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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. The flag I designed is not here and there but the idea behind it, which is that we need one and may-be the design was not resembling creativity or craftsman-shift but the same inspiration, that Puntland needs such a design. My design might not be original or might be poor. I might even be of lower than average intelligence or a young kid but nevertheless I stand to the principle and idea that we need such a design. I didn't say that mine was the solution but what we need is the idea and for that I will push. Thank you for your comments nevertheless.
  2. A change from the past means, that I now want every mind to be given a chance to speak and say what they think, we might not agree with it but nevertheless it should be spoken and for that we don't criticise Che but his constant and rampant bad commenting on everything that seems to be progress or a report of it for Puntland and that is our concern. But other than that he's free to say what he feels like.
  3. Nevertheless Abdinaasir, we will work on it godwilling, as I believe we in that quarter of the country need something that resembles our state. An appeal to all the creative minds out there, design us a flag that we like and that stands for what our people and state stands for. Thanks in advance.
  4. Che keep the wind-up. It's already clear that you have a problem with everything Puntish and what could be represented as a true Puntland asset. Gheele, if you disagree then you can always design us a new flag if you will of course, any time you like just take your time. Abdinaasir I totally agree with you that our national flag is one of the most beautiful flags in the world due to its simplicity, but out of sheer lack as I know you're not from Puntland why don't you design us a flag, which is better. I never claimed mine was Perfect but if I may quote "Until we get something better, this is our flag in the mean-time. Long live our beautiful state of Puntland."
  5. And here's the meaning of the flag 1. Red stands for the sacrifice and the blood we shed, all the halgan and strifes we went through, wars etc. To uphold our freedom and integrity. 2. White for the peace, that we treasure so much. 3. Black, the macdan, oil and wealth we have and also the wars that we fought in, which were dark. 4. There's also a green stripe that stands for fertility and barwaaqo, 5. The Somali flag, which is to honour and remember and honour Maxamed Cawaale Libaan, who is the man who designed the Somali flag. 6. The tree's not perfect but it should resamble myrrh and frankincense tree, which is to represent the land of scents and aroma, which is Puntland. P.s. The tree in the middle is 'on development mode' so not yet finished. So hold your horses my friends. I will update you later on. Greetings.
  6. Until we get something better, this is our flag in the mean-time. Long live our beautiful state of Puntland. Sakhar, committed to federalism and unity.
  7. Brother horn needs to calm down he and all the other sentimental anti-Puntland folks. I say for sure speaking of influence and who can best help bring forward the new government and make it somehow seem accepted by the major powers internationally, the first minister must come from Puntland and not due that Puntlanders need that post or are greedy and too eager for it but due to common-sense that dictates, because of the 4.5 formula someone with a base, political platform and actually commands a great and large area and population must be selected. Therefore because reer Gedo and Afmadow do not hold such weight in political terms (I don't mean they're insignificant everyone has got his use), thus the PM must be from Puntland and I entrust that the Shariif will nominate a Puntlander and I'm confident of that.
  8. Congrats to the new President Mudane Abdirahman Sheikh Mohamed. I had a slight feeling that Faroole would snatch it at the end. I had him and his VP Cabdisamad Cali Shire as firm favourites to win, may the new President lead the state to prosper and peaceful times. I'm happy that Adde and his VP Afqurac have finally left scene and vacated the top seat, it's now the time for the clean up of their mess. But they're nevertheless thanked for the effort they put into it. Have a nice and pleasant retirement Mr. former President Adde, I'm sure you'll have one.
