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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Ciidamada Badda Puntland Oo Soo Qabtay Doonyo & Maraakiib Sharci Darro Bosaso( 24-April-2007 Dhageyso: -Shir Jaraa`id Ku Saabsan Howlgalada Doonyahan Ciidamada ilaalada xeehaba puntland ayaa gacanta ku soo dhigay maraakiib iyo doonyo si sharci daro ah uga kaluumaysanayey xeebaha maamul goboleedka puntland. Sedex markab iyo lix doonyood oo si dhuumaalaysi ah uga jilaabanayey xeebaha puntland ayaa maalinimadii shalay ahayd ay ciidamada ilaalada badaha puntland ay ka soo qaqabteen xeebaha gobolka bari. Maraakiibtan iyo doonyahan oo dhamaantood ahaa kuwa kaluumaysiya ayaa waxaa saarnaa shaqaale aad u tiro badan oo ka soo kala jeeda dalal dhowr ah. Sedaxda markab ee laga soo qabtay xeebaha puntland ayaa ka diiwaan gashan dalka masar halka sagaalka doonyoodna laga leeyahay wadanka yaman. Isku gayn shaqaalaha saran maraakiibtan iyo doonyaha ayaa gaaraya 130 qof oo iskugu jira naakhuudayaal iyo badmaaxiin u kala dhashay dalalka yaman iyo masar. Qabqabashada maraakiibtan iyo doonyahakan aad u tirada badan ayaa timid kadib markii ay dhawaan ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha puntland ay sameeyeen howl-gal aad u balaaran oo ay ku sifaynayeen xeebaha puntland. Taliyaha ciidamada ilaalada baddaha puntland cabdi xirsi ducaale ayaa ka warbixiyey sidii ay usoo qabteen maraakiibtan iyo doonyaha waxaana uu ku tilmaamay kuwo ku soo xadgudbay badda punt land lana marsiin doono wadadii ay mareen kuwii ka horeeyay oo iyagu maxkamad xukun ku riday. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay ee ay ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha puntland ay gacanta ku soo dhigaan maraakiib iyo doonyo si sharci daro ah uga kaluumaysanayey xeebata dheer ee puntland ee waxaa la dhahi karaa waxa ay ka mid yihiin kuwo fara badan oo ay ciidamadu ay gacanta ku soo dhigeen.
  2. Ciidanka Ilaalada Badda ee Maamul Gobaleedka Puntlan oo Qabtay Maraakiib(Daawo Sawirada) Last Updated::2007-04-25 13:33:10 Boosaaso:- Ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha ee maamul gobaleedka Puntland ayaa gacanta ku soo dhigay maraakiib si sharci daro ah uga kaluumaysanayey xeebaha Puntland. Sadex ka mid ah Maraakiibta ayaa waxay ka diiwan gishan yihiin dalka Masar sagaal kale ayaa waxay ka diiwaan gisha´n yihiin dalka Yemen. Maraakiibta ayaa waxaa saaran shaqaalo tiro badan waxayna gaarayaan ilaa 130 shaqaale ah waxana ka kala yimaadeen wadamada Masar iyo Yemen. Taliyaha ciidamada ilaalada baddaha Puntland Cabdi Xirsi Ducaale ayaa ka warbixiyey sidii ay gacan ugu soo dhigeen maraakiibtan iyo doonyaha isaga oo sheegay in si dhaqso ah loo keeni doono maxkamada. Ma ahan markii ugu horeysay ee ay ciidamada ilaalada xeebaha Puntland ay gacanta ku soo dhigaan maraakiib si sharci daro ah uga kaluumaysanayey xeebaha Puntland . Ilo wareed ku sugan Dekedda magaalada Boosaaso ayaa u xaqiijiyey HorseedNet in maraakiibta ay iminka ku xiran yihiin Dekedda Boosaaso . Sawiro
  3. Ciidamada Ilaalada Badda ayaa waxay gacanta ku soo dhigeen 3 Markab iyo 9 doonyood oo si sharci daro ah uga kaluumaysanayey Xeebaha DGPL. Wednesday, 25-Apr 2007 Ciidamada Ilaalada Badda Dowlad Goboleedka Puntland ayaa waxay gacanta ku soo dhigeen Sadex Markab iyo Sagaal doonyood oo si sharci daro ah uga kaluumaysanayey Xeebaha Puntland ka dib markay howlga ugu baxeen 48 Saac ka hor. Taliyaha Ciidanka Ilaalada Badda Gaashaanle Sare Cabdi Xirsi Ducaale ayaa wuxuu noo sheegay in Ciidanka ilaalada badda ay howgalka u baxeen April 22, Waajibaadkiisu ahaa inay Xeebta dheer ee Puntland ka ilaaliyaan Kalluumaysiga sharci darada ah, Burcad Badeedka, iyo Doonyaha tahtriibta qaada, “Waxaan ka soo qabanay Gaadiidkan Badda Meel u dhaxayso Raas-Casayr iyo Caluula, markii aanu halkaas gaarnay waxaanu mid walaba waydiiney in ay haystaan ogolaansho sharciyeysan, nasiib daro 12-kooduba ma lahayn wax sharci oo waxay u kaluumaysanayeen si sharci daro ah, sidaa darteed waxaanu keenay Dekeda Boosaaso, inkasta oo ay saaraayeen ilaalo qoryo wadata maraakiibtan iyo doonyaha laakin wax iska cabin ah lama kulmin” Mar aan wax ka waydiinay Wasiirka Kaluumaysiga, Dekedaha, iyo khayraadka Bada Siciid Maxamad Raage waxa uu noo sheegay inuu aad ugu faraxsanyahay howlgalkan ay sameeyeen ciidamada ilaalada bada ee Puntland, Wasiirku wuxuu kaloo sheegay inay baaritaan ku samaynayaan gaadiidkan la soo qabtay si aan u ogaano khayraadka ay sharci darada ku guran jireen, qalabka ay isticmaalaan iyo dhibka ay u gaysteen Bay’ada badda, “Sadex goor oo hore ayaa puntland heshiisyo la gashay shirkado ka maalgeliya ilaalinta badda waxna kama suurta gelin, Laakiin heshiiska aanu hada la galnay Al-Xabaabi wuu ka duwan yahay kuwii hore, oo awooda fulinta iyo ciidamada waxaa leh dowlada halka shirkaduna ay leedahay qalabka iyo maalgelinta, waxaan filayaa sidaas ayaa guushu ku timid oo aanu maanta soo qabanay qaybtii ugu horaysey doonyaha iyo maraakiibtan sharci darada uga kaluumaysta xeebeheena” ayuu yiri Wasiirku. Hadaba mar aan maanta kormeer ku tagnay Gaadiidkan la soo qabatay, waxay ahaayeen sadex markab oo laga leeyahay Dalka Masar iyo sagaal doonyood oo laga leeyahay Dalka Yemen, shaqaalaha saaran waxay kala ahaayeen Masaari, yemen, Tanzanian, iyo soomaali, shaqaalaha Waxaa ay saareeyeen gadiidkoodii oo lama xirin, waxaa ka maquuday welwel la’aan, waxaa doonyaha korkooda saarnaa saraakiil ka socota hay’adaha kala duwan ee DGPL, oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Ciidanka ilaalada bada, Wasaarada Kaluumaysiga, Immigarayshanka, iyo qeybta ilaalinta Bay’ada. Howlagalkani wuxuu ahaa kii ugu horeeyey ay galaan Ciidamada Ilaalada Xeebaha ee Puntland ka dib markii Dowlada iyo Shikada Al-Hababi ay wada galeen heshiis wada shaqayn ah, ciidamadan waxay Tababar ku qaateen Xerada Tababarka Ciidamada ee Xorgoble (Qardho), Tababrkaas oo ay Bixiyeen Saraakiil khibrad u leh arimaha Badda oo isuga jira Ajnabi iyo Soomali. Sawiro
