothers! No one is going to force you out of that city. Kismaayo is for all but the majority is from Puntland especially from the Nugaal, Eyl and Garoowe and everybody knows it, so stop fantascising about Kismaayo being your own, because it is not! The people of that city can now finally return after seven years of absence of that city and live there once again peacefully without being harrassed! In short Kismaayo is for all and I see old wounds and fears are arising again but we won't send you packing this time around guranteed, hand on heart! Stop the devision, inflaming of the situation and finger-pointing without substential proof other then Af-Gaduud stood up and left minutes before the blast and lets work together to rebuild beautiful Kismaayo! Viva Kismaayo!
  6. Inshallah boowe but one more think! You're actually defeating your own arguments when you saying that you didn't 'knew' the meaning of 100,000,00 until you meant someone that explained it to you! You have to know that the value is determined by the place/position of the comma/dot! But you somehow seem to disregard the comma being used as the dot! Everyone knows that in order to determine the value of any number from 1000 and where to place the dot/comma you have to count three places from the right, but where did you see those three places being counted? There are only two, which means, the last two figures/numbers are valueless or pennies as Taako said. They don't represent any meaningful value! We have to look at the place/position of the comma!You said it didn't make sense for you but in 100,000,00 the last two figues are meaningless/valueless because no three positions were counted from the right to place a dot or comma in order to give it some meaningful value or substance, understand? I know it's late so let's leave it there inshallh! Salaamu calaykum inshallah! Hurda wanaagsan.
  7. Taako is correct, one reason why I don't buy into the argument that it is merely a difference of style is because I had the good fortune of being educated both in England and mainland Europe! Al-Hamdilallaah! 100,000,00 or 100,000.00 is and has the same value but to say that 100,000,00 is 10 million would be ludacrious! I new already that the English education system together with their health service was already in a terrible and dreadful state as can be seen by the passing rate of their substandard A-Level their equivalent of the International Baccalaureate, which has a pass rate the last time I checked of 96%! Shocking I guess. But to say 100,000,00 represents 10 million is gross I think to say the least wise think to say! 100,000,00 or 100,000.00 is hundred thousand and it will stay that way inshallah!
  8. Boowe i dhageyso dee! I know how we can finish off this episode, so are you ready? Now tell me what 100,000,00 or 100,000.00 stands for, does the value really mean one hundred thousand or is it 10 million? That's the easy way to bring it to an end! If you say 100,000,00 means 10 million to you then say so please! P.s. Then we will see inshallah that it's not a difference of the written formats or position/places of the dats/commas but rather the values of the given numbers and their substance!
  9. Exactly Taako Man, every figure/number from 1000 you just count down three places from right and place to come to give it, its value! So, 10.000.00 or 10,000,00 are the same meaning ten thousand, but to say it is 'one million' is absurd! Look at the places of the commas/dots and everyone knows the last two figures/numbers represent no real value! They're just mearly there! For example 10,00 or 10.00 is ten no one would dispute that! However every number from 1000 you just count three places and place your dot/comma to give it, its reall value! Example 100,000,00 or 100,000.00 is not ten million but one hundred thousand! Count three places from right with every number from 1000 place and then place your dot/comma and you will get your value, easy!
  10. ^You don't get it sxb! The last two zero's are valueless and everyone knows that you should count three places from the right to your left in order to make up the value of a number! So if only two are counted it won't make sense and everyone will know that isn't a real value! No you telling me that 1000,00 is 10.000? Everybody knows that it is one thousand whether you write it 1000.00 or 1000,00 it's the same! Are you joking adeer ma sidaa ba wax u taqaanaa! I know the british are really bad when it comes to mathematics and that is quite evident in your post but I highlighted the matter for you and there can't be no room for confusion or difference of style and it has nothing to do with the british or european style, get it? 1000,00 is 1000! 1000.00 on the other hand is also 1000 one thousand but to say it's 10.000 or ten thousand would be mad! There can't be no confusion, you count three places from your right and then place the comma or dot to give it a real value, can't you see it?
  11. Samurai W waad khaldantahay adeer, no-one was contesting the things you implied here but rather the value of the numbers! This ignorant fella seems to think that 560,000.00 or 560,000,00 is a magical figure/number of a million as he's saying that six zero's make a million ***Edited without acknoweldging the places of the dots/commas! But I quite rightly highlighted to him that 560,000.00 is five hundred and sixty thousand which he disputes! Now this might come to a shock to you but that was the things that were on contention adeer not if it should be written 560,000.00 or 560,000,00! Don't you read before posting your stuff? Or do you assume things just like that? Adeer if you're educated about this matters, tell that uneducated person that 560,000,00 is five hundred and sixty thousand and not as the thinks some magical number of millions because he assumes that because there are six zeros it automatically becomes 'million' or something, I don't get the logic of his! Well does 560,000.00 mean five hundred and sixty thousand yes or no? Only answer that and we will be fine inshallah!
