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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. This is a good development. The people of the neighbourhoods have to protect themselves and avoid being subjected to violence by people who throw mortars at the government whilst hiding amongst children and innocent people. The game is up.
  2. Lord Triesman, Foreign Office Minister for Africa, today met with His Excellency Mr Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, President of the Transitional Federal Republic of Somalia. The President is visiting the UK on 21-22 February as a guest of the British Government. He has a range of meetings with the government, including calls yesterday on the International Development Secretary, Hilary Benn, and the Foreign Affairs Select Committee. He will also address a meeting today on Somalia at Chatham House. Lord Triesman said: 'We are delighted that President Yusuf of Somalia is visiting the UK as a guest of the British government. We welcome President Yusuf's commitment to reconciliation in Somalia and will support him in his efforts to establish representative, inclusive institutions in Somalia with the support of the people of Somalia. We believe this will help bring peace, stability and democracy to Somalia for the first time in many years.' Hilary Benn said: 'The challenge of reconstructing and developing Somalia is immense. Four out of five children do not go to school. The average life expectancy is 47, and nearly a quarter of children die before the age of five. But genuine reconstruction will only happen if there is true reconciliation, including a reconciliation congress, and lasting peace in the country. The UK remains committed to helping the President and the Transitional Federal Institutions to find that peaceful settlement, and start to meet the needs of the Somali people.'
  3. Press Release TRIESMAN AND BENN MEET PRESIDENT OF SOMALI(22/02/07) Lord Triesman, Foreign Office Minister for Africa, today met with His Excellency Mr Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, President of the Transitional Federal Republic of Somalia. The President is visiting the UK on 21-22 February as a guest of the British Government. He has a range of meetings with the government, including calls yesterday on the International Development Secretary, Hilary Benn, and the Foreign Affairs Select Committee. He will also address a meeting today on Somalia at Chatham House. Lord Triesman said: 'We are delighted that President Yusuf of Somalia is visiting the UK as a guest of the British government. We welcome President Yusuf's commitment to reconciliation in Somalia and will support him in his efforts to establish representative, inclusive institutions in Somalia with the support of the people of Somalia. We believe this will help bring peace, stability and democracy to Somalia for the first time in many years.' Hilary Benn said: 'The challenge of reconstructing and developing Somalia is immense. Four out of five children do not go to school. The average life expectancy is 47, and nearly a quarter of children die before the age of five. But genuine reconstruction will only happen if there is true reconciliation, including a reconciliation congress, and lasting peace in the country. The UK remains committed to helping the President and the Transitional Federal Institutions to find that peaceful settlement, and start to meet the needs of the Somali people.' Notes to Editors President Yusuf is visiting with a delegation that includes The Hon Hussein Elabie Fahie, Minister of Planning; Mr Mohammed Wasame Farah, the Head of National Security Agency; and Mr Ali Dirir Farah, Permanent Secretary of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. The UK is one of the largest bilateral donors to Somalia, providing £15.5 million of assistance in 2006/07.
  4. ^Now people know, why I call the folks like Jeylaani mere haters. Hate is bad for you as it doesn't bother anyone except you, whilst GD laughs and enjoys himself, your stomach hurts painfully. But GD wouldn't know about it, give a damn or shed a tear for you. So get on with it, this is politics. Not something personal. Usually that's the difference. For you it's more than politics because now it's about your survival. Get the complex out of your system and see the daylight my friend, Somalis don't hate one another but you brought it to a new and unprecidented level and you have a good following as well. Don't force me to go hard on you and reveal what you're, because if I stand up and talk once, you would freeze and collapse, understand? So don't provoke your downfall, I hope you can read between the lines.
  5. ^It's complicated MC Xamar. It's about decimal separators and how the dots and commas are equally used as decimal separators. For example in mainland Europe they would write one million like this: 1.000.000,00 (European one million where as the comma is used as decimal separator) On the other hand in the UK and US (US leans to European system now increasingly) would write a million in the following format: 1,000,000.00 International system (SI) says both ways are right. However the proper way to depict large numbers according to SI is the following: 1 000 000,00 (For countries that use the comma as decimal separator) And 1 000 000.00 (For countries that use the dot as decimal separators). In order to reduce confusion for the not so bright-minded, like our friend Ngonge. I know it's difficult but I hope you understand it anyway.
  6. ^Let the class and education begin, I ask the intelligent and able crowd in here to bear with me as you can see my post is really long but it should be worth it inshallah at the end of you reading it through as it is really educational and not on par with the rest of the awful posts displayed by some of the simpletons in here. As usual Ngonge is bliding himself from the hard, unforgiving and naked truth. I rather not discuss with him on this issue as I can clearly see that he's not even on my level! It's really getting frustrating to educate the old man every now and then, but as usual I shall point him into the right direction and give him the crucial info he lacks. In short I shall make him veer! If we talk about decimal separators the comma and dot are equal to one another. He doesn't even know what a radix point is and now he's included it in his last post.,00 is a billion in the UK and US. But not in the majority of Europe. In Europe,00 is a billion! You see I'm going to highlight to the gallery here how confused british people are. Dots and commas are equal and can both be used as decimal separators. For example,00 and 1,000,000,000.00 have the same meaning and no-one can dispute it. Dot and comma both are legitimate as decimal separators. I know for sure that Northerner and Cambarro are both from the UK and had a similiar education but Northerner gave us a billion with only 9 zero's whilst Cambarro gave us a billion with 12 zero's. Cambarro wrote: 1,000,000,000,000.00 Whilst Northerner wrote: 1,000,000,000 Who's right? Northerner uses the new short-wave system of the US which has been adopted by law and used in the financhial services whilst Cambarro uses the old format, which has changed from 12 zero's to 9 zero's and there's no more milliard. My dictionary informs me the following: Milliard (dated): U.K. billion: one thousand million, now called a billion. So in the new sense a 'billion' has nine zero's now as well in the UK and not any longer 12 zero's! However in Europe traditionally a 'billion' had 12 zero's. Like this:,00 or as Cambarro has wrote it, UK system and US although the US increasingly uses comma's instead of dot's as decimal separators increasinly now as well. 1,000,000,000,000.00! So in practise and theory:,00 (In European Billion) 1,000,000,000,000.00 (former Billion in the UK) Have/Had the same meaning! However in the new sense:,00 or 1,000,000,000.00 A 'American' Billion have the same meaning although the written format is different! On the other hand:,00 (European billion) and 1,000,000,000.00 (American and UK billion) Alternatively written:,00 have the same meaning. Confusing heh? Adeer I give you knowledge which you cannot comprehend or understand so please stop the fidgeting will you? Now look at this table below and tell me if the figures depicted really do mean one US dollar, will you? I dare you to and the gallery shall be my witness. Or are you saying the table has been written by MKA? Don't make the gallery laugh. Would you mind to interpret the table for us and the depicted figures and how they decimal separators are used as commas and the unit separators as dots? Will you raise up to the Challenge, I'll doubt it very hardly. Now come at me and tell me what you think. Lol You're a loser adeer and quite evident at it as well. <img src=" - Which bonds has Repsol YPF issued in the last few years? Repsol YPFs bond issues are as follow: BONDS ISSUED BY REPSOL INTERNATIONAL FINANCE BV Bond Issue date Maturity Nominal amount Market where it trades REP 7,00% 27/Jul/1995 01/Aug/2005 USD$ 300.000.000,00 Registrados en la S.E.C. REP 7,45% 17/Jul/2000 15/Jul/2005 USD$,00 Registrados en la S.E.C. FRN eur+100 p.b. 28/May/2003 28/May/2006 Eur 150.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 5,75% 04/Dec/2001 04/Dec/2006 Eur 750.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 6,00% 05/May/2000 05/May/2010 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 6,00% (*) 21/Jun/2001 05/May/2010 Eur 175.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 5,00% 22/Jul/2003 22/Jul/2013 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 4,625% 08/Oct/2004 08/Oct/2014 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange (*) The Rep 6,00% bond issue was increased by an additional Eur 100mn and is fungible with the existing Eur 1 billion issue. " alt="" /> or altenatively click on here: I can give you many financial reports where the comma is used as a decimal separator! In Europe they used the comma where as in English speaking countries they use a dot but both can be used. The confusion stems from the british being confused.,00 (In the sense of American billion) 1,000,000,000.00 (UK and US billion) Are indeed the same. Where as in Europe:,00 (In the sense of European billion) and 1,000,000,000.00 (In the sense of US and UK billion) Have essentially the same meaning. According to International system (SI) both systems are legitimate and right in the sense of being used as decimal separators. So therefore the dot and comma are both equal and right! Can you argue with that? No, because it's superior knowledge that you cannot aruge or go against, understand? I hope that you've been following my education and from now on all the confusion will cease and let me apologise to the gallery here for the long post but it had to be done and was unavoidable as the uneducated folks needed a lot of explanation and education again! Sometimes I don't even know to why I debate with simpletons because if you debate with people that are not on par with you, you risk being hit and dirtied by the mud that is flying in the air in which the ignorant folks like Ngonge dwell and swim in!
