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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. ^Thanks brother, maashallaah you got all your four predictions right and we shall see if you can repeat it today as well. Good luck on your predictions. We shall await the results and see if we were right on our predictions very shortly inshallah.
  2. Indeed Somalieconomist that must be the most laughable and funny thing I have heard for weeks, the hardcore 'insurgents' were chased by Ugandan soldiers on foot and the 'insurgents' ran away for their lives. This shows you the magtitude of those would-be insurgents. How can you be chased around the block in your own 'backyard' by some new arrivals from a far far place? Everyone from now on who tries to disrupt the new found peace and governacne will be crushed inshallah. We're nearly there and Mogadishu will be peaceful and safe inshallah come April. All the criminal elements within Mogadishu will be dealt with inshallah. You either accept the new trend or you die opposing it, simple. If you don't like the peace go somewhere else. Somalia dooesn't need any more trouble-makers, now it is the time for peace-makers.
  3. Three out of four not bad. For tommorrow inshallah I predict the following teams going through to the quarterfinals: 1. Manchester United 2. AC Milan 3. PSV 4. Bayern Munich Well I believe Man U will go through tommorrow inshallah giving their excellent league form and away goal which will come in handy for them. Lille is not in the same league as the reds, sorry to say that. That's why I predict a comfortable win or a nil nil draw for Man U. AC Milan have the home advantage and I expect them to go through as well. I know Celtic have surprised a few in this champions league season but I can't see them winning against the italian giants in front of their home crowd. PSV have to attack and they cannot sit back on their comfortable home goal win. They have ofcourse the advantage but Arsenal is always capable of new surprises and with their dutch winger Robbie van Persie and Henry, it should be a tough night for PSV in the Emirates stadium but Arsenal have really flopped during this season in the Premier league and that's why they need new life and blood installed into them and the champions league should provide it for them just like last season. PSV have been surprise semi-finalists three seasons ago and one might bring to the fold that Arsenal were finalised and runner-ups themselves last season but PSV should come through anyway. Bayer Munich's advantage is Van Bommel's late stunner and goal against the royals and if it wouldn't be for that goal I would have picked the royals to go through but Bayern in front of their home crowd and their two away goals should give them the cofidence they need to go through. Well that's my latest prediction and lets wait for the results to materialse tommorrow inshallah. So until tommorrow nice predicting.
  4. Somali Politics is without principle. I used to remember the same people that are opposing this government now, how they used to oppose the government in the past by clapping for the likes of Qanyare, Galaal and Abdiqaasim. We remember the mass demonstrations at the 'Tribuunka' where Galaal, Qanyare and Abdiqaasim used to vow that no Igad or AU foreign troops will ever land in Mogadishu. Where is their opposition now? The absurd thing is that even Abdiqaasim asked for foreign troops when he was head of the TNG but paradoxically he was not in favour of them when the TFG asked for the same foreign troops. Furthermore Qanyare, Yalahow and Barre used to be staunch opposers of Ethiopians coming to Somalia and now they lead those who welcome them and also all of them co-operate fully with the Ethiopians nowadays. Where's the principle? Where has the Balcad group gone? What has become of the 'Goolaha Samatabixinta Qaranka' (National Salvation Council)? Somali politics is the most unprincepled. If I may address the brother Duke to regards to our brother Horn or as he likes to call himself nowadays N/AA. Duke, N/AA is in a uncomfortable state where he is divided on his values and personal beliefs on one side and his most respected politicians being on the other side (Which one should he follow?) N/AA is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He doesn't like to support the TFG as an entity because he cannot stand its President H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf but on the other hand he was going to accept the legitimacy of the TFG because Barre and other's from his clan where in it now but at the highly priced Kismaayo being solely put into his clans hands, which did not materialise. I was once told jealous women cut their hair or change their hair colour in order to remind themselves that they're jealous. Obviously women don't have the intelligence and memory capacity to remember them being in a state of jealousy, so they need little help like a hair cut or change of hair colour to remind themselves. So N/AA is in a jealous mood and state as you can see from him adopting the new name of N/AA in order to remind himself that he's jealous. Thus I ask the brother Duke to give N/AA the necessary reparations and compensations he needs in order to comfort, soothe and appease him from his jealousy. It's the same social enigma we're witnessing today, whereby a second wife is brought in without the knowledge of once wife only for her to find out and the jealousy to start. Then usually you're asked to imburse or pay compensation to your wife in order to soothe her pain and you have to provide everything she wishes for and you cannot say 'No'. Even if she askes you to buy her a new house. Duke you know what N/AA wants from you and that's that you give him Kismaayo all for his own and only for him to enjoy and unless you provide this he shall stay in his jealous state and continue being Non-applicaple twice or Non availabe twice or in short N/AA.