  4. Puntland Coast Guard Catches 12 Fishing Vessels illegally Fishing in the Waters of Puntland Wednesday, 25-Apr 2007 The Puntland Coast Guard caught 12 fishing Vessels illegally fishing in the waters of Puntland. These vessels were then escorted back to the Bossaso port for further questions and legal action. Puntland Coast Guard Commander Full Colonel Abdi Hersi Du’ale stated that the Coast Guard was on a 48 hour mission with the task of stopping illegal fishing, human smuggling, and pirates, when the Coast Guard discovered these vessels. The vessels consisted of 9 fishing boats and two ships registered under the Republic of Yemen and Egypt. The vessels were caught between Ras-asyr and Aluula. All the crew members aboard these vessels were brought back to Bossaso for further questioning by the Puntland authorities. Col. Abdi Hersi also stated that a full investigation and legal action will be conducted on this incident in the next few days. The Minister of Fisheries, Ports, Marine Transport & Marine Resources, the Honorable. Saed Mohamed Rage stated the operation was a joint initiative of the Puntland Coast Guard, Ministry of Fisheries and the Al-Hababi Company. The Minister also stated, “ I am very happy with the success of this mission and this will also send a strong message to those that want to illegally fish in our waters that they will be facing the full force of the Puntland Justice system”., This was the first mission of the Puntland Coast Guard; the Coast Guard includes the recent addition of 250 members who had completed their training in Gardo, Puntland. The Puntland Coast Guard is a partnership between the Puntland Government and the Al-Hababi Company, with the main mission of securing the waters of Puntland against any form of illegal criminal activity. These Vessels and their crews are now in the custody of Puntland authorities in Bossaso. Different State agencies are now dealing with this issue; this includes an investigation into what these vessels are carrying, what equipment they are using for their illegal activities and what kind of damage they may have caused to the coastal environment of Puntland.
  5. These killings were mainly perpertrated by 'Peace-maker' Ahmed Diiriye's notorious Mogadishu death squads. 'Peace-maker' Ahmed Diiriye got this contract from Abdiqaasim, Galaal and their radical allies aligned to them, the group mainly lead by Hassan Dahir Aweys. It is a well-known strategy of Al-Qaeda to assassinate people that are well respected in their communties especially those they deem a 'threat' to their future political plans and power. Those include former military men who hold a high or middle rank (if a group within the city opposes the group of Hassan Dahir Aweys then they could be possible collabrators and because they have knowledge they have to be terminated), high ranking former police men, civil rights/human rights activists (they believe those work for other groups that are hostile to their future plans and they often accuse them of being western/christian spies), NGO workers (again they believe they have a sinister and ulterior motive such as converting children), former politicians and statesmen (again a dangerious group, they might come between the group and future political ambitions), ***Edited people who work for the media, who are investigating and following up particular stories especially western ones (anyone deemed that they might put or shed a light to Al-Qaeda's prepration in Somalia and training camps has to be shot on the spot, simple). Sakhar.
  6. This war in my eyes is unwinnable, unless there are some changes to it. The government cannot win this war because for the simple fact that this is urban warfare and that the government has around 9000 troops stationed in Mogadishu which half has no knowledge of Mogadishu itself nor its environments. Furthermore there are some 20000 Ethiopian troops in the capital who don't know where they are or what they're doing in Mogadishu. The resistence is fighting in their own districts and they know every alleyway and secret path of their areas where they can escape to and hide and make the enemy feel a total stranger in those parts of the city. The other thing that the fight started at 8:45 pm tonight it is dark and the government troops and ethiopians don't know where they are or where they're supposed to be, so this is a big disadvanged for the government. Simply the government can not win this war and the Ethiopians are determined if they don't get any results tommorrow that they will throw in the towel and leave Somalia altogether. They cannot stay in Somalia for any longer they have to go and leave for Ethipia, therefore leaving us in a bigger mess than we first found ourselves in. The Victory is in the resistences hands and the earlier the government realises than the better but if they continue this will end up in a big failure and disaster. You cannot win such a war, it's a urban street to street warfare with modern and very lethal weaponary. Unless one is committed and determined to see this through and is willing to burn the whole thing down by using heavy artillery and air cover, this war cannot be won. The civilians have already left the areas that are now contested, there are no civilians but only fighting men from the resistence and so far they have the upper hand because the government troops and ethiopians have clearly failed in their objectives of capturing what they set out to capture. They didn't move very far nor did they expell the enemy from the targets they were supposed to attack and capture from the enemy. Without the support from the air and cover and heavy artillery, the footsoliders are helpless because remember this are ethiopians professional soliders, people who joined the army because they couldn'd find another profession. Many were forced and many don't know what they're fighting for. They don't have any motiviation to fight this bloody urban face to face warfare because they are only here to get their salaries in order for their families to live but nothing else. It was fun overwhelming the clan courts and their sympathisers because then one was fighting in open fields and not densely populated bloody urban areas (now it is densely populated with resistence fighters). They had a superior advantage which was fighting jets, which bombed the hell out of the courts and made them disperse but this is different. Unless they use heavy shelling from the air, their artillery and footsoldiers won't do a great deal of harm to the resistence and they won't have anything on them. So I say victory is firmly in resistences hands and they cannot lose in any way or shape or form. It is just unimaginable because they have the advantage of 'home support' because they know the areas very well where the fighting is taking place right now which their counterparts don't. They know every side street that leads out and in of a particular resistence area, they know the hiding places, it is just sealed this war is unwinnable for the TFG and its allies. I firmly believe that victory is in the resistence hands and that the Ethipians are close in throwing in the towel and actually leaving. Mark my words it was me who predicted that there will be no war in the upcoming three weeks, exactly three weeks ago. So don't underestimate my latest prediction. Sakhar.
