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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. War Saxaafadeed: Bogaadin Hawlaglka Amni ee Ciidanka Booliska Boosaaso, 10-ka Janaayo 2008. 10. januar 2008 Xilbeeg X I L B E E G Ardaa Bulsheed Dan Bida Tan Guud. _________________ War Saxaafadeed: Bogaadin Hawlaglka Amni ee Ciidanka Booliska Boosaaso, 10-ka Janaayo 2008. Annaga oo tixraacayna iska-horimaadkii hubaysnaa ee maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 10-ka Janaayo 2008 ka dhacay Bosaaso, waxaan hambalyo u direynaa ciidamada booliska magaalada Boosaaso oo maanta fuliyey hawlgal nabadgelyo oo lagula dagaalamayo burcad waayadan falal damabiyeed isku dhafan afduub iyo dhac u geystay ajaanibta martida u ah Puntland ee ka shaqeeya hawlaha samafalka. Sidoo kale, waxaan tacsi u direynaa xubnaha ciidanka booliska ah ee ku geeriyoodey, kuna dhaawacmey hawlgalkan. Ciidamada boolisku waa naftood hurayaal bulshadu ay ku laddo, una taagan badbaadinta bulshada markii iyo halkii loo baahdo, sidaa darteedna ay mudan yihiin ixtiraam iyo gacansiin buuxda. Waxaan sidoo kale tacsi u diraynaa ehelada dadkii rayadka ahaa ee dhibaatadu ka soo gaartay dhacdadan. Waxaanu ku taageeraynaa, kuna boorinaynaa dawlada Puntland in si degdeg ah loo dhameystiro hawlgalkan lagu sugayo amniga, gacan bir ah lagu qabto amniga, lagana hortago cid kasta oo wax u dhimeysa nabadgelyada Puntland. Bulshada ku nool Puntland waa dad dhaqan u leh nabad jacayl, balse marnaba aan u dulqaadanayn isku day wax u dhima nabadda Puntland. Waxaan ugu baaqeynaa hay'adaha caalamiga ah, iyo kuwa Qaramada Midoobey in ay maamulka Puntland kala shaqeeyaan sugitaanka amniga, sidaas darteedana ay si degdeg ah dib ugu bilaabaan hawlaha samafalka ah ee ay baahida darani u hayso bulshada inteeda nugul. Mahadsanidin. _______________________ *** XILBEEG waa urur bulsheed u taagan toosinta galdaloolooyinka maamul, goobana horumarka fog ee Puntland, lehna aragti siyaasadeed u nugul danta guud. "Cindi laawe, Ha Cawarine, Caymi" Hal kudhegga XILBEEG. Guddiga Xiriirka Bulsho ee XILBEEG
  2. What people are failing to get/grasp is what Duke and co are trying to imply here, is that there is simply no alternative to the current President of Somalia Mudane Abdullahi Yusuf. The opposition is flawed, disintegrated and divided as never before. They simply do not represent a viable option and does cannot be described as an real opposition to the TFG. The fighting is done mostly by the Al-Shabaab group except in Mogadishu where certain clan elements and sympathisers of the defunct courts are waging a resistence 'urban warfare' of hit and run kind of strategy. They simply want to annoy and disturb but are at the same time realistic about their options, 'strength' and they certainly do know the limitations of their movement/uprising. Thus the Al-Shabaab represent a tiny minority within the Somali population, as they're certainly political 'outcasts', when it comes to their interpretation of this war and their political goals in the future, which are not compatible with that of the majority of the Somalis and other disintegrated factions within the 'opposition'. Their war is that of an international calibre, in which they want to raise their black flag as an larger war against the USA and in support of Al-Qaeda. They want to lure the US-Army into Somalia so that they can fight them on their soil and help defeat the 'Super-power'of this era. Whereas the others don't want that, that's why the two sides are opposed to one another goals and why they cannot work out a common strategy, because one side says it desires to kick out the 'invaders' (read Ethiopia) out of the Country, whereas the other side maintains its support of the effort of the larger war Jihaad against the US and its allies. Those who have made comments to regards of whom they want to see succeed Mr. Yusuf know that there's no person who can actually replace him at the right time and those who refused to name anybody as a successor did so because they do know aswell the reality that theres no one who can succeed him. So why the loud cries or death wishes of some in here, when they do not have a successor to Mr. Yusuf? If I have some one, I truly believe can succeed the President, then there's a logical explanation to it, but to just say that is a foolish, emotional, hate-filled and blind approach to the current dilemma we're finding oursevles in. Somalia is in a mess, in a big dilemma so why are you eager for the current President to go when you don't have a viable option? Doesn't it show that you have an ulterior motive, than you claim? That after all your 'noble' fight against occupation and the invaders is but noble? I'd advise those emotional folks to learn from the seccessionist Ngonge, who doesn't support the President and the TFG simply because of his great love of the defeated lot, that's not the case but because there's simply no alternative or viable strategy to support except the strategy of the old man, who wants to oust all anti-government elements even if it means at the end, he rules only on top of a handful of people (this has no other literal meaning or points to certain people), so the only option is to sit down and talk because there's no other solution. I know and I'm aware of the decade long grudges and the deep rooted social-disadvantages (injustices) when it comes to the contribution/distribution of power and the seemingly monopoly of a certain clan when it comes to ruling the country, that some feel deep hatred and frustration that the only hope they got is to be consumed by hate and revenge but that in itself would be problamatic, so I appeal for the emotions to be subdued and for the heart to be given a rest and the brain to be allowed to function. Let's sit down and work out resolution/petition in which we could all contribute and that will find a final resolution to our decade long problems and deep social-problems that will quicken the national healing process and removethe deep social-injustices and hatred towards what we perceive as an monoply of a certain clan to rule and power in Somalia. God bless us all and help us resolve our issues to the best of ability. Amin. Yours faithful, Sheikh Sakhar.
  3. This is a power contest in its strict form on who controls the destiny of the clan. Defunct warlords Hiirale's side maintains the rhethoric in which they urge common criminal Taano to refrain what he's currently doing, in order not expose oneself to the outside community, in which there would lie a great loss and harm for the clan. They want to continue the double game of late, in which they maintain to support the TFG and that Kismayo's problem is that of a power struggle over the city between two prominent clans of the lower Jubba. Where Taano maintains and urges the clan to take sides and to help and shelter their brethren who are hiding in the bushes, whereas the otherside is opposed to that idea because they maintain to do so would be suicidal in the strictest sense of the word because welcoming, sheltering or helping internationlly sought after fugitives would be the demise of the sub-clan, therefore lying low would be best suited to the interest of the clan, because if Kismaayo gets out of the hands of the clan, it would be a catastrophic undertaking, that simply Hiiraale and co would not like to be reminded of, whilst dutch refugee status holder Taano wants to quicken the downfall of his people for his own narrow-minded selfish interests. Well that's the crux of the issue and conflict at hand, however the question is can such two diverse viewpoints merge to become one, without one giving in? Well we've to see the outcome of this thing, but currently the two options are not agreeable, which would indicate to a full blown war within the clan.
  4. Fiqikhayre

    Why Now..?

    So Juje is implying, that after supposedly the President becoming very ill and his condition deemed to be serious, that he, Nuur Cadde preceded the naming of the cabinet without the formers approval, in order to make it a fait accompli, that could not be reversed, even if the President recovers from his supposed ill-health? Well that's very interesting. I didn't know that the President of Somalia was that revered, that the only way to defeat[i/i] him is to stab him at the back when he's at the most vulnerable i.e. lying sick in hospital in Addis. How funny and an absurd statement, but then again we've learned that Juje is no stranger to dwelling into such things that are not substantiated apart from the obvious that the President was absent from the naming of the cabinet. (Again this does not prove anything concrete} A rumour mill created to confuse the people that there is some kind of "rift" between the President and the PM and Speaker of Parliament. Well if it makes some of us feel better, than why not entertain such thoughts? But all this kind of fabrications only highlight one thing that is if you look deep enough: A positive aspect of the president, although it is intended to be a negative and to confuse.
  5. Kismaayo is now unofficially in the hands of the resistance, gone are the militias who were controlling the city after the TFG forces left in April. It seems that they're collabrating. Anyhow it's a tragic death, that of many in that city's dark history since the civil war began some 17 years ago. I'm sympathetic with the peoople of the city who were in misery for much of two decades now particular so since the 'nomadic' militia take over of the city in the past 8-9 years.
  6. The cuqdad and xin is on you part! But I don't blame you, as you share it with many others (majority of somalis as at it seems). Success is despised you know. The cuqdad comes from the fact that you're a minority within the clan and that we're from the dominat branch so lets leave it at that. Wallahi I swear to you, I'd knew it before and I know it now you cannot defend the city on your own and soon your cover will be blown. However I must admitt that I like your honest approach better than that of the cowardice which is represented by your friend Horn. Kismaayo is not in the hands of the TFG and that's a fact but your stance is clear I just wished others would be as honest as you were. But never mind!
  7. Even confused garooweonline is betting on it. I must confess that I loved this bit: Dhinaca kale dadka ku dhaqan magaaladaas ayaa cabsi ka qaba isku dhac dhexmara maamulka gacanta ku haya Kismayo kaas oo sheegta in u tageersan yahay DFKMG [can you spot the sarcasicm] ah iyo kooxo tageersan Maxkadahii laga awood roonaadey kuwaas oo ka tirsan beesha ka arimisa inta badan Jubbada Hoose.
  8. So far it's going very good, I hope for a fully blown escalation of the situation every minute from now. Loved to see a fight between the two anti-TFG groups in the Jubba Valley and the outcome I'd prefer is ofcourse for the gedo folks to be send packing on their donkeys ofcourse, back to Baardheere and far off places beyond the Jubba Valleys. Lest it becomes reality in the few coming days inshallah. Kismaayo: Heegan la gelliyay ciidamada amaanka Kismaayo. 15. December 2007 APL Kismaayo(AllPuntland)- Ciidamada Amaanka magaalada Kismaayo ayaa maanta la geliyay heegan adag kadib markii saraakiisha ciidamada iyo maamulka degmada Kismaayo ay ka war heleen weeraro ku soo wajahan magaaladaasi oo laga yaabo in ay ku soo qaadaan maliishiyooyin taabacsan maxkamadihii Islaamiga ee ku sugan qeybo ka tirsan Gobolka J/Hoose. Warku wuxuu intaa ku darayaa in ciidamo fara badan oo ku hubeysan gaadiidka dagaalka iyo qoryaha fudud ay gaaf wareegayaan duleedka iyo gudaha magaalada Kismaayo, kuwaasi oo difaac ugu jira hoggaamiyeyaal iyo maliishiyooyin ka tirsan Maxkamadaha oo laga war helay in ay ku soo wajahan yihiin magaalada Kismaayo kuwaasi oo ku sugan degmada Jilib. Kulan aroornimadii hore ee saakay ay isugu yimaadeen saraakiisha amaanka iyo maamulka ka taliya magaalada Kismaayo ayaa lagu go'aamiyay in heegan sare la geliyo ciidamada kala duwan ee magaalada Kismaayo walow aan la shaacin isha wararkaasi laga helay. Afhayeen u hadlay ciidamada amaanka Kismaayo oo lagu magacaabo C/risaaq Aadan Faarax ayaa sheegay in maamulka iyo saraakiisha amaanka ay isla garteen sidii looga hortegi lahaa weeraro laga yaabo iney Kismaayo la wareegaan xoogag isku aruursanaya Waqooyi Galbeed ee degmada Jilib iyo dhinaca Bariga ee deegaankasi, isagoo ka gaabsaday inuu cadeeyo cida ay yihiin kooxaha weerarka damacsan. Dhawaan ayey aheyd markii Guddiga nabadgelyada ee Jubbooyinka iyo odayaasha dhaqanka ee beesha **** ay ku amreen xubin ka tirsan kooxda Asmara oo lagu magacaabo Ugaas Maxamed Weli uu soo gaaray magaaladaasi iyagoo ku amray inuu isaga baxo magaalada si aaney u noqon goob amaankeedu faraha ka baxo ama u soo jiida ciidamada dowladda iney hab dagaal ku yimaadaan magaalada Kismaayo. Cali Muxiyaddiin Cali AllPuntland, Muqdisho
  9. I would just love to see them in Kismaayo but this folks in Kismaayo right now are giving them cover and they're cohorts, they're just the same and the one. It would be indeed a foolish and suicidal attempt and the best that could happen if they'd indeed would go into Kismaayo because then our long patience and resolve would finally be rewarded. Anyhow our policy is to sit and watch what will happen there after that we shall make the right decision. We want a political resolution to this and that the criminals in Kismaayo preferably shoot themselves in the foot. Inshallah in any case it would be a win-win situation for us...
  10. I also welcome and support the petition/resolution by the people of SSC that has also the stamp of approval of the exhaulted and grand Issims and Garaado of that mandaqah. I entirely support it, the articles in the resolution and I wish and hope that they'll be implemented in their entirety. Peace and Progress inshallah. P.S. I usually don't like to address the dilusional but SJ's other thread about the Badbado conference in Boocame seems to me to be a rather simple and cheap attempt a preemtive-attempt of damage limitation but soon to reality he will succumb and a rude awakening shall befall him and his fellow cloudlanders.
  11. I also send here my congratulations to the new PM of the Transitional Federal Government Honourable Nuur Hassan Hussein and therefore wish him all the best. I also hope that he can build a effective and competent government based on people who can do their job to the best of their ability and I also hope that PM Hussein (Nuur Cadde) that he can bring out the best of the ministers he nominated and other government representatives under his control. His approval of Parliament will be in due time and unlike the former PM he won't need two attempts before being approved by Parliament. Once more congrats to the new PM Nuur Cadde.
