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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. My allegiance is with a notion, the notion, that in this political climate and date of ours, says that everyone is resonsible for his and her own well-being. The notion which describes a bottom-up approach, as a solution to a problem. The notion that says everyone who understands each other and wants to live together in harmony be given that right in order to determine and navigate his way out of a problem. The notion that is against taking other people's land at gun point and anti occupation of other people's territories and ancestral lands. The notion that says every territory and entity within each single village, town and region being giving the right to self-government and rule. The notion of self-expression and advancement of ones own state within a country. The notion of unity and a strong feeling in ones history, pride, people and land. The notion of ones indepedence and fight for a better outcome and result for ones own state. The notion in which one comes to a table as an equal parter but also as a strong negotiating force and contender, who always negotiates the best for his people and state but who also is able to compromise for the greater gratification as a parter in union. The notion of being strong and that of a winner mentality and advancement thereof. The notion that we always can do better. The notion of strong federalism, in which Puntland is a key player like that of Texas in the USA and Bavaria in Germany. The notion and modell of Puntland State of Somalia as a modern state within a federal Somalia but who is always looked at in suspicioun and sometimes gossiped about, just like Texas and Bavaria. The notion of a strong, emerging, federal and united Puntland State of Somalia.
  2. My allegiance is with a notion, the notion, that in this political climate and date of ours, says that everyone is resonsible for his and her own well-being. The notion which describes a bottom-up approach, as a solution to a problem. The notion that says everyone who understands each other and wants to live together in harmony be given that right in order to determine and navigate his way out of a problem. The notion that is against taking other people's land at gun point and anti occupation of other people's territories and ancestral lands. The notion that says every territory and entity within each single village, town and region being giving the right to self-government and rule. The notion of self-expression and advancement of ones own state within a country. The notion of unity and a strong feeling in ones history, pride, people and land. The notion of ones indepedence and fight for a better outcome and result for ones own state. The notion in which one comes to a table as an equal parter but also as a strong negotiating force and contender, who always negotiates the best for his people and state but who also is able to compromise for the greater gratification as a parter in union. The notion of being strong and that of a winner mentality and advancement thereof. The notion that we always can do better. The notion of strong federalism, in which Puntland is a key player like that of Texas in the USA and Bavaria in Germany. The notion and modell of Puntland State of Somalia as a modern state within a federal Somalia but who is always looked at in suspicioun and sometimes gossiped about, just like Texas and Bavaria. The notion of a strong, emerging, federal and united Puntland State of Somalia.
  3. Everyone has got his own preconceptions and views, he/she believes regarding a subject to those preconceptions, no one can ruin the image of a place or people in the minds of others unless of course that person is a hater or somemone who is envious, who in his envy had already summoned up bad feelings and views regarding to an image of a certain people or place. So if summed up, it's all in your head boy. Cool and calm down.
  4. Yes Qardho is the royal home of Somalia and I just wanted to remind you of that heritage of yours, so again what is troubling you?
  5. So this is what you were looking for all this time? Tell me what is bothering you Mr. Sayid Qardho?
  6. What is 'Dhulka Fooxda' then? Non-existent, and you changed it to Dhulkii now, that doesn't change the fact, that Fooxda is completely wrong when placing a masculine generic antecedent before it. It should be either Dhulka Fooxa or Dhuulkii Fooxa when describing it like dhulka udugga which is right as Fooxa is neutral in this case and there should be no attribution of feminine gender role of that word. Yours is incomprehendable in terms of grammer the mishmash of yours 'Dhulka and Fooxda, which nobody knows.
  7. It's a common mistake adeer Moonlight, many Somalis especially those who grew up in the west make in the use of the language to use feminine gender role instead of masculine generic antecedents, which is the standard, ofcourse. I wonder why that is?
  8. According to the Ulama of Puntland who had a meeting the last couple of days, they vehemently made it clear, that the violence happening in the south in general and Mogadishu in particular are of a mischiefious nature and hence any participation of it to be outlawed and religiously not permissabe including but not limited to the siding with one party over the other, contributing financially and participating in any other way.
  9. Baaq ka soo baxay culimada gobollada W/bari Soomaaliya (Puntland) By Somalimirror on 8 Jun, 2009 7:09 PM in Baaqyada, Main, Wararka Shabakadda warbaahinta ee Somalimirror waxaa soo gaaray nuqul kamid ah bayaan ay soo saareen culimaa’uddiinka gobollada waqooyi bari ee Soomaaliya. Bayaankan oo ku saabsan dagaallada ka holcaya gobollada koofureed ee dalka iyo heshiiska badda ee dhexmaray dowaladda Kenya iyo DFKMG wuxuu u qornaa sidan:- Shir dhowr casho socday oo ka dhacay magaalada Garoowe arrimo door ahna looga wadahadlay, ayna isku arkeen culimo ka kala timid magaalooyinka Boosaaso, Garoowe, & Laascaanood, oo wadatashiyadiisii maanta soo gabagaboobeen 08/06/2009, loogana arrinsaday xaaladda qallafsan ee dalku marayo, ayaa falanqeyn ku saabsan marxallada lagu jiro & saadaalin ku aaddan khataraha waaweyn ee dalka ku soo fool leh kadib, waxaa ka soo baxay bayaankan:- 1) Dagaalka ka socda gobollada koofureed ee sababay dhimasho, dhaawac, barakac iyo burbur dhaqaale, sumcad xumana usoo hoyiyay dadka Muslimiinta ah, waxaan garabyada isaga soo horjeeda dirirtaas ugu baaqeynaa in ay is-maan-dhaafkooda ku xalliyaan wada hadal & in ay si deg-deg ah u joojiyaan dhiigga xurmada leh ee ay daadinayaan, annagoo Alle ku dhaarineyna xasuusineyna mas’uuliyadda adduun iyo tan aakhiro, waana in la ogaadaa mas’uuliyadda dhibaatada arrintaa ka dhalata inay ku gaar tahay dadka faraha kula jira oo kali ah. Mar kale waxaan si adag ugu baaqaynaa in la joojiyo dirirta lana wada hadlo si dagaalkan uusan sabab ugu noqon in ciidamada shisheeye ee dalka jooga ay marmarsiinyo ugu helaan joogitaankooda ciidda soomaaliyeed iyo in lagu soo kordhiyo kuwo hor leh oo lagu xoojiyo kuwa jooga iyo tiyaaraad munxarif ah inay soo noolaadaan. 2) Dagaalkaas ka socda gobollada koofureed waa dagaal u dhexeeya dad muslimiin ah, sheegashooyinka & waxyaabaha la isku hayana is dhex galeen, dagaalka noocan ah ee dhex mara dadka muslimiinta ah, waxa ka dhalan karana la saadaalin karo, xagna ujeedadiisunaysan caddeyn waa dagaal fitno ah, taageeriddiisa iyo ka qeybgalkiisuna ay xaaraam tahay. 3) Waxaan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ugu baaqeynaa meel kasta oo ay joogaan iyo guud ahaan ummadda Islaamka in ay si hagar la’aan ah ugu gurmadaan dhaawaca walaalahooda Soomaaliyeed ee isbitaallada buux-dhaafiyay iyo kuwa ka barakacay dagaallada ka socda gobollada koofureed ee dibad-yaalka u noqday roobka, milicda iyo dhaxanta, iyadoo ay u weheliyaan gaajo, harraad iyo cudurro ka dhashay duruufta adag ee ay ku jiraan. 4) Heshiiska badda ee dhexmaray dowladda Kenya & DFKMG wuxuu abuuray jahawareer, shaki iyo kalsooni darro, iyadoo dad bandanna ay tibaaxayaan heshiiskaasi uu yahay mid khatar ku ah shacabka Soomaaliyeed; waxaan ku baaqeynaa in heshiiskaas loo soo bandhigo culimaa’uddiinka iyo qaanuunyahanno, kadibna baarlamaanka DFKMG, haddii laga maarmi waayana la soo hordhigo shacbiga Soomaaliyeed si go’aan mideysan oo calool fiyoobi iyo hufnaan leh looga qaato. Waxaanan ku baaqeynaa in xilligan uu dalku ku jiro xaaladaha aan caadiga aheyn ee aysan dowladdu laheyn awood fulineed in DFKMG ay ka baaqsato inay gasho heshiis saameyn ku yeelanaya masiirka dadka iyo dalka Soomaaliyeed. Saxiixayaasha bayaanka 1) Sh. C/Qaadir Nuur Faarax 2) Dr. Axmed X. C/Raxmaan Maxamed 3) Sh. Daahir Aw-Cabdi 4) Sh. Axmed-Daahir Xasan Xuseen 5) Sh. C/Naasir Xaaji Axmed 6) Dr. C/Qaadir Maxamed Cabdalla 7) Sh. Maxamuud Xaaji Yuusuf Sh. Axmed C/Samad Cabdille 9) Sh. Xasan Maxamed Ibraahim (Abu Xassaan) 10) Sh. C/Qani Qorane Maxamed 11) Sh. Yaasiin C/laahi Cali
  10. Great work and development. Soon, inshallaah it will take off to a grandiose undertaking, which will profit all of us. Kudos to the State Ministers and CEO representing Range Resources.
  11. Nassir walaal, we need to disconnect ourselves from this madness taking place in Mogadishu and surrounding. I'm for what you said, steady progress and political reform taking root in Puntland State but the semiautonomous state in the absence of a functioning Somali State needs to work harder on their internal affairs and leave the warrying and power contesting parties of the south sort it out and when, if only when they're ready for genuine governance, then we should return not fully to the fold but demand ***** rights and increase our pursuade demand and seek for strong autonomity with a future union. Know only in a federal frameship, are we consent and happy to be in union with Somalia if that is taking away, then we will look at our options at hand but we will not accept anything less than federalism and that's the only way we can be in union with the rest of our Somali brethern. Long live federal Somalia and and the autonomous Puntland State!
  12. Yes brother I was thinking about maybe some changes to the crescent because I was dislking the size, so I might change the crescent and make it smaller!
  13. Duke the flag shown by you I've designed for the the Puntland State forces, the Army, the Darawiish or Combat forces of the State! Long my they live.
  14. Emperor ! That flag alread exists, in that form. The ingenious and brilliant ONLF already plaigrised it from the Somali National Regional flag, lol! Look: Your make over of the Somali Regional State Flag ONLF'S make over of the Somali Regional State Flag Show's you how original and ingenious the ONLF and Farancab are, lol!
  15. Adeer Somalipride, the green represents the prosperity of the country, the hope, life and the youthness in general. Some of the aspects and qualities I want to see in Puntland. It should also emphasise Puntland being a modern state in which also traditions and heritages are treasured! Up-mostly the religion, as the colour Green was also the color of Islam and that of the Prophet Muhammed peace be upon him. With the crescent and star there is also one more emphasise on our deep roots and heritage in the religion of Islam, colour blue and white were used because firstly I didn't want to diviate from the compostion of the flag of Somalia and secondly as it should represent the sky. I also designed another flag for the government of Puntland State, which by, the crescent and star have a golden colour! You can find it in the thread here on its last page, page five I believe: ***[Edited] Guuxa Shacabka Puntland iyo Fikirka Mustaqbal Flag of the State's army, the Darawiish: Flag of Puntland Government:
  16. The competition is open, to all, who are true Puntlanders and love the state as much as us. If you can produce a better flag and design, then we'll welcome it with open arms and hearts. But until then, the above flag is ours truly. The revolution starts in here, SOL and it will eventualy reach the heart of the base (as Duke likes to describe Puntland) and the heart of its successful leadership, the government of Puntland State. All praise belongs to god but none.
  17. Mogadishu has one of the toughest and most vibrant private run schools anywhere found in Somalia, but not under this climate. For the report to be believed there has to be some sort of normality first or an assemblance of it. I can't help but to notice, that the bulk of good teachers, brilliant schools and the children of the more affluent families who were the main drivers in eduction in that city, have all left in the last two years. They've made their new homes in other parts of the country, djibouti, nairobi, addis and other more far off places. And the mass-exodus is continuing right now as well, as those who have returned after the ethiopians withdrew were send packing again. I'm sorry but that's the frank and true reality of the situation. The city is today far off then it was in june of three years ago, 2006, prior the UIC's take over from the wicked warlords.
  18. Totally insane! But what can come out of pupils and their so-called education in a city, where they need to pass over remains of corpses, skeletons, body parts, bones and cut off heads in order to attend classes and end of year exams? Indeed the answer is merciless and very traumtised adults, who suffer from illnesses, seen in those of combat and war veterans. What I find buffling is, that there haven't been any confirmed and reported incidents of cannibalism in that city of yet, as far worse and unimaginable abnormalities have happened already in the past. Mogadishu society is a sham. During the warlord era there were inhumane sufferings and wicked vileness and up-most perversity happening and now the blood-sucking business is back and in full swings again. It's a curse indeed, because of what happened there previously. Mogadishu is an aversion to normal, decent and noble human traits and sets of agreed moral codes. It is very sad indeed.
  19. We can all feel proud today of Puntland. If the historical significance of this day can not be grasped by the folks in here in SOL, then inshallaah one day, they will indeed concede to its forthcoming reality.
  20. There's no ambiguity regarding the wording of the text and the disgruntled MP's have late night meetings and consultations with their respected Ministers of the State! Article 6 of the new Puntland Constitution makes that clear whatever the phrase Waqooyi-Bari means, it says: Qodobka 6aad DHULKA IYO SOHDIMAHA Dhulka Puntland waxa uu ka kooban yahay gobollada Bari, Nugaal, Sool, Cayn, karkaar, Gobolka Waqooyiga Mudug, Heylaan iyo Gobolka Bariga Sanaag. Sohdimaha Puntland waa kuwii Gobollada iyo Degmooyinka ay ka kooban tahay la lahaayeen deegaannada dariska la ahaa Jannaayo 1991kii ka hor, hase yeeshee wixii khilaafaad ee hore u jiray (1991kii ka hor) waxaa laga xaajoon doonaa marka Dawlada-Goboleedyada kale ay dhismaan. Puntland waxay soo dhaweeneysaa lana xaajooneysaa degmo iyo gobol kasta oo doonaya inuu ku soo biiro Dawladda Puntland. Dhulka Puntland waxaa ku dhan hawada sare, berriga iyo dhulka hoostiisa, jiidda dhaqaalaha ee badda oo dhan 200 maylka badda ah oo ka bilawda halka uu ku dhammaado hirka ugu dambeeya, waxaana mas’uul ka ah Dawladda. Midnimada dhulka Puntland waa muqaddas, lama kala qaybin karo, lagumana xadgudbi karo. Whatever the wording the above makes it crystall clear and I urge the MP's to pass this constitution so that we as citizens can excercise our democratic role of going to poll in order to rectify or reject it. Greatness belongs to Puntland State of Somalia.
  21. Meiji, Puntland will get its own separate state flag and anthem too, while at the same time sharing the flag of Somalia and national anthem with the rest of the country, inshallaah. The President will decree what colour and shape the Flag will be and also what kind of state anthem, that's a fact. Regarding the 'buuq' you mentioned, well that's democracy for you and people can debate aspects of the final draft of the constitution, that's why the parliament is there, in order to discuss, scrutinise and legislate drafts-motions, motions, constutions and other government proposals. That's the beauty of having a parliament and working government. Puntland is moving forward inshallaah at last democracy is taking shape. Viva to Puntland.
  22. ^The answer to your question is just one post above you.