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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Ayado aan loo kala hadhin udiyaar garoowgii 1Agosto caasimadda Garoow si weyn looga dareemaayey taasoo! Jirac, News on Puntland festivities: Shacabka Rer Puntland oo laga dhehanaayo farxado wajiyadooda ka wadda Muuqato taasoo loo kala hadhin yar iyo weeyn balse Caasimadda laga dalacanaayey farxadasi oo aay Qaarkood ku labisnaayeen hidaha dhaqan somaliyeed gabadhah yar yar ayadoo aay ka dhiman tahay mudo yar Tan iyo intii ladhisay Dawlada Puntland ayaa waxaa magaalada Garowe ee xarunta u ah dawlada Puntland ay si heer dowladeed ah loogu dabaal degay munaasabada 1da Agoosto, labadii sano ee ugu horeysay ee sanadadii 1999 iyo 2000. Waxii intaas ka danbaysay lagama xusun 1da Agosto dhamaanba gobolada Puntland balse dawladaan cusub ee uu hogaamiye Madaxwayne C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa waxaay wacad ku martay inaay xusi doonto sanad walba 1da Agoosto. Waxaa sidoo kale lagu wadaa in sanadkan dalalka dibada lagu qabto xaflado maalintaa lagu weynaynayo iyadoo aay hada qabanqabda xafladaas aay kasocoto wadamada Iskandenefiyanka gaarhaan Norway. Ciidamada qalabka sida ee Dawlada Puntland ayaa waxaa lagaliyay heegankii ugu danbaysay iyadoo aay maalintaas aay mari doonan wada dheer ee dhexmarta casumada Puntland ee Garoowe sidoo kale waxaa dayac tir wayan lagu sameeyay Tiknikada gaashaman oo iyaguna maalintaas dhinac socon doonan cidamada qalabka sida ee Puntland State.
  2. Gudiga Shaqaalaha dowladda, waxaana soo maraya socdaalka ay dhinacyadu sameynayaan gudiga Shaqaalaha dowladda Puntland oo xiran (SHAAR CAD & SURWEEL MADOW), waxa ayna ka kala imaan doonaan Wasaarada dowladda oo dhan. Gudigan Haweenka waxa ay sheegeen in ay ka imaan doonaan In ka badan 100 Haween ah oo xiran (DHARKA HIDAHA IYO DHAQANKA SOOMAALIDA), isla markaasna ay mari doonaan Munaasabada. Gudiyada Ardayda nooc walba, Dhalinyarada waxaa ka imaan doonta 75 Dhalinyaro, kuna labisan Direys gaar ah, Ardayda dhigata Iskuulada H/Dhexe oo ayana qabi doona dhararkooda lugu yaqaano, 75 qof oo ka mid ah dadka barta Kuliyada Caafimaadka Puntland oo qabi doona dharka lugu yaqaano, 100 Arday oo dhigata Jaamacadaha Puntland markaasna xiran dharka Jaamacadaha & Macalimiinta oo xiran direyskooda mari doonaan goobta. Dhamaanba dhinac marka uu marayo Wadooyinka ama Tarabuunka, waxaa la qorsheeyey in uu qaado hees iyo Hal-ku dhag ugaar ah, waxaana ay dad badan uarkayaan hadii ay howshan hirgasho mid ay dadka Puntland u arki doonaan talaabo xasuus weyn ku reebi doonta. 11-kii sanno ee ay soo jirtay Puntland dad badan ayaa aaminsan in aan wali la gaarin Yoolashii loo baahnaa, waxaana taasi sabab looga dhigay xaaladaha kala gedisan ee soo maray Puntland, ayadoo hada Maamulka cusub laga dhowrayo Isbadalo waa weyn, inkastoo ay hadaba soo muuqdaan Isbadalaasi. AllPuntland ayaa waqti kasta idinla socodsiin doonta wararka ku aadan xuskan. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland
  3. Kooxda Farshaxanka oo ka mid ah kooxaha howlahooda ladiyaariyey ayaa soo bandhigay,sida ay udoonayaan in ay waxqabadkooda ku muujiyaan maalintan,waxaana ay sheegeen in ay magaalada oo dhan ku xiri doonan Hal-ku-Dhagyo ka hadlaya Puntland iyo Isbadalada ay xukuumadan cusub dooneyso in ay fuliso. Madaxtooyada ayaa lugu xardhi doonaa Magacyo muujinaya horumarka Puntland, waxaa kaloo lugu qorayaa Boorar ladhigi doono magaalada in aysan Puntland marnaba ka go'idoonin Soomaalida, ayna ka mid noqon doonto dowlad kasta oo Faderaalism ku dhisan, In Siyaasadoodu tahay horumar iyo Nabad ee aysan aheyn dagaal iyo dhibaato. Kooxda Farshaxanka ayaa ku dhajinaya Madaxtooyada, Magaalada oo dhan iyo goobaha shirarka kuna sawirayo sawirada 4 Madaxweyne oo soo maray maamulka Puntland, kuwasoo kala ah C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed, Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi, Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi iyo C/rixmaan Maxamed Maxamuud, sla markaasna ladoonayo in qof walbaa isku dayo in uu ka shaqeeyo amaan iyo Horumarka deegaankiisa.
  4. Kooxaha Fanka ayaa sidoo kale ayaguna udiyaar garoobaya xafladan, waxa ayna soo bandhigi doonaan Heeso, Riwaayado, Gabayo iyo waxyaabo kale oo ay sheegeen in ay dadka ugu sheegayaan wanaaga iyo Midnimadu qeymaha ay leedahay, oo ah mid aad uweyn. Abwaanada joogta Xuskan ayaa kuwa aad looga yaqaano Soomaaliya, loogana dambeeyo arimaha Sameynta waxyaabo walba oo fanka lahalmaala waxaana ka mid ah, Abwaan C/qaadir Shube, Abwaan Xasan Guulwade, Abwaan Jaamac Kadiye, Abwaan Xasan Warsame Xiireey, oo dhamaantood ka tirsanaa kooxihii Qaranka ee Soomaaliya ahaana ragii sameyn jiray heesaha maanta ay Soomaalidu qaado.
  5. Ciidamada dowladda Puntland oo ka tiro badan doona guutadiiba 300 Askari ayaa mari doona Jidadka waa weyn ee caasumada, sidoo kale Tiknikada ciidamada oo iskugu jirta noocyo badan ayaa mari doona, sida ay cadeeyeen gudiga ciidamada dowladda Puntland oo leh nooc walba. Gudigan ayaa shaaciyey in laga bilaabo 20-ka bishaan ay bilaabi doonaan howlgal wardoon ah, si loo ogaado xaalada ka jirta deegaanada Puntland iyo waxyaabaha jiri kara ee ay wadaan dad ka soo horjeeda horumarka Puntland.
  6. Garowe: DABAALDEG Amaanka Garowe oo la adkeeyey & Warbixin ku saabsa Xuska 11aad! 19. juli 2009 Garowe(AllPuntland)- Amaanka guud ee caasumada Puntland ayaa la adkeeyey waxaana ciidamado dheeri ah lakeenay magaalada, maalmihii ugu dambeeyey, sida ay xaqiijinayaan wararka laga helayo laamaha amaanka ee magaalo Madaxda dowladda Puntland. Dowladda Puntland ayaa ujeedka ciidamadan ku sheegtay kuwa lugu sugayo amaanka Magaalada, maadaama loo diyaar garoobaya maalmaha lugu tilmaamay Farxada Puntland oo ah dhismihii dowladda Puntland. Sannad guureed 11aad ee Dowladda Puntland ayaa looga diyaar garoobayaa magaalada Garowe iyo guud ahaan gobalada Puntland, waxaana hada socda abaabulid iyo kicin dadweyne oo ay wadaan Gudi heer Puntland ah oo uu magacaabay k/simaha Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland todobaadyo ka hor. Gudigan ayaa qaatay kulankoodii 4aad oo ay uga hadlayaan udiyaar garoowga Munaasabadan Xasuusta Mudan, waxaana ay soo bandhigeen gudi hoosaadyada arimahan loo xilsaaray waxqabadyii ay muujiyeen mudadii ay howsha wadeen, waxaana Gudi walba uu soo gudbiyey howlaha ay ubaahan yihiin iyo sida ay wax uqabanayaan. Gudiyada ayaa iskugu jira dhamaanba cida ay khuseyso udabaal-daga dhismihii dowladda Puntladn ee Soomaaliyeed, waxaana ugu muhiimsanaa gudiyadaasi gudiga ciidamada, Bulshada rayidka ah, Shaqaalaha dowladda iyo Gudiyo kale.
  7. ^Good, during the Puntland Election the finest and best singers of Repulic of Djibouti with Abwaan Sangub did something similiar. I welcome this trip by the Waayaha Cusub band, which I know are huge with the dhalinta of not only Puntland and rest of Somalia but huge urban dwellings in East Africa such as Kenya and Ethiopian, the youth living there. We need more of such initiatives. Kudos, Duke.
  8. Nemo enim potest personam diu ferre None can wear a mask permanently or forever.
  9. Che adeer you're summed up in one phrase! Nemo enim potest personam diu ferre It's unbecoming for a grown up man, to constantly change his origins and roots. But in this thread I'll leave it alone, but if you continue, then I'll have no choice but to press it from you. Thank you.
  10. Xiinfaniin you're missing the point here as usual, there will be no mini-summit of any sorts you described in here. Yes the PM who is from Puntland State himself will be among those dignitaries invited who will travel to Puntland State due to the August first festivities of the State, which marks the State's eleventh year of inception. But that doesn't change Puntland's concern and suspicioun about the Midnimo Qaran Dowlah of the said Sharif in Mogadishu.
  11. Gd waa runtii. Anaggu maanta shicib, dawlad iyo weliba culumadeenii wey isku duubayahiin. So Gabbal, the people of Puntland together with their religious establishment are united today as ever, because they now see the reality on the ground. It was President Faroole who said that and also that they constantly engage and preach in the mosques with the wadaads and thus made the masjid a place for all leaders and scholors alike. Where as you are divided into Hisbul Islaam, AL-Shabab and Warlord in Gedo and Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jammac in Cabduwaq and rest of Galgadud. Puntland is one today and its backbone can not be broken, because a united's people spin cannot be defeated.
  12. 1. The capital of Somalia be moved to Garowe, opening all the missions , embassies And relocate all UN offices to that city. Garowe is peaceful and Somali territory instead of our affairs being run from Nairobi. 2. bring southern clans to Puntland and hold a grand conference not of just reconciliation but to give them space in order to discuss the creation of local and state admins that will form the real Federal states of the south similar to Puntland. 3. let the national army, navy be trained in Pubtland with international support then move to take over sections of the south as those areas develop politically. Duke these are great suggestions brother. Gabbal: Anagu haykal dawladeed baanu leynahaye ee idinku maxaad heysatiin? Puntland is united today more than ever and a united's people back and spine cannot be broken. You on the other hand in Gedo are divided into Alshabaab and Hisbul Islaam on one hand and warlord in Doolow. In the central region majority of Ahlu Sunnah wal Jamaacah fighting is you, those in Gaalkacyo, dhusamareeb and guriceel are from Cabudwaaq. Today saxib you're devided into Alshabaab, Hisbul Islaam, Ahlusunnah wal jamaacah and warlord. I dare you to say otherwise that gedo is partly divided into alshabaab and Hisbul islaam and warlord and that the central regions you inhabit are ahlu-sunnah wal jamaacah.
  13. Saxib ma maamulaa ka jidhay dhulalkiina, sawtii islamarkii lala wareegay. Anaga waxaa idinka duwanahay maamula shaqaayo ban haysanaa isku duubnaani iyo weliba xadaarad fog. Al-Shabab only filled in the empty political vacuums of those administration-void areas which constituted the majority of southern Somalia. Were we differe is that after some quick thought and realisation on our part and quick discovery we found ourselves in state of absolute political maturity now to engage the things we've avoided for such a long time. Puntland is today more united than ever. Waryaa Gedo lama qabsadeen hadday dadkeedii midaysan lahayeen. Oo maanta Al-shabaab kuma idin daba fayladeen.
  14. Good suggestions GD, but what we should and cannot accept anymore is the participation in so-called national reconcilation conferences held outside of Somalia, Puntland should say no to those. And instead declare a all-inclusive Somali national reconciliation conference in Puntland either in Bosaso or Garoowe, where Somali stakeholders regardless of affiliation can come together and sort out their issues and differences under a qurac tree. The south has already show that it can not govern itself or atleas incapable to do so. The North-West is hold hostage to the past. What we need is Puntland to step up to the plate and tell the International Community who we are and what we want. Puntland should be Somalia as they've always been and will always be the 'brains' and firm 'catylst' of Somalia. No one other than us is made for such. Strong governement here it comes with President Faroole and the current goverenment in Puntland State. Puntland has the potential for greatness.
  15. I just want for Puntland to declare the Djibouti outcome as none and void and refuse any 'nation-building' or 'national government' building conference held outside the home country. I want Puntland to boycott it and list what was wrong with the hijacked Djibouti outcome and the involvement of Ahmedou Walad Abdalla who is responsilbe for all the blood-shedding now in Hamar. Only we can and will accept national reconciliation conference held inside Puntland either Bosaso or Garoowe. We should already plan this in advance and tell the bankrupted so-called International Community regarding our concerns. We will not and cannot accept any less. Puntland is the mother of Somalia, We brought the flag. May allaah bless Mohammed Cawaale Libaan. SYL was from us majority, the fight and struggle for Somalia was us but if Somalinimo has been refused and abused by those in the south and north-west than we will not further look for it, because why should we frankly, in this insanity of ours? Answer this Mansa Muna.
  16. Not total secession maybe but I want a declaration of strong government we already have in place in Puntland State, if things continue the way they have been, then we will limit ourselves to the Prime Minister Position or that of other and only partially deal with any government as I would declare it insane for any Puntlander to start a new Project in the south. We've all we need in Puntland State, now is the time for us to sit out this Sharif and nonsense in Hamar. To take a pause of all of it and focus on our internal issues, only giving minimal lip-service support to this trasitonal government, which they deservce. Puntland is already on its way but things will not quickly improve in the south and I'll await the day where Puntland establishes strong autonomity which they already do. Puntland State is a reality already. We can't and will not wait for Hamar as this is something we cannot accept.
  17. What do you suggest xiinfaniin, if things continue the way they've been in the last two decades in the south of the country. What other alternatives do you have sxb? Please evaporte if you may? Will you.
  18. This will indeed surface, if things don't improve quickly. Puntland will not just sit there idle waiting for Hamar to better itself. Inshallaah it's all about time now. We can't continue like this anymore. Aw Muuse Ismaciil
  19. Ever heard of Bacadweyn or Bacaadweyn? Gabanku showba dhulka makala yaqaan.
  20. Xiinfaniin, the People Pleaser! What’s the People Pleaser’s Style? The third difficult person is the people pleaser who is noticeably people-oriented as opposed to the task-oriented aggressive and complainer. He agrees with everyone. Consequently, the people pleaser is indirect in his difficult behavior. He creates negative conflict when he promises everyone what they want to hear. The result is unmet expectations because the people pleaser is unable to do what he said when the interests of two parties collide. His desire to please flows from an underlying motive to bring significance to himself as he seeks attention, acceptance, affection, and approval. He utilizes at least four persuasive tools that stem from his gift to gab: 1.Gossip 2.Exaggeration 3.Flattery 4.A chameleon complex that desires to say, “Yes.” Gossip The people pleaser gossips, although he never sees himself as doing so. In his non-stop conversational banter, the people pleaser shares unverified and even classified information about other people. His desire for significance creates a seemingly insatiable desire to be the bearer of news as he delights in airing his own opinions. Exaggeration The people pleaser is gifted in leveraging emotions for his persuasive pleas. In order to do so, he exaggerates facts with his words and his non-verbal cues. His loud tone of voice, animated hand gestures, clever eye contact, excitable facial expressions, and warm body posture are convincing. Flattery The people pleaser uses charming words to get what he wants, including praise from others. This is flattery. In essence, he tells others what they want to hear, not as much for their benefit as for his. Chameleon Complex that Desires to Say, “Yes” The people pleaser loves to please people. His low expectations of self and others combined with his love to have fun provide an agreeable atmosphere where he genuinely wants to say, “Yes” to everyone he encounters. In essence, he becomes difficult by default. When he says, “Yes,” to two different persons who have opposing interests, he creates negative conflict.
  21. P U N T L A N D: Doorasho, 2009 Falcelis Dhegayste Wafdiga uu hoggaaminayo Afhayeenka baarlmaanka Puntland oo kulan ku yeeshey xarunta madaxtooyada ee Galkacyo. Galkacyo, July 08 | Waxaa xarunta Madaxtooyada ee magaalada Gaalkacyo kulamo ku aaddan xaaladaha ka jira gobolka Mudug ka yeeshey wafdi uu hoggaaminayey Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka ee Puntland Cabdirashiid Maxamed Xirsi. Wafdiga ayaa waxaa ka mid ah Wasiirka Warfaafinta ee DG Puntland Warsame Cabdi Shirwac, Wasiirka Caafimaadka Dr Bashiir Cali Biixi iyo qaar ka tirsan Wasiir ku xigeenno ka soo jeeda deegaannada Puntland iyo waliba xildhibaannada golaha wakiillada u matala gobolka Mudug. Waxaana maanta ay ku kulmeen wafdiga xarunta Madaxtooyada iyaga oo ka wada hadley sida ay u waajihi doonaan xaaladaha ka taagan gobolka iyo sida loo dar dar gelinayo hawlaha amni ee gobolka. Kaddib kulankooda ayaa Dr Bashiir Cali Biixi oo ka mid ah Wafdiga waxaa uu ka warbixiyey ujeeddada socdaalka ay ku yimaadeen magaalada Gaalkacyo waxaana uu sheegey in ay u yimaadeen gobolka socdaal shaqo isaga oo sheegey in safarradii hore uu ka duwan yahay safarkaan, waxaa uu sheegey in ay u kuur galayaan ammaanka gobolka, arrinta kale ee ay sidoo kale u yimaadeen gobolka Mudug ayaa sidoo kale waxaa uu ku sheegey in ay tahay sidii laysugu soo dhaweyn lahaa maamulka iyo shacabka. Waxaa sidoo kale uu sheegey in ay u yimaadeen gobolka jaan-goynta ciidamada oo deegaannada kale ee Puntland laga hirgeliyey iyada oo gobolka Mudugna ay ka codsadeen maamulka sare in tiro ahaan la kordhiyo ciidamada ka qeyb qaadanayo sugitaanka amniga. Wafdiga uu xilligan hoggaaminayo Guddoomiyaha Baarlamaanka DG Puntland Cabdirashiid Maxamed Xirsi ayaa waxaa ay isugu jiraan Wasiirro, Wasiir ku xigeenno iyo Xil dhibaanno ka soo jeeda gobolka Mudug, waxaana ay kulammo ku aaddan arrimaha nabad gelyada iyo maamulkaba ay kala yeesheen maamulka gobolka iyo qaar ka tirsan Bulshada gobolka Mudug iyada oo loo soo jeediyey talooyin ku aaddan sixidda hawlaha amni iyo kan maamul ee xilligan. Waxaana ay ku sii sugnaanayaan maalmaha soo socda magaalada Gaalkacyo iyaga oo kulammo kalena la sii yeelanaya maamulka gobolka, kan degmada iyo waxgaradka gobolka. Inkasta oo wafdi uu hoggaaminayey Madaxweynaha Puntland ay yimaadeen horraantii sanadkaan, waxaana magaalada Gaalkacyo laga dareemayey dhawrkii beri ee la soo dhaafey hawl gallo lagu sugayo amniga iyada oo laga fiiqayey gawaariada ay ku qafilan yihiin bacaha Beersoolka. C/Fataax Cumar Geeddi. Idaacadda Daljir.
  22. A meeting of the development and advancement of the Puntland Diaspora Communities was succesfully held in Sweden's Gothenburg, where a large Puntland Diaspora Community resides. The delegation in the aforementioned Thread talked to the large Puntland Diaspora Community in Gotherburg, about ways, in which they can invest in the health and education sectors of the State of Puntland. It was agreed upon by the delegation and the Puntland Diaspora Community in Gothenburg to invest in the above-mentioned areas exclusively but not limited to but to also invest in charitable and non charitable organisations, Governmental State Organisations and also Non-Governmental Organisations within the State of Puntland. The delegation will then head to North America whereby they will talk to the Large Puntland Community Diaspora in North America about the realties on the ground in Puntland's fact finding mission and how they could contribute and invest in the state's sectors. Furthermore the delegation is pursuing their goal of uniting and linking up the various large Puntland Diaspora Communites in Europe, North America, Asia, Africa and Australisia to the motherland in order for them, to invest and contribute to its welfare. Pictures of the meeting: