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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Good development, this people are only defending themselves, their livelihoods and loved ones. It was about time for the residents to create neighbourhood watch zones and actively patrol their neighbourhoods and take out the criminal elements that exist in their neighbourhoods. Good development people are now understanding what is in their advantage and thus co-operating with the government to better themselves by first engaging in changing the security feature of their local neighbourhoods, way to go and I wish them good luck inshallah.
  2. ^Sure Duke, from now on we have to be very careful with this fellow otherwise we will awake him into this rude world and he will start cursing us all. Everytime he gets disturbed by reality and us actually waking him up seems to be the problem here. General Duke and Taako Man do you like to be awaken rudely whilst you're enjoying a nice dream and sleeping really tight? I would guess the answer is a simple 'no', nobody likes that. Faarax always gets irritable when we weak him up to often so from now on the rule should be 'don't wake him up at all costs' let him be in his simple world and dwell naively in his utopian paradise. To Faarax ofcourse you would and I don't blame you because MKA is better avoided than to be challenged as it would burn you down without a question. Ps. One word in your latest post doesn't existed so please correct that word inshallah.
  3. Faarax lives in his own simple and naive world so please folks don't disturb him by bringing him to the real world. Peace keepers will not be brought to bring stability and security to Mogadishu but you wouldn't know that ofcourse even if you lived for another 100 years or so. We need them for another reason which I will not share with you. Politics is about deceptions and often the perceptions given out are not in tune with logic. Why would the government pursue African peace keeping troops so much, do they really need them and what can 8000 ill-equipped and starving africans do for you what 45.000+ combined Ethiopian and Somali troops couldn't do or achieve for you? Ofcourse a simpleton would ask himself that question but not a well informed and analytical and political mind would ever do that, to the contrary who could see from the outlook what is here pursued without even asking or raising a question. You have to realise the objectives and tackle the deceptions and subsequent wrong percieved perceptions only then can you acknowledge the objectives behind certain actions. 'Often in politics you labour more for the things you don't need rather the things you actually need because the thing that you don't need will serve you as a cover for the things you really need and want to achieve and that's why for you in order for the way to be paved you remove the obsticles on the way by subsequently employing your cover and thus pursuing then your real political objectives' Political thesis by the great MKA. Write the above somewhere down Faarax as it is really valuable saying by MKA. Real wisdom but I fear that you will not be able to comprehend it.
  4. I told you this many times already, the ICU cannot agree on a strategy because it is made up of two groups, one which is really extreme and hardline and the other one which is more moderate and restraint. International Jihadists such as Al-Itihad group which is what essentially Al-Shabaab is and the Muslim brotherhood or Ikhwaanis/Qutubis cannot go hand in hand together and work out a strategy that will satisfy both. The first group is a radical one, which shares ideology with Al-Qaeda and killing all kaafirs and no to negotiations and killing people on suspicoun, they're very young and not very well educated in Islaam, trust me you don't want to be in their company. Whilst the second group is educated more intellectual but the problem with them is that they introduce many innovations to the deen which is again detested by the radicals who themselves have gone astray of the righteous path themselves. They cannot be consolidated as they do not share the same viewpoints and strategies of to best establish a real and viable islamic state, simply it was doomed to fail and it did fail. I was saying long time ago that both sets of groups don't even talk to each other nor do they sit together to the contrary they ridicule each other and I told and asked the gallery 'How can those folks fight together for the same cause if they harbour so much hatred for one another'? I was astonished when I first heard that they merged together it was a surprise to me and never thought that Al-Qeada will approve of such kind of deal but I was proven wrongly there but anyhow the devisions soon couldn't be overlooked and thus the recent public split although in private the split occured a long time ago when the Shariif was put to a side by the mighty Aweys and his Al-Qeada branch of the ICU, who are extremly rough and violent and in short lacking any attitude or behaviour that would link them together with the previous sunnah and salaf of this religion. They approve and practise of killing, first shoot and ask questions later, the target of innocent people, suicide bombings and killing people on public transport and hijacking areoplanes and crashing them into high buildings. In fact this sort of radicalism is alien towards islaam and sometimes I believe it is supported by the secret services of the Mossad, CIA and SAS and their likes. Islaam is not that and because there are misleading individuals who spread a false belief to the young and radicalise them and give them the hope that 'they're indeed the generation that will bring about the much loved Islaamic state' etc but they don't tell me that they're indeed leading them astray. Young folks that are not educated jump to the guns and say that they're doing Jihaad for the sake of Allaah the glorified but they're not doing sometimes what they think they're doing, in fact in some cases they even aid the kufaars. However the niyyah or intention works and we ask for them to be forgiven as their ignorance is the reason to why they believed they were actually doing good but it has misfired. Global Jihaad is simple, for that you need one authority and leadership an Amiir after that you need a common aqeedah or belief that's why it is required for the ummah to repent, educate and purify themselves and after that to prepare themselves fully for Jihaad in the best of their ability. How can we wage global Jihaad when we're buying our weapons from the kufaar themselves, can you see the irony? This guys that are shouting 'death to the west' get their weapons from the west, isn't that something that is contradicting itself? Pure paradox I say. What we need as a ummah is that we produce our own weapons inshallah and not to rely on kaafirs, who even have developed ways in which to make weapons defect if they fall in the 'wrong hands'. You need specific bullets and if the previous ones run out what are you going to do when the enemy says 'no more'? I want a bullets factory in Islaambad, a weapons factory in Cairo, a tank factory in Madinah, a mortar factory in Mogadishu, a plane factory in Malaysia, a war ship carrier factory in Indonesia etc only if we're self-reliant can we compete with the others on world domination. Where have you ever heard of a superpower buying its weapons instead of producing it itself. Why is the US so powerful? Because they produce their weapons which are more technological advanced then other nations and because they have the capital to buy the most intelligent and innovative techniciasn out there that will deliver for them. They're a economical powerhouse with a good education system in which they bring out the most brightest in any kind of field and if they do not existed they bring them over from overseas, simple. Even Cumar bin Al-Khattaab brought a persian named Lula may he be cursed as he killed the righetous khaliif but the reason to why he was brought was that he knew how to make exceptional swords and because there wasn't anyone who had the same skills at him, so we need to stop listeing to those ignorant extremists that only know how to go to wars without a long term strategy, simple they're supported by the enemy of this religion without them even knowing it and because they're confused. Well that's my take at the situation and nobody can disagree with it inshallah (that's if you're totally sane ofcourse).
  5. ^What previous operation? The government never started a operation to pacify the capital this is the first of such kind of operation as they were engaged in talks with the clan elders to prevent further violence and bloodshed and they gave sufficient time for the elders to take care of those that interrupt the peace of the ordinary people but sadly the elders failed to control the actions of their 'boys' in some districts of the city and now the patience of the government is over and they will no longer wait for the clan elders to deliver for them. That was all along the approach to give Mogadishu citizens and their clan leaders the opportunity to pacify the city without the government getting involved and to voluntarily disarm the whole of the capital and partially it was achieved although some others haven't been yet and that's why the government is stepping in now. You wait, give them sufficient time to solve the problems and talk to some of the few misguided criminal elements before you go in yourself and sort it out on your own without using the clan leaders or elders as negotiators and mediators between you and the criminal elements, so there you have it. The whole city will be disarmed inshallah and it is expected to last a few weeks to fully pacify the whole capital and clean it up of the few criminal elements that reside in their inshallah. Brother Duke, I'm also very hopeful as to that pacification of the capital for the sake of our people in the capital city and the whole of Somalia. The people need peace, enough of wars, hardship and calamity. It's the time for peace, reconstruction, development and rebuilding of our country inshallah but not the time for futile revolutions and fake insurgencies, I hope you get on the train and awaken to the new dawn for the beautiful capital of Somalia inshallah. A new Mogadishu will rise from the ashes and destruction inshallah, soon very soon inshallah and for that I cannot wait. I wish Mogadishu peace, harmony, serenity, calmness and security inshallah.
  6. The Interior minister of Somalia today said in a press briefing that the government will soon start a broad initiative to pacify and stabilise the capital of Somalia, Mogadishu. He said that they had meetings with the clan elders and that they agreed upon to pacify the city and that they should co-operate with the government and its troops in uprooting those criminal elements that are against the pacification of the capital city. Soon inshallah a iron fist will be used to squach the anti-government lot and anarchists that throw grenades and mortars from their hide-outs when the people prepare themselves for a peaceful evening and night. Already there are no more grenades and mortars being thrown the last two days and the Interior Minister also said that newly troops trained for that specific task of doing house to house searches will indeed enter the capital city sooner rather than later inshallah and that they're already on their way. Soon inshallah the capital will be very peaceful and it will return to its calmness and transquility that existed before the civil war inshallah and then we will focus our attention to rebuilding our battered capital city inshallah as it owns it to us. I'll leave you with a prayer and glad tidings and the prospect of a secure, peaceful, transquil, calm and serene Mogadishu inshallah.