  5. ^Ah the old insecurities springing up once again in you. I knew you couldn't get over it (your woeful schooling that is). Anyhow back to the topic, Timacadde you have a valid contention but from what I've seen so far this season from Olymipique Lyon combined with the way they outclassed their opponents in the preliminary stage of the Champions league which resulted in them topping their group in a sovereign style, I cannot see AS Roma defeating them in their own backyard. Olymipique is undefeated in 18 games of the Champions league played so far and I guess their record speaks for itself. The nil nil is ofcourse a disadvantage but they should wrap it up in front of their home crowd anyway. Let's see and await the results inshallah.
  6. Indeed reer Gaalkacyood are very welcoming. You can view more Photoshere inshallah.
  7. I know brother and I said it in my post that I will be providing a prognoses on who is going to progress from the last sixteen to the quarterfinals (last eight). But I wanted to first predict on the teams that are going to play tommorrow inshallah. The eight teams that will be playing against each other on Wednesday I shall predict as well on whose going to join the four I mentioned above in my first post. So stay tuned inshallah.
  8. Inshallah here is my predictions for this coming champions league last sixteen finalists and who is going to progress to the quarterfinals inshallah. I expect the following teams to progress into the quarter final stage tommorrow inshallah: 1. Liverpool 2. Chelsea FC 3. Olympique Lyon 4. FC Valencia Actually the champions Barcelona have a hard task and I believe they're in real danger of going out. Liverpool can count on home support and the two away goals they scored. They also have a master tactician in the man of Raphael Benitez, who knows the catalonians very well due to himself being a spaniard. Chelsea will progress against the FC Porto inshallah and although there's history between the two clubs I cannot see Chelsea lose and the away goal will come in handy for them. Valencia just have to prevent Inter from scoring inshallah and they will be through as well I guess the time has come for Inter to lose and thus go out of the champions league. Olympique Lyon haven't scored a away goal but I believe that they're much better team than AS Roma. I would like to think that they will progress to the next round inshallah. Well that's my predictions and we will see if they come true or not tommorrow inshallah.
  9. A personal opinion you say, well I've got an opinion of your as well from what you have contributed so far to this fora but does that mean everyone is entitled to call anyone what he wants? The other issue is that criticism and personal opinions are a good thing but they have to be constructive and exercised at the right time. Well as you don't like discussing with me I will set you another challenge and to provide me with the 'bogus things I wrote'. This is not an issue about me or my persona but you're actually breaking camel milk golden rules because you're constantly criticising the messenger rather than the message. It's your way of dealing with a person that has got more skills then you when debating things to persoanlise the issue rather then discuss it. Attack and criticise what has been said but don't attack the person as it is clearly not permissible under camel milk golden rules.
  10. ^And how many 'Nth time' have you broken camel milk golden rules in this thread? Adeer it seems this is your claim to fame and it also seems that you and Jimcaale have made it a personal crusade to run after MKA and try to discredit him but will it work? No because the only thing you achieved so far is show to the gallery that you don't have any other debating skills other than your personal vandetta against MKA and on top of that, that you actually fear him. (not literally fear but everyone knows what I'm talking about). I can see that you don't have anything intelligent to say apart from hurling abuse at MKA. I'm only interested in intelligent discussions and debates. So if you can't provide those then I have nothing further to say to you.
  11. I will set you a challenge in whereby you raise the objections you have in what has been said in this thread. We will discuss the issue in a civil manner me and you only. You bring forth your arguments and I shall bring forth mine and the gallery should be the witness on whose arguments are more logical and real? Take up the challenge or silence up I say.
  12. Apart from personal attacks what else do you have to say?
  13. "Yep! I am gonna stick it to your rear end(where you seem to be thinking from)." Civility is only reserved for sane folks. You are insane.You are deranged & dillusional Younis. Faarax's logic at its best, no wonder why I say that he's confused and not to be rudely awaken out of his dreams. I'm bigger than that but he obviously wants to lower the discussion to a pitiful level which he seems to excell in and is very fond off as it reflects his standards. Let's discuss the issues at hand here and stop the personal attacks and vandettas.
  14. ^As usual you cannot argue in a civil manner hence the absurd statements and comcical depictions you direly need to help you to 'express' yourself. Next time hold your own inshallah and don't do another runner.
  15. ^I thought your job was done? Obviously not. Now don't do another runner. This time I hope you're going to stick around.
  16. No one used anyone to invade anyone yaa confused Faarax. What you forgetting is that our country lost all its national institutions during the civil war. Our friends and allies whoever they might be agreed to help us until we're self-reliant and sufficient to take care of ourselves and provide the necessary security and peace in order for this govenrment to achieve what it has set out to achieve and that is return Somalia to governance and stabilise the country and then provide the platform and environment in which peaceful elections could be held. Right now the government is building up its capabilities and recruiting and training thousands of soldiers and police-men in order for those troops to provide the peace in the future inshallah. We thank our friends Igad member states and Yemen and all the others who helped us achieve that peace. The simple truth is and was that the clan-courts and warlords were not going to allow for the govenrment to settle peacefully in Mogadishu without being guests to one of this groups or both which would meant that they could interfere in government affairs as they would be providing the security. However the government said that they will not be the guests of the ICU and warlords. Period. The TFG's affords to bring about real peace and stabilisation in the country is in full swing and soon our troops and other security capabilities will be trained and ready to fulfill their duties and the foreigners will leave the country as we're going to be self-sufficient inshallah. Without outside interference this could never be done or achieved as Mogadishu was hostage to people that did not want to give up their assests and looted properties. There's other historic and psychological significance that cannot be ignored as well but I shall address those at the right moment inshallah which is not now and here.
  17. Our Kuwaiti friends have promised that they will start a broad and comprehensive initiative in which they will rally to pursue extensive financial and economical support for the TFG. They said that they will make it their priority in the next Arab League meeting to rally economical support and to champion our dire need for economical and financial support in order to achieve lasting peace and reconciliatory settlement in our country inshallah.
  18. Sure the truth comes out bit by bit although Shabelle radio would like it rather not to or in their case often try to twist the new developments on the ground. Good job I say and I wish the new admin good luck and that they fulfill their jobs accordingly and honestly to its description and that they fulfill what they set out to do and that is to work for the development of the city foremost the security, justice system, tax collection and the promotion of peace and a better understanding between the communties that reside in that city inshallah. Overall what is needed is enthusiasm, co-operation, advice-seeking and decision-making on a consensus basis and dealing swiftly with complains of the people they supposed to reside over, all in all in short, they should provide good governance to their subjects and people they govern over. I wish them all the success inshalla to achieve all those points mentioned above.
  19. ^You're right. It is also said that bin Laden was very undeceisive to who join as he was split between the radicals and the not so radical the group lead by Abdullah Azzaam who mysteriously got blown up as he was on his way to Friday prayers in Peshwar. Bin Laden is not educated and cannot be called a 'Sheikh' and both he and his actions have been denounced by the vast Ulamaa of this religion. They gave him real advice but he didn't want to listen. They're a misguided bunch and Al-Qeada exists as a group and it is a ideology but even that group is split into many more groups which are totally separate to each other and operate totally independent from each other as well. It is true that Zarqaawi was a monster and psychopath who used to be a patty criminal in Ammaan, Urdun. This group is in favour of killing innocent people which amazes me and sometimes I had heated discussion with those folks. I hate shiite's but my hate does not justify any barbaric and inhumane acts Al-Qeada is pursuing in Iraq. Blowing up a market in Sadr city to evict some invaders is beyond comprehension. Are you in favour of evicting occupiers, so why are you blowing up a Shia inhabited slum? Their tactics in Iraaq is wrong and no sane muslim will ever condone the systematic and indiscrimiate killing of innocent people. Why target civilians? You can see that this people have gone astray. The other thing is that global Jihaad is and should not be a group Jihaad. Only a Amiir that has got the pledge and support of all the muslims can be global Jihaad be done but not before that. They're a insane bunch of group that have got in their midst some 'collaborators' or 'double-agents' that assist them in further propagating this alien ideology and pass it on as 'Islaam'. Blowing up trains in Madrid and London won't bring about a Islamic state I say because you have not fulfilled the requirements of such a state nor have you followed the sunnah that's why you're going to fail and continue to fail.
  20. Cambarrow sister again you're confused here. Al-Qaeda exist and guess what? It's the west bests friend, atleast behind the scenes. If you want real education into that matter I shall kindly provide you with it. 1. Islaam is not what Al-Qeada does. 2. Al-Qeada goes against the tenets of this religion. 3. The group is made up by hardliners, rebels and extremists with little knowledge into this deen. 4. They're radicalised young muslims, who have been recruited to think that they're doing a service to Islaam. 5. Mostly they're made up of people who hate the west or become disillusioned with the west. 6. Most of their terror makers are bunch of fools and have little to do with muslims and Islaam, what and who was Muhammed Atta? 9/11 plane hijackers were all partygoers, chain-smokers and had or followed a western lifestyle and overnight they turned into muslim warriors, how come? 7. Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri who are sending their infamous messages where Al-Qeada is written all over it (which you deny but bin Laden and Al-Zawahiri always mention Al-Qeada in their tapes) are never caught and the reason is because the west doesn't want them to be captured. 8. The west perfectly knows as long as this folks follow this kind of disillusioned and innovative Islaam that they will be ok. 9. Sister Al-Qeada wants to conduct a global Jihaad against the enemies of Islaam by using suicide bombers and rag-tag militias that do not have an Amiir or overall leader basically their Jihaad is a group Jihaad. 10. That isn't Islaam, in fact the global Jihaad can only be conducted by a single authority but not by a group. 11. Are this folks doing a group Jihaad? 12. You know there are two types of Jihaads, there's the one whereby one has to do self-defence in order to defend his own life, wealth, livlihoods and loved ones from aggressors, there it is allowed to have a regional person that leads that Jihaad and coordinates it in order to defend themsevles from their enemies but to do global jihaad on a group bases is not allowed in Islaam. Tell me what you think? Remember Muscab Al-Zarqaawi the psychopath, when he used to say 'on behalf of Al-Qeada in Iraaq' and then behead innocent people or blow up markets etc and the numerous and dubious messages coming out of that group from around the globe. 7/7 was an Al-Qeada plot? It is designed to confuse the muslims around the world and you have fallen for that. There's a group like you that says 'They don't exist it's all made up by the west'. Yes I agree it is supported by the west by they do exist that's I disagree with you and they have a huge following, understand?
  21. Jimcaale genuine peace will be achieved inshallah. A reconcilition conference will be held on the 16th of April inshallah and your hero the Shariif will attened that peace conference like all the high-ranking ICU officials in Yemen and Sudan will attened it. Also 3000 delegates from around the country, every region, village and city will also attened that peace conference to be held a month from now on in the capital. So what is the military rule that you're talking about? You see this government is moving towards full reconciliation, peace and development. Shariif will attened the conference so will Caddow and all the other high-ranking ICU officials that lean towards the Muslim brotherhood. What say you? If that is not real reconciliation then what is? To Faarax nobody is sacred of anyone but the TFG was well aware of its capacities, the reason to why they didn't first come to Somalia was precisely that they didn't have any troops as the country was in a post civil war situation where all the national security institutions were non-existent, so the government had to train and recruit new soldiers and call upon the old members of the armed forces pre civil war. We're a poor country on top of that, that's why our friends Yemen and Ethiopia were providing us with much support like logisitics, military hardware and military trainers. Then the ICU started threating not only the TFG but our neighbours and allies as well, that's when we invited our allies and friends to help us to squash the maniacs that wanted to go all the way to Dire Dawa and beyond. We defeated them with the help of our friends in a war that lasted seven days, the war was essentially over in three days but the rest of the days we were pursuiding the enemy. The government was very patient and tried to avoid a war at all costs but the hardliners of the ICU wouldn't have it and their threats came coming and they were defeated, simple. However you live in your own world and for you the ICU was perfectly capable of defeating Ethiopia on its own, right? That's what you used to spew in here, remember how you used to brag that you will capture Addis? Adeer this is not a game that is played by little children and you know what I mean. Our country has been in shatters and now we want to rebuild it. We're recruiting many soldiers right now and we're going to train them in order for them to provide the security of our country and till then our Ethiopian friends and African peace keepers will stay in the country, understand? We're not seeflabood nor do we exaggerate our own capabilities that's why we're so realistic and that's why you live in a utopian paradise, understand? The reason to why the ICU failed was precisely because they overestimated to what they could do, we're not we simpl stay true and real to ourselves. We don't believe that we can become the new imperial power of the horn nor do we threaten the globe. We know what we're capable of and that's why we try to achieve our objectives by first delivering the basics. But how can you go into something advance when you do not have the basics? Exactly the ICU wanted to move mountains and that's why they have been defeated my friend. We will deliver and achieve our aims and goals by working gradually towards them and not by over estimating our capabilities and stretching them like the maniancs of the ICU did, understand? Now who's the most reasoniable of us two? The one that over estimates his capabilities and thinks he can move mountains anf fly or the one that wants to work gradually for his goals and objectives by first setting up the basics and then progressing further. I will leave that call to you inshallah.
  22. ^What is it with you? You're questioning my sanity? The courts supporters have now suddenly turned into professional health-care practisoners over night as well? Tommorrow why not become a professional lawyer as well? Anyhow thanks for your 'concern' but I had to deal with many things in here once I was threatened with arrest and others put their insane death threats to me as well. I await further declarations from your sight maybe next time you can give me a 'speeding ticket'? Adeer give it up I don't have no anger issues and the perfect example is that unlike others I know this to be nothing more than politics, I tell them to not go far with their animosities because tommorrow it will look bad upon them if they say 'oh we erred' or 'we were lead by frustration so forgive us we really don't hate anyone'. I never take things personally as well and always I stay objective and try to discuss politics without trying to discredit my opponents too much ofcourse. I'm real, honest and on top of that well-informed. I say things which many would not agree with and many dislike me for simply supporting what I support with principle and total integrity. But I will not try to take to much what they say as something they actually mean and the reason being that they're emotionally disturbed because of the traumas and defeats they suffered lately not themselves but the clan courts they supported whilst others feel threatened by their existence. MKA is never the one who will take things out of propotions nor will I attack anyone because they hold different views to I as I believe that in a healthy society people have to take different viewpoints but if I highlight its shortcomings, one should not hate/dislike MKA because he did not intend to embarrass or ridicule anyone but that he simply wants to put things into the right perspectives. Somalis have generally speaking problems of differenciating politics from lets say a persons viewpoint. I might have a different viewpoint then your but that should not prevent us from discussing issues in a civilised and constractive manner nor should it prevent us from joking with another or sharing our common nationality and Somaliness. I've heard people say in here that the 'Ethiopian-lovers' should not be 'considered' as follow Somalis and that they should not be spoken to and often I look and think to myself 'Are this people mentally alright' and then I remember that they're mentally alright but that they're emotionally disturbed because of the trauma and late defeat they suffered. Their bubble bursted and all they do is express their anger daily on us, it is you who have anger issues but certainly not me brother as I try to get out of my way from the daily insults that are flying around left, right and center from all kind of people. They tell us that they hate our guts, our regions, our tribes, our clans and that they wished some big evil would befall us? What do I tell them? I tell them, that dispate their fake hopes and evil execrations that our country will be pacified inshallah and that it is in their own interest for our country to be stabilised for once and all inshallah. I remind them of their wrong and that's why they cannot stand me but I said this many times if it is perceived as wrong for supporting the right thing, I shall be indeed the most unpopular of folks in here for as I couldn't care less. So please don't try to divert issues here or portray me as something I'm not. I defend myself with my god-given intellect, good judgement and the understanding my creator gave me to distinguish what benefits my people or not. I agree the situation is not ideal but our problems are really complex and I shall not go further now to show or argue why the TFG is the best option right now and why we do not have another viable and realistic options and sometimes your mistakes is that you blind yourself from that reality. I say let's respect one another and let's be brothers in faith, brothers in worship, brothers in prayers, brothers in Somalinimo and brothers in love for the sake of our creator. I like I did earlier will again extend my olive-brances for every understanding, intelligent, not hating and envious person that wants what is good for our country. Somalia belongs to Somalis and we only differ on how best to bring peace to our country and that's why we pursue different avenues but the objective and aim is one and that is to see our country return to its former and glory past for once and all and to put behind us this dreadful past of civil war, civil strife, civil genocide, civil looting and civil dismantling of the institutions of our country. All I want is peace for Somalia and I hope you do want the same as well although we might differ on how to achieve that reality. So again I will leave with that and wish you a tight sleep inshallah.
  23. ^Actually I edited my post so go back to it inshallah and re-read it one more time as you might get new insights and facts out of it. Jimcaale on the other hand it's true that you cannot comprehend things at the best of the time and I told you that a year ago, surely you don't want me to dig up the thread? Do you? There's no animosity or hostility you're talking about but I know what I'm talking about as I have had the pleasure to debate with you on different issues on many occasions. P.s. On the other hand how come today that you managed to come to a thread on your own without ofcourse being a Xiin viewpoint enforcer? Didn't I tell you that you're wherever Xiin is? I guess it is you who is compelled to try to bring irrelevant issues into here but certainly not me. That shows that you were intended on something else, so don't get carried away when I too bring something entirely different and irrelevant to you. You simply tried a poor attempt to divert the issue here but it backfired and MKA put you on your way Jimcaale, so what say you? On the other hand I saw you coming to the rescue of Xiin many times but how come that Xiin never comes to your rescue? Well I'm going to leave it there inshallah. Have a nice and tight sleep.
  24. ^Weak and very poor to say the least. What does it matter where Yoonis is? BTW from your false depiction of a billion I can see that you too didn't go to school, so print out my lectures and study and learn from them really hard as they might benefit you one day inshallah. Ps. Are you perhaps suffering from a learning disability? I truly feel disgusted how you depicted that amount/sum, really horrible and there are too many zeros in there as well and don't even mention the two alone standing zeros in the front (there have to be three zeros after the dot as decimal digests have to be grouped into threes and not only two as there have to be three places to be counted after the dot and only after the decimal separtor in this case a comma can you add two last zeros but not in the front as you have done), are you handicapped perhaps or what? I cannot even laugh I feel horrible and disgusted. What a simple moron. I told him a year ago 'That he had difficulties comprehending things at the best of times and that it would be made even worse by unsocial or late ours, so I guess it is the time for you to relax your brain and switch all its lights off completely. I can see there is still one light remaining on and that light is only on to help you navigate your way to the fridge and other places that you know partially from routine and help you to plug the computer cable out of the socket in order to 'darken' and switch off the computer over the night and also help you find your way to your 'bed'. Apart from that I guess it is completely shut so don't make a moron further out of yourselves and have a tight sleep as well inshallah. Good night Jimcaale and come back tommorrow in the morning as you will be able to make a bit more sense. So I shall see you inshallah tommorrow so don't be late inshallah.