  7. MC Xamar here is the report in full in English, read it inshallah as it's the 'official source' by Reuters. Yemen in talks for Africa bridge Posted: Wednesday, February 21, 2007 Sanaa Yemen is in talks with a Dubai-based company to build a 14-km bridge across the Red Sea to the Horn of Africa country of Djibouti, a Yemeni official said. A UAE newspaper said the project, estimated to cost $1 billion, could be launched within two months, though it was not immediately clear when it would be completed. 'The company and the government are still in negotiations,' a senior Yemeni government official said. 'This project, if implemented, will be a main gate between Africa and Asia. It is crucial for trade and tourism.' UAE newspaper Al Bayan cited unnamed officials as saying that Dubai-based Middle East Development company was discussing the bridge project with both Djibouti and Yemen, an Arab country on the southwestern edge of the Arabian peninsula. It said the project would span Yemen's Red Sea island of Perim across the strait of Bab Al Mandib to Djibouti. As well as a motorway to carry cars and trucks, the bridge will include a railway track which will be used to transport goods imported from Russia, India and China to Africa, it said.Reuters
  8. ^That's outdated Cambarro, the new way of representing a billion in the UK and by law is 1,000,000,000.00 or if I use the american way of representing figures,00 which means a billion only having nine zero's! However in European countries a billion has 12 zero's like the below! $,00 or as you have wrote it (UK style of using commas instead of dots)! Educate yourself sister as I cannot do that always for you. However I would agree that caution should be exercised because the UK used to represent a billion just like our sister Cambarro did but I guess she's somehow still stuck in the past because the UK way of representing a billion is out-dated and frankly not anymore in use! You are an old soul Cambarro as the new generation here in Britain are now more leaning to the US way and style of representing a billion! $,00 or the way you have spelled it is a billion nowadays in the UK! Where's,00 with twelve zero's is indeed a billion in many European countries and formerly in the UK as well but not any longer. P.s. before you shout, there are indeed twelve zero's in the 'European billion' and not 14 because the last two figure's should not be counted, so get that in your head.
  9. Indeed I agree with brother Sophist, beautiful words! Brother GD is only a proud father and there's nothing wrong with it. I wish him many more pleasure's, contentment, enjoyment, happiness and beautiful days ahead of him to enjoy with his child and may Allaah the great keep him and all of us safe from any harm inshallah. Amiin
  10. ^How so, tell me? Adeer I'm real and knowledgable as well in the things I say, they're not just something uttered randomly, understand?,00 ^That's a 'billion' in the US, UK and many English speaking countries or that have English as their second language. Where as the below:,00 means 'One billion' as well in many other countries e.g. majority of Europe! Now argue with that if you can? But I doubt it that you will, as you don't have any knowledge into such matters.
  11. The Yemeni government is paying for the project as it is pursued by them! Yes quite rightly that is one billion, that's the US way of representing one billion and also in the UK (by law) and many other English speaking countries! However my natural inclination as a European would to spell a billion in the format of a one followed by twelve zeros. Like this:,00 ^A billion in European terms! A one followed by 12 zeros.*** But as we speak English and use the English way of representing a 'billion', a billion would have to be represented as I've done above in my first post i.e.: $,00 ^A billion in the English speaking world including the UK. A one followed by 9 zero's. p.s. ***the last two zeros should not be counted as they don't count (in case some dumb and uneducated fool tries to give it another meaning by saying that the 'English billion' has 11 zeros and the 'European billion' 14)! I see it is to complicated for some in here so I won't try to bore it with you any longer. However my explanation should help to those uneducated folks out there that are a little bit confused and do not know how to really interpret/represent numbers!
  12. Development is good sister! Yemen has to put somewhere its money from oil revenues and the project should be welcomed! It would bring more prestige, tourism and trade to the area! Yemenis in general are unruly bunch of people just like the Somalis are, they happy with their current situation and lack of development as it is! Yemenis don't want to change and they happy with their homegrown qat! They're the poorest country in the Arabian peninsula because of that reason! Projects in the infrastructe like this will bring a new pride into the region and much needed capital! I say bring a under water tunnel as well just like the Euro tunnel! Do you think the Euro tunnel was a bad idea? I don't think so. Euro tunnel is great so will be this bridge inshallah! Anything that makes it easy for people to break down anykind of barriers is great and welcomed by me! If other countries and regions can do it, why not us then? It's time that the region wakes up and developes inshallah! Horn of Africa together with Yemen is heading for the right direction! Also know that with the new political organisation such as the Sana'a forum in which Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen and Somalia are members of will further increase the progress, development and regional co-operation in this region inshallah! Can't you see where we're heading towards? Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen and Somalia are from now on working close together and cooperating with each other like the predecessor of the EU was! Soon everything will be coming together inshallah like the rest of the world but it will take time, maybe another twenty to fourt years but not now, however this is the beginning inshallah! Horn of Africa nations and the new Sana'a Forum will help the region to co-operate as much as they can in order to achieve political, economical and social development and progress inshallah and that is the way to go!
  13. Picture's from the Francophones Summit in the picturesque city of Cannes!
  14. A new proposal is underway to link up the two continents of Africa and Asia together with a bridge! The Yemeni government is in discussion with a firm from the United Arab Emirates called Middle East Development company! The project will cost around,00 US-currency and will start from the Bab Al-Mandib all the way to Djibouti inshallah! The bridge will be 14 km's long inshallah! It is hoped that this project will increase the trade between the two continents in future inshallah and the project is persued by the Yemeni government vigorously and it is also welcomed on the other hand by the state of Djibouti!
  15. ^Brother I don't like to frame our brother Shucayb but his has surpassed 'hate' or qabyaalad for that matter, it is actually a complex! All Somalis suffer from some kind of 'qabyaalad'. We're all prone to it, even the Mashaayiikh (shuyuukh) but in varying degrees. Some only have mild tendencies to qabilism, whilst other's are intermediate/midway and other's have advanced qabyaalad tendencies! However the brother due to historical factors suffer's something that is even more than hatred! That I've been saying previously! Someone a fellow clansman of him actually said once in a poem 'That he's going to leave Islaam and Somaliness for the sake of Saado Ali's clan'! Can you believe that? He's actually saying that 'He's going to renounce Islaam and Somaliness for the sake of a certain clan' meaning that because of his absolute disgust and hate for a certain people or clan, that he's eventually going to leave the fold of Islaam and all other things he believed in because he hates a certain clan so much that he's going to give up on Islaam and Somaliness for the sake of that clan! Brother Shucayb might not go as far as his clansman but that fact will certainly not reduce his utter contempt, odium and abhorrence for a certain people and clan in Somalia! It's not a secret and quite evident for the eye that observes and want's to see! I'm 100% positive on the matter! He should deal with his hatred and I wish him that one day inshallah he will be cured from that terrible disease that has befallen him but I doubt it! It's incurable unless ofcourse he decreases the hate by putting the fear of Allaah more into his heart than the hate for certain people! I wish him well!
  16. So how about if I remove this taliban out of your face? I could beat him up for you and put him in a cage so that you might use him as a exotic public exhibition, deal? Glad that you accepted that offer of mine!
  17. Sister I already said to you 'That I liked you' so isn't that enough of a apology! When I usually apologise to someone, I tell them that 'I like them'! So I like you Val that should be sufficient inshallah! You should know me, I never apologise to women nor do I tell them that 'I love them', all I say is that 'They're appreciated'! So calm down, relax and offer me an apology instead!
  18. ^I like you Val, so calm down sister! Polygamy is not the norm but it is very practical in one sense especially during special times such as wars, where many men die and many women become widows or simply not enough men are avialable but not as we practise it! However it is true that there are so many women that cannot find a partner so where do you put them? Don't they have a right to get married? Every women should have a right to get married and bear children if Allaah has willed and intended for her to raise children! But sometimes polygamy is not unavoidable but the desire should be monogamy! Guess what, I'm going to make an exception to my previous rule of marrying only one wife during my life time inshallah! I'm now considering doing a service to Islaam by marrying all those that are without a husband and have been unsuccessful in finding a caring and suitable husband! Maybe you're blind, maybe you have got a hunchback, one leg, one arm or you're even a handicapped 'cripple' it doesn't matter to me as I'm going to collect you and marry you until one of you passes away and I will remarry again a sister that has got some sort of impairment, that inshallaah is my charity by marrying those weak and 'left-over' sisters for the sake of giving them a married life and maybe bearing children onto this world! So if you suffer from any handicapping impairment MKA is all yours, please write to me on: P.O. Box 564738 MKA Yoonis Post-office UK-branch! Or preferably you can e-mail me on: It's much appreciated thanks a lot in advance.