  7. Buuhoodle: Wasiiro kasocda Puntland oo jooga Buuhoodle. 17. april 2007 APL Buuhoodle(AllPuntland)- Wafdi ballaaran oo ka socda maamul goboleedka Puntland oo ay kamid yihiin wasiiro ayaa gaaray magaalada Buuhoodle ee gobolka Cayn. Wafdigan ayaa waxaa hoggaaminaya wasiirka caddaaladda iyo arimaha diinta C/risaq Yaasiin Cabdulle (Geesood) , waxaana kamid ahaa wasiir kuxigeenka dawladaha hoose Axmed Aadan Carab, wasiir kuxigeenka arimaha gudaha Faarax Cabdi Doorshe iyio xildhibaanno. Wafdigan ayaa waxaa magaalada Buuhoodle si diiran ugu soo dhaweeyay maamulka degmada Buuhoodle sida guddoomiyaha degmada Kayse Cabdi Yuusuf iyo odayasha dhaqanka. Ujeeddada socdaalka wafdigan ayaa ahayd xaaladda nabadda iyo difaaca maamul goboleedka Puntaland sidii halkaasi looga si amba qaadi lahaa. Wafdigan ayaa waxaa u bilowday kulamo ballaaran oo looga hadlayo horumarka guud ee gobolka Cayn iyo sidii sare loogu qaadi lahaa nolosha aasaasiga ah. Socdaalkan ayaa wuxuu kasoo horjeedaa socdaal ay halkaasi horay ugu tageen xubno ka socda maamulka la baxay Somaliland oo Buuhoodle maalmo ka hor kusugnaa. Waxaa socdaalka wasiiradan kusoo beegmayaa xilli xaaladda gobollada Sool iyo Sanaag ay dagganaan kusoo laabatay markii ciidamada Somaliland laga saaray dhulka Puntland oo ay soo weerareen. CCC Faayaamo AllPuntland
  8. Wafdi heer wasiir ah oo ka socda Puntland oo maanta gaarey degmada Buuhoodle. Last Updated::2007-04-17 14:31:09 Buuhoodle:- Wafdi heer sare oo ka socda maamul Goboleedka Puntland ayaa maanta gaarey degmada Buuhoodle ee xarunta Gobolka Cayn, halkaasi oo ay lagu wado inay kulamo kula degmada Buuhoodle ee xarunta Gobolka Cayn, halkaasi oo ay lagu wado inay kulamo kual yeeshaan masuuliyiinta deegaankaasi iyo duqeyda dhaqanka. Wafdigan oo ka kooban wasiiro, wasiir kuxigeenu iyo masuuliyiin kale ayaa waxaana hogaaminaya wasiirka Diinta iyo awqaafta ee Puntland C/risaaq Yaasin Cabdulle (Geesood). Wasiirka ayaa wuxuu saxaafada uga warbixiyey ujeedada safarkooda iyo waliba mudada uu qaadan doono safarkooda., waxaana uu sheegay inay halkaasi u tageen sidii loo adkeyn lahaa amaanka guud ee Gobolka, horumarinta bulshada, socodsiinta hawlaha maamulka, qaadista habka canshuuraha iyo la socoshada arimaha bulshada. Wafdigan ayaa ka kooban C/rsiaaq yaasin Cabdulle Geesood, wasiir kuxigeenka Dawladaha hoose iyo horumarinta reer Miyiga Axmed Aadan Carab, wasiir kuxigeenka arimaha Gudaha Faarax Cabdi Doolshe, xildhibaan Cali Axmed Cismaan iyo xubno kale oo fara badan. Waxaana wafdigan si weyn ugu soo dhaweeyey dadweyne iyo masuuliyiinta maamulka Gobolka oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Cayn Keyse Cabdi Yuusuf, Duqa magaalada Buuhoodle,Saleebaan Barkhad Afrax, Gudoomiye kuxigeenka Gobolka Jaamac Cabdi Ismaacii iyo waliba xubno kale oo fara badan. Waxaa lagi wadaa inay goor dhaw kulamo la yeeshaan waxgaradka iyo masuuliyiinta maamulka deegaankaasi.
  9. The large delegation of Puntland State of Somalia that was in Widh Widh (part of Cayn region) yesterday, today arrived in the capital of Cayn, Buuhoodle. The delegation is expected to have a meeting with the relevant district officials and head of the district local government and the region's traditional elders as well. The delegation includes Puntland State ministers, deputy ministers and other officials which is headed by the Minister of Religious Affairs, the right honourable Abdirisaq Yaasiin Abdulle (Geesood). The minister has informed the local press to his visit and how long it will take and to what is objectives are. He said that he came to reinforce and strengthen the general security and peace of the region, the advancement of civil society, to progress the local government agendas such as taxation and to be up to date generally about the affairs of the local populance. The delgation comprises Abdirisaq Yaasiin Abdulle (Geesood) head of delegation and Minister for Religious affairs, the right honourable deputy minister for local governments and the development of rural communities Aadan Carab, deputy minister for the interior and deputy home security minister Faarax Cabdi Doorshe, Parliamentarian Ali Ahmad Osman and many more coutless State offcials and representatives. The Delegation was hugely and very warmly welcomed by the governor of Cayn region honourable Keyse Abdi Yusuf, the mayor of Buuhoodle Saleebaan Barkhad Afrax, the deputy governor of Cayn region Jamac Cabdi Ismaciil and many more local regional, district and city officials. It is expected that the delegation will have a meeting very shortly with the local officials and representatives of the local government and also traditional elders of Buuhoodle and Cayn region.