  12. Croatiaaaaa! Watch out Xubeer, this is a defeat of many that will be on your way this coming days, Yes England out of the European Championship Games in the mountains i.e. Austria and Switzterland. Russian won 0:1 against Andorra aswell, that sealed Englands fate and condemned them to chill out this coming summer somewhere on holiday/vacation or contesting the Great Britain Games instead together with the Scots and Welsh. Ha ha Good, we don't want any hooligans at the European Championships. Hail to Croatia and Russia for finally seeking it out and to refuse England the entry to the European Championships this coming summer. England out: Yes!
  13. Gheedi is going no-where, he's staying put! Finito. Though, I sincerely hope, this motion succeeds and Gheedi's government is toppled but this case scenario is very unlikely, if you ask me.
  14. Originally by Baashi:That is not gonna happen. Reason being odds are stacked against that possibility. I'm just using my noodles and doing the math. To get the stated goal we nailed on the board from the outset you will have to put to bed the clan baby, eliminate the need of third party involvement, and embark the long road of educating the masses . That will take time and only patient, prudent, and calculating realist in touch with reality will make it to the finish line. I'm for Shariah-based government calling the shots in united, stable, peaceful, and prosperous Somalia. That to materialize will take time. Today I will settle in a Somalia that faces its deamons in a dirin attended by all the stakeholders where the Islamists have a shot for the top seat. I'm pretty convinced that's the starting point for the recovery process. Beautiful Baashi, thanks for that. This extremists seef-la-bood-yaal think they can envision a proper, well-educated Islamic society by only brute force without the masses supporting them in their desires or consulting with them. It is a classic case of trying to walk whilst not being able to stand up. Calm and only a proper return to Islam will give us the results we need, but terrorism and utter useless violence will not bring us there, therefore I appeal for mercy to be on-stalled on the long suffering Somalis, who have been without a proper government and functioning administration for over a decade and half now. Let's show mercy. The only way out of this dilemma is a complete return to Islam and asking of Allaah the great for forgiveness for our previous sins and wrongdoings, then followed by a phase of purification (already outlined)then by education, real proper education, let's leave politics in the back of our mind for a second. The masses need no useless war that will break the will of the people further and only enhance their misery but education and a peaceful environment where they can breath of and feel human and "normal" once again. What is "normality" the people in Somalia don't know because they have lived for so many years in anarchy and for a pure Islamic society to surface and take off we need an act/process of purification and education and that will take time and a-lot of patience, not good enough for the fitna-wa-yaal and mischief-makers for they prefer chaos, civil strife and great tribulations over a peaceful existence. Calculations, Calculations, Calculations, I say, think of your actions, what will you lose and what will you gain, weigh up the advantages over the losses and then decide on what you should do and what way you're going. For as I can see, this is suicide, the Somalis will only further perish in this un-winnable war, with that I mean not that the Ethiopians cannot be forced out, but at what price is the question? After a long struggle where half of the population perishes? Well if that is success for you guys who support this crazy endeavour, then be it so, but for me that is not success but the slaugther of thousands, which will eventually fall on you guys and for that you will be judged accordingly. Somalia will en-tain peace but do support peace and governance over human tribulations and murder and eventually the light shall make you open up to the reality, truly I wish that you would understand brothers, what is at stake. We don't know what will be achieved and when and at what cost, on top of that is our budget, logistics and hardware is limited, our enemies are everywhere, let's play it smart and show mercy to our suffering people. Allaahu Akbar, Islam is great, let's imply true Islam for the sake of our own good, let's learn from the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him (salallaahu calayhi wassalam). A final hadith for the people, who have their hearts open and work with their rational than only their angry emotions and superior motives, which I will try not to question or address for it doesn't bother me at all. man laa yarxamu naasa, laa yarxamahullaah, For the one that does not show mercy to the people, Allaah shall not show mercy onto him. How true, otherwise Al-shabaab would not hide today in the remote areas, the kaamaha where no human-being can survive. Look at all the terrorists and in which state they live in and under what conditions, this is a direct result because they extremism let them not understand to show mercy for as they don't know any mercy and the application of merciful behaviour. Sakhar, the "realist".
