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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. History is written and thus cannot be changed Puntland can only accept to be part of a future Somalia in a federal framework, but will not accept anything less of that. The State of Puntland was created in 1998 after a strong realisation that the problems of Somalia needs a bottom up approach and that it would be insane to wait any longer for the anarchistic south to become normal and stable again. Many have wondered and criticised the people in charge of Puntland to why they didn't establish a functioning administration prior to that date, although the talks and proposals of the state were going on since 1994. Puntland got wary, disappointed and disenchanted with the lack of political progress in the anarchistic and troublesome south and thus vowed to itself to not be an 'observer' anymore as there's no one else working for the revitalisation of the Somali State and thus strived to actively seek a Somali national state based on the federal formala and framework.
  2. It's first President was H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed 1998-2004. In 2001 Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed extended his term in office for the good of Puntland and thus no election took place there. Soon afterwards armed resistence emerged in the name of GBP and the one foes at the time soon came back to each other and signed an unheard peace accord in Somalia with another which resulted in the GBP's leaders H.E. Mahmoud Muse Hirsi (Adde) election in January 2005 as the third President of Puntland State. Before that H.E. Muhamed Abdi Hashi was in office for six months after H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed's election to Somalia's Presidency. He Peacefully passed on power as the incumbent. H.E. Mahmoud Muse Hirsi (Adde) was elected on Janaury 2005 and was defeated in the Janaury 2009 election by H.E. Abdirahman Mohamed Mahamoud, the current President of Puntland State. H.E. Mahmoud Muse Hirsi passed on power and congratuled the newly elected President. Only in Puntland State.
  3. Puntland had four Presidents during the Years of its existence who passed on power and left peacefully after losing an election as an incumbent twice. The honour we have for such is great.
  4. Let Meiji bark on brother, the Sultane and Kingdom of respectively Suldan Ali and Boqor Osman were indeed the last forts and only conquered by the italians in 1927, whereby they (the italians) were already in control and possession of southern Somalia. It was Meijis ancestors that were being 'liberated' and 'emancipated' with the help of the italians and the historical facts are out there. Who were those with the italians? The answer is simple the already colonised ancestors of Meiji.
  5. Puntland is against the use of force, warfare and stands for a peaceful co-existence between itself and its neighbours based on mutual respect. Puntland wants to live in peace in a future Federal Republic of Somalia.
  6. Brother Duke I totally agree with you there. Inshallah the Diaspora will do its due share.
  7. Today it has excellent bilateral economical, political and ancestral bonds and ties with neighbouring Republic of Yemen and the federal republic of Ethiopia and Djibouti It has historical and economical important relations with the Gulf region. Furthermore it has also a relationship with the Nahrul Niil State of Sudan regarding education as the State of Nahru Niil is the twin state of Puntland State. It has also one of the largest Somali diaspora across the world. Businessmen and others who reside in across East Africa, the Horn and beyond. It's diaspora is a force to reckon with and will be soon linked together by/through the newly founded Puntland Diaspora Forum. In order to link the enormous diaspora power back to the State in order to help re-build it.
  8. Puntland today stand's for Peace, cevelopment, cohesiveness, respect of rule of law, respect for its neighbours and their territories and cooperation with neighbouring and non-neighbouring states and countries to work for the better understanding and solidarity between the nation states of this world and development of a harmonic humanity.
  9. Puntland was also the last fort of Somalia during the colonisers advancement into the Somalia. It was only in 1927 that the colonisers conquered the Kingdom of Osman Mahmoud in modern day Puntland State. After an ferocious bombardment from the sea which destroyed the Kingdoms major cities facing onshore. Puntland was finally defeated in 1927 but it son's were not as they worked hard and played a major popular role in SYL movement for the liberation of Somalia from colonialisation. Puntland is always the birth mother of Somalia and the safeguard of the Somali nation and people across the world. Puntland is also the flag bearer of the Somali nation as it was Muhammed Awale Liban who designed the Somali flag of blue background and white star
  10. Thus Puntland has opted out for a de-centralised Federal Power Structure of the State and future Somalia. This is the only option open for Puntland State to stay within a future Federal Republic of Somalia. Puntland will accept nothing less but federalism.
  11. Puntland State is also the only place inside Somalia that has had effective governance and resemblance of modern day government institutions prior of the arriving of colonialisation into that part of the world. Where by King Osman Mahmoud ruled and the citiziens of the state paid their taxes and they had a council of which resembled parliament and close advisiors on decision making and so-called governors and ministers of the State. Prior of an ascending of a king a public vote was also held in all parts of the Kingdom in order to collect the public's support and approval of the newly crowned King. The Kings ships docked into far off ports such as Iraq (Basra), India, Yemen, Arab Gulf region such as Saudia Arabia and other far off places Furthermore in Sanaag a Great Sultan by the name of Muhammed Ali Shire ruled over a Sultanate that was 500 years old. Nowhere else did such took place. Puntland has always been a place of democracy, unity, co-operation, law and order and civilisation. Thus nothing new, there.
  12. Puntland also has the largest coast anywhere in Somalia, which is roughly 1300 km square which includes the Golf of Aden and also the Indian Ocean. From Garad in the Indian Ocean to Las Surad on the Golf of Aden. Thus Puntland being rich not only in offshore and onshore marine resources but also offshore gas and oil resources. It also rich in mineral resoures, other oil resources and gases on land, which needs exploration which is a great potential for the future of Puntland State.
  13. The regions of Puntland are seven, which also emcompasses the two biggest landmass gobol (regions) of the former Somali Republic before its collapse in 1991, namely Bari and Sanaag! The names of the seven regions of Puntland State are: Bari Nugal Mudug Sanaag Sool Ayn Karkaar
  14. Ayado aan loo kala hadhin udiyaar garoowgii 1Agosto caasimadda Garoow si weyn looga dareemaayey taasoo! Jirac, News on Puntland festivities: Shacabka Rer Puntland oo laga dhehanaayo farxado wajiyadooda ka wadda Muuqato taasoo loo kala hadhin yar iyo weeyn balse Caasimadda laga dalacanaayey farxadasi oo aay Qaarkood ku labisnaayeen hidaha dhaqan somaliyeed gabadhah yar yar ayadoo aay ka dhiman tahay mudo yar Tan iyo intii ladhisay Dawlada Puntland ayaa waxaa magaalada Garowe ee xarunta u ah dawlada Puntland ay si heer dowladeed ah loogu dabaal degay munaasabada 1da Agoosto, labadii sano ee ugu horeysay ee sanadadii 1999 iyo 2000. Waxii intaas ka danbaysay lagama xusun 1da Agosto dhamaanba gobolada Puntland balse dawladaan cusub ee uu hogaamiye Madaxwayne C/raxmaan Faroole ayaa waxaay wacad ku martay inaay xusi doonto sanad walba 1da Agoosto. Waxaa sidoo kale lagu wadaa in sanadkan dalalka dibada lagu qabto xaflado maalintaa lagu weynaynayo iyadoo aay hada qabanqabda xafladaas aay kasocoto wadamada Iskandenefiyanka gaarhaan Norway. Ciidamada qalabka sida ee Dawlada Puntland ayaa waxaa lagaliyay heegankii ugu danbaysay iyadoo aay maalintaas aay mari doonan wada dheer ee dhexmarta casumada Puntland ee Garoowe sidoo kale waxaa dayac tir wayan lagu sameeyay Tiknikada gaashaman oo iyaguna maalintaas dhinac socon doonan cidamada qalabka sida ee Puntland State.
  15. Gudiga Shaqaalaha dowladda, waxaana soo maraya socdaalka ay dhinacyadu sameynayaan gudiga Shaqaalaha dowladda Puntland oo xiran (SHAAR CAD & SURWEEL MADOW), waxa ayna ka kala imaan doonaan Wasaarada dowladda oo dhan. Gudigan Haweenka waxa ay sheegeen in ay ka imaan doonaan In ka badan 100 Haween ah oo xiran (DHARKA HIDAHA IYO DHAQANKA SOOMAALIDA), isla markaasna ay mari doonaan Munaasabada. Gudiyada Ardayda nooc walba, Dhalinyarada waxaa ka imaan doonta 75 Dhalinyaro, kuna labisan Direys gaar ah, Ardayda dhigata Iskuulada H/Dhexe oo ayana qabi doona dhararkooda lugu yaqaano, 75 qof oo ka mid ah dadka barta Kuliyada Caafimaadka Puntland oo qabi doona dharka lugu yaqaano, 100 Arday oo dhigata Jaamacadaha Puntland markaasna xiran dharka Jaamacadaha & Macalimiinta oo xiran direyskooda mari doonaan goobta. Dhamaanba dhinac marka uu marayo Wadooyinka ama Tarabuunka, waxaa la qorsheeyey in uu qaado hees iyo Hal-ku dhag ugaar ah, waxaana ay dad badan uarkayaan hadii ay howshan hirgasho mid ay dadka Puntland u arki doonaan talaabo xasuus weyn ku reebi doonta. 11-kii sanno ee ay soo jirtay Puntland dad badan ayaa aaminsan in aan wali la gaarin Yoolashii loo baahnaa, waxaana taasi sabab looga dhigay xaaladaha kala gedisan ee soo maray Puntland, ayadoo hada Maamulka cusub laga dhowrayo Isbadalo waa weyn, inkastoo ay hadaba soo muuqdaan Isbadalaasi. AllPuntland ayaa waqti kasta idinla socodsiin doonta wararka ku aadan xuskan. F. C. Maxamed AllPuntland
  16. Kooxaha Fanka ayaa sidoo kale ayaguna udiyaar garoobaya xafladan, waxa ayna soo bandhigi doonaan Heeso, Riwaayado, Gabayo iyo waxyaabo kale oo ay sheegeen in ay dadka ugu sheegayaan wanaaga iyo Midnimadu qeymaha ay leedahay, oo ah mid aad uweyn. Abwaanada joogta Xuskan ayaa kuwa aad looga yaqaano Soomaaliya, loogana dambeeyo arimaha Sameynta waxyaabo walba oo fanka lahalmaala waxaana ka mid ah, Abwaan C/qaadir Shube, Abwaan Xasan Guulwade, Abwaan Jaamac Kadiye, Abwaan Xasan Warsame Xiireey, oo dhamaantood ka tirsanaa kooxihii Qaranka ee Soomaaliya ahaana ragii sameyn jiray heesaha maanta ay Soomaalidu qaado. Kooxda Farshaxanka oo ka mid ah kooxaha howlahooda ladiyaariyey ayaa soo bandhigay,sida ay udoonayaan in ay waxqabadkooda ku muujiyaan maalintan,waxaana ay sheegeen in ay magaalada oo dhan ku xiri doonan Hal-ku-Dhagyo ka hadlaya Puntland iyo Isbadalada ay xukuumadan cusub dooneyso in ay fuliso. Madaxtooyada ayaa lugu xardhi doonaa Magacyo muujinaya horumarka Puntland, waxaa kaloo lugu qorayaa Boorar ladhigi doono magaalada in aysan Puntland marnaba ka go'idoonin Soomaalida, ayna ka mid noqon doonto dowlad kasta oo Faderaalism ku dhisan, In Siyaasadoodu tahay horumar iyo Nabad ee aysan aheyn dagaal iyo dhibaato. Kooxda Farshaxanka ayaa ku dhajinaya Madaxtooyada, Magaalada oo dhan iyo goobaha shirarka kuna sawirayo sawirada 4 Madaxweyne oo soo maray maamulka Puntland, kuwasoo kala ah C/laahi Yuusuf Axmed, Maxamed Cabdi Xaashi, Maxamuud Muuse Xirsi iyo C/rixmaan Maxamed Maxamuud, sla markaasna ladoonayo in qof walbaa isku dayo in uu ka shaqeeyo amaan iyo Horumarka deegaankiisa.
  17. Ciidamada dowladda Puntland oo ka tiro badan doona guutadiiba 300 Askari ayaa mari doona Jidadka waa weyn ee caasumada, sidoo kale Tiknikada ciidamada oo iskugu jirta noocyo badan ayaa mari doona, sida ay cadeeyeen gudiga ciidamada dowladda Puntland oo leh nooc walba. Gudigan ayaa shaaciyey in laga bilaabo 20-ka bishaan ay bilaabi doonaan howlgal wardoon ah, si loo ogaado xaalada ka jirta deegaanada Puntland iyo waxyaabaha jiri kara ee ay wadaan dad ka soo horjeeda horumarka Puntland.
  18. Garowe: DABAALDEG Amaanka Garowe oo la adkeeyey & Warbixin ku saabsa Xuska 11aad! 19. juli 2009 Garowe(AllPuntland)- Amaanka guud ee caasumada Puntland ayaa la adkeeyey waxaana ciidamado dheeri ah lakeenay magaalada, maalmihii ugu dambeeyey, sida ay xaqiijinayaan wararka laga helayo laamaha amaanka ee magaalo Madaxda dowladda Puntland. Dowladda Puntland ayaa ujeedka ciidamadan ku sheegtay kuwa lugu sugayo amaanka Magaalada, maadaama loo diyaar garoobaya maalmaha lugu tilmaamay Farxada Puntland oo ah dhismihii dowladda Puntland. Sannad guureed 11aad ee Dowladda Puntland ayaa looga diyaar garoobayaa magaalada Garowe iyo guud ahaan gobalada Puntland, waxaana hada socda abaabulid iyo kicin dadweyne oo ay wadaan Gudi heer Puntland ah oo uu magacaabay k/simaha Madaxweynaha dowladda Puntland todobaadyo ka hor. Gudigan ayaa qaatay kulankoodii 4aad oo ay uga hadlayaan udiyaar garoowga Munaasabadan Xasuusta Mudan, waxaana ay soo bandhigeen gudi hoosaadyada arimahan loo xilsaaray waxqabadyii ay muujiyeen mudadii ay howsha wadeen, waxaana Gudi walba uu soo gudbiyey howlaha ay ubaahan yihiin iyo sida ay wax uqabanayaan. Gudiyada ayaa iskugu jira dhamaanba cida ay khuseyso udabaal-daga dhismihii dowladda Puntladn ee Soomaaliyeed, waxaana ugu muhiimsanaa gudiyadaasi gudiga ciidamada, Bulshada rayidka ah, Shaqaalaha dowladda iyo Gudiyo kale.
  19. Indeed this is the official thread of the state's happy anniversary celebration here on SOL. Puntland has always been and continuous to be Pro Peace, Pro Somali Unity and Pro development. Once again happy anniversary to the State of Puntland
  20. RAK and Puntland State of Somalia sign agreements to boost bilateral cooperation H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, held talks with H.E Mohamud Musse Hersi, President of the Puntland State of Somalia, and an accompanying delegation who called on him at the Al Dhait Palace, Ras Al Khaimah on 14th April, 2007. United Arab Emirates: Monday, April 16 - 2007 at 11:24 PRESS RELEASE 'H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, and H.E Mohamud Musse Hersi, President of the Puntland State of Somalia, signing bilateral economic agreements at the Al Dhait Palace in Ras Al Khaimah. H.H. Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler of Ras Al Khaimah, and H.E Mohamud Musse Hersi, President of the Puntland State of Somalia, signing bilateral economic agreements at the Al Dhait Palace in Ras Al Khaimah. Welcoming Mohamud Musse Hersi, Sheikh Saud expressed hope that the high level visit would widen the scope of cooperation between UAE and Somalia. 'We hope that closer business ties between the two countries would further enhance economic activity that would contribute towards substantial economic development of Somalia and Puntland,' he said. Mohamud Musse Hersi said that there was considerable potential for economic development in the Puntland State of Somalia and said that the Puntland was attracting considerable investor attention in recent times. 'UAE is one of our major trading partners and we look forward to further strengthening economic cooperation by extending collaboration across various fields,' he said. The two leaders signed an agreement to set up a new hydrocarbon company, Puntland Hydrocarbon Development Company LLC, which would undertake exploration and development of oil and gas fields in Puntland. The new joint venture company would also provide services to Puntland to manage its hydrocarbon resources including transfer of technical know-how, assessment of hydrocarbon potential, conducting seismic surveys and other services. Ras Al Khaimah Government has also signed another agreement with the Puntland State of Somalia for undertaking a comprehensive study to come up with a development plan for the Puntland State, covering diverse areas such as development of ports, energy sector, airports, tourism and real estate development. It has also inked a deal for setting up of a dedicated livestock quarantine facility to facilitate the import of livestock from Somalia to the UAE. Sheikh Mohammed bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Sheikh Ahmed bin Saqr Al Qasimi, Chairman of RAK Customs and Ports Department, Mohammad A. Al Mehrizi, Director of RAK Customs and Ports Department, Ruurd Abma Managing Director of RAK Gas a number of government officials were present at the function.
  21. Poor North, doesn't know that the government of RAK and State of Puntland have excellent bilateral relations. RAK plans to be offshore hub of the region In an attempt to continue diversifying and growing RAK’s economy, Crown Prince Sheikh Saud and his team of business advisors are planning to capture a portion of the region’s offshore market through the latest development, RAK Offshore. Ras Al-Khaimah continues to push its big ambitions to be a player in the United Arab Emirates regional investment boom, with major property developments getting under way. Pushed by Crown Prince and Deputy Ruler Sheikh Saud Bin Saqr Al-Qasimi, RAK is looking to bite into the financial services business now being fought over by Dubai, Bahrain and other centres. Rakeen chief executive Imad Haffar told GSN recently that, “our feasibility study on the outsourcing (offshoring/ nearshoring) of financial services have shown that by taking 1% of the $57bn worldwide outsourcing of financial services consisting for example of payroll, audit, call-centres for banks and other financial back-office services, RAK Offshore will contribute to a significant share of RAK’s growth.” Rakeen is developer of RAK’s flagship Al-Marjan Island project, costed at $1.7bn. Located within the Al-Marjan island financial city premises RAK Offshore will consist of residential and commercial units catering for offshore companies, and more than 80 have already registered.“We’ve got German, French, British and Asian companies coming in,” Rakeen’s chairman – and advisor to Crown Prince Sheikh Saud – Dr Khater Massaad told GSN. These include 15 ancillary service providers, insurance and financial companies. Haffar said these companies were “registered but not signed up to office space yet.” He added, “we already have a dozen multi-national and GCC companies that have expressed a commitment in acquiring office space for setting up their regional and back office operations.” According to RAK Offshore regulations, incomers are required to have their office in the new RAK Financial City, as opposed to anywhere else on the island. According to Haffar, RAK has its own distinct identity and is a more attractive investment option than the other emirates. He pointed to RAK’s higher anti-money laundering compliance standards, a 30% cheaper rate for setting up compared to the larger emirates and no red-tape. Although the RAK Offshore centre is government-owned, the buildings have been financed through a combination of equity and leveraging from banks. “In all our projects we depend on equity, presale income, joint venture partnership and loans,” Haffar said. The Iranian factor Underlining RAK’s preparedness to do business with the Islamic Republic despite outstanding territorial disputes, one of Rakeen’s major overseas developments is in Iran with a project on an estimated 1.5m m2 of land to include hotels, commercial complexes, a shopping mall, travel agencies, bank branches, restaurants, cinema and recreation facilities, exhibition space, roof-top parking and a helipad. Haffar told GSN: “there are great investment opportunities in Iran, particularly in real estate. Today, many Iranians come to Dubai for shopping, because of the availability of nice malls and retail areas. By creating such retail style in Iran, there would be great interest.” It will be located on the crossing of Vahid Dastgerdi highway and the Esfahan ring way, and is due for completion in 2010. Investors in the project are Rakeen, state-owned RAK Ceramics, Khorshid Sepahan (a private RAK/Iranian joint venture, also investing in commercial and residential projects in Iran), and Sharjah-based International Construction and Trade Company (ICTC), a supplier of structural and steel systems. The projects’ designers are Cadiz International and Tehran-based Naqsh-e-Jahan-Pars. With a floor-print of over 103,672m2 of land and situated near the business area, it is to be built in two phases. The initial phase includes the shopping mall with a total area of 144,235m2. Additionally, a 25-storey 7-star luxury hotel with an area of 51,275m2 will be located over the mall, which will incorporate restaurants and sport facilities. The complex will also include an office tower, a 3-star hotel and an exhibition centre.Earlier this year, RAK Ceramics established a ceramics factory in Esfahan. ICTC’s chairman is Sheikh Abdullah Bin Mohammed Al-Qasimi, younger brother of the aged RAK Emir Sheikh Saqr. Sheikh Abdullah, born in the early 1920s, has been chairman of Sharjah Municipality for a number of years. His father, Sheikh Mohammed, rejected the RAK rulership in 1948, effectively handing the throne to Sheikh Mohammed’s brother Sheikh Sultan Bin Salim Al-Qasimi; however, Sheikh Saqr deposed his uncle, and has been ruling ever since. Puntland investment Following Ras Al-Khaimah’s recent ambitious asset buying (GSN 806/11), the RAK government has got in on the act by signing an agreement with Puntland President Mohammed Musse Hersi who visited the emirate in April. Crown Prince Sheikh Saud and Hersi signed a series of accords to increase business co-operation, and Hersi stressed the potential for economic development in Puntland, an autonomous republic in the north of fractured Somalia. Both leaders signed an agreement to set up Puntland Hydrocarbon Development Company LLC, which would undertake exploration and development of oil and gas fields. The new joint venture will also provide services to Puntland to manage its hydrocarbon resources, including transfer of technical know-how, assessment of hydrocarbon potential, conducting seismic surveys and other services. RAK also signed an agreement to undertake a study to help Puntland come up with a development plan, covering energy, ports, tourism and real estate development – perhaps echoing RAK’s own path.
  22. ^Great news, President Farole also met with H.E. Former President of Puntland State Mudane Mahamoud Muse Hirsi (Adde) as I'm hearing from some outlets.
  23. ^It's huge this year around my friend, the committee setup by the acting president of the state who is also the Vice President Mudane Abdisamad Ali Shire did a great work. The Army is in great shape, you'll see huge numbers of soldiers and modern weaponary on display while the different battalions will parade through the streets of the capital Garowe. Much has changed, indeed much has changed.