  10. Another interesting article but if you don't understand Somali then I will not be able to translate it for you. But if needed I could provide a short summary of it. Cade Muuse oo ka warbixiyey heshiiskii dhexmaray Puntland & Ras-Alkhaymah. Last Updated::2007-04-17 14:28:48 Rasul Khayma:- Madaxweynaha maamul Goboleedka Puntland oo xalay waraysi gaar ah siiyey barnaamijka xulka wararka 24-ka saac ee idaacada SBC ayaa waxa uu ka war bixiyey waxa uu ku saabsanaa heshiiskii dalka imaaraadka ku dhexmaray maamul goboleedka Puntland iyo imaarada Ra’sulkheyma oo ka tirsan dalka imaaraadka. Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegey inay iyaga iyo masuuliyiinta imaaradaasi ay isku afgarteen waxyaabo farabadan oo ay kamid yihiin in xiriir wanaagsan ay labada dhinac yeeshaan, dalka imaaraadkuna dhinaca dhaqaalaha ka kaabo maamuka Puntland ayna kula heshiiyeen mashaariic kala duwan oo dhinaca horumarinta a, kuwaasi oo ay ka mid yihiin dhameystirka Garoonka diyaaradaha magaalada Boosaaso, Balaarinta dekada magaalada Boosaaso, barista macaadiinta iyo shidaalka Puntland, iyo waliba iskaashiga Ganacsiga xoolaha iyo kaluumaysiga, iyadoo fulinta heshiisyadan ay yihiin kuwa loo saarey guddiyo kala duwan. Gen.Cade Muuse ayaa sheegey in goordhow wafdi kasocda ka imaaraadka uu soogaari doono deegaanada Puntland si ay usoo indha indheeyaan bal xaalada guud ee dalka iyadoo ay meesha ku jirto dhamaystirka airporka Boosaaso iyo mashaariic kale oo farabadan waxana intaasku siidaray madaxweyne Cadde Muuse in heshiiskan uuaan ahayn mid dan u ah Puntland oo kaliya ee ay labada dhinacba ka faa’iidaysan doonaan. Madaxweynaha oo sii faahfaainaya heshiiskaasi ayaa sheegey inay heshiiska ka mid tahay diyaarad u kala gooshta Puntland iyo dalka imaaraadka Carabta todobaadkii labo jeer iyo in wax laga qabto dhismayaasha furdooyinka oo ay ka mid tahay dekeda Boosaaso, in la balaariyo in la dayac tiro wada dheer ee laamiga in laga dhiso Puntland warshad Shamiito iyo in wax laga qabto fududaynta soo saarida macaadinta Puntland. Madaxweynaha ayaa sheegey inay labo todobaad gudahood ku imaan doonaan deegaanada Puntland wafti heer sare ah oo ka socda dalka imaaraadka si ay kormeer ugu sameeyaan meelaha ay shaqada ka qabanayaan. Max'ed Max'uud Well-Come
  11. DUBAI : Puntland iyo Imaaradda Raysul-khayma oo heshiis muhiima kala saxiixday. Posted to the Web Apr 17, 08:36 Dubai:-Qaar ka mid ah Madaxda maamulka Puntland oo uu ka mid yahay M.wayne Cadde Muuse oo iminka ku sugan Imaaradda Raysul-khayma ee dalka Imaaraadka ayaa halkaasi waxay saxiixeen heshiis muhiim ah oo lagu horumarinayo Puntland. M.wayne Cadde Muuse oo ka warbixiyay heshiiskan , ayaa ku tilmaamay mid muhiimad u leh Puntland , islamarkaasna wax wayn ka badali doona dhaqaalaha iyo horumarka dalka. Qodobada ugu muhiimsan ee heshiiskan ayuu wuxuu M.waynuhu ka tilmaamay:- Fidinta Dakada Boosaaso Dayactirka wadada dheer ee iskuxirta Boosaaso iyo Gaalkaco/Garoowe iyo Laascaanood Dhamaystirka Garoonka diyaarada ee Boosaaso Diyaarad-rakaab oo usbuuciiba laba jeer timaada Puntland Baaritaanka macdanta/shidaalka Heshiiskan , oo uu sheegay Cadde Muuse in ay ka shaqaynayeen muddo ku dhow 2 sano , ayuu sheegay in markaan aysan jirin wax dhiman habayaraatee in shaqadii toos loo bilaabo maahee. Wuxuuna sheegay in ay shirkadihii howsha bilaabi lahaa uu rajaynayo in usbuuc gudahood ay ku imaanayaan shaqaduna ay horay ka imaanayso. Dhaqaalaha ku baxaya mashaariicdan ayuu tilmaamay in ay bixinayso Imaarada Raysul-khayma , balse ay Puntland inta badan ay dib u bixin doonto marka ay khayraadkeeda la soo baxdo. M.waynuhu wuxuu meesha ka saaray in aysan wax macaawino baryootan ah aysan wadaysan imaaradan , balse ay doonayaan in labada dhinacba ay kala faa’iidaystaan. Sida uu M.waynuhu u sharaxay heshiiskan , haddii loo hirgaliyo ayaan shaku ku jirin in uu Puntland wax-wayn ku soo kordhin doono , dhaqaale ahaan iyo horumar kalaba. Axmed C/salaam Garoowe ,
  12. A landmark development for the Puntland State of Somalia in particular and Somalia in general. This agreement signed to boost bilateral cooperation between the two states will help both economies to further develop and prosper. This deal signed took two hard working years in order to materialise the deal and today there's nothing left except that Ra's Al-Khaiymah comes to Puntland in order to start the work and development immidiately. RAK is expected to start work and come to Puntland next week inshallah. You can see how useful this agreement is and that it means business. The President clearly said that this is not some kind of voluntarily work but that they're actually going to repay the RAK ones the natural recources are drilled out. This is a great development and a step in the right direction by Puntland State of Somalia. With peace comes development and now all over the world states, governments and private multi-national companies want to make bilateral agreements and business deals with Puntland State of Somalia, I thank Allaah for that development and I hope the rest of our brothers follow suit inshallah. I have got high hopes once Mogadishu is pacified that they will also attract many companies and for the rest of the country it will be the same inshallah. But what is needed is peace and determination and the right kind of leadership that focuses on development rather any other issues. The deal will benefit all of us and we hope for more of such deals to be materialised inshallah. Here are the the items and steps that have been agreed on and signed by both RAK government and the government of Puntland State of Somalia lead by H.E. Mahamoud Muse Hirsi, The President of Puntland State of Somalia. The President summoned up the articles as following: 1. Expansion of Bosaso Port 2. Restoration of the long road that links up Bosaso and Galkacyo and Garoowe and Laascaanood. 3. The completion of the Airport project in Bosaso, Bendarqaasim International Airport. 4. Passenger Aeroplane that comes twice a week to Puntland State of Somalia. 5. Exploration of Natural resources and Petroleum. ^All this will be financed by RAK government (Ra's Al-Khaymah Emirate of UAE) but Puntland will repay them in the future inshallah. So this is not a one-sided deal but rather a good deal that will boost bilateral cooperation and both economies of the two states of RAK and Puntland State of Somalia.
  13. Puntland & Imaaradda Raasul Khayma oo Heshiis horumarineed kala saxiixday. Labada dhinac ayaa ka wada shaqeyn doonta sameynta qorshe horumarineed oo ku aadan illaha dhaqaalaha Puntland sida garoomada diyaaradaha, Dekedaha, dalxiiska iyo dhismaha. Waliyu Cahdiga Imaarada Raasul Khayma ee dalka Emaaraadka iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa qalinka ku duugay heshiis iskaashi dhaqaale iyo horumarin oo ay wada galeen Maamulada Puntland ee Soomaaliya iyo Raasul Khayma ee Isutaga Emaaraadka. Kulan balaaran oo ka dhacay Qasria Madaxtooyada Raasul Khayma ayuu Waliyu Cahdiga Imaarada Raasulkhayma Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi iyo mas'uuliyiinta maamulka Raasul Khayma kula yeesheen Wafdi heer sare ah oo ka socday Puntland oo uuna horkacayey Madaxweyne Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (Cadde Musse). Kulankan labada dhinac ayaa looga hadlay heshiiska ay wada galayaan Puntland iyo Raasul Khayma oo taabanaya dhinaca Xanaanada Xoolaha iyo dhoofinta, horumarinta Puntland ee Airporada, Dekkadaha, soo saarka Macdanta iyo kobcinta tamarta iyo gaaska. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimiga Raasul Khayma ayaa si weyn ugu soo dhaweeyey Wafdiga heerka sare ah oo uu sheegay in ay soo booqdeen uuna horkacayo Madaxweynaha Puntland. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi ayaa sheegay in heshiiskan uu noqon doono mid sare usii qaada xiriirka ganacsi iyo walaaltinimo ee ummada Emaaraadka Carabta iyo Soomaaliya. Madaxweynaha Puntland Md.Cadde Musse oo kulankaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in xiriir soo jireen ah ka dhaxeeyo dalka Emaaraadka iyo Somaliya gaar ahaan Puntland. Wuxuuna Madaxweynaha Puntland sheegay in ay jiraan fursado waaweyn oo dhinaca ganacsiga ah oo ay Puntland maanta heysato, wuxuuna sheegay in ay sare u sii kacayaan shirkadaha caalamiga ah ee doonaya in ay maal gashtaan Mandaqada. Md.Cadde Musse Madaxweynaha Dowlad Gobaleedka Puntland ayaa sheegay in Puntland ay dooneyso in ay sare usii qaado xiriirkii ganacsi ee ka dhaxeeyay ayaga iyo dalka Emaaraadka. Warbixino ay labada dhinac is dhaafsadeen kadib ayaa waxaa halkaasi lagu saxiixay heshiis rasmi ah oo ay Mandaqada Raasul Khayma kula gashay Mandaqada Puntland heshiis iskaashi iyo horumarin dhinaca ganacsiga ah. Waxaana heshiiskan ku qoran dhismaha shirkad horumarin ah oo lagu magacaabo Puntland Hydrocarbon Development Company LLC. Shirkadan ayaa sameyn doonta dhinac baaritaanka gaaska iyo shidaalka Puntland. Heshiiskan ayaa qoraya in labada dhinac is dhaafsadaan xogta iyo cilmiga la xariira shidaalka iyo waliba sare u qaadida aqoonta Puntland. Labada dhinac ayaa ka wada shaqeyn doonta sameynta qorshe horumarineed oo ku aadan illaha dhaqaalaha ee Puntland sida Airporada, Dekkadaha, dalxiiska iyo dhismaha. Heshiiskan ayaa sidoo kale lagu ansixiyey heshiiskii horudhaca ahaa ee Mandaqada Raasul Khayma ay Puntland uga dhisayso xarun lagu Xanaaneeyo Xoolaha Soomaaliya inta aan dibada loo dhoofin. Heshiiskan ayey labada dhinac u kala saxiixeen Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi iyo Madaxweyne Maxamuud Muse Xirsi. Waxaa sidoo kale goob joog ka ahaa wasiirka xannaanada xoolaha beeraha iyo deegaanka, Siciid Jaamac Qoorsheel iyo mas'uuliyiin kale oo ka socota Puntland. Waxaa ayaguna goobta ku sugnaa Mas'uuliyiinta maamulka Raasul Khayma u qaabilsan dhinaca Dekkadaha, Guddoomiyaha Dekkadaha iyo Kastamka Sheikh Mohammed bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Agaasimaha Guud ee Dekkadaha Raasul Khayma Md.Mohammad A. Al Mehrizi, Ruurd Abma oo ah Madaxa dhinaca Soo saarka Gaas iyo mas'uuliyiin kale oo badan oo ka socda Mandaqada. Axmed Jookar SBC Boosaaso
  14. Wafti heer sare ah oo ka socda DGLP oo gaaray gobolka ceyn. (Widh-Widh)16.04-7Wafti ka socda DGLP oo hogaaminayo wasiirka diinta iyo awqaafta C/risaaq yaasiin geesood ayna ka midyihiin wasiir k/xigeegka arimaha gudaha iyo amniga cabdi faarax doorshe iyo xubno kale ayaa gaaray dagmada widhwidh ee gobolka ceyn ee puntland Safarka waftigaan ayaa ku aadan sidii ay ugu kuurgali lahaayeen xaalada dhabta ah ee ka jirta gobolkaasi, waxaana halkaasi si weyn ugu soo dhaweeyey mamulka gobolka ceyn iyo shacabka ku dhaqan deeganadaasi. Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Cayn ayaa saxaafada u sheegay in ay wafdigani ay cagta marin doonaan degmooyin ka tirsan gobolka cayn waxaana uu sheegay in si aad u sareysa loogu soo dhaweeyay iyada ay dadku wadooyinka safan yihiin sidoo waxaa ka qaybqaatay soo dhaweynta wafdigan Fadaha ay caanka ku tahay degmada Widh widh & sidoo kale golaha Degaanka degmada Widh widh. Ma’ahan markii ugu horeysay ee wafdi noocaasi ah oo ka socda puntland ay tagaan gobolka ceyn waxaana la filayaa in waftigaasi ay u sii gudbaan dagmooyin kale oo ka tirsan gobolkaasi,. mana jiraan warar cadeynaya xilliga uu safarkaasi qaadan doono ay ku marayaan gobolka cayn iyada oo la filayo in ay la kulmaan madaxda gobolkaasi. Mahamud Said Salaad Radio Widh widh Bosaso punt land Somalia