  15. Read it for yourself. Contributers to this side can't hide it nor anyone else, it always comes out even unconsciously, it is envy and deep contempt for the perceived ruling class of Somalia. Why are this folks always ruling and why are they that successful. It comes down to qabilism and deep despise and hate from certain quarters, that's why some want to break away and others not to be governed. I knew it from the start, because people who would normally support the only viable and logic road to peace refuse to do so because of a lie. They side many contradictions but why do they hate Abdullahi Yusuf, who has never done anything to them it is clear, they hate where he comes from and who he is nothing else. The truth will always come out and how envious one will ever be, it will not turn the tight of the current success. They don't dislike Puntland and its people only but the whole clan, the only reason why they're concentrating on Puntland is at the forefront of this campaign. I can only extend my sorrows, I wish Somalia peace. Long live the nation. --------------- Puntland oo isku diyaarineysa in ay ka goda Soomaaliya inteeda kale xili uu ka soo jeeda ninka dalka Soomaaliya xukumo goboladaasi Boosaaso Puntland oo ah hooyadii dhashay ninka garawdeenka ah Soomaaliya Col. Cabdulaahi Yuusuf ayaa xiligaan isku diyaarineysa in ay sida Soomaaliland kaga goda Soomaaliay inteeda kale taasoo lagu macneyey in qeyraadka gobolada kale ee Soomaaliya la qeybsan karo halke qeyraadka Puntlanda ay u gaartay dadka reer Puntland taasoo micnaheydu tahay keygana anaa leh kaadana kula lihi. Dadka reer Puntland oo u muuqda in ay ugu aqli badnyihiin Soomaaliya inteedii kale maxaa yeelay xiligaan oo la marayo qarnigii 21naad in ku fikiraan in Soomaaliya oo dhan iyagu xukumaan dalkana la kala gooyo hadaan hadalkooda la yeelin waxaase la hubaa in wax badan oo xiligaan ay heystaan dadka reer Puntland kuweyn doonaan hadii ayna joojin aqliga iyo farsamada ay xili walba la soo baxayaan ayuu yiri maxamed Xasan jimcaale oo ku nool Muqdisho. Maxamed Xasan oo yiri reer Puntlanda marna in Tigaree nagu xasuuqaan dakadeeni Muqdisho Bosaaso u wareejistaan hadana ya noogu darin in qeyraadkooda kaligood ay cunaan kan Soomaali oo dhana ka dhaxeya y qeybtooda qaataan . Waxaase leys weydiinayaa Barlamaanka FKMG ma mid kaliya loo sameyey Gobolada Koonfurta Soomaaliya hadii ay diideen reer Puntland waxii kasoo baxo qadanmeyna ay yiraahdaan- Madaxda Puntland iyo DFKMG ayaa isku qilaafsan sida loomaamulaayo shidaal aan la ogeyn xiliga la soo saaraayo waxeyna xiligaan mareysaa Puntland in ay ku hanjabto in ay ka ogeysa Soomaaliya inteeda kale hadaan loo deyn in heshiisyada ay galeen ay u madaxbanaantahay Xafiiska wararka ee , Qaahira Masar
  16. Thanks for the wlc walaal Caamir. Northerner, haye brother cafis iyo masaamix.
  17. Again you couldn't deal with any of the questions. Rephrasing and restructuring my own words into smth that is deprived of real substance and logic won't hide your naivety nor incompetence on the subject at hand to the observering eye. So "do indeed carry and dwell on" in the plain utopia of the simple minded.
  18. ^Come up with smth tangible the next time than the usual emotional cries and assumptions. In your naive logic, the world must be a really simple place from your point of view. Tell us why some people indeed support the TFG as you seem to know from their deep "true" intentions.
  19. Thanks walaal Duke, it' great to be back. Northerner the TFG wasn't killing anyone and if it did so then it is not their fault. It is the terrorists and clan-courts fault and Allaah the great will judge them as such. They will be held accountable for starting this without any hope of achieving a political goal or objective. They don't have the strength, money, necessary preparation nor the leadership to start any of their murderous trait actions. Why had the famous Ugaas to die for simply attending the NRC? Tell us, why and in whose name. Where is their leadership? Why do they blow up mines in urban populated areas in which so many innocent lives had to perish? If they can't use conventional Islamic rules of avoiding not killing non-combatants and fighting a proper war according to the rules of Jihaad, why are they then terrorizing the civilian populace? What do this attacks and assassinations achieve and who do they help? There is no excuse for this and that's why terrorism will never succeed and especially not in Somalia, the criminals will be hunted and brought to justice. There's no place for such idiotic killing sprees and if for each innocent muslim killed, it will be the kharijees (khwarij) responsibility and it will be up to them what they will tell Allaah the great but certainly it will not be the TFG's fault or reckoning but that of the takfiris and clan-courts made up of looters and other criminal enterprises. There is no place in Somalia for suicide bombings, arbitrary killings and assassinations, killing of civilians through land-mines, the fighting in densely populated areas and the raising of false hopes and accomplishments intended to mislead the poor, young, innocent and ignorant. Once again criminals and fake 'mujaahids' will not hold Somalia and its people back and the success of the NRC has shown it. As to Al-Shabaab, I already outlined my policy towards them. Humanity, Sanity Hamar Happily at peace Love, Peace and Fraternity My people smiling with ease The tribes in agreement With olive leaves in their hands What a great assignment The Kings put the wars to ends Lurking in the shadows is Al-Shabaab with bombs, they're the Somali Habaab They will be killed or send to Al-dadaab So don't follow their hideous lies They're takfiris with a good disguise Kharijees of the modern day Khawarij Extremists who do not anything about the religion Only takfeer,condemnation, mayhem, murder, mayhem, civil chaos and savagery is all they know best. May God save us from their murderous trait actions and extremism as Islam is pure, strange in its original form but certainly not vile, inhumane, indiscriminate and certainly not extreme!
