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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. ^True Xalane. Abu Geeljire do you know that it is forbidden in Islaam to pursue actions that will bring further and a greater evil, chaos and civil strife? What does Islaam say if you cannot fight your enemy effictively and you do not have the appriopriate preparation nor weaponary to engage in full out war? They had their chance in the eight day war in which Mogadishu was captured and instead of running away they should have showed their bravado and what intelligent and able mortar launchers they're on that battefield. Their bravado was needed in Idaale, Diinsoor, Qansaxdheere and Modo Modo but they lost the war and no are fighting on top of innocent and weak women, children and elderly folks. Adeer such kind of war is alien in Islaam and not supported, why can't they come out in the daylight and fight man-to-man, because maybe they don't have the right preparation and power to challenge the authority? What does the aayah say? Prepare yourself adequately for battle and if you can't then don't hide behind innocent women and children. Are you telling me now these morons are adequately equipped and prepared for this war? Can they uproot the people their opposing? Can they challenge the 'invaders' firepower? No because if they could we would have seen it in the eight day war. So, they have been defeated and their leaders fled into thin air and exile and with no real leadership, they're going about to harm innocent people with no real hope of evicting them out of the city, with minimal lost of lives. Prepare yourself adequatel for battle and fight but don't hide and throw one grenade. Aren't this people after jannah and get martyred? Yes, I would guess so, they they should come out and fight a proper war but not roaming the streets like thugs and criminals and as soon as they fire two mortars nobody knows of where it will hit or who it will kill. It's up for Mogadishu civilians to stop these morons and they're in consultation about this matter and soon they will chase those criminals out from their midst, then they will be brought to justice inshallah and they will pay for the atrocities and civil hardship they caused. This is not a resistence and we all know that nothing good nor sophisticated about it, only disgruntled individuals throwing one mortar here and there, nothing to suggest anything apart from that.
  2. The simplicity of the matter is that it is true that influential clan men and follow Burcaawis of Oodweyne are today in Bosaso drinking and sipping on tea provided through Puntland hospitality. Remember no one said that they will provide the TFG a foothold in Burco but that they're going to discuss with Puntland officials on how to help the TFG getting a foothold in Burco and set up a E-Passport office along as well. Lol (Seems everyone wants a E-Passport nowadays, who could blame them? Certainly not me.) Nothing is definite adeer and no one said that it will occur or happen but that they're there and soon they will come down to Garoowe for further discussions. So let me ask you once again, What is their mission/objective supposed to be? They surely can't be on a mere holiday vacation, or can they be? Just think of it a little harder before you jump right away into hot water and getting all worked up and emotional. Take your time, this people are there and surely they're not there for no apprent reason, they must have an objective otherwise they would not be guests of Puntland State of Somalia, understand? As to their objectives nobody can know now if they will be successful or coming into fruition or not, so calm down. Nothing has happpened yet. So you should not be fearful inshallah, just relax for a moment. Breath in, Breath out And once again: Breath in and then Breath out again ^This should help, everytime you feel fearful/frightened and all worked up remember to do that inshallah as it will help you a lot, no doubt. Lol
  3. ^With the grace of Allaah brother, let's hope so and I hope more victories come on our way as you have put it brother. I sincerely hope for the pacification of the capital in due time inshallah. The grenade throwers defeat and downfall is immiment inshallah.
  4. Dabshid I believe the lady is a profound member of the UK Congress for the Security and Peace of Somalia but I'm not too sure.
  5. ^Well said, he is advocating for civil strife from the safety of his home but who is he trying to fool? There's simply no viable resistence right now in Somalia and the only people that are going to suffer are the local populance, so what is he advocating for the old man? Is he advocating for criminals that are throwing one mortar or grenade and then hiding behind innocent women, children and elderly people? Why can't they come out and fight a man's war instead of throwing one mortar from an area where they don't even live themselves (they don't want to put their mothers, wifes and children at risk but are too happy about putting other innocent people to their early graves). Shame on them, shame on them I say. The Sheikh is calling for another evil and instead of issuing futile fatwas he should have said that the criminals should come out of their hiding places and fight according to the Sunnah and Islaam or put their weapons down for once and all. There is no other option let the people not suffer any longer as they have suffered enough. This time its lasting peace inshallah and the criminals will be squashed and defeated inshallah. Victory for the TFG inshallah,
  6. For all Somalis as the E-Passport is exclusive for Somali nationals, Somali ethnics and naturalised citizens from other countries only, but travel-documents can be extented to aliens as well. They must be resident in Somalia and it doesn't matter where they were born. Ethiopian-Somalis or Kenyan-Somalis can get the passport as well but they have to proove only that they are ethnic Somalis. All ethnic Somalis can get a E-Passport.
  7. ^^^Who could blame them, I too would drive all the way to get a E-Passport a one life time opportunity. But the question is why and especially why at this moment? I hear they will be moving on to the capital of Puntland to have futher discussion with Puntland officials to regards about to why they here and how best they can help the TFG getting a foothold in the capital of Togdheer itself, Burco inshallah. We will wait and see inshallah to what its outcome will be.
  8. Rahima the worst of the warlords are well know, it is those that prevented the capital of pacifying itself, it is those that prevented for 16 years a affective central government emerging all have been eaten up by Mogadishu, where's Cali Mahdi, Aydid and Abdiqassim's? It is the only place where daily killngs in their tens and hundreds were a regular occurance. It is the only place that did not have a functioning local administration. It is the only place that did have multiple illegal roadblocks set up by thugs. It was the only place, that have 14 different rulers i.e warlords that government different districts. It was the only place where people were offered if they booked a hotel room a private militia that is going to escort them from the airport. Simply Mogadishu was a jungle where the gun ruled and and different thugs were reporting to different warlords. No order, No administration, No single ruler, No regulations. Compare that and the warlords that represented the south and Mogadishu to Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad. 1. He was released from an ethiopian prison by the Tigreys in 91. 2. He came to Puntland and was made the head of the SSDF's emergency wing. 3. In 92, when Somalia erupted into civil war, the Itihad group was entrusted with taking care of Bosaso port. 4. Hassan Dahir Aweys as a refugee started a revolutions and arrested Abdullahi Yusuf and other elders with no apprent warning. 5. The army that was send to fight in the civil war had to be re-called and Abdullahi Yusuf was saved by Sheikh Abdulqadir Gacmey from the murderous hand of Aweys, who wanted to kill Abdullahi Yusuf for no apprent reason. 6. Itihad have been defeated and they fled to the mountains. 7. In 93 Abdullahi Yusuf made peace with Aydid brining the onslaught of the North-East by the violent and unpricinpled thugs to an end. 8. 93-98 The North-East was the most peaceful region in Somalia, dozens of people from Mogadishu and the south settled for a peaceful live, whilst they were fleeing Mogadishu. 9. In fact the majority of the North-East has not seen any war except for Galkacyo being captured by the morons of Aydid and the subsequent killing and 'genocide' of the people over 400 people have been killed indiscrimantely majority of them were innocent elders. USC waged a war on the North-East for no apparent reason. 10. The fight mostly ocncentrated in Mudug and Galkacyo area and in 93 USC gave up on their ambition of brining the North-East under their rule of the gun and mooriyanissm. 11. There was a small war in 92 when the Itihad has unlawfully captured the regions leaders whilst the Army was fighting the enemy read USC. 12. The majority of the towns in the North-East were the most peaceful exception being North-Galkacyo, which was attacked by USC but since 93 a shaky Peace-treaty hold on (it was maintained by the people of the North-East because they hate wars and they were focusing in establishin a new life in the North-East as they have been kicked out by the USC from their homes and livelihoods). 13. In 98 Abdullahi Yusuf was made President of Puntland on a consensus bases and the people of North-East were living and leading prosporous lives. 14. In 2001 Abdullahi Yusuf insisted of extending his mandate and rule as Arta was threating the autonomous region of Puntland that was advocating for a federal system, thus their refusion to except Arta government which was a civil society based government under a central system. Puntland was striving for autonomity and self-rule. 15. A war erupted shortly but not in the towns and cities. There was no war in Gaalkacyo, there was no war in Laascaanood, there was no war in Bosaso and there was a small confrontation in Garoowe capital of Puntland in which a minium of people died. We got enthustically women and elders that would not allow a fight inside a city unlike Mogadishu folks that like to fight in cities and on top of innocent women and children. I can provide you with a tape from Abdullahi Yusuf saying and bragging to Gheedi 'That Puntlanders or the people of the North-East do not fight inside towns and that Gheedi has to change the 'culture' in Mogadishu' and he was right we do not fight inside towns and cities. 16. Two armies collied at Dhuudo and subsequently the oppostion retreated from Puntland into neighbouring Hargeisa regime controlled region of Ceel-Afweyn. 17. They vacated Bosaso and were welcomed enthusiastically to the town with green leafs and Abdullahi Yusuf took his rightful place in the Precidency and Bosaso was spared and no shot was fird I only wished the same fait could be extented to Mogadishu and its people. 18. Soon he opened discussion with the people that were opposed to them and they came back with their armour and guerilla army and a inclusinve peace treaty was signed. The people of Puntland during the dispute and power struggle did not suffer and life was going on as normal and ussual. 19. Now the same leader of the group that was challenging and opposing Abdullahi Yusuf called Gen. Cadde is the President of Puntland, that shows you how intelligent the people of the North-East are. 20. In 2004 Abdullahi Yusuf was made the President of Somalia until now. 21. In his earlier life he was a officer in the Somali National Army and in 1978 he took part in a failed coup against Siad Barre's regime. 22. 1978-85 he was founder of the first Somali rebel group against the Somali regime of Maxemd Siyaad Barre. 23. In 1985 He was imprisoned by Ethiopias Derg regime and stayed in prison for six years until 91, when he was realised by the tigrey lead rebel group that oused Haile Miriam Mengistu. So tell me where in that sequence from 91-2004 did you see him committing atrocities or killing people. Abdullahi Yusuf is a man of order and descipline, he hates chaos and anarchy and chaos and anarchy is what Mogadishu has been thriving on from 1991-2006 July when the ICU came to power. So tell me where the extortions, killings and illegal roadblocks and countless patty and trivial fightings Abdullahi Yusuf take part in, in the former North-East and Puntland? The people were fleeing from the monsters of Mogadishu and they were coming to Abdullahi Yusuf and the North-East and Puntland for safety, security and employment, so who is the warlord you talking about? Tell me wasn't the former North-East and Puntland stable and secure? Wasn't Mogadishu in Chaos for sixteen years? Were the people fleeing from Abdullahi Yusuf when they were fleeing in their masses from their homes in Mogadishu? Or were they fleeing teh Yalahows, Aydids, Caato's, Cal Mahdi's, Qanyare's and many more countless warlords of Mogadishu? They were fleeing to a place were they could find peace, security, employment and prosperity and that place was the former North-East and Puntland State of Somalia. And they were fleeing chaos, killings, mooriyaanis, anarchy, hunger and lawlessness which was Mogadishu. Don't deny those facts Rahima, you've to be just and I tell you as I've told you before, you have the worst 'leaders' (note there's no leader but leaders as Mogadishu has over 100 warlords who act like they were leaders}! So in short Abdullahi Yusuf stands for order, law, governance, peace and security which he will all to Mogadishu soon as well inshallah. And he hates anarchy, disorder, chaos, civil strife, and unruly folks. Afterall he's a military men and not the ignorant fools that were your 'leaders' the mooriyaanis a.k.a. warlords that were ruing the capital city of Somalia. Give respect where it is due inshallah and refrain from depicting a man of what he isn't and wasn't.
  9. *Table takes to much space and would ruin this marvelous thread, so here's the link instead: Table depicting Chuquet-Petelier long-scale numeric system in comparison to US-UK short-scale sytem.
  10. The posts of Ngonge get lamer and lamer every time he goes on. I provided the gallery with conclusive evidence in the table and example I posted, but that didn’t deter him pursuing the shallow cause he has dedicated to himself. I provide conclusive evidence and taught him that in financial and money terms the following $,00 indeed means a billion US-Dollars. However he wants us to believe that the depicted sum and amount is a mere $1.00 Dollar. I also taught the gallery that the majority of Europe (as can be seen from the two table below) such as France, Italy and Germany a billion has 12 zeros and it is indeed represented and depicted as the following:,00 or in French format 1 000 000 000 000,00 (they use a comma to depict the decimal and use it as a decimal separator) which is legitimate and perfectly valid according to International system (SI). They use the Chuquet-Peletier system know as the long-scale, where as in the US and in the UK (only from the sixties onwards) they use the short-scale system, where a billion only has 9 zeros. That is another undeniable fact. The table below compares some real and artificial numeral systems with superbases 1000 and 1000000. *First table has been removed for convenience and in order to make it easier for the reader as the table took up to much space, that's why I'm going to repost a link to the in my following post inshallah. *My second table is not allowed but you can find it at: Table depicting Chuquet-Peletier long-scale numeric system in comparions to US and UK short-scale system. We can see from the two above represented table, that they use in Europe the long-scale Peletier system, where as in the US they use the short-scale system. Britain used to have the Peletier system as well but in the sixties all changed and they converted to the US short-scale system as well, which meant that their billion was from now on represented with only 9 zeros instead of the traditional 12 zeros. I gave in my long post conclusive evidence and real knowledge regarding that matter. However when two people are engaged in a debate, we have to establish what actually is on contention and what people are really arguing about. We can see from Ngonge’s posts that he has nothing on me and that he couldn’t raise up to the challenge I provided him with because he didn’t refute anything I said, whereas I have pointed out quite rightly his ludicrous and absurd claim of $,00 meaning a mere $1.00 US dollar. I said that in financial and money terms $,00 can be used to depict a billion US dollars and I brought evidence and examples of its use as well. But Ngonge couldn’t challenge any of my posts, except for asking self-explanatory questions that aren’t even on contention, I believe someone is feeling the heat. Furthermore he said in one of his posts that my long post known as the ‘One billion demolition’, was a mere ‘drivel’ but he goes on to say that it agreed with it in its entirety. Can you see the contradiction? He’s saying one time that it was ‘drivel’ and at the same time that ‘it agrees with his stance’. Either he doesn’t know what the word ‘drivel’ is means or he confuses my scientific arguing with his drivel, the call is yours. I also said in my long post that: = 1000 millions = 1 billion And that:,00 indeed means One billion US dollars and that is what I said in my first post and all along. One billion US = 1,000,000,000 = essentially has the same meaning and amount, but Ngonge disputes that as it is for him a mere one US dollar. I also said: 1. There are four ways in which sums can be depicted in different writing styles in financial terms. One can use a dot or even a comma to use as a decimal separator. For example in financial terms the following have the same meaning and amount: 1.$,00 (as written in the table indeed means one billion and two-hundred and fifty millions or 1.25 billion)! Can also be written However 2. 1,250,000,000.00 also means the same as the above. Can also be written 1,250,000,000 3. 1 250 000 000,00 also means the same as the above. 4. 1 250 000 000.00 also means the same as the above. All the figures/sums/amounts above are ‘billions'. But the brother still maintains the following and I quote: But Ngonge still maintains: Originally by Ngonge: Northerner was correct in asking you if what you wrote meant $1.00 (note the place of the radix point). And I wrote: ‘Ha ha, don’t make me laugh adeer. Now would you be kind enough to tell the gallery here that the amount traded at the Luxembourg stock exchange of,00 is indeed anything else than a billion as you like us to believe and so whole-heartedly and foolishly believe and claim? And please don’t hide again or try to divert the issue. You’ve been found out to be quite a comical charlatan that talked of things that he didn’t know about. Although I gave him a helping hand but still he maintains in his latest posts the same lameness and I can see him getting even more desperate and lamer as he goes on. I gave him concrete evidence but unfortunately for him he could not deal with it very effectively or no-where near enough my satisfaction.,00 indeed means One billion US dollars and that what I said in my first post and all along. One billion US = 1,000,000,000 = essentially has the same meaning and amount, but Ngonge disputes that as it is for him a mere one US dollar.’ No one can help Ngonge here, he’s stranded and beyond help, so I kindly ask the gallery to accept that fact. I highlighted many things and how sums/amounts are depicted in different countries and how the comma’s and decimal points are used interchangeably and that both are legitimate in their own rights as decimal separators. However Ngonge still goes on and wants us to believe that $,00 is a mere $1.00 US-Dollar. My depiction of,00 was right to suggest that it was a billion dollars and his arguments were all sadly in vain. He was saying that the comma cannot be used as a decimal separator but I caught him out and destroyed him on that as well! It made him veer and there was simply no where in my posts, where common and poor Ngonge could take a grasp or challenge, he was simply out-manoeuvred and soon he was challenging my authority and good judgement without real afford to counter my posts as could be seen and observed from his half-hearted posts of late. I kindly ask the gallery to show me where he raised anything that he disagreed with me in my posts, simply there’s none. Ngonge has been outplayed and out-smarted by MKA. Evidence is that he did not raise anything in my posts which he disagreed with and showed the gallery with conclusive evidence that it was wrong with sufficient explanation and commentary. All he did was take a quote with no commentary. Furthermore he said in one of his posts, that mine long post was drivel and at the same time as well that it agreed with him, simply no room for him to oppose me in anything I wrote or said. But on the other hand, I raised many things he said and countered, challenged and refuted them with sufficient and efficient evidence and showed him the way, which left him speechless and to look for an exist door. It’s simple, the tide has turned and it is in favour of MKA. If you don’t like it then tough join Ngonge and company. MKA is the new champ and Sol’s most competent, able and eloquent debater, no wonder why some people are feeling the heat. In conclusion to this momentous and victorious post I’d like for NG to answer me two questions (atleast if one of the question is answered the second would become ‘self-answerable‘.) Firstly: Was I right to say that $,00 indeed means a billion US-dollars? And secondly: Were you wrong to say that $, 00 means $1.00 USD? Undoubtedly both answers are a ‘Yes’, unless of course you want to blind yourself.
  11. I shall use it Northerner but I should write check/cheque to emphasise inshallah. However as we have moved on to spellings now and the difference in how some words are spelled differently in the US and British English, I have always wondered why the british spell metre (meter in the US) for units of measurements whilst they use the spelling of 'meter' for measuring instruments, which I interpret as lack of uniqueness and confusing maybe I'm wrong, I don't know why, maybe you can further enlighten us on that matter and issue as I've always been interested in solving it, but to no avail and success. Northerner that is unchartered territory by me and if you could solve it, you would make a dream come true. So don't disappoint me with your answer! p.s. I don't want to put you on the spotlight because as a brit I think that you might know the answer, maybe you and Ngonge could do a bit of research together and then forward your results to me. You can fax me whilst quoting MKA Research Paper bureau on the difference of 'use' of 'metre' for units of measurements and 'use' of 'meter' for measuring instrumetens which emphasises confusion and a 'lack' of uniquness in the british sense, on the following number: 00442074859430. Thank you in advance. It is really appreciated but I would hope that you expand your rigid mind a little bit, in order for this time to make sense and bring about effective results, that can be displayed in a respectable forum such as SOL and which will be approved by such excellent and respectable research body/bureau/center for excellency in scholarship, MKA Institute and Forum for Research (MIFR). I shall grant you $,00 USD in paper money inshallah to help you with your research and the academic paper that you're going to submitt inshallah, which will undergo the harshest scrutiny by the master of scholarily and academic excellence himself, MKA Yoonis. Thank you, you can sit yourselves down now.
  12. ^I wouldn't be shown the door at Dukascopy which is a UK based company that trades in technology, check out their site inshallah. A little browsing wouldn't harm at all. BTW I use both check and cheque, one is american and the other is a UK spelling-term for the same 'check'. But I'd like to believe that check is more promiment than its british counterpart, which is only used in the British Isles and Commonwealth. Anyhow I use both and understand both like I use both written formats to depict/represent numbers. I also use a dot and comma as they're both equal as decimal separators. So there's nothing wrong with writing check or cheque both are legitimate and correct but you guys wouldn't know that. You have got a rigid mind and I would advice both of you, you and Ngonge to widen your horizons a little bit inshallah and take MKA as your teacher. It's all correct, whether you use check or cheque as they're both correct and interchangeable for me.
  13. ^I don't comment on my intentions, nice try Northerner. If it was delibrate or not it was raised and I don't know if my wish came true or not. I hope that you figure out by yourself anyway what I meant with the above statement. May I add, 'Have a nice day Northerner'. p.s. Would you and Ngonge mind sending the gallery in here a check of the following sum/amount of $,00 USD, you know it is only a dollar, you can afford it to drop such a sum, not?
  14. ^No, I see a man believing that $ (One billion USD) being $1.00 (One US-Dollar) and another man supporting him in that ludicrous and absurd belief and claim. Remember stoic: = 1000 millions = 1 billion BTW would you mind sharing with the gallery here what is on discussion? I hardly doubt it, that you're even aware or alert enough what is being discussed here and I don't mean it in a bad way, but you're not in my league. p.s. take your comic depiction to where they belong to e.g. to the dustbin of history. Don't be mad at me.
  15. ^It’s really simple in financial and money terms $,00 indeed means one billion US-Dollars. That’s what our friend Ngonge wrote a while back ago: Originally by Ngonge: Northerner was correct in asking you if what you wrote meant $1.00 (note the place of the radix point). However I quite rightly pointed out to him, that he was mistaken and that I was right in the depiction of $,00 meaning One billion US-currency and that it was a mere absurd thing to say that it was a mere $1.00 US currency. In financial and money terms,00 and 1,000,000,000.00 have the same meaning and weight/amount but our ignorant Ngonge wouldn’t know that. I will simply show and highlight to him in all simplicity that,00 indeed means a billion in money terms seeing from the table and the billions that are traded in the Luxembourg stock exchange. Let’s see what the table below says (Table is depicting figures from the Luxembourg Stock exchange): - Which bonds has Repsol YPF issued in the last few years? Repsol YPFs bond issues are as follow: BONDS ISSUED BY REPSOL INTERNATIONAL FINANCE BV Bond Issue date Maturity Nominal amount Market where it trades REP 7,00% 27/Jul/1995 01/Aug/2005 USD$ 300.000.000,00 Registrados en la S.E.C. REP 7,45% 17/Jul/2000 15/Jul/2005 USD$,00 Registrados en la S.E.C. FRN eur+100 p.b. 28/May/2003 28/May/2006 Eur 150.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 5,75% 04/Dec/2001 04/Dec/2006 Eur 750.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 6,00% 05/May/2000 05/May/2010 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 6,00% (*) 21/Jun/2001 05/May/2010 Eur 175.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 5,00% 22/Jul/2003 22/Jul/2013 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 4,625% 08/Oct/2004 08/Oct/2014 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange (*) The Rep 6,00% bond issue was increased by an additional Eur 100mn and is fungible with the existing Eur 1 billion issue. If we look at the nominal amount of the table we get to realise that the following amount or sum of USD$,00 is a billion indeed, however for our Ngonge it’s a little bit over one USD. Sure he will explain to the gallery here that he still stands by his ludicrous claim. However I will take the opportunity into educating him about how sums such as the above amount are depicted in financial terms and what they represent or stand for, so kindly bear with me. 1. There are four ways in which sums can be depicted in different writing styles in financial terms. One can use a dot or even a comma to use as a decimal separator. For example in financial terms the following have the same meaning and amount: 1.$,00 (as written in the table indeed means one billion and two-hundred and fifty millions or 1.25 billion)! Can also be written However 2. 1,250,000,000.00 also means the same as the above. Can also be written 1,250,000,000 3. 1 250 000 000,00 also means the same as the above. 4. 1 250 000 000.00 also means the same as the above. All the figures/sums/amounts above are ‘billions'. But the brother still maintains the following and I quote: Originally by Ngonge: Northerner was correct in asking you if what you wrote meant $1.00 (note the place of the radix point). Ha ha, don’t make me laugh adeer. Now would you be kind enough to tell the gallery here that the amount traded at the Luxembourg stock exchange of,00 is indeed anything else than a billion as you like us to believe and so whole-heartedly and foolshly believe and claim? And please don’t hide again or try to divert the issue. You’ve been found out to be quite a comical charlatan that talked of things that he didn’t know about. Although I gave him a helping hand but still he maintains in his latest posts the same lameness and I can see him getting even more desperate and lamer as he goes on. I gave him concrete evidence but unfortunately for him he could not deal with it very effectively or no-where near enough my satisfication.,00 indeed means One billion US dollars and that what I said in my first post and all along. One billion US = 1,000,000,000 = essentially has the same meaning and amount, but Ngonge disputes that as it is for him a mere one US dollar. Don’t forget: = 1000 millions = 1 billion ^It might come useful one day. Lol That’s from a UK Trading site that specialises in technology trade. The following is noted: ‘When client trades on the Interbank account with Dukascopy, the standard commission of USD 30 per one million USD traded is charged. Commissions are partially reimbursed based on the traders’ monthly volume. Managed Accounts will be charged an additional 20 USD per 1 mio USD traded for accounting and compliance responsibilities. Example: The total volume traded during the month of June equals to 2.500.000.000 (2.5 Billion), the commission will be charged as follows: 30 USD for the first (1 billion), followed by 25 USD commissions charged for the volume between and (1 billion and 2 billion) and finally 20 USD per one million USD traded for the remaining 500.000.000 (500 million).’ Source: Dukascopy Trading Technology, are they owned by MKA is the big question? What did I say, indeed means a billion even the experts know it but our Ngonge needs a lot of vetting from my behalf from now on in order to school him and bring some knowledge into him and to educate him that does not mean a mere $1.00 Dollar as he likes to think. I will leave it there inshallah as enough damage has been already done. I doubt you will be able to recover from this one.
  16. Sometimes if you discuss to much with people that are not on par with you, one risks tarnishing himself because if you try to make sense with people that are not on your level it actually confuses issues even more. Ngonge is now raising something that is not even on contention in his last post which can be interpreted that he wants to divert and distort the issue but I refuted him again on this matter, simple. Original by MKA: 'Sometimes I don't even know to why I debate with simpletons because if you debate with people that are not on par with you, you risk being hit and dirtied by the mud that is flying in the air in which the ignorant folks like Ngonge dwell and swim in!' Actually I have to raise my brilliant post one more time the last and third time inshallah as I can see some still haven't grasped the important and perfect education I provided them with but I hope as they read, the more they get to know inshallah. There's still hope for the likes of Ngonge in my eyes. One day they shall understand inshallah, even if we have to use the stick or metal bar. By MKA: Let the class and education begin, I ask the intelligent and able crowd in here to bear with me as you can see my post is really long but it should be worth it inshallah at the end of you reading it through as it is really educational and not on par with the rest of the awful posts displayed by some of the simpletons in here. As usual Ngonge is bliding himself from the hard, unforgiving and naked truth. I rather not discuss with him on this issue as I can clearly see that he's not even on my level! It's really getting frustrating to educate the old man every now and then, but as usual I shall point him into the right direction and give him the crucial info he lacks. In short I shall make him veer ! If we talk about decimal separators the comma and dot are equal to one another. He doesn't even know what a radix point is and now he's included it in his last post.,00 is a billion in the UK and US. But not in the majority of Europe. In Europe,00 is a billion! You see I'm going to highlight to the gallery here how confused british people are. Dots and commas are equal and can both be used as decimal separators. For example,00 and 1,000,000,000.00 have the same meaning and no-one can dispute it. Dot and comma both are legitimate as decimal separators. I know for sure that Northerner and Cambarro are both from the UK and had a similiar education but Northerner gave us a billion with only 9 zero's whilst Cambarro gave us a billion with 12 zero's. Cambarro wrote: 1,000,000,000,000.00 Whilst Northerner wrote: 1,000,000,000 Who's right? Northerner uses the new short-wave system of the US which has been adopted by law and used in the financhial services whilst Cambarro uses the old format, which has changed from 12 zero's to 9 zero's and there's no more milliard . My dictionary informs me the following: Milliard (dated): U.K. billion: one thousand million, now called a billion. So in the new sense a 'billion' has nine zero's now as well in the UK and not any longer 12 zero's! However in Europe traditionally a 'billion' had 12 zero's. Like this:,00 or as Cambarro has wrote it, UK system and US although the US increasingly uses comma's instead of dot's as decimal separators increasinly now as well. 1,000,000,000,000.00! So in practise and theory:,00 (In European Billion) 1,000,000,000,000.00 (former Billion in the UK) Have/Had the same meaning! However in the new sense:,00 or 1,000,000,000.00 A 'American' Billion have the same meaning although the written format is different! On the other hand:,00 (European billion) and 1,000,000,000.00 (American and UK billion) Alternatively written:,00 have the same meaning. Confusing heh? Adeer I give you knowledge which you cannot comprehend or understand so please stop the fidgeting will you? Now look at this table below and tell me if the figures depicted really do mean one US dollar, will you? I dare you to and the gallery shall be my witness. Or are you saying the table has been written by MKA? Don't make the gallery laugh. Would you mind to interpret the table for us and the depicted figures and how they decimal separators are used as commas and the unit separators as dots? Will you raise up to the Challenge, I'll doubt it very hardly. Now come at me and tell me what you think. Lol You're a loser adeer and quite evident at it as well. <img src=" - Which bonds has Repsol YPF issued in the last few years? Repsol YPFs bond issues are as follow: BONDS ISSUED BY REPSOL INTERNATIONAL FINANCE BV Bond Issue date Maturity Nominal amount Market where it trades REP 7,00% 27/Jul/1995 01/Aug/2005 USD$ 300.000.000,00 Registrados en la S.E.C. REP 7,45% 17/Jul/2000 15/Jul/2005 USD$,00 Registrados en la S.E.C. FRN eur+100 p.b. 28/May/2003 28/May/2006 Eur 150.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 5,75% 04/Dec/2001 04/Dec/2006 Eur 750.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 6,00% 05/May/2000 05/May/2010 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 6,00% (*) 21/Jun/2001 05/May/2010 Eur 175.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 5,00% 22/Jul/2003 22/Jul/2013 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 4,625% 08/Oct/2004 08/Oct/2014 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange (*) The Rep 6,00% bond issue was increased by an additional Eur 100mn and is fungible with the existing Eur 1 billion issue. " alt="" /> or altenatively click on here: I can give you many financial reports where the comma is used as a decimal separator ! In Europe they used the comma where as in English speaking countries they use a dot but both can be used. The confusion stems from the british being confused.,00 (In the sense of American billion) 1,000,000,000.00 (UK and US billion) Are indeed the same. Where as in Europe:,00 (In the sense of European billion) and 1,000,000,000.00 (In the sense of US and UK billion) Have essentially the same meaning. According to International system (SI) both systems are legitimate and right in the sense of being used as decimal separators . So therefore the dot and comma are both equal and right! Can you argue with that? No, because it's superior knowledge that you cannot aruge or go against, understand? I hope that you've been following my education and from now on all the confusion will cease and let me apologise to the gallery here for the long post but it had to be done and was unavoidable as the uneducated folks needed a lot of explanation and education again! Sometimes I don't even know to why I debate with simpletons because if you debate with people that are not on par with you, you risk being hit and dirtied by the mud that is flying in the air in which the ignorant folks like Ngonge dwell and swim in!
  17. Ngonge remember we're talking about sums here and to say that,00 means a dollar is indeed absurd thing to say if not stu!pid. In finacial terms $ is a billion not a dollar as you would like us to believe. Remember the following: = 1000 millions = 1 billion Understand? $,00 = 1000 millions = 1 billion. That's the standard. But simpletons like you wouldn't know it. But you raised the point about the style I used to depict my initial sum and your friend Northener raised a point about not being sure if the depicted sum was a billion or a dollar, silly you. Which you btw agreed with him that it was proper and sound thing to raise but I brought you the crucial info you were lacking and told you that:,00 = 1000 millions = 1 billion in financial terms. If dots or commas are used as decimal separators it wouldn't actually make a difference. So your original protest was in vain. It is used in financial reports as you can see from the table below unless ofcourse you want trouble that is : - Which bonds has Repsol YPF issued in the last few years? Repsol YPFs bond issues are as follow: BONDS ISSUED BY REPSOL INTERNATIONAL FINANCE BV Bond Issue date Maturity Nominal amount Market where it trades REP 7,00% 27/Jul/1995 01/Aug/2005 USD$ 300.000.000,00 Registrados en la S.E.C. REP 7,45% 17/Jul/2000 15/Jul/2005 USD$,00 Registrados en la S.E.C. FRN eur+100 p.b. 28/May/2003 28/May/2006 Eur 150.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 5,75% 04/Dec/2001 04/Dec/2006 Eur 750.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 6,00% 05/May/2000 05/May/2010 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 6,00% (*) 21/Jun/2001 05/May/2010 Eur 175.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 5,00% 22/Jul/2003 22/Jul/2013 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 4,625% 08/Oct/2004 08/Oct/2014 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange (*) The Rep 6,00% bond issue was increased by an additional Eur 100mn and is fungible with the existing Eur 1 billion issue. $,00 and $1,000,000,000.0, have in this sense the same meaning, but you wouldn't know it as the former is a 'dollar' for you. Actually the former is used quite a lot in financial and money terms around the globe like in Wall street and many more markets. They would immidiately recognise that the depicted is a billion but who will make you understand Ngonge? Because you lost it the only way to come back is to raise a point that is quite obvious and not even on contention here. What was on contention was if the depicted sum in my first post was to say a billio or a dollar, which you and your friend were confused about. Give it up adeer, I gave you a master lesson that made you veer and all you could come up with was something trivial that no-body was disputing or denying my friend. You're confused but I shall help you to get out of your confusion inshallah. In finacial and money terms $,00 means a billion, simple but unfortunately not simple enough for Ngonge and his ilk. Now argue with that if you can, I highly doubt it that you will raise up to the challenge.
  18. It's so good, that it should serve as a initiation into SOL inshallah. It's priceless and I recommend everyone to read it atleast once in their stay in here and it should be made obligatory for everyone that want's to join this site to atleast read it and sit a test on it! Actually it is that good, that I've to post it twice. Enjoy, I say. Originally by MKA Yoonis: ^Let the class and education begin, I ask the intelligent and able crowd in here to bear with me as you can see my post is really long but it should be worth it inshallah at the end of you reading it through as it is really educational and not on par with the rest of the awful posts displayed by some of the simpletons in here. As usual Ngonge is blinding himself from the hard, unforgiving and naked truth. I rather not discuss with him on this issue as I can clearly see that he's not even on my level! It's really getting frustrating to educate the old man every now and then, but as usual I shall point him into the right direction and give him the crucial info he lacks. In short I shall make him veer ! If we talk about decimal separators the comma and dot are equal to one another. He doesn't even know what a radix point is and now he's included it in his last post.,00 is a billion in the UK and US. But not in the majority of Europe. In Europe,00 is a billion! You see I'm going to highlight to the gallery here how confused british people are. Dots and commas are equal and can both be used as decimal separators. For example,00 and 1,000,000,000.00 have the same meaning and no-one can dispute it. Dot and comma both are legitimate as decimal separators. I know for sure that Northerner and Cambarro are both from the UK and had a similiar education but Northerner gave us a billion with only 9 zero's whilst Cambarro gave us a billion with 12 zero's. Cambarro wrote: 1,000,000,000,000.00 Whilst Northerner wrote: 1,000,000,000 Who's right? Northerner uses the new short-wave system of the US which has been adopted by law and used in the financial services whilst Cambarro uses the old format, which has changed from 12 zero's to 9 zero's and there's no more milliard . My dictionary informs me the following: Milliard (dated): U.K. billion: one thousand million, now called a billion. So in the new sense a 'billion' has nine zero's now as well in the UK and not any longer 12 zero's! However in Europe traditionally a 'billion' had 12 zero's. Like this:,00 or as Cambarro has wrote it, UK system and US although the US increasingly uses comma's instead of dot's as decimal separators increasingly now as well. 1,000,000,000,000.00! So in practise and theory:,00 (In European Billion) 1,000,000,000,000.00 (former Billion in the UK) Have/Had the same meaning! However in the new sense:,00 or 1,000,000,000.00 An 'American' Billion has the same meaning although the written format is different! On the other hand:,00 (European billion) and 1,000,000,000.00 (American and UK billion) Alternatively written:,00 have the same meaning. Confusing heh? Adeer I give you knowledge which you cannot comprehend or understand so please stop the fidgeting will you? Now look at this table below and tell me if the figures depicted really do mean one US dollar, will you? I dare you to and the gallery shall be my witness. Or are you saying the table has been written by MKA? Don't make the gallery laugh. Would you mind to interpret the table for us and the depicted figures and how they decimal separators are used as commas and the unit separators as dots? Will you raise up to the Challenge, I'll doubt it very hardly. Now come at me and tell me what you think. Lol You're a loser adeer and quite evident at it as well. <img src=" - Which bonds has Repsol YPF issued in the last few years? Repsol YPFs bond issues are as follow: BONDS ISSUED BY REPSOL INTERNATIONAL FINANCE BV Bond Issue date Maturity Nominal amount Market where it trades REP 7,00% 27/Jul/1995 01/Aug/2005 USD$ 300.000.000,00 Registrados en la S.E.C. REP 7,45% 17/Jul/2000 15/Jul/2005 USD$,00 Registrados en la S.E.C. FRN eur+100 p.b. 28/May/2003 28/May/2006 Eur 150.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 5,75% 04/Dec/2001 04/Dec/2006 Eur 750.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 6,00% 05/May/2000 05/May/2010 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 6,00% (*) 21/Jun/2001 05/May/2010 Eur 175.000.000,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 5,00% 22/Jul/2003 22/Jul/2013 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange REP 4,625% 08/Oct/2004 08/Oct/2014 Eur,00 The Luxembourg Stock Exchange (*) The Rep 6,00% bond issue was increased by an additional Eur 100mn and is fungible with the existing Eur 1 billion issue. " alt="" /> or altenatively click on here: I can give you many financial reports where the comma is used as a decimal separator ! In Europe they used the comma where as in English speaking countries they use a dot but both can be used. The confusion stems from the british being confused.,00 (In the sense of American billion) 1,000,000,000.00 (UK and US billion) Are indeed the same. Where as in Europe:,00 (In the sense of European billion) and 1,000,000,000.00 (In the sense of US and UK billion) Have essentially the same meaning. According to International system (SI) both systems are legitimate and right in the sense of being used as decimal separators . So therefore the dot and comma are both equal and right! Can you argue with that? No, because it's superior knowledge that you cannot aruge or go against, understand? I hope that you've been following my education and from now on all the confusion will cease and let me apologise to the gallery here for the long post but it had to be done and was unavoidable as the uneducated folks needed a lot of explanation and education again! Sometimes I don't even know to why I debate with simpletons because if you debate with people that are not on par with you, you risk being hit and dirtied by the mud that is flying in the air in which the ignorant folks like Ngonge dwell and swim in!
  19. ^Kids bring out the balloons as we're going to celebrate. Againg Ngonge couldn't deal with the brillance of mine as it was to hot for him to handle its latest surge. My brilliant mind has just overwhelmed him and done it to him again. I say this, if Ngonge would be a house, by the time I delivered my long post (from now on called a demolition) it would no longer stand as it would come down crushing very hard. It was hit by a 9.5 on the Richter scale earthquake together with a massive Tsunami. , beyond poor Ngonge's capacity as his house was of mud and illegal as well. That's what I call a demolition ala MKA style. Poor Ngonge, had to take cover. I guess more than anything the lava did him. There was simply no-where in my post were he could take a handle and a firm grip on anything I said, as my latest piece unforgivingly and to the dismay of Ngonge was simply putting flowless and impeccable. It simply left him naked and want to take cover behind the bushes. Poor Ngonge, I really do feel him. Very poor of him indeed. Nothing did he came up with, to atleast stop the flow of the hot lava for some time but I cannot blame him as it overwhelmed him and was indeed to strong for his likeness. No rebuttal, nothing. He was simply speaking left speechless. Good that he didn't try to put up much of a fight (judging by his half-heartedly reply) or try to stop the flow of the lava as it would indeed 'kill' him and finish him off, if he had tried to argue with it. No one can argue with logic. From now one this episode should be known as the One Billion demolition! Simply speaking no one can argue with the naked truth and absolute logic as our friend Ngonge had to experience and found out the hard way round.
  20. ^Yeah remember Cabdi Mahdi and Col. Koojaar being assassinated by Col. Afgadud? Give it up Ahmad your family have been given a good share in Kismayo and they're happy only our gedo friends are a little bit upset, so I can't see what is troubling you. The people of Afmadow are doing fine, give it up boy the game's up.