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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. The time is right and you should give in to the demands of not attacking the governement and stop the baseless 'insurgent actitivities' in the capital, they won't lead to anything but further hostilities and killing. You will not attack the government and I will let you live peacefully in Southern Mogadishu, deal? Take it my friend, take it. It is important for both of us otherwise I fear a disaster happening. Anyhow I appeal to the clan militias, warlords, criminal elements from the business community and the ordinary thug on the streets of southern Mogadishu together with the terrorists and the people that protect this terrorists, the above mentioned criminals to stop the fighting immidiately. Attacking the government will not solve our problems and a deal is close. We have to agree to exist peacefully in harmonious co-existence.
  2. Stop the fighting immidiately and put down your weapons and come to the negotiating table and let's work out a solution to our problems. Resisting, war and hiding behind children will not get us anywhere but further destruction. I appeal to your leaders conscious and sense to prevent things from flaring up again by ensuring that there are no more attacks on the government, then eveything will come down and you come to the negotiating table and tell us what you're grieving about and we will provide you with something that will/shall not disappoint you. Think of it Ubaahane. Use your brain. I believe war is not imminent and can be averted and it should be frankly and I believe the time is right to day to announce a comprehensive truce that will stick and that will prevent from things flaring up again. The time is right and you should give in to the demands of not attacking the governement and stop the baseless 'insurgent actitivities' in the capital, they won't lead to anything but further hostilities and killing.
  3. A solution is needed immidiately and I believe if the odays in your part of the city in Southern Mogadishu can gurantee to stop and cease the hostilities then things getting out of hand again can be averted and avoided the best. Stop the fighting immidiately and put down your weapons and come to the negotiating table and let's work out a solution to our problems. Resisting, war and hiding behind children will not get us anywhere but further destruction. I appeal to your leaders conscious and sense to prevent things from flaring up again by ensuring that there are no more attacks on the government, then eveything will come down and you come to the negotiating table and tell us what you're grieving about and we will provide you with something that will/shall not disappoint you. Think of it Ubaahane. Use your brain. I believe war is not imminent and can be averted and it should be frankly and I believe the time is right to day to announce a comprehensive truce that will stick and that will prevent from things flaring up again. The time is right and you should give in to the demands of not attacking the governement and stop the baseless 'insurgent actitivities' in the capital, they won't lead to anything but further hostilities and killing. You will not attack the government and I will let you live peacefully in Southern Mogadishu, deal? Take it my friend, take it. It is important for both of us otherwise I fear a disaster happening. Anyhow I appeal to the clan militias, warlords, criminal elements from the business community and the ordinary thug on the streets of southern Mogadishu together with the terrorists and the people that protect this terrorists, the above mentioned criminals to stop the fighting immidiately. Attacking the government will not solve our problems and a deal is close. We have to agree to exist peacefully in harmonious co-existence. Sxb Ubahane think of it, it is a good suggestion, stop the bloodshed immidiately by putting down the weapons and accepting a truce whereby you agree to never ever attack government institutions again nor our allies the Ethiopians or our friend from the AU Peace mission, the Amisom troops. You agree that you will ensure that no one of your militias will ever dare to attack, the airport, presidential palace, governmental institutions, the port and many more important landmarks in the city. Then a solution can be found, we can discuss but the senseless murderous attacks have to cease, the people have suffered enought let's give it a break an infinite one as we did our share of letting blood, killing and warring. Your mortars kill innocent people anyway and you know it so stop them as they don't serve an objective and on top of that they certainly won't drive out a sophisticated army nor the governmental troops or the government. Think of it, I appeal to the conscious and sense of your clan leaders in South Mogadishu. I will leave you with peace, accept it inshallah. Peace is the only way out. Sakhar.
  4. I believe this is the right moment today to announce a part withdrawal of the Ethiopian and government troops from the areas of South Mogadishu they captured in order to find a lasting solution to our problems and I think and firmly believe that it will happen and that it will be announced very soon. A Ethiopian withdrawal from the city and to the outskirts of Mogadishu is possible and they should stay in designated areas that are important in the cities landmark in order to prevent the anti-government forces of attacking the government but their numbers should be minimal. A face withdrawal out of Mogadishu, then followed by a complete withdrawal should happen in the next couple of weeks to calm down the situation godwillingly for the AU troops that will arrive to take over from the Ethiopians in protecting the peace and fulfilling their humanitarian mission. However South Mogadishu residents and their leaders have to realise, that war does not solve anything and that they're obliged to seek a political resolution to the problem and at the same time to stop the fighting immidiately. No more attacks on government bases, officials and representatives or any other attack for that matter. They have to concede on that point and if they're able to stop the attacks on the government, sit with the government to sovle out the differences they have with it, then a final political solutions and peace can be found, however the question will be, are they going to stop the attacks on the government which triggered in the first place, the strategy devised by the government of Somalia to strengthen the security by emarking on a forceful disarmament programme? I hope they are and as it seems of now, the daily attacks on the government have stopped, the mortars that is but still there are local assasination attempts but that I believe cannot be linked to trigger anything major especially if the official is only a local high ranking city representative. However we need peace and to come to a senseful agreement which will create a peaceful environment for all of us to have a dialogue in and a lasting reconciliation in order to resolve our problems and rebuilt our country which we ignored for the past two decades. I wish Somalia a new awaking and a happy and peaceful future inshallah. Sakhar.
