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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. I wish him a good recovery inshallah. Certainly the Colonel is a patriotic Somali, who cares deeply for the well being of his country and its citizens, as can been seen from the quotes below. I salute Col. Fartaag and I wish him the best of health inshallah and that he returns to serve his nation and people to the best of his ability. Ameen. Col. Cabdullahi Fartaag ayaa ku tilmamaay qaraxii uu ku dhaawacmay in ay fuliyeen dad ka soo horjeeda qaranimada Soomaaliyeed mar uuna la soo qaban doono. Waxaana uu ugu baaqay qaybaha Ciidamada Soomaliya in ay xoojiyaan midnimadooda iyo isku duubnimadooda. Dhammaan ciidanka xoogga ee jubbooyinka jooga waxaan ugu baaqayaa in ay wada jiraan oo ay dadka iyo dalka u shaqeeyaan si loo soo celiyo sharafteena” ayuu yiri Taliyahii guutada saddexaad ee Xooga dalka Cabdullaahi Sheekh ismaaciil fartaag.
  2. A few other pictures of the President in Qardho. President Arriving at the Presidential Palace in Bosaso city.
  3. Wafti balaaran oo ka socda Wadanka imaaraadka carabta oo soo gaaray Boosaaso. Waxaa maanta soo gaaray Magaalada Bosaso wafti uu hogaaminayo Agaasimaha Degedaha Imaarada Raasal khayma ee isu taga imaaradaha midoobay iyagoo kulamo la qaatay madax ka tirsan Xukuumada Puntland, Labada dhinac ayaa siwayn isula soo qaaday arimo horay madax ka socota Puntland ay kala soo hadleen Imaarada Raasal khayma kulamo horay ay ula soo yeesheen. Waftigan oo ka koobnaa 6 xubnood ayaa siwayn loogu soo dhaweeyay bosaso iyagoo kulamadii ay wada yeesheen Xukuumada kadib uu war kooban saxaafada siiyay Wasiirka Dekadaha iyo Kheyraadka Badda Puntland Siciid Maxamed raage isagoo sheegay in Labada dhinac siwayn isula afgarteen waxyaabihii ay kawada hadleen. Warar hoose ayaa sheegaya in waftigani ay ubalan qaadeen Xukuumada Puntland qodobo dhawr ah oo ay ugu muhiimsanayd iibgaynta xoolaha nool ee Puntland iyo sidoo kale in Puntland ay ka saacidaan dhinacyada Dekedaha iyo Airporada si kor loogu qaado xiriirka ganacsi ee ka dhexeeya labada dhinac.
  4. More Photos inshallah of the arrivial of the UAE delegation, who were invited by the President of Puntland Mudane Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (better known as General Adde). The delegation will speak with the government of Puntland on how to cooperate in regards to business especially the advancement of the cattle business and how they could invest in Puntland and conduct shared and bilateral tasks of development in both of their respected countries. They will sign an comprehensible pact and deal on a bilateral cooperation in terms of development and shared economical ties. The talks will officially start tommorrow inshallah. On the side of Puntland State of Somalia, the following people will participate in the bilateral talks and discussions between the two governments of Puntland State and the UAE: 1. Siciid Maxamed Raage Wasiirka kalluumaysiga, Dekedaha iyo Gaadiidka Badda 2. Maxamed Cali Yusuuf Wasiirka Maaliyada 3. C/risaaq Siciid Cali Wasiirka ganacsiga iyo warshadaha 4. Sciid Jaamac Cali Wasiirka xannaanada xoolaha ,beeraha iyo degaanka. 5. Idiris Shire Xuseen Agaasimaha Arrimaha Federaalka 6. Faarax X. Mire la taliye. The delegation of the UAE will stay for three days inshallah and they're here on the invitation of the President of Puntland State of Somalia, H.E. General Adde Muuse Hirsi.
  5. I shall accept Ngonge’s admission of his defeat and submission. I belief, this is a courageous and brave act of him to finally concede and accept the reality, when presented with concrete and clear cut evidence, which made it difficult for him, to maintain his indefensible and futile position. His surrender was no surprise and actually hastened by the fact, that he had been defeated by overwhelming evidence and strong argumentation on my behalf, which left him with no room to manoeuvre but to accept defeat, although grudgingly. I knew he already conceded a long time ago, because I’m already acquainted with his peculiar way of admitting defeat, from earlier discussions with him. He has his own ways of conceding, but I shall not expose them to the gallery in here and instead keep it just between me and him (I’m doing you a favour Ngonge). The reason to why I rigorously pursued to defeat Ngonge’s blunder and fallacious belief, was not because I enjoyed or liked shaming and embarrassing my fellow brother, but due to the simple fact, that I felt my creators name being used (misused) inappropriately. Allaah’s hikmah was questioned by Ngonge and if it wasn’t enough he attributed and credited to Allah a false and fallacious belief, which is not only very blasphemous but also mocking. I, as participant of this forum could and would not allow to sit idly , whilst my creators and lords name is lied upon in a Sunni Muslim fora just like Sol. My conscious and love for my creator urged me to defend and clear’ my creators good name and reputation of Ngonge’s wicked and absurd attribution towards my lord. That’s why I composed a masterpiece which only took me twenty minutes to come up with in order to defend my deities good name. Ngonge’s blasphemy not only questioned Allahs’ hikmah but also managed to mockingly pass on the notion of homosexuality being ‘natural’ to a young Muslim crowd in here and that’s why I felt double-obliged to prove his fallacious belief to be wrong and completely absurd in nature. Furthermore his first insistence of it being ‘natural’ and ’normal’ would imply, that it was something we were born with (and some for us, something that we could not defend ourselves from, as it was ‘normal’ and ‘natural’, thus some giving in to it, but because it was ‘natural’ in the first place it wasn’t such a big thing’), although we know that it wasn’t known prior to the people of Luut and far from being ‘natural’ and ‘normal’. How could I accept such fallacy when I know, that my Lord would never make such thing ‘natural’ and ‘normal’. Can you see the blasphemous ignorance? He’s attributing to Allaah something bad, Can you imagine Allaah making such a evil act ‘natural’? Subhanallaah! How wrong of him. How could you attribute such thing to Allaah? Doesn’t he have a conscious, he’s truly misguided in my eyes and not to be trusted. If it was ‘natural’ why would Allaah outlaw it in the first place? He says because ‘of religious requirements and Allaah wanted it that way’. Can you see the absurdity in his argumentation? No person with a sense and little intellect would even dare to say such absurdity, it borders stu!pidity of the highest order and blasphemy. If we continue with his belief, he thinks that it is ’natural’ and something ‘normal’ to be homosexual and that if Allaah forbid it because of ‘reasons of procreation and religious requirements’, otherwise we would all ‘happily’ and morally engage in it. Remember he also said that ’there is no great logical explanation for its outlaw of the practise of homosexuality’? His fallacious belief have been shown to be blasphemous lies attributed to our creator and he admits it but that is not enough for me. The fallacies in his reasoning and logic is what amazes and astonishes me and I have to pinch myself, to make sure that this is actually real. There are many irrational hollows and illogical absurdities in his fallacious belief, that I find difficult to comprehend how a person can believe in such thing. I will not leave this guy of the hook and some might think I’m being harsh to him and ought to be left alone, because he already admitted to his defeat and guilt but ’No’, because is he advocating for something, that he doesn’t want to tell us about? Make up your mind dear gallery and address this wickedness. It is not enough for him to say ’Oh I surrender’ and ’I give in and concede’, when he clearly says and still maintains the following and I quote: Originally by Ngonge: I'd be lying if I said that my opinion has suddenly changed and that I now believe homosexuality to be unnatural (in the way it's being presented on this thread). However, I'm neither juvenile nor a simpleton. When those I debate with start substantiating their arguments, I am left with no choice but to concede. Especially that I have no strong argument to counter such powerful proof! ^^^Allaahu Akbar, this fellow still continues in his fallacious belief and to blind himself, although he has been shown the truth. I urge the good people in here to condemn his belief. He’s speaking of me substantiating my arguments and that he had no ‘other choice but to concede, especially that he had no strong argument to counter such powerful proof’ as he put it. So what is stopping him to renounce his false belief? He’s saying he has been shown the truth with substantial arguments and that he had no other choice but to concede and accept it, especially so that he had no strong argument to counter such powerful proof’ in one go, whilst he is still maintaining the following: ‘I'd be lying if I said that my opinion has suddenly changed and that I now believe homosexuality to be unnatural (in the way it's being presented on this thread).’ However he continues to contradict himself by saying: 'I'm neither juvenile nor a simpleton. When those I debate with start substantiating their arguments, I am left with no choice but to concede. Especially that I have no strong argument to counter such powerful proof!' ^^^So tell me kindly, what gives? What is stopping him from renouncing it, when he admits to his guilt? He’s truly misguided and gone astray from the right path. I will leave for the gallery to judge inshallah. The other thing, which I cannot accept is Xiin’s intervention into this thread, in which he clearly tried to derail my rightful intervention into it by highlighting the fallacies of Ngonge’s absurdities and countering his false belief that he wanted to ‘pass on’ to the gallery here unopposed but to no avail because I raised up to defend my creators and lords name and I knew god would be on my side. Xiin tried to prevent that, he tried to commit intellectual fraud by being an obstacle to the truth. What was he thinking? Surely I do not hesitate to tell how it is and the truth and he should have known that his tactics won’t work on me from previous encounters between me and him. For all of you who followed events last week in the politics section, you know where Xiin was coming from because he was after a personal vendetta and tried to avenge it, although he was humiliated just as Ngonge was in this thread but Ngonge had the courage to admit to his defeat and surrender although grudgingly, where as Xiin fled the scene and never returned to that said thread. For me he’s nothing more than a mischievous person, that commits fraud. I will leave the gallery to judge. Ngonge is the culprit at fault here but two other persons are at guilty with him and that is Caano Geel and Mr. mischievous fraudster himself, Xiinfaniin.
  6. Abwaanow iga jawaab kuwa maanta aad leedahay waxey wasakheyeen wasaaradda gaashandhigga waaba garaney wa ciidane, wasaaradda gaashandhiggana wey joogi karanee, bal ka warran kuwa isku aroosi jirey iskuna mehersan jirey wasaaradda gaashandhigga xiliga maxakiimta iyo weliba xiligii ka horreyey? Dhaqankaas baad ukulushahay waana lasocdaa meesha aad la dooneysid markaa walaal been yaan la isu sheegin. Meel lagugu soo hagaagi karo iyo mabda' yeelo. Iska cadeeyso warkaada baan ku oran lahaa anigu. Waana ka baxey inshallaahu.
  7. I concluded my valid contention with the following: So we clearly say and state that homosexuality is indeed an act of wickedness and that is against the fitrah of Allaah that he has instilled in human beings and in all of his creation. This natural inclination or predisposition was given to us when we enter the wombs of our mothers and that is what distinguishes wrong from right and truth from falsehood. It is only up to our parents and the environment that we’re born in and our own free will and the influence of the devil that we commit acts that go against this fitrah and are in violation of this natural inclination and predisposition. Wallaahu aclam. Let’s remember and quote the Quranic ayah one more time inshallah: “And (remember) Loot (Lot), when he said to his people: Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)?” So I ask you if homosexuality is ‘natural, normal, innate and inherent’ in your eyes, how come that it wasn’t practised at all before the people of Prophet Luut? Is it perhaps due to the fact that it is not ‘natural’ and thus not part of the human fitrah and natural inclination and predisposition of Allaah’s creation and that he intended and instilled for them the way he did? How many people or prophets were there before prophet Luut calayhi salaam? We all know that Prophet Luut calayhi salaam lived during the time of Prophet Abraham and humans have been in existence then for quite a long time. The prophets of Idris, Nuux, Huud, Saalax calayhi salaam ajmaciin and their people were all before Prophet Luut calayhi salaam and the people he was sent too. So what does the Quraan say again: Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)?” ^^^The above alone proves that your fallacious and absurd belief of homosexuality being ‘natural, innate, and inherent’ is not only wrong but an utter mockery of Allah's creation. Otherwise you wouldn’t lie about Allaahs’ creation by saying and clinging on to the ridiculous belief of ‘homosexuality being natural’. Where as Allaah swt says in his exalted and noble book: Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)?” The worst sin as none preceding you in the Aalameen (mankind and demons or jinns). So I would kindly conclude and ask Ngonge: When did homosexuality become ‘natural, innate and inherent’? Was it, when you were the owner of a ‘gay dog’, you repeated so many times in here or prior to that event? Well, let the gallery. For you to say that homosexuality is natural, you must believe that it was always like that. So your answer has to be: Since the creation of human beings? ^^^This is the logical conclusion of your fallacious belief. But let me remind you of this: Do you commit the worst sin, such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)?” I urge the gallery to not be silent and tell who is in error here, according to their judgement and god given intellect inshallah.
  8. He still continues further with his fallacious absurdities and I quote: Originally by Ngonge: the story of Sodom & Gomorrah the actions of those people were referred to as a sin (or Faaxisha in Arabic). It was not referred to as unnatural!…..It is simply wrong because we, as Muslims, have been prohibited by our faith from indulging in it. Which I utterly defeated with: Again he’s speaking form total ignorance. Allaah described the practise of homosexuality not only as a ‘faaxishah’ as he puts it but actually as ‘Al-faaxisha’ the worst sin, which reiterates that it contains all essence of evil and sin. Here is the aayah: “And (remember) Loot (Lot), when he said to his people: Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)?” So the whole notion of homosexuality not being unnatural and in agreement with human fitrah is defeated by the above aayah, which clearly says that it was something totally alien and unknown by Allaah’s creation and none has preceded this wickedness that’s why Allaah punished the people of Loot like he did to no other nation, so if it was something that someone is born with or natural or something innate, why were the people of prophet Loot the first to indulge themselves in such kind of evil and wicked activity as described in the holy Quraan? Everyone knows that the people of Sodom & Gomorrah were the first of their kind to commit such wickedness and evil and no one preceded them into it. So where’s the natural inclination or predisposition or the claim that homosexuality is not unnatural. Can you see the illogical falsehood that is pursued here? This is more than a farce and an actual mockery of our religion and its guidelines. We know that the Quraan is our moral guide and the most authentic source as it is the word of Allaah on the other hand it is our base for any historical happenings. The Quraan is vague in its descriptions of many historical events but not this one and it clearly states that civilisation and creation, mankind and the jinns alike did not know about this practise before the people of Luut. The people of Luut were the first to indulge themselves in such kind of act. Furthermore the prophet peace be upon him cursed the people who commit such acts three times, which was also unprecedented. He cursed many evils but he did not curse them more than one time but homosexuality and the people who commit such actions were cursed by the holy prophet peace be upon him three times. Furthermore Allaah did not test anyone else before the people of Loot calayhi salaam with this great evil and wickedness, that goes against the natural inclination and natural predisposition and the fitrah of human beings also Allaah did not inflict a greater punishment to any other nation than he did to the people of Luut and it is said the following: ‘Allaah did not test anyone with this major sin before the people of Loot, and He punished them with a punishment that He did not send upon any other nation; He combined all kinds of punishment for them, such as destruction, turning their houses upside down, causing them to be swallowed up by the earth, sending stones down upon them from the sky, taking away their sight, punishing them and making their punishment ongoing, and wreaking vengeance upon them such as was not wrought upon any other nation. That was because of the greatness of the evil consequences of this crime which the earth can hardly bear if it is committed upon it, and the angels flee to the farthest reaches of heaven and earth if they witness it, lest the punishment be sent upon those who do it and they be stricken along with them. The earth cries out to its Lord, may He be blessed and exalted, and the mountains almost shift from their places.’
  9. And he ignorantly continues saying: Originally by Ngonge: Sexual urges have no default positions. They fall into all sorts of styles and categories and all can be argued to be normal. The only reason that straight relationships are considered ‘natural’ is because of procreation and religious requirements.’ And I refuted his fallacies with the following: Again that is a total fabrication, which is intended to strengthen his illogical reasoning. Homosexuality is not natural and it is indeed against the fitrah (natural inclination) of human beings instilled by Allaah the exalted in his creation but the shaydaan (Iblees) swore to Allaah that he will try everything that is in his power to change that fitrah (natural inclination and predisposition instilled in human beings) but Allaah says in his noble and exalted book: ‘Set your face to the dîn in sincerity (hanîfan) which is Allâh’s fitrah (the nature made by Allâh) upon which He created mankind (fatâra’n-nâs). There is no changing the creation of Allâh. That is the right dîn but most people know not.’ We’re all born with this fitrah of Allaah and the sense to distinguish good from wrong, and falsehood from rightness. Only on our own will and the devil letting us astray from the right path do we commit deeds against that fitrah of Allaahs. So what is Ngonge here saying that Allaah has instilled in us the fitrah of homosexuality? That would indeed be blasphemous and a wrong thing to say. Homosexuality is not part of the fitrah and thus unnatural and violating Allaahs fitrah. Indeed it is not part of Allaahs fitrah (natural predisposition) nor is it natural and it’s in fact only second in terms of wickedness to kufr (disbelief in Allaah) and the most evil of practises and sins. So by saying that the only reason for its prohibition is indeed only ‘for reasons of procreation and religious requirements’ is also wrong and defies logic. The reason to why it is prohibited is actually of its harmfulness and because it’s not from the fitrah (natural predisposition}. Otherwise Allaah would not make it a ‘religious requirement’, if it wasn’t harming its creation and also if it wasn’t for the simple fact that it is against procreation because of the simple fact that it’s not natural. Allaah made it in his fitrah that Men use Women and Women use Men, that is the natural predisposition and fitrah of Allaah and anything apart from it goes against the natural disposition and fitrah as Allaah has intended it. Allaah has created Adam and Xaawa for that particular reason because Allaah has inclined and instilled into his creation that men use women and women use men and not that his creation engages in something that not only is harmful to them but also against his fitrah and natural disposition, that’s why same sex relations and bestiality is haraam and against the fitrah of Allaah. The Holy Quraan says the following: And verily! Your Lord, He is indeed the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful. The people of Lout (Lot) (those dwelt in the towns of Sodom in Palestine) belied the Messengers. When their brother Lout (Lot) said to them: "Will you not fear Allah and obey Him? "Verily! I am a trustworthy Messenger to you. "So fear Allah, keep your duty to Him, and obey me. "No reward do I ask of you for it (my Message of Islamic Monotheism), my reward is only from the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinns and all that exists). "Go you in unto the males of the 'Alamin (mankind), "And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are a trespassing people!" They said: "If you cease not. O Lout (Lot)! Verily, you will be one of those who are driven out!" He said: "I am, indeed, of those who disapprove with severe anger and fury your (this evil) action (of sodomy). "My Lord! Save me and my family from what they do." So We saved him and his family, all, Except an old woman (his wife) among those who remained behind. Then afterward We destroyed the others. And We rained on them a rain (of torment). And how evil was the rain of those who had been warned. Verily, in this is indeed a sign, yet most of them are not believers. And verily! Your Lord, He is indeed the All-Mighty, the Most Merciful. ” I guess you have an answer for this one, when Allaah clearly states that Homosexuality is not part of the fitrah. Allaah intended men to have sexual relationships with women, which is the fitrah {natural inclination and predisposition Allaah has instilled in all of his creation}. Thus Allaah says: ]"Go you in unto the males of the 'Alamin (mankind), "And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are a trespassing people!" "Go you in unto the males of the 'Alamin (mankind), "And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your wives? Nay, you are a trespassing people!" ^^^However Ngonge still continues to say that homosexuality is quite natural and part of the natural predisposition instilled in human beigns as he clearly put it: 'homosexuality is ‘normal, natural, innate and inherent’.
  10. Give it up Ngonge, your absurd fallacies and paradoxical beliefs have been highlighted to the gallery in here, so there‘s no way you can hide. You have nothing plausible and valid to add to this thread, thus you continue with your fallacious belief and your sheer ignorance, although you have been shown your true capabilities and boundary. Well, let’s see who needs a few more years ‘to understand the written form’ as you put it, it won’t certainly be me, but you, who is incapable to comprehend simple logical facts presented to him. I believe this is a good time to remind you and the gallery what you actually said and how I refuted and destroyed your fallacies post and ridiculous belief with concrete and clear cut evidence. So I shall present it to you again. He said in case he forgot: Islam bans homosexuality because, simply, it’s the creator’s want. there are no great logical explanations for such bans but we realise that it’s not our place (as Muslims) to question Allah’s commands.’ And I replied to him: ^^^What sheer ignorance. Ya Allaah forgive our sins. So he’s saying the prohibition of Homosexuality is without Hikmah and that Allaah banned this evil practise because in his logic ‘Allaah just felt like banning it ‘without giving a great deal of logical explanation’ hence we‘re required to just follow it‘. Although he knows Allaah does not ban anything except it is harmful to his creation and goes against the natural inclination and predisposition the fitrah of his creation and that if he orders something or prohibits us from something else, that he always provides and gives us a compressible and logical explanation for it and this time it’s no different. So to say Allaah banned this practise because he ‘simply did’ is not only wrong but a total fabrication and false invention attributed to Allaah, which one has to renounce and make towbah from. Ngonge is doing nothing here but trying to strengthen his notion and argument of ‘homosexuality being normal or not unnatural’ , but he miserably fails because his own logic at the end defeats his sense of reasoning and thus his whole viewpoint and senseless judgement. Oh Allaah exalted you’re and far from any ignorance and illogicality this ignorant created being of yours is describing and attributing towards you.
  11. According to some Dhubad some people do carry the burden of other people's sins because they're silent or in support of the sinners. Otherwise if they weren't they would voice their displeasure at them with mass protests hence they ought to be bombed and there is no harm if one martyr explodes himself let's say in the london tube. ^That's the logic Tali and some of his friens are following.
  12. Compare the two, Adde has got in his office three 'wheely chairs' where as Bush's has only one. Atleast we can afford three. Look at Bushs office he's got only one 'wheely chair' and three standard old-fashioned wood chairs. So who's richer?
  13. ^More than that off the most powerful Presidents office? ^Bush's office.
  14. ^That's the same argument used to justify the bombing of innocent people on public trains and buses in western countries. It's not Islaam nor is it just but a collective presecution and the killing of innocents for pure association with a government and its subsequent 'wrong policies' in their eyes. I saw them make such rationale and excusing the behaviours of certain individuals who belief if they 'bomb' a bus or train full of infidels, that they avenging muslims across the globe and also doing an act that will bring them closer to their creator and which will lead them to die a martyrs death by blowing themselves up, to enter paradise and live happily afterwards although they killed innocent people and themselves and spillage of innocent blood is dripping from their hands. I shall not say if those people will enter paradise or not as it is not my business and only due to Allaah to make that call but I detest such kind of acts and collective persecutions. I remember when the Zionists entered a refugee camp Yoonis something I believe there was a outcry that it was a unjust collective perseuction by the zionists to bulldoze whole homes for the sake of few men. I totally agree but we're muslims and we shall not act inappriopately or unjustly because if we do, we will become much worser than the kuffar themselves and Allaah will not aid us because Allaah does not aid the unjust] sinners nor does he aid the unjust transgressors and people that commit unjust and unislamic acts. I comment brother MC Xamar for his patience, real knowledge and judgement on this matter and that in fact he has a lot of patience with the dealings of his fellow brothers who are accusing him of something that he does not favour or is in support of. Many muslims participiate in the 'killings' of their follow muslim brothers indirectly by paying taxes that are used to make new laws that are not in agreement with islamic teachings or that are used for the army to equip itself with bullets that will eventually {probably} kill a fellow muslim brother or sister but we do not know for sure. Clearly we're daily challenged with enorm paradoxes but we shall try to safeguard our religion and have it in our heart and intention to not stay in those kaafirs lands for any second longer than necessary and actually requires. In short let's examine our priorities because clearly there's something wrong and let's correct it before we become 'careless' and lose focus of the situation and thus our belief, culture and language.
  15. ^Adeer it's all good but you trying to trivilise the issue here and taking cover behind small bushes by partially highlighting the faults of NG won't help the issue at hand here. We need clarification. I cleary highlighted to you the things I objected on NG's post and all the things I mentioned/quoted from NG were from his own mouth and what he believes in. I refuted them one by one and promised that I shall provide my original post without taking things out of context and what it contained. So to cut a long story short and without going in circles 'Is homosexuality natural and part of the human fitrah'? A simple 'yes' and 'no' would suffice, no doubt in this case.
  16. Adeer again you missing the point and crux of the issue here. I told you earlier what I thought about your attempt to deviate from the issue. I clearly told you also that I disagreed with Ngonge's notion of homosexuality being 'natural' and I picked that up with him as I did not agree with the essence of his post and the false fallacy and absurdities he was making. Referring back to the statement by me it was taken out of context and this was a direct conclusion of what NG was saying, that homosexuality is 'innate', so if it is 'innate and inherent and natural', surely our creator must have instilled it into us? No? Usually one thing doesn't rule out the other and leads to a logical conclusion and for NG to say that homosexuality is 'innate, natural and inherent' begs the question what he's trying to say and that, is harldy a 'stretch' Adder. But the conclusion of a clear belief NG has. If he thinks that homosexuality is 'natural', 'innate' and 'inheret' then who made it that way? Who made it 'natural, innate and inherent' yaa Xiin? Well I will leave the answer for the folks that claim it to be that way, but I shall provide the full post of mine and the message that it contains without taking anything out of context inshallah. Be assured adeer. [***Edited] So if he keeps up this fallacious notion of homosexuality being 'natural', then the conclusion ought to be that he believes that it is a part of the human fitrah, which he clearly states. Although we know that it is not natural and far from being part of the natural inclination and predisposition or the fitrah and thus Allaah the exalted made it not natural nor part of the fitrah he has instilled and intended for his subjects and creation. I picked him up on that point and all he could come up with was 'let's not discuss the issue of homosexuality being normal and natural as there are 'no reasonible and logical explanations to it other than Allaah making it a religious requirement. So we shall all submit'. He clearly doesn't want to address the issue properly here and what he believes in, because that would bring him into direct conflict and confrontation and would put him rather in bad light with many in here, so he has chosen to abstain from the argument, because he has simply no valid contention.
  17. The Video is by Reuters and not the 'insurgents'. This is bascially a fire-fight that took place yesterday. A poor attempt by the 'insurgency' to show that Mogadishu is unsafe coincident at the arrival of President Abdullahi Yusuf. They cannot out themselves but yesterday they made an 'exception' to the rule and started firing few shots and then it was them who ran for their lives because they were second-best in the fire fight. That's why a few mortars, that missed their intended targets were also fired yesterday but not during the evening. Mogadishu was mortar free last night and except for the few mortars thrown earlier in the day and a small fire-fight which the criminals lost nothing much has happened. Now so much for iraqi-style 'insurgency'.
  18. The Video is by Reuters and not the 'insurgents'. This is bascially a fire-fight that took place yesterday. A poor attempt by the 'insurgency' to show that Mogadishu is unsafe coincident at the arrival of President Abdullahi Yusuf. They cannot out themselves but yesterday they made an 'exception' to the rule and started firing few shots and then it was them who ran for their lives because they were second-best in the fire fight. That's why a few mortars, that missed their intended targets were also fired yesterday but not during the evening. Mogadishu was mortar free last night and except for the few mortars thrown earlier in the day and a small fire-fight which the criminals lost nothing much has happened. Now so much for iraqi-style 'insurgency'.
  19. The Video is by Reuters and not the 'insurgents'. This is bascially a fire-fight that took place yesterday. A poor attempt by the 'insurgency' to show that Mogadishu is unsafe coincident at the arrival of President Abdullahi Yusuf. They cannot out themselves but yesterday they made an 'exception' to the rule and started firing few shots and then it was them who ran for their lives because they were second-best in the fire fight. That's why a few mortars, that missed their intended targets were also fired yesterday but not during the evening. Mogadishu was mortar free last night and except for the few mortars thrown earlier in the day and a small fire-fight which the criminals lost nothing much has happened. Now so much for iraqi-style 'insurgency'.
  20. Orignally by Ngonge: What logical explanations can you, as a mere mortal, present that can’t be argued against? I know you find it hard to understand and that MK has confused you with his babble but it still remains the creator’s want! Since you profess to be a Muslim and declare your total submission to Allah, why bother second-guessing? Just submit and accept that you can’t always understand why we are commanded to do certain things. Is it really that hard to understand? As for homosexuality being normal! Well, that was not my argument at all. I said it was natural, innate and inherent. I based my argument on the fact that sexual urges have no default positions. If I put you in a desert island with no females for company, I daresay you’ll be tempted to abuse the local sheep (no offence intended). In fact, you may enjoy abusing the sheep even if there were women there. Your sexual urge would be paramount and would dominate everything you do. Surely it makes no sense when we keep saying that Man is only better than animals by virtue of having a brain, yet argue at the same time that there is an actual default sexual position! Did I tell you about my gay dog? I had one you know. He was male and was gay. Now Ngonge, let’s see if there aren’t any logical explanations ‘mere mortals’ provide that ‘couldn’t be argued with’. I like how Ngonge, when he is faced by difficulty, how he tries to escape from it. Very interesting. Now he believes ‘that all logical explanations by a mere mortals can be argued with’. Although he was talking to Khalaf there who was pinching him to own up to the fallacies he made and the subsequent rebuttal I provided him with, however it is quite interesting to see that Ngonge admits that every logical explanation could be argued with I suppose with ‘illogical counter explanations’ even if it defies logic. Well let him know that I provided him with more than ‘logical evidence by mere mortals’ and still he does not want to own up to his fallacy and absurdity. I guess this is the closest we get to him of admitting that he was simply wrong. Inshallah I shall provide the things I said and the fallacies he made and the way I refuted them all one by one. Stay tuned. The gallery shall be our judgement and witness inshallah.
  21. Originally by Ngonge: I dismiss MKA's straw man arguments. Sometimes, khalaf akhi (how is that for pious affectation), some twaddle is not worth of a reply. With MKA, I enjoy toying with him in harmless topics like numbers and billions. God only knows what nonsense he’ll come up with if I had a real religious discussion with him. So, no, he was not worth a reply. For you though, I say READ and comprehend what I wrote not MKA’s interpretation of it. I know Ngonge, that you have no valid contention on this issue and that you have been shown the truth of the matter rather eloquently by me! The same way I destroyed your pitiful attempts in the other thread, where you could not even bring up one valid contention, although many of your friends in here tried to motivate you but nevertheless you were embarrassed and woefully re-schooled. I put that to you thinking of having a valid contention but soon it became quite evident that you didn’t and that’s why I gave you a fitting lesson, which you still seem to awfully remember. You did not raise anything meaningful in that discussion and soon your wailings could be heard from many far places. I will not even touch on your cries and how awfully you were tutored. But this time I guess that you learned from your mistake and thus decided to rather be silent, then there was no avenue or way to rebuttal what I said. I did not bring stories ‘about a gay dog I used to have’ as evidence nor did I try to deviate the issue and thus mislead the gallery by saying ‘don’t talk just submit to it’. It showed how desperate you are for the issue not to be discussed because if it would be, then it would become quite evident for all to see, the blunders you made and the senseless fallacies and deceitful falsehood you wanted to pass on as something ‘natural, innate and inherent’.
  22. Khalaf don’t be surprised brother, if Ngonge isn’t going to try to address the things I refuted him in, because he has no valid contention. Now he wants to hide his fallacy by saying that we as Muslims should adhere to Allaah’s commandments (which was not at contention in the first place and universally accepted by Muslims) in order to pass on, his views that homosexuality is indeed something ‘natural’ in his eyes. He contradicts himself by saying that he never said it was ‘normal’ but that he said that it is ‘natural’, ‘innate’ and also ‘inherent’, Can you see the blunder and utter contradiction? Now for Xiin to step in and to say that the discussion is being deviated from by my ‘liberal interpretation of NG's simple statement and post’ is not only another blunder but also intended to not pursue or discuss the fallacies and absurdities in Ngonge’s post. The other thing that Xiin brought up that one should not question poster’s intents and instead to ‘learn to address the points they raised’ is another poor attempt to deviate my original opposition to Ngonge’s wrong post. Where did I question his intention? I raised all the things he said and quoted them to refute them one by one with concrete and solid evidence, which he found difficult to deal with because I told and highlighted to him the simple truth of the matter. I have the moral right and responsibility to criticise what I do not agree with and that I did with Ngogne’s post, who is clearly saying that he thinks that homosexuality is ‘natural’ and that there are no other reasons and explanations to object to it other than that it is the will of Allaah the exalted. He tries to hide or not to be challenged on that by saying Allaah outlawed homosexuality and that ‘there are no great logical explanations to it’ and that we should submit to it. I disagreed with that notion. That’s why I refuted him with clear and concrete evidence, hence one by one his fallacies have been proven to be wrong, so what does he do? Simple he wants to shut people’s opinions by changing the discourse of the opposition he is facing by hiding behind the following: Since you profess to be a Muslim and declare your total submission to Allah, why bother second-guessing? Just submit and accept that you can’t always understand why we are commanded to do certain things. Is it really that hard to understand? Who is second-guessing, brother khalaf? Now it has resorted to ‘submission’. What shall we submit too? Well I got it here: Originally by Ngonge: As for homosexuality being normal! Well, that was not my argument at all. I said it was natural, innate and inherent. I based my argument on the fact that sexual urges have no default positions. If I put you in a desert island with no females for company, I daresay you’ll be tempted to abuse the local sheep (no offence intended). In fact, you may enjoy abusing the sheep even if there were women there. Your sexual urge would be paramount and would dominate everything you do. Surely it makes no sense when we keep saying that Man is only better than animals by virtue of having a brain, yet argue at the same time that there is an actual default sexual position! Did I tell you about my gay dog? I had one you know. He was male and was gay. ^^^That is what he want’s us to submit too. That ‘homosexuality is natural, innate and inherent' and other senseless balderdash nonsense and drivel. I picked him up on that and I said that I disagre with his post. I took his fallacious statements and refuted them one by one. I also destroyed his argument of homosexuality being something ‘natural’ or ‘normal’ (normal and natural have the same meaning). So if you Xiin, agree with the above notion of homosexuality being 'natural, then say so, otherwise please don’t bring your personal vendetta into this discussion. Ngonge put up a post full of senseless and balderdash drivel and nonsense where he argues that ‘homosexuality is natural’ and that it ‘occurs naturally’, whereas I refuted him and taught him that it is not 'innate nor inherent and far from being normal and natural' with concrete and clear cut evidence. So come out of the closet and tell us why it is wrong for me to raise that issue and catch him out in that fallacy of his? If someone makes mocking, senseless and foolish claims, then they ought to be refuted and put on the right path.
  23. Prime Minister Gheedi arrived today in Nairobi in order to rally support for the proposed reconciliation process and the means to make that conference a real success. He met with the Ambassadors of Germany and the US and is expected to give a press briefing tommorrow inshallah. Here are some of the pictures taken, the rest you can view on:
  24. Dude are you dumb or what? Or are you taking us for granted? What are your intentions? Your friend must have meant to send you other pictures and instead send you his lovely holiday pictures in the mediterranean. I don't believe that he 'mislead' or even lied to you but there must be another explanation for it but look at the architecture and can't you see that it is mediterranean, european? Balconies and the different architecture. It's different and Hargeisa doesn't have such archtecture they have more of a british and a different style of building houses but this are old apartments. Don't mislead the people and check your source next time before posting and lying to people who might never have seen what their city looks like and now you have raised their hopes and expectations to a level that is unprecidented. Inshallah once peace and governance returns and the cash flows then we will build such beautiful apartment blocks but before that let's not lie to the gallery. Sorry but I didn't meant to bring you into conflict with your 'friend' but next time don't take what he says to you for granted and use your godgiven instincts and intellect or at least travel a bit more in your life and see the different architectures and what the places like the mediterranen look like. Go and vist Italy, Greece, Syria and Lebanon. BTW the first picture is from the Lebanon New Beirut to be exact: Lebanon Apartment block
  25. What an unbelievably mocking, senseless and balderdash post by Ngonge. He did not only manage to mock our great religion but also to take Allaahs name in vain and question his hikmah. He simply says and I quote: Islam bans homosexuality because, simply, it’s the creator’s want. ^What sheer ignorance. Furthermore he mockingly says: ‘there are no great logical explanations for such bans but we realise that it’s not our place (as Muslims) to question Allah’s commands.’ ^^^ Ya Allaah forgive our sins. So he’s saying the prohibition of Homosexuality is without Hikmah and that Allaah banned this evil practise because in his logic ‘Allaah just felt like banning it ‘without giving a great deal of logical explanation’ hence we‘re required to just follow it‘. Although he knows Allaah does not ban anything except it is harmful to his creation and goes against the natural inclination and predisposition the fitrah of his creation and that if he orders something or prohibits us from something else, that he always provides and gives us a compressible and logical explanation for it and this time it’s no different. So to say Allaah banned this practise because he ‘simply did’ is not only wrong but a total fabrication and false invention attributed to Allaah, which one has to renounce and make towbah from. Ngonge is doing nothing here but trying to strengthen his notion and argument of ‘homosexuality being normal or not unnatural’ , but he miserably fails because his own logic at the end defeats his sense of reasoning and thus his whole viewpoint and senseless judgement. Oh Allaah exalted you’re and far from any ignorance and illogicality this ignorant created being of yours is describing and attributing towards you. And finally he ignorantly says: ‘Sexual urges have no default positions. They fall into all sorts of styles and categories and all can be argued to be normal. The only reason that straight relationships are considered ‘natural’ is because of procreation and religious requirements.’ Again that is a total fabrication, which is intended to strengthen his illogical reasoning. Homosexuality is not natural and it is indeed against the fitrah (natural inclination) of human beings instilled by Allaah the exalted in his creation but the shaydaan (Iblees) swore to Allaah that he will try everything that is in his power to change that fitrah (natural inclination and predisposition instilled in human beings) but Allaah says in his noble and exalted book: ‘Set your face to the dîn in sincerity (hanîfan) which is Allâh’s fitrah (the nature made by Allâh) upon which He created mankind (fatâra’n-nâs). There is no changing the creation of Allâh. That is the right dîn but most people know not.’ We’re all born with this fitrah of Allaah and the sense to distinguish good from wrong, and falsehood from rightness. Only on our own will and the devil letting us astray from the right path do we commit deeds against that fitrah of Allaahs. So what is Ngonge here saying that Allaah has instilled in us the fitrah of homosexuality? That would indeed be blasphemous and a wrong thing to say. Homosexuality is not part of the fitrah and thus unnatural and violating Allaahs fitrah. Indeed it is not part of Allaahs fitrah (natural predisposition) nor is it natural and it’s in fact only second in terms of wickedness to kufr (disbelief in Allaah) and the most evil of practises and sins. So by saying that the only reason for its prohibition is indeed only ‘for reasons of procreation and religious requirements’ is also wrong and defies logic. The reason to why it is prohibited is actually of its harmfulness and because it’s not from the fitrah (natural predisposition}. Otherwise Allaah would not make it a ‘religious requirement’, if it wasn’t harming its creation and also if it wasn’t for the simple fact that it is against procreation because of the simple fact that it’s not natural. Allaah made it in his fitrah that Men use Women and Women use Men, that is the natural predisposition and fitrah of Allaah and anything apart from it goes against the natural disposition and fitrah as Allaah has intended it. Allaah has created Adam and Xaawa for that particular reason because Allaah has inclined and instilled into his creation that men use women and women use men and not that his creation engages in something that not only is harmful to them but also against his fitrah and natural disposition, that’s why same sex relations and bestiality is haraam and against the fitrah of Allaah. Let me quote him one more time inshallah: In the story of Sodom & Gomorrah the actions of those people were referred to as a sin (or Faaxisha in Arabic). It was not referred to as unnatural!…..It is simply wrong because we, as Muslims, have been prohibited by our faith from indulging in it. Again he’s speaking form total ignorance. Allaah described the practise of homosexuality not only as a ‘faaxishah’ as he puts it but actually as ‘Al-faaxisha’ the worst sin, which reiterates that it contains all essence of evil and sin. Here is the aayah: “And (remember) Loot (Lot), when he said to his people: Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)?” So the whole notion of homosexuality not being unnatural and in agreement with human fitrah is defeated by the above aayah, which clearly says that it was something totally alien and unknown by Allaah’s creation and none has preceded this wickedness that’s why Allaah punished the people of Loot like he did to no other nation, so if it was something that someone is born with or natural or something innate, why were the people of prophet Loot the first to indulge themselves in such kind of evil and wicked activity as described in the holy Quraan? Everyone knows that the people of Sodom & Gomorrah were the first of their kind to commit such wickedness and evil and no one preceded them into it. So where’s the natural inclination or predisposition or the claim that homosexuality is not unnatural. Can you see the illogical falsehood that is pursued here? This is more than a farce and an actual mockery of our religion and its guidelines. We know that the Quraan is our moral guide and the most authentic source as it is the word of Allaah on the other hand it is our base for any historical happenings. The Quraan is vague in its descriptions of many historical events but not this one and it clearly states that civilisation and creation, mankind and the jinns alike did not know about this practise before the people of Luut. The people of Luut were the first to indulge themselves in such kind of act. Furthermore the prophet peace be upon him cursed the people who commit such acts three times, which was also unprecedented. He cursed many evils but he did not curse them more than one time but homosexuality and the people who commit such actions were cursed by the holy prophet peace be upon him three times. Furthermore Allaah did not test anyone else before the people of Loot calayhi salaam with this great evil and wickedness, that goes against the natural inclination and natural predisposition and the fitrah of human beings also Allaah did not inflict a greater punishment to any other nation than he did to the people of Luut and it is said the following: ‘Allaah did not test anyone with this major sin before the people of Loot, and He punished them with a punishment that He did not send upon any other nation; He combined all kinds of punishment for them, such as destruction, turning their houses upside down, causing them to be swallowed up by the earth, sending stones down upon them from the sky, taking away their sight, punishing them and making their punishment ongoing, and wreaking vengeance upon them such as was not wrought upon any other nation. That was because of the greatness of the evil consequences of this crime which the earth can hardly bear if it is committed upon it, and the angels flee to the farthest reaches of heaven and earth if they witness it, lest the punishment be sent upon those who do it and they be stricken along with them. The earth cries out to its Lord, may He be blessed and exalted, and the mountains almost shift from their places.’ Furthermore on Ngonge’s notion that the infidels do not believe in Allaah nor accept our religion and that ’he finds it laughable’ that we would be appalled by their practises is another cheap insult and mockery aimed at his follow Muslim brothers, he actually tries to ridicule and belittle their beliefs and righteous actions. We as Muslims should be appalled by it because our creator clearly despises such actions. We love what our creator loves and we are appalled or hate what our creator hates, this is our inclination. At the same time, we do not mock around, we rather ask Allaah that he saves us from the wrath he has on those people that commit this acts of vileness and that he saves us from any punishment he might have for them like he saved the prophet Luut and his family except his wife who was with the wicked men, who indulged themselves in this illegal and unnatural act. If there weren’t Muslims supplicating and worshipping to Allaah accordingly to the sunnah, this world would not be as it is. The kaafirs live from the tasbiix of the Muslims and that’s why they continue to eat and enjoy themselves in this dunya, although Allaahs wrath is upon them. So if you do not despise their actions or at least get appalled by it, then you have no imaan left in your heart because we’re instructed to dislike and hate what Allaah dislikes and hates and this is no different with the actions of the kuffar which we’re supposed to dislike and hate and oppose as much as we can. We should recommend the good and prohibit the bad, that goes against the natural disposition and fitrah of Allaah that he created for human-beings and his creations generally and stop it if we can with our hands, mouths or dislike it in our hearts (which is the weakest form of imaan) but we should never tolerate nor accept it. This brings me to my last and final point about Ngonge saying that ‘we should not accept but tolerate’, I say we should not tolerate nor accept. We should stand up for our believes and say that we will not tolerate certain actions as Muslims because if you’re forced to commit or tolerate acts that are against our religion, you lose the religious right in staying in the kaafir lands (supposed if you were here for education, business or dawah purposes in the first place) and you are required to leave that land in order to safeguard your deen and Imaan. So we clearly say and state that homosexuality is indeed an act of wickedness and that is against the fitrah of Allaah that he has instilled in human beings and in all of his creation. This natural inclination or predisposition was given to us when we enter the wombs of our mothers and that is what distinguishes wrong from right and truth from falsehood. It is only up to our parents and the environment that we’re born in and our own free will and the influence of the devil that we commit acts that go against this fitrah and are in violation of this natural inclination and predisposition. Wallaahu aclam. Wabillahi towfiiq,