  20. Northerner lost in translation? I said Al-Shabaab is a takfiri movement but not a kafir movement, must have got the two mixed up? What or Who is a takfiri? Takfiri (from the Arabic word تكفيري) is the person or group who professes the disbelief of certain individuals or groups within the Muslim society or Islam. They are viewed as "extremists", arguing that "no one Muslim can call another Muslim a 'kafir' (infidel)". Al-Shabaab who is made up of Al-Hijra wa takfeer members and other extremists is such a takfiri movement. They afflict great tribulations and trials upon the people, because they're are mischief-makers, who have made the unlawful, lawful i.e. the killing of innocent people, that's why they're mischief-makers who need to be condemned for their murderous trait actions i.e. the killing and slaughter of innocent people and the declaring of muslims as unbelievers without proper justification and jurisdiction. Next time you quote, quote me in full: takfeer is a process of declaring someone a unbeliever for simply making 'mistakes' or sins in other words it is used to justify the killing of a muslim who has 'sinned' without the necessary jurisdiction in place by private people and pseudo religious groups with little religious training. When used against muslims it opens a gate for fitn or fitnah, great human trials, tribulations and suffering because any group or persons can accuse anyone of being a kafir without any justification.Takfeer has "shuruuds" and cannot be easily applied on muslims because one the sole reason that they sinned or that they're not ruling by the laws of God, the Quraan and Sunnah of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. So takfeer is a evil in the hands of such extremist groups, no muslim ruler can be declared as kaafir simply on the bases that he does not govern with the laws of Allaah the great, nor can a mulsim be condemned into being a disbeliever simply for sinning. Takfeer as said has shuroods and cannot be easily applied by groups (sects) or individuals without proper jurisdiction and justification.
  21. A landmark achievement indeed. The NRC has shown, that Somalis can make peace amongst each other with nominal International interference, support and that inside Somalia, Mogadishu of all places. Welcome Somali peace, many thanks to the many delegates who have participiated in this landmark conference to rivitalise the country once again. Humanity, Sanity Hamar Happily at peace Love, Peace and Fraternity My people smiling with ease The tribes in agreement With olive leaves in their hands What a great assignment The Kings put the wars to ends Lurking in the shadows is Al-Shabaab with bombs, they're the Somali Habaab They will be killed or send to Al-dadaab So don't follow their hideous lies They're takfiris with a good disguise Kharijees of the modern day Khawarij Extremists who do not anything about the religion Only takfeer,condemnation, mayhem, murder, mayhem, civil chaos and savagery is all they know best. May God save us from their murderous trait actions and extremism as Islam is pure, strange in its original form but certainly not vile, inhumane, indiscriminate and certainly not extreme! This is a historic achievement which will be one of the stepping grounds to achieving the ultimate, which is governance and peace in Somalia. It is a historic landmark that will be recorded on gold in the forthcoming history books of our nation. 1. Hamar is a another name for Mogadishu 2. Al-Shabaab is a takfiri movement of murdereres and killers, who kill people indiscriminatly without any political purpose or consideration or any other useful political or religious goal. They kill for killings sake. 3. Habaab or "Habaab-marin" is a Somali word which means "misleading" someone or smth and thats what Al-Shabaab is doing they try to mislead the Somali people and nation into an utopia and assumed occupation that does not exist. 4. Al-Dadaab is a refugee camp for Somalis in Kenya and one of the first entry points into Kenya, it's symbolic we don't want to send our own criminals and murderers into our neighbours peaceful countrrz but what is trying to say is they will be either killed or send into exile. 5. takfeer is a process of declaring someone a unbeliever for simply making 'mistakes' or sins in other words it is used to justify the killing of a muslim who has 'sinned' without the necessary jurisdiction in place by private people and pseudo religious groups with little religious training. When used against muslims it opens a gate for fitn or fitnah, great human trials, tribulations and suffering because any group or persons can accuse anyone of being a kafir without any justification.Takfeer has "shuruuds" and cannot be easily applied on muslims because one the sole reason that they sinned or that they're not ruling by the laws of God, the Quraan and Sunnah of the Prophet peace and blessings be upon him. 6. Kharijees or khawarig were the first group who started the great trials and tribulations within Al-Islaam, the first dissident group who rejected everything for rejections sake. They started killing innocent people and declaring people disbelievers including the rulers without any religious justification. Al-Shabaab is just an offspring and a modern day version of the Khawarij. They include radical organisations and groups such as Al-Hijra wa Takfeer (Hassan Turki' people, very dangerous living in isolation) and ofcourse the much famed Al-Qaeda terrorist organisation.
