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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. The PM smiling. So far I guess I'm winning the race as there are no more pictures coming through from the Mogadishu clan meeting of the largest clan in Mogadishu yesterday evening.
  2. The deal has been announced and signed already and the delegation left this afternoon, high-ranking Puntland officials accompanied them to the airport at their departure, the President and others were also preparing themselves for the arrival of the PM. The deal compromises. 1. That the Saudi owned multi-national company buys from Puntland 10 million animals which compromises camels, sheep and cows pro year. 2. That the company builds a large animal care and treatment centre in Puntland State of Somalia in which the animals are housed prior to their export. 3. Last but not least, that the company can sell the animals from Puntland to other arab companies. Daawo sawiro wafti ka socday shirkada Aljaabiriya ee dalka sacuudiga oo galabta ka duulay Bossaso iyadoo ay sii sagootiyeen Madaxda Puntland. Wafti ka socday shirkad laga leeyahay wadanka sacuudiga laguna magacaabo Aljaabiriya ayaa kulan balaaran oo ay la qaateen madaxda Puntland waxay ku heshiiyeen qodob dhawr ah iyadoo qodabada lagu heshiiyay ay qalinka ku duugeen labada dhinac, shirkada Aljaabiriya ayaa balan qaaday iib gaynta xoolaha nool ee Puntland iyadoo si wada jir ah loo baarayo caafimaadka xoolaha,Daawo_sawirada. Ugu dambayntii shirkada shirkada Aljaabiriya iyo Xukuumada Puntland ayaa saxiixday heshiis buuxa oo ka kooban qodobada hoos ku qoran. 1.In shiradda Sucuudiga ah ee Aljaabiriya ay in sanadkiiba ay Puntland ka iibsato xoolo gaaraya 10 malyan oo neef oo isugu jira Geel, lo' iyo ari. 2.In shirkadda Sucuudiga ah dhisto goob wayn oo lagu xannaaneeyo xoolaha Puntland inta aysan dibadda u dhoofin. 3.In shirkaddan ay xoolaha Puntland kasii iibin karto shirikaad kale oo Carbeed. Heshiiska labada dhinac ayay u kala saxiixeen Madaxwaynaha Puntland iyo Saleebaan Siciid Aljaabiri oo ah madaxa shirkada Aljaabiriya iyadoo waftigii ka socday shirkadaasi uu isla galabta ka dhoofay gagida diyaaradaha ee Bosaso halkaasoo ay ku sii sagootiyeen madaxda Puntland oo iyagu xiligaasi ku sugnaa garoonka si ay usoo dhaweeyaan raisal wasaaraha Somalia Cali Maxamed geedi. Heesta shabakadu idiin soo xushay(Dhagayso) Faisa Cabdi Dhalac.
  3. dadwaynaha reer boosaaso oo siwayn usoo dhaweeyay raisal wasaaraha Somalia Dadweynaha rayidka ah gaar ahaan kuwa ka socda ururada kala duwan ee bulshada ayaa galabta si weyn uga qayb galay soo dhoweynta ra'iisal wasaaraha dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya oo soo gaarey magaalada Boosaaso. Urur rada bulshada rayidka ah sida ururada haweenka dhallinyarada iyo ardayda ayaa soo dhoweynta si weyn uga dhex muuqdey, waxana ay soo dhoweyntani ay mar kale daboolka ka qaadday taageerada uu shacabku u hayo dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya. Ururada ka qayb galay soo dhoweyta ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa ururka haweenka gobolka Bari oo ay hoggaamineysey guddoomiyaha ururkaas, Maryan Guduudo, iyo shabakadda isku xirka ardayda Puntland oo halkaasi bandhig ka sameeyey. Ururada haweenka iyo fannaaniinta ayaa soo dhoweynta kaga qayb qaatay ciyaaraha hiddaha iyo dhaqanka, buraanburro iyo suugaan waddani ah oo ay fannaaniintu halkaasi ku tumayeendurbano kale duwan hamed mahamuud hasan
  4. Inshallah the race is on, I will post as many pictures of how the PM was welcomed in Bosaso and the likes of Superfluous and Bada Cas will post pictures of a meeting held in Mogadishu by the largest clan of Mogadishu, which Ali Mahamed Gheedi the PM belongs to and in which the participiants at that conference showed printed out pictures of PM Gheedi's photo being side by side with that of Meles Zenawi. Their intentions is to make it look like this pictures were taken from somewhere else but the pictures were taken from Mogadishu and it is taken from the clan meeting held in Mogadishu by the largest clan of Mogadishu. So the race is on folks. Super and Badda will try to post as many pics of the meeting yesterday evening in Mogadishu whilst I shall post many pictures of Gheedi's arrival this late afternoon in Bosaso. So we will see who is going to win the picture race. Good luck to you folks.
  5. Superfluous the animal ban on Somalia, which was a economical disaster will be removed by this proposal and such a deal and animal welfare centre will ensure that all the animals in the region get the necessary care, treatment and veterinarian supervision they need and Puntland will become the animal export centre of Somalia inshallah. Great news indeed. Maashallaah.
  6. BOOSAASO : Shirkad laga leeyahay dalka Sucuudiga oo 10 Malyan oo xoolaha Puntland sanad-kasta qaadnaysa. Posted to the Web Apr 10, 17:57 Boosaaso:-Shirkada Aljaabiri ee laga leeyahay dalka Sucuudiga iyo maamulka Puntland ayaa maanta kala saxiixday in ay xoolaha Puntland ay shirkadaasi ay qaadato sanad-kasta 10 Malyan oo Neef oo isugujira noocyada xooluhu ay ka kooban yihiin. Heshiiskan oo ay kala saxiixdeen Madaxwaynaha Puntland Cadde Muuse iyo Sheikh Sulaymaan Aljaabiri oo ka mid ah mulkiilayaasha shirkada Sucuudiga ayaa waxaa kaloo heshiiska ku jira in Puntland laga dhiso Maxjar lagu xanaaneeyo xoolaha si ay u ahaadaan kuwo tayaysan oo qiimo leh. Muddooyinkan dambe ayaa xoolaha nool ee Puntland waxaa si wayn u danaynayay dalal badan oo carbeed gaar ahaan kuwa ku yaala Khaliijka , waxaana horay u jiray heshiisyo ay kala saxiixdeen dalka Imaaraadka iyo Puntland , walow uusan wali heshiisan uusan dhaqan galin. Axmed C/salaam Garoowe ,
  7. Puntland signs a animal export deal with Al-Jaabir company which is owned by Saudi. The President of Puntland today attended a meeting with the delegation from Saudi Arabia, who arrived today midday at Bendarqaasim Int. Airport in Bosaso. They were greeted and welcomed at the airport by some cabinet ministers, which the minister for the Welfare of Animals, farms and the country was its head off Md. Said Jama Qorsheel, the chairman of The Chamber of commerce in Puntland and many more business men from Puntland. The objectives of the Saudi delegation which was headed by none other than the company owner of Al-Jaabir company Mr. Sulaymaan Al-Jaabiri himself which is a Multi-national company that operates in many countries of the world was on how to set up a animal depositing/accumulating centre for the animals of Puntland in particular and the animals of Somalia in general. At todays afternoon meeting of Al-Jaabir delegation with Puntland State officials, chamber of commerce and Puntland business men a great deal was discussed and debated over the implemenation of such a animal centre/facility in Puntland at the Presidential Palace in Bosaso, commercial capital of Puntland State of Somalia. It was decided that tommorrow in the evening a offical and bilateral agreement shall be signed between the Puntland State of Somalia and the Al-Jaabir company which is owned by Saudi Arabia. At the end of todays meeting, the company executive and wealthy business man of Al-Jaabir company Mr. Sulaymaan Al-Jaabiri himself presented a gift they intented for the President of Puntland State of Somalia, H.E. Mahamoud Muse Hirsi. Sakhar.
  8. Wafdi ka socda Boqortooyada Sucuudiga oo heshiis la galay Puntland (daawo sawirada) Last Updated::2007-04-10 15:23:09 Boosaaso:- Madaxweynaha Puntland Md.Cadde Musse ayaa shalay kulan la qaatay wefdi ka yimid dalka Sucuudiga. Wafdigan ayaa shalay Duhurkii ka soo Degay Garoonka Diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Boosaaso. Ujeedada ay u yimaadeen wafdigan Sucuudiga ah oo uu horkacayey hantiilaha Shirkada Aljaabiri oo ah shirkad caalami ah oo dalal badan ka howlgasha. Sheikh Sulaymaan Aljaabiri oo wafdigan horkacaya ayaa sheegay in ujeedada safarkoodu ay ahayd sidii ay Puntland uga samaysan lahaayeen Maxjar laga dhoofiyo Xoolaha Nool ee Puntland iyo Soomaaliyaba. Hadaba Kulankii ay shalay galab la yeesheen mas’uuliyiinta Puntland, Rugta Ganacsiga iyo qaar ka mid ah ganacsatada Puntland ee ka dhacay xarunta Madaxtooyada ee Magaalada Boosaaso ayaa waxa lagu falanqeeyey ama laga dooday qodobadii heshiiska Maxjarka. Waxaana laysla gartay in maanta gelinka dambe la kala saxeexdo heshiiska rasmiga ah ee ay wada yeelanayaan Puntland iyo Shirkada Aljaabir ee Sucuudiga laga leeyahay. Ugu dambayntii ayaa halkaasi waxa ay wafdigu Madaxweynaha ku guddoonsiiyeen Hadyad ay ugu soo talagaleen. Dowlada Gobaleedka Puntland ayaa horey heshiis ulla galay sidoo kale in Xoolaha Nool loo dhoofiyo dalka Emaaraadka oo ay heshiis kala saxiixdeen Mandaqada Raasul Khayma. Heshiiskan labaad ee dhinaca Xoolaha iyo Ganacsiga ah ayaa la sheegay inuu fure u noqon karo in dib dalka Soomaaliya looga bilaabo dhoofintii xoolaha nool oo horey mar loo joojiyey arrimo la xariira dhinaca caafimaadka.
  9. Again Bada cas, your picture is taken from the meeting of last evening in which the largest clan of Mogadishu and surrounding areas met and conveyed their support for the TFG. This are Mogadishu residents who came out in force to express their support for the government's proposal to pacify the capital anf for peace to return. So again what is the purpose in bringing it in here into this thread, when the events are totally unconnected? One can only wonder.
  10. That picture Superflous was taken at the conference of the largest clan in Benadir which the PM belongs too and what is the purpose in bringing it into this thread? That meeting was held yesterday evening in Mogadishu and the picture here is out of place. Anyhow more news on the arrival of Professor Gheedi, Somalia's Prime Minister in Puntland: Boosaaso: Raysulwasaaraha Soomaaliya oo Puntland lagu soo dhaweeyay. 10. april 2007 APL Boosaaso(AllPuntland)- Raysulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyay magaalada Boosaaso. Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo wafdi ka socda xukuumadda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa waxa ay maanta kasoo amba bexeen magaalada Muqdisho. Gagida diyaaradaha magaalada Boosaaso waxaa wafdiga Cali Maxamed Geeddi kusoo dhaweeyay masuuliyiinta sar sare ee Puntland oo ay kamid yihiin:-Madaxwaynaha PuntlandMaxamuud Muuse Xirsi, Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, Xasan Daahir Maxamuud, wasiiro , xildhibaanno , maamulka gobolka iyo degmada. Dadwayne Caleemo qoyan ruxayay ayaa tan iyo garoonka u tubnaa raysulwasaaraha Soomaaliya Cali Maxamed Geeddi oo naf ahaantiisu u gacan haatinayay dadka soo dhawaynayay. Md: Geeddi waxa wajigiisa ka muuqday inuu ku faraxsanaa sida loogu soo dhaweeyay magaalada ganacsiga Puntland ee Boosaaso. Wafdiga Geeddi waxay u gudbeen halka loogu talo galay inay dagaan oo ah Hotelka International Village oo kuyaalla Boosaaso. Waxaa lafilayaa saacadaha soo socda in Cali Maxamed Geeddi uu saxaafadda uga waramayo socdaalkiisa. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland
  11. I know Samurai. Timacaddeh the person in the picture is the Minister for local governments and the Development of rural communities Mr. Ali Abdi Awaare and not the new Mayor of Dhahar city/district elected today. Dhahar has a new Mayor, deputy and a district government and for that I'm happy and I would like to congratulate hereby Md. Salaad Hassan Shire, the Mayor of Dhahar district council/government and his Deputy Siad Muse Ahmed and I hope that they will fulfill what they were elected for and that they will deliver and serve their people to their best of ability and to what they promised they will do once elected as they will be held fully accountable by the people of Dhahar. I wish them good luck and success inshallah. Dhahar Oo Golihii Deegaanka Loo Dhisayo. Apr 10, 2007 Dhahar(;-Wararka ka imaanaya degmada Dhahar ee Gobolka Sanaag ayaa sheegaya in saacadaha soo socada lagu dhawaawayo dhismaha Golaha deegaanka ee Degmadaasi,sida uu sheegay Wasiirka Dawladaha Hoose iyo horumarnta reer Miyiga Cali Cabdi Awaare. Degmada Dhahar ayaa maalintii shalay laga baacsaday Maleeshiyaadka Maamulka Riyale oo isku dayey in ay degmadaasi soo galayaa,waxaana hadda degmadaas ka socota dhismihii golaha deegaanka ee degmadaasi,waxaana ku sugun tiro wasiiro ah Wixii ak soo kordha kala soco
  12. Update: The Delegation of the Prime Minister talked with the Puntland State officials about the current situation of the country and the PM held a brief press conference after that and he had the following to say: He said that he came to Puntland in order to participiate in the graduation ceremony of the new police force from Mogadishu, who were training in the Armo Police Academy for a while now and to conclude their training by actually taking part in their graduation and to have talks with the Puntland State of Somalia. The graduation ceremony which the PM will conclude for the new Police officers from Mogadishu currently preparing for their graduation will be held tommorrow inshallah. The graduation ceremony will take place at Armo Police Academy. The press asked him if the peace and reconciliation conference has been delayed and the PM said that the delegation is still on and it will take place at the exact time it was scheduled for, which is on the 16th of this month. He said that there was no change of schedule and that the conference committe were in Nairobi now in order to discuss the final requests with the International Community. A reporter asked the PM why the conference hasn't been changed to take place in Bosaso if Mogadishu couldn't be pacified in time, the PM answered that the conference will take place in Mogadishu and that it will take place as it was planned. The Delegation of the PM is comprised off the Commercial Minister Prof. Afrax who is also the finance Minister (when the finance minister is out of the country), the minister for ports and water transport (vessels?) Md Cali Ismaciil Cabdi Giir, the minister for reconsturction and resettlement Md. Mahamed Jama and also the deputy minister for finance will all talk with Puntland State how the new port tariffs which the federal announced recently for all ports in Somalia could be implemented. Sakhar.
  13. Ra'iisul Wasaare Geedi oo safar ku tagay gobolada Puntland si diirana loogu soo dhaweeyey. Wafdi uu hogaaminayo Ra'iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumada Federaalka kmg ee Somalia Prof. Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa soo gaaray magaalada Boosaaso iyadoo halkaasi si diiran loogu soo dhaweeyey. Madaxweynaha Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland Md. Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (Cadde Muuse) iyo golahiisa maamul goboleedka ayaa kuwoo dhaweeyey garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Boosaaso, waxaana loo galbiyey hooy loogu talo galay inuu dago Ra' iisul Wasaaraha iyo Wafdigiisa. Prof. Geedi iyo Madaxweynaha Maamul goboleedka Cadde Muuse ayaa kulan gaaban qaatay iyagoo ka wada hadlay arrimaha ka taagan dalka Somalia iyagoo ku balamay inay yeelan doonaan fadhiyo kala duwan, kulankaasi ka dib ayaa Ra'iisul Wasaare Geedi waxa uu qabtay shir jaraa'id oo uu kaga hadlayey ujeedada socdaalkiisa. Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayaa sheegay inuu u yimi inuu xiro tababar ciidanka booliis oo lagana keenay magaalada Muqdisho oo berito loo soo gabagabayn doono, iyo kulamo uu la yeelanayo madaxda maamul Goboleedka Puntland. Ra'iisul wasaare Geedi oo su'aalo ay weydiiyeen saxaafada ayaa ugu horeyn la weydiiyey shirka dib u heshiisiinta ee lagu wado inuu dhaco 16-ka bishaan hadii uu ku yimi wax isbadal ah? Prof. Geedi Ayaa wuxuu ku jawaabay inaysan jirin wax isbadal ah isla markaana siyaasiintii loo xil saaray shalay iyo maantaba ay joogaan dalka Kenya ayna la xaajoonayaan beesha caalamka islamarkaana aysan jirin wax is badal ah oo ku yimi inuu qabsoomo 16ka bishan. Su'aal kale oo ay saxaafada weeydiiyeen maadaama dagaalo ay ka dhaceen magaalada Muqdisho in loo wareejin karo magaalooyinka xasiloon sida magaalada Boosaaso? Ra'isul Wasaaraha ayaa ku jawaabay in shirka lagu qaban doono magaalada Muqdisho uuna u dhici doono sidii loogu talo galay. Wafdiga Ra'iisul Wasaaraha ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Wasiirka Ganacsiga ahna kusimaha Wasiirka Maaliyada Md. Prof. Afrax, Wasiirka Dekadaha iyo gaadiidka Badda Md. Cali Ismaaciil Cabdi Giir, Wasiirka dib u dhiska iyo dib u dajinta Md. Maxamed Jaamac iyo Wasiir kuxigeenka Maaliyada oo intoodaba la xaajoon doona maamul goboleedka Puntland sidii loo hirgilin lahaa cashuuraha dekadaha Somalia oo dhawaan ay dowlada Federaalka sharciyo kasoo saartay. Mohamed Abdulle Hassan (Siidi)
  14. Photo News: Daawo sawiradii soo dhaweyntii wafdigii Ra'isalwasaare Geedi . Ra'isalwasaaraha DFKMG ah ee Soomaaliya Prof.Cali Max'ed Geedi ayaa galabta si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyey magaalada Boosaaso ee xarunta Gobolka Bari. Soo dhoweynta ra'iisal wasaaraha iyo wafdigiisa ayaa waxaa ka qayb galay madaxweynaha Puntland, Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi, Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, Xasan Daahir Maxamuud, xubno ka tirsan golaha xukuumada Puntland, oo ay kamid ahaayeen; wasiirka maaliyadda Puntland, Maxamed Cali Yuusuf Gaagaab, wasiirka warfaafinta Puntland, Cabdraxmaan Maxamed Bangax, wasiirka xannaanada xoolaha beeraha iyo deegaanka, Siciid Jaamac Qoorsheel, wasiir kuxigeenka maaliyadda Puntland, Yaasiin Cartan Maxamed, wasiir kuxigeenka hawlaha guud iyo gaadiidka, Maxamuud Bile Dubbe, wasiir kuxigeenka xannaanada xoolaha beeraha iyo deegaanka, Cabdullaahi Maxamed Barre, wasiir kuxigeenka kalluumaysiga iyo dekedaha, Cabdiweli Maxamed Gerye, guddoomiyaha gobolka Bari, Muuse Geelle Yuusuf, duqa degmada Boosaaso, Khadar Cabdi Xaaji Mire, saraakiisha kala duwan ee laamaha ammaanka Puntland, xubno ka tirsan golaha baarlamanka Puntland, ururada bulshada rayidka ah, sida ururka haweenka gobolka Bari, ururka isku xirka ardayda Puntland, xubno ka tirsan shabakadda WAWA iyo fannaaniinta Walaalaha Gobolka Bari.
  15. Qaybaha kala duwan ee Bulshada oo si diirran u soo dhoweeyey Prof Geeddi. Dadweynaha rayidka ah gaar ahaan kuwa ka socda ururada kala duwan ee bulshada ayaa galabta si weyn uga qayb galay soo dhoweynta ra'iisal wasaaraha dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya oo soo gaarey magaalada Boosaaso. Ururkada bulshada rayidka ah sida ururada haweenka dhallinyarada iyo ardayda ayaa soo dhoweynta si weyn uga dhex muuqdey, waxana ay soo dhoweyntani ay mar kale daboolka ka qaadday taageerada uu shacabku u hayo dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya. Ururada ka qayb galay soo dhoweyta ayaa waxaa kamid ahaa ururka haweenka gobolka Bari oo ay hoggaamineysey guddoomiyaha ururkaas, Maryan Guduudo, iyo shabakadda isku xirka ardayda Puntland oo halkaasi bandhig ka sameeyey. Ururada haweenka iyo fannaaniinta ayaa soo dhoweynta kaga qayb qaatay ciyaaraha hiddaha iyo dhaqanka, buraanburro iyo suugaan waddani ah oo ay fannaaniintu halkaasi ku tumayeen. Maxamuud Faarax Bile