  9. A land of opportunity! Somalia, plagued by pirates operating in its waters, warring factions and border conflicts, is not a place where foreign investors are falling over themselves to put their money. But Dubai's Lootah Group has bucked the trend by signing a Dh170 million agreement with the President of Puntland, a self-governing state in the north-east of the country, to support the construction of an airport, seaport and free zone in the coastal city of Bosaso. The group has experience of infrastructure projects in Djibouti and Tanzania and believes Somalia, virtually untouched by modern development, could become a successful trading hub with help from overseas investors. Tarek Niazi, an advisor and consultant to Lootah Group, said: "This area is in need of development and it is untouched, which means it has tremendous potential." Puntland has remained relatively stable since the 1991 civil war, compared with Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, which is still troubled by tribal conflict. The state declared itself autonomous in 1998 though it supports Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG), which has established little authority since its formation in 2000. Puntland says it will retain control of its affairs until the capital manages to halt the fighting in its region. But the lack of foreign investment combined with a high level of migration of its people has meant that the development of the state's institutions and infrastructure has been slow. But the government believes the situation is about to change thanks to Lootah's investment plus the exploration for oil that is under way 120km from Bosaso in the Dharoor and Nogal valleys. Prospectors believe this area could be Africa's second largest oil reserve after Sudan. Puntland's President Mohamoud Musa Hersi Adde told Emirates Business about the opportunities opening up in the state during an interview at the presidential palace following last week's signing of the Lootah agreement. "I believe that when we finish all these projects our people will benefit by getting good health services, education and overall prosperity," he said. "We have our regulations that will protect the interests of Puntland and we control our natural resources but the TFG will get its share of royalties if oil is discovered. "The Lootah Group has seen the prospects of this land and we are grateful for the opportunity. We are rich in minerals, fish and livestock and need to establish better ways of trading, and this is now going to happen with this latest agreement." The existing airport, little more than a 1km strip of gravel running parallel to the Gulf of Aden, has no control tower, terminal or ticket office. A few soldiers take care of passport control. Moving out to Airport Road, which like all other streets in Bosaso is unpaved, visitors pass through small neighbourhoods of wooden huts before reaching rows of stone and breeze-blocked housing. Between these homes are heaps of rubble and rubbish, making the city look untidy and indicating that there is little organisation nor funds to clear up the area. Of more concern to residents is food and water. Food is bought from tiny market stalls or received from UN handouts while water is collected from street wells. Electricity supplies are limited and at night the city is plunged into near darkness, with the only visible lighting coming from the perimeters of the few larger homes or the odd TV outside a hut or shop. Lootah's advisory Niazi said the many obstacles faced by Puntland were what made it attractive. "You have to take risks in business and we are taking the first steps to invest here. On top of this the Lootah Group has experience in Djibouti and Tanzania." Lootah, set up in 1973, has its own engineers, a construction division and asphalt and ready mix companies, which will work together to complete the projects. The new airport has been under construction since 2006 with a new terminal building completed earlier this year. It was in the departure lounge of this terminal, visible from the existing runway, that the Lootah deal was signed in front of hundreds of community representatives. Now Lootah will complete the 3.4km runway, taxi and apron areas, security fences and auxiliary buildings to international standards over the next 12 months. At present the only usable runway sees half a dozen aircraft a week carrying UN supplies, other cargo and passengers travelling from Dubai via Djibouti. It is hoped that following the completion of the new airport this number will rise to 10 or even 15 flights a week taking-off and landing in Bosaso, 50 per cent of which will be trade runs. Abdullahi Ali Hersi, Puntland's Minister of Public Works, Transport and Air Transport said: "Accessibility to many locations in the state is dependent on these facilities, especially in view of the poor or non-existent road network. "Bosaso airport will constitute a vital trading platform, stimulating local business, economic development, employment and communication with other countries." It is hoped that some of the two million Somali diaspora will return to the country with jobs becoming available through the three projects. There are also plans to build a seaport which will allow both cargo ships and fishing boats to dock. Dawood Silman Al Nasur, Lootah's Development of Investment Manager, said: "It is a small port at the moment but we aim to extend it so larger ships can use it. This is a stepping stone to increasing trade and will come with its own risks of security and stability which we are addressing." The Intergratia Business Group, a subsidiary of Lootah, has signed a 10-year agreement to co-manage the customs facilities at Bosaso. Puntland has an abundance of lobster, tuna and other seafood off its shores which the president believes, with regulated trade, could be worth millions of dollars. In his dealings with the international community he has long called for help to secure the waters of Somalia from illegal fishermen from Kenya but says that this appeal, along with others to curb piracy, have often been ignored. "We have a coast of 1,600km and unfortunately there is a big problem with illegal fishing in our waters, which we have had no assistance in fighting," he said. "The international community talks about tackling pirates but it is not at sea where the battle is, it is on the land. That is where they need to be fighting this problem, at its base." He said Puntland's police force had captured seven pirate vessels and imprisoned 100 pirates so far this year. But just a day after the Lootah deal was signed, two suicide bombers – from outside Puntland, according to the president – killed six intelligence staff. Although, an isolated incident it adds to the challenges facing Puntland. But the fact the government has hope and longed-for foreign investment means that small steps are being taken to make the state a prosperous and stable place. Trading partner The UAE is one of Puntland's main trading partners. Livestock, dry fish and fresh seafood are exported to the UAE; Puntland relies on the Emirates for essential commodities, petroleum, food, electrical equipment and construction material. Some 48.3 per cent of Puntland's exports are destined for the UAE and 5.1 per cent of imports come from the UAE. "We have historical relations with the Gulf countries going back centuries; all of our commerce depends on the Gulf and all of our imports come from the UAE." said Puntland President Mohamoud Musa Hersi Adde. Dubai International Airport is one of the few international airports to accommodate Puntland's Daallo Airlines, making it a trading hub for the semi-autonomous state. Rough guide Puntland is a region in north-eastern Somalia. Unlike neighbouring Somaliland, it does not seek outright independence. The name is derived from the Land of Punt mentioned by ancient Egyptian sources, which is believed by some to have existed in what is now Somalia. Puntland has 1,600km of coastline, which is abundant with fish and other natural marine resources. However, after the collapse of the Somali central government in 1991, the coast was left unguarded against foreign intruders. Puntland exports great quantities of seafood such as lobsters, dried fish, shark vines and tuna. Sea salt is also produced along with frankincense, gum arabic. The official languages of Puntland are Somali and Arabic. It has a land area of 250,000 sq km and a population of 2.4 million people, based on 2003 estimates.
  10. More details surfacing of the attacks: Cadde Muuse Iyo Riyaale Kaahin Oo Ka Hadlay Qaxyo Ka Dhacay Hargeysa Iyo Boosaaso Oo Ay Ku Nafwaayeen 26 qof kuna dhaawacmeen 50 qof. Oct 29, 2008 By:Jidbaale Hargeysa,Boosaaso( Saaka ka kala dhacay magaalooyinka Boosaaso iyo Hargeysa oo ay ku naf waayeen ugu yaraan 26 qof kuna dhaawacmeen 50 qof ayaa waxa ka kala hadlay siyaalo kala gooniya Madaxweynaha Puntland Cadde Muuse iyo Madax maamulka Hargeysa Riyaale Kaahin. Cadde Muuse ayaa ku tilmaamay qarax halkaasi ka dhacay in aanu waligii ka noo kale soo marin Puntland, wuxuuna sheegay in ay hayaan sawirada dadkii ka danbeeyey qaraxan ee ku dhintay goobtaasi, wuxuuna sheegay Cadde in ay soo bandhigdoonaan wixii ka dhacay goobtaasi, wuxuuna ka gaabsaday in uu cid ku eedeeyo, wuxuuna shacabka Puntland ku booriyey in ay feejignaadaan, wuxuuna sheegay kuwa talaabadan qaaday in ay yihiin kuwo aan doonayn nabad galyada Puntland. Cadde Muuse ayaa waxa kale oo uu ka hadlay qaraxa ka dhacay Magaalada Hargeysa isaga oo uga tacsiyadeeyey dhibaatada halkaasi dhacaday shacabka, wuxuuna ugu baaqay maamulka Hargeysa in ay iska kaashadaan sidii ay uga hortagi lahaayeen weerarada qorshaysan. Dhinaca kale Daahir Riyaale kaahin hogaamiyaha maamulka Hargeysa ayaa waxa uu ku tilmaamay qarax hargeysa ka dhacay ayaandaro, wuxuuna sheegay in anaanu maamulkiisu sidaas ku burburayn, wuxuuna ugu baaqay shacabka in ay dareen feejigan yeeshaan maamulka iyo booliskana kala shaqeeyaan nabad galyada wixii ay ka shakiyaana soo sheegaan. Wararkii ugu horeeyey ee ka soo baxay qaraxyadii ka dhacay Hargeysa iyo Boosaaso ayaa waxa ay sheegayaan in ay ku geeriyoodeen qaraxan hargeysa ka dhacay 20 qof, ayna ku dhaawacmeen 40 in ka badan, dadka ku nafwaayey qaraxan ayaa waxa ka mid ah Xog-hayihii maxatooyada Hargeysa, Daahir Cali Iid iyo , waxa kale oo dhaawac halis ahi soo gaadhay Caaqil Dugsi Cabdi Xasan Dayl &Taliyaha ilaalada Madaxtooyada Abokor Sulub dhabdhable waxa kale oo ku geeriyoodey C/salan Saleban Warsame ,Maxmud cabdisugule borqore Dhinaca Boosaaso ayaa la sheegayaa in ay lix qof oo midi haween tahay ku geeriyoodeen. Saaka saacadu markay ahayd geeska Afrika 10 subaxnnimo ayaa waxa qaraxyo isku mar dhacay lala begsaday Afar goobood oo muhiim ah oo ku yaala magaalooyinka Hargeysa iyo Boosaaso, Afartan goobood oo kala ah, Xafiiska danaha dawladda Itoobiya Ee Hargeysa , Madaxtooyada Hargeysa , xafiiska hay,ada UNDP ee horumarinta mashaariicda UNka Hargeysa Iyo Xarumaha sirdoonka ee ku yaala magaalada BOosaaso. Qarax-yadan ayaa loo adeegsadey Afar gaadhi oo ay saarnaayeen naftood hurayaal , gawaadhida ay wateen ayaa lagu sheegay nooca loo yaqaano Surf, oo laga soo buuxiyey waxyaalaha qarxa. Dhimashada iyo dhaawaca oo aad u tiro badan ayaan ilaa iyo hadda la xaqiijin tiradooda,hase yeeshee waxaa la sheegayaa in xafiiska danaha Itoobiya ay ku geeriyoodeen dad tiro badan oo ka qaadanayey fiisayaal, iyo saraakiil xafiiskaasi ka shaqeeya, dhinaca madaxtooyada Hargeysa ayaa waxa la sheegayaa in ay saraakiil iyo madax badani ku jiraan dad halkaasi ku naf waayey, dhinaca xafiiska UNDP ayaa waxaa isagana laga soo sheegayaa khasaare baaxad weyn,warar dheeraad ah oo hadda soo baxayna waxay sheegayaan In sarkaal madax ka ahaa Ilaalada Riyaale Kaahin oo lagu magacaabo Col. Sulub Dhabdhable uu halkaasi ku geeriyoodey , Guriga qaybe ayaa isna la sheegayaa in dhibaato xoogweyni soo gaadhay , gurigiisa oo ku xigay xafiiska danaha Dawlada Itoobiya ee magaalada Hargeysa. Cisbitaalka Magaalada Hargeysa ayaa la ciirciiraya dhaawac tiro badan, iyada oo 20 qof ee geeriyoodey ahaayeen dadkii ka agdhawaa gobaha qaraxu ka dhacay, dhaawaca ayaa lagula tacaalayaa cisbitaalka sidii loogu fidinlahaa gargaar,qaraxayadan awoodooda ayaa waxa ay keentay in guryihii jiingaduhu ka duulaan, magaalada Hargeysa ayaa iyadu kacsan oo dadku dhabanka iyo gacanta isku hayaan dhibaatadan baaxada weyn ee dhacday awgeed. Qaraxan Boosaaso iyo kan Hargeysa ka dhacay ayaa isku xilli dhacay taas oo muuqata in si abaabulan labadan qarax looga soo shaqeeyey, ilaa hadda cidi ma sheegan qaraxyadan.
  11. Innaa lillaahi wa inna ileyhi raajicuun. It's tragic indeed, may Allaah have mercy with the inflicted of this madness. A new and worriying turn of events indeed. Bosaso and Hargeise have been both hit hard.
