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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. This particular issue is part of a larger corrpution aimed at disturbing young children's minds especially those of the young muslim children, with the aim to confuse them, because at home they're taught and given different moral values that do not go hand in hand with the notion of western tolerance and acceptance of different beliefs and identities. It's another form of fitnah inherited from a corrupt and evil society in which we fled to and sought sanctuary to, where as it is quite clear that Islam is best practised in a muslim society, where one is strong and the temptation isn't as high as in the lands of the kuffaar. Futhermore our religion prohibits for us to migrate and live amongst kaafirs except we have a purpose such as business, education or dacwah. I believe the majority of us in here at least the older ones have no right in staying here unless ofcourse we fall into the three categories mentioned above. On the other hand our brother Khalaf is right and you totally misunderstood him. I know some of the likes of CG have lost their moral compass and 'brag' about that they defend the rights of 'all' but isn't it a stark paradox and act of hypocrisy that one would defend what they morally deem to be wrong and against their personal beliefs? That is ofcourse if CG is a muslim, he would indeed find it difficult because it is forbidden to defend unlawful acts such as sodomy in this case or to even tolerate it because that would defeat the purpose of the existence in their belief of their religions moral and practical code, which clearly says and reitrates that sodomy is a sin, evil and despised by Allaah the exalted. Khalaf is right and no one can defend or even tolerate such kind of acts. You cannot shop, keep friendly company with, be friends with, like or even love such people. Islam is a moral guide and we have our books and what you folks don't get and will not get is that it is an act of unbelief if one actually tolerates such evil. Now you might ask, what can we do? Yes, what you will do is despise and hate it from the deepest of your heart, do not support it or lend your moral support by cheering for it or by shopping, buying, visting, encouraging, viewing or appreciating anything that has to do with this kind of moral evil and this is part of it. You cannot tolerate it and if you do it's actually an act of disbelief. Now get your moral compass right and correct your beliefs I say.
  2. Here is a tribute, two Soler's made, specially for MKA not long ago. They shall stay anonymous, until you name and shame both of them. In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the Lion (MKA) sleeps tonight. In the jungle the quiet Jungle the lion sleeps tonight. LOL classic.
  3. This one is a japanese prank and it involves a mob of one hundred people (mostly youth) chasing total strangers around the streets and as one youtube observer already rightly said and commented 'That was the funniest thing ever!!', which I agree with 100% in its remarks. However would you agree that the japanese people are the most funniest people on the face of this earth? Would you, seriously? If not watch this clip below. Warning and disclaimer, might hurt your stomach and don't eat or drink anything as well whilst watching this clip. You might spill it out of laughter. Seriously you guys should award me for doing such a good job in lighting you up, anyhow watch this hilarious clip: Troop of the 100 hundred, 100 Person Flashmob Randomly Chasing After People
  4. I know that there are many computer wizards amongst us, so I shall dedicate this one to you, whoever you might be. Somalis are quick copiers and learners and I think all of us have MS Paint installed on our computers , so give it a try inshallah. Good luck with the painting. BTW I need an emblem and flag painted for me, especially for MKA , so if you got skills forward your proposals to me inshallah. Enjoy I say.
  5. That's actually what happens in parisian and french suburbs, given the widespread unemployment and hopelessness within the arab and foreign youth in french ghettos, maybe a new sport that all the jobless young Somalis could take up. Surely they will be sponsored by Coca Cola. Enjoy I say.
  6. Timacadeh that's exactly my take but I shall await the actual kick off day to make my full predicitions inshallah. Northerner, you think so? For me Milan is actually a very strong team but Bayern have the good fortune of playing them in Milan first and if they play attacking and pressing football and actually score a few away goals, I can see 'Milan losing hansomly' but if not, Milan have an excellent chance of going through because as Timacadeh says: 'Kaka'. There's also a 'fear' syndrome within Bayern because they were kicked out last season humiliatingly by Milan, when they actually losed 1:4 against them in the return game. How embarrassing is that? Surely Bayern have to avenge the disgrace put on them by Milan. I hope they do that, as my heart wishes for something but my mind completely says something else. But inshallah let's await the actual game as it surely promises to be a good draw and matchup between two evenly teams. Anyhow good luck and sweat dreams for you of Steven Gerrard lifting the CL trophy for the sixth time of his clubs history in Athens this coming May inshallah.