  5. Fiqikhayre

    The Plan

    Inshallah now I have corrected the minor mistakes in my proposal and you can now read it and challenge me onto it as I stand by it 100%. This is my ultimate version and the previous one you read was not, so now this is the final one inshallah and no corrections or editing will be made to it. Sakhar.
  6. Fiqikhayre

    The Plan

    Baashi, the legitimacy of the TFG is not at question here however I shall propose nevertheless ‘mine’ or the governments conditions for sharing power with grieving clan that has lost it’s political voice and now tries to use violence and the name of the H-clan in vain to get their political voice back and to participate in the political process, which they feel ’left out’ from because of their backing of the wrong horse initially and siding therefore with the ‘losing’ side. I propose: 1. The sub-clan allowing for the government to disarm them fully as they lost the war. 2. The sub-clan has to come in terms with, that their brethren of North Mogadishu are now in the driving seat in both of national and regional affairs because the sub-clan of Ali Mahdi and Prime minister Gheedi supported the TFG from its inception and is still supporting it. 3. The sub clan has to accept, that this time sadly they have lost out and therefore they can only sit back and await the coming national elections expected to be held in around 2009 inshallah. Therefore they have to accept the political reality on the ground and accept the current status quo and the ministerial posts allocated to them which is more than enough. The Prime Minister position will not be vacated for them and thus they have to accept to play their role as now their brethren the residents of North Mogadishu have now the upper-hand and are dominating the political process and landscape both in national and regional terms. The other thing is that their brethren from Cadaado have also the Interior Minister and also the brothers from Gelinsoor and Galkacyo are very much cared for. The boys from Guriceel with their allies have sadly to agree to that reality. 4. The extremist elements who are waging now a futile war from urban areas and who never ever brought anything good to society apart from further bloodshed together with their foreigners, who they share the same ideology with based on killing only and stubbornness have now vacated the city and this elements will not and cannot be talked to. Their extremism will not allow them to talk or negotiate with anyone so the best is to isolate them and they have been because they have vacated the city now. I view them as a minority because the most fighting is done and financed by the 'clan' and if they don't allow shelter than they're defeated. 5. The moderate elements of the ICU camp can and should be brought into the political process however and that I would very much welcome. This group best represents the agendas pursued by the misguided ‘would be jihadists’ and the ‘clan warriors fighting for a political voice and inclusion into the current political process. They need to be condemned the people who are hehind the clan intifada that is, because they’re bargaining for a political voice and inclusion into the political process by actually fighting an merciless and brutal urban battle and warfare on top of their own people, who they pretend to represent their interests although they only represent the interests of a small elitist group from among that clan, that lost their political dominance, business monopoly and vital control over Mogadishu and Benadir district at large to their brethren in North Mogadishu plus add that on a national level they’re also represented by their brethren, that in itself brings real anger and frustration to the sub-clan behind the intifada. Furthermore apart from business monopoly, lost of control of Mogadishu (Benadir) and lost of a political voice and being not included into the current political process and to add injury, their looted property is in danger as well at the proposed regional reconciliation conference which they want to prevent from happening plus add that the hated clan which they thought they had liberated themselves from are now as well on ‘top’ and their subsequent fear of them being ruled upon in their own ‘living room and house’ and also being made some kind of ‘second class citizen’ again. However their hopes are unfounded and they themselves now it, but what they’re fighting for (the said sub clan that is) is that they want to get back their political voice, business monopoly and a say in Mogadishu and national affairs. They want the PM position but that will not happen, whatever they do, even if they start another war. The reason being that whilst others backed the winning horse, they were leading and supporting the ‘wrong horse that ultimately lost out’ and now they have to accept and deal with the consequences. So no PM position, no nothing for that sub-clan and they have and will be disarmed if not willingly/voluntarily than unwillingly and by force inshallah. The Guriceel sub-clan that is. This is the sub-clan that is grieving and that is shouting out the name of the H-clan in vain in order to protect their own interests. The moderates of the ICU whoever they might be must and should be included into the government in order to create an inclusive and broad based government that appeals to all of us inshallah. As for the extremist elements, well what can I say?
  7. So I propose the following: 1. The extremists minority have left and vacated the areas where they fighting took place and I believe that they did not have any other choice but to vacate the city and they wouldn't have been talked to anyway as they wouldn't accept any talks and negotiations by themselves. They inflicted great harm on the people by their stubbornness and extremism and their immoral fighting amongst civilians and in civilian populated areas. They're out of the window. This people can never bring about a real Islamic revolution as they're truly misguided. Anyhow they were a minority anyway and together with their 'foreign friends' they left and vacated a couple days ago. 2. The moderates and their elements were and are being welcomed and they should be talked to but they're in a minority anyway. 3. The vast majority who is the subclan and the clan movement who are behind this 'clan intifada' need to be brought in to the political process for their own good and the nations good but how do we do that? First of all this people and their leaders, the clan warriors need to be condemned because they're using their own people as some kind of political bargaining in the disguise of 'forcing out the Ethiopian invaders who came to us to occupy our country'. They're after a political voice, that will give them some muscle's in order to participate in the political process, which they lost when they sided and backed the wrong horse, which sadly lost and their brethren the residents of North Mogadishu (Gheedi’s and Mahdi’s sub-clan) are now in a good position both on national and regional level to dominate the agenda of the political process and what goes on both nationally and regionally which very much angers the sub-clan behind the 'clan intifada'. So will giving them the prime minister position solve the problem? Yes and No I believe, Yes because I can only hope that the residents of North Mogadishu see the wisdom behind this move (I know it's silly thing to say) but somehow they have to accept it and won't make life to difficult for the government, which they supported and invested into so much. But I doubt it and I would find it a extremely unwise move (I know live isn't fair and it would sound naive for me to say I find it totally unfair but I will say and add that 'I would find it a unfair move as well). The No parts stems directly from the Yes, in which I only reiterated my 'hope' that the sub-clan of North Mogadishu (Ali Mahdi's and Gheedi's clan) will accept their demotion of what they invested and worked so hard for. But that is only a hope and I see that not happening. Conclusion: So I see no way out except of course, the sub-clan behind the clan intifada accepts a 'minor role' and consolation as some kind force that leads regional affairs but again I would find that extremely unlikely as well and the residents of North Mogadishu (Ali Mahdi's and Gheedi's clan would not accept it either I believe) so what is the solution? Force is never a solution but I believe for the good of the city, region and country the 'invaders' from the central region have to be disarmed and accept the political reality on the ground and accept the defeat and reality that, their backed horse lost and therefore they have only themselves to play, when they feel subjugated and when they feel that they lost their business monopoly and a say in both regional and national politics. At least until next time, when elections will be held inshallah and then they can challenge for national and regional political dominance but they have to accept that others have invested now in the TFG and that they now have the monopoly because they backed the TFG, the winners whilst they backed their local sub-clan based court system/movement. So the residents and people of North Mogadishu are in the driving seat both on National and regional affairs and there's nothing there can be done about until 2009 when fresh elections are scheduled inshallah. That's my conclusion and Sakhar is always real and always tells how it is. If I would reveal too much, this site wouldn’t function properly anymore so I will leave it at that. Sakhar.
  8. This people are not fighting a real cause as we can now see that a local sub-clan movement has emerged from the local based clan court movements after all the ICU was a local clan based court system and the new sub-clan movement existed before and now that sub-clan is expressing it's grievances that they felt left out of the new political reality and process on the ground because they backed the wrong horse in the first place and now they shout the H-clan name in vain because they know they have lost all their powers and that now their brethren in North Mogadishu suburbs such as Kaaraan and Madina have now the upperhand as they supported the TFG from its interception when Cali Maxamed Gheedi was made Prime minister of Somalia. Baashi was right to see this as a political power struggle of who controls Benadir add to the ingredient that the clan movement is rivaling their fellow clan brethren, who themselves now think, the city of Mogadishu has finally fallen into their hands because they think of themselves as the original owners of that city. I'm talking about the Karaan, Shibis and Madina districts clans plus other historical rivalries the clans who are behind this new clan intifada now, the former advocators for the clan courts had with their so-called 'enemies' the D-Clan, who they thought they had liberated themselves from their rule along time ago and now they're thinking 'was that all for vain, all the years of struggling'? Combine that to what I said earlier the so much talked about 'lootings', which they want to protect but they would give up the 'loot' and return it to their proper and rightful owners but they want guarantees, that they will not lose power over Benadir district or Mogadishu at large and that is their biggest fear by far. The clan intifada that is now being played out is intended for all those purposes and it focuses on how the clan can get a bigger voice in the political process and power struggle over Mogadishu, Benadir and Somalia at large because they lost their voice, when they were defeated and now they feel that they are being further subjugated by being asked to fully disarm without being given anything in return and that's why they are pursuing forceful settlement by actually taking 'the clans share of political power' by force. This hostilities however would ironically stop and cease, the day, the Premier would change and one of their choosing would become the new Prime Minister however that move would in turn make the peaceful and pro-government residents of North Mogadishu start opposing the government and fight in their districts because they would now themselves feel betrayed, used and subjugated and that they are now the 'target' and that they're losing the grip on the city which they historically dominated as they view that clan, that is now fighting the government as invaders from the central regions of Somalia. So everyone is fighting for their interests now and I also see now that the clan intifada has ejected the extremist elements out of their midst, which could only be welcomed because the extremists would have never accepted any peace dealings or negotiations because they're extremists, who want to drive out the so-called 'invaders' by force. However their tactics are wrong and were wrong from the start and Al-Qaeda and Khwarij minded folks have never brought anything good to society apart from bloodshed, displacement and killing and their claim to glory and fame is that they fired one mortar from a civilian neighbourhood and that they're fighting in densely populated urban areas, in where they killed 'twelve invaders' at the expense of five hundred innocent lives. They cannot win this war and the longer they fight on, the longer the people will suffer and the nation will bleed, so we need to eject such extremism and futile would-be 'jihadists' from amongst our midst and the sub-clan fighters need to be disarmed willingly or unwillingly and their fight is only to get a political voice, keep their monopoly and domination in terms of business and political power they once enjoyed in Mogadishu and to keep the looted properties and keep alive the 'independency' of the clan from the much hated D-clan who they think came to rule them again in their own backyard and make them a 'second-class citizen' again. That is their fear and the only way to appease them or calm down their fears is a political settlement they could live with, especially a promotion to the Prime minister position or if this fails favourably something which will give them a driving seat in the affairs of Mogadishu and Benadir however this would take them into discourse and disagreement and possible physical fight with their brethren who seem now to have the advantage over both Mogadishu and Benadir affairs as well as national affairs as they hold the PM position.
  9. Our most respected resident and elder has spoken and proposed a very good solution on top of that. Well done Baashi. However I have my doubts, that your well thought over proposal will fall on any ears because the sub-clan movement has other objectives and thus will fall deaf to your advice and recommendation. For them it is an 'appeal to surrender' but in fact it's a proposal for them to change their ways and tactics that will get them no were but further isolated. I believe the government is ready and willing to talk but until now, the elders of that sub clan refused to even engage in talks with the TFG. The other thing is that the radicals and extremists who only know how to kill and wage futile revolutions cannot be talked to because they're not intend for peace. This extremists will not except any negotiations and talks because of the simple fact that they're religious extremists, who have nothing on the sunnah nor do they follow the righteous Salafs but only their misguided ideology of creating futile 'Islamic revolutions' and fighting futile wars, in which they claim 'success' after bombing civilians, setting up road bombs in which again only civilians will get hurt and firing RPG’s from civilian neighbourhoods therefore exposing them (the civilians and their fragile houses) to be subjected to heavy shelling. Is that Islamic? They will be brought in front of Allah to be answerable for their crimes because they brought this on the civilians. Baashi was right when he questioned the tactics used here, what is the logic of vacating the city in the claim of saving lives and protecting the innocent, when in fact, you only moved into specific neighbourhoods to use as a military base where you can launch your ill-prepared 'clan-jihaad' on a legitimate government you acknowledged before, but you now fight because of you claiming that you want to get the 'Ethiopians' out of Somalia, so how do you get them out? You left the town and said you will fight in more strategic and remote areas because you were defeated really badly and you cannot afford to fight a conventional war, that's why you switched to fighting a classic guerrilla war in the intend/pretend that you want to save lives and therefore you vacated the city of millions to prevent fighting a urban war which will only kill many more innocent lives. So, where's the guerrilla war? Non existent, that's why you are now engaged in an urban face to face war in the city of millions which you intended to prevent in order to save lives, where's the logic?
  10. You're a ******** Xoogsade, a man becomes a liar by actually spreading unfound, unverified and wrong lies, that has been spewed by mischief makers. I showed you clearly that this audio is manipulated and very deceitful and words have been taken out of context and voice overs were put on it and other words have been added whilst others have been left out. The audio is 26 seconds long and I know, where they got this audio from and I provided a source for you to check out but clearly you insist in your criminal believe of the deceitful lies created by and other criminal elements intended to destroy our nation. It is indeed very unislamic and I have put things right and into context and if you want to, you can listen to the two tapes, they're both available and everyone can see that yours is a manipulative, devious, lying, deceitful defamatory intended in killing of someones reputation by associating to him what he did not say. You may not agree with the President and I respect that but where we part is when you use actual devious and manipulative lies and very amateurish propaganda, that Xoogsade I cannot and will not allow to pass on. I urge you to abstain and not support a lie because it favours your political stance and it helps to discredit the President of Somalia by creating, what the criminal Qarandiids who are fighting in Mogadishu were using for their Propaganda purposes for, when they vacated their guise for fighting for the religion in exchange of a tribal war. Now the choice is yours and I have the evidence and clear proof that this audio is indeed fake and misleading. That's the President speaking but his words have been taken out of context and things he did not say were incorporated into his speech. Xoogsade you must be really desperate to believe in such a lie, which has been exposed to being a very amateurish made manipulative piece of poor propaganda, that everyone with a bit of intellect can see through. Don't lose any credibility you still had by actually spreading a clear lie that has been proven to be incorrect and misleading otherwise you will become a shameless liar. [ April 03, 2007, 12:30 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  11. Here is the link and what the President actually said. Wallahi this is funny, because Olol's shameless manipulation is very amateurish, you can even hear the positions where he cuts the voices and inserts his own. Wallahi listen very carefully. Walle Soomaali horrey bey u tiri 'Tuug laqabtey talo ma leh'. Enjoy the link inshallah uploaded for you by Sakhar. Indeed you will be able to see with your own eyes and ears the truth and you can actually spot the criminal and shameless manipulation our mischiefious liar Olol has committed. The truth is exposed and Olol's lies are exposed as well. The other thing there was no reference in the original speech and I have to apologie here to the amusing part where the President supposedly said 'There will be a repeat of the events of 92'. I guess the question is what did happen in 92? Clannish thinking of Olol and his lies don't carry any weight and anyone with a little brain and intellect can spot his amateurish lies. Here is the link inshallah: ^^Enjoy the real and original things the President said, which were a reference to Arta government and that the majority of Mogadishu Warlords said 'No' to Arta and vowed to fight it if Arta tried to impose its authority on Mogadishu. Furthermore he said that they have merged their troops in order to oppose Arta goverment, then he concluded by saying 'That the wars in Mogadishu lately (between the warlords and Arta) are a sign that both parties are preparing to fight one another and that 'We shall see who will come out victorious because the Mogadishu Warlords said 'If there's someone who wants to take Mogadishu (Arta Government), then we will see if they are stronger than us and if they can take the city from us' that's a reference to what the Mogadishu warlords said. So there's no reference to a Qabiil, no reference to 90% being in opposition and no reference that the events of 92 will be repeated. What events? Wallahi this Olol dude together with his friends made me really laugh. You can see the amateurish cutting of the voices and the voice overs and the things they actually cut together. There's one voice over and one word which they cut into the audio in order to make their cheap point. Very amateurish. Olol's audio was only for 26 seconds but mine is a bit longer. The reason being because I don't have to hide anything from you.
  12. Shameless manipulating liar and would be propagandist Olol exposed by Sakhar. Hunguri my friend that is the voice and words of the President but the reference to the clan and the 90% and events of 92 reoccuring (I still don't know what happened in that year) is a clear voice over. I told the gallery here, what he really said. He said: 'The majority of Mogadishu Warlords have merged their troops and said 'No Arta government' and that they also vowed to fight Arta, if Arta tried to impose it's rule on Mogadishu. He concluded with: ‘We will see who will win the battle in Mogadishu’. That speech exists but it was changed a little bit (they added a qabiil's name and a reference to 90% being of it in opposition and some event of 92 reoccurring (Still don’t know the event of 92 he’s speaking off) by using a voice over) and the rest has been taken out of context. That speech was given by the President around 2001 in Garoowe, where a huge crowd was listening to his speech. He was then of course the President of Puntland State of Somalia and he had recently returned from a short trip to London. Anyhow Olol the mischief making liar and would be propagandist has been exposed by me and I can provide you with the real source, if you want to. You will be astonished about the manipulation and how they added something and took the rest of his words out of context. You will be really shocked no muslim would do that because it is unlawful in Islaam to do such a thing. But this people really don't care much about our religion and any method to discredit the President and his government is 'lawful' and good in their eyes. Liars have been exposed and there's nothing to argue about. Sakhar.
  13. Well I have made the necessary grammatical correction to my post and I urge you to read it inshallah in order to find out the shameless and immoral tactics and lies our infamous deceitful liar and mischief maker Olol pursuits in here. He has been exposed and it really brings to the fold how low someone can really sink in order to pursue their criminal and unlawful support for criminality. What Lolo did is far from Islam and the moral teachings of human decency and he ought to be never trusted. I will never trust nor believe what this shameless liar brings to the fold in here because in my book 'Once a liar always a liar'. Lying is only one sign of hypocrisy and only hypocrites lie. Olol has lied intentionally my friends and let's see what our friends in SOL say about his activity (we won't even go what Islaam or human decency has to say about this shameful act of deliberate lying of his because that would be even more condemning). Anyhow here it is and I quote my SOL friends: Originally by SOL: You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use Camel Milk Threads to post any material which is knowingly ]qabiil related , false and/or defamatory, inaccurate , abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, advertising without permission, or otherwise violative of any law. Well I will leave my SOL friends to deal with it inshallah.
  14. [***Edited]Olol what a ***********. Wallahi he needs to be exposed for the lies he spreads in here. He's a mischiefious and hate-filled individual and most of you guys fell into his trap. That audio and the the reference to 90% of a certain clan being in opposition and a repeat of what happened in 92 is BS because the reference to 90% and the clan name and the supposed 'events of 92 to be repeated' is a voice over. This is a speech by the President in 2001 during Arta's reign. The President said that the majority of warlords in Mogadishu are against or in opposition to Arta government lead by Ina Salaad Boy. Furthermore he said the Warlords of Muuse Suudi, Qanyare and other Mogadishu warlords have merged their troops to oppose the government of Arta. The President furthermore said that the Mogadishu Warlords have also vowed to fight and oppose Arta government if Arta's government tried to impose its authority on Mogadishu. What shameless ********** behaviour by Olol to take things out of context and represent them in a different light. Wallahi beware of this guy, he has no morals and he is a hate filled individual who spews lies and fabrications based on deceit and manipulation every time he posts his rubbish in here. You have been exposed Olol and you are well known to be a shameless ******* and I hope this thread gets the attention it deserves because you're intentionally misinforming and misleading people in order to create distrust, hatred and mischief in here. He wants to fuel the already heightened situation and that in itself is something that needs to be further exposed. You tried to discredit many lives Olol by spewing and spreading many lies but you have failed my friend. Representing something out of context and lying is indeed a shameful act especially at this heightened times and in this highly respected fora of SOL. You're a shameless ******** maker by person Olol who is hate-filled and I hope SOL takes any appropriate actions to cease your deceitful lies. You have been exposed and caught red handed and for SOL to uphold its integrity and its respect I hope they take all appropriate actions in their hands to condemn your deliberate lie and misinformation in here. He has been exposed as a ********** and hate filled individual who is a mischief maker by nature, who sank really low, very low. His lies and manipulation and misinformation have been highlighted but what will SOL do about it is the question? I think they have a rule about misinforming, misinterpreting and misrepresenting facts and taking them out of context and deliberate lying and manipulation. Do they have such a rule? Olol you have been exposed here my ******* friend and your criminal manipulation and lies have been highlighted here to the gallery. But I guess that is something you do not care about because you're a shameless ********. Sakhar. PS. He never mentioned a Qabiil's name, nor did he ever say 90% of that clan being in opposition nor did he say 'events of 92 will be repeated' (what events I still don't know what happened in that year?), that was a clear voice over. What he said was that the majority of Mogadishu Warlords were in opposition to Arta and that they vowed to fight Arta government of Abdiqassim if they tried to impose their authority on Mogadishu, that's all he said. I'm tired of exposing and doing 'qarxis' on people here. Why does it always have to be Sakhar? [ April 03, 2007, 12:27 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  15. Addeer Wallahi believe me Paragon doesn't deserve your attention. I have outed him many times and as always he cannot take the heat. Laakiin hal wax baan ku sheegayaa walaal wallaahi wuu edeb darran yahay Paragon in edeb loo samayanaa wuu istahilaa laakiin dad bey u taalaa arrintaa oo og ninkaan. Walle iyo bille ninkaan ma istahilo in warkiisa wax laga soo qaado maadaama uu nin iska hadla yahay oo anshaxa ka luntey. So, no engaging him I say. He doesn't deserve anything apart from ridicule.
  16. Samurai walaal, this dude will sadly not rise up to the challenge because I know him. He has nothing to debate you on with nor does he want to debate me. He lacks total conviction and ability to engage anyone of us in a debate. He's a simple brother and I would encourage everyone to leave him alone inshallah. He's simply not honest and sincere enough, he's not for somalinimo because I did 'qarxis' on him, when I outed his beliefs and confessions, which he amusingly doesn't want to own up too. The other thing is that this guy's political outlook is not even islamist. He got his own unique, confused and amusing beliefs and he said many times before that he has actually studied 'politics' lol. Paragon is not someone who could be said that he supports the qarandiid for ideological reasons never because he's not an islamist per se nor does he support them for reasons of somalinimo (as can be seen by the confused concept he uttered and confessed to me). He's an opportunist who is driven by deep anger and loath for certain people. I know Paragon. Sakhar.
  17. ********************** ***************** ************ _______________ Gravely warned you, the repeat violators: Stop repeatedly referring to qabiil names again and again, or from now on, the whole posts will be gone with it. [ March 31, 2007, 05:43 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  18. [***Edited]Paragon the human rights activist, Lawyer and selfappointed 'advocate' for all the 'wronged clans' and for the cause of true somalinimo free from qabilism and also for the cause to free Somalia and Somalis from that evil clan, that always wants to rule Somalia by themselves 'at whatever cost'. However where does that go hand in hand with your concept of a future Somalia, Paragon? Remember Somalia benefits one clan, only one clan, that's why it is better (said in your own words) that there will never be a united or greater Somalia because that would benefit all Somalis and not only one clan, who currently benefits from a united Somalia as you put it. So would you like to share with us in here how this concept and 'vision' of yours works? And why do you think/believe that a united or greater Somalia only benefits one clan? I know you told us about domination in terms of history and political power etc but could you provide us with something more concrete pls to why you believe that a united Somalia will only benefit that said reer hebel? Don't be shy inshallah and tell us what is on your mind. I won't read your reply until tommorrow inshallah, so take your time and better come up with something good. Well I shall see you tommorrow inshallah. Sakhar.
  19. They want to re-instated as the 'divine' rulers they deludedly think they are, at whatever cost! Paragon, here he does it again. Ofcourse here he is with his big heart and unselfish and innocent Mother Teressa like campaign to create a level playing field for all Somalis (as he is a great believer in 'somalinimo') to correct the wrongs committed and that, so unselfishly as possible. He is indeed a very charitable man with a very warm and big heart.
  20. [***Edited]Samurai walaal anaa ninkan Paragon layiraah warkiisa dhan ku hayee ee bal i sug inaadeerow. Dulqaadka waa wax wanaagsane. Waxaan anigu nasiib ku yeeladey in aan dhowr mar ninkan dhunsan aan la shakaysto. Maanta soomaalinimo iyo islanimo been ah buu halakan ku hayaa laakiin wixii uu aaminsan yahay hadii aan halakan ku soo bandhigo, cid alaale way ogaan in tiisa ay run ka ahayn balse qiiq la isku qariyey. Kow ninkan reer buu necebyahay dhowr marna wuu ii sheegey ee ma qarsado adeer bal isaga laf ahantiisa weydii. Waa ninka igu yiri reerka dega Waqooyi Bari gaar ahaneed degmooyinka Mudug, Nugaal iyo Bari in uu aad iyo aad u necebyahay oo waliba si xad dhaaf ah. Mana qarsado. Wuxuu kaleeto uu sameeyey thread halakani oo ugu doodaaya in wax Soomaali weyn ama Soomaaliya layiraah ahi jirin. Wuxuu yiri reeraha goostey wey ku saxsanayeen maadaama Soomaaliyaa taariikhdeeda Raage Ugaas, Sayidka, Ahmed Gurey iyo Siyaad Barre wada ahayd sidaa daradeedna in soomaali kala guurto wax ka wanaagsani aysan jirin. Teeda kale wuxuu war cad oo aan gabasho lahayn igu yiri Allaah baana iga sarreeya oo wallaahi hadaan hal kalma oo been ah ku dara illaahay maalinta qiyaamaha ha i soo istaajiyo. Wuxuu Samariaow igu yiri 'Soomaali weyn ama wadan Soomaaliya la yiraah maba jiri karo sababtana waxaa weeye in Soomaaliya ama Soomaali Weyn anfacdo reer qura' reerkaasna Samurai waad iska garan kartaa ee waa reerka ku abtirsada Cabdiraxmaan Ismaciil. Sidaa daradeed ninkan wuxuu ku doodaayaa in Soomaaliya lakala gooyo reer walbana jidkeeda iska marto. Wuxuu yiri Soomaaliya ama Soomaali weyn mala taageeri karo maadaama reer qura keliya benefit gareeyso oo advaantig ka helaysa. Waa nin waxaas camal aaminsan, walle wuu iga qosliyey. Dhowr marna wuxuu igu yiri reerkaaga waa necbahay laakiin markii aan la kaftamay wuxuu xitta ku darey 'reerkeyana waan necbahay'. lol Ninkaa ma nin fiyow baa? Bal iga jawaab Samuriaow. Ani Paragon ma layaabayi, in aan qarxiyana niyad iga ma ahayn laakiin isaga ayaa la soo taagan oo aan xitaa is qarinaynin. Bal u fiirso postskiisa waxaad ka dhandhansani kartaa nacayb saa'id ah aniina Paragon ma layaabaayi ee waan aqaana si fiican maadaama aan dhowr mar la shakaystey dhinacaa iyo chatroomka SOL iyo waliba camel milk threadska. Waa nin aan sidaa loogu hadiyeeynin dhinaca caqliga iyo waliba fahamka ee iskaga dulqaata inshallah. Warka waa iga kaa ee ninkii Paragon hadaan ka been sheegey ama aan 'qarxis' ku sameeyey waad iga raali ahanysaan maadaama aan runtii sheegey keliya, teeda kale Paragon baa laf ahantiisa aamusaynin oo mar wable soo bandhigayaa nacaybkiisa reer qura. Bal aan isaga ka war sugno inshallah. Waa iga intaas. Wabillahi towfiiq, Sakhar.