  15. Wasiiro Puntland Ah oo Booqasho Ku Jooga Gobolka Cayn. Apr 16, 2007 Widhwidh(;-Waftigan oo uu hogaaminayo Wasiirka Cadaalada iyo Diinta C/risaaq Yaasiin C/dile Geesood ayna ka midyihiin wasiir k/xigeegka Arimaha gudaha iyo Amniga Cabdi Faarax Doorshe,W/ku xigeenka Dawladaha hoose Axmed Aadan Carab iyo Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Sool Ibraamin Jaamac Daad ayaa maanta duhurkii gaadhay Degmada Widhwidh ee Gobolka Cayn. Safarka waftigaan ayaa ku aadan sidii ay ugu kuurgali lahaayeen xaalada dhabta ah ee ka jirta gobolkaasi, waxaana halkaasi si weyn ugu soo dhaweeyey mamulka gobolka ceyn iyo shacabka ku dhaqan deeganadaasi. Gudoomiyaha Gobolka Cayn ayaa saxaafada u sheegay in ay wafdigani tagi doonaan degmooyin ka tirsan gobolka Cayn waxaana uu sheegay in si aad u sareysa loogu soo dhaweeyay, iyadoo ay dadku wadooyinka safan yihiin.
  16. Puntland iyo Raasul Khayma oo Heshiis horumarin iyo Iskaashi ah wada saxiixday. Last Updated::2007-04-16 16:39:45 Raasul Khayma:- Waliyu Cahdiga Imaarada Raasul Khayma ee dalka Emaaraadka iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa qalinka ku duugay heshiis iskaashi dhaqaale iyo horumarin oo ay wada galeen Maamulada Puntland ee Soomaaliya iyo Raasul Khayma ee Isutaga Emaaraadka. Kulan balaaran oo ka dhacay Qasria Madaxtooyada Raasul Khayma ayuu Waliyu Cahdiga Imaarada Raasulkhayma Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi iyo mas'uuliyiinta maamulka Raasul Khayma kula yeesheen Wafdi heer sare ah oo ka socday Puntland oo uuna horkacayey Madaxweyne Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi (Cadde Musse). Kulankan labada dhinac ayaa looga hadlay heshiiska ay wada galayaan Puntland iyo Raasul Khayma oo taabanaya dhinaca Xanaanada Xoolaha iyo dhoofinta, horumarinta Puntland ee Airporada, Dekkadaha, soo saarka Macdanta iyo kobcinta tamarta iyo gaaska. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimiga Raasul Khayma ayaa si weyn ugu soo dhaweeyey Wafdiga heerka sare ah oo uu sheegay in ay soo booqdeen uuna horkacayo Madaxweynaha Puntland. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi ayaa sheegay in heshiiskan uu noqon doono mid sare usii qaada xiriirka ganacsi iyo walaaltinimo ee ummada Emaaraadka Carabta iyo Soomaaliya. Madaxweynaha Puntland Md.Cadde Musse oo kulankaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in xiriir soo jireen ah ka dhaxeeyo dalka Emaaraadka iyo Somaliya gaar ahaan Puntland. Wuxuuna Madaxweynaha Puntland sheegay in ay jiraan fursado waaweyn oo dhinaca ganacsiga ah oo ay Puntland maanta heysato, wuxuuna sheegay in ay sare u sii kacayaan shirkadaha caalamiga ah ee doonaya in ay maal gashtaan Mandaqada. Md.Cadde Musse Madaxweynaha Dowlad Gobaleedka Puntland ayaa sheegay in Puntland ay dooneyso in ay sare usii qaado xiriirkii ganacsi ee ka dhaxeeyay ayaga iyo dalka Emaaraadka. Warbixino ay labada dhinac is dhaafsadeen kadib ayaa waxaa halkaasi lagu saxiixay heshiis rasmi ah oo ay Mandaqada Raasul Khayma kula gashay Mandaqada Puntland heshiis iskaashi iyo horumarin dhinaca ganacsiga ah. Waxaana heshiiskan ku qoran dhismaha shirkad horumarin ah oo lagu magacaabo Puntland Hydrocarbon Development Company LLC. Shirkadan ayaa sameyn doonta dhinac baaritaanka gaaska iyo shidaalka Puntland. Heshiiskan ayaa qoraya in labada dhinac is dhaafsadaan xogta iyo cilmiga la xariira shidaalka iyo waliba sare u qaadida aqoonta Puntland. Labada dhinac ayaa ka wada shaqeyn doonta sameynta qorshe horumarineed oo ku aadan illaha dhaqaalaha ee Puntland sida Airporada, Dekkadaha, dalxiiska iyo dhismaha. Heshiiskan ayaa sidoo kale lagu ansixiyey heshiiskii horudhaca ahaa ee Mandaqada Raasul Khayma ay Puntland uga dhisayso xarun lagu Xanaaneeyo Xoolaha Soomaaliya inta aan dibada loo dhoofin. Heshiiskan ayey labada dhinac u kala saxiixeen Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi iyo Madaxweyne Maxamuud Muse Xirsi. Waxaa sidoo kale goob joog ka ahaa wasiirka xannaanada xoolaha beeraha iyo deegaanka, Siciid Jaamac Qoorsheel iyo mas'uuliyiin kale oo ka socota Puntland. Waxaa ayaguna goobta ku sugnaa Mas'uuliyiinta maamulka Raasul Khayma u qaabilsan dhinaca Dekkadaha, Guddoomiyaha Dekkadaha iyo Kastamka Sheikh Mohammed bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Agaasimaha Guud ee Dekkadaha Raasul Khayma Md.Mohammad A. Al Mehrizi, Ruurd Abma oo ah Madaxa dhinaca Soo saarka Gaas iyo mas'uuliyiin kale oo badan oo ka socda Mandaqada. Cabdullahi Haji
  17. RAK and Puntland State of Somalia sign agreements to boost bilateral cooperation. Last Updated::2007-04-16 15:23:50 H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, held talks with H.E Mohamud Musse Hersi, President of the Puntland State of Somalia, and an accompanying delegation who called on him at the Al Dhait Palace, Ras Al Khaimah on 14th April, 2007. During the meeting the two leaders signed a series of economic agreements aimed to further strengthen business cooperation between the two regions. Welcoming Mohamud Musse Hersi, Sheikh Saud expressed hope that the high level visit would widen the scope of cooperation between UAE and Somalia. 'We hope that closer business ties between the two countries would further enhance economic activity that would contribute towards substantial economic development of Somalia and Puntland,' he said. Mohamud Musse Hersi said that there was considerable potential for economic development in the Puntland State of Somalia and said that the Puntland was attracting considerable investor attention in recent times. 'UAE is one of our major trading partners and we look forward to further strengthening economic cooperation by extending collaboration across various fields,' he said. The two leaders signed an agreement to set up a new hydrocarbon company, Puntland Hydrocarbon Development Company LLC, which would undertake exploration and development of oil and gas fields in Puntland. The new joint venture company would also provide services to Puntland to manage its hydrocarbon resources including transfer of technical know-how, assessment of hydrocarbon potential, conducting seismic surveys and other services. Ras Al Khaimah Government has also signed another agreement with the Puntland State of Somalia for undertaking a comprehensive study to come up with a development plan for the Puntland State, covering diverse areas such as development of ports, energy sector, airports, tourism and real estate development. It has also inked a deal for setting up of a dedicated livestock quarantine facility to facilitate the import of livestock from Somalia to the UAE. Sheikh Mohammed bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Sheikh Ahmed bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Chairman of RAK Customs and Ports Department, Mohammad A. Al Mehrizi, Director of RAK Customs and Ports Department, Ruurd Abma Managing Director of RAK Gas a number of government officials were present at the function.
  18. RAK and Puntland State of Somalia sign agreements to boost bilateral cooperation. Last Updated::2007-04-16 15:23:50 H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, held talks with H.E Mohamud Musse Hersi, President of the Puntland State of Somalia, and an accompanying delegation who called on him at the Al Dhait Palace, Ras Al Khaimah on 14th April, 2007. During the meeting the two leaders signed a series of economic agreements aimed to further strengthen business cooperation between the two regions. Welcoming Mohamud Musse Hersi, Sheikh Saud expressed hope that the high level visit would widen the scope of cooperation between UAE and Somalia. 'We hope that closer business ties between the two countries would further enhance economic activity that would contribute towards substantial economic development of Somalia and Puntland,' he said. Mohamud Musse Hersi said that there was considerable potential for economic development in the Puntland State of Somalia and said that the Puntland was attracting considerable investor attention in recent times. 'UAE is one of our major trading partners and we look forward to further strengthening economic cooperation by extending collaboration across various fields,' he said. The two leaders signed an agreement to set up a new hydrocarbon company, Puntland Hydrocarbon Development Company LLC, which would undertake exploration and development of oil and gas fields in Puntland. The new joint venture company would also provide services to Puntland to manage its hydrocarbon resources including transfer of technical know-how, assessment of hydrocarbon potential, conducting seismic surveys and other services. Ras Al Khaimah Government has also signed another agreement with the Puntland State of Somalia for undertaking a comprehensive study to come up with a development plan for the Puntland State, covering diverse areas such as development of ports, energy sector, airports, tourism and real estate development. It has also inked a deal for setting up of a dedicated livestock quarantine facility to facilitate the import of livestock from Somalia to the UAE. Sheikh Mohammed bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Sheikh Ahmed bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Chairman of RAK Customs and Ports Department, Mohammad A. Al Mehrizi, Director of RAK Customs and Ports Department, Ruurd Abma Managing Director of RAK Gas a number of government officials were present at the function.
  19. Xalane will be truly missed and for the folks that are trying to discredit him have nothing on him. He was no hypocrite, he was a honest man with a stance, who had firm beliefs and for that I salute him. He wasn't a flip-flopper nor talked in codes but he always said what he actually believed in but sadly that was taken as a personal vendetta by some whose name I shall not mention in here and for that they tried to persecute him. 21 Gun Salute to brother Xalane and Taako as well who was a young men and never out of place. I truly salute all of you.
  20. ^Indeed, I salute Captain Xalane as well.
  21. Duke brother that is what I said, it was Emperor who talked about Marka but I agree with you and it should be between Mogadishu and Baraawe preferably on the shabelle riverbanks. Actually that's what I wrote: The new city shouldn't be threated by Mogadishu's expansion, that's why town planning is needed and if Mogadishu expands it has to be planned. That is another great idea it could be next to Mogadishu but not threatened by Mogadishu's expansion if Mogadishu's growth is controlled and directed into another direction, that's why we need a town planning and a proposal where Mogadishu can expand to or not. I would prefer somewhere near Mogadishu between Mogadishu and Baraawe and on the riverbanks of the shabelle river if that is possible. We need it to be somewhere strategic. It needs to be its own federal district/state. The new capital should be called Sakhar City (only joking). I would prefer to call it something nice like 'Nabad'. This is Sakhar's proposal and the name is registred to him so come up with your own name for this grand new capital city. Grand only in terms of the buildings and the name but it should be a exclusive city and capital for Somalia the heart of politics in Somalia. Alternatively we could call it Caasimadda Nabada Soomaaliya/Soomaaliyeed. Well let me try it out inshallah: I'm heading to the capital of Somalia called Nabad in a few/coule (of) hours. Nabad is a beautiful town and not far away from Somalia's powerhouse and largest city called Mogadishu. Nabad is a bit boring but all the activities happens in the Metropolis of Mogadishu, which is the best capital city in the whole wide world. Magnificent.
  22. I believe this is a great idea but not for now. It is a idea for the future inshallah. It will be up to us to change the transitional federal charter. The city has to be from scratch and totally new and as the title already says 'purpose build', the city will be where government officials and workers come to work or where they even live and have their houses. All government officials should be housed in that newly build capital and government workers such as civil servants can commute to this city from the outside. That's why I propose it should be near Mogadishu but at the same time it should be far away from it so that the city outskirts of Mogadishu won't reach it. The new city shouldn't be threated by Mogadishu's expansion, that's why town planning is needed and if Mogadishu expands it has to be planned. That is another great idea it could be next to Mogadishu but not threatened by Mogadishu's expansion if Mogadishu's growth is controlled and directed into another direction, that's why we need a town planning and a proposal where Mogadishu can expand to or not. I would prefer somewhere near Mogadishu between Mogadishu and Baraawe and on the riverbanks of the shabelle river if that is possible. We need it to be somewhere strategic. It needs to be its own federal district/state. The new capital should be called Sakhar City (only joking). I would prefer to call it something nice like 'Nabad'. This is Sakhar's proposal and the name is registred to him so come up with your own name for this grand new capital city. Grand only in terms of the buildings and the name but it should be a exclusive city and capital for Somalia the heart of politics in Somalia. Alternatively we could call it Caasimadda Nabada Soomaaliya/Soomaaliyeed. Well let me try it out inshallah: I'm heading to the capital of Somalia called Nabad in a few/coule (of) hours. Nabad is a beautiful town and not far away from Somalia's powerhouse and largest city called Mogadishu. Nabad is a bit boring but all the activities happens in the Metropolis of Mogadishu, which is the best capital city in the whole wide world. Magnificent.
  23. This is the official version from the government website Bossaso, Puntland and Aljaabiri (Saudi Company) signed business investment agreement. Wednesday, 11-Apr 2007 On April 10, 2007, a signing ceremony for an Agreement on livestock investments between Puntland and Al Jaberi (Saudi Company) was held at the Presidential compound in Bossaso. President of Puntland Mohamud Musse Hersi and the owner of Aljaabiri Mr. Suleiman Said Aljaabiri signed the agreement, the ceremony was attended by the Minster of finance, Minister of Agriculture and livestock, Minster of commerce for Puntland side and representative from Aljaabiri company including, Mr. Hamiid Alpha, Dr Nahar Aldalbar, Mr. Adil Alqurayshi, Mr. Faisal Nur and Mr. Abdalla Amudi. For this agreement Al Jaberi will invest livestock sector in Puntland and build Animal Farm and staging areas with all the necessary resources before they ship to their destination mainly to Saudi Arabia, they will build these facilities within five months. Al Jaberi is a Saudi Owned company, who operates and invests different countries including Australia, Sudan, Syria, Uruguay, and Somalia, This agreement was negotiated by committee from puntland Government including Ministries, members from the Chamber of commerce and the representative from Al Jaberi Company including the owner, The newly signed business investment not only benefited Puntland employment market but also increased Puntland export to the Arabian Gulf. The livestock sector dominates the economy of the Puntland regions. The livestock products not only contribute to the livelihood of the nomads, but are also a substantial portion of the daily food intake of the population living in rural and urban areas. The economy of Puntland is largely dependent on livestock exports, which contribute to approximately 80% of foreign exchange earnings, 40% of the GDP and 60% of employment opportunities In addition, Foreign direct investments in all sectors and from any country are welcome, and the scope of investment or ownership is not limited.
  24. Sxb aan wax ku sheego, hadaanan Dhahar wax loo qaban ma meel kale baaba wax loo qaban? Dhahar iyo dhamaan degaamada iyo goboloda ay ka koobanyahiin Maamul Goboleedka Soomaaliyeed ee Puntland wey simanyahiin wax walbana waa loo qaban iyadoon lakala soocin, ma garatey?
  25. People there you have it, Criminal Olol just admitted that he's a qarandiid, who is only looking after his own economical interests and well-being at the expense of the stateless Somalis, that are dying everywhere. Today I saw a report by Siidi who is a famous photographer from Jowhar a city 90km's to the north of Mogadishu who took some pictures of PM Gheedi's arrival in Puntland and his trip to the police academy in Carmo city some 240km's south of Mogadishu. Siidi said that he talked with the Puntland officials and The Chamber of commerce in Puntland about the new port and airport tariffs and in his own words, he said that it seems that there is a major differece between Puntland businessmen and businessmen from Mogadishu, who it seems have never seen anykind of tariffs and which made them cry out and stop all kind of imports to Mogadishu port unless ofcourse those tariffs were removed. Siidi said that the Mogadishu's businessmen's behaviour was due to Mogadishu businessmen never having heard or saw any tariifs or taxation in the 17 years of chaos and that's why they're screaming and crying so hard whereas the businessmen in Puntland seemed relaxed about it because they didn't threat to boycott the port if the tariifs weren't removed. Siidi was astonished at the difference of the two sets of businessmen.