  12. by jeylaani: 'Sow nigi mopodayay inaad dawlad dhisayso maxaa keenay in meelahan aad magacday oodhan ay qabiil qudhii dagaan'? War wuxuu xitta qorida af-soomaaliga baa ku adag, alla illaahayo ceebta astur!
  13. ^So true duke, war kuwani horta yaa wax bari jirey? There were some grammtical errors to my initial post but those I have no eradicated and it should help them but I can't volunteer everytime for them to help their illiteracy and lack of numeracy skills! How embarrasing.
  14. It is quite obvious that we didn't go to school! Innaa lillaahi wa innaa illeyhi raajicuun ma saacadan baan nin weyn xisaab bari karnaa? Alla illaahayo hana cadaabin. I will try to explain it to you really easily, you don't have to feel embarrassed for yourself, just stay with me for a while, will you? 150,000.00 means one hundred and fifty thousand. Yes it is true that a million has six zero's (apprantelly that is the only thing you know and that even you do not know how put on practise effectively, how embarrassing)! 150,000.00 and 150.000 is the same! For anything above the sum of 1000, you count down three places from the right to give it a real value and substance, so for example: 1,000 is 1000 or in words one thousand! Ceeb badana! So lets say 1,000.00 is indeed 1,000 or one thousand in words! Remember the last two zeros/numbers are valueless and that you have to count from right to left up to three zeros to give it real value! So 100,000.00 is one hundred thousand as the last two figues/zeros have no real value and meaning, understand? I doubt it, how embarrassing it really is, subxanallaah may Allaah protect us from such kind of embarrassments! You count three places from right for any sum above 1000 and place your comma/dot (dot is for european countries as the comma is mostly used in english speaking countries) to give it a real value/substance! So if a sum says 150,000.00 did you count three places from your right and placed a coma or dot? No is the answer, so that meaning that only two places where counted that this two last figures are pointless i.e. without value! We even have to educate this ignorant now in simple and basic counting and we expect such people to engage us in rationale debate, how wrong we are!
  15. This guy has no history nor accomplishments to compete with anyone, xiqdi iyo cuqdadna weey dishey so people take it easy on him inshallah as he is not to be taken too seriously! Let him be consumed by his own hate inshallah! All I'm going to say to him is muutu bi ghaydhikum inshallah! As to the original question, I wanted to say this already to the brother! Too many questioning actually is a sin! Since joining this side he was only questioning and enquiring about certain things, so if he needs information it is widely available and he can access it, if he wants to but posting too many questions, actually makes him not only look bad but also really naive, simple and stu!pid! Puntland is a regional federal state within a larger Federal Somalia and whether it is based on qabiil or people of the same culture, language or roots is not the issue here! It is also not to be contested as the people came together voluntarily to create their own regional and autonomous state as Mogadishu was in a mess and the people couldn't wait no longer for a central state. The state was solely created to strife and work for a the estalbishment of a greater federal Somalia that is united and under the federal system/concept! As you know Somalia has been in a civil war and the people don't trust each other anymore, that's why it is important that each clan or group with the same interest creates their own state and pursudes their own interest! That would be actually a good way because the regions/states would be independent and autonomous and they would be regulated under the federal charter and each region is responsible for its own prospering and governing! That's the only viable and reasonable way Somalia will ever come back together as a country! Puntland State of Somalia will have its own parliament, president, police and jurispidiction inshallah! At the same time we will share our resources with our brethren and give away foreign policy and armed forces to the a more inclusive leadership based on federal level but the focus is on our state and how we should develop it and further prosper it inshallah! That's the ultimate goal and aspiration inshallah! That's the essential meaning and purpose for having a federal republic and system/concept! TFG means Transitional Federal Government! Inshallah after the interim period is over our country will be called the Federal Republic of Somalia FRS! Federalism is a agreed system/concept and will be persuit inshallah! If you folks don't understand federalism then we can't everyday explain it to your simple minds! So Puntland was created by consensus basis of people that trust each other and want to share a common state and that is a direct result of the civil war which taught us a lot! We have decided to create our own federal state together with our fellow brethren that we share blood-ties and location with so now tell me if you can find anything wrong with that? Otherwise spare us the hot air! Puntland is what it is and if you don't know then there is enough resources on the internet for you to find out what it is! We're proud of what we're and our region, so if brothers from the same clan create their federal state there's nothing wrong with it, to each his own inshallah! The same for others if they want to create an exclusive state in Galgadud, Hiiraan and upper Shabelle region, then they can do so! No one is preventing them, that's how federal states work and are created! People with the same views or interests come together and form a federal state, nothing wrong or immoral with it! Caku iyo cawaan! These people don't understand the concept of federalsim! But hope is never to be forsaken one day they will understand it inshallah!
  16. Origianlly posted by Xiin: The era of 'tii ilmaha hooyadood ahayd baa na shiddeyneysa oo aan cadar uu iibinayyaa ' is forever receding behind us! ^^^That was really funny yaa xiin, please shed more light on this issue as you seem to be a bit of a specialised in that field given your qualification and remarks above! Lol. Tell me Xiin are you rather a 'modern man' or more of a traditionalist like me! Do you hoover the staircase, mop the kitchen floor, cook xiin recipes, wash the windows and dry the dishes? Please tell us, we would like to 'explore' more of how religiously leaning folks behave at home? To be considered a real sheikh, you have to do all that and even more, yaa xiin, do you agree with me? Remember it is more dignifying and self-respecting when you clean after yourself than expecting others to do it for you, what say you? lol
  17. ^Popular like Ahura? Please tell me as you seem someone who has a encyclopedic knowledge into persian names! P.s. I'm glad for you that you threw your former name Ahura into the bin as I was worried about you! I was really shocked and I didn't knew you had any interest in zoroastriaism! But anyhow glad to see that you abandoned that name! Anyhow good for you sister!
  18. Qaadisiya is saying, that, they have incrediable and secretive insights of a horrendous genocide being prepared/planned to take place in some areas of Mogadishu! Apparently the genocide is being prepared/planned and executed by the 'Workers of the Tigree' (whoever they might be)! Their sources come from military officials close to the 'Workers of the Tigree'! Also they say that the Resistence urges the 'Mujahideen' to be vigiliant and change their methods in order to prevent the onslaught and genocide from happening by changing tactics and lowering their profile and attacks! I really like Qaadisiya, they're a fake religious site that is motiviated by clannish feelings! They sure know how to make up false and fake news! But where will their sensationalism lead them to? Only god knows! Shaqaalaha Tikreega oo Wada Qorsheyaal dhowaan lagu xasuuqayo Shacabka laguna weerarayo Xaafadaha Muqdisho Qaarkood. Baydhabo,12,February-07 ( War Sir ah oo ay inoo soo gudbiyeen qaar katirsan Saraakiisha iyo mudaneyaal kale oo katirsan Shaqaalaha Tikreega ee ku kala sugan Muqdisho iyo Baydhabo ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in Shaqaalaha Tikreega ay qorsheeyeen Arrimo aad u fara badan. Waxaa kamid ah Arrimaha la qorsheynayo oo aanu ku helnay Warbixinta Sirta ah in dhowaan ladoonayo in la weeraro Xaafado kamid ah Magaalada Muqdisho gaar ahaan Xaafadaha looga shakisan yahay in ay kusugan yihiin Ragga kawada Dalka Hawlaha Muqaawamada ah. Hadaba ragga hawlahaasi wada oo si weyn looga dheragsan yahay waxay ku baaqeysaa Xarakada Wax iskacaabinta Shacabka ee Dhulka Hijrooyinka in ay ka feejignaadaan Shacabka Arrimahaasi iyo sidoo kale in ay ka feejignaadaan Weerarada lala damacsan yahay Xaafadaha qaar in mar keliya lagu soo degto xitaa xasuuqna laga geysto. Sidoo kale Mujaahidiinta katirsan Muqaawamada waxaa lagula dardaarmayaa in ay badalaan qorshahooda isla markaana ay ka ilaaliyaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed Xasuuqa lala damacsanyahay. Si kastaba ha ahaatee Xasuuqani lala damacsan yahay Xaafadaha qaar ee Magaalada Muqdisho iyo shacabka kudhaqan ayaa waxa uu kusoo beegmayaa xilli qaar katirsan Shaqaalaha Tikreega shir ay kuyeesheen Baydhabo kaga heshiiyeen in mar keliya la xasuuqo intii laga shaki qabo sidoo kalena mar keliya lagu kordegto si aan loogu aaboyeelin.
  19. ^I know, I always leave a good impression with my genius and brilliant mind but I shall pass the request of yours! I was thinking of something else, I shall be compelled to compose a non-fictional drama story inshallah! Normally, I don't bother myself with such issues as I'm a realist but I want to compose a sad and dramatic story based fully on first eye-witness stories and second-hand reports/narratives inshallah! The content should shock all of you inshallah! It is related/based on the Somali civil war, that's all I can reveal for now, so be excited! I will leave the immoral persian fair-tales to the likes of the folks that named themselves after it such as the Sherherazaads etc and so on! Maybe I will keep my non-fictional drama story to myself, I really don't know but if you beg me hard enough maybe I will do it! But only maybe.
  20. ^To be honest with you, I extremly dislike such stories but I was astonished why someone would actually name themselves after such comical characters? The joke is on the sister Sherazaad! The story has no morals or anything real or good about it, so why like it? Or better name yourself after it? I guess, I have to ask that question our sister Sherazaad! Cambarro, why don't you change your name and adopt a new name such as Dunyazaad! Lol. I already told you, that I will not be your Prince Omar, I wouldn't doubt that you actually would find someone willing to be your Prince Omar! After that you could maybe start your theatrics here in Sol, to the amusement of all of your audience me included? No? Yes? We need an answer!
  21. Much better video, watch and enjoy I say! Nice to see how united our people in the twin cities are! Maashallaah! Here it is: TFG Support rally!
  22. This is for those who might think to themselves, 'What the hell is Yoonis talking about in that poem'? I always let myself down for expecting people to be as alert and intelligent like me that's why it often backfires, but let me clear the mystery for you, shall I? Who is Sheherazade? The character our sister Sheherazade has based her name on (and maybe persona who knows)! You might not know this but the character our own sheherazade has based her name on, is a mystic ancient persian character, that can be found in the famous story of 1001 nights! Apparently against the wishes of her father Sheherazade desired to marry a certain Prince Omar, who was marrying 'virgins' and after spending the night with them and before the appraoch of dawn, he would behead them, because apparently he was cheated on by his former wife that why he vowed to himself to interact with virgins during the wedding night and then to behead them before dawn so that they couldn't cheat on him! Apparently that Prince Omar has killed 3000 virgin women (well they weren't virgins after spending a night with them I would guess) at the time when Sheherazade desired to marry him! Her father wanted to prevent her from that silly move because apprently Sheherazade had to die in the morning just before dawn after spending the night with Prince Omar! Anyhow, Sheherazade spent the night with Prince Omar and she was 'narrating' to him a beautiful story during the whole night, which Prince Omar so much liked! When the story finished, Prince Omar was apprently 'hungry' for more stories and Sheherazade told the Prince, 'Oh Prince there isn't anytime left for more stories, as it is nearly dawn and you have to behead me and the second story of mine is even longer than the first one'? Lol But apprently prior to that she requested seeing her sister Dunyazaad for the last time and when she returned Prince Omar said, 'I want more stories' and she continued and he didn't behead her! To cut a long story short after 3 boys and 1001 nights, Sheherazade has managed not only to stop Prince Omar from beheading her but she brought some 'morals' back into the women serial killer called Prince Omar! That's the crust of the story! P.S. I only did the story because I could see our sister Sheherazade (the one that volunteered to marry a serial women murderer) has indeed blinded herself and asked me what the hell I was talking about! Well I guess she knew about it but the rest of us obvisously didn't so I composed that story. I don't think/believe for one moment the sister didn't knew what her name was all about? Maybe a coincidence? I don't think so!
  23. The ugly: You still go ahead by booking an appointment with a rogue and fake 'doctor' (who is a learned butcher by profession), despite not having the necessary paperwork! But you trust the butcher turned 'doctor' anyway, who himself has forged his 'papers' to become a doctor in the NHS (he 'borrowed' his uncles papers, who died a long time ago)! He cuts you to pieces and takes away some of your organs and leaves you even more worse off than before and you can't sue him or you don't have the means to sue him cause that would mean 'deportation' and you don't want to go back home yet, especially so, when you have been operated on by someone, who never ever attended a medical class or operated on someone except for butchering animals!
  24. Nice development! Radar will be installed in Bosaso port, Laasqorey and Calula inshallah! Waxa uu Mr. Gayre sheegay in dhowaan ay Puntland la soo wareegi donto maraakiib ku wa dagaalka ah oo ilaaliya xeebaha Puntland. Inshallah, battle ships is a must for protecting the long coast of Puntland State of Somalia, I'm happy that they're acquiring those battle ships in due time inshallah! Good move and may the state further progress and develop inshallah! Amiin.
  25. ^A bit lightheartedness doesn't harm, so I composed that little hymne for you! You might sing it and try it out at your local Persian story-telling club? And I thought doing it in italics would somehow reinforce the sarcastic nature of my post but I guess it was totally disregarded and overlooked by your incomprehension of the irony portrayed in my post! What say you?