  16. Ra’iisal Wasaaraha dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya oo ka soo degey Boosaaso. Ra’iisal wasaaraha dawladda federaalka Soomaaliya, Cali Maxamed Geeddi iyo wafdi la socda ayaa galabta abbaara 5:00 galabnimo ka soo degey garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Boosaaso. Ra’iisal wasaaraha ayaa waxaa garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaalada Boosaaso ku soo dhoweeyey, madaxweynaha Puntland, Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi, Madaxweyne kuxigeenka Puntland, Xasan Daahir Maxamuud, xubno ka tirsan golaha xukuumada Puntland, oo ay kamid ahaayeen; wasiirka maaliyadda Puntland, Maxamed Cali Yuusuf Gaagaab, wasiirka warfaafinta Puntland, Cabdraxmaan Maxamed Bangax, wasiirka xannaanada xoolaha beeraha iyo deegaanka, Siciid Jaamac Qoorsheel, wasiir kuxigeenka maaliyadda Puntland, Yaasiin Cartan Maxamed, wasiir kuxigeenka hawlaha guud iyo gaadiidka, Maxamuud Bile Dubbe, wasiir kuxigeenka xannaanada xoolaha beeraha iyo deegaanka, Cabdullaahi Maxamed Barre, wasiir kuxigeenka kalluumaysiga iyo dekedaha, Cabdiweli Maxamed Gerye, guddoomiyaha gobolka Bari, Muuse Geelle Yuusuf, duqa degmada Boosaaso, Khadar Cabdi Xaaji Mire, saraakiisha kala duwan ee laamaha ammaanka Puntland, xubno ka tirsan golaha baarlamanka Puntland, ururada bulshada rayidka ah, sida ururka haweenka gobolka Bari, ururka isku xirka ardayda Puntland, xubno ka tirsan shabakadda WAWA iyo fannaaniinta Walaalaha Gobolka Bari. Ra’iisal wasaaraha iyo wafdigiisa ayaa loo gelbiyey dhinaca hotel Intenational Village ee magaalada Boosaaso halkaas oo ay iminka kulamo kula leeyihiin madaxda sarsare ee Puntland. Maxamuud Faarax Bile
  17. H.E. Ali Mahamed Gheedi, the Prime Minister of Somalia arrives to a enthusiastically welcome in Puntland State of Somalia, particularily it's commercial capital Bosaso. The entire executive head of the Puntland government together with it's many ministers, deputy ministers, other state officials, parliamentarians, members of the legislation and judiciary, local government officials, mayor of Bosaso and his deputies and city council, local head of the police and armed forces and other representatives of the security apparatus of Puntland, civil society members, ordinary people and local artists all welcomed the Prime Minister of Somalia H.E. Cali Mahamed Gheedi at his arrival at the Bendariqaasim Airport in Bosaso City, Puntland State of Somalia. The Prime Minister greeted all the people and waved at the people who were waving at him with green leaves. The delegation were subsequently taken to the International Village Hotel in Bosaso where they subsequently have a discussion behind close doors with the representatives and the highest ranking officials and leaders of the Puntland State of Somalia. It is expected that the Prime Minister will announce and speak to the media to his objectives of this latest trip and what he is going to likely talk about with the Puntland government. The people of Puntland are very happy and they say that they want to see more of their leaders (vision wise as the Prime Minister and President are predominately in the south of the country and some quarters in Puntland feel 'neglected' by the federal government) and that they are enthusiatic that the Prime Minister has come to Puntland in order to inspect their State and see how affairs are going in Puntland State of Somalia. The people are very happy and the security of Bosaso city has been stepped up and many new police and soldiers were out on the streets as usual.
  18. Gole deegaan & duq cusub oo loo doortay degmada Dhahar ee gobolka Sanaag. Gole deegaan oo ay shacabku soo doorteen ayaas markii ugu horreysey laga dhisay degmada Dhahar ee gobolka Sanaag, iyadoo ay degmada Dhahar ay ku soo biirtay magaalooyinka Puntland ee leh golayaasha deegaanka. Degmada dhahar ayaa waxaa loo dhaariyey 35 xubnood oo ah xubnaha golaha deegaanka ee degmada Dhahar kuwaas oo markii dambeyna iska dhex doortay duqa degmada Dhahar oo noqday guddoomiyaha golahaas iyo kuxigeenkiisa. Tartanka duqa degmada Dhahar ayaa waxaa isu soo taagey Axmed Maxamed Aadan iyo Salaad Xasan Shire oo ku kala baxay doorasho laba wareeg uun soconeysey. Axmed Maxamed Aadan ayaa helay codad gaaraya 10 cod iyadoo ay ka aamustay 11 xubnood halka 3 xubnoodna ay diidey, iyadoo musharaxa kale ee Salaad Xasan Shire uu wareeggii labaad helay 12 cod waxana ka aamustay 9 xildhibaan halka ay 3 xubnoodna ay diideen, sidaasna waxaa duqa degmada Dhahar ku noqday Salaad Xasan Shire, isla markaasna ah, guddoomiyaha golaha shacabka deegaanka Dhahar. Kuxigeenka duqa degmada Dhahar ayaa waxaa isu soo taagey Siciid Muuse Axmed mana uusan jirin musharrax kale oo la tartamay sidaas darteena wuxuu helay 20 cod oo HAA, ugu codaysay halka 2 ay diideen 2 kalena ay ka aamustay. Natiijada doorashada ayaa waxaa ku dhawaaqay wasiirka dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer miyiga ahna guddoomiyaha dhismayaasha golayaasha deegaanka degmooyinka Puntland, Cali Cabdi Awaare. Sidoo kale, munaasabaddaasi ayaa waxaa khudbad ka jeediyey guddoomiyaha golaha wakiillada dawlad goboleedka Puntland, Axmed Cali Xaashi, iyo Axmed Doonyaale oo horay u ahaan jirey wasiir kuxigeenka xannaanada xoolaha beeraha iyo deegaanka Puntland. Degmada Dhahar ee gobolka Sanaag ayaa noqotay degmadii 19-aad ee loo dhisay gole deegaan, waxana wafdiga Puntland ee ku sugan degmada Dhahar ay u gudbi doonaan degmada Xingalool ee isla gobolka Sanaag si ay gole deegaan uga soo dhisaan. Maxamuud Faarax Bile
  19. It's the first time that a new district coucil was elected by the people of Dhahar, which makes Dhahar become now one of the many cities/districts in Puntland State of Somalia that has a local district council/government. Thirty five representatives chosen by the people were today sworn in and after that those representatives elected a Mayor and a Deputy mayor from amongst themselves. A election that went on for two rounds in which Ahmad Mahamed Aadan and Salaad Hassan Shire put themselves forward as canditates and potential new Mayors for Dhahar was held subsequently. In the preliminary and first round Ahmad Mahamed Aaden and Salaad Hassan Shire battled it out and in the end and second round Salaad Hassan Shire has won the race and therefore has become the new Mayor of Dhahar. Said Muse Ahmad put himself forward as a candidate for the deputy Mayor position and clearly this election was much easier as he had no candidates running against him. He nevertheless got twenty votes and therefore was elected to be the deputy Mayor of Dhahar City. The results were announced by the Minister for local governments and the Development of rural communities Mr. Ali Abdi Awaare. At the announcement ceremony, the chairman of the legislative upper house of Parliament and who is also the Speaker of the Puntland Parliament, H.E. Ahmad Ali Haashi addressed the audience and gave a short speech. Ahmad Doonyaale who was also once a deputy/junior minister for the Welfare of Animals, farms and the country spoke at the ceremony as well. Dhahar District becomes the 19th district in Puntland State of Somalia that has elected a local district council/government. The delegation from Puntland State that is present at Dhahar now will move on to Xingalool district in order for the local people there to elect and build their own local district councils, which will then in return elect a Mayor and a Deputy Mayor.
  20. This is one of the biggest developments. I salute them for their courage as they have now clearly shown their unwavering support for this government, that is headed by the Prime Minister of Somalia, Professor Cali Maxamed Gheedi. This is a crucial and very important development that was needed a long time ago. Now is the time or never, I say.
  21. Your mortars kill innocent people anyway and you know it so stop them as they don't serve an objective and on top of that they certainly won't drive out a sophisticated army nor the governmental troops or the government. Think of it, I appeal to the conscious and sense of your clan leaders in South Mogadishu. I will leave you with peace, accept it inshallah. Peace is the only way out.
  22. Sxb Ubahane think of it, it is a good suggestion, stop the bloodshed immidiately by putting down the weapons and accepting a truce whereby you agree to never ever attack government institutions again nor our allies the Ethiopians or our friend from the AU Peace mission, the Amisom troops. You agree that you will ensure that no one of your militias will ever dare to attack, the airport, presidential palace, governmental institutions, the port and many more important landmarks in the city. Then a solution can be found, we can discuss but the senseless murderous attacks have to cease, the people have suffered enought let's give it a break an infinite one as we did our share of letting blood, killing and warring.