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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. ^ I support Somalia, I want Peace Transitional government I shall hail For peace to return and the war to cease Do not believe anarchists lie or tale For their message is only to corrupt Thy peaceful heart for their selfish plunder Long patience I endured now I erupt No more can I wait, I shall not blunder This time not, I shall grace my own and thee By restoring our nations pride for free
  2. My country will prevail inshallah and soon Somalia will emerge from its long trauma. (inshallah) I support Somalia, I want Peace Transitional government I shall hail For peace to return and the war to cease Do not believe anarchists lie or tale For their message is only to corrupt Thy peaceful heart for their selfish plunder Long patience I endured now I erupt No more can I wait, I shall not blunder This time not, I shall grace my own and thee By restoring our nations pride for free An earnest appeal I make towards thee For all þās who harbour no spite or hate The time hath come to think as whole and we Let us forgive before it is to late Envy and hate will not deliver us History shall prevail and take its course The old man who started all with this mess * Shall deliver us all with his task force The old man from Mu-dug has a vision All Mu-dug sons have such blueprints and dreams They drink from Bar-da-cad for precision ** To become men who excel above all creams Mu-dug is where trials are made for great men Where records are broken time and again Now observe his nation building commence Though you wished and called for mischief to spread ‘Twas our twain army met you got hence I shall not blame thou for opting to fled Blame thee for having no scheme and solemn Thy blunder was doubt my scheme and column Our body is apart, yet not in twain Distances and souls shall come together Change is here past state we shall not remain Death or End we shall choose either neither Divided we’re but not asunder Our country shall be together as one Separatists attitudes may wonder Somali hate hath reason, reason none Somalia will be saved from its own The world is united in their mission To restore peace and calm in the war zone After this you’re left with no ammunition You’re better off studying my flair In thy Pariah Eritrean lair Thy likes we shun, go live in Asmara Mogadishu has no place for thy group Go martyr and die like dumb Guevara Or be silent and gulp your beer and soup To the chants and laughs of the dictator Welcome to the madhouse Eritrea Where one starves to death sooner or later No spin can even change that Sophia *** Eritrea is a true Pariah Either Sharif are a fraud and a mock Hussein faint Aidid is no messiah Somalia will never be Iraq Baghdad Mogadishu will not become Soon to reality you will succumb Til then sweet dreaming, alcoholics anyonymous in Asmara with the former illiterate khat merchant Sharif Aden and the other Sharif the former Islahi/Qutubi deputy of Balcad Town under warlord Muse Sudi Yalahow with their Orthodox Christian pariah mad man will deliver something for you out of the blue. Wait for it inshallah. * Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad was the first person in Somalia after a failed coup’d’etat who started the armed resistence against the regime of Mahammed Siyad Barre. He was the first to show others what they did not dare and soon they follwed his footsteps and from there in 1991 the USC finally managed to overthrow Mahammed Siyaad Barre from Villa Somalia, where our demise started. Abdullahi is quoted saying ‘I was the first who fired the first bullet in the civil war in 1979 and it is only fitting that I end it too’. ** It is said that when every boys reaches puberty in Mudug they’re made to ‘drink’ from the well of Baradacad as a inituition to the challenges in life and in order to be recognised as ‘men’ and become eligible to sit with the elders. It is also said, when one drinks from that famous well of ‘Baradacad’ one becomes a ‘giant titan‘. In Mudug only the best are ‘bred’ as the weak are naturally ‘eliminated’ (not literally you know what I mean), only the best shall survive. In Mudug challenges are contested, champions are crowned and records are set again and again constantly. If there’s someone in the region, who excels in something then the ‘clan’ has to find someone amongst themselves who can do even better, if there’s none, then a ‘struggle’ should take place for such a person to ‘emerge’ quickly. If there’s someone who excels in beating or killing, then the ‘clan’ has to bring forth a even more murderous and unforgiving person who can ‘challenge’ that man and who brings ‘fear’ to all the rest of the people until his name becomes a 'legend'. In Mudug people are involved in constant rivalries in order to become the best it is probably a good environment for ‘high achievers’ to test their different abilities, courage and resolution. That’s why you’ll find someone in Mudug, when he sees something for the first time that he will measure himself to it and claim that ‘he could even to it better’ like when a man from Mudug saw a man flying an areoplane very skillfilly and artistically to the amazement of the viewers he just said ‘He might be able to fly it but I’m sure he cannot groud it properly and skilfully as me’ and that person has never ever flown a plane in his life. Don’t be surprised its his upbrining shinning through as he had to ‘proof’ himself from a young age and unless one ‘brags’ one wouldn’t be treated favourably. In Mudug you have to take everying forcefully, that’s when people will respect you. A man from Mudug will give everything a try and will claim to have finished everything and that he ‘knows it all’. But you might actually find that after he has gone through the task and in fact didn’t even ‘measure up’ to the contrary of his ‘claim of being a master in such tasks’ and you challenge him of his ’false claim’ that he will reply towards you ’that something was actually preventing him’. He will not be forthcoming or acknowledge the slightest that he did not ’measure up’ because of his ability but will blame it on the task itself or something else that was irritating him to produce his usual ‘quality task finishing’. The reason is that from a young age he also learned naturally to never embarrass himself to any outsiders by admitting to his inabilities. But deep down he knows to the truth but to be a real reer Mudug one has to brush it aside and blame it on something else in order not to ‘lose face’. Mudug is the home of visions and dreams and daily rivalries where one has to survive each and everyday amongst the best and cream of the cream. There’s no room for weakness or emotions as if you show any, you will be belittled. Once again Mudug is where champions are born, where visions are made and where fierce challenges are set and records broken on a constant basis. In Mudug it is said ‘they crown everyday a new champion’ and ‘everyday a new record is broken’. *** Sophia Tesfamariam, a Eritrean woman who is the spin doctor of her pariah state and her beloved mad dictator Isaias Afewerki, who made the once flourishing Eritrea into an international paranoiac pariah. The country is poor beyond belief and there’s not enough food, work or capital. The whole country is conscripted to boost their ‘Army’. Conscription is forced and many have to serve in the army for many years and the age of ‘conscription’ has been even lowered in the past years to keep up the numbers of the army. Many ex-soldiers have been recalled because of Eritrea’s low population number it has to keep the country constantly on alert and conscript every young person they set on sight in order to keep up with their much much larger neighbour. This has lead of young men and boys to flee as Eritrea has now one of the highest immigrants in countries such as the UK and Europe where they are overrepresented if one considers and puts it in relation how small of a population that country really has and how many flee it, it is enormous. Young conscripts flee because they fear to be deployed on the front line and in a cruel manner to stop that trend the Eritrea government now arrests the parents of the young conscript and his parents will stay in prison until his return. Furthermore Eritrea since its existence in 1993 has clashes/wars with all its neighbours Yemen, Djibouti, Sudan and Ethiopia. This has lead the country to become a pariah amongst pariah state. The country is really a rogue country which welcomes every and each country to its country for their sad political agendas.
  3. Oh the glee, delight, happiness, pleasure and the feel of joy and triumph. What a great day for the people of the lower Shabelle. This is the final seal and stamp of approval that the oppressed have finally been liberated. Touch it, feel it, smell it, finally it is here: Freedom! The good people of the lower shabelle have finally been liberated and emacipated. After 16 awful years, tonight the people can sleep at last peacefully without any nightmares knowing in their heart and mind that one of their sons is actually the one, who is in charge of their affairs and the affairs of their region. For that I've to thank the TFG.
  4. ********please don't attack other nomads. If we see you write anything close to a personal attack, we will have no choice but to block you username. Please respect the rules of the website*********** [ May 05, 2007, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  5. Horn you're excellent in fiction generated writing, why don't you take it up as a profession? What I find funny however is that everytime his beloved reer gedo/cabaduwaaq fight and they lose it's everytime an 'ambush' but when they win a 'fight' then it is portrayed as some sort of fictional absurdity, you thought only hollywood was capable off. Horn I'm right? Yes?
  6. Good development. I was very happy when I read that. The government troops doing a military show/drill of the skills they learned to show to the people of Beledweyne at the outskirts at the cheers of the mesmerised and in a state of emotions local populace in order to instill in them the one time confidence they had but that has been sadly lost during the civil war but restored back now. Hail to the forces I say. This shall instill fear in anyone in those regions who was attempting to cause havoc and chaos. It is clearly a show of strength and force and it should serve to intimdiate any criminals intend to disturb the new found peace in those regions inshallah. Great read and good development once again, maashallaah.
  7. Lately Horn has been all over the place with his prestengious shenanigans. This is has to be one of his all time classics: Originally by Horn: "Duke, I do not see how Puntland will fare now that practically the whole Mogadishu affiliated clans are on revenge-mode and you are advocating war on the men who have always protected you." ^What absurd claims. First of all the whole of Mogadishu is in 'revenge mode' he claims lol and he doesn't know how 'Puntland will fare' and then to top it off he concludes it with: 'You're advocating war on the men who always 'protected you'. lol I say it is you Horn, who is in a mode today and has been for a week now, that mode is called fiction-mode. But I fear that you will be soon rudely awaken from that mode anytime soon inshallah. Fact of the matter is that the TFG will return to Kismaayo as the Troops have already left Mogadishu and are on their way towards Kismaayo and the clan militia will be disarmed inshallah. Further fact is, that the TFG will not allow for the ousted Islamic courts, who have been chased out of Mogadishu to settle in Kismaayo or open up a base there. Those who came from Mogadishu will be hunted down and chased out of Kismaayo like their predecessors have been in Mogadishu. Furthermore, I believe there isn't an urgency as such in Kismaayo as in Mogadishu and your folks will be allowed to stay in government owned buildings and lands for the while now until your folks are resettled or decide to voluntarily leave the places they are occupying. Baashi is right when he said that the governor of the lower Jubba actually said before he left to inspect the other districts of the lower jubba that the gedo clans will be forcefully evicted of the government owned buildings and landmarks when he returns and put that together with the fleeing of courts members and sympathisers from Mogadishu to Kismaayo and aided by Businessmen from your community horn, they managed to overturn the rightful administration and rightly so did they refuse to not come to the city. They're exactly on the path of Ahmed Diiriye and co now but I expect a peaceful settlement as the Dheere dude is clearly scared and they sure are not as dumb as the group lead by Ahmed Diiriye. But what is amazing is, that the group of Guriceel mainly had a long relationship based on blood and interest with their next town neighbours of Cabudwaaq and their Galgadud connections which formed the twins or brothers of Galgaduud. This was more than a political alliance and it is quite weird that such an alliance could break up so easily, when there's blood relations in it and the group was so tight close together like two twins for more than a decade now to just depart on the courts dumping of the junior partner of the coalition of the brothers/twins of Galgaduud and thus evicting them out of Kismaayo and replacing them with the people of Dhobley/Afmadoow and there it seems ended the long relationship and special alliance. But so be it not, blood is stronger than water and business interests and money are sometimes also stronger than blood and hence when and ICU got chased out of Mogadishu they made their new base in Kismaayo, warmly received and welcomed by Dheere and the dumped coalition of the junior partners of the former JVA, the galgadud/cabudwaq branch of that coalition. They dumped them but once the 'dumper' was himself dumped by the government, the dumped community of Horn decided to take their former dumpers in again but what is the reason/logic behind such action one may ask or even wonder? Horn care to elaborate or answer the question at hand? No?
  8. SYL got dominated by whom? Care to ellabrorate Paragon? Usually you don't hide your dislike of certain people, so why not name them now? Name them, as you have nothing to fear. Say where they live.
  9. GD it is quiete clear that there are two folks in here who are engaged in moral and intellectual fraud. One I've outed a long time ago and he doesn't even hide it as it is quiete clear for all of us to see but anyhow I wouldn't concern myself with such pitiful individuals.
  10. My name is Sir Sakhar and I don’t play a guitar I am religious proud owner of a Greek bazaar I make poetry without music Poetry makes Geniuses so bizarre Call me funny but I keep a white star With a blue background in my Greek bazaar I am a patriotic man Thoroughly Somali by clan Join me in my struggle and fight If you are Somali by clan. My poetry heals My verses are scan I am a wise man Somali by clan I fought for many great years Without having any fears Back Than, Everyone had his own clan But today we’re one man, one clan 17 years have passed and that really fast Some of us had to sadly take the full big blast But finally there’s hope at last The Qarandiid have been crashed, cast I urge you to forget about the past Remember we’re one big family Let’s forget the bad span And move on as one clan. (inshallah)
  11. Brother Duke I agree with you: Our troops have managed the impossible Mission Impossible make possible They deserve praise and our up most respect! Looters put South Mogadishu in neglect Ali Ka-meen, Ex-Balcad all clean and free From Bar Ubax, love tree to the black sea All Freed from looters by military talent Hail our forces the men of prestige and gallant We shall remember them for decades long! They evicted the qarandiid, The nidaamdiid and dowladdiid TFG reigning high in Mogadishu Our victory has not come out of the blue Long overdue was the eviction of the nidamdiid Forced out the looters as TFG is here to supersede Supersede Huriwaa like the army of Al-Waleed Looters flee because they do not have a valid title deed. Looters don’t have title deeds thus evicted rightfully. Gallant army is here to supersede Evict the looters out of Mogadishu Who would have thought that would be possible? Yes the war was bloody and brutal too Worth dying for this noble conviction All the beloved dead deserve remembrance And a memorial erected for them They died for their country nevertheless. We will never forget them inshallah. Sadly it was our beloved and innocent who had to die At the hand of the merciless gangs and looters Who made it their custom to fight on top of our beloved people Their resistance was for the loot and their criminal enterprises. {But justice, our forces and our country has prevailed and now we have finally evicted them from our heart. The heart of Somalia is Mogadishu, which has been for so many years in the hands of the men with the criminal enterprises and unethical businesses.} They were illegally manufacturing cannabis planted near Mogadishu Industrial magnitude scale with the good help of the Italian mafia cooperating with Italian gangsters backed by the EU TFG’s closure of those criminal factories was long overdue Factories financed by the Italian Mafia to kill a nation To make giant profits at the expense of the Somali nation state Assisted by Looters.Inc to make Italians very happy Happy with cheap imported cannabis from Mogadishu
  12. We're getting things mixed up again Socod I believe. Shows the lack of knowledge you have regarding this issues. The 'Yaa Walad' comment was not made by Dr. Yusuf Omar Al-Azhari but by another senior and seasoned diplomat who is the somali ambassador to Egypt. Contrary to what people say Dr. Al-Azhari has many credentials. He is a seasoned politician and career diplomat. He was ambassador to the USA in the 60's, where many of the guy's who try to knock him, did not even have proper access to education let alone I believe they could read or write. That is if we compare him to the folks who are trying to score a cheap point here. He's from a very wealthy and educated family so I don't know what the fuss is all about. He was senior diplomat to Western Germany, Ambassador to USA in the early sixties and in the 70's Somali ambassador to 7 countries in Africa. Now compare to that, to some of the heroes some of us are worshipping. Aadan Saransoor, does not even have a high-school diploma and I doubt that he can even read or write. To the Shariif, the notorious khat-seller, he either couldn't write nor read as he was an illiterate fellow, who even had troubles with the Somali language. Sadly he was appointed as the speaker of the house by the warlords and their friends and allies such as Qanyare, Abdiqassim and Hassan Dahir Aweys. I think the record is set straight. The other thing is that they're equaling Dr. Yusuf as ethiopian 'spy'. The absurd labels and insults keep coming. This guy was visiting New Zealand and meeting head of states in the early 90's as someone who was not representing any state but as someone who was helping his people recover from the civil wars that has engulfed our beautiful country, so we can see that people are naturally distinguished along merit and civility as some are more cultured and cultivated than others. A man was sitting in an office in Washington D.C. in the 1960's as the Ambassador to the most powerful country on the planet the USA wearing the most eloquent business suit, whilst another man was sitting down in the shade of a tree with an afro and stick and a spear and a shield in his hand and only wearing two cloths. So we can see, where this argument is leading to. I will leave it at that inshallah. Peace.
  13. Great news, I really have to comment Islaan Ciise Islaan Maxamed and Suldaan Saciid Maxamed Garaase for this latest endeavour of theirs to pacify the two brotherly clans that had a disagreement with one another. I'm positive that a lasting settlement will be reached inshallah. I have also to thank the local government of Nugal district for facilitating this latest initiative and I hope for a good outcome inshallah. The way to go. Nabada Soomaaliya.
  14. This is the good Morgan Duke: Eating pasta somewhere in Mogadishu maybe Hotel Sahafi, who knows? And then there's the bad Morgan: Sitting in Villa Somalia and reading carefully crafted speeches and instructions from the Presidents personal spokesman Ina Xuubsireed as the person in charge of th Security and Stability of the capital city of Somalia.
  15. Yes he does I agree maahsallaah. Gone is the cimaamad and the traditional shirts and western trousers he was wearing. This is the new him, just look at his clothes carefully. Him and the President seem to be dressed in the same gear now. Say's alot about their relationship I guess. He looks now as a respectable and proper member of the government and as you said he indeed looks very sharp maashaallaah is all I can say.
  16. General Morgan is a very important component of the TFG right now as he was the man in charge of the security operation in Mogadishu. He played a decesive role in the final battle that brought victory on thursday. It was actually him who was leading the army on that day, not in person or directly on the front line but he was giving the orders and he also set the strategy for the blitz war in which the nidaamdiid were utterly crashed. He's now the right hand man of the President. They had major disagreements earlier on but now everything has been resolved and settled for good. Ina Xuugsireed is the left hand man of the President and his personal spokesman and I'm glad that he's actually briefing the media and preparing everything for the president including his speeches etc, which are carefully crafted by Ina Xuubsireed and others. So General Morgan as the Presidents right hand man and man in charge of the overall security mop up operation of Mogadishu had to be present at this press briefing and sit side by side with the President in order to brief the press and answer questions if found necessary. So no surprises there.
  17. More pictures in here:
  18. TFG find rocket ammunitions + new security posts in the city established:
  19. More TFG security forces in Mogadishu pirctures inshallah:
  20. Here is a audio for you to listen: