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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. France doubles its Food aid to Somalia for this year from 3.5 million to 7 million. La France double le montant de son aide alimentaire à la Somalie 05/05/2008-[20:00] - AFP PARIS, 5 mai 2008 (AFP) - La France a décidé de doubler le montant de son aide alimentaire à la Somalie qui passera à 7 millions d’euros pour l’année 2008, a annoncé lundi la présidence française à l’issue d’un entretien entre le président Nicolas Sarkozy et son homologue somalien Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. Au moins cinq personnes ont été tuées lundi à Mogadiscio lorsque les forces de sécurité somaliennes ont ouvert le feu sur des milliers de manifestants protestant violemment contre la hausse des prix des denrées alimentaires. Cet engagement français intervient dans le cadre du doublement de l’enveloppe de l’aide alimentaire française, qui sera portée à 60 millions d’euros pour l’année en cours, annoncé par M. Sarkozy le 18 avril pour aider les pays pauvres face à la crise causée par la hausse des prix alimentaires. Selon l’Elysée, la France versera en 2008 une enveloppe de 3,5 millions d’euros à titre de l’aide bilatérale, le reste des 7 millions le sera via le programme européen Echo. Lors de leur entretien, MM. Sarkozy et Yusuf ont également évoqué les suites de l’intervention militaire française qui a permis le 11 avril d’interpeller sur le territoire somalien six des pirates qui retenaient depuis une semaine l’équipage du voilier français Le Ponant. M. Sarkozy a exprimé sa "gratitude" pour l’aide de la Somalie, a indiqué l’Elysée. "J’ai remercié le président pour le travail accompli après la prise d’otages", a pour sa part indiqué le président somalien devant la presse. Les deux hommes ont également évoqué la lutte contre la piraterie. Ils ont notamment discuté de la protection des navires du Programme alimentaire mondial (Pam), une initiative française relayée depuis par la marine néerlandaise, et du projet de résolution franco-américain, déposé au Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU, qui doit permettre l’envoi de navires de guerre dans les eaux somaliennes avec l’accord de son gouvernement. Selon l’Elysée, Nicolas Sarkozy s’est enfin réjoui de la rencontre annoncée le 10 mai à Djibouti entre le gouvernement et l’opposition somaliens et a donné "son accord de principe" à la demande d’Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed en faveur d’une aide française pour la reconstruction de l’Etat somalien. _________________________ Translation: France is double the amount of its food aid to Somalia 05/05/2008- [20:00] - AFP PARIS, May 5, 2008 (AFP) - France has decided to double the amount of its food aid to Somalia that will rise to 7 million for the year 2008, announced Monday the French presidency at the end of a meeting between President Nicolas Sarkozy and his Somali counterpart Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. At least five people were killed Monday in Mogadishu where the Somali security forces opened fire on thousands of demonstrators violently protesting against rising food prices. This commitment french occurs in the context of a doubling of the total food aid in France, which will be increased to 60 million euros for the current year, announced by Mr. Sarkozy on April 18 to help poor countries respond to the crisis caused by rising food prices. According to the Elysee, France in 2008 will pay a total of 3.5 million euros as bilateral aid, the remaining 7 million will be via the European programme Echo. During their talks, MM. Sarkozy and Yusuf also discussed the consequences of the French military intervention which allowed April 11 to call on Somali territory six of the hijackers who last week held the crew of the yacht french Le Ponant. Mr. Sarkozy has expressed its "gratitude" for support of Somalia, said Elysee. "I thanked the president for work performed after the taking of hostages", for his part said the Somali president to the press. The two men also discussed the fight against piracy. They particularly discussed the protection of vessels in the World Food Programme (Pam), a French initiative relayed from the Dutch navy, and the draft Franco-US resolution, tabled in the Security Council of the United Nations, which should enable Dispatch of warships in the waters of Somalia with the consent of his government. According to the Elysée, Nicolas Sarkozy has finally welcomed the meeting announced on May 10 in Djibouti between the government and the opposition Somali and gave "its agreement in principle" at the request of Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed in favour of French aid for the reconstruction of the Somali State.
  2. Col. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed at the Palais de l'Elysee talking to the French and World's media Press.
  3. Le Président de la République de Somalie Monsieur Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed briefing the Press with FM Jangeli in the background.
  4. Full media attention. This has been build up to the up-most as can be seen by this picture below. The media's full lenses is at full attention.
  5. A full guard of honour and state reception for Monsieur Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, Président de la République de Somalie! Full honours with all the grand and pompous befitting for a foreign head of states reception and entrance, the french are a good hosts as can be seen by this picture below, Sarkozy with President Yusuf.
  6. A full State reception for the Monsieur Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, President of Somalia and his delegation by Monsieur Nicloas Sarkozy, Le Président de la République at the Palais de l'Elysee.
  7. With special thanks to photos section. The two men side by side as promised by me Sakhar.
  8. SOL's Exclusive by Sakhar Pictures from the Presidents reception of Col. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad at the Palais de l'Elysee. No other Somali websites have got the pictures posted yet, this is exclusive brought to you by Monsieur Sakhar. I kept my promise as I told you I would and here are the updates and pictures of Presidents Sarkozy's meeting with the Col. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad, the President of the Transitional Federal Republic of Somalia. What a exclusive update. Be grateful for Sakhar.
  9. Accept this boards to be flooded by pictures of Monsieur Sarkozy and Monsieur Abdullahi Yusuf holding hands in front of the Palais de l'Elysee any time tomorrow afternoon, inshallah. Expect Duke to come out of hibernation and hailing this meeting as a a 'symbolic' and 'historic'one. Gracias or as they say in France Merci.
  10. The President seems to have a full schedule for tomorrow. He will also be meeting an hour and half before he is going to meet Col. Abdullahi Yusuf, the Premier (Prime Minister) of Belgium, Monsieur Yves LETERME ______________________ Schedule of the President of France for May 5th, LUNDI 5 MAI 14 h 30 Entretien avec M. Michel ROCARD, dans le cadre de la préparation de la présidence française de l'Union européenne 15 h 15 Entretien avec M. Yves LETERME, Premier ministre du Royaume de Belgique 16 h 45 Entretien avec M. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, Président de la République de Somalie
  11. Entretien avec M. Abdullahi YUSUF AHMED, Président de la République de Somalie Le Président de la République recevra M. Abdullahi YUSUF AHMED, Président de la République de Somalie, lundi 5 mai à 16 heures 45 au Palais de l’Elysée. Un mois après la prise d’otages du Ponant, dans laquelle la coopération exemplaire des autorités françaises et somaliennes a permis une issue favorable et rapide, cette rencontre sera l’occasion de faire le point sur les initiatives prises par la France en matière de lutte contre la piraterie maritime, en particulier au large des côtes somaliennes qui restent parmi les plus dangereuses du monde. La situation politique, sécuritaire et humanitaire en Somalie sera également évoquée. Source official website of the Presidency of France, Nicolas Sarkozy. ___________________________________ The translation says the following: Interview with Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, President of the Republic of Somalia The President of the Republic will receive Mr. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed, President of the Republic of Somalia, Monday, May 5 to 16 hours 45 at the Palais de l'Elysee. A month after taking hostages du Ponant, in which the exemplary cooperation of French authorities and Somali allowed a quick and positive outcome, this meeting will provide an opportunity to review the initiatives taken by France in the fight against sea piracy, especially off the coast of Somalia, which remain among the most dangerous in the world. The political situation, security and humanitarian situation in Somalia will also be discussed.
  12. It is appalling and inexcusable and certainly no Puntlander would condone such an act. But we have to be objective and do right justice here. These two ONLF members were captured in Wardheer region, Ethiopia and not in Puntland State of Somalia and hence forth the minister is excused and thus it was right to contest and clear his name from this unlawful charge.
  13. What do you expect from the Presidents return? What do you want to see happen? As you know the President with a delegation that included the head of the Dervishes went to Addis Ababa last week and they're expected to return this coming week inshallaah. They hold talks with the officials of the Democratic Federal Republic of Ethiopia and other important stake-holders of Somalia such as western agencies and representatives. What is your view regard this and what outcome do you expect or hope for? Hopefully a successful trip and completion of the Presidents trip and accomplishment of what he went for would be the most obivious ones. But what is your personal view?
  14. Indeed who could have forgot about Samsam and the sad episode and ordeal she had to go through. Only Abshir Bacadle's gabay can summon up what has happenend to her: Sad to see this ignoble pagan in the headquarters of the noble and the home of Somali culture and traditions, the city of the milky ways: Laascaanood. Here is the gabay anyway: _____________________________________________ Ma aha Feysaloow goosashadu reero kala guuray Oo arigi kala guranayoo geeli kala soocday Oo xoolihii kala geddiyoo gobolba meel aaday Oo awrku maqashii ku guray xariggana u giijay Mar uun buu nikaaxani guntamay gaasir ma ahayne Gundhiggiyo heshiiskii la galay miyaadan soo gaarin Gu’gaagaa yar ee Feysaloow gacaloow aashaada Inaad gacan labaad doorataa kuuma soo geline Afartaa intaan kaga gudboo waan gunaanadaye Maxkamaddiini gabar lagu habsaday gadatay dhiiggeeda Go’aankeedii nacasnimo ma waan gobi ka shuureynin Ma golayaashii iyo guurtigibaa garasho naafoobay Ma gablamay Cigaal ficil xun waa laga gadoodaaye Guddiga habar-magaadlahoo wanjalay gabaraan qaan-gaarin Oo si ay god ugu sii ridaan weli la goobaaya Wax taariikhda galayaa jiroo lagu gumoobaaye Ku gaar-yeela ficilkaa ninkii gabadha eedeeyay Gaangeeti jaqaleysigii waydin gaasiraye Geenyada yaroo soo martiday guriga sheybkiinna Amay gabadhu ka hinaastay waa gob iyo xeerkeede Oo odaygu garan waayay waxa gubaya xaaskiisa Haddii gogosha lagu hiifayoo lagu gantaaleeyay Gar maahayn inuu gabadha xiroo cadow u geeyaaye Go’aankiisa nacasnimo mawaan gobi ka shuureynin Nebi Yuusuf wixii gaaraybaa meesha soo galaye Zam-Zamna kiis ma gelin ee Maseyr guuxayaa xiraye Guntii hadalku waa kaa haddaad garan kareysiine Beel yahay gadoodayoo go’daydoo gabar ku ciil beeshay Oo inan yaroo guri gashay ay kaga gariirsiisay Oo garan waayay wuxu waa gabaraan wax idin gaarsiinin Ma weydnaan gabdhaha sharaf u hayn garasho yeelkeede? Gun iyo baar ma gaangeetigaa gubaya ruuxiinna Gobos-nowdii xabashida miyaa tan idin gaarsiisay Gablan talo adduuneey maxaa galaya Taariikhda Gacal ma lahan nabad-sugiddu waa shuuci gaamuraye God buu idinku riday odaygii aad garabsanayseene Geenyada darmaantaa rag waa gacalo eegaaye Waxaan gacani qaban baa jiroo Gobi ka sheexdaaye Mar waa gabar, mar waa idiin gayaan, mana ay qaan-gaarin Marna guri Nin weyn bay gashoo waad u gudubteene Hubna gacanta kumey sidane waad gubi lahaydeene Gun miyaad tihiin ficil xun waa laga gadoodaaye Saqiir magan il-galacle ah miyey idin ka geyn weyday Maxaa gabar qariibahoo martiya loo argaagixiyay? Afartaa intaan kaga gudboo waan gunaanadaye Lixdankii nikaaxi aan galnood gacanta soo taagtay Anna aan guddoon kugu aqbaloon kaawada u giijay Guntana aan badweynta u dhignaa goo is leedahaye Ma gil-gili kadhiin boqon sanoo gocosho riintiine Halkaan feylashiinni u gudbiyay amase gaarsiiyay Feysaloow ma gaadhiin Tikrena garanba maayaane Inaad naga go’diin iyo bal daa gaalo raacnimo e’ Gundhiggiyo heshiiskii adigu amaadan soo gaarin Gulufkiyo hinaaskiini waa soo gabaabsadaye Go’aankii Tikrihu Feysaloow waa gabaa hirige Gidaar adag ragbaa u dhigay si aan la iiga kaa goyne Intey caradu gaagixi un baad gooni joog tahaye Inaan gacan labaad kuu fasaxo iima soo geline Audio link here:
  15. The road to the airport is already completed. On both sides of the road trees and greenry is all you can see. You wouldn't be laughed at, if you would enquire if you're in Boosaaso northern Somalia or in some kind of Garden of Eden utopia. It is that beautiful and eye-catching.
  16. Warbixintii Raadio Laascaanood: Boosaaso: Garoonka diyaaradaha Bardarqaasim ee Magaalada Boosaso oo waayahaanba dhismihiisa la waday ayaa Imika waxaa la geliyey Shaqadiisii Xawli dheeraad ah. RadioLaascaanood Garoonka diyaaradaha Bardarqaasim ee Magaalada Boosaso oo waayahaanba dhismihiisa la waday ayaa Imika waxaa la geliyey Shaqadiisii Xawli dheeraad ah waxaadna la kulmaysaa hadii Booqatid shaqo dheeraad ah oo Ka socota Airporkaasi Magaalada Boosaaso, Todobaadkii lasoo dhaafay ayaa waxaa soo gaaray Garoonka Qalab Baaxadleh oo isugu Jira warshado iyo Agab kale oo fara badan kuwaasi oo loogu Talo galay in lagu dhamaystiro Garoonkan waxaana ka mid ah Qalabkan dhowaantan Soo gaaray Airporka Warshaha dhagaxa Shiida kuwa Daamurka Shiila kuwo lagu kaydiyo daamurka Haamo waawayn oo loo Isticmaalo Oxygenka iyo Qalab aad U Tiro Badnaa oo aan Mar aan Saaka Booqday Airporka in dhahayga kusoo arkay. Goobta imika ay shaqada ugu Balaaran ka socoto oo ah dhabaha ay diyaaraduhu ku ordaan oo shaqadiisu hada ay Tahay mida gacanta lagu Hayo ayaa waxaa ka shaqaynaya shaqaale Loo Carbiyey Habka dhisida Wadooyinka iyo Injineero ku kormeeraya oo Aqoon durugsan u leh Hawshan ay wadaan. Meesha ay diyaaraduhu ku cararaan marka ay soo degayaan iyo Marka ay kacayaan oo loo yaqaano (Run way-ga) ee Garoonka Boosaso International Airport ayaa Marka aad aragtid waxaabad Moodaa in aanay waxba u Harsanayn Laami mooyaane waxaana lagu kordhiyey 15mitir shan iyo Tobon Mitir Isagoo awal ahaa 50 mitir halka imikana laga dhigay 65 mitir. Gaadiid u badan Cagafcagafta dhulka Sinta Dumisana iyo Baabuurta iska Rogooyinka ah ee Ciida iyo dhagaxa gura ayaa kusugnaa Goobtaasi kuna hawlanaa shaqooyinkooda kala duwan iyagoo la arkayey Maanta Cagacagafyo dhowra oo simayey Dhulka iyadoo ay Mitir sheegaya Simida dhulkana ay la daba Taagnaayeen Khuburo ku Xeel dheer dhinaca dhismaha iyo Simida wadooyinka Noocaan oo kale ah. Waxaan kula kulamy Goobta ay shaqadaasi ka socotay mr shiino oo isagu ah Madax qaybta Farsamada iyo Qalabka Lagu dhisayo Airporka waxaana ii ii sharaxay Qalabka kala duwan ee Meesha Yaala iyo shaqooyinka ay kala Qabtaan isagoo Tobaaxay Mr shiino in ay ku jiraan warshado Waawayn oo uu itusay kuwaasi oo Aad iyo aad muhiim u ah Isla markaasna Loo adeegsan doono Airpooro kale iyo wadooyin kale Marka kan lagu dhameeyo Mustaqbalka dhow in shaa alaah. Sidoo kale waxaan Garoonka Bandar qaasi International Airport kula kulmay Ing. Warsame oo ah Ninka isagu hawshan wada isla Markaasna ah nin aqoon u leh Arimahan ayaa waxaa uu ii sheegay in uu garoonkaani yahay garoonka ugu wayn dalka Soomaliya lana doonayo in laga dhigo Garoon Heer International ah kaasi oo ay kusoo degi karaan diyaarado farabadan Hawshiisana mudo dheer lasoo jeedayey balse imika ay dhowdahay gabagabadiisu. Mashruucaan ayaa waxaa uu Noqonayaa Mashruucii ugu horeeyey ee Noociisa ah uguna waynaa ee dalka laga Fuliyo Tan iyo intii day dhacday dowladii dhexe ee dalka Soomaliya Sanadii 1991dii. Iskusoo wada duuboo arintan ayaa waxay Noqonaysaa Mid si wayn loogu Xasuusan doono Maamulka Madaxweyne Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi Cadde ee Haatan ka talisa Maamul Goboleedka Soomaliyeed ee Puntland Taasi oo Hirgelisay Garoonka Qaaliga ah ee Magaalada Boosaso.
  17. This is a report about the progress of Puntland State of Somalia building the biggest and newest airport in Somalia. It could be argued in fact it is the biggest development project achieved anywhere in Somalia for the past 17 years and Adde's Administration will be greatly and fondly remembered for that. The airport is in its final stage of completion. Enjoy inshallaah.
  18. Great progress by the TFG. Kudos to the German government as well.
  19. I applaud Col. Cashuur and the brave men he's leading. They'll inshallaah defend the region from any aggressors who are hell-bent to see the inhabitants of that region out in the cold and to interrupt their peaceful existence and lives only for an expansionits and nostalgic pipedream that they think is somehow attainable although we know it is not. The brave troopers of that region will not be surprised this time around, let's see how really brave the seccessionts are.
  20. Cumar Jaamac Saleebaan, New governor of Sool region of Puntland State of Somalia
  21. Puntland oo Guddoomiye cusub u magacowday Gobalka SOOL Last Updated::2008-01-22 11:31:14 Garowe(HRNet):-Wareegto Xalay kasoo baxday Xafiiska Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa Guddoomiye cusub loogu magacaabay gobalka ay xiisadaha ka taagan yihiin ee SOOL. Wareegtadan uu ku saxiixan yahay Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa lagu sheegay in xilkii laga wareejiyey Guddoomiyihii hore ee gobalka Sool, Ibraahim Jaamac Daad. Madaxweynaha Puntland ayaa wareegtadan nambarkeedu ahaa LR08 Jan21-2008 ku magacaabay Cumar Jaamac Saleebaan inuu noqdo Guddoomiyaha cusub ee gobalka Sool. Qoraalkan ayaa lagu sheegay in magacaabistan ay timid kadib markii uu Madaxweynaha Puntland arkay baahida loo qabo magacaabida guddoomiye cusub iyo waliba aqoonta iyo waayo aragnimadiisa Guddoomiyaha cusub uu Madaxweynaha kaashaday dastuurka isla markaana magacaabay Mas'uulkan cusub. Magacaabista Guddoomiyaha cusub ee Gobalka Sool ee maamulka Puntland ayaa kusoo beegmaysa xili uu maamulka wado dhaq dhaqaaq uu ku doonayo inuu dib gacanta ugu dhigo magaalada Laascaanood ee xarunta gobalka Sool oo ay hada ku sugan yihiin ciidamada iyo maleeshiyooyinka taageersan maamulka la baxay Soomaliland. C/risaaq Shiino
  22. Peace Action never mind Che and Xiin for as they're well known advocatees for trouble. Puntland has many foes that are hell-bent to destroy it, what we need right now is unity and support for each other in this difficult days. Cadde Muuse's time to vacate will come and he's truely mismanaged the state but nevertheless he's got my support because he is for now the elected true leader and representative of the state in short our President. Inshallah things will get better, but everyting has its time and process so let's not precede it, anyhow we in the diaspora are in total support of Cadde's admin latest action and hope more of such kind of actions will follow. Better late than never. The people of Puntland are peace-loving people and they're one hundred percent in support of the admins security operations and they wish the security forces the best of luck in tightening up the security of the state with an iron fist. We support Cadde in this.
  23. A much needed endeveour by the Puntland admin. Cadde Muuse needs to toughen up and continue with such operations. Puntland needs to eliminate and hunt down all those small elements within that are deemed to be a security threat. A tighten up security and a quick resolution/conclusion to the security operations is much hoped and disered for. Puntlanders all over the world are in support of this security operations and are one hundred percent behind their admin and their security forces.