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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Geel Jirow meelaha kala aad sheegaysid in wax loo qabto waa halkee?
  2. Yes I have to agree, people like General Cali Madoobe and Col. Afgaduud need to be complimented for the work they are doing for the Somali nation, they express more actions than words and this is what makes them respectable men in my eyes. Maashallaah I say and may they long continue and serve their people and nation to the best of the ability. Amiin. Another devoted person is Col. Said Dheere maashallaah, he doesn't like the fame and you never see him neglect his duties, I believe all should be complimented for their good work. I salute all of them.
  3. I know that Duke, like the ants they flocked on to this thread, I believe five or six of them replied in succession all expressing their displeasure at the news and vehemently spewing their displeasure and awe of this latest development.
  4. Correction from, Salaad Ahmad Indhayare was elected as the deputy Mayor of Dhahar City with 22 votes. It was reported earlier that Said Muse Ahmad was elected as the Deputy but it is Salaad Ahmad Indhayare. Nevertheless I wish the two Salaads the best of luck and success inshallah. Amiin. [4/11/2007] Sixid Doorashadii Goalah Deegaan ee Degmada Dhahar oo aan xalay qornay. Waxaa shalay galabnimadii ka dhacday Degmada Dhahar ee gobolka Sanaag Doorashada Golaha Deegaanka ee Degmada Dhahar doorashadaas oo ay gudoomiyaha golaha isu soo sharaxeen labada musharax oo kala ah Salaad Xassan Shire iyo Axmed Max'ed Aadan (Faruur) iyaga oo wareegii hore is mariywaayey ayaa waxaa wareegii labaad ku guulaystey Salaad Xassan Shire Cod dhan 12 sidaasna uu ku noqday Gudoomiyaha golaha Deegaan iyo duqa degmada Dhahar. Iyada oo dorashadani ay ahayd doorashada keliya oo gashay laba wareeg wixii gole deegaan laga dhisay p/l oo dhan, waxaa sidoo kaleeto Isna loo doortay Gudomiye ku xigeenka Golaha Deegaanka ee Degmada Dhahar Salaad Axmed Indhayare oo isagu helay cod aqlabiyad ah oo dhan 22. Waxaa gudoomiye ku xigeen ah Salaad Ahmed Indhayare lakin xalay waxaan idiin sheegnay in uu yahay Siciid Muuse Axmed. Doorashadaas oo ay goob joog ka ahaayeen hadalana ka jeediyeen Gudoomiyaha Baarlamaanka Dawlad Goboleedka Puntland Axmed Cali Xaashi, Wasiirka Dawladaha Hoose iyo Horumarinta Reer miyiga oo isagu ah Gudoomiya Gudiga dhisida golayaasha Deegaanka waxaa sidoo kaleeto goobjoog ahaa Wasiiro Dowlaha Madaxtooyada Cali Buureed, Wasiir kuxigeenka Arimaha Gudaha Xaaji Bakiin iyo Xubna Kaleeto oo isugu jira labada gole ee dawlad goboleedka P/l. Wafitidan ayaa waxay saaka u anba baxayaan Xingalool si ay halkaasna uga soo dhisaan gole deegaan iyada oo uu sheegay Gudoomiya Baarlamaanku Axmed Cali Xaash in ay booqonayaa dhamaan degmooyinka Gobolka Sanaag. Siciid Mahamed Warsame Boosaaso
  5. I agree with you Taako Man. Very beautiful Academy indeed.
  6. Waxaa intaa dheer in Magaalada Boosaaso ay kasoo baxayaan Sariikiil u dhalatey deegaanka oo u hogaaminayo Goraya Cawl iyadoo laga yaabo inuu si toos ah sarkaalkaasi ula wareego Ciidamada Aaga Shimbiraale. Dhinaca kale Magaalada Dhahar ayaa yeelatey Gole Deegaan iyo Duqa Degmada oo xaley gelinkii Danbe ay dhameystireen Masuuliyiinta ku sugan Dhahar. Wali magaalada Dhahar waxaa ku sugan ciidamada Daraawiishta iyo kuwa Madaxtooyada. Dad weynaha u dhashey Mandiqadaas ayaa aad uga soo horjeeda inay Deegaankooda isku herdiyaan ciidamada iyadoo ay inta badan dadka deegaanka mabda'a ahaan ay taageersan yihiin Maamulka Puntland iyo ineysan Somalia kala go'i karin.
