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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Mogadishu is calm and peaceful. Now it's around 10:00 am Mogadishu local time. As I already said yesterday, there will be no war whatsoever today and if there's a war on the magtitude of wednesday and thursday you can call me any name you want. The weapons are silent as I predicted already yesterday. There will be no single shot fired today and the reasons for it are quite obvious and I don't want to repeat my words. Mogadisu is peaceful and there's a ceasefire at place, that will not be breached today at all. I predict this all and it will happen that way inshallah. Mark my words.
  2. I really won't reason, with the justifiers of such immoral and inhuman acts. Surely let the rejoice but their conscious will inshallah come back to haunt, but I don't believe that they have any conscious. To brother Xalane, Walaal I know what you mean and I want the same but we have to face the reality on the ground. I don't welcome nor support this ceasefire called by the Ethiopians who made a truce with the cannibalistic animals that instigated that horrific and beyond savage act, some people try to excuse as 'They knew what they were getting themselve sinto'. So does that mean their bodies to be mutilated, stoned and to be burnt and set ablaze? Sick minded individuals indeed. I shall not reason with them because whatever wrong one does, one should not transgress in the most barbaric, savagery, animalistic and horric and inhumane way possible. You killed them what else do you want? Really sick minded people and they do exist in this forum. I shall not address but soon they will understand inshallah. However Xalane, that force cannot come because of that truce. I wanted the civilians to leave the city for the government to enforce its security operation without any restraint but the Ethiopians dealing with the cannibalistic animals made me very angry and now we're in a difficult situation. Ina Dhiigsokeeye tried that brute force but the Ethiopians went in between our soldiers and the animals that instigated the burning and dragging of our soldiers in the street. What do you do know? You cannot use that force whilst the Ethiopians are holding up a truce and ceasefire Xalane. Believe me there will be nor war whatsoever today Saturday and it will cease because not we want it but because the Ethiopians did a deal behind our backs with the criminals, that we want to pay for the crimes they committed. Ceasefire is a reality, I don't like it and you don't like it but the Ethiopians made that deal and now our hands are tight. We have to wait for the Politics to presume Xalane. Certainly the military operation is on hold. Although as much as I dislike it that's the reality on the ground. I want revenge for these boys mistreated in that savagery, barbaric and inhumane way. Shame on the cannibalistic morons in this forum, who utter their illogical nonsense in here. Don't listen to them for as their mind and conscious is closed. They themselves rejoiced and think like that and in a simliar way. I don't have any further issues with them nor will I further address the advocaters and justifiers of savagery, unislamic and inhumane act. Shame on you. We shall see inshallah politics would have to be resumed but people here have to realise also that the people who committed such savagery will not stop and that they're against governance. If you cannot see the mistakes and wrong actions this people are committing then you're indeed blind. They want to instigate and provoke Somalis into a civil and clan war that would surpass that of the ealry 90's. They think if they do that it will be the only way to bring down the government of President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad. They will enage themselves in reprisals, kill innocent people because of their clans, loot business belonging to certain clans, set a torch innocent people in order to make this a clan issue, where people have to take sides. They're working very hard to achieve that and some people don't see what is happening. I know this morons and how they think but will they succeed to bring the old clan hostilities back to Somalia? Sakhar.
  3. I don't engage in hypocrisy Adeer and you know that I always say what I think and believe rather what people like to hear or what people support most. I felt abhorrent and I disliked that bombardment you're talking about. The dead nomads and their cattle. But I blamed all this on ina Daahir Aweys who said he will safeguard his home town of Mogadishu and fight in Kismaayo instead. There was a mutiny in Kismaayo that's why he went further south. That guy is to be blamed. The people being killed where my people. Although I feel pain for every muslim, I do feel so even more pain, when my people were being targeted and you know what I mean. However this people perished and ought to be rest in peace and Allah will avenge them truly inshallah. However this man I'm talkin about where killed by fellow Somalis, that's not my problem but what happened after their death adeer is what I'm shocked and saddened about. The people in the Jubbooyinka were killed by Americans and the governement did not even know about it happening no one informed them and I solely blame that man called ina Daahir Aweys for those atrocities. Atleast the people of Jubbooyinka were not mistreated after their death but they were given a good muslim burial. What do you say about the man from Hiiraan torched alive whilst confessing 'Laa Illaaha Illallaahu, Muxamadurrasuulullaah'? This bodies adeer were disfigured and mutilated, spat at, stoned by not a foreign people but people claiming to be Sunni Muslims and Somalis on top of that, can you see something wrong with it? Adeer this is a gross matter and very serious to me. I care if kaafirs bombared or kill muslims but what about people claiming Somalinimo, Islaanimo and then setting ablaze living people and disfiguring, playing, spitting, inserting sharp objects, stoning, laughing, taking souvenir pictures? Is that normal? Adeer this act needs to be condemned in the harshest possible way even more than the gunship you're speaking off Adeer. This people were not even respected at their death. Their dead corpses were used as some kind of entertainment for a whole neighbourhood. Xiin and Paragon, what would you say if I would come to you and say 'Guys today there's a burning and beating of a follow muslim Somali body, let's go and take part in the actions. You take a shoe, sandals and jump up and down on that dead corpse whilst Paragon injects and inserts sharp objects into the dead corpse, whilst your little nephew is throwing hard rocks at the dead bodies head and Paragons cousin is spitting at that dead muslim corpse and your older brother Xiin actually setting the whole body ablaze but before that, you all take a picture together as a souvenir. Walle those that do not have any mercy instilled in them will not be shown any mercy. If I were there I would die in the process protecting and safeguarding that dead person. Adeer you cannnot even reveal or talk about the state of a dead body you washed let alone burning and disfiguring it. Who is only allowed to punish with fire? Isn't it Allah? Are this people equalling themselves to Allah by punishing like he does? Wallahi this is a sad state of affairs. This is the worst thing I've ever seen. People claiming to be 100% muslims and not even one single person prevented that evil, vile and wicked act. Mogadishu is doomed Adeer, the people who participated in it have nothing to do with me nor my religion. I even refuse to acknowledge them as fellow Somalis. I see them lower as human beings. This is a gross act, either lets condemn it in the harshest way possible but let's not compare things here Adeer. This is beyond comparison. An act of kuffars and that of people claiming to be muslims is what we're talking about. It was headline news in the whole world, why? Because it's barbaric, inhumane and nobody does it Adeer. Get that in your head. No one disfigures, mutilates, urinates and sets ablaze a dead muslim corpse or human being for that matter. To Paragon: What Muslim resistance? I see a qabiil uprising burning and mutilating dead, alive bodies but not a muslim resistance.
  4. Wallahi I'm not really in the mood. I don't know but I feel a deep sadness. That sadness was first anger but now for me it suddenly sinks in. My conscious won't allow me, what happened two days ago in the capital city of Moqadisho. How much of animosity and hatred must these people feel? Wallahi I cannot forgive how some people in here managed to belittle what took place. They tried to belittle it or even to justify it and some even went further to feel a sense of triumph. I cannot help but be shocked about these peoples barbaric and inhumane way of rationalising. Wallah this people, who yesterday and the day before expressed their happiness or even felt good about what happened in the capital, should be not regarded as humans. Anyone who did not express his shock, sense of bewilderment and utter disgust is truly himself capable of committing such gross and vile inhumane acts. I cannot help but think that some people did even not dislike that act inside their hearts but were actually smiling to unconsciously to themselves or being content in their deep heart. Shame about you I say. I see some people who say that they are religiously inclined but who are far from the moral teachings of our religion and the sense of justice that it provides us with. No act can accuse that inhumane, evil, savagery, barbaric and monstrous act committed in Mogadishu. I see those people, who are content and happy about this latest savagery that took place and who have no moral qualms about that horrific act, in fact they try to excuse it and make justifications for it. I can't get the pictures out of my head, where I saw children with wooden sticks, shoes and other sharp objects standing on top of a dead Somali man, whose legs were tight together and his arms too and children, man with long beards and cimaamado, women with jalabiib standing on top of that dead soldier holding sticks and presuming mutilating that dead body. I saw stones lying around that dead and deceased body and the worst act was when they actually set those dead corpses ablaze. No one can justify such acts. I feel horrible wallahi because there was no one single Ethiopian amongst the mutilated and torched dead corpses. They were all Somali and primarily from Puntland although there was one guy from Hiiraan who was set ablaze whilst still alive and confessing the shahaada. What hatred must this people feel? Are they human? What can a dead body do to you? What harm? Are this people Muslims? If so, don't they know that the dead person has met his creator and right and wrong he has committed Allah will deal with that soul? It is a haraam deed and not something from the culture. The other thing is health implications, how can you stand happily there smiling to the camera whilst two feet from you a dead body is burning and emitting all sorts of harmful chemicals from his dead and deceased bodies. Don't they fear for their health? These boys were 18 and 19 years of age. Young man, who came to Mogadishu in the hope to aid this government so in order Somalia can have peace and a government. Whatever they did or whoever they sided with, there's no moral justification for disfiguring, mutilating, stoning, sticking sharp objects onto a dead body or burning it. Simply no moral justification and I hope they pay for their crimes inshallah. I don't feel any hate or animosity to any people nor have I ever felt deep hate but what I want is that the people who were behind this to be brought to justice. I'm not saying the government going in heavily in densely populated are but what I want is the criminals, the leaders and soldiers who instigated this to be brought to justice. They're cowards, they actually were the soldiers who killed those men and then called the children, youth, women, old man and other man to the place to participate in that kind of evil and vile act. Somalis have really deep hatred for one another and I really don't feel that they're capable of such vile acts. What do you want to achieve. This was a media stunt to show the people that this was a very serious matter, a matter of life and death and resurrect old hostilities. Wallah I'm speechless. They certainly achieved their objective. South Mogadishu populace came out in force and participated in this evil and vile act. I don't want women and children to pay for this. I know these cowards they're hiding behind women and children and they think that they're save from any measures or initiatives that will make them pay for their crimes. That’s why I say, allow and give the people time to leave that district and vacate it so the criminals can pay for the crimes against human decency they committed. They sank indeed to the lowest level. Not even the most primitive nation or people amongst the nation of Adam even acts like that. They bury their dead whether they fall in hostilities or they die naturally but never do they disfigure, mutilate, stone and burn them to death. The people who committed this brought it to a whole new level but I want them to pay, the people that did this not in the same way but certainly with death inshallah and if they don't pay for their crimes in this world then the will pay in inshallah in the hereafter. I don't care of this soldiers where from Puntland I would feel the same outrage if they were from any other Somali region or in fact any human-being or animal. I wouldn't even allow a dead animal to be mistreated or even a living animal set ablaze. What happened two days ago was an utter disgrace and the whole world was stunned and amazed at the sheer barbaric and inhumane behaviour of these people. However why I'm so angry is that in fact I know that these boys will not be avenged by bringing the criminals and perpetrators to justice but that the whole issue has shifted. Today ina Dhiigsokeeye tried to avenge those boys but when the government troops wanted to attack the people who were behind that savagery and make them pay, the Ethiopians intervened and said 'No, you have to talk'. What is the government doing, they can't do anything they only sit idle there and the troops are shocked to the core. They want to teach those criminals a lesson that they will never forget but who will allow it for them? How can you negotiate with the same man that ordered the disfiguration, mutilation, stoning and burning and setting ablaze like they were frying a fish? Tell me who in their right mind would negotiate with them. Wallahi this government will and cannot do something because the Ethiopians stand on their way to teach these criminals a lesson that will make them pay for their inhuman and vile crime. I have always been someone who likes justice and I want justice for the badly mutilated and burnt bodies of the young soldiers who came from Puntland and I also want that same justice for the soldier who came from Hiiraan who was set ablaze whilst affirming the shahaada. I say no negotiations but the government is urged by the Ethiopians to engage in a cease fire with those criminals and for that to happen I really do feel betrayed and bad. I must also say that I thought long and hard and decided not to share a platform with those folks, who celebrated, felt apathetic or smiled to themselves deep down. I say shame on you and I believe you're capable of even more, because once you normalised such gross and evil acts, then it is only proper that you see it fit as something normal and maybe next time you go to Somalia, you will participate in the angry crowd that drags, mutilates, stones, spits, disfigures, inserts/injects sharp objects into the dead corpse, laughs, smiles at the camera, take a souvenir picture or what better souvenir than an actual body part of the dead person you mistreated before you actually burn it and set it ablaze. Shame on you I say and justice will inshallah come, it will come inshallah as Allah does not support the wicked and evil transgressors. To the dead soldiers, I say rest in peace and may Allah have mercy upon your souls. Ameen. To the perpetrators and sympathisers, today you laugh and enjoy but there will be a day whereby you shall be judged by a higher authority to what inhumane, evil, monstrous, vile and wicked acts you used to commit whilst you were in this world. Allah’s justice will come if not in this world then in the hereafter inshallah. Surely you can rest on that. My God is a just god and he does not punish the people who commit good acts and deeds but the people who commit inhumane and barbaric acts and who transgress beyond any limits Allah has set whether it be human decency, morality, religious sacredness or any other limit. Inshallah I hope for a quick resolution to our matters inshallah and may Allah side with the wronged against the sinners and doers of wrong, vile and wicked acts. Ameen. Sakhar.
  5. Adeer, TFG clearly knows what it wants, certainly the biggest stake holders and policy-makers such as Abdullahi Yusuf, the President know what they want and they have a clear agenda. Abdullahi doesn't and never trusted the political miscalculators and amateurs that run Mogadishu. He will never trust them. That's why, he calculated first to use outside power to get rid off them and then to forcefully disarm them because he knows that voluntarily disarmament is out of the question. He knows the mentality of this people and his motto has been 'don't make them waste your time' however the old man, was ready to give them enough time to stop the daily attacks on the government in Mogadishu and now they decided at last to take things in their own hands and to clean the place up at whatever cost. However there was a miscalculation because the ICU and Al-Qaida branded folks have shown and proved to the Ethiopians that they're no 'islamists' or 'jihadists' but the classical, cannibalistic mooriyaans that existed before. Now Ethiopia doesn't want to play ball. The Northern regions are firmly in Ethiopias grip and that has been the case for many years Adeer and you and me know it very well. Where is Adde Muuse tonight? He's in Addis meeting Meles Zenawi. Ethiopia doesn't need as some think the fertile south or their ports for that reason but their interest was to help a friendly government of theirs and in the meantime get rid of the opposition groups and 'islamists' that threatened its internal security and therefore its existence.
  6. ^Che, the government is free and independent but the problem is, the bloody Ethiopians intervene in the fightings everytime it starts. They go between the government and the clan movement and you cannot shoot at your rivals sxb. Every where the governement goes, the Ethiopians come marching and intervene as some kind of peace group. They act like they were pacifists and were against all kind of war. Ethiopians don't want for a war to start because once it kicks off they have to participate and they surely don't want to. They just come between you and the clan movement, what can you do? Your hands are tight.
  7. ^People power you say. What can the government do, when its hands are tight by the Ethiopians? They intervened and actually set up a truce with the clan movement so what do you make of this? Only the Ethiopians to blame. Otherwise the goverment would have continued with the crack down. They actually came between the government and the clan movement and stopped the fighting. They have their own reasons. Sakahr.
  8. Walaal Duke, there's a cease-fire at place at this moment and the fighting has already ceased brother. Ethiopians intervened and today's fighting did not take off because of that reason. The Ethio's are being mediators between the government troops and the clan movement and want to negotiate both the government and the clan movement in talks. They did not take part in the latest fightings and certainly don't want/intend to actually instigate or participate in any fightings. We've seen the last action of fighting for both today and tommorrow inshallah. In fact tommorrow there will be no fighting at all, mark my words.
  9. Russian and Belarusian engineers were on the plane and it is said, that it was a cargo plane and not a military one as earlier reported. So my apologies to you, Sol readership. Diyaarad Xamuul ah oo lagu soo riday magaalada Muqdisho. Last Updated::2007-03-23 19:53:50 Muqdisho:- Diyaarad ah nooca Ilyushin ayaa maanta lagu soo riday magaalada Muqdisho, kadib markii ay ka duushay Airporka. Diyaaradan ayaa kusoo dhacday koonfurta Muqdisho kadib markii la sheegay in ay ku dhaceen gantaal dhulka laga soo tuuray. Diyaaradan ayaa ahayd mid siday injineero kasoo jeeda dalalka Ruushka iyo Belaruus kuwaasi oo u yimid magaalada Muqdisho in ay sameeyaan dayactir diyaarad horey ugu gubatay magaalada Muqdisho, diyaaradaasi hore oo ahayd tii keentay Muqdisho qalab ay lahaayeen ciidamada Ugandha. Diyaaradan danbe ee siday injineerada ayaa maanta duhurnimadii ka duushay Airporka Muqdisho, balse waxyar kadib ayey diyaaradu dhulka kusoo dhacday, ayadoo qaar kamid ah dadkii arkay qaraxa diyaarada ay sheegeen in diyaarada oo dab ka holcayo ay dhulka ku dhacday ayadoo halkaasi qaraxyo kale ka dhaceen. Ugu yaraan 11 ruux ayaa saarnaa diyaarada sida ay sheegeen Ciidamada Ugandha ee gacanta ku haya Airporka Muqdisho, kuwaasi oo sheegay in ay hada baaritaan wadaan. Waa diyaaradii ugu horeysay oo kusoo dhacda dalka Soomaaliya tan iyo intuu dhacay dagaalkii sokeeye. Diyaaradan ayaa la rumeysan yahay inuu haleelay gantaal dhulka laga tuuray, xili ay xaaware hoose uga duuleysay Airporka. Wixii war ah oo kusoo kordha dhacdadan kala soco
  10. It surely does and the government is committed but there's a cease-fire now. Negotiations will have to proceed inshallah. That is the only way, to stop the exodus, mass fleeing and the many death tolls we have seen lately. The approach was a bit too heavy-handed and the government has to realise, that if it continued many people would have lost their lives because the fighting took place in a heavy populated area of Mogadishu. Let's give talks one more chance inshallah. It is the clan movement who wanted to start negotiations with the government, they literally begged the Etiopians to intervene and the Ethio's don't want to lose lives unnecessary. The government would go it alone but when the fighting took place the Ethio's intervened and stopped it. Negotiations will follow but what will the clan movement bring on the table? Something viable for a compromise to be reached me as Sakahr would like to think? So it could be time delying tactics or because they have run out of munition but let's see inshallah. The Ethio's don't have the heart nor willingness to see a fight in a large urban and crowded district such as South Mogadishu before they leave. They don't want to have a business or stake in the politics and internal affairs of our country because if they allow the war to continue it will have ramifications for them and they don't want to be dragged into a war, in which they don't have an objective, simple as that. Certainly they won't help the government to subjugate their rivals that easily because if they do, then who will keep up the opposition? The Ethiopians are looking only after their own interests and that is to keep the status quo and see Somalis fight and engage in clan conflicts without any hope of resolution or one party over coming the other. The Ethio's want to fight Al-Qaeda linked folks and the opposition groups that bother their own regimes rule but they don't want to engage in something else. The government played hard to depict this people as some kind of left over or remnants of the Islamic courts or Al-Qaida sympathisers, which they clearly are not. The clan movement has managed to polarise the whole situation and to a certain degree make this into some kind of clan thing, which by the way it is not. This folks have an interest but that interest is disguised and portrayed as defending a clans freedom and saving them from slavery or domination from another clan etc. Only a tiny group they managed to convert to their belief but with their private broadcasters, their media outlets and economical power, they managed to make quite a bit of noise. The government is hindered by Ethiopia to make the necessary moves they want and without their approval or consent, the TFG cannot go alone to war because Ethiopia doesn't want to be drawn into such war except it is to hunt sympathiers of Al-Qaida and opposition groups that are against their regime. So that helped I think. Sakhar.
  11. Already speculations come out, that this plane might have been an Algerian military plane, which had engineers on it, who were attempting to fix the old plane that was hit a couple of days ago. They flew from Mogadishu 17:00 local time and subsequent flying at low height they were hit by a something, a rocket maybe, which made it crush down on North Mogadishu, Kaaraan area and its outskirts particularily Galgalato. It is believed the crew and the engineers inside all died. On the other hand, the plane was completely destroyed and people died in their houses as the plane came down crushing on top of those houses in Kaaraan area. Well that is a quick flash from my part. We shall wait for further news and confirmation of it inshallah. Sakhar. Ps. It is also said, that the plane had brought equipment and logistics for the Amisom troops.
  12. Inshallaah walaal Paragon. This war will not continue, mark my words.
  13. Two questions arise from this. First who was on it and second what caused the crash?
  14. Wlc back Paragon first of all. You sure have been missed. Your return, the timing that is, couldn't have been more convenient for you. Anyhow the cease-fire is on walaal. It has not been breached and all the areas, that were in flames the last two days are quiet except for Kulliyadda Tababarka Ciidamda ee Jaale Siyaad iyo Agagaarka Ex-Gaashandhigga in which there was heavy fighting on wednesday, when all this latest skirmishes kicked off. Xaafadaha Jamhuuriya iyo Juungal ee Yaqshiid, Agagaarka Fagax, Huriwaa, Suuqa Xoolaha, Agagaarka Hotel Gurgurte iyo Hotel Ramadan where all the heavy fightings took place are all quiet today. This war will not continue, write it down somewhere Paragon. There will be no war on Saturday, which is tommorrow and if there's a war on the magtitude of the wars of the last two days, then you can call me any name you wish. What happened today was nothing more than something that arose from politics and the ramifications is something you will not understand, so I shall leave it at that inshallah. Sakhar.
  15. The ceasefire anounced late yesterday evening and early this morning is holding so far. No fightings were reported and it seems both parties are readying themselves to engage in talks. But what is there to talk about? I want the fighting to stop but can the government compromise of letting south Mogadishu get away with not disarming and for the mortars to continue as the anti-government lot have their strongholds there. Anyhow talks have to resume and the self-appointed clan elders of Mogadishu are beggint the ethios to take them to the President so that they can negotiate. They desperately want the clashes to be stopped. Let the fighting stop and find solutions and options to this latest dilemma but for some kind of reason I cannot see the clans that are involved in the uprising bringing something viable or realistic to the negotiating table. What will the government and its troops do? The Ethiopians are already going in between the government troops and the clans that are fighting them. Ethiopians as negotiaters and mediators between the government and the clans that don't want peace is already taking place but how long can this continue. The stand off that is. If there are no solutions and I can't see any because both the government and the clan fighters will not find a common middle ground. The government is unlikey to give in to the demands of the clan fighters, so what will the clan fighters do? Alright, the solution is let's just sit, stop the fighting and forget about what happened but the animosity is already very high and it will only get worse if there's no solution. The government cannot bullied for its troops to be dismantled. How long did it take them to train, arm and deploy them to fulfill their national duties and tasks? Surely the government cannot start another recruiting initiative. This is a serious issue and I don't know if there's a solution or a middle way. The group lead by Ahmad Diiriye wants one section of the army operating in Mogadishu to be removed from the capital city. Is that a viable option? What in return will they give? A mere promise that they will remove their local clan militias? Not enough I say. The subclan intifida is clearly one against the leadership of the government and that's why they're going to continue to resist to disarm and work with the government. So what are the solutions? Mass exodus from Mogadishu, the intensification of the clan war in Mogadishu that will eventually engulf all of Somalia? So far the ceasefire sticks and the people behind the clan intifada need to come and sit with the government and negotiate and I hear that is what they want to do. Inshallah, this will come to an end and an agreement will be reached because if it is not it could be very damaging for both the government and the clan fighters. I hope and I'm certain that another disasters can be prevented because if this continues (I have great hopes that it will not) then a great humanitarian crises will strike, so let negotiations resume and the talks begin but I'm not very optimistic that a common middle ground can be reached without the government or the subclan engaged in the latest fighting compromising and I hope one will eventually see it fit, to save it's citizens from the possible harm of continuation of war and therefore give in to the demands of the other. However the frame work of the government should be respected.