  21. This odayaal were wrong in the first place because they went to the Ethiopians as traditional elders who are representing a certain clan but where are their politicians? They have to talk to the government and as I say fulfill the demands of the government and that of the Ethiopian commanders. War has been averted and a complete ceasefire is expected to be announced any minute inshallah. I shall update you when that happens. Anyhow as I said, this odayaal and now their politicians, who are engaged in the negotiations need to do what the government and the ethiopians demand from them in order to pacify and safeguard the capital for once and all. The daily mortar have to stop now and the people that are amongst them and who are hunted must be ejected and whilst at it they have to agree to disarm. What else is there? The odayaal and their politicians if they have any intelligence will fulfill the things that are demanded from them and I'm confident in that. So war has been averted and avoided and there will be none at all and on top of that a complete ceasefire will be announced very soon I believe. Count me on that. Now it's 13:00 London time and I expect a peace deal and a new ceasefire announced any minute from now on. Count me on that inshallah. If there's a war today, you can all call me all the names in the world you want. If there's not a deal of some sort announced today and a comprehensive ceasefire within the next couple of hours, then again you can call me any name you want. Count me on that. Will Sakhar's predicition come true this time around as well? I believe so inshallah. Count me on all the things I said. War has been averted and avoided for today and I said that any minute from now on a truce and deal will be announced and a new ceasefire will be put in place. If all this things don't happen within a few hours and a war starts or a truce is not announced, then you can call me any name you wish. I know what I'm talking about, trust me. Sakhar.
  22. This odayaal were wrong in the first place because they went to the Ethiopians as traditional elders who are representing a certain clan but where are their politicians? They have to talk to the government and as I say fulfill the demands of the government and that of the Ethiopian commanders. War has been averted and a complete ceasefire is expected to be announced any minute inshallah. I shall update you when that happens. Anyhow as I said, this odayaal and now their politicians, who are engaged in the negotiations need to do what the government and the ethiopians demand from them in order to pacify and safeguard the capital for once and all. The daily mortar have to stop now and the people that are amongst them and who are hunted must be ejected and whilst at it they have to agree to disarm. What else is there? The odayaal and their politicians if they have any intelligence will fulfill the things that are demanded from them and I'm confident in that. So war has been averted and avoided and there will be none at all and on top of that a complete ceasefire will be announced very soon I believe. Count me on that. Now it's 13:00 London time and I expect a peace deal and a new ceasefire announced any minute from now on. Count me on that inshallah. If there's a war today, you can all call me all the names in the world you want. If there's not a deal of some sort announced today and a comprehensive ceasefire within the next couple of hours, then again you can call me any name you want. Count me on that. Will Sakhar's predicition come true this time around as well? I believe so inshallah. Count me on all the things I said. War has been averted and avoided for today and I said that any minute from now on a truce and deal will be announced and a new ceasefire will be put in place. If all this things don't happen within a few hours and a war starts or a truce is not announced, then you can call me any name you wish. I know what I'm talking about, trust me. Sakhar.
  23. This odayaal were wrong in the first place because they went to the Ethiopians as traditional elders who are representing a certain clan but where are their politicians? They have to talk to the government and as I say fulfill the demands of the government and that of the Ethiopian commanders. War has been averted and a complete ceasefire is expected to be announced any minute inshallah. I shall update you when that happens. Anyhow as I said, this odayaal and now their politicians, who are engaged in the negotiations need to do what the government and the ethiopians demand from them in order to pacify and safeguard the capital for once and all. The daily mortar have to stop now and the people that are amongst them and who are hunted must be ejected and whilst at it they have to agree to disarm. What else is there? The odayaal and their politicians if they have any intelligence will fulfill the things that are demanded from them and I'm confident in that. So war has been averted and avoided and there will be none at all and on top of that a complete ceasefire will be announced very soon I believe. Count me on that. Now it's 13:00 London time and I expect a peace deal and a new ceasefire announced any minute from now on. Count me on that inshallah. If there's a war today, you can all call me all the names in the world you want. If there's not a deal of some sort announced today and a comprehensive ceasefire within the next couple of hours, then again you can call me any name you want. Count me on that. Will Sakhar's predicition come true this time around as well? I believe so inshallah. Count me on all the things I said. War has been averted and avoided for today and I said that any minute from now on a truce and deal will be announced and a new ceasefire will be put in place. If all this things don't happen within a few hours and a war starts or a truce is not announced, then you can call me any name you wish. I know what I'm talking about, trust me. Sakhar.
  24. It's 10:00 am London time and I'm very confident that there will be no war at all. I expect a comprehensive ceasefire to be agreed on. Already the clan movement vacated all the areas they were defending in the first place. They have dispersed into the neighbourhoods so that nobody recognises them. This is a sign that they don't want to fight and that they willl accept any condition levied on them. Count me on that. Sakhar.
  25. It's 10:00 am London time and I'm very confident that there will be no war at all. I expect a comprehensive ceasefire to be agreed on. Already the clan movement vacated all the areas they were defending in the first place. They have dispersed into the neighbourhoods so that nobody recognises them. This is a sign that they don't want to fight and that they willl accept any condition levied on them. Count me on that. Sakhar.