  7. Dhahar oo yeelatey Gole iyo Shimbiraale oo ay ciidamo isku hor fariisteen . Dhahar:- Loolankii hanashada gobolka Sanaag ayaa wali meeshiisii kasii socda iyadoo ay Gobolka Ciidamo Badan oo ka yimi Puntland iyo Somaliland ay wali kusoo qul qulayaan iyadoo ay hada ay gacan sareyso Ciidamada Puntland oo kaashanaya dadka deegaanka. Labo maalmood ka hor ayaa ciidamada Somaliland laga baacsday magaalada Dhahar ciidamadaas oo markii danbe soo galey Magaalada Ceerigaabo oo maalmahanba ay ku sugnaayeen masuuliyiinta Somaliland. Habeen hore ayaa ciidamo badan oo kale oo kayimi Togdheer ay soo gaareen Ceerigaabo kadibna ciidamadaas laga saarey magaalada iyagoo fariisin ka dhigtey duleedka magaalada Shimbiraale oo ku taala Galbeedka Gobolka Sanaag oo Ceerigaabo masaafo yar u jirta, deegaan ahaanna ay degaan beesha Warsangeli. Ciidamadan Somaliland ayaa waxay ceyrsheen masuuliyiin u dhashey deegaanka Dhahar iyadoo ciidanka hada uu hogaaminayo nin u dhashey Togdheer oo magaciisa lagu sheegey Hol hol ama John hol, Ciimada hada ku sugan Hawdka Shimbiraale dhamaantood waa ciidan aan u dhalan Deegaanka Warsangeli. Ciidamada fariisinka ka dhigtey Shimbiraale ayaa waxaa maalintii shaleyto hortooda soo fariistey ciidamada Daraawiishta oo ka yimi Magaalooyinka Xingalool iyo Badhan waxaana maanta ay masuuliyiin ku sugan Boosaaso noo sheegeen in ciidamo kale oo ka yimi Garoowe oo tikniko badan wata ay gaari doonaan goobahaas. Waxaa intaa dheer in Magaalada Boosaaso ay kasoo baxayaan Sariikiil u dhalatey deegaanka oo u hogaaminayo Goraya Cawl iyadoo laga yaabo inuu si toos ah sarkaalkaasi ula wareego Ciidamada Aaga Shimbiraale. Dhinaca kale Magaalada Dhahar ayaa yeelatey Gole Deegaan iyo Duqa Degmada oo xaley gelinkii Danbe ay dhameystireen Masuuliyiinta ku sugan Dhahar. Wali magaalada Dhahar waxaa ku sugan ciidamada Daraawiishta iyo kuwa Madaxtooyada. Dad weynaha u dhashey Mandiqadaas ayaa aad uga soo horjeeda inay Deegaankooda isku herdiyaan ciidamada iyadoo ay inta badan dadka deegaanka mabda'a ahaan ay taageersan yihiin Maamulka Puntland iyo ineysan Somalia kala go'i karin. Ugu Danbeyn waxaa intaa dheer in cabsi laga qabo in magaalada Shimbiraale uu dagaal ku dhex maro ciidamada Somaliland iyo kuwa Puntland oo kaashanaya kuwa deegaanka.
  8. PM Gheedi handing over certificates to the police cadets at Armo Police Academy in Puntland State of Somalia, where today 109 police cadets graduated from that police academy.
  9. What I want is a lasting islamic state not one that will crumple from within due to internal pressure. After that purification and teaching process, the people will bring about the necessary change by themselves but the religious folks have to strive for that by actually doing the necessary work in order to purify and educate people. Their propagation and dawah should go into every household, village, district, city, state until it reaches all of the country but they have to be united an agree on the Salafi methods and unite their ideology and eject the innovators from their ranks, only that will ensure the success of this grand preparation of building a functional and lasting islamic state. After the masses bring about that Islamic state what is required it to safeguard the Islamic state by not making empty threats or opening your borders to international criminals and murderers but to further develop the society and acknowledge borders of other nations and not intervene with their internal affairs. There are many ethnic Somalis in Ethiopia and Kenya but we shall allow them into the country but at the same time not make political blunders by saying that you want to incorporate those regions into the Islamic state. We need a non approachable or aggressive stance. But we should stay firm in our religion and not make any concessions on our belief system nor the affairs of the Islamic State. From there on we should start a compaign where we educate our people and bring people of knowledge into the country that can help us with the technology and maybe with a weapons programme (not nuclear). We have to be able to produce our own weapons, produce our own food and be self-reliant. We should avoid taking money or grants from the west or their banks and instead rely on our creator first and then on our own ability. A army should be trained that will safeguard the nation and its borders from there we will produce our own weapons, medicines and food. We should strive for total independence from the West. Our oil and natural resources will make sure that we can lure in experts in the field of medicine, farming and agriculture, irrigation systems to prevent famine (obviously if Allah wills such a famine nobody can do anything about it but we should first help ourselves than rely and put his trust into us. Without doing your share first and to day 'I rely and trust God' is not something that one should do. After that we should gradually increase our strength by stemming in our authority. We can then held up our breast high (only methaphorically as pride is wrong in Islaam and humility is encouraged). That is the right way to do it and the people will support you then because they have the knowledge, confidence and desire to see this through even if they're threatened or sanctioned or a embargo is put on them. But a people that have not been purified and have not the knowledge will crumple at the first threat and they will be actually the ones that will destroy that Islamic state from with in. Well thats my thoughts on this subject and I hope you have found them useful. Sakhar.
  10. Somalis whether they're young or old, men or women, boy or girl all spent billions of Dollars pro year for drugs which stimulates many other social illnesses and physical and medical illnesses as well. This drug is khat and because of that khat many Somali men cannot function and that's why you will see that in Somalia over 80% who work and produce the daily bread for their families are indeed women. Many of this women sell khat themselves which is very ironic. The men are no where to be seen, in Puntland many live on 'Shaxaad', this is a city mans way of survivial, one lives by not working but by living off their 'relatives', friends and fellow clan members. We Somalis are generous people and it is considered rude to not share food or not paying for people that you know. One might come into the restuarant and eat at the 'expense' of you or grab something it is custom that you pay for it anyway. Or someone might come sit next to you that you know and who is a fellow clan member, who has money for a piece of bred but not the soup, that's why he's going to sit next to you with his bread tipping into you soup and having a few bites of bread thanks to your soup. He then will move on to somebody else who is eating rice and eat a few spoonful portions of rice and so on. Then he will visit his extended uncle or a aunt to eat there some sweets and on the way he might meet a doctor or somebody well known or famous from his clan and say to him 'I need some money to chew some Khat today and that 'wealthy' person might give him a few dollars for him to buy some khat for the evening'. Well that is the Somali way of survival, the majority of men in Somlia live like that and because of extented family and clan courage, they're surviving because Somalis share everything and there's always someone that is willing to employ you or help you out and who is from your same clan that's why the clan is so important in Somalia, it can be vaguely be compared to the western well-fare system. If you're sick or in trouble with some others you can always rely on the clan, sub-clan of yours until the lowest dominator of the clan, who will support you. But many Somali women actually work and send their children to School and they do not live on 'Shaxaad' like many of their husbands do. They're the ones that are keeping Somalia alive today. Without them Somalia would be not what it is today. The diaspora also supports the local communities by actually sending millions of dollars back home in order to support their families etc which in return will benefit the clan subclan so forth. So this Somali women are independent in many ways and they talk to men and actually deal with their needs on the day to day activities of life and if they see a cousins of them or someone who they know, they will greet him and talk to that person and they will exchange a few words. That's Somali culture for you, some of the Somali women even shake hands with men, I never ever shook hands with an alien women or non-mahram women but many Somali men do and women as well and they don't have a problem with that. Although Somali culture dictates that genders should be separated and indeed they're as Somalia is a very conservative Somali however many Somlis in their circle's of good family friends, fellow clans member, people they know etc will not hesitate to have a discussion with them. Furthermore the hijaab is the norm in Somalia and many Somali women wear the Jilbaan and niqaab however there are many who do not wear the conventional head scarf that is not to say that their heads are not covered but it is not the conventional way of wearing the hijaab nonetheless. Not to mention the many Somali men that smoke cigars and cigarettes etc and the many ills within the Somali people. Somalis society needs to be purified and after that educated for a new society to emerge that will bring about an islamic state by themselves and I'm positive that such a thing will happen in the future inshallah that is if the necessary precautions and guidelines outlined here are followed.
  11. First of all what we require is peace in order to purify and educate by teaching to the people the authentic Salafi ideology (many know this ideology as 'wahhabism' although it is a derogatory exercise devised by the British and it has negative connotations to it but nevertheless it is the most correct form of Islaam is it adheres to the original and orthodox islaam, which the British at that time wanted to suppress because for political reason and because they feared it very much, that's why they encouraged sufism and other forms of Islaam, which they say is a 'moderates way of Islaam compatible witht that of the west because it is 'peaceful' (in other words not threating us and our interests). We have a Somali nation and people now, who engage in all sort of ills and wrongdoings and that we need to change, the people have to be changed by showing them the right way to behave.
  12. Gavin first of all, Welcome to SOL's political fora before I indulge any further into your inquiry. First of all, Puntland State of Somalia are the pioneers of the federal system currently preferred in the Transitional Federal Republic of Somalia. I prefer right now the federal system, which is used in the US and the Federal republic of Germany which allows every State and State districts to have it's own local based government, where they can deal with their own issues more efficiently than having to rely on Mogadishu or a central government to do their own affairs from them. Secondly the Somali Xeer is actually based on Islamic Sharia' and it is only an extension of that same Islamic Sharia, the law has to come from some where and because all of Somalis adhere to Islaam it is only logical that they incorporate Islamic Sharia into their 'Xeer'. So I would like to request from you obvsiously you being alien to Somali culture and history, which is not your fault to not see the two laws Islamic Sharia and Somali Xeer as two distict forms of laws, but two sets of the same coin which complement one another and in fact they're compatible because most of Somali Xeer is based on Islamic Sharia and if one aspect of Somali Xeer would go against Islamic Sharia then it would be no longer used by the Somali Xeer, so Somali Xeer cannot be used for something that is opposite Islamic Sharia. Now the Somali situation is very complex but I'd like to let you know what my thoughts on it are. Firstly I would like to see a federal system upheld in Somalia in order to bring lasting peace to all of Somalia. Secondly after a period of time I would want and demand a Islamic state. This is the ultimate goal but how do we get there is the question? gavin an Islamic State cannot be created right now from semi-anarchic Somalia unless you want to create a futile extremist Islamic State that will crumple from inside and internal pressure rather than from external pressure because the creation of an Islamic State needs time and it has to come from the masses and people's hearts rather than being 'imposed' on them. All Somalis are muslims and nobody can be against the formation of an Islamic State that is based on Sharia but that State needs time to be formed. We all have seen when people or nations states fail and then as a last refuge create an Islamic State as we have seen in Afghanistan, where the people after the downfall of the Taliban flocked to the barbershops in order to cut off and shave off their beards. Afghan culture is even more stricter than Somali culture and women in Somalia play a very important role throughout society. Now we see Somalis who are themselves not islamists per se, who listen to music, go to clubs and are generally ‘liberal’ and would be considered ’moderate muslims and who are generally 'integrated' into western culture calling for an Islamic State only to complain afterwards and condemn the same state they were advocating for when their expectations didn’t meet the reality. An Islamic State is and will not be perfect state as some people thing and such as state to develop it needs a lot of time. Forceful revolutions which are futile and pursued accordingly by Al-Qaeda and Taliban ideology is not what we desire. For a lasting and prospering Islamic State we need a grass-root approach from the bottom-up first that goes on with the political reform. Somali culture of right now is corrupt and their are many ills in it, the people are muslims but many of their actions are not Islamic. We need to change that. We need a common strategy and ideology because many of the callers of a Islamic state such as non orthodox muslims and extremists who only know how to call for a futile war and on how to call for the killing of many people without having the right attitude, preparation nor the unifying and common ideology at place in the first place will result in a division because in the first place the right guidelines wasn’t followed, that’s why it will result in the crumpling of the state from within. This futile revolutionists are usually made up by people who hold totally different viewpoints ranging from psychopathic extremists, jihadists, 'moderates' and other deviant sects that despise each other. We need a common ideology put in place firstly.
  13. Golle deegaan iyo duqa magaalada DHahar oo lagu dhawaaqey... Dhahar:-Magaalada Dhahar ayaa maanta waxaa looga dhawaaqey Gole Deegaan oo si toos ah u hoos yimaada maamul Goboleedka Puntland, Golahaas deegaan oo ka kooban 35 xubnood. Magaabista golaha deegaanka ayaa ah mid soo jiitameysay mudo sadex bilood ka badan, waxaana todobaadyo ka hor isa soo sharaxay tartanka Duqa magaalada Salaad Xassan Shire iyo Axmed Maxamed Aadan oo halkaasi loogu kala codeeyey. Axmed Maxamed Aadan ayaa helay codad gaaraya 10 cod iyadoo ay ka aamustay 11 xubnood halka 3 xubnoodna ay diidey, iyadoo musharaxa kale ee Salaad Xasan Shire uu wareeggii labaad helay 12 cod waxana ka aamustay 9 xildhibaan halka ay 3 xubnoodna ay diideen, sidaasna waxaa duqa degmada Dhahar ku noqday Salaad Xasan Shire, isla markaasna ah, guddoomiyaha golaha shacabka deegaanka Dhahar. Waxaa ku xigeenka duqa magaalada Dhahar noqday SIciid Muuse Axmed oo isna helay 21 cod si fudud ku qaatey kuxigeenka duqa magaalada. Waxaa doorashadaas kasoo qeyb galay wasiiro, wasiiro ku xigeeno oo ay ka mid yihiin Cali Cabdi Awaare, Axmed Cali Xaashi, Cali Buureed, Axmed Doonyaale, sidoo kale waxaa kasoo qeyb galay taliyayaashii ciidanka, culumaa'udiin, haween iyo ururada bulshada ee dhamaan gobolka. Dhanka kale Deegaanka degmada Dhahar ayaa xasiloon kadib markii shalay ahayd ay xurguf ku dhex martey S/land iyo ciidamada deegaanka iyo Puntland.
  14. Ra`iisal Wasaare Geedi Oo Soo Gaaray Boosaaso, Puntland' Boosaaso( 10-April-2007 Dhageyso: - Shir Jaraa`id Xiiso Leh Oo Uu Qabtay Prof: C Geedi Listen to audio press conference: Wafdi uu hogaaminayo Ra’iisal Wasaraha Somaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi ayaa galabta goor dame soo gaaray Magaalada Bosaso. Wafdigan uu Hogaaminayo Ra’iisal Wasaaraha Somaliya Cali Maxamed Geedi ee Galabta ka soo Degay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Ee Bandar Qaasim Air Port ayaa waxaa ka mid ahaa Wasiirka Ganacsiga Ahna sii Hayaha Xilka Wasiirka Maaliyada,Wasiirka Dib u Dhiska & Dib U Dajinta & Wasiirka Kaluumaysiga Gaadiidka Badda waxaa sidoo kale ka mid ahaa wafdigaas Taliyaha Ciidamada Booliska Cali Madoobe & Masuuliyiin kale. Safarka wafdigu uu ku yimid ayaa waxaa uu ku sheegay in uu la xiriiro sidii ay punt land uga caawin lahayd in dhaqaalaheeda kor u kiciso iyo iyaga oo ka wada tashanaya shirka dib u heshiisiinta ee dhawaan la filayo in lagu qabto caasimada soomaliya ee Mogdisho & in uu sidoo kale u soo xiro tababar ciidamo lagu tababarayay Akadamiyada Carmo kuwaas oo loo tababarayay in ay ka mid noqdaan Ciidmada Booliska Soomaaliya. Wafdigan ayaa waxaa garoonka Caalamiga ee Bosaso ku Soo Dhaweeyay Madaxda Punt land oo uu Ka mid yahay Madaxweynaha Punt land Gen Mahamud Muse Hirsi (Cade) Madaxweyne Ku Xigeenka Punt land Xasan Daahir Mahamud (Afqurac) Xubno ka Tairsan Golaha Wasiirada oo ay ka dhex Muuqdeen Wasiirka Maaliyada,Wasiirka Warfaafinta & Xubno kale & Sidoo kale Golaha Barlamaanka punt land sidoo kale waxaa iyaguna halkaa ku sugnaa Madaxda Gobolka Bari sida Duqa & Badhasaabka Gobolka Bari. Waxaana wadooyinka sidoo kale taxnaa dad aad u farbadanaa oo ah shacabka reer bososo oo iyagu soo dhaweenayay wafdiga ra’iisal wasaaraha waxaana sidoo kale dadka heeso wadani ah u qaadayay fanaaniinta Walaalaha Bari. Ra’iisal wasaaraha oo loo galbiyay dhinaca hotelka International Village ayaa waxaa la filayaa in uu maalmo uu joogo Punt land uuna wada tashi uu la yeesho madaxda punt land oo uu ugu horeeyo Madaxweynaha Punt land Cadde Muse. Mahamud S. Salaad Punt land Somalia
  15. Now it is complete, the infamous Fanisha has joined the race as well. But where are the pictures? So far My pictures which are relevant to the title have the lead over your picture's taken from Mogadishu clan meeting. Maybe you don't know where you can get more pictures from the largest clan in Mogadishu holding a meeting in support of the government. So is there is a reason to why you brought yesterdays clan meeting of Mogadishu clans into this thread? Desperate huh? Anyhow here is the link: As some really want to play a game here, let's make this thread into two parts, one should be a photo and report essay about Gheedi's arrival in Bosaso and the other part should be where Superfluous, Bada Cas, Fanisha and Jaylaani post about a Mogadishu clan meeting that took place yesterday evening. So post your picture's I gave you the link and I shall post mine inshallah, so the race is on who will post more pictures and which part will win? PM Gheedi's photo report essay about his arrival in Puntland? or Super, bada, fanisha and Jaylaani's photo report and essay about a clan meeting that took place in Mogadishu yesterday evening. Please keep the scores inshallah.
  16. Boosaaso: Puntland oo heshiis dhinaca xoolaha ah la saxiixatay shirkad laga leeyahay Sucuudiga. 10. april 2007 APL Boosaaso(AllPuntland)- Maamul goboleedka Puntland iyo shirkad laga leeyahay dalka Sucuudiga oo xoolaha ka ganacsata laguna magacaabo Aljaabiriya ayaa kala saxiixday heshiis dhowr qodob ka kooban. Heshiiskan ayaa wuxuu yimid kadib markii madaxwaynaha Puntland iyo madaxda wasaaradda xannaanada xoolaha iyo wafdiga ka socday Sucuudiga ay yeesheen kulamo saacado qaatay. Qodobada lagu heshiiyay waxaa kamid ahaaa:- 1. In shiradda Sucuudiga ah ee Aljaabiriya ay in sanadkiiba ay Puntland ka iibsato xoolo gaaraya 10 malyan oo neef oo isugu jira Geel, lo' iyo ari. 2. In shirkadda Sucuudiga ah dhisto goob wayn oo lagu xannaaneeyo xoolaha Puntland inta aysan dibadda u dhoofin. 3. In shirkaddan ay xoolaha Puntland kasii iibin karto shirikaad kale oo Carbeed. Heshiiska dhinaca maamul goboleedka Puntland waxaa u saxiixay madaxwaynaha Puntland Cadde Muuse , dhinaca dalka Sucuudigana waxaa u saxiixay Saleebaan Siciid Aljaabiri oo madax u ah shirkaddan heshiiska lala galay. CCC Farayaamo AllPuntland