  7. This is a very insightful audio, in whereby the President informs the London and UK diaspora about his government and its policies and many more things such as the war against the courts, strategies they were following, ethiopian troops, pacification of the capital city, unity of the country, proposed reconciliation conference, courts accusation of labelling him a 'kaafir', Khartoum peace process, Securing the capital and why the capital isn't pacified fully and his visit here and some profound advice he gave to the Somali community and diaspora here in the UK and so much more. It is a very interesting audio for those of you who don't know what is going on in our country and what policies our government were pursuing lately and why they took the actions they took. Very insightful to those, that usually did not have the opportunity to meet the President personally or see him talk, well here's your first time opportunity to learn about who President Abdullahi Yusuf really is from a first hand account and a authentic source such as from his own mouth apart from relying on the usual hearsays some people were entertaining themselves with lately. Enjoy I say. President Abdullahi Yusuf's speech at the Royal Garden Hotel in London
  8. Alright the mystery has been resovled now? We know that Taako man is Yusuf Baribari: And that General Duke is Xuubsireed, but wait wasn't Olol and Wiilo a while ago saying that Duke is in fact this guy on the right-hand side of the picture below: ^Cabdirashid Aaden Seed? Now I'm really confused. How come GD can embody and take on so many persons at the same time, will the crowd please out the real GD either Xuubsireed or Cabdirashid Aaden Seed, which one is it now as I'm confused? p.s. I believe someone is breaking delibarately some rules in here, so where are the mods when you need them? Faarax should have taken up other venues to 'congratulate Duke' if he's really serious about that but not try to score pity political points by posting a commical thread such as this one. The people are obsessed with Duke and rightly so I say, inshallah brother soon you will make them lose it so continue on the path you were on inshallah and make them lose it really hard. Soon all they will be able to say is 'Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke' until help arrives and they get institutionalised and taken to the mad house. lol
  9. Dhubad so far you've handled the situation quite truthful and I thank you for your clearity so far. However one thing is on my mind, whenever so-called 'stooges' and 'munaafaqiin' fight over the control of a city, you should not take sides. Somalis aren't generally speaking just, they will criticise others but will hold out in criticising their own. So you as a ICU supporter have a golden opportunity to show case to us real Islamic justice and I hope you do not disappoint us in that regard inshallah. 'Stooges' should be 'stooges' and not loved regardlessly, so I kindly ask you to say 'Fartaag **********, Hiiraale **********, Maxamed Sayid Aadan ********** and General Bulse **********' and not forget them when you rant about the TFG. You should not side with one group of 'stooges' or prefer them over each other because of their clan affiliation, that is Islaamic justice and reason why I should believe you that you're not a mere pretender. 'Stooges are stooges' and they should remain that way inshallah and I hope that you never ever take sides with 'stooges' because that would go against your aqaaid. On the other hand to say that my clan wasn't the majority that died in the battlefields of Bay is going against the islaamic cadaalah as well. You can know people although they were all binded together in their believe but we can see who was the majority. Even at the prophet's time peace be upon him there were the Ansaar made of Al-Aws and Khasraj the inhabitants of Madinah and the Muhaajiroun made of Makkawis, majority of which were from the Quraish tribe and others such as minorities who were from Makkah as well and people were commomerated for their actions and expeditions such as 'so many from the Ansaars died' and even the prophet peace be upon him acknowledged that the Ansaar were the people behind the success of this religion as they gave their lives, blood, wealth, farms and houses to the cause of Al-Islaam. That's why the prophet peace be upon him said that the Ansaars should never ever be forgotten for their momentous support of Al-Islaam, when it was weak. They gave it a sanctuary, a political base, a army which was composed of the Ansaar who were willing and ready to give their lives and wealth for Islaam. They were the people that took in the Muhaajiroun into their houses as the Ansaar were 'brothered' with the Muhajiroun. The Muhajiroun did not have anything, they were poor and resourceless as they were migrants as their name already says. Also the prophet peace be upon him as gratitude for the Ansaar and their sacrifices for this religion said 'That to hate the answers is a sign of nifaaq (hypocrisy) and that to love them is a sign of Imaan'. Yaa Allaaah, we love the Ansaar and acknowledge their sacrifices and that's why we love them from the bottom of our heart. So from that you can see that people are credited differently according to what they provide to a cause. So I kindly ask you, who were the elite of the courts? Their pride? The answer is simple Al-Shabaab and who were Al-Shabaab? Al-Shabaab were the most ideologically committed elite and footsoliders of the courts who were committed ideology wise and the were composed of the D-Clan majority and no-one can deny that fact. Whether they were from Puntland, Gedo, Jubbooyinka or overseas, they were the most committed to the cause and the people that gave their lives and blood for the ICU. Reer Mogadishu had political and economical power of the ICU leadership and that wasn't a secret at all. It was always like that D-Clan were the most ideological committed and footsoldiers of the Itihad and the leadership was composed of people from Mogadishu most of the time. That's why the first political outting of the Itihad group took place in Bosaso in 92 when they captured its port and Gedo in 97, which shows you, who and were the majority of the ideological support of the Itihad group came from. Al-Shabaab were from my clan and everybody knows that and not even you can deny it. The elite-group and hardcore ideological base of the Shabaab were made up of in majority by the D-clan, so what can you say? Everybody knew that fact Ayrow and Abu Mansuur etc, all knew it but the problem was that the political leadership was exculsively reer Mogadishu as they had the capital, training facilities and sanctuary to train this people but the footsoldiers and majority of Al-Shabaab were from the D-clan and that is a undisputable fact.
  10. We can see from this thread how extremly the TFG was and still is by the reception it got from the people in different districts, regions and cities across the country. The TFG is popular and loved by the majority as it is their only viable hope that will bring peace and stability to them and their ruined country inshallah. The people are tired of warfare and hence will support the government to the fullest and the best of their capacity and ability. Today they were pointing fingers at the trouble-makers and houses in which mortars, grenades and other lethal weapons were stored, that shows ultimately that the people are co-operating with the TFG. Mogadishu will be safe soon inshallah. It will return to its former glory and the city will be pacified in due time as well inshallah. Good prosepects for the city and its inhabitants. Peace and Security on its way to Mogadishu and there's nothing the anti-government lot and anarchists can do about it. TFG here to stay inshallah.
  11. ^I agree in essence, but tell me what that good ride will entail? Aren't you for peace and governance? You seem to still be stucked in the past, can't you see that the situation now is beyond our people and that it has indeed surpassed Somalis? The world is in agreement that Mogadishu was ungovernable and that something drastic had to be done to change the situation on the ground as the city was attracting many criminals and wanted International so-called 'terrorists', on the other hand there's a economic side to all of these and clearly all the above ingredients have lead to the world acknowledging that there cannot be a soft option to pacify Somalia and leave the nomads to sort it out between themselves. Adeer for sixteen years the people of Mogadishu refused to be governed they were unruly bunch of folks and initially the world believed that the problems in Somalia could only be solved by someone from the ******** Clan, as they were the key and powerholders to Mogadishu capital of Somalia. The international community said that it will support any government in Somalia that set it self up in the capital Mogadishu that's why the majority of the elected 'Presidents' from the 14 peace conferences were all from Mogadishu because they were believed to be the only ones that could bring a unified government as they had the key, which was the capital. However soon the international community realised that there's nothig coming from the people of Mogadishu and that they seem disintresssed in returning a viable government to the capital as can be seen their refusal to even set up the most basic of administration in Benadir. They were happy with the share they got all were happy, the warlords, the businessmen that feared to be taxed and inspected, the private owners of the air strips, the qat sellers, the thugs and criminals, the wadaado, the occupiers, the cannabis growers on farmland that didn't belong to them, the illegal occupiers of houses that didn't belong to them, the village people and the common criminal and illegal pharmaceutical importer were all happy with the status quo and nobody can deny it. The international community said that this couldn't go on as the problems world wide increased and nobody was fond of more Somalis ending up in many countries around the globe without any real hope of deporting them if they misbehaved or committed acts of crime. Now the internatioanl community is going to support all affords to pacify Mogadishu whatever it takes and no one can raise a eyebrow. The people of Mogadishu had have enough opportunities to pacify the capital and they wasted them all because they are allergic to governance (not the common folks on the streets) but the people that had a stake and advantage in the absence of any political governance i.e. the folks that were thriving on anarchy and chaos. That is the real situation in Somalia and inshallah our country will be pacified and governance will be returned fully although the anti-government lot hate it and do not want to see a return of governance and order but that is the sad reality. [ February 25, 2007, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  12. Dhubad you do talk a lot that does not make sense, all you do is concentrate on my clan (whatever that clan might be) and out yourself what is inside your stomach. It's not the ethiopians that you're upset with, just admitt it. I'm not a great fan of valilifying a whole clan like so many people here are so fond off. You've to put to yourself, that my clan is just like any other clan but if you want to depict a whole clan as evil as you've been doing then the only person that is going to suffer will be you. This is politics and let's not make this a clan issue, I can see that you clearly do not like the people of Puntland but you don't have to, all I'm asking is to raise the level of the discussions a bit further and higher than your current shoe strings, get it? Anyway the majority that suffered were the people of my clan whether they be from Puntland, Gedo, the Jubbas or overseas. But you don't see beyond reer Puntland, why is that and could you tell me what they have done to you? Apart from you associating them with the current President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad. Why don't you see Hiiraale (Defense Minister the head of the 'Munaafaqiin side Army'), Gheedi, Mahamed Dheere and co? Actually Abdullahi Yusuf is the one that is giving the orders and Hiiraale is the one that said he's going to bring anyone even the worst enemies of Islaam to win that war. He was actually the one that was firing and leading the army, you dubbed the 'munaafiqiin side'. Adeer I'm beyond this game and I can see through you very easily, now come back to me and renounce Hiiraale, Mahamed Dheere and Gheedi, only then will I believe you that your mere opposition is towards the Ethiopians and their 'dabadhilifs' and that you're such a wonderful and concerned citizen of Somalia that is only acting on the things his religion order him to do. I'm real so be real with me as well and I don't like 'huuhaa' and empty talks, understand? Now it's your turn to talk and renounce and condemn all 'dabadhilifs' and 'munaafaqiin' where ever they might be or hail from and foremostly and preferably starting from your own. I will gladly and eagerly await your reply.
  13. I act on the concept of Al-Walaa wal baraa and I confirmed that on many occasions, so I advice you to check out my posts inshallah.
  14. Put on your glasses Abu, it's not haraam to wear glasses I assure you. Let me repeat it shall I? My clan is ************* ************ *********** **************** ************* ********* ************** ************* ********* ************ ************ ************** ******* P.s. If you still can't see it 'zoom' in really close, maybe a magnifier can help or just come closer to the screen and try touching the stars with your eyes, I hear if you do that, you can see through the stars. Good luck to you. p.s. I shall not pm you inshallah.
  15. Abu I'm ********* *********** **********, why do you want to know my clan?
  16. We all know that the fiercest challenge to the TFG and their Ethiopian allies was at Diinsoor and Idaale so don't blind yourself, I gave you what you deserved a fitting reply, which you could not handle apart from outting what is in your sick heart already. You said we should brag as we used to do or are known, that undoubtedly shows to me that you hold clannish grudges against a certain clan and btw don't forget that I know already your viewpoint or stance that you're arguing from and believe me it's not pretty. I believe that other things have to do with your deep resentment then mere Ethios being brought to the country, it runs deeper than that, believe me. Fact is that your highest military leaders of the UIC mysteriously disappeared prior to the war. Fact is that my clan was the majority that died on both sides. Fact that Mogadishu populance did not fight as there was virtually no resistence in places like Jowhar and Beledweyne which were overrun in 1 and half days. Fact that Hassan Dahir and his follow criminals send school boys to their early graves, school children were loaded like sheep on Urals to take them to the battlefield and also abducted from the mosque. Fact they had no real leadership. Fact majority of the high-ranking court officials run away to safeguard their own kin and to fight in Kismayo but when they saw that the populance was increasinly sabotaging their affords they took off to Afmadow clan area to invite american planes onto the innocent. Fact Aweys is a specialised in sending children to fight for him and then escaping himself to safety, I'm being told that he's somewhere in between Somalia and Kenya, that he's wearing a dirac and other women/female clothes. Fact Aweys is a renowned specialised in fighting in other people's territories as can be witnessed from his futile attempt to establish an Islamic state in the North-East along the lines 'You first start it and Mogadishu will folllow soon', although it has been later acknowledged that he was working for Aydid. Also he fought in Gedo where else did he fight apart from other clans territories? On the other hand Cadaado and Guriceel and the whole of Mudug, Galgadud, Hiiran, upper Shabelle and Benadir were taken by the governement without any real fight and oppostion as can be seen by the speed that they captured it. You lost it I could write so much more but I've to leave it there inshallah as it wouldn't make sense to you anyway but soon inshallah you will get to realise what I mean. Till then stay in your little and naive world, understand? I hope you get the message I'm portraying.
  17. Poor really poor to say the least. Now people know what I meant with the part whereby I said NG’s posts getting lamer and lamer as they go on. Simply you cannot argue with anything I said but one more time I shall make you veer again and looking for an exist, in order to not embarrass yourself any further. Didn't I tell you? That in financial terms $,00 is indeed a billion not a mere dollar as you would like us to believe. And that: In financial and money terms the following: $ = 1000 millions = 1 billion is indeed right and applicable. Also I informed you on the following: 1. There are four ways in which sums can be depicted in different writing styles in financial terms. One can use a dot or even a comma to use as a decimal separator. For example in financial terms the following have the same meaning and amount: 1.$,00 (as written in the table I posted earlier indeed means one billion and two-hundred and fifty millions or 1.25 billion)! Can also be written However 2. 1,250,000,000.00 also means the same as the above. Can also be written 1,250,000,000 3. 1 250 000 000,00 also means the same as the above. 4. 1 250 000 000.00 also means the same as the above. All the figures/sums/amounts above are ‘billions'. But the brother still maintains the ludicrous and laughable claim that no one else entertains in here. I told him that in financial and money terms $,00 indeed means a Billion USD, but he still insists on his laughable claim of it meaning a mere $1.00 USD, which he amusingly still wants to pursue and acknowledge and pass on as some kind of 'fact' to us, although it has been dismissed by me on many occasions with concrete and efficient evidence. Instead of pursuing a lost cause that is really absurd and ludicrous, he should have tried a couple of face-saving exercises, that will not certainly get him out of the water that is up to his neck and increasingly in danger of him drowning in it but to pursue a graceful and quiet exit, that would at least allow him to show his face around here again. And I was willing to grant him that graceful exit. However NG did not take it to his own downfall and lost of face. Yours is a foolish claim adeer and I told you that on many times but still you want to pursue your shallow cause. Let's see my conduct and yours in this thread, shall we? I provided you with conclusive and concrete evidence and argued quite eloquently my viewpoint across to you and I also caught you out on a few things that you said and which I disagreed with you, however you didn't raise anything nor did you argue efficiently nor bring conclusive evidence, which shows that in the first place you didn't know what you were talking about. I told you that the comma and dot are both equal, valid and legitimate to use as a decimal separator however you still embarrassingly deny it. I also taught you that in Europe they use the long-scale Peletier system in which a billion has 12 zeros and that the UK has switched from the Peletier system to the short-scale US system sometime in the sixties, just look on how many fronts I have schooled and educated you in. Can you deny that? No is the answer. Furthermore I caught you out on two points. Firstly that a dot and comma are equal as decimal separators and that there's nothing wrong in depicting a comma as decimal separators according to International system (SI). Furthermore I disagreed with the mother of all ludicrous claims in which you absurdly said that $ or $,00 means a mere 1.00 US-currency. I've brought you a table in which sums/amounts of billions were depicted and also I provided you with a UK-Technology trading website that depicted a $1 billion USD in the following format: $ So my question to you was in financial and money terms, Can you say that $,00 means a mere $1.00 USD? You answered in the positive which further highlights your sheer ignorance or stubbornness to acknowledge when someone has shown you that you erred and thus have been put right. Simply your ego couldn't take it and that I have to take into account as well. You didn't have nothing one me that's why you could not disagree or challenge anything I said in my earlier posts, which just shows how stranded you're. Give it up brother you have lost it. So you still disagree with Dukascopy who said in their commission page the following: '‘When client trades on the Interbank account with Dukascopy, the standard commission of USD 30 per one million USD traded is charged. Commissions are partially reimbursed based on the traders’ monthly volume. Managed Accounts will be charged an additional 20 USD per 1 mio USD traded for accounting and compliance responsibilities. Example: The total volume traded during the month of June equals to 2.500.000.000 (2.5 Billion), the commission will be charged as follows: 30 USD for the first (1 billion), followed by 25 USD commissions charged for the volume between and (1 billion and 2 billion) and finally 20 USD per one million USD traded for the remaining 500.000.000 (500 million).’ ^See in financial terms as I have told you so many times $,00 indeed mean a billion USD. The reason is because of: $ = 1000 millions = $1 billion Understand? Remember we're talking here about financial terms and that if the depicted above is supposed to mean/represent a billion USD or a $1.00 USD as you would like us ludicrously to believe. Also remember that we're talking in financial terms and keep in mind that a dot and comma in this sense are equal and both valid to act as decimal separators. The argument was about if $,00 indeed could be used to depict One billion USD and so far the majority in here agreed with my stance, acknowledging that I argued my point quite powerfully and coherent, which made you not to raise a single thing I said and challenge with legitimate and valid evidence and sufficient commentary. The only thing open to your is to engage in damage limitation inshallah as it is quite clear that you’ve lost out on the debate seening from your latest reply in which you argue in total confusion and vain like 'You have provided European tables' and ‘nobody is disputing the fact that the dizzy Europeans are different here', which in your langauage means 'Help I'm lost and I think I have screwed up the debate', don't worry it's your personal way of admitting that there's something wrong and that you cannot debate with me effectively or successfully for that matter. Adeer I should exercise some mercy with you as I can see that you're begging for some mercy in your latest post as can be observed from your first admission/confession although in your own way that you lost the debate. You did not bring anything on the table other than 'European tables were used' and 'That nobody denies that dizzy Europeans are different'. Why suddenly switch the spotlight to Europeans and call them 'dizzy'? Are you feeling the heat Ngonge? I really think that you burnt yourself this time around. One last time I will leave you with the following: You have to know that in financial terms $,00 is indeed One billion USD and you cannot say so otherwise as I clearly told you that the comma and dot are both legitimate and valid actors as decimal separators, furthermore that in financial and money terms the above sum/amount is indeed a billion USD and not a mere $1.00 USD as you would like us to believe and I brought you some crucial evidence even from a UK based firm that trades in technology, which I provided you a link to its commission page which clearly showed that you erred and that indeed $,00 means One billion USD. P.s. I give you considerably more for your last post as it is the first time in which you showed us that you're indeed wounded. You cried foul of 'European tables being used' and 'That nobody denies that the 'dizzy' Europeans were different'. Furthermore I saw for the first time rejecting yourself by hiding behind 'we', doesn't that show that you're really in trouble. That’s not the Ngonge I used to know, why is he suddenly switching to ‘we’? Simple he has been feeling the weight and burden of late and thus want to push the responsibility of his own mistakes onto the crowd and take cover behind them. He is avoiding to be criticised on his own. Why put your name in disrepute, when you can pass on the responsibility of making a mistake to your mindless supporters without even them realising? Nice try Ngonge but as usual MKA has seen through the disguised façade of yours. Also remember nobody talked about its use in particular countries but that the sum/amount depicted was $,00 One billion USD and that it could be used quite legitimately and validly to express/represent a billion $USD. So the conclusion would have to be that $,00 indeed is one billion USD and not a mere $1.00 USD as you would like us foolishly to believe and that both comma and dot are legitimate, valid and quite appropriate way to use as decimal separators. I will leave you with that and I hope inshallah that you satisfy yourself with the fact that I appreciate your latest admission of your hurtfulness and for that admission although in your own way I'm ready to deposit you with more than just a mere $1.00 USD. In fact I'm considering increasing the amount with an extra 20 cents inshallah. Keep it up and avoid the little tongue slips that make you seem like really hurt and vulnerable.
  18. ^By whom? The pop-music and western culture loving would-be cyper-mujahid like you? Adeer don't make me laugh, this bravado was needed in Buurhakaba, Idaale and Diinsoor but not in cyper-space or a city that is inhabited by two million people. There are many things we know about but we shun away of telling you. Do you really believe the ICU put a fight up? Credit goes only to where it is due, the only people that fought were the naive ones majority of mine clan. Both sides my clan died. Over 80% that were figthing were from my clan adeer so spare us the talk, we all know that no one else put up a real fight as the majority of the folks that were condoled and died were from my clan and the rest have been bought with hard currency. They refused them to dig themselves in, in defence because they said 'Don't you want to die and go to paradise, why are you digging up the ground'? The young folks that returned said it was a shambles and that they didn't have no real leadership. Adeer you're a joke, where was Yusuf Siyaad Indhacaddde the defence minister of the courts at the time where thousands of young folks were send to their early graves? Where was the head of the notorious Al-Shabaab a certain Mr. Abu Mansuur, did they partake in the 'Jihaad'? If not, where were there? Adeer this is beyond embarassing, so let's not go further inshallah. You cannot comprehend a lot of things and thus cry foul without really knowing anything, often things don't seem what they're and that is even more true in politics than in real life. For you the governments obsession with AU-Peace-keeping troops is something that amuses you and you think what can 8000 ill-equipped and starving AU-troops do for you, what 45.000 combined Somali and Ethiopian Soldiers could not do for you in Mogadishu? Which is a valid question but that question should have not been asked by a political observer that has the least selfrespect. So roam in your little ignorant and naive world I say inshallah, because clearly you cannot comprehend or think deep enough to why grenade throwers are so vehemently against AU-Peacekeeping troops, there's a surprise for you in store so wait patiently I say and watch this space inshallah.
  19. ^Not yet, but expect a office near you opening in due time inshallah.
  20. Peace School Panel, that will work out the location of the new school called Peace School or School of Peace.
  21. Contrary to the deperate hopes coming true of the fake dreamers and mujahids in here the opposite has happened. The people of Gaalkacyo are working together to establish a new community school, which will be attended by both communities of North-Galkacyo and Baraxley. The school has been quite rightly and appropriately dubbed the Peace School! Now negotiations are under way between the two panels to where best locate the School, preferably somewhere in the middle of the divide in order to break down the artificial divisons that exist. The project is being supported and financed by Unicef. Unicef Officials present at the negotiations.
  22. Abu Geeljire mine was not an islamic lecture but I clearly told you, that the same men that are throwing grenades and mortars now, shouldn't have vacated and run off the battlefield, understand? Their bravado was needed there but not in a city of two million people. Now answer me this question why did they ran off the battle field? Inshallah after that will we talk more.
  23. ^So no one came to collect their E-Passports, disappointing to say the least. So why are those men there if they know that the regime in Hargeisa won't allow for what they set out to achieve, doesn't it show, that they're acting on their own initiative, self-reliant and independent from the authorities that claim to represent them? I eagerly await your answer. On the other hand, do you know and realise that we don't see you much of a threat both in military and political terms? Adeer the road to laascaaood is paved and without obsticles, so as you brag about 'manly balls', why don't you close down the mysterious border? Aricadeeye has been vacated and there's no one from the Puntland side, so what is stopping and hindering you as it seems a good political and military oppotunity that cannot be missed? Tell me, I eagerly await your answer of why the 30.000 strong army of liberators took more than two years to close down a non-existing border and still going with no apprent success. Adeer we're grown up men both of us and no one can fool the other, so live your dream I say, as it will soon burst inshallah. You know to why your folks hate us and that is because they have a wrong perception that everytime we stand between their 'success', history-making and on their 'way to glory', but soon inshallah the matter will be settled and SSC will certainly not join you so dream on, I say. Afterall it is about clans or is it not? Remember we're the so-called 'defeated lot' of yesterday, nothing has changed. Argue with the above inshallah and please include everything minus your day-dreams, understand? I shall eagerly await your reply inshallah.
  24. In some way it is him but at the same time not. It was only a metaphor, because if you would be familiar with Caamir's avatar, you'd realise that the man depicted is the same guy in the above picture. BTW the man depicted on both Caamir's avatar and above Picture is Professor Jurille a serving member of the TFG government and not Caamir personally per se. But I took a artisitc license to make a little humour out of the metaphor because right now, everytime Caamir comes to mind Professor Juriile's image comes to mind as well, funny innit?