  22. It’s anarchy on the streets. An 11-year-old boy has been shot dead in Liverpool in the latest tragic incident of a particularly violent year. Feral youths are prowling around making it unsafe for people to go out after dark. Knife crime has doubled in two years and life is becoming increasingly cheap. Anyone that stands up to this emerging yob culture is likely to get seriously hurt or worse. This is the current state of Britain, or so a large percentage of the media would have us believe. Living in fear The Mirror recently ran a survey which revealed that Britain is a nation living in fear. The paper’s study found that 42% of people would rather stay at home at night because of the perceived threat posed by street corner gangs, hoodies and muggers. The poll also concluded that 50% of people feel less safe than 10 years ago. Echoing the Mirror survey, MSN’s own online poll revealed that 69% of people who voted don’t leave home at night unless they have to. It seems that people are frightened. In fact the situation has got so bad that record numbers of British citizens are fleeing the country. Figures released this week from the Office for National Statistics showed that more Britons than ever are migrating. Last year, 196,000 Brits left the country and although specific information on why they did so is not available, this climate of fear must surely have been a factor. Hoodies (Image © Martin Rickett/PA Wire) Not a ghetto While it would be foolish to deny that there is a problem, Britain has certainly not turned into the ghetto that it is often portrayed as. Perhaps we are slightly more at risk of getting mugged if we go out after dark than we were 10 years ago, but it’s not as if it’s a certainty every time you leave the safety of your own home. It’s been blown out of all proportion. If people are afraid to leave their homes after dark, they shouldn’t be. Of course bad things do happen to some people, they always have, but it’s taking things too far if people feel like prisoners in their own homes. There might be certain areas it’s worth avoiding, particularly after dark, but we must not forget that the vast majority of people in Britain are good, honest, well-meaning people. It’s a minority that has caused this atmosphere of fear and it’s a minority consisting of two parts: firstly the toe-rags responsible for intimidating people and, secondly, the sections of the media that have given the impression that nobody is safe. No cause for hiding away Murders, muggings and violent attacks are still newsworthy – that is why they get reported in the media. They are newsworthy for the sole reason that they are still relatively uncommon. We only need to start really worrying when they no longer make the news because they are happening so frequently. Until then, there is no cause for hiding away once the sun sets, assuming of course that we do get to see the sun sometime this year. Village green (Image © PA/PA Archive/PA Photos) Britain is still a great place to live. The problems causing people to say they are afraid to go out at night must be put into context. When you compare the risks people face in Britain to those faced in much of the rest of the world, it becomes clear we don’t have much to moan about. Our worries are relatively insignificant. You might be concerned about getting your wallet or purse stolen on a trip to the local store, whereas people in other countries have to contend with suicide bombers and mortar attacks every time they step outside their homes. Others have gunshots ringing out in their streets on a daily basis. These are the people who have a right to fear leaving their homes. A crop of deviant kids sends Britain into a state of paranoia, but in war-torn parts of the Middle East, people are getting on with their lives against all the odds. We’re guilty of making mountains out of molehills and it’s embarrassing when the ‘trials’ we face are compared to the hardships elsewhere. We should count ourselves lucky The problems we face in the UK aren’t in the same league as those in many other countries and that is something we forget all too easily. We may have had some floods this summer, but we don’t get hurricanes and tornadoes on the same scale as other nations; tsunamis don’t make it to our shores and earthquakes in Britain are pretty pathetic. The flooding wasn’t nice, but if that’s the worst we have to deal with then we should count ourselves lucky. A summer without much sun is disappointing, but it’s hardly the “tragedy” some people are making it out to be. It’s about time we stopped navel-gazing and started to appreciate that, as a nation, we really haven’t been dealt such a bad hand. There aren’t that many places more pleasant to live. After all, where else in the world can you get cricket on the village green, afternoon tea and a proper pint of bitter? Have your say: is the UK heading towards anarchy? source What say you?
  23. XIIN Iam still the same old warrior! Nice to see that you have not changed in my absence too . Anyway thanks for the welcome. To those who are alluding this tragic and sad crime to recent events in Somalia particular Kismaayo are mistaken. Kismaayo admin will return and that without a shot fired and the militias will vacate the city sooner or later as it is in their own interest and well-being to do so! So why waste ones blood when we can look at the bigger picture and particularily the sad and dire state our country finds itself under?
  24. Very tragic indeed. Some of us really need to do some soulsearching. Shame on the belittlers of this tragic and inhumanitarian clear and slow genocide perpertrated by Aydids late USC under the present eye of Hassan Dahir Aweys who was there holding court with the "amazing and never-tiring and fresh Aydid" and ofcourse the brutal SNF militias who excel in exterminating the weak and unarmed population of those regions. Shame on them all for this vicious crimes against all HUMANITY!
  25. Abwan don't twist my words pls and pass not something I did not say on as I had said it because of your poor comprehension of the English language. It is a classic case of selective reading I encounted on you many times this is not a criticism but I think it has to do with your ability/command of the English language and as me and probably you English is a second or third language I shall not further harass you with it but let me clarify a few things for you. My quote again: * Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad was the first person in Somalia after a failed coup’d’etat who started the armed resistence against the regime of Mahammed Siyad Barre. He was the first to show others what they did not dare and soon they follwed his footsteps. In where does it say Abdullahi Yusuf was the first one who made a coup'd'etat? Please enlighten me? Furthermore where does it say that he was particularily leading that coup'd'etat? Please enlighten as well. All I said was he was the first person after a failed coup'd'etat (notice it doesn't say he was leading the coup but he was part of the officers who were participating in the coup that's why he left towards kenya as you put it) to start an armed struggle against the regime of Mohammed Siyaad Barre. He was the leader/chairman of Sodaf which later became SSDF as they combined with the leftists socialists lead by Abdirahman Aydid who were in Aden at that time and only a non-violent movement. Under his leadership of SODAF and SSDF Abdullahi Yusuf waged the first guerialla attacks on Somalia as a jabhad (guerialla movement in order to oust Siyaad Barre). He was the first one to fire the first bullet in the long civil war and compaing to get rid of the late Mohamed Siyaad Barre. So don't get it twisted. Your English comprehension skills are really poor. Now read my words again in slow motion, will you? * Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad was the first person in Somalia after a failed coup’d’etat who started the armed resistence against the regime of Mahammed Siyad Barre. He was the first to show others what they did not dare and soon they follwed his footsteps. ^What does it say? Abdullahi Yusuf was the first to go to Ethiopia and start a military compaing to oust Mohammed Siyaad Barre. The first armed guerilla movement of Somalia was Sodaf/SSDF. Radio Kulmis/Halgan it was what the majority of the people used to listen to as it send their signals to Mogadishu and across Somalia, everyone listening to that radion station was impressend so people listened quietly under their bed and in deep fear of informants even in their own houses. SSDF was the only guerilla movement known in the country and the first oppostion to Siyaad Barre which wanted to remove him violently from the Presidency spot and Villa Somalia. Abdullahi Yusuf wanted Siyaad Barre's chair long time ago and he never gave up it took him over 30 years to sit on it finally and here he is. SSDF was the only group that had the logisitcal and military means to wage a guerilla war on Siyaad's regime. They had major supporters Libya and other countries who used to supply them with cash, arms and medicine. SSDF was the only realistic movement that had both a political agenda and military might and power to challenge Siyaad Barre. SSDF was the prime, it's downfall came in the mid 80's after disagreements with the Ethiopian leadership under Haile Mariam Mengistu who purged SSDF after getting suspicious of Abdullahi Yusuf's activities and his involvement in internal affairs and the bribing of high ranking officials and some assassinations that happened, furthermore Mengistu got really suspicious of him, that's why he was arrested in 1985 after that SSDF only functioned for a few more years before it was completely outlawed as an armed opposition/group by Mengistu and their camps closed and Abdullahi got arrested as I said in 85 only to be released in 91 when the Regime of Haile Mariam Mengistu and the Ahmara fell at the hands of the Tigre and a young Somalia graduate by the name of Atto Meles Zenawi. So next time please read before you reply to anything I wrote. I know it is complex but there are more complex ways of expressions and I only use simple English so next time read and read again until you get what it is actualy saying what you're reading before making any assumptions. Thanks for your consideration.