  19. ^Thank you for plagiarizing and thus suspsequently ending up with summerising my intensive study and work (reply/post)! BTW, Can I incorporate you into the MKA's research center and paper of the prevention and containment of Public diseases and epidemics and devising of successful strategies to combat and fight those pandemics? I like you, you make a great deal of sense! Inshallah continue on the path you're pursing right now, I wish you success inshallah! I entrust you from now on to debate on my behalf on this issue at hand, nothing to thank me for as it should be a honour for you, and for me it is my pleasure! Continue inshallah!
  20. Eedeynsane yuusuf garaad oo ah ninka haysta bbcda qeybta afsomaliga ayaa jaaliyada somalida ee Engiriiska dacwad u gudbiyeen maxa sare ee bbcda!!! To: The Chairman of the Board of Governors 35 Marylebone High Street London W1U 4AA Dear Sirs, We are Somali-Britons who deeply care for the future of our country. We are very unhappy about the way the BBC Somali Service conducts the Somalia related programs: Such as the selection of News Topics to broadcast and the selection of the radical people interviewed. We feel that the people in charge of the Somali Service are neither being impartial, diverse in opinion or fair in reporting the reality in Somalia. On the contrary, they appear to be taking sides and acting as tools of propaganda for the Islamic Courts Union. In our opinion, a group of Islamic Courts Union Supporters within the BBC Somali Service are selectively choosing interviewees to express the opinion of the group that the Islamic Courts Union are the chosen liberators of the Somali people. Thereby using the good offices of the BBC to campaign for the newly emerged Taliban Style Forces. We know these Forces as the New Somali Warlords who have replaced the previous, now ousted Somali Warlords. The people in charge of the BBC Somali Service is giving the activists of the Islamic Courts Union a platform as a means of propaganda for the purpose of poisoning, brain-washing and recruiting young innocent Somali-Britons and other youth Muslims in Britain, Somalia, and The East African Region, and indeed World-wide. As you know, the ousted Somali Warlords killed hundreds of thousands of innocent civilian Somalis. Dismantled our country’s physical infrastructure and social fabric, and took Somalia back to the Stone Age. Their activities were then confined in the Somali Territory. But now these Islamic Courts, the New Warlords, are a global threat, fanatic madmen, extremists and fundamentalists who want and plan to wage war on everyone, every religion & faith, including Islam. They have declared JIHAD without understanding what JIHAD is. They are only using Religion as a means to achieve their goals through the implementation of far more deadly and dangerous hidden agenda. I enclose a DVD Video demonstrating the Islamic Courts Union’s ideology and actions since they seized power in Mogadishu and Southern Somalia Regions. What has happened to the Journalism Ethics of the BBC Somali Service? What has happened to the trusted and respected core values of News Broadcasting that has always distinguished the BBC from all the other Broadcasting Media? Are we to understand that the ethics of the BBC Somali Service are now the accepted ethics of the BBC. Yours sincerely, Somali–Britons United Kingdom
  21. ^Forgive inshallah it is so good I've to post it a third time! Adeer I don't make birthday presents because out of my muslim creed but I prescribed the MKA dose already for you for immediate use and I recommend to you that you take at least two doses of MKA's tonight! If it's not enough and the pain still persists, I recommend you take one more dose of MKA's inshallah! Originally posted by MKA: I will be fine inshallaah godwillingly as there's no problem with me going to the 'makhayaad' however I don't have any hope for the two of you, that you might be cured of the devasting and terrible disease that has befallen you! You will have to take it all the way to the grave! As there's no cure yet for 'I-hate-Puntland-and-its-people Syndrome' unfortunately you have passed that stage and progressed to a more advanced stage and now you suffer also from Advanced Acquired Incurable [D-clan hate] Syndrome or in short A.A.I.D.S ! In fact it is a incurable disease, that you have to take all the way to the grave! But there' are some antivirals named MKA, however it can only reduce/lessen the pain but unfortunately not cure it! So tonight remember to take your dose of MKA inshallah as it is important! Each night you should take two doses of MKA inshallah! If you finish all your MKA doses (from now on MKA's) give me a shout and your address, so I can mail some extra MKA's to you inshallah!