  12. So was Puntland's interception in 2001 as you "claim" that from its interception salaries have not been paid. Yes it is true that sometimes salaries have not been paid as you stated to civil section workers, police, the army and other state workers but you have to ask yourself that Puntland unlike the Mogadishu or Somaliland you mentioned, they have been energetic labourers who strived for the revitalisation of the Somali state under one union and federal leadership and that my friend as been achieved to a certan extent. Whilst Mogadishu warlords were busy looting, the secessionsts were focusing on their internal affairs but Puntland has far more income and resources then any other entity in Somalia but because Puntland is the birth mother of the Federal Institutions resources that were needed were diverted to other and far better pan-somali causes. If this burden was put on others they would simply collaps but not Puntland my friend. Our resources went into helping others and less well off Somalis in other regions who were either mistreated or occupied by merciless anarchists. We helped liberate many Somalis who we aided to escape the worst form of mistreatment and their emanicipation is ours appreactiaon and for that Puntland has to be greatly thanked. 1998-2001 was the golden age of our State and after the Arta no-goverment was formed, who tried to disintegrate Puntland and on the other hand the seccessionsts misguided claims and attacks on our people and lands plus the search for a united Somalia under the federal system resulted in the states non-payment of salaries because it is our duty to help Somalia get up/off their feet as no one else is capable or not capable and willing to do that. Puntland pioneer of the federal Somalia and the most successful and sane political achievers of Somalia may God help us achieve our short-term and long-term goals. Amen In god and none else we trust.
  13. Oo adiguna maxaa ku dhibayo? Saw shiddo iyo hoog doon matihid? Adeer waxa ku gubaya waan garinyee bal waxaan u mileyanayaa in aan lehelay ninka aad daba-socotid. Edeb yeelo.
  14. Great tension and what a victory for Germany. They're in the final of the European Championships in Vienna on Sunday.
  15. Lahmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Last minute goal in the nintyth minute. What a game.
  16. Weger! waryaa sowtii aad deelqaafkii gabaygaa Xiin ku jirey sheegi weydey, hadaba waa kuma sharmuudka? Adiga sow ma'ahan! Soow adiga ma'ahan. Teeda kale xagee baad igu aragtey ninyahow misee xagee iga qabsatey?
  17. Hadaba waa maxey 'S'ta sow tii Shiin la isku ogaa. Alla ba'ayee kani waa barrad, war reer tolka ha ceebaynin nimanka waa sugaan-yaqaane malaha adigu 'sheegad' baad ahayd. Bal aan kugu soo celiye: Gabay niman shib ka ahayn,misna shaacir ku ahayn Aan shaqalka ugu dhigin,madka iyo khifiyo shalaq Oo xarafka sheegiyo,xuduuddana shirrabihayn Oo shooliyoo oran,shafkaygaa wax jiifaan. Sheegaye midkaasuna (A&T),asna waa shiddiyo hoog!! Lol iminkaan arkay wuxuu editgareeyee
  18. He already capitulated seeing this from that sorrow and pitiful attempt of his, although brave, I must admitt. But again I said it earlier: Gabay niman shib ka ahayn,misna shaacir ku ahayn Aan shaqalka ugu dhigin,madka iyo khifiyo shalaq Oo xarafka sheegiyo,xuduuddana shirrabihayn Oo shooliyoo oran,shafkaygaa wax jiifaan. Sheegaye midkaasuna (A&T),asna waa shiddiyo hoog!!
  19. Nimanyahow ninka waa laga fadhin waaye, bal yaa naga qabta! Addeer Xiin bal tusmo sii, ninkaani gabay iyo cilaqaad toona aqoonin. Koleyba isaga gacmihii isku toogane oo jacbur meesha la imaaniye bal aan ku hor maro oo aan tilmaam ka bixiyo ninkaani wareersani. Gabay niman shib ka ahayn,misna shaacir ku ahayn Aan shaqalka ugu dhigin,madka iyo khifiyo shalaq Oo xarafka sheegiyo,xuduuddana shirrabihayn Oo shooliyoo oran,shafkaygaa wax jiifaan. Sheegaye midkaasuna (A&T),asna waa shiddiyo hoog!!
  20. The dutch lost in todays game against a young and good-looking Russian side. Dutch were lacking stamina and fitness to last for 120 minutes, and therefore they breaked down with little fight as they could not run anymore. Arshavin and Hiddink thank you for throwing out the big Orange team.
  21. Russia greaaaaaaaaat! Arshavin showed Oranje the way out. Good on them and Guus Hiddink aswell. They deserved it all the way until the final whistle as they were the better team, dutch didn't come out for today's game. Van Basten and Holland are real bad losers. Get in there Russia.
  22. ^Germans were better tactically, say it as it is boy.