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Everything posted by Fiqikhayre

  1. Nuune waa inaad markaa aniga iga ag qaraabataa, waan ku soo dhaweyni ileen isku dad baanu nahay'e.
  2. I know that a lot of silent readers of this thread do not understand, thus cannot distinguish. Here is a translation of Xiin's latest point-blank murder and use of inappropriate force on already defeated bunch. So far it is beyond mere murder, xiin is committing atrocities. Here it is: Oh Sayid Qardho, the world is a impetuous one Each daybreak has a mark (footprint) and a different façade That the hour is near (last day) is not on dispute’s sake What we await is the tipping verge on the angel(s) Israfeel’s last trumpet blow Confusion’s reckless manner has mounted the tribe of the Somali lands hasty conduct They have become strange (in behaviour) and their primary (leading ones) are under a saaxir’s grip The ones who meet on SOL are this time around the trance-state(spell) keepers. *************** What makes Libaax tremble is a sad (weeping) heart If he was a follower and teller of the truth, he would have been fighting in my row, amongst my ranks He would have not refused my addition, if he was truly seeking forgiveness He would not make loud noises about my authority and sheer dominion as it indeed would be foolish. Gaaxnuug like a fractured domesticated animal is on naught (zero accomplishment). The poems and verses have left/disappeared from him if before he was in the know of the subject. If he was a respected man in the discipline, he would have given due amount (responded in equal). He would have given due ovation and said there is an overwhelming force. Like the un-castrated male adult sheep, he would have not disrespected me. He would have not send on me, the compelled and forced nuune. ******************** The four above all gifted and lines of poesy pronounce The one of poetic tradition (eloquence) expressions of a monarch pronounce Battefields, the cloud, the sky, cultivation of farms and gardens pronounce When the rays pouring rain gushes down, the drippings force pronounce The other four as it was the factual letter siin Oh Sayid I will bring new material, as I’m awaiting eagerly You’re the man who knows and understands the siin with me You are the one heeding my judgement/verdicts, who knows the forgivenesses I undergo Be gentle/calm and listen to me as you always used to be obedient.
  3. Bosaso-(Allidamaale) :- Waxaa galabta soo gaaray magaalada Bosaso wafdi ka socda Isku taga Imaaradka carabta, kuwaas oo ujeedadoodu ahayd sidii ay usoo eegi lahaayeen xaalada Maxjar weyn oo halkaas ku yaala, waxa ayna ka soo degeen gagida dayuuradaha ee Badarkhaasim Airport. Bosaso Puntland Isniin 27 Jul 2009 Waxaana goobtaa ka kaxeeyay qeyb ka mid ah dowlada Puntland iyo ciidamada sida gaarka ugu tababaran ee ilaalada Maxjarka, waxayna markiiba gaareen xarunta Maxjarku oo ku taalo dhanka bari ee magaalada Bosaso, halkaas oo ay booqasho ku soo mareen xarunta laabartoriga ee lagu baaro caafimaadka xoolaha oo marka la galayo cagaha baco nadaafada loogu tala galay wufuuda loogu xiray iyo saxafiyiinti warka ka qadaysay iyo masuuliyiinta Dowlada Puntland. waxayna wafdigaasi ku soo mareen lug dhamaan xerooyinka Maxjarka oo dhul aad u balaaran ku fadhiya, halkaas oo ay warbixin ka qaadteen maamulaha maxjarka Maxamed Faarax iyo shaqaalaha iyagu goobjooga u ah howsha. Ugu danbayntii waxa ay lug ku tageen xafiisyada Maxjarka mid ka mid ah oo ay safaaxada kula hadleen, waxayna u sheegeen in ay ugu muhiimsanayd safarkooda Puntland shaacinta in ay soo dhameeyeen dhoofinta xoolihii ka dhimimanaa in laga dhoofiyo Maxajarkan oo ahaa Lo'da iyo Geela, kuwaasna ay muda wadaen wada hadalo ay qaateen dalal dhowr ah oo ay ka mid yihiin Sacuudiga, Khaliijka iyo Wadamo kale. Waxaa isna halkaasi sidoo kale ka hadalay wasiirka xanaanada xoolaha. Dowlada Puntland oo sheegay in ay wax wayn ka qabteen shirkadan xoolaha ka dhoofisa dalka, ayna soo dhaweynayaan wax kasta oo ganacsi ah oo dhexmara walaalahooda carbeed, waxa uuna ku booriyay in ay sii wadaan dadaalkooda maalgashi ee ku aadan Puntland. Gabagabadii waxaa halkaasi ka hadalkay Agaasimaha Maxajarka Maxamed Faraax oo sheegay in ay iminka hayaan ilaa 400,000 oo Ari ah oo dhoof loo wado, haatan waxii ka danbeeyana la filayo in ay furamaan Lo'da iyo Geelaa, waxa uuna aad u taageeray wafuuda haatan timid oo uu ku jira masuul gaar ah oo dowlada dalka Khaliijka u soo xilsaartay,waxaana markii booqashada ay u dhamaatay wafdiga loo qaaday Hotelkii magaalada looga diyaar shay wafdigan qaar ka mid ah ayaa hore waxa ay u soo booqdeen xafiiskii maamulka dekada Bosaso oo 2008-dii hayd halka xoolaha laga dhoofin jiray.