  16. ^Brother Pi, you're right but let's hope that this ceasefire sticks anyway otherwise the alternative would be a humanitarian disaster. The government is patient and the Ugaas, Ahmad Diiriye and Dr. Culusow with their aligned clans (mainly one clan) together with their ina Salaad Boy have to realise, that they have to work with the government and either accept the rule of law or eject it completely and say 'We don't want any government'. The reason being, that they are protecting and giving sanctuary to man, that rain mortars on innocent civilians and in their clan areas, the attacks are coordinated and planned but they don't want to stop it nor do they want to disarm. So what gives? Is the government going to allow a parallel force to exist within their rule. Are they going to allow for South Mogadishu to have one rule whilst the nation has a different? Negotiate but what can you bring on the table? Remove the Puntland troops out of our city and send them back to Puntland? Puntland forces are part and parcel of the TFG's newly recruited army, so why send some of the army home, whilst keeping another? Do they want a clan army for Mogadishu? These are difficult questions to resolve I believe. 'Send one part or element of the National Army back to their regions and everything will become rosy and the mortars will stop' is in my eyes comical. Disarmament is a must and the TFG is not going to share power with a clan movement in Mogadishu, that's why they want to disarm the populace, for law and order to return. What think you nomads?
  17. Rasaas goos goosa oo saaka ka dhacaysa meelo kamida Muqdisho kadib dagaal laba maalmood socday. Magaalada Muqdisho oo maalmihii la soo dhaafay dagaalo qaraari ka dheceen ayaa saaka la maqlayaa dhawaqa rasaas aan sidaasi u badnayn deegaabada huriwaa iyo juungal iyadoo shalay goor gaaban dagaal xoogani dib uga qarxay deegaanka Jamhuuriya kadib markii ciidamada dawladu weerar xoogan ku qaadeen shalay galab halkaasi kadib markii kooxo qaswadayaala fuuleen guryaha dushooda halkaasoo ay rasaas kaga soo ridayeen ciidamada dawlada. Dagaalka ayaa iskiis u joogsaday xalay goor dambe iyadoo aysan jirin cid dhexgashay labada dhinac, Ciidamada dawlada ayaa la arkayay saaka iyagoo soo buux dhaafiyay deegaanada Juungal,suuqa xoolaha,jamhuuriya,jidka sodonka ilaa Staduim Muqdisho iyo goobo kale oo farabadan halkaasoo dagaalo soo noqnoqday ka dheceen maalmihii la soo dhaafay. Dhanka kale dagaalada iyo diyaar garowga ka socda muqdisho waxaa gees socda wada hadalo lagu joojinayo colaada kuwaasoo loogu baaqayo madax dhaqameed yada beelaha dagaalada wada inay joojiyaan rabshada hubkana dhigaan iyadoo kulan ay yeesheen saraakiil ka tirsan Ciidamada ethiopia iyo Dawladu iyo odayaal dhaqameedyadaas layskuna afgartay in xabada la joojiyo walow taasi aysan saaka Muqdisho ka muuqan. News Desk.
  18. ^Taako walaal, they felt subjugated and that's why they came out fighting. They will hold a press conference to refute that this war is not based on the courts initiative or 'ideology'. No one from the courts is leading the uprising but this is a qabiil that feels insecurities and deep fear. 'We don't want to be enslaved again' was what C/llahi Sheikh Hassan said, the man with the mysterious map. This latest uprising, revolution or intifada is lead by Ahmad Diiriye, Dr. Culusow, C/llahi Sheikh Hassan (in name only, he aligned himself out of caadifad) and the man that 'speaks' for the clan, the clan spokesman Ahmad Diiriye.
  19. Muqdisho: Odayaal kasoo jeeda beelaha Moqadisho qaarkood iyo saraakiisha Itoobiya oo wada gaaray heshiis xabad joojin ah. 23. Mar 2007 APL Muqdisho(AllPuntland)-Odayaal ka soo jeeda beelo ka tirsan Moqadisho ayaa shalay waxaa ay kulan la yeesheen saraakiisha ciidamada Itoobiya ee ku sugan magaalada Muqdisho iyagoo ka wada hadlay sidii loo joojin lahaa dagaalada ka socda magaalada Muqdisho. Kulankan oo aysan u dhameyn beelaha Moqadisho ayaa waxaa looga hadlay sidii dagaalada u dhaxeeya ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa Itoobiya oo dhinac ah iyo kooxo kasoo horjeeda dowladda la isla gartay in loo howlgalo sidii loo joojin lahaa dagaalada isla markaana wixii khilaaf ah lagu dhameyn lahaa wada hadal. Waxgaradkii ka qeybgalay kulankaasi ayaa sheegay in la isla gartay in xabada la joojiyo lana kala qaado ciidamada maanta wixii kale ee wada hadalna dib la isugu soo laabanayo kulan danbe oo Muqdisho ka dhacaya. Odayaashii kulankan ka soo qeybgalay ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa Ugaas Cabdi Daahir iyo Nabadoon Maxamed Ibraahim Aadan, waxayna balan qaadeen odayaal dhaqameedyadaas in ay qaadaan ciidamada kasoo horjeeda dowladda. Odayaal dhaqameedyadan oo sheegtay in madalaan beelaha Moqadisho ayaa waxaa taas dhaliilsan beesha Cali Mahdi oo shalay shir isugu yimid Hotelka Global ku sheegeen in beesha Cali Mahdi aysan marna ku fikir aheyn wax ay ku sheegeen kooxo dano gaar ah leh oo magaca beelaha Moqadisho sheeganaya. Waxaana maanta la sugayaa dhaqan galka heshiiska ay wada gaareen Odayaal dhaqameedyada iyo saraakiisha ciidamada Itoobiya qaabka uu u dhaqan galo. Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali AllPuntland, Muqdisho
  20. Traditional Elders from a the clans of Mogadishu reached a comprehensive ceasefire with the Ethiopian commanders yesterday. Both parties agreed to stop the fighting from today and that there should be no continuation of the fight. Hence the hostilities have be ceased completely today. Traditional elders asked for the government troops to be removed from their areas and in turn they promised to remove their clan militias. Ethiopians promised that they would do that and urged the party represented by the Traditional elders to come to the negotiating table and engage in talks to voice their grievances. Traditional elders said that they're not Al-Qaida but a clan, which is against how the President of Somalia conducts affairs in Somalia. They said, that the Etiopians had a duty to bring peace to the capital and that they would work with them but that they would rather die, then to go with the initiatives followed by the President of Somalia. The traditional elders said that they're not the courts or an islamic movement but a clan movement, which is not against Ethiopia per se but against the 'foul' agendas of the President of Somalia, that's why they asked Ethiopia to stay neutral and not side with the President or favour him over the clans resident in Mogadishu. The Etiopians again said that they're only hunting down terrorists and that they should come to the negotiating table and tell the government, on the aspects they oppose it on and the grievances they have against the President and the Somali government. So far the ceasefire is holding and it is anticipated that both parties will eventually reach some solutions, that will make them compromise and pass through this difficult time. The clan elders of Mogadishu want insurances and they're skeptical about the Presidents conducts and sinsiter motives and that's what they voiced to the Ethiopians their grievances and that they as a occupying power should not favour certain parties but deal with them in a just and neutral way. All the insurances will be provided and possibly some deal will be reached and it is expected for the government to conduct their business in that fashion, however security is a must and the mortar throwers have to be either stopped by their clans or otherwise the government should not be stopped from going and hunting down, the people who throw mortars at heavy populated areas claiming to strike and attack the government bases in Mogadishu and that's something the elders in Mogadishu have to address in my opinion as Sakhahr. Anyhow I hope a compromise will be reached and I'm certain that a comprehensive deal will be reached a peace will commence from the talks, because the alternative would be a disaster. Sakhar.
  21. roobleh you can actually quote me on what you’re implying, that is of course if I have said it, but that is not actually what I’ve said. I said Allah created human beings perfect. He has given us a perfect intellect, good judgement, eyes to see and ears to hear and he also provided us with a pure, innate and perfect nature that can and will not change. Furthermore Allah has created man by breathing into him of His own Spirit. Our creation is perfect and our natural inclination pure, however we as man have got one weakness and that is, that our fitrah or human nature or natural predisposition is malleable although it can never be changed. There are factors and elements, which influence human nature, and in some severe cases, that pure human nature can be diverged or alienated from but it can never be changed. Those factors and elements include our nafs, the devil and socialization processes, particularly the home environment. That’s why it can be, that sometimes whole generations or people get alienated from the pure and perfect fitrah, that’s why as a sign of mercy from god to his creation and in order to remind them, he sends forth prophets to get rid and eradicate completely all those factors and elements, so that the human fitrah is re-established in its original form without the presence of any intruding factors or external influences that alienate from it. Of course without the presence of these influences which human beings are prone to be influenced by, that generation, people or person would have recognised their lord instinctively, that is if there were no such factors, human nature would take its course and this people or person would worship Allah as ordained by him and therefore they would do the good and abstain from the bad, really simple. I hope that clarification helped you. I also have two other posts in the previous page where I talk about the human fitrah and I kindly would ask you to read it carefully. Finally I’d like to inform you that, there will be no prophets after our Prophet Muhammed bin Abdullah peace be upon him, as Allahs religion is complete and which can be affirmed from the verse in suurah Al-Maidah: ‘This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.’ Indeed Allah’s religion is complete and he has chosen Islam for us, that’s why there will be no revelation or prophets send to the people after the seal of the Prophets Muhammed bin Abdullah bin Abdul Mutallib (Shaibah) peace and blessings be upon his noble soul and his family and companions. Ameen. To summit up for you and ease you from your confusion, I would conclude with this: ‘Human beings according to the Qur’an and to the Prophet are born in a natural state of purity or fitrah, that is, Islam or submission to the will and law of God. Whatever becomes of man after their birth is the result of external influences and intruding factors. Human nature is in fact malleable. It is the socialization process, particularly the home environment that is crucial. It plays a crucial and decisive role in the formation of human personality and the development of moral character. This does not deny to the individual the freedom of choice or exempts him from responsibility. Rather, it is a relief from the heavy burden of instinctual sin.
  22. P.SS. I’m happy now that the haters of Islam who try to undermine Islam at every opportunity and junction such as Cara and JB, who are not Muslims, have no sided and decided to join, aid and come out in support of the fallacious and absurd beliefs expressed here by some Muslims (Cara and JB have come out in support of the astray gone Ngonge, in order to extinguish the light of Allah, although to no avail and they have come out to support falsehood against righteousness because the devil appealed to them to come out in support of the fallacious, absurd and blasphemous beliefs and attributions ascribed to Allah in here. The bad attract the bad and goodness attracts goodness). Apart from Xiin ( who doesn’t agree with the fallacious beliefs some nomads expressed in here) and a few other misguided ones, who have their own agenda, no other respectable Muslim dared to engage themselves with the absurd and fallacious beliefs held here by some nomads and which has been utterly and totally defeated and destroyed by me, let alone did they come in support or aid of it. Al-hamdulillaah, praise be to Allah I say. The other thing, the nomads whose question I have not answered have to know, that I answered their questions and I kindly remind them to check out the previous pages inshallah. My duty has been done and I’m sure that I’ve refuted and destroyed all the fallacious beliefs held here by some Muslims and I’d kindly remind the gallery that everything I said is on record and for me to continue with the discussion would only devalue the good work I’ve done. I cannot make the blind see but I’ve fulfilled my duty and stated the truth. Now it is upon everyone to either reject the truth or to accept it in their heart and pray for forgiveness if they believed something contradictory to that in the first place. If one has been shown the truth and they decide to turn their shoulder on it, then it is not my business but between them and their creator. My task was only to refute the wrong believes held and then to correct and refute them but I cannot make the blind see or make them accept the truth in their heart, only Allah the exalted can do that. However I ask for forgiveness for them and I hope that they eventually will come to their senses and see the ultimate truth. To the disbelievers (JB and Cara) who are denying and undermining their own human natural inclination and predisposition, I would like to say ‘fear Allah’ and consult your intellect and look around yourself and look deep in your heart and question yourself about the beauty Allah has given you and how ungrateful you’re to him. I urge you to go with your natural inclination and to add to your already existent natural ability to recognise your true god and creator to also add knowledge about the shariicah inshallah. Give up all your preconceptions, prejudice and biased you may have against Islam and study independently, the sources of the shariicah, by reading a authorised translation of the holy Quraan that is if you cannot understand Arabic and see it for yourself what it conveys inshallah. No intelligent person after reading the Quraan with no preconceptions and any biased will turn away from it nor will they be able to deny that fact that the Quran is the literal word of god and therefore they will not fail to affirm the kalimah and shahaada of Allah being their creator and lord that is if they have any intelligence and do not turn away from the truth arrogantly. Allah created the Alameen (all the worlds) and thus you should worship him for your own salvation inshallah. Allah guides to the right path whomever he wills and he also lets astray whomever he wills. May Allah forgive all our wrongdoings and accept our repentance inshallah as we clearly need him, but he does not certainly need us. Wabillah towfiiq,
  23. Inshallah I shall not, further continue with the discussion because I believe that I defended my lords and religions name from the wrong attributions and falsehood ascribed by the fallacious beliefs and blasphemous absurdities expressed in here in the best of my ability and very successful. I believe that I’ve stated the truth more than once and for me to actually continue, would only devalue the good work I’ve done. The facts are here and everyone can read them inshallah and the truth is now distinguishable from the falsehood. However I cannot make the blind see nor can I make them understand. Everything I said is on record and freely accessible to all the people who want to read it. I shall ask Allah to be my witness inshallah, that I’ve conveyed the truth and refuted the falsehood. Oh Allah be my witness. I told them how it is and the truth. I’d like to tell the brothers and sisters in here that they should not get their beliefs and knowledge from secondary sources but that they should actively seek knowledge from primary sources ( if you can’t find answers to particular questions, then ask the righetous culumaa’uddin of this religion) and study the religion, because it is a religions requirement to do so. It is really important to correct ones aqeedah and I hope you do that. I would like to conclude with: ‘Everything good I said is from Allah and everything wrong I said cannot be attributed to Allah but it is from my own nafs and the influence of Al-Shaydaan. The truth is now distinguishable from the falsehood and I hope that you’re now able to make that distinction inshallah after you have read my arguments and proofs I provided in this thread. May Allah forgive you and me and guide us all to the right path. Ameen inshallah.
