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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. A pan Somali gathering welcomed our Ambassador to Ethiopia Mr. Laqanyo to Toronto Canada. It is said that this is the first pan Somali event and gathering whereby they combined welcomed a high ranking and senior representative of the TFG. Here are the pictures of that welcome and special event and welcoming ceremony held for our ambassador to Ethiopia, Ambassdor for Ethiopia, Mr. Laqanyo. Picture's quality isn't that good but nevertheless enjoy the pictures inshallah. Poet Togane in the crowd Ambassador Laqanyo
  2. Sin or the capacity of committing sins is something acquired not inborn or part of the human fitrah Cara. It is emergent not built-in, avoidable but certainly not inevitable. It is a deliberate conscious violation of the unequivocal law of God. If man and humans does something that is truly caused by natural inclination, predisposition or absolutely irresistible drives and uncontrollable urges, then such an act is not a sin in Islam. Otherwise, God’s purpose will be pointless and man’s responsibility will be in vain. God demands of man what lies within the human possibilities and reaches. Every human-being is created perfect and pure as a child by Allah. Fitrah is as an inborn natural predisposition which cannot change, and which exists from birth in all human beings. The reality of Human beings committing unlawful sins and wrong acts is not because of any innate wrong within their nature but due to the simple fact that humans have a free will and intellect and thus may decide and choose to commit sins that are unlawful and wrong. Other factors such negative effects from early socialisation or the wrong surroundings can also make human-beings commit acts of sins. But the human fitrah of Allah never changes and it cannot be polluted or changed. If someone commits acts that go against that fitrah e.g. by disbelieving in Allahs uniqueness and going against Allah’s commandment of worshipping him alone according to the fitrah or by committing acts of sins, human beings only deny and go against their own nature, that’s why if they do not return to that fitrah instilled in them by Allaah and which is present from birth, destruction and downfall will befall them and lead to their subsequent demise and doom inshallah.
  3. More about the deal inshallah, in short the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah improve and invest in the infrastructure, they will invest and do maintenance on all the airports and ports of Puntland State of Somalia. They will also pay for all the necessary hightech equipment and infrastructure needed. The agreement says, that the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah shall lift the animal embargo on Puntlandd cattle and also work closely together in order to lift the International livestock export ban on Puntland as well. According to the agreement the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah will also pay for a large animal center, that can hold 200000 to 300000 cattlei at one time including camels, sheep and cows and which will also be a animal health testing facility. Also that a center specially for the use of Puntland cattle shall be constructed in that Emirate as well. On the other hand the Emirate also promised to build cooling and refrigerating facilities in which the fish resources of Puntland could be stored prior to their export. Last but not least the government of Puntland promised that they will establish consistent bilateral working relations with the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah. Overall a success, I guess. Read the article below inshallah: Boosaaso: Maamulka Puntland iyo wafdi kasocda Imaaradka Carabta oo heshiis kala saxiixday. 19. Mar 2007 APL Boosaaso(AllPuntland)- Wafdi kasocda dalka Imaaraadka Carabta gaar ahaan mandaqadda Ra'sulkhayma oo labadii maalmood ee ugu danbeeyay kusugnaa magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta ganacsiga Puntland ayaa heshiis la gaaray maamul goboleedka Puntland. Kulankii heshiiskan lagu kala saxiixday waxaa goob joog u ahaa madaxwaynaha Puntland iyo madaxda dhowr wasaaradood oo ay kamid tahay wasaaradda kalluumaysiga , xannaanada xoolaha , ganacsiga iyo maaliyadda. Heshiiskan waxaa dhinaca Puntland u saxiixay madaxwaynaha Puntland Cadde Muuse, dhinaca dalka Imaaraadka Carabtana waxaa u saxiixay madaxa wafdiga Maxamed Cabdalla Mahriisi. Heshiiskan ayaa waxaa uu dhignaa sidan 1. In dalka Imaaraadku uu dayactir ku sameeyo dekedda iyo garoomada diyaaradaha Puntland ayagoo bixinaya dhammaan qalabka aasaasiga ah ee ay u baahan yihiin. 2.In dawladda Imaaaraadku ay xayiraadda xoolaha kaqaaddo Puntland isla markaana kala shaqasyo Puntland qaabkii xayiraadda caalamiga ah loo qaadi lahaa. 3. In Imaaraadku Puntland ka hir galiyo xarun wayn oo lagu baaro xoolaha nool ee Puntland , taasoo markiiba lagu xerayn karo xoolo gaaraya Laba boqol illaa saddex boqol oo kun oo neef oo isugu jira geel, ari iyo lo'. 4 In Imaaraadka Carabtana xarumo looga sameeyo xoolaha nool gaar ahaan dekedda Ra'sulkhayma. 5. In Imaaraadku uu Puntland ka caawiyo xarumo lagu kaydiyo kallunka iyo tallaagadihii lagu qaboojin lahaa kalluunka. 6. Maamulka Puntland oo ballan qaaday inuu wada shaqayn joogto ah la yeesho Imaaraadka Carabta. Markii heshiiskan qalinka lagu duugay ayaa madaxwaynaha Puntland Cadde Muuse uu u mahad celiyay madaxda ka socota Mandaqadda Ra'sul Khayma . Cadde Muuse wuxuu sheegay in xoolaha nool ee Puntland uu dayac xooggan ku haysto dibadda marka ay ka dhaqaaqaan dekedda Puntland ee Boosaaso, wuxuu xusay in arin muhiim ah ay tahay in xooleheenna il gaara lagu hayo , loona sameeyo goobo lagu xannaaneeyo inta ay sugayaan dhoofka dibadda. Dhinaca kale Maxamed Cabdalla Mahriisi oo wafdigan hor kacaya ayaa xusay in Maamulka Puntland ay ka arkeen wada shaqayn wanaagsan,asagoo xusay in Imaaraadka Carabta u diyaar u yahay sidii Puntland uga caawin lahaa horumarka gobolkooda, wuxuuna sheegay inay ku dadaalayaan in baahidooda ay gaarsiiyaan waddamada ay xiriirka leeyihiin. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
  4. We all know that all of Ngonge statements and quotes above are designed, to ascribe and attribute to Allaah 'that he made homosexuality 'natural' and thus part of the human fitrah he has instilled in his creation such as human-beings. We clearly know that Allaah forbid the act of homosexuality because of it's harmfulness to his creation and because 'Allaah did not intend and instill into his creation such an act, because Allaah made it natural for men to use women and women to use men and that's why he created Adam and then he created from Adam, Xaawa and that is the natural purity and inclination and predisposition Allaah has intended for his creation. Homosexuality was unknown in Allaahs' creation and no-one engaged in it from the mankind and the Jinn and Allaah said 'Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)?” We can clearly see from that verse, that it is indeed the worst sin and far from being 'natural' or being part of the human fitrah (natural inclination and predisposition), so where are the folks that continue saying ’ Homosexuality is natural and there are no great logical explanations for its ban'? Saying that 'there are no great logical explanations for its ban, would deny the simple fact and reality, that 'homosexuality' goes against that natural purity and fitrah Allaah the great has installed and instilled in us human beings and exactly because for that reason (that it goes against the natural purity and predisposition instilled in human beings) 'homosexuality' becomes harmful to human-beings and thus its outlaw and prohibition by Allaah the great. Allaah the exalted says in his noble book: 'Lot said to his people, "You commit such an abomination; no one in the world has done it before! "You practice sex with the men, instead of the women. Indeed, you are a transgressing people." ^Allaah did not prohibit anything but it is harmful to his creation and Allaah only bans and outlaws evil but never good. This fellow however maintains and mocks Allahs's hikmah by saying 'there are no great logical explanations for its ban (homosexuality that is)'. ^^^Can you see that wicked and senseless belief and absurd falsehood expressed here? Although we know that there is great sense and logic with everything Allah does and for this pitiful fellow to say 'that there's no great logical explanation to its ban (homosexuality) is not only a fallacious and wrongful attribution towards Allaah but also a mocking and blasphemous questioning of Allaahs hikmah. Everything Allaah bans and outlaws is full of hikmah (wisdom) and logic and this guy reiterates and sings very loudly in a Muslim forum 'there are no great logical explanations for the ban of homosexuality but we realise that it’s not our place (as Muslims) to question Allah’s commands.’ ^Although we clearly know, to why it was banned and the hikmah and reasons behind it. The reason why it is prohibited is because it goes against the natural inclination and human fitrah that Allah has instilled and intended for his creation. Now I know, why Ngonge is saying that 'there is no great logical explanations for its ban' because if he would admit to the logic behind its ban (because it's against the human fitrah and the fitrah of all creation and therefore harmful to human-beings), then he would have confessed against himself, which would mean he would have to give up on his fallacious and wrong belief of homosexuality being 'natural', which he simply doesn‘t want to. So what say you Xiin?
  5. Now let's put that against what you believe: 'I believe man was borne in a fitrah and was brought forth in state of natural purity. That itself is a divine claim, mind you, and an article of faith for me.' ^^^An article of faith for you but Ngonge admits that he still thinks and believes that homosexuality is 'natural'. So what gives if I may ask you? He says that he doesn't have a strong argument to continue his fallacious belief of homosexuality being 'natural' and thus admitting to have to concede although grudgingly and bitterly. Do you know what disturbed me Adeer? It was the mere fact, that after his concession and waving of the white flag, he continued saying ‘he would be lying if he said that his opinion changed suddenly and that he now believed homosexuality to be unnatural, although earlier he admitted to my argument presented to him that homosexuality was unknown amongst the mankind and jinn until the people of Prophet Luut engaged themselves in this wicked evil and worst sin according to the holy Quraan. Here it is: Originally by Ngonge: I'd be lying if I said that my opinion has suddenly changed and that I now believe homosexuality to be unnatural (in the way it's being presented on this thread). However, I'm neither juvenile nor a simpleton. When those I debate with start substantiating their arguments, I am left with no choice but to concede. Especially that I have no strong argument to counter such powerful proof! ^^^Adeer what say you? The above made me angry and it only confirmed to me that his original blunder was not out of ignorance but belief. He has been shown the truth but still maintains his blasphemous belief of his? Sure, you will tell the crowd, that Ngonge was at fault again here and that he erred a second time. No? The other thing about the way he mocked Allaah and questioned his hikmah Adeer, you know that Allaah only prohibits the things that are harmful and evil to its creation and that Allaah never bans good. Also Allaah provides and gives us specific reasons to why he outlawed certain things from us. Especially so with the practise of homosexuality. That fellow called Ngonge is implying that: 'Islam bans homosexuality because, simply, it’s the creator’s want'. 'there are no great logical explanations for such bans but we realise that it’s not our place (as Muslims) to question Allah’s commands.’ And he still maintains that fallacious belief by saying: Originally by Ngonge: the story of Sodom & Gomorrah the actions of those people were referred to as a sin (or Faaxisha in Arabic). It was not referred to as unnatural!…..It is simply wrong because we, as Muslims, have been prohibited by our faith from indulging in it. Originally by Ngonge: Sexual urges have no default positions. They fall into all sorts of styles and categories and all can be argued to be normal. The only reason that straight relationships are considered ‘natural’ is because of procreation and religious requirements.’ He continues saying that 'there are no great logical explanations for its ban but we realise that it’s not our place (as Muslims) to question Allah’s commands.’ Ofcourse Xiin, you must believe that there are 'no great logical explanations for the ban of homosexuality' as well? No, if you don't say something about it then I shall take it as a 'Yes' and that you too believe 'that there are no great logical explanations for the ban of homosexuality'.
  6. I can see you have resorted in trivialising the issue at hand here again. No one said Ngonge was an unbeliever but I told you that he had committed a wrong, when he implied homosexuality being natural and thus part of the human fitrah and for you, now to come here and commit a distortion is something I shall not accept. You said: ‘As I pointed out in an earlier post, I believe man was borne in a fitrah and was brought forth in state of natural purity. That itself is a divine claim, mind you, and an article of faith for me.’ ^^^That is what I mean, an article of faith for you and me but not for Ngonge. That's why I said he committed an act of disrespect towards Allaah and our sacred religion by implying that the fitrah, you and me hold in such high regards has homosexuality in it, as argued by Ngonge. Is that an act of blasphemy or not? And again let me make it clear with ‘blasphemy’ I mean an act of disrespect towards my creator and other sacred things from my religion. Tell me, is Ngonge guilty here? Yes or No? You say: 'Suggesting that the actions of quumi luudh tend to originate from a natural deviation and it’s inherently defective in desire is not necessarily a blasphemous act.' Adeer if that not an act of blasphemy what is it then? I believe, that it is an act of disrespect towards Allaah and his religion and if it was not done out of ignorance, it was done deliberately and that would be an act of clear blasphemy. You continue saying: 'It’s however a matter I disagree with on many grounds. As I pointed out in an earlier post, I believe man was borne in a fitrah and was brought forth in state of natural purity. That itself is a divine claim, mind you, and an article of faith for me.' So what do you make of someone suggesting and ascribing to Allaah a fallacious belief by saying that homosexuality is part of that 'natural purity' me and you hold so sacred? Do you believe it is an act of respect and endearment towards Allaah? I do not hold Ngonge as an unbeliever but I believe that he is someone who has gone astray and someone who ascribed and attributed to Allaah a great sin (the worst sin) as being part of the natural purity and fitrah Allaah has instilled in his creation and you're speaking off. How can you say, that Ngonge does not engage in an act of blasphemy, when he clearly repeats his fallacious and absurd belief and does not want to renounce them, although he has been shown proof and overwhelming evidence? He suggests and beliefs that ‘homosexuality is part of the human natural inclination, predisposition and that natural purity you're talking about, so how can you reconcile those with your beliefs of every ‘man borne in a fitrah and brought forth in state of natural purity? He has conceded but still maintains his fallacious belief. Answer that question Xiin. What else or good has he done Xiin, apart from ascribing a fallacious belief to Allaah and mocking his hikmah? Did he ascribe to Allaah something good? No, he ascribed and attributed his fallacious belief to Allaah, although it has been shown to him, that his beliefs are wrong and fallacious and he admit to it, but, here is the crucial but although he concedes to my argument but 'he never actually renounced his belief based on falsehood. Although he admits that when he is faced with powerful and overwhelming proof, he has to concede especially when he does not have a valid and strong argument to counter such powerful proof and evidence. So what is stopping him to renounce his wrong belief, Xiin? Adeer the term blasphemous I have used because Ngonge's earlier mistake could be said ‘it was a ignorant mistake on his behalf’ and your intervention clearly suggests that you believe, that Ngonge was lead by ignorance but if that was the case, why does he still continue in his fallacious belief, as can be witnessed from this statement below? Originally by Ngonge: I'd be lying if I said that my opinion has suddenly changed and that I now believe homosexuality to be unnatural (in the way it's being presented on this thread). However, I'm neither juvenile nor a simpleton. When those I debate with start substantiating their arguments, I am left with no choice but to concede. Especially that I have no strong argument to counter such powerful proof!
  7. Bashi awoowe I agree with you and you're right. No one mentioned that the Boqor had any political power but being a mere ceremonial just like Queen Elizabeth II. However the Boqor is recognised and this is an act of dhaqan, culture, tradition and heritage. The new King will be crowned but I believe that it is the wrong King. I believe the son of the late Boqor, Boqor Ahmad should have been coronated and crowned instead as the new overall figurehead of the large clan family I shall not mention it's name. He will be the 33rd inshallah and anything but apart from being the crown prince to the throne he has no other right to assume that respected throne. You will see inshallah, come May 5th I believe that date for the coronation would clash with the proposed reconciliation summit that is going to be held in Mogadishu but nevertheless it will be fully attended, then some of the folks in here will see the tradition, heritage and hereditary title's and their respected ranks. The Boqor is the overall figurehead of the clan I shall not mention it's name. Aromancer here is Sultaan Kenadiid's son's lineage up to the figurehead of the large clan whose name I cannot and shall not mention here. Ofcourse Sultaan Kenadiid was the rival of Boqor Cismaan and also the founder of Hoobyo Sultanate, which he founded approx. in 1878. So here it is, and also note that the Abtirsii doesn't stop there. I had to provide this link to you, because that Abtirsii it too blue-blooded for here. Abtirsii of Sultaan Kenadiid's son. Inshallah he will be crowned as the 33rd King of that large clan family I'm speaking off, although I do not like it, however I shall nevertheless accept it.
  8. ***[Edited] Yes, and that is tauting him? Did he not commit an act of blasphemy in your eyes? Rememeber blasphemy is disrespecting God or other sacred things related to the religion and Ngonge not only blasphemed but also mocked Allaah when he suggested that 'homosexuality' was 'natural, inherent and innate'. He ascribed and attributed to my deity a false belief and then he had also managed to mock Allaah's hikmah by saying that 'Allaah did not rationlise the prohibition of homosexuality' and again in his own words he said 'that there are no great logical explanations for such bans but we realise that it’s not our place (as Muslims) to question Allah’s commands.’ He furthermore says mockingly that 'Sexual urges have no default positions. They fall into all sorts of styles and categories and all can be argued to be normal. The only reason that straight relationships are considered ‘natural’ is because of procreation and religious requirements.’ Furthermore he ignorantly says to top if off: Originally by Ngonge: the story of Sodom & Gomorrah the actions of those people were referred to as a sin (or Faaxisha in Arabic). It was not referred to as unnatural!…..It is simply wrong because we, as Muslims, have been prohibited by our faith from indulging in it. So, all this words and fallacious beliefs are not blasphemous (showing disrespect for god and sacred things) but an act of respect and endearment towards Allaah and his religion, then? Answer those or as usual continue with your drivel. The gallery should be our witness inshallah and they shall judge upon us, who is right and who is wrong.
  9. ***[Edited] Now it has changed 'into my style' and 'my taunting of Ngonge'. Adeer I told the truth and the truth should not be hesitated from. This is something, you tried earlier and it won't work and cut this time as well. Ngonge ridiculed himself, when he uttered and outed his fallacious and ignorant belief of his and I put him in his right place with regard to his absurd belief. My conduct was right and nobody can say, I was too harsh or trying to degrade or disgrace Ngonge here. The conduct I pursued was in my eyes right and I believe the only way, Ngogne would own up and admit to his absurd and fallacious belief. So tell me, what have I hurt him with, telling the truth and what the reality is? Now, tell me. I shall wait in expectation inshallah.
  10. Xiin at it again. You must always wait for the right moment to strike your ignorant and utter garbage which in your eyes is some kind of righteous intervention. You're a ignorant man Xiin, because I clearly outlined and pointed out to the gallery, why I could not allow Ngonge's blasphemous and mocking post to stand unopposed in a Muslim fora like this and I clearly told you, that this mans beliefs shall not be regarded as anything more but a utter fallacious and absurd belief and I managed to do that. Ngonge's concessions was forced because otherwise he would have succeeded to pass on his clearly ignorant and wrong beliefs as something that is right in theological terms, which is not. So why are you refusing for his wrong beliefs to be corrected? I defended my lords name from his fallacious attribution and ascribing of Allaahs name to something that he wrongly attributed and ascribed towards him. On the other hand he managed to mock Allaah by questioning his hikmah and on top of that being blasphemous as well by pointing out that homsexuality was 'natural, innate and inherent'. So what is your oppostion, that he should have been left unopposed? He had to be refuted and put on his rightful place and I certainly did that. I made him concede and thus highlight to the gallery his false and blasphemous belief. I had a right to do that and I did challenge him on his fallacious belief and Al-Hamdulillaah I succeed in proving them to be utterly false and wrong. Adeer, Allaah does not hesitate from the truth and when something blasphemous and wrong is attributed and ascribed to him, then I have the right to defend and clear my deities name from that falsehood, fallacious attribution and blasphemous belief ascribed to him. So where are the emotions you're describing? Adeer this is not about 'moderating emotions' and you know it, so cease your ignorant and to no avail attempts of wanting to trivialise the issue at hand. Ngonge committed a gross errorand mistake and you know it and now you're saying that such fallacious belief cannot be corrected and refuted? Come clear about your real opposition. Don't go in circles. I wonder why you don't want such fallacious beliefs to be refuted and proven to be utterly wrong and absurd. I can only wonder about that.
  11. Originally by Ngonge: I'd be lying if I said that my opinion has suddenly changed and that I now believe homosexuality to be unnatural (in the way it's being presented on this thread). However, I'm neither juvenile nor a simpleton. When those I debate with start substantiating their arguments, I am left with no choice but to concede. Especially that I have no strong argument to counter such powerful proof! ^^Addeer, You want to be embarrassed again. No twisting and turning or manipulating will help or save you. Let's thank Allaah as for you words are on record and you cannot retract them. He says: 'I said twice that I don't think homosexuality was NORMAL but rather that I thought it to be natural (work out the nuances therein). Yet, amazingly, you still chose to twist my words and try to pass your own interpretations as being something I said or believed.' ^^Are we forgetting what we said or are we engaged in a futile attempt of washing the disgrace and embarrassment from our faces? You don't have a face to show around here and your return will only further embarass you, so I kindly advice you to do the most logic thing and look for the exist as you did before, if not then the same things that made you leave will make you again flee. That's what he said before: Originally by Ngonge: Sexual urges have no default positions. They fall into all sorts of styles and categories and all can be argued to be normal. The only reason that straight relationships are considered ‘natural’ is because of procreation and religious requirements.’ ^^^This is what he said in his own words and now he wants to twist and change it. Now that, he clearly lost the arguement and conceded, he wants to engage in a farce, in substitute of what he could not discuss in substance. His whole contention has turned now into: 'My reluctance to fully accept the argument (though I maintain that I yielded) was due to a multiple number of questions that came up as a result. Alas, this discussion and the calibre of participants is not the correct place to air such questions.' And then he paradoxically continues saying: 'I would be happy to debate with you. I will even graciously concede when I'm wrong (for I am wrong, sometimes but not too often). But I don't believe you are capable of carrying a civil debate. For a start, you misrepresent and misinterpret your oppositions' and 'I didn't say homosexuality was normal but natural . What debate? Tell me, what is on contention other then the things you brought up, which I refuted and already defeated you on? Can you see him in his desperate attempt to avenge his awful defeat and lost? No manipulation or whatsoever can help you out of this situation. Tell me what we shall debate, alright? This guy has totally lost it. Wallaahi this is getting really, really embarrassing and the gallery can see what he's trying to do here but to no avail and success. Originally by Ngonge: 'I said twice that I don't think homosexuality was NORMAL but rather that I thought it to be natural (work out the nuances therein). Yet, amazingly, you still chose to twist my words and try to pass your own interpretations as being something I said or believed. In addition, when I have not questioned Allah's reasons (for that's clearly what I said) you still managed to distort those words and make them look as if I'm questioning Allah's Hikmah! Never mind, this is a waste of time'. He furthermore says cryingly: Originally: you deliberately chose to use chicanery and underhand tactics! But that's neither here nor there. You will still come back with three consecutive replies repeating the same thing and distorting my words. Cry me a river Ngonge. What other excuses will he bring to the fold and out of his sleeves? Continue amusing the gallery Ngonge surely they're having a great time. Finally I shall remind you of what you said in case you forgot: Originally by Ngonge: Sexual urges have no default positions. They fall into all sorts of styles and categories and all can be argued to be normal. The only reason that straight relationships are considered ‘natural’ is because of procreation and religious requirements.’ ^^^You know what I refuted you with and that is on record, so I shall not post it again. Surely 'Sexual urges have no default positions. They fall into all sorts of styles and categories and all can be argued to be normal. ^^Your views and beliefs exposed again? Let me repeat it to you folks: 'Sexual urges have no default positions. They fall into all sorts of styles and categories and all can be argued to be normal. Sexual urges have no default positions is Ngonge saying and that they fall in all sorts of styles and categories and he continues saying that all can be aruged to be normal/b]. ^^^This are his words. No wait, he didn't say that. It was distorted, although Ngonge posted it. No, No it was another Ngonge and not this one. Check out his original post on page seven it was I think and tell me if I have misquouted him or used anything apart from his words. Ngonge come out again and tell us these are not your words. He furthermore said: Originally by Ngonge: the story of Sodom & Gomorrah the actions of those people were referred to as a sin (or Faaxisha in Arabic). It was not referred to as unnatural!…..It is simply wrong because we, as Muslims, have been prohibited by our faith from indulging in it. I refuted him with this: Again he’s speaking form total ignorance. Allaah described the practise of homosexuality not only as a ‘faaxishah’ as he puts it but actually as ‘Al-faaxisha’ the worst sin, which reiterates that it contains all essence of evil and sin. Here is the aayah as proof: Here is the aayah: “And (remember) Loot (Lot), when he said to his people: Do you commit the worst sin such as none preceding you has committed in the ‘Aalameen (mankind and jinn)?” This man is indeed a wicked man and I urge the gallery to come out and condemn him again. If the things he said weren't on record he would turn and twist and say 'No, No I never said such a thing, because he would try to distort it in order to avenge his disgracful and utter defeat, but to no avail I say'. Everything is on record that's the good thing about Camel Milk debates. It's really getting embarrassing for him. After admitting to his defeat: Originally by Ngonge: I'd be lying if I said that my opinion has suddenly changed and that I now believe homosexuality to be unnatural (in the way it's being presented on this thread). However, I'm neither juvenile nor a simpleton. When those I debate with start substantiating their arguments, I am left with no choice but to concede. Especially that I have no strong argument to counter such powerful proof! And now he returned with something really embarrassing that is without any significance such as his awful cries in order to avenge his defeat. But he cannot manipulate the issue here because it is above him and one cannot defend the indefensible! Furthermore everyone knew that he questioned Allahs' hikmah by admitting that Allaah did no rationalise the prohibition of homosexuality and 'that there are no great and logical reasons and explanations for its prohibition', remember that saying? I wonder who said it? I refuted him and put him in his rightful place like I did before and it is on the record for those who want to read it again. Furthermore he engaged in blasphemous mocking of our creator by ascribing and attributing to him something he did not ordain. His utter ignorant and blasphemous belief of homosexuality being 'natural' and 'normal' (can't deny it now) clearly wants to say that Allaah made this evil sin and act as part of the human natural inclination and predisposition which it clearly is not. I pointed out to him that the act of homosexuality was unknown before the people of Luut and therefore not 'natural' and thus cannot be ascribed or attributed to Allaah the exalted and on that I caught him up. He lost it and thus has no valid or significant contention thus he pursues his trivial and ignorant viewpoint (hawaa') to no avail. I urge the gallery and participants of this discussion and all the people who read this to come out and voice their opinion again on who is right and on who is wrong inshallah and to condemn Ngonge's pitiful attempt of avenging his defeat to no avail.