  4. Mas’uul Ka Socda Dalka Imaaraatka Carabta oo Puntland Soo Gaarey (Sawiro) July 27, 2009 Mas'uul Ka Socda Dalka Imaaraatka Carabta oo Puntland Soo Gaarey (Sawiro) | read this item Cabdifataax Jamac Mire. Horseed Media Bosaso, Puntland, Somalia Waxaa maanta (Isniin) kasoo dagay garoonka magaalada Boosaaso wafdi uu hogaaminayo mas’uul ka socda Dalka Imaaraatka Carabta, kaas oo qaabilsan Xanaanada Xoolaha oo lagu magacaabo Eng.Maxamed Cali Xamdaani, wafdigaan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen dhaqaatiir ka tirsan dhaqaatiirta xoolaha dawlada Imaaraatka Carabta, sidoo kale waxa ay xubno ka yihiin Dhaqaatiirata sare ee caalamiga ah ee xoolaha, waxaa wafdigaan ku weheliyay socdaalkooda mas’uulka labada Maxjar ee Puntland iyo Somaliland. Wafdigaan ayaa waxaa ku soo dhaweeyay Garoonka Diyaaradaha Boosaaso Wasiirka Xanaanada Xoolaha DGPL Mudane Axmed Xuseen Yuusuf (doonyaale). Wafdigaan ayaa ulajeedada ay u socdeen uu ahaa sidii looga furi lahaa Lo’da iyo Geela in la geeyo Dawlada Imaaraatka Carabta oo hore loo geyn jiray Ariga oo kaliya oo hore loogu furay in la geeyo Imaaraatka. Markii ay ka soo degeen Garoonka ayaa waxaa ay u kuur galeen habka ay uga howl galayaan dhaqaatiirta joogta Maxjarka oo ay u eegayaan caafimaadka xoolaha ay doonayaan in la geeyo dawlada Imaraatka, Masuuliyiintaan oo kadib markii ay dhamaysteen Hawlahooda ku aadan u kuur galida habka shaqo ee Maxjarka ayaa saxaafada uga warbixiyay iyagoo tilmaamay in ay Ganacsiga ka dhexeeya Soomaaliya iyo Imaaraatka Carabta uu yahay mid soo jireena ayna jecelyihiin sidii xoolaha Soomaaliyeed oo ah xoolo qiimo badan ay u iibsan lahaayeen Ganacsatada Imaaraatka. Maxjarka Bosaso ayaa la hirgeliyey sanadkii 2008-dii, waxaana uu hadda shaqeynayaa muddo sanad ah isaga oo noqdey mid aad looga faa’iidey, inkasta oo ay jiraan ganacsato diidey in ay ka qaybqaataan Maxjarka weyn ee Bosaso oo isku dayey in mid gooni u samaystaan, arintan oo an weli xal rasmi ah laga gaarin.
  5. Ngonge, I for once won't go any further then my critique/review of Gaaxnuug's poorly composed verses that lacked in every imaginable department. These poorly compiled verses of him shocked me enorm to the core, as there was no rythm, no meter, no grammer, poor and predictable word choices, no surprising element, lack of narrative, lack of imagination and dishonesty at grand scale. Ngonge you have to afamiliarise yourself with Somali culture and customs, as I have to refrain from anything that can constitute itself as Hiilo or being seen as partisan, as this itself could be interpreted as being improper conduct and subject of the next gabay matter and a catalyst in itself for an bigger embarrassment. Poets not only have to be vigil about their subject matter and choice of langauage but also their conducts. So I have to watch my actions, as this could be interpreted as picking on someone. My SOL Poetry guru and cousin Xiinfaniin has Gaaxnuug already in check, so why should I jeopordise his victory? Xiinfaniin my elder SOL resident beat him two times over, there's no need for me to go for the overkill. Instead of Gaaxnuug sending you Ngonge, he could have posted a gabay to complain about my partisanship. Ngonge I know your not as familiar with Somali customs and culture as others in here, but such poor interjections by you doesn't help your friends cause or yours in any way. If Xiinfaniin, after Gaaxnuug clearly acknowledges that Xiinfaniin is superior to him regarding his murti and play of words and he surrenders, then I will have no reservations on taking on Xiin, but alas it will be not.
  6. It seems that we don't read from the same English book. The following are what is false with Gaaxnuug's hastily compilation: 1. Poor choice of words and grammer (if not nonexistent) 2. Meter don't even talk about it 3. Form (non existent) 4. Emotions (you're at the wrong place) 5. No narrative and meaningful message 6. drivel 7. More drivel 8.Insincerity 9. More Insincerity 10. Followed by more dishonesty 11. Figure of speech (don't go there) 12. Making connection with ones use of language and grammer (have I missed something or what? No poor) Overall marking: Poor, very Poor. Not worth even worth of evaluation, anyhow what is there to value? Nothing, complete nothing. Coming back to Gaaxnuug's which was not only poor in vocabulary sense, with the same words repeated twice in a verse or immidiately after but that the words were chosen only for 'ya' choices sake and nothing else, which is desperate to say the least. They most definatley didn't make sense and there was no narrative to be gotten out of it. What is a 'poem' without a message, I ask? For the only sake to follow rhythm or not to make the poem break. Even the form of poem and the meter is broken several times over. He made non so whether the connection with his use of language narative (due to lack of vocabulary and talent). That's what we are dealing with in here Adeer your vocabularly was poor, don't talk about grammer, form or meter for a moment. There was no narrative or meaningful message. Your vocabulary was lacking I didn't say you your choice of words and grammer were words that were not in the vocabulary but rather poor ones, that's why You needed to recycle them, just look back at how many times did you repeat certain words. Secondly it is quite evident that you didn't have any words in your vocabularyor or grammer apart from the obvious ones. Your produce was not only poor in vocabulary sense and grammer but also in form, meter, emotion, message and figure of speech. You didn't convenue anything meaningful or comprehensive to a shockingly new level. Yours is a painful, ackward and talentless creation with no revision whatsoever.
  7. The last produce by Gaaxnuug was really horrendous in the literal sense of the word. It made me very skeptical, to a point that I even couldn't chuckle between the verses as in other pieces of those named by Xiin as it was really shockingly poor. Xiin why is that? Is it because the 'Ya' leaves little room in the vocabulary sense in order to paint some acceptable and meaningful narrative that follows a logical pattern of thought and ideas? Coming back to Gaaxnuug's which was not only poor in vocabulary sense, with the same words repeated twice in a verse or immidiately after but that the words were chosen only for 'ya' choices sake and nothing else, which is desperate to say the least. They most definatley didn't make sense and there was no narrative to be gotten out of it. What is a 'poem' without a message, I ask? For the only sake to follow rhythm or not to make the poem break. Even the form of poem and the meter is broken several times over. He made non so whether the connection with his use of language narative (due to lack of vocabulary and talent). Secondly there were no emotions non so whether nor could I see any metaphorical comparisons to the livestock nor and nomadic way of life. The following are what is false with Gaaxnuug's hastily compilation: 1. Poor choice of words and grammer if not nonexistent 2. Meter don't even talk about it 3. Form (non existent) 4. Emotions (you're at the wrong place) 5. No narrative and meaningful message 6. drivel 7. More drivel 8.Insincerity 9. More Insincerity 10. Followed by more dishonesty 11. Figure of speech (don't go there) 12. Making connection with ones use of language and grammer (have I missed something or what? No poor) Overall marking: Poor, very Poor. Not worth even worth of evaluation, anyhow what is there to value? Nothing, complete nothing.
  8. The weak are just angry about the emergence of the young turks, let them be GD.
  9. The People of Puntland thrive on good leadership. Today they're united as ever. The people have indeed fully grown to take their destiny in their own hands and a strong realisation and feeling has therefore emerged to that regard. The previous government of Puntland under President Hirsi 2005-2009 has had to endure enormous problems and challenges as they had an extra burden on their shoulders with the TFG, as one of its founding fathers and first Presidents H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was elected as the new President of Somalia. He took with him not only the many brains of the state but also experienced security personnel such as colonels, generals and other highly ranking military personnel. Furthermore he also took with him a contigent of 3000 highly trained state soldiers as personal bodyguards and as Puntland's share of the supposed re-building of the national army. Today Puntland is recovering from those challenges and its army is being duly rebuild in order to be able to do what it is supposed to do, to serve and protect the people of Puntland and their borders. 1991-1998 marks a seven year period whereby Puntland was the most peaceful region by far in anykind of measure compared to the rest of Somalia. It was a beacon and somewhere to flee to and find work. Even though there was no functining administration in place, the security was nevertheless upheld by traditional leaders of the land and the local customs therein. Generaly speaking outside the Puntland context Somali society lacks a stable hierarchy of paramount chiefs. Therefore the Puntland example is very unique in that regard and thus Bosaso was transformed very quickly and emerged as the new byname for progress, peace and prosperity. From 1998-2004 marked a period of steady growth and a desire for federalism to take root in Somalia and a real urge to strive for a national government based on the federal formula which was realised in 2004 by the election of one of its son to the Presidency of Somalia. 2009-2013 will inshallah mark a new dawn and era for Puntland where a huge steps regarding progress, democracy and development will be hopefully under taken and Puntland will emerge from it successfully and even stronger. Puntland full potential has not been fully realised yet and there's always room for some improvements in that regard but we are hopeful overall.
  10. We remember Islaan Maxamed Islaan Muuse may Allaah give him paradise, one of the founding fathers of Puntland and importand pillar of the state's cohesiveness and transquility. And also Boqor Maxamamuud who has passed away: All the saladiin and other founding fathers and isimo who have passed away in the last two decades Garad Abdiqani including.
  11. Indeed such a beautiful model to follow it is. Kudayo Puntland Kudayo Kudayo Puntland Kudayo Siday bulshadeedu tahay Ku baro Puntland ku Baro Ku baro Puntland ku Baro Meelay nabad buuxda taal Model yourself on Puntland, Model yourself on Puntland How it society functions Study from Puntland Study from Puntland A place whereupon a comprenhisve peace prevails
  12. My suggestion for all Somalis is to follow the model example laid out by Puntland State as the beautifully articulated and crafted verses/lyrics of kudayo Puntland kudayo Song suggest underneath. Waa Mirihi Abwaan Cali Xasan Warsame Kudayo Puntland Kudayo Kudayo Puntland Kudayo Siday bulshadeedu tahay Ku baro Puntland ku Baro Ku baro Puntland ku Baro Meelay nabad buuxda taal Bal eeg Burtinle iyo Mudug Bal eeg Boocame iyo Sool Bal eeg Badhan iyo Sanaag Bal eeg Bari iyo Nugaal Siday bilicdoodu tahay Kudayo Puntland Kudayo Kudayo Puntland Kudayo Siday bulshadeedu tahay Ku baro Puntland ku Baro Ku baro Puntland ku Baro Meelay nabad buuxda taal Bal daya dalka baaxadaa leh Bal eeg badaha isku xiraan Hadana bariga udgoon Bal eeg Bidixda iyo Midig Jaleec labadaada baal Bal eeg quruxdiisa badaan Dalxiis u baahanaya Kudayo Puntland Kudayo Kudayo Puntland Kudayo Siday bulshadeedu tahay Ku baro Puntland ku Baro Ku baro Puntland ku Baro Meelay nabad buuxda taal
  13. Indeed the young turks have emerged. A man by the name of Adam who visited Puntland in 2003 wrote this: Somali Horses: If you are in NE Somalia(Puntland) take a opportunity to ride some Somali horses. Horses in this part of Somalia are held to very high esteem. I'm told all horses in this area are decended from the horses of the Anti-Colonialist rebel the 'Mad Mullah' Sayid Mohamed Abdullah Hassan.
  14. Puntland State hasn't experienced civil strife even 5% of the magnitude that other former regions in Somalia have sadly to experience. Whether it be to the west or south of its respected borders. This is because generally speaking, outside the Puntland context, Somali society lacks a stable hierarchy of paramount chiefs, and it follows that mediation can achieve only a local dimension. Whilst in some other quarters namely the North-West of Somalia a more regionalist feeling and attitude has widely spread which in the end saved the day, although many horrible things have happened there in the early to mid-late ninties in that part of the country.
  15. Where by the state parliament will come together and vote on a proposal of self-determination, which need an approval or majority of two third for such thing to happen but that will only happen if we determine that there is no way for the south to settle down anytime soon. The People of Puntland are an extremly patient lot but its patient has been taken for granted and thought 'unquestionable' but the patience of the people and government of Puntland are not unlimited and are thus subject to being questionsed, if there's not a solution found to the problems of the south and its political stale-mate of current.
  16. Today the new Puntland constitution has a clausel of disengaging itself totally from Somalia if the trouble and problems continue and a lasting solution to the problems of the south are not found in a acceptable time-table or set time frame acceptable to the people and government of Puntland.
  17. This was realised in 2003/2004 whereby a Transitional Federal Charter was adopted and with that Transitional Federal Institutions. Also the then President of Puntland H.E. Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed was elected as the first President of such new transtional federal institutions (TFI). Today those are in danger of being hijacked by a certain few.
  18. The State of Puntland had a article in its constitution that made it an obligation to actively seek to bring back the warrying faction of Somalia together and to actively seek a national state based on the federal formula and help other former regions of Somalia to establish their own regional federal administration in order to build a new federal republic from a bottom up approach and ensure a federal charter that will guarantee such implementation of such stable 'building blocks' of a future federal republic.