  7. Xiin's speculation from dayniile' rumour mill: Orignally published on on the 3rd of this month: War-saxaafeed uu soo saaray afhayeenka Xisbiga Ramaas Warsaxaafadeed uu magaalada London kasoo saray afhayeenka xisbiga Ramass Political Party ee midowga Yurub C/Naasir Guure Faarax (Jeer) ayaa daaha wuxuu ka qaaday sir waayn oo uu madaxweyne C/Laahi Yuusuf damacsan yahay tasoo uu uga sheekeyay marku London ku sugnaa rag ay qaraabo yihiin iyo rag ay saxiibo dhow yihiiin. Qorshahaan raga uu ku qarsaday madaxweynuhu oo afhayeenka lasoo gaarsiiyay, ayaa ah in madaxweyne C/Laahi uu sheegay in uu rabo in shirka dibuheshiisiinta ee uu rabo inuu qabto uu ku doonayo in uu sanado dheeriya ku darsado, tasoo uu sheegay marka hore barlamaanka ka dhamayn doono, in dad an barlamaanka ka mid ahayn wasiiro noqon karaan. Markii tasu u hirgashana uu kensandoono laba wasiiro cusub, labada wasiir oo u aduunka u tusi doono inay Maxaakiimtii Islaamka ka tirsanaayeen oo uu awood qaybsiga wax ka siiyay, kabacdina uu xukunka ku dheeraysan doono saas. Labada wasiir ee cusub uu keensandoono ayuu kubadali doona wasiirka lagu magacaabo Dhinbil iyo wasiir ku-xigeenka gashaan dhiga Mr Jeelle. Wuxuu taas afhayeenku raaciyay, in madaxweyne Yuusuf yiri marabo in Muqdisho xasisho maxaa yeelay waxaan rabnaa inay marna wax nagu soo ridaan marna aan wax ku ridno marka ugu danbaysana in taan magaalada oo dhan dhulka lasino, ban barlamaanka intaan mooshin hor gayno baanu oran Muqdisho caasumad uma qalantee magaaladee caasumad ka dhiganaa, kadibna aan ku cadaadiyo barlaamaanka inay doortan Marka Cadey ama Baydhabo (forever). [***Very Important] Wuxuu kaloo madaxweyne Yuusuf ragaan uga cawday madaxa Puntland Cade Muuse, isagoo yiri Cade waxaan ku iri wakhtiga waan karoor sane adna koroorso kama maarme balse Cade waa nin madax adagoo waa iga diiday oo wuxuu yiri marka xiligaayga lagaaro doorashaan qaban, wuxuu mudane C/llaahi isagoo aad uga xun arrinta Cade Muuse ka diiday yiri, "Warbal toloow ninka la hadla idinka isku fiicane". Madaaba mudane Cade ku gacayn seyray cosdiga madaxeyne C/llaahi, waxaa loo badinayaa Markabkii la afduubtay iyo jeelka Garoowe oo la weeraray inuu ka danbeeyay C/llaahi Yuusuf, maxaa yeelay ninka xukumay oo maxkamada Milatarri saaray raga jeel ka lagalabaxay waxaa adeer u ah madaxweyne C/llaahi, waxay dadku xaqiijin ninka danbiilayaasha xukumay ee C/llaahi adeer ka u yahay inaysan xukumidu daacad ka ahayn ee ayka ahayd maamulka Cade fowdo ha noqdo, iyadoo arintaan cadaynteeddu tahay ninka maxkamada wax ku xukumay iyo maleeshiyada jeelka weerartay waxaay labo maalmood ka hor kuwada qayilaayeen kantaroolka Garoowe guri ku yaal. [***Edited]^^^Very Amusing indeed Afhayeen C/Naasir Jeer inkastoo uu san carabaabin raga madaxeynahu qorshahaan uu wato uga sheekeyay, hadana wuxuu sheegay in arimahaan kasii xaqiiq saday mar uu xiriir lasameeyay, afhayeenka madaxeynaha Soomaaliya Mudane Xuseen Maxamed Maxamuud (Xuubsireed).oo hada kusugan Muqdisho. FG:- Qoraalkani kama tarjumayo aragtideena, ee wuxuu u gaar yahay qoraha maqaalkan. Xafiiska Muqdisho, Somalia ^^^This was supposed to be deleted by but I found it nevertheless however if you click on another link of the same article they actually deleted it. However this one is sitll 'active'. You can find the source in here and you can actually see from the url that the article was published on the 3rd of this month: Apology by Originally published by's webmaster on the 6th of this month: Maamulka Dayniile oo cudur daar ka bixiyay war si qaldan loogu soo daabacay boggan Maamulka boggan, gaar ahaana Tifatiraha Axmed Sheekh Cali (Kalaay) ayaa cudur daar ka bixiyay war boggan si qaldan ugu soo baxay taariikhdu markii ay aheyd 3/03/2007, kaasoo uu soo saaray afhayeenka xisbiga Ramaas, wuxuuna Tifatiruhu uga cudur daaranayaa shaqsiyaadkii iyo mas’uuliyiintii ay quseysay qoraalkaasi ama uu taabanayay. Sidoo kale, maamulka ayaa cudur daar u soo gudbiyay dhamaamba aqristayaashii daalacday warkaasi, “Aqristayaasha bogga waxaan uga cudur daaraneynaa inuu warkaasi si qaldan ugu soo baxay bogga” ayuu yiri Axmed Sheekh Cali Kalaay. Xafiiska Muqdisho, Somalia You can find the source below: I will leave the gallery to judge on who is right and wrong. Can we believe a word Xiin says from now on? I will leave the gallery to answer that question inshallah.
  8. Xiin's mistakes in this thread highlighted and inshallah we will see on who is a farce. I shall establish using concrete evidence the mistakes Xiin made in this thread: 1. He clearly said that he 'speculated' on what has been discussed between the TFG leadership and Puntland, given that there was a 'coming' Presidential selection (that was what he thought). However I highlighted to the gallery that there was no coming Presidential selection, therefore no room for speculations and that in fact the same 'speculation' by Xiinfaniin came out earlier this week on the 3rd to be exact from Dayniile' rumour mill, which they later apologised for and said that it was wrongly published. I actually found the article on my cache and the text I shall use as my evidence, the apology of you can find below. Apology came out on the 6th of March this year. So given that there was no 'coming' Presidential selection, do you still believe it's a 'coincidence' that Xiins 'speculation' on the discussion agenda between the TFG and Puntland, and the same rumour, which was published 'mistakingly' on the 3rd of this week on dayniile's website, which was later rebuked by it's webmaster who aplogised to the concerned parties was indeed something totally unconnceted? Clearly he got it from dayniile' rumour mill and I have got the clear cut evidence for that. 2. Xiin furthermore said that according to Reg. Con. (Puntland constitution) that he thought Cadde's term would end this year because he thought Cadde was elected in 2004, but using evidence from we can see clearly that Cadde Muuse was elected in January 2005. Puntland President H.E.Mohamud Muse Hersi (General Adde), elected by parliament in January 8, 2005 You can view it by clicking on the following link: 3. Xiin also said that he 'thought' Cadde's term would come to an end at the end of this year. I believe because he thought Adde was elected in 2004' that he also 'thought' the Presidents mandate would only be for three years because remember there was a 'coming Presidential selection later on in this year'. I actually can see that he didn't think that but he was actually making excuses for himself because he was refuted by me earlier about his source and where he got it from, which I highlighted that it was from the infamous rumour mill, which he refuses to acknowledge or own up to it. However my intention here was to show that Adde's mandate is actually for four years and not three, so that means that Adde's term would come to an end on early 2009, so where's the 'coming' Presidential selection Xiin and are speaking off? None existent, a complete lie and fabrication. Again my evidence is Puntland's constitution and here it is: From: Article 54 paragraph sixteen Powers and Duties of the President 16.The office term of the President and his Vice shall be 4 years from the date of taking oath and can be elected for two terms only. source you can find here: You can either download it in word or Adobe reader. This clearly shows that Adde's term will end in 2009 and that he has still a good two years to go, so where's the coming Presidential selection, Xiin is speaking off? That's why I say that we cannot trust a word Xiin says from now on. So I will leave the gallery to judge, on who is more righteous, I'm positive if this would be a court case Xiin would be found guilty of fraudulent mischief making, baseless fabrication and utter denial of where he got his original fabrication from. So Adde has still two years to go and there's no upcoming election or Presidential selection, it was a mere rumour created by which they later refuted and said it came out wrongly and apologised to all the people concerned and I shall provide both inshallah, the original fabricated article Xiin got his insights from and the later apology and denial of the authenticy of the article by Stay tuned inshallah, everything will be soon come clear on who is right and on who is wrong. MKA doesn't indulge himself in a farce. Beware with me.
  9. Well I guess Timacadeh, it wasn't destined that way, although as much as I would like it to be that way. (Makes sense innit?) However the draw has been made and I'm not to amazed. The prospect of having three English teams in the semi-final surely cannot be good for European football. I have a feeling that Chelsea and Man U have a good prospect of reaching the CL final in Athens on the 23rd of May. Well I shall address my thoughts to the draws. First of all Man U v Roma, I believe Man U have an excellent chance of progressing to the next round especially given that Man U will be traveling first to Roma and they have this crucial advantage. Roma have some great players but I shall give my full predictition on that game some hours before it is about to kick off inshallah. Chelsea v Valencia, could be a very tricky and tough game for Mourinho and company. Valencia have the good fortune of traveling first to the bridge which I believe is a advantage but they have to capitalise on it by scoring as many away goals as they can. However I believe Chelsea is in good hands and they could really be happy with that tie. Bayern v AC Milan, a tough and difficult draw for the Germans and I fear that they will not be able to overcome the sheer brilliance of the likes of Kaka, Seedorf and other Milan stars. AC Milan is too strong for me but Bayern have just like Valencia the good fortune of traveling first to Milan. What I need is that they play compact and press Milan to force them to make errors. They should not be allowed to play and be shocked by the pressing tempo Bayern is playing with. They should utilise their strength to the best of their ability and score hopefully the away goals that will make them progress to the semis. Play from the wings and run them down and actually make them pray for breath. If they do this and embarrass Milan in front of its own home ground fans, I have hope for Bayern to eventually progress but I simply cannot see that happening. However I shall give my full prediction of this game a few hours before kick off inshallah. Liverpool v PSV, what can I say? They met in the preliminary group phase and they must be actually sick of each other for having to play against each other again. Both team know each other very well, both strengths and weaknesses of each team are known to the other side. They will study their mistakes or what they did good in the videos they will be watching prior to the game and I hope PSV learns from their mistakes. Liverpool have played good against PSV in the group stage but I'm sure that PSV has since that encounter become much better and competitive and Liverpool should not be surprised if they go in like if they knew PSV only to be shocked that PSV has actually changed and become much stronger than they were when they played against them the last time. However I believe that Liverpool should come through this tie as they will be having the good fortune of traveling to Eindhoven first and hopefully scoring away goals in order to make it more comfortable for themselves at the return game at Anfield. Having said that I shall make my full predictions on this game just a few hours before it is about to kick off inshallah. Till then nice predicting and sweet dreams of your team winning the champions league trophy come this May in Athens.
  10. Boeing could be more creative and name their planes and latest models instead of the boring Boeing 779, Boeing Al-Qeada 1. Certainly Al-Qeada wouldn't dare to bomb one of their own and I hope they would be flattered that they're being named after a whole airlane model. The incentive would be ofcourse to fly with the 'most reliable and safe areolplane in the world'. I know there would be some infringements but it would be none the less a marketing coup. Who wouldn't enroll in the George W Bush School of English grammar and correct pronunciation? I certainly wouldn't.
  11. Official escapes rat poison label Local media said the application stemmed from a personal dispute A Chinese official has escaped efforts by a rat poison manufacturer to name its products after him, China's state media reported. The company applied last month to call its range of pesticides and poisons after Zheng Xiaoyu, the sacked head of the State Food and Drug Administration. But the authorities ruled that Mr Zheng, although under investigation, had a right to protect his name. The former top official is currently facing allegations of corruption. China's Xinhua news agency said that the national trademark administrator had rejected the application. "It is against China's trademark laws to use a name that has adverse effects on society as a trademark," the agency quoted official sources as saying. Xinhua suggested the application could have been caused by a personal dispute between the company - Shenyang Feilong Pharmaceutical Company - and Mr Zheng, who had reportedly ruled against one of its drugs in 1999. Mr Zheng is facing allegations he used his administration's drug approval powers to obtain bribes. Last week he was expelled from the Communist Party after a disciplinary committee ruled he should be "severely punished". Source BBC World news.
  12. ^Give it up Adeer the only farce are the things you wrote below. Statement by Xiin: 'Yoniska: it’s not a secret that Cadde’s regime is a dummy admin for the old man. If one speculates, as I did, whether the agenda of their said meeting covered how to maintain their relationship it does not mean one is propagating conspiracies adeer. Another cluelss statement by Xiin: 'I thought he was selected in 2004...and the term is three years and not an even number! My bad, the old man has PL for another 2 yrs'! Next time will you atleast get your info right as so-called speculations and 'I thought' won't cut with Yoonis. I'm totally astonished by the clear white lies of Xiin because it is not a secret where he got his source from as I highlighted it ealier. But what astonishes me is his sheer insistence in the belief he likes us to consume that he speculated on it rather than getting it from the rumour mill of How did he speculate on it just by his own given that there's no imminent/coming Presidential selection in Puntland, don't you see that this is made up and funny enough that the same fabrication was earlier this week in the rumour mill of So now who is lying? I will tell you, it is the one who refuses to acknowledge his source and that is Xiin. I told him to own up to it but he refused. Can you see him make up lies? He said 'that he thought Cadde was elected in 2004', then he came up with another total fabrication and 'that he thought Cadde's term would expire at the end of this year'. Then the last admission by fraudulent Xiin and he finally owned up: 'I thought he was selected in 2004...and the term is three years and not an even number! My bad, the old man has PL for another 2 yrs'! He merely speculates and 'thinks' but they did not reflect generally the truth or facts on the ground, so do you still believe Xiin speculated on the whole thing given that all these evidence stand against him. Xiin has been proven to be a fraudulent fabricator and even his pityful try of changing the subject at hand failed. Own it up Xiin, own it up to your source I say.
  13. Two different statements by Xiin, Can you see the change of tone? I shall highlight it for you (for those that cannot see it themselves). First statement by Xiin:'Could this discussion be how to postpone Puntland’s coming presidential selection to keep its political environment friendly for the old man’s policies? I bet on that'! If I were a betting man that is. Second statement by Xiin: 'Yoniska: it’s not a secret that Cadde’s regime is a dummy admin for the old man. If one speculates, as I did, whether the agenda of their said meeting covered how to maintain their relationship it does not mean one is propagating conspiracies adeer. But seeing how our Taako man responded I decided to explore what drawn forth his tears and caused his wailings. And you, to gather up your gems, resorted to a cheap conspiratorial tales to refute Xiins! What’s left to say, i ask? I clearly explained to the gallery here Xiin's fraudulent manner when I approached him with where he got his source from. He say's that he speculated but I know that he did not but got his source from the same rumour mill as I and I fully explained it to the gallery. Furthermore he was challenged to provide his insights of the so-called 'coming' Presidential selection he speaks off and where he got it from. There' are no imminent elections or Presidential selections scheduled for Puntland so where did he get it from? Besides that it is quite evident that he did not speculate because there's no coming election or Presidential selection, so where did he get it from? You and I know it as I've told you before. He's even confused about the Puntland Constitution as he 'thought' Cadde's term would come to end at the end of this year. Adeer I'm sorry I shall not address the things you 'thought, speculated on or read from dayniile' rumour mill. I shall not believe a word you say from now on as your fraudulent ways have been exposed. Can anyone believe what Xiin says from now on? The answer is 'No'.
  14. Adeer Xiin educate yourself before you speculate as you have said earlier you did to regards in this matter. On the other hand 'I thought Cadde's term this and that won't take you far', so kindly stop the speculations and let's concentrate on the facts. To be honest with you, your dubious and fraudulent ways have been exposed when you were challenged to provide the source of your contention and the only thing was that 'you speculated on it' rather weak, won't you say so? The other thing was that I asked you about your so-called imaginary 'coming' Presidential selection you were speaking about and I challenged you that there's no imminent Pressidential selection scheduled in Puntland, that's why I asked you 'why the fuss'? Your reply was unbefitting for a grown up man like you and to come up with speculations and fraudulent deceptions is an act of gross criminality in itself. So give it up and own up where you got this latest fabrication from, which is none other then the rumour mill of Stop the farce.
  15. Xiin Another day another opportunity to try to measlead the gallery here. Adeer I gave you, your fitting reply yesterday and it made you shut up so what makes you think a new day will give you a different result?
  16. Kulankan ayaa waxa looga hadlay qodobo gaaraya ilaa 11 qodob, waxaana ka mid ahaa: 1.Warbixinta Guud ee Madaxweynaha Dowladda Federaalka eek u meel gaarka ah. 2.Warbixinta Dowladd Federaalka kuna saabsan dib u heshiisiinta qaran. 3.Nidaamka Federaalka ee Cashuuraha 4.Warbixinta Guud ee madaxweynaha Puntland 5.Mowqifka Puntland eek u aaddan dib u heshiisiinta qaran 6.Iswaafajinta axdiga TFG iyo dastuurka puntland 7.Ka wada tashiga dejinta shuruucda 8.Sedka puntland ee deeqaha ay TFG hesho 9.Mowqifka puntland ee arrimaha maaliyad 10.Qaybta ay puntland xaqa ugu leedahay manaasibta(jagooyinka) Dowladda federaalka 11. Kala duwidda isticmaalka ereyada Dowladda dhexe(Unitary system) iyo dowladda federaalka ah. Hadaba Falan qayn dheer iyo dood ka dib qodobada dhammaantood waxa ay ahaayeen kuwo laysku afgartay, ayee sheegeen mas'uuliyiinta labada dhinac.
  17. Dogs are animals from god and they should not be mistreated. However from a medical viewpoint dogs should not be 'loved' to much. Kissing, stroking, touching and brushing are a no-no. The reason is tapeworm and you can read more below. The Findings of Scientific Research Relative to Keeping Dogs. The increasing interest shown by many people in recent times in keeping dogs as pets has compelled us to draw public attention to the dangers which result from this, especially because pet dogs are hugged and kissed and permitted to lick the hands of the young and the old, and what is worse, to lick the plates and utensils which are used by human beings for eating and drinking. Besides being unhygienic and uncouth, this practice is bad manners and abhorrent to good taste. However, we are not concerned with such matters. Leaving them to be addressed by teachers of etiquette and good taste. Rather this article is intended to present some scientific observations. From the medical point of view, which is our main concern here, the hazards to human health and life from keeping and playing with dogs are not to be ignored. Many people have paid a high price for their ignorance, as the tapeworm carried by dogs is a cause of chronic disease, sometimes resulting in death. This worm is found in man, in cattle, and in pigs, but it is found in fully-developed form only in dogs, wolves and rarely in cats. These worms differ from others in that they are minute and invisible, consequently, they were not discovered until very recently. He continues, Biologically the developmental process of this worm has some unique characteristics. In the lesions caused by them, one worm gives rise to many heads which spread and form other and varied kinds of lesions and abscesses. These heads develop into full-grown worms only in dogs' tonsils. In humans and in other animals they appear as lesions and abscesses completely different from the tapeworm itself In animals the size of an abscess may reach that of an apple, while the liver of the infected animal may grow from five to ten times its normal size. In human beings the size of the abscess may reach that of a clenched fist or even the head of an infant; it is filled with yellow fluid weighing from ten to twenty pounds. In the infected human it may cause diverse kinds of inflammations in the lungs, muscles, spleen, kidneys, and brain, and appears in such different forms that specialists, until very recently, had difficulty in recognizing it. In any case, wherever this inflammation is found, it poses great danger to the health and life of the patient. What is worse is that, in spite of our knowledge of its life history, origin, and development, we have not been able to devise a cure for it, except that in some instances these parasites die out, possibly because of antibodies produced in the human body. Unfortunately, cases in which such parasites die without causing damage are rare indeed. Moreover, chemotherapy has failed to produce any benefit, and the usual treatment is surgical removal of the abscessed parts of the body. For all these reasons we should use all possible resources to fight against this dreadful disease and save man from its dangers. Professor Noeller, through post-mortem dissection of human bodies in Germany, found that the incidence of infection with dogs' worms is at least one percent. In some places such as Dalmatia, Iceland, southeastern Australia, andHolland, where dogs are used for pulling sleds, the incidence rate of tapeworm among dogs is 12 percent. In Iceland the number of people who suffer from the inflammation caused by this worm has reached the rate of 43 percent. If we add to this the human suffering, the loss of meat because of infection of cattle, and the permanent danger to human health because of the presence of tapeworms, we cannot be very complacent toward this problem. Perhaps the best way to combat the problem is to limit the worms to dogs and not let them spread, since in actuality we need to keep some dogs. We should not neglect to treat dogs when necessary by getting rid of the tapeworms in their tonsils and perhaps repeating this process periodically on shepherd dogs and watchdogs. Man can protect his life and health by keeping a safe distance from dogs. He should not hug them, play with them, or let them come close to children. Children should be taught not to play with dogs or to fondle them. Dogs should not be permitted to lick children's hands or come to places where they play. Unfortunately, dogs are allowed to roam about everywhere, especially in places where children play, and their bowls are scattered throughout the house. Dogs must have their own separate bowls, and they must not be allowed to lick bowls and plates used by humans. They should not be allowed inside grocery stores, restaurants, or marketplaces. In general, great care must be taken that they do not come in contact with anything which is used by people for eating and drinking. The Findings of Scientific Research Relative to Keeping Dogs by German scientist, Dr. Gerard Finstimer, (Translated from the German magazine Kosinos.)
  18. Taako walaal that's a good prediction you making. I have the same feeling that Man U could win the CL this season. I have them down to win the Premiership as well. The same for the FA cup. Can they repeat the triple of 1999? If so, then Sir Ferguson has to retire defintely, that is if he is a wise old man, which I'm sure he is. Timacadeh yes I like PSV as well walaal. I think they're a decent side and very underrated, the whole of dutch football is underrated except for Ayax at their hay days. On the other game, yeah I knew van Bommel's late goal would make all the difference, this gave Bayern just what they needed and they sailed through this tie with complete ease although van Nistelroys goal seven minutes before end made them a little bit nervous. Anyhow two European giants met yesterday evening and they had won between them 13 European cups. Nine for Real and four for Bayern. Only Milan and Liverpool have more and Ayax has won four just like Bayern. So what teams would you like to see play against each other in the quarterfinal stage? I would like to see the following teams paired up for the quarters: 1. Chelsea v Man U I hope you still confident and smiling Taako Man if that would be your quarterfinal opponent. 2. Liverpool v AC Milan This would be anothe cracker, the repeat of the 2005 CL final, will AC Milan take revenge this time around for their embarrassing defeat? I hear Seedorf, Kaka and co are still bitter about that game. Let's hope it materialises. 3. AS Roma v Valencia This two teams are certainly set to upset one or two of the more bigger clubs but I would like the giants to be saved and instead the two dark horses battling it out. 4. Bayern v PSV ^A bit of Dutch-German rivalry has never harmed anyone I guess.
  19. Adeer I shall highlight to the gallery that you indeed tried to mislead it many times in this thread. I shall tell you that you did not get your info from an offical source as the official source says: 'The talks between the honorary delegation headed by the TFG Somali president and puntland government will focus on issues such as, security, resources sharing, and the participation of Somali reconciliation.' Quote from Furthermore it say's that the President is on a three day official visit in Puntland. The focus and talking points were the following: 'Security, resources sharing, and the participation of Somali reconciliation' There's no imminent or 'coming' Presidential Selection as you would like us to believe and when challenged where you got your sources from, suddenly the tone of yours changed. So where did you get it from? I will tell you. You got it from the same source as I did and which was later rebuked and found out to be nothing but a rumour and for you to engage in that rumour mill you should be utterly ashamed of yourself. MKA speaks the truth and says how it is.
  20. One would think it is unbefitting for a grown man such as Xiinfaniin to indulge himself in a rumour mill created by especially given that he likes to promote himself as a man who follows the Islamic code of conduct/practise very closely. Cadde’s mandate and term is not even expired nor is there an urgency of preventing political change or the rise of some sort of rivalry that could result in a political disintegration in Puntland State of Somalia. The President’s mandate will not expire until early 2009 and after that he is eligible to be voted again as President for a second term but after the two terms expire he cannot be re-elected again. So where is this propelling force that our Xiinfaniin is speaking off ‘that is forcing Abdullahi Yusuf and Adde to meet and discuss a possible postponement of the ‘coming’ Presidential selection‘, can you see the absurdity? Well before I answer that for you we have to look where Xiin got his latest irrational thought from. Actually him and me must have read it from the same source but the difference is that I could dismiss it immediately because the article in itself was poorly written and on top of that it portrayed all sorts of dooms day scenarios and so-called ‘insider’ information like Cadde being in favour of ‘early’ elections and Abdullahi Yusuf telling him to reconsider his stance and requesting from Cadde that he should increase his term and mandate as he himself would do the same. What kind of logic is that? We can clearly see that the article is a mere fabrication. In regards to the article where Xiin got his insights from, which was presented by of being originally from the Ramaas political party was later renounced by the webmaster of as a ‘article that was wrongly and falsely publicised and published on their website and that he was apologising to all the people that were affected by that false publication’. That came after the head of Ramaas clearly told dayniile that they did not issue that ‘press-release’, which was made up by to be some kind of new secret that has been revealed but the contrary surfaced, that it was either a story made up completely by or they ‘accidently’ excepted it from someone who pretended they represent Ramaas political party. Anyhow this clearly shows that Xiinfaniin’s source is clearly from hearsay and the least thing he could do after reading that nonsense is check up the website’s latest renouncement of that ‘lie’ before bragging and running with it as some kind of exclusive head line and insider story that Xiin wants to urgently highlight and bring into light because of its importance although it has been proven to be nothing more but a complete farce and from the rumour mill of Cadde Muuse has got a good two years to go and nobody can predict the future and already the leadership of Puntland has been in full support of the federal government as it has been dubbed the ‘mother of the TFG’. I now kindly like to ask Xiin, where he got this idea of ‘coming elections/selection’ to be held and its possible postponement from. When are they due? I didn’t know they were a coming Presidential selection/election in Puntland. When is it scheduled? You must have some internal insider stories the rest of us don’t have. Nonsense is refuted with nonsense like a silly question is refuted by a silly question. That’s why my first post measure’s up with Xiin’s nonsense he got straight from dayniile’ rumour mill.
  21. History was made tonight in Germany as Roy Makaay scored the fastest goal in Champions League history. The Bayern player scored in only 10 seconds after the whistle has gone, now that is a quick goal, even quicker than Malidini's quick opener against Liverpool in the Champions league final. All four of my predictions have been right and spot on tonight. I was positive in PSV winning against Arsenal and I'm happy for Alex for scoring that late equaliser as he must have felt terrible as he was responsible for the own goal which was netted and scored by him. Bayern's game was another remarkable match. The royals have been defeated and I knew van Bommel's late goal in Madrid would make all the difference. The awarded van Nistelroy penalty was a joke and van Bommel's sending off was really harsh. Anyhow justice has been done and the better team of the two has progressed to the next round. Man U's game was just predictable and Lille didn't trouble them at all, alright they played above their own expectations and were generally a good sport and match for Man U but they could not score tonight and that made the difference. Also Larssons farewell present to Old Trafford should be remembered for years to come inshallah. AC Milan what can I say. A superb goal and moment of brilliance by Kaka. Celtic did themselves proud to take the match all the way to extra-time but for me it was always the italian giants who would be progressing to the next round and they did. Good on them. We shall meet next time for another round of predicting, until then, we can all dream for our respected teams to win the CL apart from Arsenal fans that is.
  22. Xiinfaniin, I hear that a clan-court is set to win and one of the leaders of that clan court a certain Faarax Jimcaale who is nick-named Xiinfaniin will be coming out on top of that contest. Rumours have it that Faarax Jimcaale nicknamed Xiinfaniin will stop the money flow from Puntland to Abdullahi Yusuf's government. Furthermore it is said that Faarax Jimcaale from now on Xiinfaniin as he's so popularily known will also close down all recently opened TFG offices in Puntland. He is also said to plan to offer and open the land of Puntland to all the anti-Establishment Jabhads that exist around the globe as Puntland has got a long stretch of both the Indian Ocean and Red Sea to import foreign fighters and all they need such as weaponary, they only have to pay Xiinfaniin's government a minimal amount of the use of his 'territory'. Xiinfaniin also plans to build a utopian paradise by welcoming and befriending all the leftist nations in Latin America and he also plans to establish excellent working relations with the state of Iran and other outcast and pariah nations such as North-Korea. Already his foreign secretary Che is on a working trip to these nations. He will found the Bandar Beyla Forum, which is in direct oppostion to the Sanca forum for cooperation and together with the wonderful state of Puntland and the two friendly 'muslim' states of Djibouti and Eritrea they shall send a man to the moon as well. Vote for Xiin and his court group or watch him fire rockets from the moon to destroy you all.
  23. Che I know you posted that question to GD but I shall nonetheless answer it for you. Dialogue and any measures and steps taken by the oppostion to talk and negotiate will be welcomed by the government as can be seen by the Presidents call for a broad reconciliation conference to be held inside Somalia, which is intended to be attended by all the stakeholders and groups who have a say in Somalia. However that doesn't mean, this government shall talk to the Qaranddiid that throw mortars and kill innocent people whilst trying to attack the government. Those are criminal elements who want to derail the peace and new found security in the capital for their own self-fish reasons. The government categorically stressed that they will not be talking to those groups who terrorise the local populace because if those groups were ready to talk and negotiate they would signal it but be silent to those who attack you with mortars will only boost the confidence and encourage other criminal elements and Qaranddiid who intend to strike at the government. Somalia is now at a important landmark and this time the world speaks with one voice and that is to bring peace and governance to Somalia.