  12. Thanks brother Duke, I really don't know why my original thread was closed although it did not contain any clan names. The only thing I can be accused off is that I posted a link of the article which had all the clan names in it but apart from that I took great care. Brother Duke I totally agree, this is a controversial decision to me, to nominate and elect Dr. Abdullahi King Muuse King Osman as the 33rd King of the large clan family in Somalia whose name I cannot and shall not mention. Indeed is a great heritage and honour, that this one is the 33rd and it is actually the oldest Somali lineage of royality that has seen 32 previous kings. Only the Ajuraan, I believe have a similiar chain of long royal lineage and heritage. There are also other great royal lineages for example Garad Jaamac Garaad Cali the figure head of the Darawiish of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn is the 19th Garaad in line. I think it's a great heritage and someone who is extremly angry doesn't like such things to be raised I believe because they do have their own agenda and grudge. I had a litle talk with Paragon (whose disease that person might have caught ) who argued whilst we were joking that the residents of Mudug, Nugaal and Bari weren't the kings but the Suldans of the overall clan lol, which had me laughing on the floor. This fellow knew the reality but he chose to blind himself. I told him that he was the Suldaan i.e. people of Sanaag and that the Darawiish of Sool were the Garaad and the third in the overall hereditary title and hierarchy of the artistocratic pyramide of the clan whose name I shall not mention. The king is first, followed by the suldaan, garaad etc. and they all are inherited. Dr. Abdullahi King Muuse is the rightful nominee for that position if we talk about his right as the original waliyul cahd (crown prince) and thus entitled to it but is he suitable is the question? I don't think so because of his history and the dirty game he played. He was a career politician as Duke said and now to be the overall King and on top of that the 33rd in line and the King and figurehead of a clan with a long heritage that numbers millions is in my eyes something that hasn't been thought over very carefully although they had over six months I believe, but I guess the lobbying of Dr. Abdullahi as being of the rightful ascendant to the throne as the crown prince and his reluctantness to give in, fianlly decided the outcome of the election in his favour. There was another person who I preferred but the waliyul cahdi (crown prince) shouldn't be always the first choice, especially, if he is not able or suitable for the position. That's why when Islaan Maxamed Islaan Muuse may Allaah have mercy on his soul and enter him jannah died, his brothers elected Islaan Ciise Islaan Maxamed Islaan Muuse who wasn't the crown prince, in fact there were elder brothers of him but the reason to why they elected him was because he was deemed to be the most suitable. So the same decision should have been made with Dr. Abdullahi King Muuse King Osmaan and said that although he is the rightful ascendant to the throne and waliyul cahd {crown prince} but nevertheless he is not suitable for it thus he should vacate the position for someone more suitable than him. I say this is a great heritage, Sharaf, Haybad and Faan and that in fact the 33rd King and overall figurehead of a large clan family will be crowned should give it even more reason to select someone that can deliver and is universall accepted. I believe Dr. Abdullahi Boqor Muuse was only elected and nominated because he didn't want to back down and he felt it as his right to be the next king as he was the crown prince and waliyul cahd to the throne. Anyhow I shall accept the nomination although it came to me as a shock in the first place and later on I couldn't stop laughing thinking of the prospect of King Abdullahi King Muuse King Osmaan being the overall figurehead of a large clan family in the horn of africa. At the end I shall address the folks that dislike us such as Paragon and N/AA, who clearly are dishonest and deceitful. First N/AA ludicrously says that 'there's no overall figurehead for that clan , which is a lie', then he goes on saying 'that I shall cease with my posts that have tribalism in them', then he continues to make another deceitful attempt to say 'Oh well there's no king, only Allaah is king'. He makes all sort of excuses, we shall see inshallah when his fellow gedoninas come to the ceremony and take part in the coronation of the overall king of a large clan family in the horn of africa. Then we shall speak inshallah. I believe then only will he grudgingly admit and sing with us 'long live our new king inshallah'. So come'on guys start practising, you know what they say 'practise makes perfect'.
  13. ^Could you write in English pls, your written somali is awful and not coming through to me and whilst you at it, pls tell me what your opposition is.
  14. This thread concerns the people, who reside or belong to a large clan family in Somalia and beyond and who live in the areas mentioned in the thread title. Ofcourse people of the diaspora, who originally hail from those regions are my prime target but all other Somalis who want to comment on this thread are freely entiled to do so and express their thoughts if they wish to do so, that is. Today I read an article from, regarding on a decision from the family of the late King, King Mahamoud King Muuse King Cusmaan, who was the 32nd King of the large clan family I cannot mention and do not want to mention its name. I will and can assure the people who run this site, that this thread is not about clans and nobody shall raise the name of a clan but I rather want to discuss the suitability of someone, who was nominated to become the 'King of a large clan family in Somalia'. This is an issue of dhaqan and not clan and people have to understand that and I hope you do. To the people pls do not raise any names of any clans. The family of the late deceased King has nominated Dr. Abdullahi King Osman better known as 'King Kong' as the future king of that large clan I was talking about and will not mention its name. He's said to become the 33rd King of that large clan family who resides in a vast area that is far from another. In a conference they elected him and thus put out this press release intented for the following people: KU: Dowlad Gobolleedka Puntland KU: Issimada iyo Nabadoonada KU: Gudiga Fullinta Caleemo Saarida Boqorka KU: Dhamaan Tolweynaha [insert clan name] KU Dhamaan Bulshada Soomaliyeed Furthermore it says the following: Shirkaas Rasmiga ah waxaan ku dooranay Dr.Cabdullahi Boqor Muuse Yuusuf Boqor Cismaan(Kingkong) oo horay u ahaa Wali Cahdigii Boqor Maxamuud Boqor Muuse inuu yahay Boqorka [insert clan name] oo la caleemo saari doono Bisha May 5teeda 2007. ^Is King Kong really suitable for that position? I will leave you to comment and answer that question before I give my opinion on it because I want to first see/hear people's opinions. Article
  15. After long talks and discussions between Puntland and the UAE delegation both parties agreed on, to establish bilateral business and investment relations. Nice development. Pictures of the talks: Pictures of the dinner held in honour of the delegation from the UAE: Finally the leader of the distinguished delegation from the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah expressed his gratitude and thanks towards the sophisticated and warm welcome his delegation received and the appetising and honourable dinner and he prays and asks from Allaah prosperity, good cooperation and collaboration between the two governments. He concluded his speech that he will pass on as the President already said, to his country what his delegation encountered and experienced in Puntland State of Somalia. Overall the talks, inspections, dinner and the signing of the memorandum of understanding were very successful and the delegation was very much impressed with what they saw and experienced in Puntland State of Somalia. Their three day visit will come to an end tommorrow inshallah and it is expected that they return to the UAE the same day inshallah. Puntland State of Somalia is on the right path of development and progress inshallah and I hope it continues on that way. Ameen.
  16. Pictures about the port inspection by the UAE delegation inshallah.
  17. The delegation as I said also visited the port of Bosaso. They took reports on how the port functions and what is exported and imported from it. They visited a new building that was constructed by the ministry of finance which they intend to use as offices and work from. The delegation visited a ship that was docked in the port and which had 50.000 sheep and cows on it and they were very much impressed about on how efficient the port functions, its spotlessness and peaceful environment and the harmony and transquility that exists in the port. A great success indeed and the inspection went as planned. Maashallaah.
  18. The UAE delegation together with some high-ranking Puntland State officials and ministers today also inspected the port and airport of Bosaso City. They were briefed by the Finance Minister Mr. Gaagaab. He said that 'Puntland build the airport terminal soley relying on its own capacity and that they are going to also build the run way without any help and that they will fully equip the terminal without any outside help. Mr Gaagaab also said that Puntland State of Somalia was self-supporting, sufficient and self-relying and that they decided on their own to rely on themselves and consult on how to further develop and progress their state without relying on any outside help and that they have vowed to themselves to finish off the new airpot without any outside help. The delegation were impressed on how the airport terminal was built and its beauty and that they were also impressed and fascinated on how the people of Puntland are working hard to develop and progress their state and they said that they will do everything in their upmost best and capability, as the Emirate of Ra's al Khaymah, to support and stand shoulder to shoulder with the people and brethren of Puntland State of Somalia inshallah. Here are some photos:
