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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Germanyyyyyyyyyyyy! Yes They're through to the Semi-final, a great achievement and game against what I believed was the best team in the tournement. Ooh ooh ohooo! Ooh ooh ohooo.
  2. Pepe's goal was onside as clearly video evidence showed it. What do you the english know about football anyways? We were all at praise for the linesman for his initial decision but if you look close he's onside at the point of delivery. Yes two of his collegues were passively offside but he was on. Anyways what's going on with the Croatia vs. Austria game. Austria is pressing for the all equaliser and they really go for it but nothing is happening so far for them. The croats seem to be only defending.
  3. Initially so brother, but in hindsight that goal was a proper goal, although difficult to judge. We can't blame the linesman and I guess he had to disallow it, but looking at video-evidence, Pepe was onside at the point of delivery although there were two portugese players who were passively offside at that moment, but Pepe's goal was definately onside. But for the linesman difficult to judge ofcourse. I thought that it was a great discision at first, but that has been disapproved as TV-evidence showed that Pepe's goal was on-side.
  4. The first game was very disappointing but alas expected as it was a classic European Championship opener. I only got a small glance, the first half an hour to be exact but I couldn't manage to look on. But I knew it, that's why I awaited the Portugal and Turkey game as I predicted it to be much better and attractive for the eye to watch, because of the tension factor. I was very much impressed with Portugals technical ability and their offensive game, although they showed a lack of execution and fire-power in the last third of the field, but nevertheless they should have shown more discipline in the defense area. Pepe's disallowed goal was a proper goal but difficult to judge for the linesman. Anyhow he got justice by scoring the first goal for Portugal. They were very attractive technically-wise and Turkey couldn't give them the water especially after they scored and from there on, the winner was never in doubt. Only how many goals they would score was in doubt, and when the second one would come or fall and indeed it came, although late. The portugese lead was never in question nor in danger as the turks were toothless and too harmless going forward. The turks played or tried to play confidently but they could judge themselves that they were not on par, with Portugals technical ability and advantage as they have as I believe the greatest talent and field of players anywhere in the midfield of any team of this Championship. Just look at Ronaldo, Mutinho, Nani and co. This field of talent is just not to be overlooked. I believe, this team could indeed develop more if they only would concentrate a bit more and not take it so easy. Croatia to win 2:1 or by more goals today against the hosts Austria. Germany to win convincincly against rivals Poland. Mondays group of death should be also very interesting.
  5. Good news! The mosques of Garoowe will also get free electricity President Cadde promised. This is a great development and a giant leap forward towards sustained development for the capital city of Puntland State of Somalia.
  6. Great developments brothers, let's hope for the best possible outcome as Duke said there are no disputed areas only one state and one country. JB brother if we find something rest assured that we will share adequately with not only you but all the needy Somalis. Indeed Somalis will be rich and regardless whether Bosaso, Hargeisa or Muqadisho everywhere, where Somalis are they will prosper from this. We will build the whole country inshallaah not our state areas jurisdiction. Long live all of Somalia and the Somali people and may they prosper from this late endeavor.
  7. Who is against the exploitation and exploration of the natural resources and OIL in Puntland? It's the hardcore enemies of our state starting with the likes of Abdiqaasim and other criminals below or at calibre with him. I say, the reason being is because down in the south they do not have any OIL that's why they hate to see us get the black OIL and inshallaah we hope that with the beginning of the Dharoor exploitation, that we'll never look back again and from there, there shall be no return nor a questioning for allowance or if it is ok with some people or entities for that matter. The land is mine, I'll not ask anyone for allowance to drill or look for OIL and specially so not from the people of the south who don't want see us getting that OIL because that would mean that we would have much self-determination for us and be self-reliant. The Dharoor Valley of Puntland is an mirror-image of the Yemeni-peninsula where vast amounts of OIL have been found, it's the same just across the sea. I commend President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed for faciliating all this for us and the determination by President Adde Muuse who was never wavering and I hope all his struggle bears the fruits he so wants. Adde is not the main driver as he naively believes OIL is the solution to all the problems but I commend the Oil Minister Mr. Alloore for work to and all the companies especiall so Africa Oil and others for the help and support they showed us and inshallah rain will reign on us only we have to work on the unity and inshallaah Puntland will return even better. Watch this coming months, this place right here right now inshallah. I shall update you ofcourse expect a mighty undertaking inshallah. OIL and it's exploration and exploitation will commence and all the other stuff will be dealt soon as well. Khair inshallah. Sakhar
  8. Muxyidiin Cali Yuusuf is the man, our candidate of choice for 2009 inshallah. If you want any good for Puntland you'd be in support of him We support him and we hope that he comes through inshallaah. Soon the campaign will be launched here in SOL as we did in 2005, although our candidate of choice lost at the end, nevertheless it was great. I say, Muxiyaddin Cali Yusuf for President for 2009 inshallah.
  9. Allaahu Akhbar what a great day indeed, if there's oil to be found. Let the Dharoor exploitation commence. I well come it emmence. A great day for Puntland and its people.
  10. The decision of the two top heads, the leader of the executive and the leader of the central committee of the Alliance for the Reliberation of Somalia (ARS) to talk and negotiate with the TFG is a sign of maturity by the leader of the executive leader of that alliance Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Ahmed and a bold statement that he puts the people, Somali first. Talks will resume on the 30/31 of this month. The first stage has been completed and it was agreed that humantarian access should be delivered to the Somali people in order for the talks to progress, the hungry and needy IDP's in Somalia should be first fed and given humanitarian relief. The executive leader although he still is a tool nevertheless he is a tool who has got a conscious. Better that than be the lackey of Afwoerki. Sheikh Shariif Sheikh Ahmed hasn't set foot in Asmara for forty days now and the Old fox Hassan Dahir Aweys who is trapped and threatened and who lost it, was screaming for the leaders of the ARS to come back to Papa Afeworki as he missed them, although the leader of the executive stayed determined and focused, as he puts rightly the Somali people first, than the interests of a few spoilers with their own narrow minded political agendas. The old fox has been outfoxed and his powerhungry attitude brought him into deep ruins and a split into his personality. It is also noted the thugs Indhacadde's cry on the BBC, although he talked as his mind and brain stopped their growth when he was in early childhood, nevertheless it signals a powerful message that this sad thugs days are also coming to a end. The Shariifs, the rightful leaders of the ARS will in person attend the finalisation of the peace-talks in Djibout and will shake hands with the TFG delegation standing side by side in resolute, then they will fly off first class to the holy city of Makkah Al-Mukarramah to swear an oath of defiance to establish a lasting peaceful settlement for our problems. Somalia is back, God be praised. Sir Sakhar
  11. It commends the AMISOM peace keeping mission and expresses it sorrows for a loss of a Burundian soldier and threatens with heavy steps and serious consequences to anyone who in ever way, should it be minor or major threaten them. Watch out peace-spoilers, especially so the Afowerki lackeys and the wronged Al-Shabaab.
  12. The spoilers of peace are threatened with serious consequences, and the humanitarian relief agencies should closely work with the International Court of Human Rights and Abuses against the right of Humanitarian relief and Genocidical prevention of it, to bring the perpertraiters to justice.
  13. Furthermore it congratulates and encourages the peaceful resolution to our problems and the start of the Djibouti conference on the 12 May 2008 and the party lead by Sheikh Shariif who are committed for a peaceful resolution through dialogue and urges the 30 May conference to be held in that light.
  14. It also outlines and threatens, the individuals and entities who are waging a war against the TFI and AMISOM peace-keeping mission with serious consequences and steps.
  15. The resolution also reitrates its committment to the weapons embargo (excluding the TFG and the AMISOM peace mission to Somalia) and will in 60 days outline the individuals and entities who breach that embargo and what the UN will do to them.
  16. If I may, this particular resolution (1814) is as important or even more as the one, which signalled out the TFG's rise to power and subsequent taking of Mogadishu and the arrival of the AMISOM troops of initially Uganda and then Burundi. In short to summon up this United Nations Security Council resolution, it outlines a renewed engagement into the affairs of our country especially the capital of Somalia by the International Community. It reitrates to move or relocate the United Nations Political Office or known as UNPOS in short and the country team headquarters from Nairobi to Mogadishu or an interim location in Somalia and for the Secretary-General to establish the necessary security arrangements for such a relocation. In the last minute (not accidently) however there was strong language included that will surely pave the way for a UN peace-keeping force for upto 26000 Soldiers and 1500 Police officers. Somehow the UN's Polit Bureu for Somalia has to be protected and the UN is not risking it's people to be subjected to gunfire or explosions that's why it is so important for the UNPOS to move back to Somalia because that would signal the greenlight for a protection force to be send in order to help that office's protection and its safeguarting. UNPOS has been to long in Nairobi and needs to come back to Mogadishu or another interim location. This is a great day for Somalia and I'm very happy for our countries new centre-stage and geopolitical importance to the International Community who had to long ignored our plight and call of cries. A UN Peace-keeping mission might not attract many countries that want to contribute to Somalia's peace-keeping mission but that is not important as the big superpowers will then lead a 'coalition of the willing' into Somalia. Somalia is back on the world map again and what a long wait it was indeed. Already the seas are patrolled and yesterday the French came to Mogadishu's old port in order to start of the humanitarian relief to our country. They were patrolling the beach of the old port and surrounding areas so that the aid could be savely docked into the old port and from there transported to the weak and needy and for that we're greatful. Somalia is back, what a long wait. Alhamdulillaah, Sakhar.
  17. United Nations Security Council S/RES/1814 (2008) Distr.: General 15 May 2008 Resolution 1814 (2008) Adopted by the Security Council at its 5893rd meeting, on 15 May 2008 'The Security Council, 'Recalling its previous resolutions concerning the situation in Somalia, in particular resolution 733 (1992), resolution 1356 (2001), resolution 1425 (2002), resolution 1725 (2006), resolution 1744 (2007), resolution 1772 (2007), resolution 1801 (2008) and resolution 1811 (2008), and the statements of its President, in particular those of 13 July 2006 (S/PRST/2006/31), 22 December 2006 (S/PRST/2006/59), 30 April 2007 (S/PRST/2007/13), 14 June 2007 (S/PRST/2007/19) and 19 December 2007 (S/PRST/2007/49), 'Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia, 'Reiterating its commitment to a comprehensive and lasting settlement of the situation in Somalia through the Transitional Federal Charter (TFC), stressing the importance of broad-based and representative institutions reached through a political process ultimately inclusive of all, as envisaged in the TFC, and reiterating its support for Somalia's Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs) to take this forward, 'Reiterating the need for agreement on a comprehensive and lasting cessation of hostilities and a roadmap for the remainder of the transitional process, including free and democratic elections in 2009 as set out in the TFC, 'Welcoming the continued efforts by Prime Minister Nur 'Adde' Hassan Hussein and his Cabinet, under the leadership of President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and supported by the Transitional Federal Parliament, to advance the political process and implement the transitional period, as required by the TFC, in particular the agreement to prepare a timetable for the Constitutional Process leading to a referendum in 2009, the presentation of the Reconciliation Strategy of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG), engagement with clan and local leaders across the country, and efforts to implement the National Security and Stabilisation Plan and to improve public finance management including budgetary and fiscal processes, and supporting efforts to make further progress in all these areas, 'Welcoming the commitment of all Somali parties that have agreed to engage in dialogue with each other with a view to establishing peace and security in Somalia, urging all Somali parties to honour these commitments and to resort to peaceful means only to resolve their disputes, further welcoming the supporting role of the United Nations, in particular the practical support of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and the United Nations Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS) to help progress this dialogue, and supporting in this regard the start on 12 May 2008 of discussions between the parties in Djibouti, 'Welcoming the Secretary-General's report on Somalia of 14 March 2008 (S/2008/178), in particular its assessment that the political situation in Somalia currently provides a renewed opportunity for the international community to give practical support to domestic initiatives, including an increased presence of United Nations personnel and, subject to broad-based political and security agreements and conditions on the ground, the deployment of a United Nations peacekeeping operation to succeed the African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM), 'Welcoming the Secretary-General's support for a comprehensive United Nations strategic approach for peace and stability in Somalia, aligning and integrating political, security and programmatic efforts in a sequenced and mutually reinforcing way, and endorsing ongoing work by the United Nations to support the political process in Somalia and to determine options for re-locating United Nations staff to Somalia, 'Commending the work of the SRSG, Mr. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, and of UNPOS, reaffirming its strong support for his work, in particular his leading role in coordinating international efforts, and requesting that all parties, as well as international organizations, the United Nations country team and Member States support and work in close coordination with him at all times, 'Reaffirming its condemnation of all acts of, and incitement to, violence inside Somalia, expressing its concern at all acts intended to prevent or block a peaceful political process, and expressing its further concern at such acts and incitement continuing, 'Underlining the importance of providing and maintaining stability and security throughout Somalia, and underscoring the importance of disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of militia and ex-combatants in Somalia, 'Emphasizing the contribution that AMISOM is making to lasting peace and stability in Somalia, welcoming in particular the continuing commitment of the Governments of Uganda and Burundi, regretting the recent loss of a Burundian soldier, condemning any hostility towards AMISOM, and urging all parties in Somalia and the region to support and cooperate with AMISOM, 'Underlining that the full deployment of AMISOM will help facilitate the full withdrawal of other foreign forces from Somalia and help create the conditions for lasting peace and stability there, 'Taking note of the letter dated 20 February 2008 from the Chairperson of the African Union (AU) Commission to the Secretary-General, which was annexed to the Secretary-General's report of 14 March 2008, and of the reply from the Secretary-General of 23 April 2008 (S/2008/309), 'Emphasizing the continued contribution made to Somalia's peace and security by the arms embargo imposed by resolution 733 (1992), as elaborated and amended by resolutions 1356 (2001), 1425 (2002), 1725 (2006), 1744 (2007) and 1772 (2007), and reiterating its demand that all Member States, in particular those in the region, comply fully with it, 'Expressing deep concern at the human rights situation in Somalia, and taking note of the Resolution on Somalia adopted at the 7th Session of the Human Rights Council, and of the renewal by the Human Rights Council of the mandate for the Independent Expert on Somalia, 'Expressing its serious concern at the worsening humanitarian situation in Somalia and the continuing difficulties for humanitarian organizations operating in Somalia, including humanitarian access and security for humanitarian personnel, and reaffirming the humanitarian principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence, 'Determining that the situation in Somalia continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security in the region, 'Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, '1. Requests the Secretary-General to continue and intensify his efforts, working together with the international community, to promote an ongoing political process which is ultimately inclusive of all, including by assisting the TFIs in this regard and in delivering services to the Somali people; '2. Strongly supports the approach proposed by the Secretary-General's report of 14 March 2008, welcomes his intention to provide an updated comprehensive, integrated United Nations Strategy for peace and stability in Somalia, aligning and integrating political, security and programmatic efforts in a sequenced and mutually reinforcing way, and to include an assessment of the capacity of UNPOS to implement the Strategy, and requests that he submit the updated version to the Security Council within 60 days from the adoption of this resolution; '3. Approves the Secretary-General's proposal in his report of 14 March 2008 to establish a joint planning unit in the office of the SRSG to facilitate effective and efficient implementation of the integrated strategy; '4. Welcomes the Secretary-General's recommendation, as set out in his report of 14 March 2008, to relocate UNPOS and the country team headquarters from Nairobi to Mogadishu or an interim location in Somalia in order to help deliver the comprehensive, integrated United Nations strategy in Somalia, and requests the Secretary-General to establish the necessary security arrangements for such a relocation, and to update the Security Council when he submits the Strategy referred to in paragraph 2 above; '5. Decides that UNPOS and the United Nations country team shall, in promoting a comprehensive and lasting settlement in Somalia and through the promotion of the ongoing political process, enhance their support to the TFIs with the aim of developing a constitution and holding a constitutional referendum and free and democratic elections in 2009, as required by the TFC, and facilitating coordination of the international community's support to these efforts, and requests the Secretary-General within 60 days from the adoption of this resolution to report on progress with this work; '6. Recalls its intention to take measures against those who seek to prevent or block a peaceful political process, or those who threaten the TFIs or AMISOM by force, or take action that undermines stability in Somalia or the region, and therefore requests the Committee established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) (herein after 'the Committee') to provide, within 60 days from the adoption of this resolution, recommendations on specific targeted measures to be imposed against such individuals or entities; '7. Recalls its intention to strengthen the effectiveness of the United Nations arms embargo on Somalia, states its intention to take measures against those who breach the arms embargo, and those who support them in doing so, and therefore requests the Committee to provide, within 60 days from the adoption of this resolution, recommendations on specific targeted measures to be imposed against such individuals or entities; '8. Requests the Secretary-General to continue his contingency planning for the possible deployment of a United Nations peacekeeping operation in Somalia to succeed AMISOM, including of possible additional scenarios, in close contact with UNPOS, the United Nations country team and other United Nations stakeholders, taking account of all relevant conditions on the ground, and considering additional options for the size, configuration, responsibility and proposed area of operation of the mission depending on different conditions on the ground, requests the Secretary-General to update on progress in his planning in the report referred to in paragraph 5 above, and expresses its willingness to consider, at an the appropriate time, a peacekeeping operation to take over from AMISOM, subject to progress in the political process and improvement in the security situation on the ground; '9. Welcomes the Secretary-General's undertaking, as set out in his letter of 23 April 2008 to the Chairperson of the AU Commission, to provide additional United Nations technical advisers to the AU's Strategic Plans and Management Unit in Addis Ababa, and encourages the Secretary-General to continue to explore with the AU Commission Chairperson, in coordination with donors, ways and means to strengthen United Nations logistical, political and technical support for the AU, to build the AU's institutional capacity to carry out its commitments in addressing the challenges it faces in supporting AMISOM, and to assist AMISOM's full deployment, to the extent possible and as appropriate, with the goal of achieving United Nations standards, and to update the Council in the report referred to in paragraph 5 above; '10. Reiterates its call upon Member States to provide financial resources, personnel, equipment and services for the full deployment of AMISOM and upon Member States of the African Union to contribute to AMISOM in order to facilitate the withdrawal of other foreign forces from Somalia and help create the conditions for lasting peace and stability there, urges those Member States which have offered to contribute to AMISOM to fulfil such commitments, recognizes that more needs to be done to harness increased support for AMISOM, and takes note of the Secretary-General's proposals for harnessing such support, as set out in his letter of 23 April 2008; '11. Reiterates its support for the contribution made by some States to protect the World Food Programme maritime convoys, calls upon States and regional organizations, in close coordination with each other and as notified in advance to the Secretary-General, and at the request of the TFG, to take action to protect shipping involved with the transportation and delivery of humanitarian aid to Somalia and United Nations-authorized activities, calls upon AMISOM troop-contributing countries, as appropriate, to provide support to this end, and requests the Secretary-General to provide his support to this effect; '12. Strongly supports and encourages the ongoing humanitarian relief efforts in Somalia, recalls its resolution 1502 (2003) on the protection of humanitarian and United Nations personnel, calls on all parties and armed groups in Somalia to take appropriate steps to ensure the safety and security of AMISOM, United Nations and humanitarian personnel, demands that all parties ensure timely, safe and unhindered access for the delivery of humanitarian assistance to all those in need, wherever they may be, and urges the countries in the region to facilitate the provision of humanitarian assistance, including the timely, safe and unhindered passage of essential relief goods into Somalia by land or via air and sea ports; '13. Requests the Secretary-General to strengthen ongoing efforts for establishing a United Nations-led mechanism for bringing together and facilitating consultations between humanitarian organizations operating in Somalia, the TFG, donors and other relevant parties in order to help resolve issues of access, security and provision of humanitarian relief throughout Somalia, and further requests him to report on progress in the report referred to in paragraph 5 above; '14. Requests the Secretary-General to establish an effective capacity within UNPOS to monitor and enhance the protection of human rights in Somalia, and to ensure coordination, as appropriate, between UNPOS, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Human Rights Council Independent Expert, and further requests the Secretary-General to report on progress in achieving this in the report referred to in paragraph 5 above; '15. Supports the ongoing efforts of the United Nations, the African Union and interested Member States, in close cooperation with the TFG, to develop security sector institutions in Somalia, and requests the SRSG to enhance his coordination role in this area, aligning relevant United Nations programmes and Member States' activities; '16. Condemns all and any violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, calls upon all parties in Somalia to respect fully their obligations in this regard, and calls for those responsible for such violations in Somalia to be brought to justice; '17. Reaffirms its previous resolutions 1325 (2000) on women, peace and security, and 1674 (2006) and 1738 (2006) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, and stresses the responsibility of all parties and armed groups in Somalia to take appropriate steps to protect the civilian population in the country, consistent with international humanitarian, human rights and refugee law, in particular by avoiding any indiscriminate attacks on populated areas; '18. Reaffirms its previous resolution 1612 (2005) on children and armed conflict and recalls the subsequent conclusions of the Security Council Working Group on Children in Armed Conflict pertaining to parties to the armed conflict in Somalia (S/AC.51/2007/14); '19. Recalls that, pursuant to Article 65 of the United Nations Charter, the Economic and Social Council may furnish information to the Security Council and shall assist the Security Council upon its request; '20. Decides to remain actively seized of the matter.'
  18. Jabuuti, May 12- War deg deg ah, Shirkii Jabuuti oo goordhaweyd furmay. Waxaa galabta markii ugu horraysay si rasmi ah isku soo hor fariistay wafuud ka kala socaday dawladda Soomaaliya iyo Mucaaradka la baxay dib u xoraynta Soomaaliya ee fadhigoodu yahay magaalada Asmara ee xarunta dalka Eritariya. Labadan wafti ee dawladda iyo mucaraad ayaa galabta markii ugu horraysay si toos ah isku arkay intii ay kuwa sugnaayeen magaalada Jabuuti ee xaraunta Jamhuuriyadda jabuuti, waxaa is aragaan ku guulaystay dhaxdhaxaadiyayaal caalami ah oo maalmahaan ku howlanaa sidii dawladda iyo mucaaradka la isku soo hor fariinlahaa. Kullankaan oo ah mid hordhac ah ayaa ugu horrayn waxaa furay Erayga QM u qaabilsan arrimaha Soomaaliya Axmed Walad Cabdalleh, oo wafuudaasi ku soo dhaweeyey ka qayb galka kullankaasi galabta qabsoomay, waxaana markaasi kadib halkaasi ka hadlay waftigii ka socday dawladda Soomaaliya waxaana sidoo kale iyana hadalka la siiyey xubnihii ka socotay mucaaradka fadhigoodu yahay. Shirkaan hordhaca ah ee galabta furmay ayaa waxaa ka soo qaybgalay madax kala duwan oo ka kala socotay beesha caalamka, labada dhinac ee dawladda iyo mucaaradka iyo mas’uuliyiin ka socotay dawladda Jabuuti. Majiraan wax war ah oo faah faahsan oo wali ka soo baxay shirkaasi laakiin saacada soo socda ayaa si rasmi ah loo ogaan doonaa waxyaabaha la isku soo qaaday. C/fataax Cumar Geeddi Radio Daljir.
  19. It's official, the Peace talks between the TFG and the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS) in Asmara will start late this afternoon. After a 'celebration' ceremony to kick off start the reconciliation conference, the peace talks will be officially 'opened' by the Foreign minister of Djibouti. Foreign embassy dignitaries and ambassadors will also be attending the opening ceremony of the peace talks. However the talks will be hosted by the UN. Talks were scheduled to start on Saturday, but did not resume due to in-fightings between the ARS delegation, on who is the legitimate representative of that group as the delegation split up into two camps. One is lead by Ibrahim Caddow, who was for talks without conditions and who had backing from the two Shariifs, who are currently out of Eritrea, whilst the other group lead by Cabdirahman Dheere was for set conditions prior the commencing of talks, this group whose supporters are in Asmara and include Hassan Dahir Aweys and Yusuf Dheg and who have been pressured and bullied by the Eritrean regime to take that path, have been defeated as the international community put heavy pressure on them, which resulted in Eritrea giving the green lights for the talks to resume without pre set conditions put on it. So talks will resume, let's hope for a successful outcome inshallah.
  20. A full ceremonious protocol and a grandiose pompous reception for the President of Somalia H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed!
  21. The doubling of food aid to reduce the pain of the needing and hungry due to global food price rises shall be a welcoming announcement to the most needing, the weak and vulnerable of our country. Only today were there huge protests in the capital because of hyperinflation and rise of food prices a timely needed announcement.
  22. This is a great day for bilateral relations between our two respected countries of France and Somalia. Today's meeting was very important in political terms as France will resume the EU's Presidency commencing this July. It will hold that role for six month's. I don't know but people in North America might not know this but the EU has a Presidency that chances periodically for every six months, whereby each member State President resumes the role of 'President of Europe'. This will come very handy because the French on our side will help bring the attention and focus of our country to the whole of the EU and as many of you know the EU is a political powerhouse and France is the third largest political power on this world, so as we have them on our side and we conquered the Palais d'Elysee already, the doors to Berlin are next and wide open for us. Germany will be the next focus as they're the second largest economical force and powerhouse of this World, and from there we shall conquer Rome as well. The world is united in its support of Somalia so don't dispair my friends, as the world is on our side.
  23. What a great outcome, Food aid has been doubled for this year. France will help with the reconstruction and the President of Somalia has promised the introduction of a new currency. The doubling of the food aid came in response to the global rising of food prices and for that we're thankful to our French counterparts. Viva la France.
  24. Food aid has been doubled for this year and France also pledged to help with the reconstruction of our country, a great outcome indeed, further more there was also one more important announcement this time by the President of Somalia, Monsieur Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed. Here it is: Le shilling somalien a perdu la moitié de sa valeur depuis le début de l'année, tandis que des millions de faux billets circulent sur le marché. Selon les Nations unies, la moitié des sept millions de Somaliens risquent la famine. A Paris où il a été reçu lundi par le président Nicolas Sarkozy et le ministre des Affaires étrangères Bernard Kouchner, le président somalien Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed a annoncé la création d'une nouvelle devise pour combattre la contrefaçon. "Le pays a été dans le chaos, dans l'anarchie pendant longtemps et était sans gouvernement. Toutes ces longues années ont permis à tous les falsificateurs et à tous les bandits de faire tout ce qu'ils voulaient", a noté le chef d'Etat somalien. "Il y a eu un nombre incalculable de faux billets", à l'origine de "ce que nous avons eu comme problèmes financiers et économiques". Mais "nous sommes résolus à combattre cela et à créer une nouvelle monnaie", a-t-il ajouté. AP ________________________ The Somali shilling has lost half its value since the beginning of the year, while millions of counterfeit banknotes circulating in the market. According to the United Nations, half the seven million Somalis at risk of starvation. In Paris, where he was received Monday by President Nicolas Sarkozy and Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, the Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed announced the creation of a new currency to combat counterfeiting. "The country was in chaos, anarchy for a long time and was without a government. All these long years have allowed all forgers and all the bandits do whatever they wanted," noted the head of 'State of Somalia. "There was an incalculable number of counterfeit banknotes", the source of "what we had as financial and economic problems." But "we are determined to combat it and create a new currency," he added. AP