  24. Allah did not create human beings because he wanted them to sin. Sinning or committing acts of sins is therefore not part of the human fitrah because Allah created all human beings in a state of natural purity as Allah already said in his noble and exalted book. All human beings, including you and me, swore and vowed in front of Allah that he is our only god, creator and lord when he assembled all of the children of Adam to bear witness to that reality. Therefore our fitrah or natural inclination allows us, to instinctively and naturally recognise our creator and thus differentiate between right and wrong. The only reason why some of us diverge from that instinctive and natural inclination and predisposition is because of our own nafs, the influence of the shaydaan and the negative circumstances that we’re surrounded by and without those influences and elements, we would be following our natural instincts and inclinations and thus worship our lord accordingly and abstain from the things that he prohibited from us and enjoy the things he permitted us. Therefore I will repeat and tell you one more time Cara, that sinning is not part of the human fitrah and therefore not something inborn, innate, natural or part of the human fitrah as you would like to think. Our prophet Muhammed peace be upon him said, that every child is born in a state of natural purity and thus has the human fitrah instilled in him, which instinctively makes him recognise his creator and worship him accordingly and follow the natural predisposition Allah has intended for human beings, which means he would naturally abstain from all the things Allah has prohibited from his creation and which go against the natural inclination and predisposition Allah has instilled in all of his creation. Our prophet said that the reason to why some diverge or alienate from the fitrah is because of their surroundings and parents and I shall quote the hadith inshallah: ‘Every new-born child is born in a state of fitrah. Then his parents make him a Jew, a Christian or a Magian, just as an animal is born intact. Do you observe any among them that are maimed (at birth)?’ ‘The concept of fitrah as original goodness does not merely connote a passive receptivity to good and right action, but an active inclination and a natural innate predisposition to know Allâh, to submit to Him and to do right. This is man’s natural tendency in the absence of contrary factors. Although all children are born in a state of fitrah, the influence of the environment is decisive as can be seen from the hadith above. The parents may influence the religion of the child by making him a Christian, Jew or Magian. If there are no adverse influences, then the child will continuously manifest his fitrah as his true nature.’ The human fitrah is something innate and universally recognisable although some may alienate and diverge from that fitrah by committing acts of sins and disbelief in their creator but that fitrah cannot be changed nor contaminated. However the nafs, shaydaan and negative effects and circumstances can make someone go against that fitrah but that would only be harmful to the transgressor of that fitrah but nobody else. Submission to the human fitrah brings harmony, for it means realisation of what is inherent in one’s true nature and opposition to it brings discord, for it means realisation of what is extraneous to one’s true nature.’ Aisha Ummul mumineen Allah may pleased with her narrated on the authority of our Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him: "Ten are the practices of fitrah: clipping the mustache, letting the beard grow, using the tooth-stick (siwaak), snuffing water up the nose, cutting the nails, washing the finger joints, plucking the hair under the armpits, shaving the pubic hairs and cleaning one's private parts with water." The narrator said: 'I have forgotten the tenth, but it may have been rinsing the mouth.' So the fitrah of Allah cannot be changed and I hope that you get to realise, that sinning or the act of committing sins is not part of the human fitrah and thus you erred and I would encourage you, to not confuse your ‘Christian or Atheist’ heritage and belief with the beliefs of my religion. (Cara is not a muslim, for those that don’t know). The other thing you raised in order to come to rescue to Ngonge, I shall advice you that I have dealt with that issue already in my previous posts and you can find out what I said from my previous posts and your friend has no point whatsoever. Xiin is the crowd pleaser as ever but I don’t mind if you go with the crowd on matters and issues of no importance to your religious beliefs, in order to please the crowd, but not at the expense of your religion Xiinfaniin.
  25. MUQDISHO: Warbixin ku saabsan Madaafiic xalay la isku weydaarsaday Magaalada Muqdsiho iyo khasaarihii ay geysteen. Posted to the Web Mar 20, 07:18 Muqdisho (PP) – Weerarro madaafiic ah oo xalay ay isku weydaarsadeen Muqdisho kooxo aan la garanayn iyo sidoo kale ciidammada Dowladda iyo kuwa Ethiopia ayaa sababay geerida ugu yaraan 4-ruux inta la hubo iyo dhaawaca in ku dhow 15-ruux oo kale. Kooxo aan la garanayn balse la sheegay inay yihiin kuwo kacdoon ka wada Muqdisho ayaa waxay madaafiic dhowr ah oo nooca hoobiyaha loo yaqaan ah la beegsadeen Dekedda weyn ee Muqdisho oo xilligaas ay ka socotay dajinta Qalabka Milateriga ee ay leeyiin Ciidammada Uganda. Madaafiicdaan ayaa waxay sababeen sida Afhayeenka ciidammada AMISOM Captain Paddy Akunda uu u sheegay saxaafadda in dhaawacyo ay ka soo gaareen madaafiicdaas laba cunug oo xilliga madaafiicdu dhacaysay ku sugnaa bannaanka Dekedda weyn ee Muqdisho. Dhaawacyada labadaas cunug ayuu sheegay in dhaqaatiirta AMISOM ay ku daweynayaan gudaha Dekedda weyn ee Muqdisho, wuxuuna dhanka kale uu sheegay inaysan jirin ciidammadooda cid kaga dhaawacantay qaraxyadii xalay oo qaarkood uu sheegay inay ku dhaceen bannaanka Dekedda. “Ma jiraan madaafiic ku dhacday dekedda dhexdeeda, balse qorshaha sidaas ayuu ahaa, waxaana dhaawacmay oo qura laba cunug oo hadda lagu daweynayo isbitaal ku yaalla dekedda dhexdeeda, waxaana weerarradii xalay ay ahaayeen kuwo la qorsheeyay” ayuu yiri Captain Paddy Akunda. Madaafiicdii xalay lala beegsaday Dekedda ayaa waxay ahaayeen tiro gaaraysa 14-madfac, waxaana qaarkood ay ku dhaceen xaafadda Xamar-jajab oo la sheegay inay ku dhinteen Haweeney Uur leh oo lagu magacabi jiray Xamdi, Gabar ay dhashay iyo hooyadii iyada dhashay, waxaana tani ay cabsi weyn ku keentay dadka deegaanka. Dhanka kale isla qoyskaas waxaa ka dhaawacmay gabar yar oo 1-sano jir ahayd oo xilliga uu dhaawucu gaarayay ku jirtay dhabta hooyadeed, dadka xaafadda ayaa u sheegay Puntlandpost in arrintaas ay aad uga naxeen, ayna ka codsanayaan kooxaha wada weerarrada ka dhanka ah Ciidammada Dowladda ay siyaabo kale dagaalkooda u badalaan balse ay madaafiicda joojiyaan. Madaafiic ka yimid dhanka Ciidammada Dowladda iyo kuwa Ethiopia oo Jawaab u ahaa hoobiyeyaashii lala beegsaday Dekedda weyn ee Muqdisho oo ku dhacay qaybo ka tirsan Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxay sababeen dhaawaca dad fara badan, iyadoo sidoo kalena sababy geerida hal qof oo meel ku dhow uu ku dhacay Madfac. Weerarkii xalay lagu qaaday Dekedda weyn ee Muqdisho ayaa wuxuu noqonayaan kii 8-aad ee ay kooxaha kacdoonka wada ku qaadaan Dekedda tan iyo intii ay dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya la wareegtay gacan ku haynta Dekedda weyn ee Muqdisho oo haatan si caadi ah u shaqeynaysa wixii ka dambeeyay Maxkamadaha.