  19. Boosaaso: Wafdigii kasocday Imaaraadka oo kormeeray dekedda iyo madaarka Boosaaso ,kulamana ... 18. Mar 2007 APL Boosaaso(AllPuntland)- Wafdi ka socday dawladda Imaaraadka Carabta gaar ahaan mandaqadda Ra'sul Khayma oo kusugan Puntland ayaa kormeer ku tagay dekedda wayn ee magaalada Boosaaso iyo gagida diyaaradaha magalaadaasi. Waxaa wafdigan kormeerkiisa hor kacayay Maxamed Cabdalla Mahriis , waxaana dhinaca Puntland kamid ahaa wasiirada maaliyaddda , ganacsiga, xannaanada xoolaha iyo kalluumaysiga iyo dekedaha. Mareeyaha dekedda wayn ee Boosaaso iyo garoonka diyaaradaha ayaa bixiyay warbixinno ay uga waramayaan qaabka ay u shaqeeyaan dekedda iyo garoonka, ayagoo Imaaraadka uga mahad celiyay shaqooyin ay ka hayso ilaha dhaqaalaha Puntalnd. Wafdigan markii ay kormeerkooda dhammaysteen ayay xarunta madaxtooyada Puntland kulamo kula yeesheen madaxwaynaha Puntlnad, Cadde Muuse iyo madaxwayne kuxigeenka Xasan Daahir Afqurac. Kulamadan ayaa xoogga lagu saarayay xiriirka ganacsi gaar dhoofka xoolaha iyo sidii maamulka Puntland u ballaarin lahaa wadashaqaynta uu la leeyahay Imaaraadka . Madaxwaynaha Puntland Cadde Muuse ayaa wafdigan uga mahad celiyayay imaanshohooda Puntland iyo dadaalka ay ku doonayaan inay maalgashadaan Puntland. Madaxwaynuhu wuxuu kaloo ammaan usoo jeediyay dawladda Imaaraadka Carabta oo taageero dhaqaale ka gaysata ilaha dhaqaalaha Puntland. Wafdigan ayaa ka koobma shan xubnood waxayna maalintii shalay ahayd yimaadeen xarunta ganacsiga Puntland ee Boosaaso , halkaasi oo ay soo dhawayn kala kulmen. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
  20. Wada hadallo iyo kulamo ku bilowday wafdiga UAE iyo saraakiisha Puntland Madaxda sarsare ee dawlad goboleedka Puntland iyo wafdiga ka socda waddanka Imaraadka Carabta gaar ahaan Imaaradda Raasal Khayma ayaa maanta kulamo mumiin ah leh. Kulamadan iyo shirarkan ayaa ku saabsan sidii loo xoojin lahaa xiriirka iyo wax wada qabsiga labada dhinac Puntland iyo Imaraadka Carabta, iyadoo ajendayaasha ugu muhiimsan ee laga wada hadalyo ay yihiin, arrimaha dekedaha iyo kalluumaysiga, dhoofinta iyo suuq u helidda xoolaha nool ee Soomaalida iyo guud ahaan arrimo ku saabsan ganacsiga guud. Wafdiga ayaa saaka booqasho ku maraya goobo dhawr ah oo muhiim ah oo ay kamid tahayd dekedda magaalada Boosaaso. Maxamuud Faarax Bile
  21. ***[Edited and Revised, now with no mistakes inshallah]Government of Puntland State and the UAE sign bilateral agreement The administration of Puntland State of Somalia and the delegation from the Emirate of Ra’s al Khaymah, the United Arab Emirates have signed a bilateral agreement today at the Presidential Palace in Boosaaso City. The agreement in its entirety reflects on how to establish lasting working relationships between the Emirate of Ra’s al Khaymah and the government of Puntland State of Somalia, part of the agreement is that the Emirate of Ra’s al Khaymah provides Puntland State of Somalia with a special licence for its cattle export, in order to make market space for its lucrative and competitive animal export. Before the signing of the agreement, tiring conventions and long bilateral consultations were held between the two’s high ranking officials and the consultations of the proposed deal went on throughout the morning and at the end of those tiring consultations, a comprehensive deal was signed, after a dinner of honour was held for the UAE delegation at the compound of the Presidential Palace in Boosaaso City. At that signing ceremony, General Adde Muuse was present and the signatory of the bilateral agreement on behalf of Puntland State, whilst for the delegation from the UAE a certain Mr. Mahammed Abdallah Al-Mihrizi signed it, at the watching and attentive eyes of many high-ranking members of the Puntland State of Somalia cabinet, which included the Commerce and Industries Minister Mr. Abdirisaq Ali Said ‘Shadoon’, the Minister for Animal Welfare, Agriculture and the land Mr. Said Jama Qorsheel and the minister for local government and the development of the rural areas Mr. Ali Abdi Awaare. Originally source from Translated for you by Sakhar.
  22. Dawladda Puntland iyo Imaraadka Carabta oo heshiis kala saxiixday Xukuumadda Puntland iyo wafdigii sare ee ka socdey Imaaradda Raasal Khayma ee waddanka Imaaraadka Carabta ee Midoobey ayaa maanta heshiis ku kala saxiixday aqalka madaxtooyada magaalada Boosaaso. Heshiiskan ayaa guud ahaan ku saabsan sidii ay wada shaqayn dheer u yeelan lahaayeen Imaaradda Raasal Khayma iyo dawlad goboleedka Puntland, heshiiskaas uu uu kamid yahay in Imaaraddaasi ay marsadeeda meel ka siiso xoolaha ka imanaya Puntland si suug qeyn loogu helo. Kahor kala saxiixashadii heshiiskan ayaa waxaa kulamo iyo wada xaajood dheer yeeshay saraakiisha sarsare ee labada dhinac, waxana heshiiskan oo soconayey tan iyo saaka aroortii ugu dambayntii qalinka lagu duugey kadib qado sharaf loogu sameeyey wafdigaasi xarunta madaxtooyada ee magaalada Boosaaso. Kulankan ayaa waxaa goob joog ka ahaa isla markaasna darafka Puntland u saxiixay madaxweyne Cadde Muuse, halka wafdiga UAE, uu u saxiixay agaasimaha guud ee dekedaha ee Imaaraddaasi, Maxamed Cabdalla al-Mihrizi, tiiyoo ay joogeen wasiirro door ah oo ka tirsan golaha xukuumadda Puntland ayna kamid ahaayeen wasiirka ganacsiga iyo wershedaha Puntland, Cabdirisaaq Cali Siciid Shaahdoon, wasiirka xannaanada xoolaha beeraha iyo deegaanka, Siciid Jaamac Qoorsheel iyo wasiirka dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga, Cali Cabdi Awaare. Jaamac Yuusuf Jaamac SBC Boosaaso
  23. Let them pack up and leave that district inshallah, as this time they might have escaped but next time, they won't be that lucky inshallah.
  24. I agree, this is a good and welcoming policy and development. Shoot all the anarchists in the head as it is the only way they know that the government means business. Kudos to them.