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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. A Tribute of mine not so long ago about Puntland State of Somalia! The Envy and Pride of Somalia: Puntland State of Somalia! Puntland, my beloved Puntland The one and only Star From the near to the far And Hurdiya to Highlaan How beautiful you are From the Plains of Cayn To the top of Raas Caseyr You're the envy And the Somali Maseyr! Eyl, Garoowe and the rest of the Nugaal Taleex and Xudun the home of the Darawiish struggle and the true Somaal Garacad, Bacadweyn and Gaalkacyo, the places of visions, peace and loyalty! No words can describe your Majesty You will never be forsaken or forgotten. At a time, when we were chased out of our homes and had no-where to go And the enemy came charging after us till Kismayow How many have perished, trying to cross to safety? Through Libooye and the sea, to Kenya, only to become history! Ethiopia, Kenya and Yemen put us into camps and refused us entry But Puntland gave us a place of belonging and strength And told us to eat from its treasury How can we repay the bonanza and bounty? Surely not by capitulating and disserting the cause How can we give in to the false? And abandon the rose, the rose of Puntland, The envy and pride of our motherland! Between the two seas The grace of our race The Indian and the red Who can compete with the said?
  2. International Hotels and Beautiful Natural Life!
  3. International Airports under construction! With busy and bustling cities and citiziens alike and flourishing business!
  4. One of the Biggest Ports in Somalia. Boosaaso Port.
  5. 212,510 Km2 Land Mass of Puntland, 1/3 of Somalia! 1600 km2 of Coastline from Garad to Laas Surad of the 3300 km2 of Somalia!
  6. I'am not an advocater for complete succession but the folks in Mogadishu have to understand that we will not and cannot wait for them anymore. A distancing or a part declarition of temporary succession would send shock waves across and would strengthen our sense of wadanimo and association with the land of Punt. It's about time I believe. Until our brethren sort out their differences and build a bottom-up approach to Unity, we will not stand watching and waiting for this sad episode to finish. Viva to Puntland State of Somalia!
  7. This is a well written and composed article, which describes the feelings of the People of Puntland and their visions for the Future. Guuxa Shacabka Puntland Iyo Fikirka Dagaalada Muqdisho >>>> Puntland News Center Allidamaale@hotmail. com Bosaso Somali Axad 24 May 2009 Bosaso:-(Allidamaale )baryahaan danbe Dadweynaha reer puntland ayaa sii weyn u hadal haya dagaalada ka socda magaalada Muqdisho,isla markaana u dhag taagaya dhinac ay u dhici doonto labada koox ee is haya,aygoo ka fikiraya kana wal wal san mustaqbalka Puntland. Shacabka ku dhaqan degaanada puntland ayaa inta badan waxeey rajo xumo aad u weyn ka mujinaya xaalada konfuurta dalka somaliya iyadoo inta badan shacabku aay jecleysan lahayeen in maamulka puntland u ku dhawaaqo Gooni isu taag ... "dowlad ka madax banaan oo ka gaar ah somaliyada konfuureed! Dadka ayaa sii weyn uga niyad jabsan waxa ka socda konfuurta,isla markaana ku sheegay dagaaladani ineysan marnaba dhamaad laheyn,hase yeshee ay dhibaato ku yihiin mustaqabalka Puntland madama Puntland in kabadan 20-sanno suugeysay Midnimada somaliyeed balse taasi ay u muuqto haatan mid ku sii dhaceysa God-dheer maalinba maalika ka danbeysa. Guuxa dadweynaha ayaa ah mid aad isku soo taraya iyada oo dadka shacabka ah aay ka rajo dhigeen midnimada somaliya inay dib u soo laaban doonto, in badana waxay hada amiinsan yahiin waxa ka socda K/somaliya in aysan aheyn wax dhamaad leh amaba aan dhamaan dooniin weligeed,markaad la sheekeysatid dadka ama aad timaado meelaha lagu qaxweeyo ee laga dhageysto idaacadaha ayaad waxad arkeysa iney dadku aad u dhibsanayaan dagaalada aan najax laheyn ee soo noq noqada had iyo goor, qaatayna in kabadan 20-sano ilaa iyo hadan aan natiijada laga gaarin,waxyaabaha aad cajiibka u leh oo xusida mudan ayaa waxey yhiin xiliyada ay soo galan idaacadaha ama laga soo daaya doodaha iyo wareysiyada laga qaado hadba labada dhinac ee markaas is haya in qaar ka mid ah Maqaaxiyaha Magaalada Bosaso ayba iska damiyaan Idaacadaha,ayagoo dib u daara marka u ka baxo wareysiyada,mar an si hose u su'alay nin ka mid ah milkiilayasha Maqaaxiyaha laga damiyo Idaacadah ayaa wuxuu i sheegay dadka dagaalada wada in ay ku cel celiyaan wax ay horey u sheegen dadka, isla markaasna aysan heyn wax cusub oo mabda ku saleysan, sidaas daraadeedna ay haboontahay in la iska damiyo. Dhanka kale shacabka ku dhaqan degaanada puntland ayaa sii aad ah u cambareeyey dagaaladi ka dhacay magaalada muqdisho iyaga oo sheegay in dagaalka u yahay mid micno darro ah, isla mrkaana ay xaaran tahay in dhiiga shacabka islamka ah la daadiyo. Dadweynaha ayaa ku tilmaamay dagaalka mid aad loga xumado, waxeyna baaqyo kala duwan ugu soo jeediyen kooxaha isku heya magaalada muqdisho ee dagaalka iskula jira inay sii dhaqso ah u joojiyan dagaalada ka socda magaalada iyo dhiiga micno darada u daadanaya, ayagoona til maamay in umada Somaliyeed ay aad u dhibeyso xasilooni darada ka aloosan Caasimada Somalia. isku soo wada duuboo guuxa dad weynaha iyo hadal heynta Gooni isu taaga Puntland ayaa u muuqata mid su'ali ka taagantahay,inkastoo ay dadweynuhu xaq u leyahin aaya ka talintooda,isla markaana ay muuqato khatar aan la dhayalsankirin oo kasoo socota Konfurta Somalia, ayaa hadana waxeey ku xirantahay biseyalka siyaasadeed iyo arkti wadani nimo hadey leyahiin madaxda hogaamsi Puntland? waxaa kaloo qimeenteeda leh lagama maarmaana ah iney ku baraarug san yihiin baahid shacabka, qaadi karana tilaaba kasto oo lagu bad baadinayo shacabka doortay wakhti ku haboon? Bosaso Your Reliable Sources
  8. [Edited]*** Awoowe Xiin for once what I can't get is nin Ibraahiimada ah oo nin Cali Cismaan u durbaano tumaaya. Kol horrana maxaad wiil-hoog iyo geesi marrada qabatay. Aniga koley ninkaa Shariif ishaa uun baa ka arkii, laakiin isaguu iyo kuwa dagaalamaaya ba, waxba nagama gelin ee hadaad sidaa taageeri u ahayd, Adeerkaa baad taageeri lahayd oo luggaha maadan ka qabateen.
  9. This actual thread could for once separate the Duke and Xiin and stop all this. The floor is all yours. Hala kala baxo, oo kale saf hala kala noqdo. Waxba ha isu reebina ilmaadeerayaalow, kuwa soo gurmadayana anaa idin ka qabani inshallaahu. Hal mar uun kala hara fadlan.
  10. Sol's own battlefield, keep it up boys. I am enjoying it so far. It's a hell of a good read. Don't forget to laugh and enjoy yourselves
  11. 3. How will events unfold i.e develop, what will be the next step? There are already signs that the back-clash has begun. The Shariif is not lacking firepower nor manpower but what he’s lacking is a clue, experience and real comprehension of the situation right now. But this will be compensated by the acknowledged of him to that home truth. Now here comes in his predecessor Abdullaahi Yusuf Ahmed, who he will have a lot to thank for because unlike 2006, the clan of Hassan Dahir Aweys, is not as strong in manpower as they were back then. The coordinated attacks then, were spearheaded by a certain sub clan. Contrary to some claims in this forum, the sub-clan has been severely damaged and many of them have been killed in the two years Abdullahi Yusuf was at the helm of the TFG. It is true that others fought in the battles raging in Mogadishu in the last two years but they, the sub clan did their share as well and thus were collectively damaged as a formidable unit. This could be the greatest accomplishment Abdullahi Yusuf and the Ethiopians did for the Shariif. This can be witnessed by the fighting’s in the Central regions of Somalia, mainly Dhuusamareeb and Guriceel, were the mainly fighting alliance was the ‘Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaacah’, which after some realisation, and they found themselves in charge of Dhuusamareeb after defeating the Al-sShabaab, they found to their amusement, that almost all of their components and militias were made up of neighbouring rival clans, such as those from Cabudwaaq and Xaraale. He has indeed a lot to thank for Abdullaahi Yusuf. What is a key problem to the infighting now is, that Hassan Dahir Aweys, who live in the south side of the city of Mogadishu and which is now in the hands of Hisbul Islaam and Al-Shabab, that has experienced so much destruction and shelling in the last two years and which has been the liveable part of that city in the past two decades, with upmarket private owned housing, businesses and schools. Due to the war in Mogadishu in the last two years, the district has been reduced to rubble and much has been lost, as to the northern half, of which the President Shariif himself is from has emerged as the new upmarket place at town now, the war is much more designed to reshape the contribution of wealth to its original core, whereby the south of the city reigned over the northern part of the city of Mogadishu, thus they want to interrupt and destroy the peace and success of the north, as they accuse the north of the city of having harboured and being in the cohorts of former President Abdullahi Yusuf and the Ethiopian mercineries. Thus the underlying message of my writing and understanding of the situation is, that now has come the end of that said sub-clans betrayl and lunching of futile wars and refusal of effective governance taking shape and therefore an large understanding by all Somalis, who the real obstacles were in the formation of Nation Building and thus a new dawn has emerged for Somalia. The new dawn is sidelining the bad elements within those sub-clan and largely they have been exterminated so far, from the central regions they’re no more formidable and in Mogadishu they’re coming to a close as well. They cannot hide behind Al-Shabab anymore as this shirt and card has been over-used by them. Intelligent men like Goobaale understand the dire situation of now and the side-lining of Siciid Dheere for the moment is also a intelligent move as the clan card cannot be used anymore as well. So there’s nothing left except capitulation. Shariif has got what Abdullahi Yusuf didn’t have and that’s a clan pressence inside Mogadishu and with that believe that Shariifka together with his clan, the Somali army and militias at disposal, the sane and peace loving Somalis ‘Inay soo afjari doonaan dhawaanahan waalidan dhamaadka lahayn’, if they don’t, then they’re worse than a dead donkey. Good riddance.
  12. 2. Why did Hisbul Islaam and Al-Shabab so easily capture the majority of the city of Mogadishu? That is a very easy question to answer. a. The militias of Al-Shabab and Hisbul Islaam are very disciplined as to the Propaganda and beliefs compared to those of the government b. They have a working, clear and functioning command structure in place, which is not the case for the bulk of the government soldiers and clan militias supporting the army c. They’re united in their ideology, goals and visions and hence fight as One synonymous unit (the government on the other hand, had problems in uniting its different components of their army and militias due to the merger) d. The realisation and fact, that Shariif’s Maxakiim were in fact a toothless body and the lie that he had an army, that could merge with the TFG, which was a fraudulent lie by the west and Ahmedou Walad Abdalla, to make the Shariif seem like an authority and make him seat on the Presidents chair. e. Hassan Dahir Aweys cunning plan and preparation of the war, which was to dupe the Shariif to believe he had an militia or army from Hassan Dahir Aweys clan. He was paying militias loyal to Hassan Dahir Aweys at the expense of his own clan militia. Which resulted in them deserting and easily vacating or letting through, the enemy, and the other government loyal militias disperse due to demoralisation and the deceit by the militias Shariif Ahmed was paying who were now undermining the already forgotten, scatterd and demoralised loyal government militias and soldiers. It was a brilliant plan that worked out good in the initial days with great success and land taking by the fox and mastermind by the name of Hassan Dahir Aweys. f. The idiocy and foolishness of Shariif Ahmed, who is very ineffective and really a novice to the complexities of the deceit employed by Hassan Dahir Aweys and his sub clan.
  13. The Current Reality of Mogadishu at this moment. This is a detailed understanding of the situation by me: Al-Shabaab and Hisbul Islaam already lost and miscalculated. The situation at present is very bad. Now for four days, they were supposed to be in the courtyard of Villa Somalia’s Presidential Palace and one thousand steps away from decapitating the Shariif‘s and PM‘s ‘western-backed‘ government with no gain of yet. I will answer a few questions now in order to understand the complexities behind this latest infighting 1. What let to these latest hostilities? It is clear, that the newly composed umbrella organisation of Hisbul Islaam, which has many components in it, let to this latest upsurge in Violence. Al-Shabab joined the cause, together with other important but not key elements of Hisbul Islaam, mainly those from Gedo, lower Shabelle and Jubba regions. Hisbul Islaam and Al-Shabaab alone could not mastermind such an ambitious mutiny, without a certain factor, in other words, the Key component of the war. They tried it before, a couple of months ago, but were lacking a crucial ingredient, thus they were in limbo and therefore failed miserably. Hassan Dahir Aweys arrival was a key moment as he rallied them together, promising his full support and working with them to help them and him achieve their overall goals in Somalia. It was a alliance of convenience of sorts, as both needed each other in order to get rid of the Shariif’s government in Somalia on one hand and re-console and thus rehabilitate ina Dahir Awey’s sub-clan on the other hand.
  14. Duke, walaal, it already seems though that Shariif and co have been reformed thus far, as they now face reality. They now see what let to this and are now in no more ilusions to what they're doing. It was about time, they got a slap in the face and thus the dropping of the name of 'dowlada midnimo qaran', as it has been thrown out the window as it use became irrelevant. They're waking up right now and seeing what we've been preaching to them, there's no other way and it is clearly visible, the road ahead is a difficult one for Shariif and co but atleast they learned a few important lessons today. There will be no more 'isdhigasho' and 'huuhaa' and can be seen by the remaining militias acceptance of wearing the armed forces uniforms. It was a fast-track learning in lesson of how not to do things and they're now paying the price for their silly blunders and in fact we would welcome with open arms the Sharif and the PM's government, if they got chase out, of the capital or their safety is being jeopardise by a bunch of a mob, that's out for a lyinching. This is a calculated move by the west adn they knew things would turn that way as has former President Abdullahi Yusuf already been prophesising. We will wait and see inshallaah to the outcome of this latest news and shananigans out of Mogadishu.
  15. Xiinow gabanka qab iyo xiniiyo weyna horta, tolow waa qoloma? Koleyba reeraheenuu uekyahayee, hadeenba ugu yaraan wax ugalinee, yaa. Jokes aside, as strong as Kashafas 'white as white' proclamations are, the kids way of formulating his opinions are indeed coming through to us as somewhat juvenile and childish. There is nothing wrong, with having one's own view and perception of events and thus formulating ones support for groups one beliefs have the solutions for the problem at hand. However it is like him, having found, the 'in flexible salvation to the problem', that he least needs to do is run with that 'truth of salvation' in front of peoples faces in order to mock them, that they indeed can not comprehend what he has and thus, he must be somewhat more 'special' or 'intelligent' than the rest of the simpletons, because they couldn't decipher, the 'sole route the salvation' even though it was that simple. Humidity is indeed great and for one, if he truly seeks, what he advocates for i.e. islamic ruling and law, he needs to adhere its etiquettes too. These are complicated issues and the uluma are in dispute of themselves, what we don't need is youngsters rediculing and walking arrongantly around like, they were the 'chosen ones' at all. Nothing is black and white in this universe, there are some grey areas and one sometimes also needs to consider the greater good, as sometimes doing good, can lead to a greater harm thus we need some 'common-sense'. It is like one being in a different than usual situation an extra-ordinary one at hand. So what do you do, clinge to the 'truth' even though it leads to 'no-where' as things are not in the norm. Every rule has got extra-ordinary circumstace whereby it can not be followed. Amr bin Aas was one in need of Ghusl, as he took his wife, to the battle of Tabuuk, where the winds blow fast and the cold gets chillingly as it probably can. At Fajr time he wanted to lead the prayers but some sahaba declined, due to him not being in a 'pure' state, but, however some followed him, lead the prayers, as he was the Amir, when they come back, the prophet peace be upon him ruled on the parties in dispute and decided that Amr was right. So what is needed is patiece, xikmah and some common-sense and not, we will hit our head through the brick wall, no matter how many times, we fail, to actually brake off that brick wall one day, the irony is that it cannot be achieved. What you need is as-siyaasah and not only brute force and our Prophet peace be upon him was the best Siyaasi and in that tradition, we should follow suit.
  16. Bosaso oo laga furay Xarun Tirakoobta Tahriibta ama Dadka Socotada ah (Dhageyso) Sunday, April 5th, 2009 at 9:23 pm Horseed Media Bosaso, Puntland Magaalada Bosaaso ee xarunta Ganacsiga Puntland ayaa maanta xariga laga jaray xarun cusub oo magaaladaasi laga hirgaliyey oo loogu talo galay la socodka dadka socotada ah ee gobalada Puntland u yimaada safarka iyo Tahriibta. Xaruntan cusub ayaa noqon doonta mid tirakoobka dadka socotada ah iyo waliba la socodka baahidooda inta ay ku sugan yihiin magaalada Bosaaso, oo kamid ah magaalooyinka Soomaaliya oo ay degen yihiin Qaxootiga ugu badan. Xaflada Xarunta lagu furayey ayaa waxaa kasoo qeyb galay mas’uuliyiin ka socota Xukuumada Puntland, Maamulka Gobalka, degmada iyo Hay’ada IOM oo ah mida hirgelisay qalabeynta Xafiiskan cusub. Ahmed Shiranof oo ah mas’uul u hadlay hay’ada IOM ayaa sheegay in xafiiskan loo furay maadaama magaalada Boosaaso ay tahay meesha ay dadka socotada ah iyo Tahriibta ay si aad u yimaadaan isla markaana ka dhoofaan, wuxuuna sheegay in loo baahan yahay in xog badan laga ogaado dadkan safraya. Mr.Shiranof ayaa sheegay in loo baahan yahay xogta dhabta ah ee dadka soconaya isla markaana loo baahan yahay in xog rasmi ah la helo oo la ogaado baahida dadkaasi. Si loo helo sawirka dhabta ah ee ka jira dadka tahriibta ah ee Bosaso ka dhoofa. Gen.Yusuf Axmed Khayr, Wasiir kuxigeenka Gudaha ee Puntland ayaa ka hadlay furitaanka xafiiskan asagoo sheegay inay muhiim u tahay Puntland la socoda dadka socotada ah oo ay iska xaadariyaan isla markaana baahidooda la socoto. Gen.Yusuf ayaa sheegay inuu u riyaaqayo is afgaradka Hay’ada IOM iyo maamulka degmada Bosaaso sidii loo hirgelin lahaa xafiiskan. Wuxuuna ugu mahadnaqay hay’ada IOM sida ay u qalabayeen xafiiska. Wasiir kuxigeenka ayaa ku baaqay in loo baahan yahay in Xafiiskan muhiimka ah uu noqdo mid sii jira oo aan la dayicin, asagoo sheegay in Mandaqadan si weyn ugu baahneyd xafiiskaasi. Guddoomiyaha Gobalka Bari Muuse Geele oo ka hadlay furitaanka Xafiiska ayaa sheegay inay xafiiskan kala kaashadeen hay’ada IOM oo bixisay kharashaadka qalabeynta, tababarka, iyo labo bilood oo ah oo ay shaqaalaha ka bixiso kharashaadka. Wuxuuna sheegay Guddoomiyaha Bari in wixii ka danbeeya labadaasi bilood in Xafiiska ay gacanta ku heyn doonaan oo ay maamuli doonaan Dowlada. Wuxuu Guddoomiyaha gobalka Bari Muuse Geele ayaa usoo jeediyey hay’adaha Caalamiga ah inay kala shaqeeyaan maamulka sidii wax loogu qaban lahaa dadka tahriibta iyo kuwa kale ee baahan. Guddoomiyaha ayaa sheegay inuu ku rajo weyn yahay in Mashruucan uu noqdo mid socda. Horseed Media
  17. ^When Puntland was being created, the Isims and elders of the Sool sub-clan including the late Grand Garaad Abdiqani signed an important document, that the city of Garoowe needed to be extented westwards some twenty kilometres so as to become it's on administrative district region and thus now the right time and stage has been reached to make the above a reality. A welcoming move and inshallaah Garoowe and the rest of Puntland will benefit in this late endeavor.
  18. New Parliament building for the MPs with all the modern facilities, New presidential palace and all the government offices and ministeries in one place, west of Garoowe near the military camp of 54, a beautiful and mountains natural place! read for yourself: =6266
  19. Oh I'm wrong, it's not a Che fan-base how silly of me but a Anti-Sakhar front from the past and I don't mean the comments on the flag but at how some people approached the thread it shows that they're some grudges and mis-feelings from the past. I don't have any such and ask to be forgiven by everyone as I'm a new person and a reformed character.
  20. Che low jibes against Puntland are well-noted by all of us and we entire agree that it is of a personal nature rather than having to do with current SOL affair such a proposal for a temporarily flag for our state and everyone could see through it and who thought it ever occur, Che has a base as well a fan base nevertheless by the name of Gheelle. Nevertheless the inspiration is here and it's: The envy of Somalia, the Puntland State of Somalia and I present: Puntland, my beloved Puntland The one and only true star From Hurdiyo Town to Highlaan How Beautiful you're From the Prairie Plains of Ayn To the top of Raas Asyr You're the much envied one (Che in mind) and the Somali Masayr